Afghan chaos undercuts Biden's promise of competence

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2021 Aug 18, 2:48pm   165,713 views  1,311 comments

by RWSGFY   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

The shambolic unravelling of America's withdrawal from Afghanistan comes from a yet to be written textbook of "how to lose at everything". Warnings hadn't been heeded, intelligence was clearly totally inadequate, planning was lamentable, execution woeful.

Let's just focus in on one thing - although there are any number that are worthy of examination.
The withdrawal came during the "fighting season" - a phrase I have to say I have always found rather odd. But in Afghanistan there is a fighting season which starts in spring - and then in winter, when the country freezes over, there is a time when the Taliban go home to their tribal homelands. Did no-one think that it might have been better to have ordered the withdrawal for the dead of winter when Taliban forces weren't there, poised to fill the vacuum?

The end result might have been the same - a Taliban takeover - but it would have almost certainly led to a more orderly drawdown. Yet the Biden administration wanted an eye-catching date. They wanted the withdrawal completed by 11 September. Twenty years on from 9/11 - an artificial, self-imposed deadline.


Biden's election campaign could be boiled down to three messages to distinguish himself from Donald Trump. First, he would be more empathetic. He would be more competent. And instead of "America First", it would be replaced by the mantra "America is back".
But in his address yesterday, there wasn't a whole lot of empathy towards the thousands of Afghans who've helped Americans these past 20 years. On competence, even his biggest cheerleaders would struggle to say the withdrawal of American troops has been anything other than shambolic.
And after the bewildering events of the past few days, how exactly is America back?


But on the policy itself, Joe Biden is utterly defiant. He summoned up his inner Harry Truman and made clear in his speech that the buck stops with him. He was, however, happy to distribute blame in much the same way that a muck spreader disperses manure in all directions. The Afghan leadership weren't up to it, the Afghan armed forces had no fight in them; Donald Trump had negotiated a bad deal.


A fascinating nugget from a briefing that's just been given by Joe Biden's National Security Adviser. Since the fall of Kabul, Jake Sullivan revealed, Biden hadn't spoken to another world leader. Wasn't that just a bit surprising, given that there were a lot of other nations - including Britain - who'd committed vast resources to Afghanistan?


When the G7 gathered in Cornwall and the Nato nations met in Brussels the sense of relief was palpable among the prime ministers and presidents that a more outward looking American president was in charge. But given what has unfolded - how America has been humiliated, how Joe Biden embarked on a policy he was cautioned against by these leaders - there is now a good deal more wariness.
And who will feel they have gained most from America's departure - apart from the Taliban, of course? Why, three countries near Afghanistan - Russia, Iran and China. I'm not sure that is what Joe Biden had in mind when he said after his inauguration that "America is back".


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348   HeadSet   2022 Jun 5, 7:48am  

Biden would just tell the young bro in the above clip to ditch the Camero and get the electric Mustang.
353   Patrick   2022 Jun 7, 3:34pm  


The unravelling of the USA gets its summer steroid booster shot this Thursday when the political twerk-fest known as the January 6th Select Committee commences prime-time televising of its inquiry into the so-called “insurrection” the day that Congress met to tally the 2020 electoral college vote when hundreds of protesters entered the US Capitol illegally, egged on and enabled by a squad of FBI plants larded through the crowd, and by shadowy figures inside the building who unlocked the doors for them.

The objectives of this extravaganza are A) to soften up the remaining “purple” voters before the midterm election, B) to paint former president Donald Trump as an instigator of the uproar and an enemy-of-the-people so he won’t be able to run for office again, and C) to punish former White House employees and Trump partisans with onerous legal fees so as to knock them off the political game board.

The Party of Chaos certainly doesn’t need to reinforce the mass formation psychosis of its base who maintain that the 2020 election was the fairest-and-squarest in US history. The committee members will chant the talismanic phrase “The Big Lie” ad nauseam to ward off reasonable suspicions that they are the ones doing the lying. Since a kind of maniacal stupidity attends all the party’s doings these days, it could easily backfire on them. Even two years later probes are still pending in several swing states, and only a few weeks ago, the documentary 2000 Mules released time-stamped videocam footage of blatant wholesale drop-box ballot-stuffing around the country. ...

The context, of course, as I aver above, is a country that is imploding six ways to Sunday — to paraphrase Chuck Schumer, the Party of Chaos’s Senate leader. At least half the public is already onto the extravagant damage inflicted upon our national life by the beneficiaries of the 2020 election. Thanks to “Joe Biden,” the dollar is hemorrhaging value, we instigated a war in Ukraine that will lead to global famine and mass refugee events, oil and natgas are unaffordable thanks to our destabilizing of global distribution networks, spare parts are unavailable for every imaginable machine in the land, the business model for farming is broken, real estate is groaning under rising mortgage interest rates, the CDC is still pushing Covid vaccines despite proof that they are ineffective and harmful, cities are overwhelmed with criminal violence and psychotic homeless drug fiends, and, as a final indignity — actually, an advertisement to the world of our depraved weakness — the US military is hosting drag queen shows at our European air bases.
355   Patrick   2022 Jun 8, 10:50am  


The White House Keeps Stoking Covid Fears

Paywalll, but I commend the WSJ for telling the truth about this.
356   Patrick   2022 Jun 8, 11:06am  


“We have a hundred years worth of oil,” he said. “Let them open up the spigots and the price of crude oil will come back down to 55, 60, maybe 65 — half!”

The billionaire supermarket chain owner highlighted the irrationality of the current administration’s policies on the matter.

“Nobody can understand — all the people I talked to — nobody can understand why this obsession with North America,” he said. “[Biden] wants to fly to Saudi Arabia and beg the Saudi Arabians to give us another half a million barrels at $120 a barrel.”

“Does that make any sense at all?” he added. “It makes no sense!”
363   Misc   2022 Jun 12, 1:57am  

The Biden administration promised the people that there would be an investigation into who was responsible for the debacle in Afghanistan.

15 million Afghan women are little more than slaves.

I think the people responsible for this fuck up somehow got promotions.

This administration ... WTF can you say about it.
368   Patrick   2022 Jun 14, 10:27am  


The Hill: Text Messages Show Hunter Biden Gave Joe ‘Half’ His Salary

The bribes to change US government policy were/are paid to Hunter, then half goes to Potatus.

Profoundly and openly corrupt. Joe even bragged about his corruption in Ukraine, where he made US loans contingent on protecting Hunter's bribes.
369   Patrick   2022 Jun 14, 12:00pm  


Jun 13
If Biden and Trump were to hold a joint press conference, it might look something like this.

Looks like all of Trump's predictions about Biden have come true.
372   Patrick   2022 Jun 14, 9:15pm  


Biden makes series of false claims as he addresses labor unions - and gets angry as he slams 'lies about his reckless spending'
In a Tuesday speech before the AFL-CIO convention in Philadelphia, the president's tried to reset the terms of the debate on the economy
Biden's own approval ratings have slid while consumer prices - and the cost of gasoline - have surged
But Biden asserted: 'Since I took office, with your help, families are carrying less debt nationwide. They have more savings nationwide'
But despite the president's pronouncements, data from the Federal Reserve shows that household debt has increased over $1.5trillion since he took office
Inflation is also at a more than 40-year high - which has caused voters to sour on the economy despite a mixed recovery after 2020's pandemic downturn
373   Patrick   2022 Jun 15, 6:29pm  


Chevron CEO Mike Wirth has warned that there may never be another oil refinery built in America again due to Democrat President Joe Biden’s policies.

Wirth said in a recent interview that government policies are a key reason why the oil industry cannot expand in the United States.


Democrat President Joe Biden is begging oil companies for their help in lowering gas prices while threatening to use his “emergency” powers against them if they refuse to comply.

Biden sent desperate letters to the heads of seven oil companies: Marathon Petroleum Corp, Valero Energy Corp, ExxonMobil, Phillips 66, Chevron, BP, and Shell.

In the letters, Biden included a veiled threat to use his “emergency authorities” to force their hand in addressing the situation.

Making refineries unprofitable and then threatening oil companies which don't want to do unprofitable things is pure Brandon.
375   Patrick   2022 Jun 17, 9:19am  


Kyle Becker
Replying to @greg_price11
I would have loved if the sign language interpreter winked twice and did the sign for the vax

380   Patrick   2022 Jun 26, 11:48am  

Another problem is that these noble endeavors often end up making life harder for the minorities they are meant to support. In March of this year, Vice President Kamala Harris unveiled a plan to force “home appraisers” to increase their valuations of black-owned properties.

Exhibiting a relationship with reality that is at best detached, Harris said this equity measure would improve “intergenerational wealth” among minorities. Would it also not mean that black people end up poorer because they would be paying more in property taxes on their higher-valued homes? Nobody seemed to care. Equity is about gestures not results.

As part of its multi-trillion-dollar Build Back Better infrastructure agenda, the Biden administration has also suggested destroying interstate highways, not because the roads are bad infrastructure but because they were built by a racist society in the 1960s.
381   HeadSet   2022 Jun 26, 1:38pm  

Patrick says

Biden administration has also suggested destroying interstate highways, not because the roads are bad infrastructure but because they were built by a racist society in the 1960s.

Biden would know, as Biden was quite the blatant racist in the 60s and 70s.
382   Patrick   2022 Jun 26, 2:20pm  


Jun 24
🇺🇸🇺🇦 Joe Biden Brags About Getting Ukrainian Prosecutor Fired That Was Investigating His Son

In 2016 Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, in his investigation of corruption involving Burisma Holdings, a natural gas company, identified Hunter Biden as the recipient of over $3,000,000 from the company.

Not wanting this corruption exposed, Joe Biden swung into action, using us loan guarantees as hostages while demanding Skokin be fired.

Amazingly, Joe Biden brags about his actions in this matter.

In 2022 Biden says this: "I think the greatest sin anyone can commit is the abuse of power." the irony of the sentence is of charts!
383   Patrick   2022 Jun 29, 10:42am  


He Knew: Voicemail Explodes Joe Biden’s Know-Nothing Narrative on Hunter’s Dealings.
384   tomtomtom   2022 Jun 29, 1:29pm  

It is amusing to see how all the blame goes solely towards Brandon. Brandon is just a puppet (I refuse to believe he makes any decisions). To make him behave they keep reminding him that there is enough dirt on him to put him and his family in jail. Whoever makes the decisions is incompetent and should be blamed first.

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