If you think you might have to go to a hospital in the near future, have a lawyer draw up your treatment plan, and find an MD whole will sign off on it. Otherwise they might kill you...
They might kill you, anyway. Apparently, hospitals are snuff factories now and they won't contradict the Rockefeller/Gatesian death mandates for fear of losing money, licensing etc. There are many instances of people making out living wills saying they don't want intubation, want alternative treatments i.e. ivermectin/quinine, and the hospitals are more afraid of the monsters above them than the peasants below them, and will force intubations, respirators, and toxic protocols IN SPITE OF.
Not surprising. Everything has been geared to increase case, hospital, and death counts in order to stoke the fires of fear.
Bogus PCR tests. Fake news reports of overflowing hospitals. Packing known covid-infected patients into care homes. Not allowing any early treatment whatsoever (come back when your lips are blue). Classifying any hospital patient (even when there for other reasons) who tests positive for covid as "having covid", then counting towards covid-hospitalized. Classifying anyone who dies within ~30d of testing positive as a "covid related death", even if they fell off a ladder, were in a car accident, or were shot to death. Testing asymptomatic people which hikes the false positive rate. Permitting only expensive, ineffective treatments (ventilators, remsdesivir) once patients wind up in the hospital due to denial of early/preventative treatments.
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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