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The San Diego fair was purported to have a "no cash" policy this year. For parking and tickets we had to use card, but everyone else took cash. Other than some restaurants mid-scamdemic, I think that whole no-cash thing is just virtue signaling, because no one is willing to lose a sail over it.
As discussed I give zero shit about my privacy. I recently had my Amex hacked/charged fraudulently and it was gone in 24 hours. Happened again and it's gone again. If someone defrauds me in person with cash I have almost no recourse and the money is gone. I get the perspective of people wanting to use cash, but I get paid to use credit.
You're slow as shit in a checking line.
You're also getting nothing on your cash if it's sitting in your wallet. That's undeniable as well.
I won't abandon my society and make innocent people suspects by getting a few hundred dollars back on a credit card.
I get $7-10k worth of tax free value annually in points
With regard to the data, I don't care about the data. We are past the point of no return.
Data has been collected on you since you were born. Lots of it.
I don't do anything illegal.
I think you've been lead to believe that our government is the big bad wolf and you cry wolf in public.
The War on Cash is the onramp to CBDC which will be Total Control, an on/off switch for your life.
We are very close now and they will use any and all future 'catastrophes' to further their goals. UBI will be the bribe to get all the plebes on board.
Technically you cash guys are subsidizing my points
You are still pretending we don't have a dual justice system. There it is, right in front of you. Where's your outrage? I'm tired of this shit. Do you believe in the rule of law? Well, nobody fucking does apparently. I'm in the tiny tiny fucking minority. I do. Not that my corrupt criminal government will enforce it.
WookieMan says
Technically you cash guys are subsidizing my points
Actually, it's the poor fools that don't pay off their balance every month with an usurious interest rate that pays for your "points". You get 5% cashback and the fool pays 22% interest. Credit companies call us people that pay off our balance monthly "deadbeats".
Having said that I collect about $500/year from my Costco credit card rewards.
We ALL are way too far down the rabbit hole to think we have privacy no matter how hard we try.
Cash is a bitch to deal with in a fair like setting. Especially urban. People fumbling around with it and then the threat of thieves for the people taking it.
As discussed I give zero shit about myprivacyfreedom. I recently had my Amex hacked/charged fraudulently and it was gone in 24 hours. Happened again and it's gone again. If someonedefraudsrobs me in person with cash I have almost no recourse and the money is gone. I get the perspective of people wanting to use cash, but I get paid to use credit. Pay it off in the grace period and you get tax free money with points. I spend 5 minutes a month and probably get back $7-10k/yr. Maybe more. Not a bad ROI time wise.
I'll beat you out of the store 10 out of 10 times and get paid for it.
Have to go to an ATM or your bank to get it. And your bank can cut you off as easily as a CC company could (usually a bank). So what's the difference?
We ALL are way too far down the rabbit hole to think we have privacy no matter how hard we try.
I often get discounts at places when I pay cash because it saves the business money. That's instant, in my hands that day.
This is the one and only reason to pay cash. They cheat on taxes when they get cash, so kickback is due. No cash discount - no cash.
Eric Holder says
This is the one and only reason to pay cash. They cheat on taxes when they get cash, so kickback is due. No cash discount - no cash.
And that's a bad thing? I do sometimes request a cash discount in lieu of using my credit card.
The War on Cash is the onramp to CBDC which will be Total Control, an on/off switch for your life.
We are very close now and they will use any and all future 'catastrophes' to further their goals. UBI will be the bribe to get all the plebes on board.
original link
And that's a bad thing? I do sometimes request a cash discount in lieu of using my credit card.
I'm that confident my privacy/freedom is well protected.
What do you do about government requests for address that do not accept PO boxes, like your driver's license?
This is well known by those of us who have lived in Tijuana, a UPS or Postal Annex box have the look of a physical address.
The game is already over. I've said it before, if you want to mess things up you need to cause confusion. Not try to hide. Put out as much BS information about yourself as you can.
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They have a window where you can order a beer while you are waiting. So I ordered a beer and they refused to take cash.
OK, I wanted the beer, so I paid with a credit card. Then the total had an extra $1.50 on it. I asked about that and was told that I added a tip. I specifically did not add a tip because I was pissed that they don't take cash.
I got the manager and made him remove the tip.
We are rapidly approaching the CCP utopia of complete tracking of all citizens at all times.
Lesson: call ahead and make sure a restaurant will take cash. If they will not, don't go there.