Always use cash from now on, not credit cards

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2021 Sep 4, 4:36pm   60,801 views  414 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  

Drove to a restaurant today with my wife and was first of all creeped out to find that they knew my name from my phone number, which I had to give to get on the wait list. They said they use a centralized database of many restaurants for that.

They have a window where you can order a beer while you are waiting. So I ordered a beer and they refused to take cash.

OK, I wanted the beer, so I paid with a credit card. Then the total had an extra $1.50 on it. I asked about that and was told that I added a tip. I specifically did not add a tip because I was pissed that they don't take cash.

I got the manager and made him remove the tip.

We are rapidly approaching the CCP utopia of complete tracking of all citizens at all times.

Lesson: call ahead and make sure a restaurant will take cash. If they will not, don't go there.

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221   WookieMan   2023 Mar 30, 7:27am  

I’ll say it again. Cash is traceable. They will get rid of cash registers at some point. They’ll scan the cash and change comes out. Grocery stores already do this. There’s a unique number on all bills. Very few people go to a teller or inside. They use the ATM. Which again scans your cash.

You're already in a cashless society. Cash will always be there but you’re not untracked like you think you are.
222   Patrick   2023 Mar 30, 9:12am  

WookieMan says

Cash will always be there but you’re not untracked like you think you are.

There is a project to track the physical location of $1 bills:


But that's just someone's fun project.

CDBCs would give a central computer a real-time tracker of everything you spent every penny on, and the ability to block it if you're politically incorrect.
223   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 30, 1:26pm  

WookieMan says

I’ll say it again. Cash is traceable. They will get rid of cash registers at some point. They’ll scan the cash and change comes out. Grocery stores already do this. There’s a unique number on all bills. Very few people go to a teller or inside. They use the ATM. Which again scans your cash.

You're already in a cashless society. Cash will always be there but you’re not untracked like you think you are.

What's being talked about here is serial numbers on the bills. The only time I've ever heard of that being used is to track down culprits involved in large bank heists. Grocery stores don't scan the serial numbers, so that correlation is completely false. And I got to a teller for every withdrawal I make, and I always see people in the bank doing the same. In fact in the last few years I've noticed an increase in the number of people, and the amount of money withdrawn.

And to the point being made here, you seem to be completely unaware of the purpose or plan behind CDBC's, official or unofficial, you don't seem to know either.
224   WookieMan   2023 Mar 30, 7:10pm  

NuttBoxer says

Grocery stores don't scan the serial numbers, so that correlation is completely false.

Yes they do. So does the teller. All dollars are tracked. They're sequenced as they come in and out at most banks and credits unions and a piece of paper is linked to your withdrawal. Your checks are tracked. Your license plate is tracked. Your face is tracked. At minimum most databases have that dollar at the grocery store linked to you or at least that you were there.

It's called loss prevention. How do you think a company like Garda is entrusted picking up cash and not pocketing it? Or making sure it's not forfeit? Go try a fake dollar somewhere and let me know how that works and a vending machine or self checkout works. The bill is scanned and data collected. Your cash is still linked to a receipt. Cash is good for drug deals. Why do you think they launder it?? So it can't be traced back to them.

You have a passport I assume? You believe you have privacy. You don't. I told you before if you have a drivers license and a registered vehicle you are being tracked. I didn't even have to pull out my passport this morning after a cruise. I don't think anyone here truly realizes the tracking going on, yet the topic always comes up and everyone just says I'm wrong. Doesn't move me because I know the sources personally of my information and my own experiences in life. Cash ain't gonna save you or privacy if shit hits the fan or we go communist. Water, guns and food will.

I think you have trust issues and not privacy. Did speaker of the house Denny Hastert get away with diddling kids as a coach? No. His bank ratted him out. Cash didn't work for the 3rd highest ranking government official (after being in office). It was tracked. Denny was still giving him the cash and the victim wasn't complaining or reporting to the Feds. How did the Feds find out with cash transactions? He was my House rep for a while when I was younger. I know the story. My dad knew him. CDBC's already exist, you just don't know it. Every dollar printed is data.

I just don't think you understand that the Titanic is already at the bottom of the Ocean and you're looking for a life vest 1000' below. Cash will never go away. We still have pennies for fucks sake, the most useless coin. My point is cash is trackable. If you're worried about your cash being traced, you're almost certainly doing illegal things. You should push coins. Pay in quarters, half dollars, etc.

I don't care about digital currency. Central bank or Bitcoin produced whatever. Look how that's worked out with FTX and many other crypto shit. Government doesn't want digital currency. Other people want to make you scared it's going to happen for clicks or they're people doing illegal activities. I'll continue to buy products for the same price you do and make 3-6% on my money. Ahhhhh. That guy had 10 beers on a cruise ship. Arrest him. Not happening.

We have these things called guns. And if enough people get pissed off there's nothing they can do. I'd buy as much ammo as you can on a CC, get the points and enjoy life. Plus if you don't pay it who cares? We did 100+ short sales during the bust. Nothing needs to be paid back...
225   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 31, 8:04am  

If you can provide a single link that proves grocery stores scan serial numbers, I'll donate the rest of my patnet coin to you.

Personally I stopped using self-checkouts a year ago. I want to interact with real people, and I don't want to give jobs to machines. Not even going to read the rest since you started with something so blatantly opinionated, and never provide evidence despite the fact that I've proven you wrong many times on privacy, not because it's what I think, but because it's how I live.

I live this stuff in real life, I don't just philosophize about it from behind a screen. And I read books about it, I don't just make shit up in my head.
226   richwicks   2023 Mar 31, 9:06am  

WookieMan says

I’ll say it again. Cash is traceable. They will get rid of cash registers at some point. They’ll scan the cash and change comes out. Grocery stores already do this. There’s a unique number on all bills.

This isn't quite true. When I go to the store, I go to a teller quite often. The teller takes my money, and give me change, the serial numbers are not tracked.

It would be possible to this, but it's far more complicated than just tracking your credit card.
227   1337irr   2023 Mar 31, 9:27am  

We need to start patrick.net-stan!

I might dedicate .22 acres towards patrick.net-stan in Texas near I-35 :).
228   RWSGFY   2023 Mar 31, 9:43am  

1337irr says

We need to start patrick.net-stan!

I might dedicate .22 acres towards patrick.net-stan in Texas near I-35 :).

Does it have to be contiguous, or we are open to the idea of anclaves? If we are, I can chip in with some land in Scotland (it came with a bottle of scotch I've got for Xmas). It's not much, but then Kenigsberg is even more tiny compared to the rest of the CCCP.
229   Patrick   2023 Mar 31, 9:59am  

1337irr says

We need to start patrick.net-stan!


Dennis: What I object to is you automatically treatin' me like an inferior.
Arthur: Well, I am king.
Dennis: Oh, king, eh? Very nice. And how'd you get that, then? By exploiting the workers! By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society! If there's ever going to be any progress--
Dennis: We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act as sort-of-executive officer for the week--
Arthur: Yes.
Dennis: But all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting--
Arthur: Yes, I see.
Dennis: By a simple majority, in the case of purely internal affairs--
Arthur: [getting bored] Be quiet.
Dennis: But by a two thirds majority, in the case of more major--
Arthur: Be quiet! I order you to be quiet!
Dennis' Mother: Order, eh? Who does he think he is?
Arthur: I am your king!
Dennis' Mother: Well I didn't vote for you.
Arthur: You don't vote for kings!
Dennis' Mother: How'd you become king, then?
Arthur: The Lady of the Lake, [Angel chorus begins singing in background] her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water signifying by Divine Providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. [Angel chorus ends] That is why I am your king!
Dennis: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
Arthur: Be quiet!
Dennis: You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!
Arthur: Shut up!
Dennis: I mean, if I went 'round saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!
Arthur: Shut up! Will you shut up?! [Grabs Dennis and shakes him]
Dennis: Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system!
Arthur: Shut up!
Dennis: Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I'm being repressed!
230   1337irr   2023 Mar 31, 12:44pm  

Patrick says

1337irr says

We need to start patrick.net-stan!


Dennis: What I object to is you automatically treatin' me like an inferior.
Arthur: Well, I am king.
Dennis: Oh, king, eh? Very nice. And how'd you get that, then? By exploiting the workers! By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society! If there's ever going to be any progress--
Dennis: We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act as sort-of-executive officer for the week--
Arthur: Yes.
Dennis: But all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting--
Arthur: Yes, I see...

So King Patrick of patric.net-stan? Got a nice ring to it!
231   Patrick   2023 Mar 31, 12:48pm  

Now I just need some moist bint to hand me a sword to legitimate my rule.

232   1337irr   2023 Mar 31, 12:54pm  


1337irr says

We need to start patrick.net-stan!

I might dedicate .22 acres towards patrick.net-stan in Texas near I-35 :).

Does it have to be contiguous, or we are open to the idea of anclaves? If we are, I can chip in with some land in Scotland (it came with a bottle of scotch I've got for Xmas). It's not much, but then Kenigsberg is even more tiny compared to the rest of the CCCP.

Let's do it!
233   richwicks   2023 Mar 31, 1:37pm  

Patrick says

What I object to is you automatically treatin' me like an inferior.


If you want to watch the scene.
234   WookieMan   2023 Mar 31, 1:56pm  

I live this stuff in real life, I don't just philosophize about it from behind a screen. And I read books about it, I don't just make shit up in my head.

I have no intention of doxing myself. One of my sources died last year that was a long time family friend. $600M market cap bank he bought half the shares plus during the housing bust. He was the majority share holder in a decent sized bank. Another is a former high school classmate that got busted slowly stealing $150k cash from the bank she worked at. That was in 2005. It wasn't cameras. They tracked the cash. I'm also not searching about tracking/hiding cash to prove a point on the internet for Christ sake.

Listen I get you guys don't like anecdotal evidence, but I'm not searching out links on it besides the ones below to prove my point that cash isn't your friend necessarily. These are people I personally know that got caught stealing cash and or handled hundreds of millions of it annually. They're not selling a BS book with clickbait titles to scare people. They know cash first hand more than anyone on this forum.

Maybe check out this link: https://www.cashseizurelaw.com/why-the-cops-can-seize-your-cash-and-often-keep-it/
Cops ain't taking my credit card. And if they do I can lock it immediately and it would be a crime for them to use it and I can dispute it if they do. I don't gamble but the example of a good night at a casino could easily get confiscated for a tail light being out. Any cash really could be confiscated. I don't like those odds. That includes your home.

I don't do anything illegal so I don't give a shit if they know I bought a case of beer to drink at home or a bikini for my wife. This idea that cash hides you is wrong. FDIC knows all your transactions with the bank as well so they know what needs to be insured. It's not just the $10k withdrawal trigger. That's for the FBI and the other 3 letter agencies.

Cash should only be held in a safe at your home, bolted to the floor. Preferably hidden. Use credit and if you need to deposit said cash to pay the bill just do that. You're at a far greater risk using cash if you're not doing anything illegal. So just use OPM and get a 3-6% return on your cash via points and pay off the CC monthly. It's better than a CD, your bank account or in a safe (unless you're uber wealthy)

What is not getting through is that tracking is much more advanced than you even know regardless of a digital currency. No point in putting a serial number on a bill, scan it incoming through a machine and not track it to make sure it's not a forfeit. Banks and merchants would never do that. Just like Casinos don't use facial recognition tech since the early 2000's. But hey, cash is king. Until a townie cop takes it because a K-9 smelled trace drug residue on bills given to you at Walmart.

I don't get this topic with you guys. I go to the source. Not written. Not online. PEOPLE that work in these realms that don't need to sell a book. We literally have a digital national currency. Does no one here not remember the 80's-90's?? I'd go to Ace Hardware with my dad and the old slider thingy for getting CC info. That's easily done now digitally at the bank with bills and when the armored truck drops it at the bank in cash. Those trucks go to multiple vendors and document everything. Same with the ATM. Self checkout. Fine it works at a flea market, or buying drugs, or tipping. But to trust the Federal government or bank with anything is insane or any merchant.

Just another branch that can take your cash on a suspicion. You are guilty out of the gate with cash. You can't confiscate debt because it's not illegal to not pay it. It just destroys your credit and you can't borrow more. I lived this with short sale clients during the bust. They were all freaked out but most bought again in 3-7 years after dumping the debt. They lost $0 of cash.

Cash is a one and done transaction. Fine, go bitch on Yelp with bad service. The money is gone. I can get my "credit" back with a dispute with 2-3 mouse clicks. There are so many advantages. You WANT data to fuck with them to say it wasn't you if you are a criminal. Otherwise I can promise they can get video footage of everyone at that restaurant that paid cash that day, or gas station and plug it into a database because 98% of people need a photo ID to survive.

Again don't believe me. You guys don't know what you're talking about is all. Sorry I can't link it. There have been a couple psychos on this site that have caused problems in the past. I can give plenty of links of names and you could cross reference them. I prefer my privacy.
235   richwicks   2023 Mar 31, 2:02pm  

WookieMan says

Another is a former high school classmate that got busted slowly stealing $150k cash from the bank she worked at. That was in 2005. It wasn't cameras. They tracked the cash.

This is common. They had the serial numbers and tracked the serial numbers, and then correlated this to a location and used that to find a suspect. They knew the theft was going on, at the banks then correlated the cash coming in, and found the general location, and correlated that to an employee. They couldn't trace it to a specific person, they just used it to find a general location where the money was being spent, and find the likely locations that employee would be spending money.

What you saw was a sting operation, and a good one. It's unusual to see competence in the government for me. Good for them.
236   Onvacation   2023 Mar 31, 5:54pm  

Patrick says

Now I just need some moist bint to hand me a sword to legitimate my rule.

I'm no moist bint but I might have a spare sword on the boat that I can give you.
237   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 31, 9:16pm  

WookieMan says

I have no intention of doxing myself. One of my sources died last year that was a long time family friend. $600M market cap bank he bought half the shares plus during the housing bust. He was the majority share holder in a decent sized bank. Another is a former high school classmate that got busted slowly stealing $150k cash from the bank she worked at. That was in 2005. It wasn't cameras. They tracked the cash. I'm also not searching about tracking/hiding cash to prove a point on the internet for Christ sake.

I have no idea what the correlation is with the first person. Last time I checked, shareholders aren't clocking in at the business they own shares in every day, rolling their sleeves and learning a trade. They're just investors.

On the other example, I already said they track bank thieves, so that's neither new, nor relevant. The other example, drug cartels. Now, not letting you weasle out of your exaggeration. Prove dollars I put into a self-checkout are tracked, or get the fuck off the pot.
238   1337irr   2023 Apr 3, 3:06pm  

I would say one good benefit of a cashless society is a decrease in robbery, at least one could hope. Thoughts?
239   HeadSet   2023 Apr 3, 3:16pm  

1337irr says

I would say one good benefit of a cashless society is a decrease in robbery, at least one could hope. Thoughts?

One of the male singers from ABBA has been pushing that point for years. He has been actively lobbying for Sweden to adopt a cashless society in order to make crime "impossible." No more muggings.
240   richwicks   2023 Apr 3, 3:26pm  

1337irr says

I would say one good benefit of a cashless society is a decrease in robbery, at least one could hope. Thoughts?

The biggest criminal is the government.

When people sent money to the Canadian "freedom convoy" with gofundme, gofundme just kept the money. They didn't return the money and they didn't send it to the convoy and this was done with government approval.
241   WookieMan   2023 Apr 4, 1:01am  

NuttBoxer says

I have no idea what the correlation is with the first person. Last time I checked, shareholders aren't clocking in at the business they own shares in every day, rolling their sleeves and learning a trade. They're just investors.

He was on the board as the majority shareholder... He controlled the bank and knew all the inner workings.

NuttBoxer says

On the other example, I already said they track bank thieves, so that's neither new, nor relevant. The other example, drug cartels. Now, not letting you weasle out of your exaggeration. Prove dollars I put into a self-checkout are tracked, or get the fuck off the pot.

Watch the video: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_character_recognition
This was 2005: https://www.forbes.com/2005/10/18/money-counterfeit-digital-cx_dl_1018money.html?sh=71e89f757478
Another quick search: https://www.cranepi.com/en/products/cash-processing/note-processing/money-counters/jetscan-law-enforcement
Patent from 2008: https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/af/b4/a7/57d6539570c9f7/US7419088.pdf
Basic Apps: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.provera.mikicap.dollarverificationassistant&hl=en_US&gl=US&pli=1
Another Machine: https://www.hyundaimib.com/tech-guide/ocr/
Money is tracked from the word go: http://www.uspapermoney.info/general/number.html

Money is tracked at as many points as possible. This is just fact. Every serial number on a bill is in a database unless someone hoarded it from like the 50's. The first link is EASILY put into a bill scanner right next to the touch screen computer you're using, that's then linked back to a server. OCR tech is super easy to implement. That's what is on those scanners. Again, test your luck, but put in a fake bill. How do you think the machine knows it's fake? It's scanning the damn bill dude.

Technically it costs establishments MORE money to take cash between time, security and either running to the bank or using an armored truck service. Cash makes the costs of good rise. Loss of time. And is easy to lose. Cashless is coming in more places than you'll like. The cost in loss prevention with cash is insane. Customers AND employees.

Also I've told you I have a source. Cash is scanned every step of the way. I don't have to prove my source as I'd end up giving you and the entire internet my information basically. If you're looking to use stolen money then sure, waste time with a cashier. The bank owner I was talking about, and yes he owned the bank as a 50%+ shareholder. Was on the board. When you have $40M tied up in one entity, you tend to put a little work into it. Let me know if anyone on this forum has even $100k tied up in an individual stock let alone knows someone that owned a bank personally.

Doesn't matter either way. I'll take my 6% on average return on using the credit card, while you guys fiddle around with cash thinking you're hiding from the boogieman. Every swipe I make money and I pay it off. Or I have the option of not paying it off and taking a credit ding. Other little things like tipping. Cool, under tip because you only have a certain bill. Or over tip. Or make the person make change for you while every else then has to wait.

This comment might be personal, but it's apparent at this point that you're involved in illegal stuff. Cash is the worst thing to have and use. Did a dude do a line of blow with the bill in your pocket and you get hit by a drug dog? People have been arrested for drug residue on cash. Even if you don't get convicted good luck with those legal fees.... https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1994-11-13-me-62172-story.html Cash is a liability on so many levels.
242   1337irr   2023 Apr 4, 5:26am  

richwicks says

1337irr says

I would say one good benefit of a cashless society is a decrease in robbery, at least one could hope. Thoughts?

The biggest criminal is the government.

When people sent money to the Canadian "freedom convoy" with gofundme, gofundme just kept the money. They didn't return the money and they didn't send it to the convoy and this was done with government approval.

Fair point, I think it's wise to consider leaving the country when that happens. I hope the US doesn't get there.
243   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 4, 9:57am  

1337irr says

I would say one good benefit of a cashless society is a decrease in robbery, at least one could hope. Thoughts?

What about when they chop of your hand to get the chip to make online purchases? Robbery of paper decrease in exchange for robbery of limbs increase...

Maybe a bit facetious, but there's no perfect system, and the largest banks heists have all been online.
244   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 4, 10:22am  

WookieMan says

This was 2005: https://www.forbes.com/2005/10/18/money-counterfeit-digital-cx_dl_1018money.html?sh=71e89f757478

This link backs up my point, not yours. Recognizing denomination is not tracking. The rest of them offer no direct correlation between your unfounded opinion that supermarket payments are tracked. A money counter machine used by banks or law enforcement is not hidden inside an auto checkout.

WookieMan says

This comment might be personal, but it's apparent at this point that you're involved in illegal stuff.

I don't think it's personal. I do think it's telling of your world outlook. You accept the curtails on your freedom when it comes to the digital world because you don't have the knowledge, or drive to resist. You subscribe to the dictum "If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide." Despite the fact this saying was popularized under fascist regimes that routinely prosecuted regular people who had done nothing immoral.

And finally, you have the defeatist mentality of early conspiracy believers, who see the powers running things as god-like. They are anything but, and their system is falling down around their ears.

The most dangerous belief people like you hold is that law = morality. The worst atrocities in the world have been carried out under this belief.
245   WookieMan   2023 Apr 4, 10:30am  

NuttBoxer says

1337irr says

I would say one good benefit of a cashless society is a decrease in robbery, at least one could hope. Thoughts?

What about when they chop of your hand to get the chip to make online purchases? Robbery of paper decrease in exchange for robbery of limbs increase...

Maybe a bit facetious, but there's no perfect system, and the largest banks heists have all been online.

Not if you're using OPM and don't have to pay it. Sure you might get cut off, but that's why you have a safe bolted to your floor with cash. You should NEVER use your own cash when purchasing. Only to pay off and that's if you want to or can.

I'll take my $8k tax free benefits every year by swiping a flipping card. Track me. Shut it down. I have back ups. I don't do anything illegal. Steal my credit card and phone. I'll have the card shut down in minutes and can get the charges overturned if they get that far in minutes. Once cash is gone, it's gone. I like my method. You don't have to. But I'm making anywhere from 4-6% interest on things I already need and pay it off monthly.
246   WookieMan   2023 Apr 4, 10:42am  

NuttBoxer says

You subscribe to the dictum "If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide." Despite the fact this saying was popularized under fascist regimes that routinely prosecuted regular people who had done nothing immoral.

This is where you and I may differ. Not you specifically, but I have zero issue killing someone if they fuck with me. That includes authorities. You fuck with my life as it currently is, there's going to be a reaction. And no, not a direct threat at anyone and no one to date has actually fucked with me. Our back and forth is trivial and I'd think you'd agree.

On the Mountain View recent post I applaud them for stepping up and talking about their issue. I'll never be public like that. So in a way we're similar in that I do appreciate my privacy. If government comes down on me, some people aren't going to make it is all I'll say. But I'm not going to pretend hiding behind cash that they don't know what I'm doing. They do. So I'll make money off it. You do you, all I'm pointing out is there's an alternative that's not all big brother as portrayed many times on this site. Cash or credit are the least of your worries as I've said before.
247   richwicks   2023 Apr 4, 12:12pm  

1337irr says

Fair point, I think it's wise to consider leaving the country when that happens. I hope the US doesn't get there.

We're already there. There's plenty of people I have followed who have been deplatformed, same thing happened to them, and this was years ago. The money you send, is simply stolen.
248   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 5, 9:07am  

WookieMan says

ut I'm making anywhere from 4-6% interest on things I already need and pay it off monthly.

All while building your social credit score! I can't stress this enough morality != law. I guess with my unknown social credit tendencies, they could assume the worst, but at least I'm not painting a target on my back from the git-go.
249   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 5, 9:18am  

WookieMan says

But I'm not going to pretend hiding behind cash that they don't know what I'm doing. They do. So I'll make money off it.

I think the important distinction here is passive versus active. Thanks to Snowden we know they are spying on us. But is anyone actively spying on you or me? Fuck no, we're nothing, not even blips on their radar. With Federal Debt notes the system it's even more passive. The mechanisms are in place, for sure, but in absence of a big crime, they aren't utilized, and cannot be searched like Prism. And are not tapped into every stream dollars are used for. In Arizona you can buy guns off resale sites from individuals. Swap meets, garage sales, purchases at a store where you don't use a loyalty card, and pay cash that goes into a register with everyone else's bills. Gift cards that require no personal info to make purchases with. If I'm wrong, why have the loyalty programs? Although even with those, you can usually give fake info.

WookieMan says

Cash or credit are the least of your worries as I've said before.

Agreed. But I've already taken care of the more urgent matters, and I like the game. I prefer giving the middle finger every chance I get, fuck the system, they don't own me.
250   richwicks   2023 Apr 5, 9:21am  

NuttBoxer says

but at least I'm not painting a target on my back from the git-go.

I've been thinking of having a T-shirt created which has a bullseye centered on my heart.

The older I get, the more defiant I'm going to become.
251   richwicks   2023 Apr 5, 9:25am  

NuttBoxer says

I think the important distinction here is passive versus active. Thanks to Snowden we know they are spying on us. But is anyone actively spying on you or me? Fuck no

YES they are.

I'm in Silly Con Valley. Everything you speak on a phone, or email, or write in an SMS is recorded, and reviewed by some algorithm. Believe me. We can do this, and because we CAN do this, this is done.

You won't listen to us, you won't trust us, there's no magic in this, nothing imaginary about this. We can do this, so I guarantee the government does it.

Why do you think you have "free email"? How does it help a corporation for you to sign up for a "free email" - how do they make money from this? Take telegram, you're allowed to talk on that, but there are no advertisements - how do they make money? The point of all these systems is monitoring.

I used to wonder "how do they make money off from this?" - well, they sell information to the government intelligence agencies. The internet, a good portion of it, is a monitoring system and propaganda system.

If you're not paying for a service, the service is monitoring you - you are the product, you're being studied.
253   Onvacation   2023 Apr 9, 12:05pm  

WookieMan says

Cash is a liability on so many levels

But it beats a CBDC controlled with a social credit score.
254   Patrick   2023 Apr 9, 1:14pm  

I agree. The worst possible situation is people like Justin Turdeau being able to completely block your purchase of anything rather that just turning off your bank account, like he did to the truckers who were legitimately protesting dangerous forced injections.

I just saw a comment somewhere that a lot of the Amish actually use silver and gold with each other.
255   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 10, 8:35am  

I figured the Amish were mostly barter..
256   Patrick   2023 Apr 19, 7:34pm  


New York City to Track Personal Food Choices Using Credit Card Data
This is needed to fight climate change, NYC mayor says

Remember the crazy right-wing conspiracy theory alleging that our food purchases will be tracked to reduce our CO2 consumption?

That one is turning out to be true!

Yesterday, New York City announced its plan to track the “food choices” of New Yorkers using credit card data from individual store purchases. According to the mayor, tracking individual food choices is a step towards “reducing the CO2 output” of New Yorkers. ...

You would think such a plan would only be made after a conversation with New Yorkers, right? After all, the mayor of New York is supposed to serve New Yorkers, not the other way around.

However, the reality is that there was no consultation and no “conversation” because New York’s mayor Eric Adams is sure that people do not even want to have a “conversation” about interrogating their food choices. ...

Rather than framing this issue as a health matter, I urge you to consider it a question of basic fairness: the unelected, supranational, self-appointed masters of the world are trying to track and influence our behavior without even asking for permission or inquiring about our opinion.

We are being assured that this is done for our good. However, these same people benefit financially from well-placed investments in companies growing fake meat comprised of cancer tumor cells.
258   Onvacation   2023 May 5, 5:16pm  

In regards to the meme above, with a digital currency and the oligarchical control society that comes with it we will have nothing to sell. There will be no waiters or barbers to tip. Buskers, homeless, and grandparents will be eliminated as useless eaters. There will be no privacy whatsoever. Canada's government already tipped their hand when they froze bank accounts for wrong think. They wanted want to eliminate us.

Remember Orwell's telescreen? It's already in your pocket. Let's not lose the coins in our pockets, and our liberty.

Pay with cash whenever you can, especially with small business, big government is trying to suffocate them with taxes and regulation.
259   Patrick   2023 Jun 18, 1:19pm  


United Nations Planning Digital ID Linked to Bank Accounts ...

The UN describes this goal as “an open, free, secure and human-centered digital future.”

The digital future as envisaged by these groups is going to be quite the opposite of open, free, or human-centric, however.

As far as the UN’s “vision” for a future global financial system, it is supposed to be harmonized with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

It would be governed by something called “the apex body” that is yet to be set up.
260   HeadSet   2023 Jun 18, 1:56pm  

If they impose a digital currency, how will the druggies buy their stuff? Maybe the government will hand out "untraceable" EBT cards.

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