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The game is already over. I've said it before, if you want to mess things up you need to cause confusion. Not try to hide. Put out as much BS information about yourself as you can.
Jesus, we'll argue this when we finally meet at some point. Privacy was gone eons ago. Not talking the last 5 years. 2000 and earlier it was gone. Most of you guys are techies and don't really understand how far the reach is. A camera at an intersection can identify your license plate, address, AND the biggie, your face.
Fuck coffee!
Seriously… put that nasty, dehydrating, shit-breath causing, expensive, jitter causing poison aside and have some water for gawd’s sake.
Coffee and cigarettes, ugh
My wife and I both came to the realization that coffee has no place in our household, no benefit to us (only expense, inconvenience, and jitters), quitting cold turkey.
I encourage everyone else to do the same. Put the chains out of business.
A camera at an intersection can identify your license plate, address, AND the biggie, your face.
Drove to a restaurant today with my wife and was first of all creeped out to find that they knew my name from my phone number
Although, if you use cash, I'd hope you also do not use their app to order coffee, order it from your phone in general, and hopefully you at least leave your phone in the car while buying.
NuttBoxer says
Although, if you use cash, I'd hope you also do not use their app to order coffee, order it from your phone in general, and hopefully you at least leave your phone in the car while buying.
What in the flying fuck would that do? They know your location if you're using an app. 100%. Doesn't matter if you turn it "off" and pay cash. There is no "off" in phone apps and even computers. That's a feel good and you could never prove it was actually off. No way.
Also, I'm not giving up, I'm realistic. Beating a dead horse here, but I've had to find property owners for a living. You're not hidden. Again, this is 100% fact. I'm done arguing it. You guys aren't some stealthy, special people using cash that is again 100% traceable. You have a SS card. You likely have a DL. You likely have a utility bill. A mortgage. Credit pull for rent. Your cash has a number on it ...
How is this legal?
Coffee, obviously as opposed to cigarettes, has been shown to prolong longevity in many studies, so it's healthy (withouts sugar). That being said, it's definitely not necessary. I like a good coffee, or 2 or 3.
I love a cup of coffee in the morning
Nicotine itself is not particularly bad for you
They know your location if you're using an app. 100%. Doesn't matter if you turn it "off" and pay cash. There is no "off" in phone apps and even computers. That's a feel good and you could never prove it was actually off. No way.
Also, I'm not giving up, I'm realistic. Beating a dead horse here, but I've had to find property owners for a living. You're not hidden. Again, this is 100% fact. I'm done arguing it. You guys aren't some stealthy, special people using cash that is again 100% traceable. You have a SS card. You likely have a DL. You likely have a utility bill. A mortgage. Credit pull for rent. Your cash has a number on it no different than a credit card. Your face exist. You're living in la la land if you think you're being stealthy.
You guys do know the bank has the number for every bill you carry when you withdraw it? I'm talking the number on the bill. Unless you earn cash payment and don't use a bank, it's all tracked. Again 100%.
But if you buy goods and services there is no privacy no matter what you do.
Good point wrt utility bill: some water companies require a SSN (or ITIN) or "no soup for you".
My CSA's don't know who I am, pay with cash. My online purchases all use a fake name, and throw-away card. So do my utility bills.
You have an opinion, and a little experience, yet you parade yourself as an expert on the subject, seriously? Prove it, IDENTIFY ME. Should be trivial right? Until you can give us some concrete evidence, you have only theory. Don't be a Fauci, be a Malone.
It's in Luna's book
NuttBoxer says
Don't be a Fauci, be a Malone
They're both a little weaselly.
There's a SS number that was created for a department store back in the 50's. It doesn't tie to any real person, and seems to fool most companies asking for it. DO NOT use with government, they will likely know it's a fake. But power companies aren't government.
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They have a window where you can order a beer while you are waiting. So I ordered a beer and they refused to take cash.
OK, I wanted the beer, so I paid with a credit card. Then the total had an extra $1.50 on it. I asked about that and was told that I added a tip. I specifically did not add a tip because I was pissed that they don't take cash.
I got the manager and made him remove the tip.
We are rapidly approaching the CCP utopia of complete tracking of all citizens at all times.
Lesson: call ahead and make sure a restaurant will take cash. If they will not, don't go there.