Always use cash from now on, not credit cards

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2021 Sep 4, 4:36pm   60,778 views  414 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  

Drove to a restaurant today with my wife and was first of all creeped out to find that they knew my name from my phone number, which I had to give to get on the wait list. They said they use a centralized database of many restaurants for that.

They have a window where you can order a beer while you are waiting. So I ordered a beer and they refused to take cash.

OK, I wanted the beer, so I paid with a credit card. Then the total had an extra $1.50 on it. I asked about that and was told that I added a tip. I specifically did not add a tip because I was pissed that they don't take cash.

I got the manager and made him remove the tip.

We are rapidly approaching the CCP utopia of complete tracking of all citizens at all times.

Lesson: call ahead and make sure a restaurant will take cash. If they will not, don't go there.

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188   SoTex   2022 Nov 9, 6:01am  

Hugh_Mongous says

So no toilet even for cash customers? Lame.

That's why I carry an empty pringles can everywhere I go!
189   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Nov 9, 7:11am  

I saw a similar sign when I went to pick up my meat CSA. One thing I'll say is, if you advocate for federal debt notes at your business, you should also have an open carry policy.
190   Eric Holder   2022 Nov 9, 9:59am  

NuttBoxer says

I saw a similar sign when I went to pick up my meat CSA. One thing I'll say is, if you advocate for federal debt notes at your business, you should also have an open carry policy.

One has to wonder if they would be similarly leaning towards cash if it was MORE expensive for them to take than card, not less (and did not provide obvious tax cheating avenues). Somehow I think they won't be as enthusiastic.
194   WookieMan   2022 Dec 5, 7:29pm  

Patrick says

Am I missing the joke? Who the hell uses a printer anymore? And even if you do it's generally not connected to the outside world/internet. It's a local network. I know I'm missing something here, enlighten me how HP could shut down a printer?
195   Patrick   2022 Dec 5, 7:35pm  


It's a networked printer used via a subscription over the internet. HP can totally shut off such printers remotely. People in Colorado also found that their "smart" thermostats were disabled to save energy, no matter what they themselves wanted.

"You'll own nothing and be happy" except you won't be too happy when you've figured out what they've done.
196   WookieMan   2022 Dec 5, 8:44pm  

Patrick says

It's a networked printer used via a subscription over the internet. HP can totally shut off such printers remotely.

Who is the flying fuck does that? Honestly you deserve to get it shut off. You're a common moron.

The thermostat thing is stupid as well. Go to HD and you can get a $10 model and connect 4 wires. You're retarded if you let tech control you. Use it to your advantage when you can, but don't ever rely on it.
197   RWSGFY   2022 Dec 5, 9:17pm  

WookieMan says

Patrick says

Am I missing the joke? Who the hell uses a printer anymore? And even if you do it's generally not connected to the outside world/internet. It's a local network. I know I'm missing something here, enlighten me how HP could shut down a printer?

HP printers are now run as a subscription service: you pay by the # of pages you plan to print per month and they send you ink cartridges as needed. So it has to be connected to the interwebs in order for mother ship to know when to send new cartridges and what size. The person who bitches abot HP shutting it off because of non-payment is not being honest - they subscribed to that shit so why act surprised all of a sudden?
198   Patrick   2022 Dec 5, 10:12pm  

WookieMan says

Use it to your advantage when you can, but don't ever rely on it.

Right, don't ever rely on credit cards either, same thing. Can be shut off the moment they know you are thinking the wrong thoughts.
199   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Dec 6, 10:18am  

WookieMan says

Am I missing the joke? Who the hell uses a printer anymore? And even if you do it's generally not connected to the outside world/internet. It's a local network. I know I'm missing something here, enlighten me how HP could shut down a printer?

I use one because no cell phone...

I intentionally have not done the wireless setup.
201   Patrick   2022 Dec 7, 12:55pm  

Good idea!
203   Patrick   2023 Jan 27, 11:40pm  


UK Treasury Is Looking for CBDC Head as It Explores Digital Pound

A new LinkedIn job posting from the U.K. Treasury is seeking a "Head of Central Bank Digital Currency."
"The successful candidate will be responsible for leadership of HM Treasury’s work on a potential digital pound – a U.K. central bank digital currency (CBDC)," reads the posting.
204   Misc   2023 Jan 28, 1:30am  

During the 2008 financial meltdown, it was reported that there was about $200 billion of drug money annually laundered through the US banking system.l Most of it was through Wachovia (taken over by Wells Fargo).

That dynamic has not changed. The flow is just so huge that it would be impossible for the Federal government not to know who is involved.

Sorry, but billions upon billions are not seized each year. The government doesn't care about these transactions, it is only concerned about controlling you and your transactions.
205   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jan 30, 10:21am  

That's because it's the government doing the laundering. CIA runs drugs, and deep state has been laundering since they invented a little front called NASA.
206   Patrick   2023 Feb 12, 8:44am  


In The Corbett Report video above, you can hear Agustín Carstens, executive director of the Bank for International Settlements, describe the chilling truth about CBDCs. Corbett describes the Bank for International Settlements, by the way, as the "central bank of central banks — the apex of the financial monetary pyramid, identified by Carroll Quigley in 'Tragedy and Hope' — and others as the capstone of the Pyramid of Power."4 Carstens says:5

"We don't know, for example, who is using a $100 bill today. We don't know who is using the 1,000-peso bill today. A key difference … with the CBDC is central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability. And also we will have the technology to enforce that." ...

"They want to replace fiat paper money with digital money as a competitor to Bitcoin and crypto money, right?

But instead of being decentralized currency, it will be controlled by a government … So instead of having a bank account with … HSBC or Bank of America, you'll have a bank account directly with — in the American context, with the Fed — in the UK, directly with the Bank of England. You have a personal bank account, and you're given digital money in that bank account.

… This money that you will earn from work, instead of having paper money, you have this digital money. It's programmable so that you can't buy certain foods, or if you do something that your employer doesn't like … you won't be able to spend your money. In other words, it's not money, they're vouchers.

They're like food vouchers. And they can be programmed. So that, like the Chinese social credit system, if you try and use them on a certain thing, it won't work. Say you want to buy a burger, and they want you to buy a box … if you start to try and buy unhealthy meat, it just won't work … you tap your card, you can't buy the thing, because you've met your quota that month, for burgers." ...

"Do you remember that parking ticket you forgot to pay last month? Well, your central bank issued CBDC, it remembers, and it will just subtract those funds plus a late payment fee from your account when you're not looking.

Got caught supporting the wrong fundraiser or the wrong political cause, like the freedom convoy in Canada? Don't worry. In a world of CBDC transactions, you wouldn't have even been allowed to donate to that cause in the first place because your wallet wouldn't let you."
207   Misc   2023 Feb 12, 11:08pm  

And yet the TBTF financial institutions just don't foresee that they will be nationalized.

--- It may just happen
208   Patrick   2023 Feb 12, 11:08pm  

That could be quite amusing, especially if all their shareholders get wiped out.
209   richwicks   2023 Feb 13, 5:20am  

Patrick says

"Do you remember that parking ticket you forgot to pay last month? Well, your central bank issued CBDC, it remembers, and it will just subtract those funds plus a late payment fee from your account when you're not looking.

Got caught supporting the wrong fundraiser or the wrong political cause, like the freedom convoy in Canada? Don't worry. In a world of CBDC transactions, you wouldn't have even been allowed to donate to that cause in the first place because your wallet wouldn't let you."

This is all a psy-op. It's clearly just a slavery system meant to waste people's time worrying about it. I would be driven to kill if this was imposed upon me, and I don't think I'm in the minority.

I don't believe in the what is said, I believe most of what we are told is total bullshit and is designed to waste our energy fighting it.
211   Eric Holder   2023 Mar 17, 2:44pm  

Patrick says

At least our GREAT CHRISTIAN LEADER is making a stand against all that WEF digital currency bullshit: https://tinyurl.com/2d4w2xht
212   Patrick   2023 Mar 17, 3:12pm  

Eric Holder says


Which is https://www.cbr.ru/eng/analytics/d_ok/dig_ruble/

Russians should stick to cash as well, preferably real silver coins, but paper is at least better than digital money for freedom and anonymity.
213   Eric Holder   2023 Mar 17, 6:31pm  

Patrick says

Eric Holder says


Which is https://www.cbr.ru/eng/analytics/d_ok/dig_ruble/

Russians should stick to cash as well, preferably real silver coins, but paper is at least better than digital money for freedom and anonymity.

LOL. You're talking about the country where they literally use face recognition software to pay for their subway rides. The weird picture of Soviets as government-defying, fiercely independent brave people you have in your had has nothing to do with reality. They are mostly little scared government's bitches, living in fear of their meager "privileges" taken away. The government share of the economy before the war was already over 70%. Now it's probably over 80%. And they have so-called "electronic voting" which is even worse than it sounds: it's not a Dominion-type machine at some voting place - it's a fucking website you vote on. Paper trail? What paper trail?

Most of the independent types have left either long ago or during the most recent pre-mobilisation wave of emigration.
214   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 17, 9:44pm  

You live in a country where a pedophile with deep ties to foreign, communist governments cheated his to way the presidency. Where it's been revealed multiple times over the past 50 years that pedophilia is practiced by government and Hollywood, and protected by law enforcement. Where they routinely execute our kids in state propaganda institutions to push an agenda to disarm us. Where a LOT of people lined up to take experimental drugs, and berated and beat people up for not wearing masks that actually make you sicker. Where it's ok to physically assault someone if they don't share your politics. Where we need shit maps in certain cities. Where they lock people up and torture them for touring the capital buildings. Where they read all our texts, emails, and record all our phone conversations, or just record whatever our phone mic picks up. They watch us from cameras, everywhere, force us to obtain ID's to travel freely, create random checkpoints in violation of the 4th Amendment, celebrate women's "right" to murder their child in the womb, or even after birth. Coerce kids into permanently mutilating their bodies. Allow perverts into women's dressing rooms. Have sex shows with minors in attendance, homework about anal sex, and promote racism and discrimination over competence. And when that doesn't work they ship us off to die in foreign countries for the MIC, or poison us by derailing trains, feeding us GMO's, spraying chemicals on our food, prescribing us pills that attack our immune system, and enslave us through central banks.

But yeah, keep up your moral superiority bullshit. Obviously we should focus all our attention on other countries, cuz we've got everything handled here at home...
215   Patrick   2023 Mar 18, 1:44pm  


The World Economic Forum (WEF) is hailing the opportunity presented by the global banking crisis to advance toward its goal of a “cashless society.”

Klaus Schwab’s WEF believes that the recent collapse of several large banks has created an ideal argument for “the end of cash.”

The WEF has teamed up with key banking elites to present plans for eradicating the traditional monetary system and replacing it with centralized digital cash. ...

As we’ve recently seen with governments censoring citizens on Big Tech platforms, CBDCs would give authorities a disturbing level of control of individuals’ lives.

The public’s spending habits could be tracked by the government and those who dissent could be easily penalized or even cut off. ...

In the meantime, cash, physical assets, and decentralized crypto remain the only way for people to preserve their privacy and have full control over their finances.
216   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 18, 3:37pm  

CDBC's are fucked, Nigeria's already proven they won't work or be accepted. These guys better be working on plan B - assume fake identities and pray we don't find them.
217   Patrick   2023 Mar 18, 6:25pm  

They will be found whether they pray or not.

To be rich means a torrent of money is flowing your way, and that is impossible to hide.
218   Misc   2023 Mar 19, 3:19am  

Patrick says

They will be found whether they pray or not.

To be rich means a torrent of money is flowing your way, and that is impossible to hide.

Funny in 2008 there was a study that about $200 billion per year in drug money was being funneled through the US financial system. That hasn't changes and in fact has probably gone up. The amount is large enough that there is no way it could be hidden from law enforcement. Hence, law enforcement is complicit in the endeavors.
219   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 19, 9:50am  

Yep, that's why they killed Gary Webb.
221   WookieMan   2023 Mar 30, 7:27am  

I’ll say it again. Cash is traceable. They will get rid of cash registers at some point. They’ll scan the cash and change comes out. Grocery stores already do this. There’s a unique number on all bills. Very few people go to a teller or inside. They use the ATM. Which again scans your cash.

You're already in a cashless society. Cash will always be there but you’re not untracked like you think you are.
222   Patrick   2023 Mar 30, 9:12am  

WookieMan says

Cash will always be there but you’re not untracked like you think you are.

There is a project to track the physical location of $1 bills:


But that's just someone's fun project.

CDBCs would give a central computer a real-time tracker of everything you spent every penny on, and the ability to block it if you're politically incorrect.
223   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 30, 1:26pm  

WookieMan says

I’ll say it again. Cash is traceable. They will get rid of cash registers at some point. They’ll scan the cash and change comes out. Grocery stores already do this. There’s a unique number on all bills. Very few people go to a teller or inside. They use the ATM. Which again scans your cash.

You're already in a cashless society. Cash will always be there but you’re not untracked like you think you are.

What's being talked about here is serial numbers on the bills. The only time I've ever heard of that being used is to track down culprits involved in large bank heists. Grocery stores don't scan the serial numbers, so that correlation is completely false. And I got to a teller for every withdrawal I make, and I always see people in the bank doing the same. In fact in the last few years I've noticed an increase in the number of people, and the amount of money withdrawn.

And to the point being made here, you seem to be completely unaware of the purpose or plan behind CDBC's, official or unofficial, you don't seem to know either.
224   WookieMan   2023 Mar 30, 7:10pm  

NuttBoxer says

Grocery stores don't scan the serial numbers, so that correlation is completely false.

Yes they do. So does the teller. All dollars are tracked. They're sequenced as they come in and out at most banks and credits unions and a piece of paper is linked to your withdrawal. Your checks are tracked. Your license plate is tracked. Your face is tracked. At minimum most databases have that dollar at the grocery store linked to you or at least that you were there.

It's called loss prevention. How do you think a company like Garda is entrusted picking up cash and not pocketing it? Or making sure it's not forfeit? Go try a fake dollar somewhere and let me know how that works and a vending machine or self checkout works. The bill is scanned and data collected. Your cash is still linked to a receipt. Cash is good for drug deals. Why do you think they launder it?? So it can't be traced back to them.

You have a passport I assume? You believe you have privacy. You don't. I told you before if you have a drivers license and a registered vehicle you are being tracked. I didn't even have to pull out my passport this morning after a cruise. I don't think anyone here truly realizes the tracking going on, yet the topic always comes up and everyone just says I'm wrong. Doesn't move me because I know the sources personally of my information and my own experiences in life. Cash ain't gonna save you or privacy if shit hits the fan or we go communist. Water, guns and food will.

I think you have trust issues and not privacy. Did speaker of the house Denny Hastert get away with diddling kids as a coach? No. His bank ratted him out. Cash didn't work for the 3rd highest ranking government official (after being in office). It was tracked. Denny was still giving him the cash and the victim wasn't complaining or reporting to the Feds. How did the Feds find out with cash transactions? He was my House rep for a while when I was younger. I know the story. My dad knew him. CDBC's already exist, you just don't know it. Every dollar printed is data.

I just don't think you understand that the Titanic is already at the bottom of the Ocean and you're looking for a life vest 1000' below. Cash will never go away. We still have pennies for fucks sake, the most useless coin. My point is cash is trackable. If you're worried about your cash being traced, you're almost certainly doing illegal things. You should push coins. Pay in quarters, half dollars, etc.

I don't care about digital currency. Central bank or Bitcoin produced whatever. Look how that's worked out with FTX and many other crypto shit. Government doesn't want digital currency. Other people want to make you scared it's going to happen for clicks or they're people doing illegal activities. I'll continue to buy products for the same price you do and make 3-6% on my money. Ahhhhh. That guy had 10 beers on a cruise ship. Arrest him. Not happening.

We have these things called guns. And if enough people get pissed off there's nothing they can do. I'd buy as much ammo as you can on a CC, get the points and enjoy life. Plus if you don't pay it who cares? We did 100+ short sales during the bust. Nothing needs to be paid back...
225   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 31, 8:04am  

If you can provide a single link that proves grocery stores scan serial numbers, I'll donate the rest of my patnet coin to you.

Personally I stopped using self-checkouts a year ago. I want to interact with real people, and I don't want to give jobs to machines. Not even going to read the rest since you started with something so blatantly opinionated, and never provide evidence despite the fact that I've proven you wrong many times on privacy, not because it's what I think, but because it's how I live.

I live this stuff in real life, I don't just philosophize about it from behind a screen. And I read books about it, I don't just make shit up in my head.
226   richwicks   2023 Mar 31, 9:06am  

WookieMan says

I’ll say it again. Cash is traceable. They will get rid of cash registers at some point. They’ll scan the cash and change comes out. Grocery stores already do this. There’s a unique number on all bills.

This isn't quite true. When I go to the store, I go to a teller quite often. The teller takes my money, and give me change, the serial numbers are not tracked.

It would be possible to this, but it's far more complicated than just tracking your credit card.
227   1337irr   2023 Mar 31, 9:27am  

We need to start patrick.net-stan!

I might dedicate .22 acres towards patrick.net-stan in Texas near I-35 :).

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