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Joe Biden met with at least 14 of Hunter’s business associates while vice president
President Biden has repeatedly denied discussing business with his son
New CNN poll shows 75% of DEMOCRATS don't want Sleepy Joe to run again
Who is surprised that the US government’s war on the American people is not going any better than its sponsored war in Ukraine? The only thing the government is really good at is covering up its crimes, which mainly requires them to do nothing — don’t investigate anything, don’t furnish documents to anyone, don’t answer official letters, slow-walk every required action, and otherwise dodge, duck, deny, deflect, and dissemble.
Now, even that game-plan is falling apart. Some senior officials in the FBI turned whistleblower this week, perhaps desperate to preserve their self-respect, and finally cleared up one of the great mystifications of our time, namely: How is it that the Hunter Biden laptop, stuffed with incriminating memoranda of bribery, treason, and diverse felonies, and in the FBI’s possession for two-and-a-half years now, just sat gathering dust in some sub-sub-basement cubby-hole — while “Joe Biden,” the putative president (or, more likely, the enigmatic claque behind him) was allowed to carry out a demolition of America’s economy and culture?
The answer is one Brian Auten, FBI Senior Analyst, who engineered a scheme to label Hunter’s laptop “Russian disinformation,” which allowed FBI Director Christopher Wray to throw a switch that turned off any further inquiry in the matter beginning in August before the 2020 presidential election. In turn, other senior FBI officials had all the documents pertaining to the decision process on that matter locked up in a special file that would never see the light of day. ...
Turns out that Agent Brian Auten was also involved in favorably vetting the Steele Dossier when it was used to justify FISA court warrants against figures in Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign, part of the RussiaGate operation that disordered and disabled President Trump’s entire four-year term. Well now you know. Perhaps Special Counsel John Durham knows this, too. (If he didn’t before, he must now.) Eventually, Mr. Auten will have to answer for all this, maybe after the mid-term elections. We must imagine that he will implicate many other familiar figures in the process who were on-the-scene at the time, including Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, and James Comey, comfortably sitting on the sidelines lo these many years enjoying their book royalties and cable news salaries.
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, says he will hold hearings about this. When? ...
All of this is going to blow open, of course, and all at the same time that two other big things blow up: 1) the realization that the government lied about everything in the Covid-19 story, including especially covering-up the harmful effects of their vaunted mRNA shots, and 2) deepening US economic chaos, including the implosion of markets, derivatives, banks, and the US dollar.
Some observers say that “Joe Biden” has nothing left except to shove the USA into a hot war. Kind of looks like he’s trying — sending US Special Forces to Ukraine’s border, and all. I don’t think he’ll dare cross that line, though. To me, it’s more likely that our government will summon, shall we say, a special sort of doctor from the Intel Community to administer a permanent sleeping med to the Big Guy. Did you see how bug-eyed he was on video the other day? Didn’t even blink for the longest time. Looks like he badly needs sleep… a big sleep… the biggest sleep there is. Wait for it.
New CNN poll shows 75% of DEMOCRATS don't want Sleepy Joe to run again
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Citing the candidate's qualifications at assuring everyone that everything is fine even when entire rooms are burning down around him, the White House has hired the This Is Fine Dog as its new press secretary.
While Karine Jean-Pierre has been doing a "fine" job of deflecting questions and telling everyone things are great when they are clearly not great, the White House said they wanted to make sure their press secretary "just straight-up lies about things being fine 100% of the time." The obvious choice was the This Is Fine Dog of internet meme fame.
"Mr. Dog, what about record inflation with no end in sight?" asked Peter Doocy at the This Is Fine Dog's first press conference earlier this afternoon. "What are Americans supposed to do when they can't afford basics like food, housing, and gasoline?"
"This is fine," said the This Is Fine Dog in response. He immediately received a standing ovation by the reporters gathered. He raised his paws to settle down the crowd and then said, "This is fine."
At publishing time, the This Is Fine Dog was fired after it was discovered he is not a gay woman of color. He has issued a statement assuring everyone this is fine.
KABUL — Biden is demanding answers after a precision drone strike in Afghanistan actually killed a real terrorist leader named Ayman al-Zawahiri instead of a car full of innocent children, as is tradition.
"Come on, folks, we all know what drone strikes are for," said the angry President to an LOL Surprise Doll he mistook for a member of the press. "We conduct drone strikes to kill civilians in the Middle East in hopes of stirring up multigenerational hatred for the U.S. which will lead to endless war and help feed the military-industrial complex! How on earth did this actual terrorist get caught up in the mix?!"
Sources in the CIA revealed they briefly deviated from the standard procedure of killing innocents with Hellfire missiles to kill a terrorist, as Biden's poll numbers are down and people like it when presidents kill terrorists.
"The death of this austere religious scholar, while tragic, could produce a 3 to 4 point bump in Biden's approval ratings in time for the midterms," said Fitch Biggenslimes, a columnist for the Washington Post. "That's what really matters here."
Government officials assured the president they will return to their normal business of blowing up chai tea cafes and busses full of aid workers this week.
UPDATE: New reports confirm Ayman al-Zawahiri is still alive and the precision strike actually killed a busload of orphans.
I like it when I can endorse the other side. It makes me feel like I’m part of the big happy family of man instead of just another snarling partisan. So it was with gratitude that I absorbed David Axelrod’s recent observation about Joe Biden on CNN. Pay attention now: Axelrod was the chief strategist for Barack Obama’s presidential campaign and what he doesn’t know about the emotional weather of the left is not worth knowing. “There is this sense that things are kind of out of control,” quoth Axelrod when asked about the Big Guy™, “and he’s not in command.” Right you are, Dave! My only question is: what took you so long?
Of course, Axelrod’s devastating admission was not a disinterested or impartial judgment. Nothing Obama’s main men say is that. Every word is calculated for political advantage. But the question is, whose advantage? I am not entirely sure. I am confident, though, that Axelrod’s breathtaking admission was part of the next step in resetting the political chess board. It was another stage in the emergency effort at damage control that the shadowy cadre of people who actually run the United States have been undertaking ever since the full magnitude of Joe Biden’s incompetence became manifest.
Back in March, I predicted that the Democrats were prepping to eject Biden. One sign of that, I said, was the fact that elements of the regime-propaganda secretariat — in this case the New York Times — had suddenly gone off the reservation by admitting that Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell” was not “Russian disinformation” as they and all their cohort had insisted, but was, in fact, the real deal. And not just the salacious stuff about Hunter’s “private” life, but also all the possibly criminal stuff about Chinese involvement with the Bidens’ finances and, especially, Joe Biden’s personal involvement with various schemes involving millions of dollars.
Why would the Times admit such a thing? For the same reason that David Axelrod would make his admission about things spinning “out of control” and Biden being “not in command,” i.e., bonkers.
One of the big problems for the Dems is that before they can do something about Biden himself, they will need to do something about his cackling number two, Kamala Harris. It was the same sort of problem they faced when the regime decided to jettison Richard Nixon. The junta could easily mount televised congressional hearings and cashier Nixon. But then Spiro Agnew, his vice president, would slide into the top spot. That was unacceptable. So the first task had to be to nobble Agnew. Agnew made this easy because there were pictures of him accepting paper bags of cash in exchange for political favors. It will not be so easy with Harris. Her corruption is of a more systemic but less obviously criminal sort.
In one sense, alas, it doesn’t really matter who is tapped to star in the roles of chief and adjutant puppets. As things are constituted now, any likely successors to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be just as beholden to the deep-state regime narrative as they are.
We got a little glimpse into the engine room of that operation when Brian Deese, Biden’s director of the National Economic Council, defended the administration’s disastrous energy policy. So gas is $5, $6, $8 a gallon. What’s the administration’s response to that, a CNN reporter asked Deese? “This is about the future of the liberal world order,” Deese replied, “and we have to stand firm.” The “future of the liberal world order”: what would that be? Why, that would be the Davos-approved global world order in which national sovereignty is diluted and the world’s self-appointed elites are in charge of… well, everything.
Yes, the green, sexually fungible, racially-obsessed agenda will hurt a lot of people. Among other things, it will lead to what one of Obama’s chief science advisers called the “de-development” — that’s Newspeak for “impoverishment” — of the United States. But here’s the thing to appreciate. Factota like Deese are not troubled by the suffering of ordinary people. Indeed, they approve of a certain amount of suffering. Suffering produces dependency, and dependency is an insurance policy for those who cater to it: the bureaucrats who fill the troughs that feed the populace.
The point, of course, is never to end the dependency. The point is to manage in such a way as to perpetuate and expand it. Joe Biden is an errand boy, a figurehead, in the metabolism of this great act of political legerdemain. I suspect that Biden has outlived his plausibility and will soon be retired. Maybe Loopy Liz Cheney will switch parties and run for the Democratic nomination. Maybe she will contrive some way to have the January 6 Committee simply appoint her president. After all, she has already told us who cannot, must not, be president: Donald Trump. If she can do that, who’s to say she cannot have herself appointed by acclamation?
You scoff. But just wait: there are a lot of surprises in store.
Some say that Biden's admin glaring incompetence in Afghanistan showing complete military ineptitude and lack of coordination within NATO was one of the major bits of information which convinced Putler that he could get away with taking over Ukraine. But there was one tiny and almost obscure bit of info which should've give him a pause: when US and the rest of NATO forces were covering inside Kabul airport and telling their citizens to try to make it there on their own, Ukrainian SOF stationed there were actively going out and bringing back Ukrainian citizens to the airport. Looking back that was a sign of things to come, but Ruscist either didn't know it (I doubt it, as it was reported at the time) or discounted it as insignificant.
What the FUCK is a "Ruscist"?
The United States has repeatedly showed itself to be a paper tiger and our military as ineffective.
richwicks says
What the FUCK is a "Ruscist"?
Russian fascist, of course. Russia is a fascist regime - ticks all the boxes in the definition.
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