Always use cash from now on, not credit cards

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2021 Sep 4, 4:36pm   63,022 views  422 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Drove to a restaurant today with my wife and was first of all creeped out to find that they knew my name from my phone number, which I had to give to get on the wait list. They said they use a centralized database of many restaurants for that.

They have a window where you can order a beer while you are waiting. So I ordered a beer and they refused to take cash.

OK, I wanted the beer, so I paid with a credit card. Then the total had an extra $1.50 on it. I asked about that and was told that I added a tip. I specifically did not add a tip because I was pissed that they don't take cash.

I got the manager and made him remove the tip.

We are rapidly approaching the CCP utopia of complete tracking of all citizens at all times.

Lesson: call ahead and make sure a restaurant will take cash. If they will not, don't go there.

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44   RWSGFY   2022 Jan 31, 6:57pm  

EBGuy says
Say what you will about Ess Eff...
SFPD Chief: Restaurants and Cafes That Refuse to Accept Cash Are Breaking the Law

People still pay for their meals in SF? I mean, it's not easy to go over $950 (unless dining in Gayin's favorite French Laundry), mkay?
49   Patrick   2022 Mar 15, 7:53pm  


The cashless life won't be worth living
While we're all over-focused on "Ukraine," our overlords are moving quietly, and swiftly, to take ALL cash away, in favor of a global social credit system. We can't let them get away with it. ...

One way to start fighting this development is to go back to using cash instead of cards as much as possible—starting with #CashFriday, as urged by Catherine Austin Fitts. This means that, every Friday, we use only cash to buy what we may need: https://home.solari.com/cash-friday/.

Think about what this development portends: No cash will mean no autonomy, as every purchase that you’ll want to make must be approved on high—approval that will be contingent on your social credit score.

50   Patrick   2022 Mar 16, 7:51pm  


In the “brave new world” scenario speculated on by the World Economic Forum (WEF), people could soon enough – by 2030 – “own nothing and be happy.”

Well, perhaps not so fast, because the issue of ownership and questions around it – over anything from computer games, to health choices – are getting ever more relevant, rather than fading into obscurity.

One indicator that may or may not fit into that is the curious fact that CDs are making something of a comeback after it seemed they were virtually dead and buried with the music and movie industry shifting resolutely to streaming, and the consumers embracing that shift.

Streaming certainly remains far superior in terms of adoption and revenue over any sales and use of physical media, thanks to costs and, above all, convenience – but there may come a time when streaming will hit a plateau, in a world where trust is in ever-higher demand and shorter supply. For some – not many, but many more than in previous years – having their music in their physical possession instead of at the mercy of streaming services is clearly a better proposition.

Very much like the case with money. Having it in your physical possession is clearly a better proposition than letting your access to it go away at the whim of a bank or the government.
51   Onvacation   2022 Mar 16, 8:56pm  

Patrick says
The cashless life won't be worth living

There will NEVER be a time when you can't get a couple tacos with a roll of nickels.
52   komputodo   2022 Mar 16, 9:15pm  

2. lesson of the day...Quit going to restaurants and find something else to do with your time instead of eating and shopping.
53   Patrick   2022 Mar 16, 9:45pm  

I agree, I don't enjoy restaurants much anymore, especially after so many of them proved to be willing accomplices to the Wuhan Virus lockdowns and masking, which accomplished nothing but harm.
54   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Mar 16, 10:31pm  

Since I've been working from home we only eat twice a day. With the changes we've made to eat healthier, most restaurants have lost their appeal. We get a weekly produce delivery from local farmers we struggle to consume, plus meat from a another farmer. There aren't enough good restaurants, they're too far away as we live in the country, and we have our own food to keep up on for the few meals we consume.

Honestly, my biggest motivation to eat out is supporting small business.
55   Shaman   2022 Mar 17, 4:47am  

komputodo says
2. lesson of the day...Quit going to restaurants and find something else to do with your time instead of eating and shopping.

That’s a very easy thing for men to commit to. Women though…
56   Patrick   2022 Mar 18, 10:30am  


Cash is no longer accepted at Walmart on Saturdays, slowly the "cashless" society is being normalized...

Another conspiracy theory coming true.
57   Onvacation   2022 Mar 18, 10:53am  

Don't go to Walmart.
58   Patrick   2022 Jun 2, 9:10am  



Imagine a world without cash?

A cashless society…

I know it’s hard, but I would recommend to strictly use cash only. Stop swiping your bank cards…

Has video from Catherine Austin Fitts
59   Patrick   2022 Jul 1, 8:10pm  


Stop Digital Dictators with #CashFriday and #CashEveryDay
When we use a credit card, we feed the beastly plan to cancel cash and control us with Central Bank Digital Currency. Instead, use cash, the slingshot capable of downing the globalist Goliath.

My palms were sweating two weeks ago when I took possession of several hundred dollars and put them into my wallet and into my purse, determined to make perhaps the most important political statement of our time. Later in the day, I still felt a little out of practice when the bill at the veterinarians office came to $82.

I pulled four twenty-dollar bills and two one-dollar bills out of my wallet and paid up entirely in good old American cash. It felt much more real and more serious handing over that cash than when I pulled out a shiny plastic credit card to have the bill charged.

It also felt good to make a financial and political statement, “You can’t control me!” that will bring down the walls of globalism if enough of us do it.

It’s time to join us in the CashFriday and CashEveryDay movement, a brilliantly simple crusade to stop the globalists’ plan to create a global digital currency with Chinese Communist Party-style surveillance and control imposed on everyone by governments and oligarchs.
60   1337irr   2022 Jul 1, 8:29pm  

I would argue this is mostly pointless unless you are willing to start your own country to make another currency or run for office.
61   Patrick   2022 Jul 1, 8:31pm  

Using cash definitely reduces the ability of the global oligarchs to track everyone, so it seems worthwhile to me.
63   1337irr   2022 Jul 14, 4:47am  

Alright, I'll start paying my mortgage in pennies :)
64   WookieMan   2022 Jul 14, 5:28am  

CC's are cash if you're paying them off monthly essentially and they can pay you back bigly. Plus fraud protection. Haven't paid for a flight in almost 5 years now. I've probably done 30 trips, most with a family of 5. Also no international fees and exchange rate bullshit foreigners play with travelers on purchases if you have the right card. Though we still bring cash traveling.

I understand privacy concerns, but you just flew to Europe Patrick. Passport. You're already being tracked in so many ways. I presume you drive and register a car? Tracked. Not sure if Amber alerts are national, but almost all of those kidnappings get solved in 24-48 hours. Tracking. Those cameras in cities and big suburbs at intersections. Tracking. Hell, running this website allows you to be tracked. It's impossible to not be tracked in some way, shape, or form. 100% I tracked people down for real estate leads for my boss and it's easy as can be.

I don't like the tip added thing though. I've always thought that was bullshit. I get there are cheap people out there, but servers and bartenders could always get a different career. Also some cultures don't believe in tipping.

My wife served and bartended in our college years. It can be lucrative, but also a thankless industry. Blacks are hands down the worst tippers. They'd flock in on Tuesdays for wing night and tip 25¢ for a $20 order. Just leave a quarter on the table. Hell it may have been on accident most the time. Very needy too. It sounds racist, but it's not and is true almost everywhere we go and talk to servers.

Also, on comment 62, Canadians are great people. They're also morons. The only reason they're not a 2nd or 3 world country is because we're neighbors. Most of Canada is basically shitty Russia and frozen 10 months of the year.
65   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Jul 14, 7:21am  

yeah ran into that before in CA once, when didn’t have a card. some weird post covid shit where touching money kills grandma was the reason. but after asking manager they took cash.
66   1337irr   2022 Jul 14, 8:55am  

WookieMan says

CC's are cash if you're paying them off monthly essentially and they can pay you back bigly. Plus fraud protection. Haven't paid for a flight in almost 5 years now. I've probably done 30 trips, most with a family of 5. Also no international fees and exchange rate bullshit foreigners play with travelers on purchases if you have the right card. Though we still bring cash traveling.

I understand privacy concerns, but you just flew to Europe Patrick. Passport. You're already being tracked in so many ways. I presume you drive and register a car? Tracked. Not sure if Amber alerts are national, but almost all of those kidnappings get solved in 24-48 hours. Tracking. Those cameras in cities and big suburbs at intersections. Tracking. Hell, running this website allows you to be tracked. It's impossible to not be tracked in some way, shape, or form. 100% I tracked people down for real estate leads for my boss and it's easy as can be.

I don't like the tip added th...

I remember foreigner tourists being the worst because some countries don't do tipping.
67   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jul 14, 9:11am  

1337irr says

I would argue this is mostly pointless unless you are willing to start your own country to make another currency or run for office.

It's not best as Federal Reserve notes do still have tracking capability, and are still worthless paper, but it's way better than giving away your privacy every time you make a purchase.

It's about privacy, and privacy is about freedom.
68   WookieMan   2022 Jul 14, 12:27pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

yeah ran into that before in CA once, when didn’t have a card. some weird post covid shit where touching money kills grandma was the reason. but after asking manager they took cash.

With regards to covid there's no difference between a card and cash. You have to touch something either way. That would make no sense. They should wipe down the CC machine anyway a couple times a day. Coins are the grossest. It's a top 3 reason I don't use cash often. I'd guess I've lost close to a grand in coins falling out of the pocket or wherever. Cash is gross too. I've swamp assed thousands of dollars.
69   WookieMan   2022 Jul 14, 12:35pm  

1337irr says

I remember foreigner tourists being the worst because some countries don't do tipping.

The British don't tip. Tourist areas in Mexico are weird. The Mexicans will always be polite, but they expect tipping. Once you get flagged as a non-tipper your service slows to a crawl and they take care of the people that tip. This is for an all inclusive scenario. If you tip enough I wouldn't be surprised if they meet you in the bathrooms and wipe your ass.

Had a broken heel when we went to Mexico. Tipped the chick at check in $5 at the club bar. Next morning I stop in for mimosas and she brings them back to the room for me. Tipped her $10 as it wasn't necessary. She'd then see me walk by and just bring a mimosa to me every morning.

Have only been to about half the Caribbean islands (countries), but tipping there doesn't move the service. They're just lazy, but nice people. Island time mon. Tipping deserves its own thread at some point. Interest to hear Patrick's situation over there going out and stuff.
70   theoakman   2022 Jul 14, 12:57pm  

I tip at the takeout joints I frequent and make small talk with the employees. I get fantastic service there. Can't stand the prompt to add a tip at the credit card scanners now though.
71   stereotomy   2022 Jul 14, 1:13pm  

theoakman says

I tip at the takeout joints I frequent and make small talk with the employees. I get fantastic service there. Can't stand the prompt to add a tip at the credit card scanners now though.

This. If I tip, it's cash only. That gives maximum discretion to the tipee - whether to share or not. I remember bar gigs where, at the end of the night, all the servers pooled their cash on the floor to count and apportion. Some places do this, others don't - I leave it up to the tipee.
72   Onvacation   2022 Jul 14, 1:26pm  

WookieMan says

I've swamp assed thousands of dollars.

73   stereotomy   2022 Jul 14, 1:49pm  

Onvacation says

WookieMan says

I've swamp assed thousands of dollars.


Get rid of the poly/mesh wallets. Leather keeps bills crisper and more free from one's taint.
74   WookieMan   2022 Jul 14, 2:34pm  

theoakman says

I tip at the takeout joints I frequent and make small talk with the employees. I get fantastic service there. Can't stand the prompt to add a tip at the credit card scanners now though.

As a golfer it's weird. They turn around and grab a foil wrapped hot dog and beer at the turn and you're expected to tip. It took literally 10 seconds to perform the task. That's a weird one for me. But I'm generally a good tipper at a sit down place. It's the weird things where I get confused and could come across as an ass. Dog groomer for example. Massage. There are a bunch of industries where I don't understand the protocol and what they expect. I don't tip my HVAC guy or painter. I mean I might buy them lunch if I'm around or something.
75   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jul 14, 3:55pm  

The San Diego fair was purported to have a "no cash" policy this year. For parking and tickets we had to use card, but everyone else took cash. Other than some restaurants mid-scamdemic, I think that whole no-cash thing is just virtue signaling, because no one is willing to lose a sail over it.
76   HeadSet   2022 Jul 14, 6:57pm  

WookieMan says

I don't tip my HVAC guy or painter. I mean I might buy them lunch if I'm around or something.

Ditto. And if the crew is Mexican, I bring a cooler full of every Fanta flavor available. By the way, "Mexican" does not mean illegal. I always check for license and insurance, plus Union when available.
77   Patrick   2022 Aug 2, 12:14pm  


August 1, 2022
Israel begins its war on cash
Fears of a digital-only future grow.

Starting August 1, Israelis will not be able to make cash and bank check payments above 6,000 Shekels. According to the country’s Tax Authority, the law is meant to combat tax non-compliance, organized crime, and money laundering.

“We want the public to reduce the use of cash money,” said Tamar Bracha of Israel’s Tax Authority, speaking to The Media Line. “The goal is to reduce cash fluidity in the market, mainly because crime organizations tend to rely on cash. By limiting the use of it, criminal activity is much harder to carry out.”

It also makes it much harder to donate to people and groups which are opposed to authoritarianism. Tracking and suppressing legitimate dissent is the sole true reason for this crackdown on cash.
78   WookieMan   2022 Aug 2, 5:10pm  

NuttBoxer says

The San Diego fair was purported to have a "no cash" policy this year. For parking and tickets we had to use card, but everyone else took cash. Other than some restaurants mid-scamdemic, I think that whole no-cash thing is just virtue signaling, because no one is willing to lose a sail over it.

Cash is a bitch to deal with in a fair like setting. Especially urban. People fumbling around with it and then the threat of thieves for the people taking it. I'm a fan of using my phone. Problem is 50% of the population is geezers and would slow the process down.

As discussed I give zero shit about my privacy. I recently had my Amex hacked/charged fraudulently and it was gone in 24 hours. Happened again and it's gone again. If someone defrauds me in person with cash I have almost no recourse and the money is gone. I get the perspective of people wanting to use cash, but I get paid to use credit. Pay it off in the grace period and you get tax free money with points. I spend 5 minutes a month and probably get back $7-10k/yr. Maybe more. Not a bad ROI time wise.
79   richwicks   2022 Aug 2, 6:31pm  

WookieMan says

As discussed I give zero shit about my privacy. I recently had my Amex hacked/charged fraudulently and it was gone in 24 hours. Happened again and it's gone again. If someone defrauds me in person with cash I have almost no recourse and the money is gone. I get the perspective of people wanting to use cash, but I get paid to use credit.

You're either a fish that is taking the bait to inadvertently drag the whole school of fish with them, or you're a judas goat leading the rest of the flock to slaughter.

People who sing the virtues of credit drive me crazy. You're slow as shit in a checking line. 90% of you don't even think to bring out the credit card until the entire load is rung up, then you fumble around to get your credit card, then you have to enter the PIN number, then the transaction has to go through a massive, and SLOW database to approve the purchase.

I had them a $100 bill, and I'm done and I have my cash out usually before my first item is rung up, and always before my last.

Credit cards are NOT more convenient, you're just bribed a tiny fucking amount to use them.
80   WookieMan   2022 Aug 2, 7:41pm  

richwicks says

You're slow as shit in a checking line.

I'm the fastest by a long shot. Terrible point. Like the worst I've heard from you if I'm being honest. My card is swiped before the cashier could even start handling cash and boom, "do you need a receipt."

I believe we've talked about this before or NuttB. You're pointing out the morons. There are more of them using cash slowing up the line, counting change and shit like that. I also think living in CA has a factor in it. There's an island time, hippy vibe out there. If we were to have the same items, you pay cash in one line and I pay CC in another, I'll beat you out of the store 10 out of 10 times and get paid for it. There's no argument or discussion to be had.

Don't hate the game, hate the player. I know that's backwards, but the player is the dip shit fumbling around with a card AND cash/change. I'll take my tax free money for stuff I needed to buy anyway. And don't use credit if you don't want to, as many don't have the responsibility to pay it off monthly. Saying cash is faster or better is not logical. Also gives me cheaper interests rates on home loans and business opportunities as I've built my credit way up.

You're also getting nothing on your cash if it's sitting in your wallet. That's undeniable as well. And debit cards are even worse. Once you're high 7 up to 8 figures of wealth, fine, have some safes with cash laying around. That's a good idea. Otherwise put it on a CC and get paid for it. You cash guys are just subsidizing us CC guys. We don't pay a different price....
81   richwicks   2022 Aug 2, 8:24pm  

WookieMan says

You're also getting nothing on your cash if it's sitting in your wallet. That's undeniable as well.

I won't abandon my society and make innocent people suspects by getting a few hundred dollars back on a credit card.

I don't even use a traceable number for purchases at a store for a "loyalty" card. I don't know how many people have that card, maybe 100's, maybe 1000's.

You do not appreciate what is done with your information. If you did, you'd fucking freak.

Think Alexa is a friendly helpful little toy? It's a spy device, it operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As people invite them in, I point out "that's going to be a telescreen in time", they think I'm joking. You're selling out the future of the planet for a couple of pennies.

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