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A Pfizer ad on Twitter claims that 3 out of 4 US adults are at “high risk” for severe Covid-19.
This ad is highly misleading or, arguably, outright false.
Conveniently, immuno-inflammatory diseases are side effects of Pfizer’s Covid jabs.
The company can capitalize on the treatment of those compounded health issues created in the vascular systems of millions of people around the world.
A medication called Etrasimod, which treats inflammatory conditions, is at the epicenter of Pfizer’s acquisition of Arena Pharmaceuticals.
A side effect of Pfizer’s Covid shot is spike protein syndrome, which causes chronic inflammation.
Some vaccine companies renamed their Quality Control (QC) department into Quality 'Compromise' department......
I am sure many of you watched the recent expert hearing on DNA contamination of mRNA vaccines organized by the WCH: Urgent Expert Hearing on Reports of DNA Contamination in mRNA Vaccines (worldcouncilforhealth.org)
I once worked at a well-known vaccine company as a senior manager in quality control. In fact, that's how I began my career in the vaccine industry. And so, ‘yes’, I was rooted to the spot when I heard about the sloppy work of Pfizer. According to all standards, they have now unquestionably turned the stuff they're marketing for human injection into something that entirely disqualifies as 'vaccines’.
All I can say is that all of this IS completely unprecedented and WAS entirely unthinkable of in what now seems to have been the ‘good old days’ of the modern vaccine industry.
Pfizer is known to have a highly dubious background. I got to know them quite well shortly before the Covid-19 crisis started as I had been working for about a full year to prepare a cross-examination on their behalf at the High Court in London. They are newcomers to the vaccine arena and making dirt of their own nest. They have consistently attempted to compensate for their lack of professional vaccine expertise through cheating and mala fide practices. The process of emergency use authorization has widely opened the door to their malicious and deceitful way of doing business and making significant profits.
In the past, Pfizer incurred substantial expenses due to multiple lost lawsuit cases and litigations. Here, they have ‘successfully’ taken advantage of the lack of vigilance and the corruption of regulatory bodies, which have been pressured by the WHO, to dominate the market, even though doing so required them to violate all the well-established rules of quality control (QC) and the guidelines on vaccine characterization, including those related to impurities in the vaccine formulation. ...
There's no doubt that Pfizer’s willful negligence will result in a significant blow to the company on all fronts and ruin them financially. No entity is likely to support this kind of disgusting practice.
The stock market may be waking up to the possibility that Pfizer may go bankrupt due to the upcoming Covid vaccine claims. Many parallels can be drawn between the corporate behaviors of Pfizer and Purdue Pharma, another pharmaceutical concern that dishonestly and aggressively marketed harmful products. Purdue Pharma went bankrupt due to the greed and depravity of its leaders, as their “legal protections” evaporated. The same may happen to Pfizer. ...
Pfizer may also be the perfect player to throw under the bus to save other Covid pandemic players.
Pfizer, however, does not have enough money to compensate every victim fairly.
Are Google and Facebook also Liable?
A year ago, I wrote a post explaining that Google and Facebook can also be liable to Covid vaccine victims because they intentionally conspired to hide the dangers of COVID vaccines from the public.
These internet giants, which profited mightily from the pandemic, are bigger fish than Pfizer: each victim could receive up to $15,000 in value if Google and Facebook are found liable.
Purdue Pharma owners thought, for years, that they could hide wrongdoing and avoid liability due to corporate shields. However, when malfeasance was discovered and the victims could no longer be hidden, legal theories caught up with them. The claims bankrupted that company and cost their owners, the Sacklers, billions.
Hopefully, the same will eventually happen to Pfizer, Google, and Facebook, the three companies most instrumental in what happened during the last three years.
I realize it is a long shot, but I have hope for a measure of eventual justice. My hope is supported by the realization that monetary compensation may incentivize broad groups of people to ask for legal redress.
The stock market, it seems, sees the same thing now, with the Pfizer stock declining relentlessly.
Health Canada Confirms Undisclosed Presence of DNA Sequence in Pfizer Shot
"Health Canada has confirmed the presence of a Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA sequence in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, which the manufacturer had not previously disclosed. ...
Mr. McKernan said while the full 5kb SV40 virus was present in the polio vaccines, the presence of SV40 promoters was still concerning due to the risk of them integrating into the human genomes near oncogenes, which are genes that have the potential to cause cancer...
Dr. Lindsay questioned why Pfizer failed to disclose the SV40 promoter to regulators like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the European Medicines Agency, and Health Canada.
"They hid them. So it's not just the fact that they're there, it's the fact that they were purposefully hidden from the regulators," she said.
Pfizer did not respond to The Epoch Times' request for comment."
What does this all mean? Have we won? Justice finally here? Bad bad Pfizer who lied and bought politicians is finally going to jail and we can get out of the “toxic quagmire of blame and retribution” and move on with our lives voting harder for the political candidates and sending money to Ukraine, Israel and WHO?
A much better explanation of what is ongoing IMO is this:
As part of “covid live military exercise” it was always planned that when deaths and injuries become so undeniable, that 98%+ Americans refuse the boosters (and technically become anti-vaxxers), and the truth about DOD deploying bioweapons on Americans with intent to kill and harm becomes sort of known, Pfizer will be “prosecuted” with much great publicity (to drown out the truth). Just like all previous “prosecutions”, there will be some sort of government investigation, millions spent on lawyers (gov and Pfizer), billions-trillions-gazzillions paid in fines TO THE GOVERNMENT, and maybe a few bucks will go to the victims, but don’t hold your breath. Pfizer will probably declare bankruptcy which will protect its shareholders. Criminals investigating themselves, when find themselves guilty, pay themselves. The end.
Criminals investigating themselves, when find themselves guilty, pay themselves. The end.
Also you would need informants or insiders that are credible who provide and explain this evidence.
The negative sum economy
A proper market economy should be a “positive-sum game” — through trade we both end up better off than we were before.
Economists also talk about “zero-sum games” where one person’s gain is another person’s loss so the net benefit to society is zero.
We live in a “negative-sum economy.” Every $1 of profit that Pharma makes, costs the American public $10 to $100 in harms. It’s the opposite of the multiplier effect. It was not always this way. But it’s here now and it’s the reason why the U.S. economy is going down the drain.
We live in a “negative-sum economy.” Every $1 of profit that Pharma makes, costs the American public $10 to $100 in harms.
Pfizer Sues Poland, Demanding Money for Undelivered and Unwanted COVID Vaccines.
I think that Poland should SUE PFIZER
After achieving a modest 57% COVID vaccination rate and seeing the vaccines not live up to the promise, Poles refused additional Pfizer COVID vaccine doses around April 2022.
"At the end of last week, we used the force majeure clause and informed both the European Commission and the main vaccine producer that we are refusing to take these vaccines at the moment and we are also refusing to pay," health minister Adam Niedzielski told private broadcaster TVN24.
"Indeed, the consequence of this will be a legal conflict, which is already taking place," he said.
Poland cannot directly terminate the contract for the supply of vaccines as the parties to the contracts are the European Commission and manufacturers, he said.
The value of the contract for vaccine supplies to Poland up to the end of 2023 with one producer alone was worth over 6 billion zlotys ($1.4 billion), with over 2 billion zlotys of that for supply in 2022.
Pfizer said its agreement over the supply of its COVID-19 vaccine to European Union member states was with the EU Commission.
"Our discussions with Governments and the details of vaccine deliveries are confidential," it added.
Somehow, Poland is a party to the EU/Pfizer contract that was kept confidential from the country but still obligates it to pay.
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla and EU’s Ursula von der Leyen negotiated the contract in secret. (see picture below)
Anyway, now in 2023, Pfizer filed a suit, suing Poland for the monies due under the contract that was confidential and unavailable for Poland to even look at.
How a party can be obligated to pay under a contract that could not ever be assented to due to secrecy is a mystery to me, but I guess the legal minds in Europe see it differently.
Pfizer is suing in Brussels because Polish courts cannot see the contract and are unlikely to be very receptive to enforcing a contract that the court cannot review.
According to Polish newspaper Gazeta Prawa, Pfizer brought the civil case before a Brussels court because the doses were purchased through EU joint procurement contracts, drawn up under Belgian law.
Can Poland, perhaps, bring forth some novel defenses?
Infertility in Poland
Perhaps Poland can ask Pfizer to comment on the dramatic fall in fertility that Poland is experiencing.
Polish COVID Vaccine Victims
Poland may ask its local courts to make Pfizer compensate Polish COVID vaccine victims. (fortunately, there are fewer of them compared to the vax-crazy countries).
Pictures of some of the Polish victims of Covid vaccines, beautiful healthy humans who never needed the “vaccine” and yet died from it, are displayed by their bereaved relatives:
Can Pfizer explain, for example, why Sweden’s deaths continued to go up as the country was vaccinated, while Poland’s deaths went down after Poland refused COVID vaccines?
💉 Politico EU ran a story yesterday headlined, “Pfizer is suing Poland over vaccines. This is how we got here.” The sub-headline explained, “The court case is the latest fallout from Ursula von der Leyen’s massive COVID-19 vaccine contract.” I would represent Attila the Hun long before I’d ever consider representing Pfizer, but if I did, I would tell the pharma giant it is making a huge mistake.
Pfizer claims Poland refuses to pay for sixty million doses of Pfizer’s defective mRNA genetic shot. Poland says it doesn’t need them, never wanted them, and isn’t paying for them. But since Poland is in the European Union, it is legally bound to a jab contract signed by the EU’s president in Brussels. You’re welcome, Polish people.
In April 2022, Poland’s Health Minister announced the country was not taking delivery of any more covid vaccines. Poland invoked a force majeure (“Acts of God”) clause in the contract, citing economic disruption caused by Ukraine war refugees (war), and that evolving variants caused less need for vaccines (disease).
Then once they saw Poland getting away with it, other EU countries started complaining too.
To respond to the complaints, earlier this year in May the EU and Pfizer quietly announced a “substantial renegotiation” of the oversized original deal. The new agreement reduced the number of doses required to be purchased — by some unspecified amount — and stretched out the delivery and payment dates into 2026.
If only four percent of eligible adults took this year’s booster, who’ll want covid jabs in 2026?
Anyway, Poland smartly refused to sign the revised deal. So Pfizer intends to hold it to the original deal. But Poland will probably win this fight. Pfizer has a lot to lose if certain information obtained in discovery were somehow to be leaked. And if I were Poland’s lawyer, I would suggest responding to the lawsuit by arguing not only force majeure, but also that Pfizer fraudulently deceived Poland into the deal in the first place, by falsely representing that its crappy, defective product was safe and effective.
If Poland does it right, Pfizer is going to regret picking this fight.
L'etat, c'est Pfizer
After making tens of billions of dollars on its mRNA jab, the drug giant is happy to sue Poland and demand even MORE money; but its chairman feels different about lawsuits when he's the defendant. ...
The defendants want a short discovery schedule, because a quick clock is easier to run out with objections before they answer our questions. They’ve tried other big-firm defense tactics too. I don’t like what they’re doing, but I don’t take it personally.
However, the defendants - at least the two Pfizer defendants, senior board member and former Food and Drug Administration commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb and chairman Dr. Albert Bourla, DVM - are taking this case very personally indeed. ...
Bourla and Gottlieb very much hope to make the case about me. They opened their most recent filing by referring to “the conspiracy theories that have propelled [Berenson] to prominence online.”
Yep, those gosh-dang conspiracy theories.
You know, like this tweet from July 29, 2021, which led to my fourth strike from Twitter - and did nothing but correctly report the six-month results of Pfizer’s own pivotal clinical trial for its mRNA Covid jab.
The greater truth was that East India Company was the world’s largest drug cartel. Growing opium in India and shipping it to China. Empire was the original Drug Cartel, they have never let go of that business, they just found ways to legalize it, make Government’s dependent on it while making people worship it all over the world. It’s called Healthcare, Medicine and Pharma today.
Pfizer's stock price is at 1998 levels.
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A First Order Analysis says "Ha,ha - foolish Conspiracy Theorist, perhaps this is not the boon to Pfizer you think it is! They are just making modest amounts on the vaccine because the good people at Pfizer just have your good health in mind"
They didn't do the Second or Third Order Analysis.
Almost 400M COVID "Vaccine" doses have been administered, according to CDC. A large percentage of that is by Pfizer.
Why HASNT the Smart Money plowed into this stock and sent it's price skyrocketing?