Rittenhouse Update

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2021 Aug 22, 8:26am   18,427 views  469 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

Jury Selection: Prosecutors demand List of Donors who contributed to his defense fund with excuse they need it to exclude Jurists.

Prosecutors have demanded that a judge force Kyle Rittenhouse's defense team to turn over the names of everyone who donated to his legal funds or purchased the teen's merchandise.

In an August 17 court filing reviewed by Insider, prosecutors said it's likely that some of the people who donated to Rittenhouse are residents in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and therefore potentially part of the jury pool for his trial.


Yahoo, but archived so they don't get any revenue.

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109   richwicks   2021 Nov 10, 7:35pm  

CaptainHorsePaste says
Carli Pierson is a New York licensed attorney and writer. She graduated from DePaul University in 2006 with a BA in Islamic World Studies

Just a comment without the pictures - rejoice that our propaganda is imploding. You really should celebrate that. Part of making the internet was to discredit them. I knew they were bullshit 25 years ago, but I confess, I didn't realize HOW bullshit they were then.

I'm being freed as well.

The more obvious the propaganda the better. Sure, there will be people who will follow it down the rabbit hole, but as the rabbit hole gets more and more crazy, and random, more and more people realize it's a dead end.

I used to think SOME mainstream media was truthful right up until 2007 or 8 or so. But it's all propaganda but I didn't realize just how dishonest it was until Trump was elected. I really am very grateful Trump was elected. Even if he was controlled opposition he did incredible damage to the propaganda. Even if it wasn't intended he's beaten a hornet's nest. This is a tremendously good thing.

I thought he was a spoiled buffoon but he was running against a Neocon mass murdering vicious cunt. I went to work literally with a smile on my face trying not to laugh about the previous day - not because I thought he would be a better president, but because the population rejected such a piece of shit even though she was a woman. To me, worthless asshole was better than effective mass murderer but I was pleasantly surprised that Trump wasn't entirely worthless. He's exposed so much corruption.

Our nation rejected Hillary Clinton over literally anything else. Good for you America. I was proud of my nation's people that day. Terribly long time since I've felt that about my nation.
110   PeopleUnited   2021 Nov 10, 8:39pm  

richwicks says
Even if he was controlled opposition he did incredible damage to the propaganda.

When my doctor can proudly write a prescription for HCQ or Ivermectin and tell a 5 year old they have no business getting the clot shot, I will agree with you that the propaganda has been damaged. But until then, I’m of the opinion that Trump was a tool of the globalists to deliberately deepen the divisions between the class divide in this country.

richwicks says
Even if it wasn't intended he's beaten a hornet's nest. This is a tremendously good thing.

Beating a hornets nest is only useful in the movies from my experience. Only in a fantasy world where the underdog defeats the rich man does this tend to produce a good outcome. But when the rich man runs the courts, the police, the military, the FBI and on and on down the line, they will always be able to spin the narrative to support their agenda. And they will get away with disposing any threats to them in one way or another, ask Assange, Snowden, Epstein and Rich how their whistleblowing worked for them.
111   GNL   2021 Nov 10, 8:47pm  

PeopleUnited says
Beating a hornets nest is only useful in the movies from my experience. Only in a fantasy world where the underdog defeats the rich man does this tend to produce a good outcome. But when the rich man runs the courts, the police, the military, the FBI and on and on down the line, they will always be able to spin the narrative to support their agenda. And they will get away with disposing any threats to them in one way or another, ask Assange, Snowden, Epstein and Rich how their whistleblowing worked for them.

Didn't the British lose a few hundred years ago to a bunch of farmers?
112   PeopleUnited   2021 Nov 10, 8:51pm  

No, a bunch of farmers did not beat the British, a bunch of wealthy landowners partnered with a few farmers to beat the British. But they would never have won if only the peasants were fighting the oligarch.
113   GNL   2021 Nov 10, 8:53pm  

PeopleUnited says
No, a bunch of farmers did not beat the British, a bunch of wealthy landowners partnered with a few farmers to beat the British. But they would never have won if only the peasants were fighting the oligarch.

You're telling me that a bunch of wealthy landowners did all/most of the fighting? Well, I did leave out some who helped from other countries. Didn't the French give us help also? Anyway, my point is, the most powerful military in the world was beaten. There is an X-factor that from time to time realigns the world. Will it happen again? Stay tuned.
114   HeadSet   2021 Nov 10, 8:54pm  

WineHorror1 says
Snowden, Epstein and Rich how their whistleblowing worked for them.

Epstein does not belong on that list. Snowden exposed corruption and Rich was killed while on the way to expose corruption. Epstein was a blackmailer.
115   GNL   2021 Nov 10, 8:56pm  

HeadSet says
WineHorror1 says
Snowden, Epstein and Rich how their whistleblowing worked for them.

Epstein does not belong on that list. Snowden exposed corruption and Rich was killed while on the way to expose corruption. Epstein was a blackmailer.

That's not my comment. It is from PeopleUnited.
116   PeopleUnited   2021 Nov 10, 9:22pm  

HeadSet says
WineHorror1 says
Snowden, Epstein and Rich how their whistleblowing worked for them.

Epstein does not belong on that list. Snowden exposed corruption and Rich was killed while on the way to expose corruption. Epstein was a blackmailer.

Blackmailers would have no leverage if there was no corruption to threaten the exposure of. Sure, he has no noble cause as other potential whistleblowers on the list do, but he was a potential whistleblower on corruption none the less.
117   PeopleUnited   2021 Nov 10, 9:35pm  

WineHorror1 says
PeopleUnited says
No, a bunch of farmers did not beat the British, a bunch of wealthy landowners partnered with a few farmers to beat the British. But they would never have won if only the peasants were fighting the oligarch.

You're telling me that a bunch of wealthy landowners did all/most of the fighting? Well, I did leave out some who helped from other countries. Didn't the French give us help also? Anyway, my point is, the most powerful military in the world was beaten. There is an X-factor that from time to time realigns the world. Will it happen again? Stay tuned.

Have you been to Mount Vernon? One of the wealthy landowners was General George Washington. Sure as in most wars the fighting and dying is done by the peasants, but the people who raised the Army were wealthy landowners and businessmen who were tired of paying so much of their profits to the crown. That is my point. Sure just like the American colonists expelled the British, and the Afghanis repelled both Soviet and then American invaders, sometimes the underdog can win if the big dog decides the cost is too high. But the topic of the conversation is can our Republic survive the propaganda of the globalists, I have yet to see any evidence that the globalists have been injured in any way by Trump, the deplorables, or any meaningful activity of the non-woke crowd. They are now even forcibly poisoning men women and children under threat of loss of job, loss of school access, and loss of “privileges.” And yet they keep doubling down on more lockdowns, more mandates. And there is no General Washington to rally the musketeers. And if there was, they would be rounded up as terrorists.
118   GNL   2021 Nov 10, 10:22pm  

PeopleUnited says
But the topic of the conversation is can our Republic survive the propaganda of the globalists, I have yet to see any evidence that the globalists have been injured in any way by Trump, the deplorables, or any meaningful activity of the non-woke crowd. They are now even forcibly poisoning men women and children under threat of loss of job, loss of school access, and loss of “privileges.” And yet they keep doubling down on more lockdowns, more mandates. And there is no General Washington to rally the musketeers. And if there was, they would be rounded up as terrorists.

No, it does not look good...at all. If billions die, I'll lose my shit. I literally think I'll go mental.
119   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 10, 10:43pm  

PeopleUnited says
WineHorror1 says
PeopleUnited says
No, a bunch of farmers did not beat the British, a bunch of wealthy landowners partnered with a few farmers to beat the British. But they would never have won if only the peasants were fighting the oligarch.

You're telling me that a bunch of wealthy landowners did all/most of the fighting? Well, I did leave out some who helped from other countries. Didn't the French give us help also? Anyway, my point is, the most powerful military in the world was beaten. There is an X-factor that from time to time realigns the world. Will it happen again? Stay tuned.

Have you been to Mount Vernon? One of the wealthy landowners was General George Washington. Sure as in most wars the fighting and dying is done by the peasants, but the people who raised the Army were wealthy landowners and busi...

All the Guerilla has to do is not lose for long enough
120   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 10, 10:44pm  

LeBron the Chinese Stooge called Kyle's tears fake.

Keep in mind, LeBron turns women gay, like Diana Taurasi.
121   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2021 Nov 10, 11:16pm  

CaptainHorsePaste says

Carli Pierson is a New York licensed attorney and writer. She graduated from DePaul University in 2006 with a BA in Islamic World Studies

Travesty that this bitch has a job.
122   richwicks   2021 Nov 11, 5:01am  

PeopleUnited says
But the topic of the conversation is can our Republic survive the propaganda of the globalists, I have yet to see any evidence that the globalists have been injured in any way by Trump, the deplorables, or any meaningful activity of the non-woke crowd.

Oh, I have, certainly. If this was 20 years ago there'd be only a few people on the Internet saying this wasn't really a pandemic and those that did would be considered conspiracy nut whackos. The general consensus would be the entire media couldn't be lying, and there would have been some high profile people in the "mainstream media" that first were fired for questioning what was going on, and then them being contrite and apologetic about their obviously incorrect opinion.

Today the mainstream media, which has always been a propaganda platform, is flat out distrusted. The mainstream media is their primary tool of control. People are exclusively ruled by consent. 95% of the population would have happily consented 20 years ago, 4% would have misgivings, 1% would have outright rebelled. Now 50% have misgivings, and I'd estimate 20% are outright rebelling preferring to lose their jobs and take their kids out of school rather than submit.

PeopleUnited says
They are now even forcibly poisoning men women and children under threat of loss of job, loss of school access, and loss of “privileges.” And yet they keep doubling down on more lockdowns, more mandates. And there is no General Washington to rally the musketeers. And if there was, they would be rounded up as terrorists.

I showed some examples of Common Core math in this post:


Loss of school access is a step in the right direction. It's indoctrination now, even for something as fundamental as math. Math hasn't changed for primary education in over 1,000 years unless you include calculus in there - Newton's (Francis Bacon's?) Principia was published in 1728.

The dependence on government is a weakness. And I see that breaking apart as we speak. Oh, is it painful for a heroin addict to stop shooting up? Is it hard for fat person to start working out and cleaning himself up? Is it hard to leave home as a child and accept responsibility for your own life? No more difficult than abandoning your government's "kind and gentle hand"...

Government works very hard to make dependents. That IS their power. Well, they are losing it.
123   richwicks   2021 Nov 11, 5:23am  

PeopleUnited says
Beating a hornets nest is only useful in the movies from my experience. Only in a fantasy world where the underdog defeats the rich man does this tend to produce a good outcome.

We all heard as children how awful the French revolution was, didn't we?

We all heard this in skool didn't we? Who runs our skools?

The French revolution I'm certain wasn't a lot of fun to go through, but I'll bet that the average person preferred the result of it over what existed to cause it.
124   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 11, 6:47am  

LOL they are scared!


Zero live results, only curated and narrated results, digested by thought experts.
125   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 11, 6:49am  

They want us to watch the three rednecks that shot that nice jogging Negro feller instead. Kyle is destroying their narrative they work so hard to create.
126   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 11, 6:51am  

The scumbag was a hero, Huber the Commie Molester memorial videos are showing up instead of the Live Rittenhouse trial.

127   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 11, 7:01am  

LOL I had to click on the channel of the Yahoo news to see they have it, but they are playing word games with the biased title.

"WATCH LIVE: Trial of Kyle Rittenhouse continues. He’s charged with killing two and wounding a third."

No more "Day (number)" format like they have all been doing when they thought the commie Fag and creepy Molester looking Prosecutors were going to nail an open and shut case.

Also no Red Live indicator, they don't want no fucking body watching the Commies get exposed and destroyed. This case may sink the ANTIFA SOROS/ Local law enforcement/City hall/local prosecutor alliance we see all around the country. This might create a huge backlash for them and they are scared as Fuck.

Share the link.
128   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 11, 7:08am  

Tenpoundbass says
"WATCH LIVE: Trial of Kyle Rittenhouse continues. He’s charged with killing two and wounding a third."

BTW these lazy fucksticks over at Yahoo, didn't even take the time to inquire about the charges.
129   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 11, 7:25am  

Tenpoundbass says
This case may sink the ANTIFA SOROS/ Local law enforcement/City hall/local prosecutor alliance we see all around the country. This might create a huge backlash for them and they are scared as Fuck.

As I was saying...

BLM and ANTIFA just jumped the shark.
130   richwicks   2021 Nov 11, 7:26am  

Tenpoundbass says
They want us to watch the three rednecks that shot that nice jogging Negro feller instead. Kyle is destroying their narrative they work so hard to create.

I think probably Ahmaud Arbery was murdered. Unless Arbery actually went to attack the men, I don't see how shooting him was justified.
131   Robert Sproul   2021 Nov 11, 7:34am  

richwicks says
Unless Arbery actually went to attack the men

Confronted with armed men he lunges for a shotgun and attempts to wrest it away:
It doesn't seem like a rational action.
132   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 11, 7:50am  

Robert Sproul says

Confronted with armed men he lunges for a shotgun and attempts to wrest it away:
It doesn't seem like a rational action.

The Mentally Ill are footsoldiers of the Left, which is why they want them released or never incarcerated to begin with.

"People aren't crazy, Right Wing Bourgeois Society is Crazy!"
133   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 11, 7:59am  

richwicks says
I think probably Ahmaud Arbery was murdered. Unless Arbery actually went to attack the men, I don't see how shooting him was justified.

He did. They pulled out about 100 feet in front of him. He dashed towards the men, then ducked around the truck, and pivoted right for one of the guys and tried to grab his shotgun, and it either went off or the assaulted man correctly pulled the trigger. Arbery could have run for the woods on the left or right, but decided to charge at them.

Jogging in work boots with a hammer.

Wonder what's going on in this case.
134   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 11, 8:00am  

richwicks says
I think probably Ahmaud Arbery was murdered. Unless Arbery actually went to attack the men, I don't see how shooting him was justified.

Neglegent Manslaughter. I don't think they acted like "There's a N'word, let's get him!"

They honestly thought they were protecting property, they had no right to chase the guy down. They missed their opportunity to confront him, and apprehend him lawfully, where if accidents happened, the burden of the outcome would have been on Ahmaud. But because they chased him down, I would like to think. That if they had caught up with him, held him at gun point until the police showed up, would they have been on the wrong side of the law at that point? Do you have the right to chase suspected criminals down, and confront them, is what this trial is about.

If not, then this case should be used as a cautionary tale for any future would be vigilantes.
135   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 11, 8:02am  

The Good: The Media lied/left out key information.
The Bad: Oh, they were all just White, fuck 'em
136   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 11, 8:16am  

Joshua Zimski - Biker and repeat offender prohibited from possessing firearm, firing the first shot of the Rittenhouse incident: A "Warning Shot"

He was not charged with illegally possessing a firearm by the DA despite multiple felonies that prevented him from having one.


Can you say "Informant"?
137   RWSGFY   2021 Nov 11, 8:18am  

richwicks says
Tenpoundbass says
They want us to watch the three rednecks that shot that nice jogging Negro feller instead. Kyle is destroying their narrative they work so hard to create.

I think probably Ahmaud Arbery was murdered. Unless Arbery actually went to attack the men, I don't see how shooting him was justified.

If a guy goes for your gun what are his intentions are? To give you a hug? That bald short fuck whom Kyle shot first was ventilated for exactly that reason - trying to grab the gun.
138   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 11, 8:26am  

Here's a highly edited video shown on Detroit News about the "Poor Jogger" Arbery. It cuts off informative scene where Arbery charges the men, then ducks around the truck, and then comes back around the front hood and grapples with one of them, and simply shows the struggle.

original link

@Robert Sproul
Robert Sproul says

Confronted with armed men he lunges for a shotgun and attempts to wrest it away:
It doesn't seem like a rational action.

It's hard to find the raw video that isn't written over with BS speculation like "He was out for a jog" "He was boxed in" (even though he could have gone to the left or right; the Left argues the being surrounded on three sides in Kenosha and then chased is no excuse)
139   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 11, 9:03am  

FuckCCP89 says
If a guy goes for your gun what are his intentions are? To give you a hug? That bald short fuck whom Kyle shot first was ventilated for exactly that reason - trying to grab the gun.

Different context different liabilities. Kyle was there trying to help people and protect property. The Abry case, puts the suspects at the scene with a prejudice to get Abry.
Any accident at that point makes them liable, I'm not saying Guilty but most definitely liable. Where Klye's case is open and shut, the Vigilante trio, is complicated, because they chased him down with a gun to confront him. Kyle's victims all chased him down to confront him.

Big difference! Hey I believe Abry got what he deserved, but you can't have vigilantes and law and order at the same time. What if they confronted someone that wasn't Abry, and that happened, due to mistake in identity? I have been stopped and accosted by random people in my life for stupid shit I didn't do. One time I was riding my bike down US1, and some random trailer park whore with her boyfriends chased me down, with a Hollywood cop, and was trying to say I kept driving by randomly sexually harassing her. Thankfully the cop believed me when I showed him a picture of my girlfriend which I told him I was on my way to see. Another time a Seminole cop pulled me over, claimed I drove by him several times that day, shooting him a bird. He was really pissed about, he took me in for driving without a license, and would not believe me that I was not the guy hassling him.
140   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 11, 9:14am  

CaptainHorsePaste says
Joshua Zimski - Biker and repeat offender prohibited from possessing firearm, firing the first shot of the Rittenhouse incident: A "Warning Shot"

He was not charged with illegally possessing a firearm by the DA despite multiple felonies that prevented him from having one.

With the FBI drone going airborne right on queue with Rosenbaum getting in place for his ambush, and Zemenski readied for the panic shots, it keeps getting more clear to everyone, Kyle was being gaslit the whole fucking time, by the weight of the Law enforcement there, using Kenosha's mentally ill as an Asset to make it a reality.

I'm just amazed how intentionally the prosecution came to court, without any Video experts. They wanted to gloss over key elements in the video and focus on the bad Kyle frames.
They tried to convict him using ghetto Windows media player. They can't even key up frames and zoom in without altering the video.
This Mr. Black video expert, is outclassing the whole prosecutions fat bastard AV tech team. I wonder how much Kenosha or Wisconsin is paying those useless sacks of shit, to push play on the Windows media player?
141   RWSGFY   2021 Nov 11, 9:16am  

I don't see any difference between Aubery case and Trayvon case: does something suspicious, confronted by concerned citizens, doubles down, goes apeshit and attacks them, gets rewarded by a bullet.
142   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 11, 9:18am  

I think the Judiciary needs to fear Vigilantism more than BLM, or we won't have justice.
143   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 11, 9:23am  

FuckCCP89 says
I don't see any difference between Aubery case and Trayvon case: does something suspicious, confronted by concerned citizens, doubles down, goes apeshit and attacks them, gets rewarded by a bullet.

Zimmer didn't have his gun drawn when he confronted Trayvon.
And Pops stepped into the zone where Abry could reach for his gun, they had no training, experience or not even the intuition on how to conduct an armed citizen arrest safely.
Pops should have stayed several yards back and had his unarmed passengers take him down.
144   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 11, 9:25am  

Tenpoundbass says

Zimmer didn't have his gun drawn when he confronted Trayvon.
And Pops stepped into the zone where Abry could reach for his gun, they had no training, experience or not even the intuition on how to conduct an armed citizen arrest safely.
Pops should have stayed several yards back and had his unarmed passengers take him down.

Arbery ran around the truck and then when he got to the front, made a leap for Pops. Had he kept running, or ran to either side, he could have easily evaded them.
145   richwicks   2021 Nov 11, 9:25am  

FuckCCP89 says
I don't see any difference between Aubery case and Trayvon case: does something suspicious, confronted by concerned citizens, doubles down, goes apeshit and attacks them, gets rewarded by a bullet.

The Trayvon Martin thing was all around stupid. If Zimmerman just indicated he was part of neighborhood watch, that probably would have diffused the entire situation.
146   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 11, 9:25am  

richwicks says
The Trayvon Martin thing was all around stupid. If Zimmerman just indicated he was part of neighborhood watch, that probably would have diffused the entire situation.

Trayvon totally ambushed him. There was no time to say shit. Zimmerman only fired after being ambushed with a block of concrete, knocked to the ground, and receiving beatings to the head. He was being beaten for a good while before he pulled his fire arm out of its holster.
147   richwicks   2021 Nov 11, 9:29am  

CaptainHorsePaste says
Trayvon totally ambushed him. There was no time to say shit. Zimmerman only fired after being ambushed with a block of concrete, knocked to the ground, and receiving beatings to the head.

If Martin hit him in the head with a brick, I doubt Zimmerman would have gotten up.

The whole situation was stupid.

I know Trayvon Martin was a fucking thug though if the reports are true. Supposedly he had a ton of jewelry in his locker at school. If that was true, he was just a fucking thug anyhow with no future. Zimmerman did society a favor regardless of the circumstances.
148   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 11, 9:31am  


The prosecutor just got the Video expert to prove that Kyle's explanation yesterday, was more accurate than the Prosecutor's assertion that Kyle had his gun aimed at Gross Grits the whole time. The video slowed in the software, showed Kyle lowered his gun when Gross grits raised his hands and backed off, but then got the drop on him, when he tried to sucker shoot him.

This is why the Prosecution didn't want to use advanced Video analysis.

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