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2021 Sep 12, 1:07am   38,815 views  246 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

So, making so much money on this vaccine, with the government backing the cost for multiple doses to almost a billion, maybe much more, people worldwide now and in the immediate future, how come this stock hasn't doubled or tripled in price?

A First Order Analysis says "Ha,ha - foolish Conspiracy Theorist, perhaps this is not the boon to Pfizer you think it is! They are just making modest amounts on the vaccine because the good people at Pfizer just have your good health in mind"

They didn't do the Second or Third Order Analysis.

Almost 400M COVID "Vaccine" doses have been administered, according to CDC. A large percentage of that is by Pfizer.

Why HASNT the Smart Money plowed into this stock and sent it's price skyrocketing?

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202   HeadSet   2024 May 12, 11:23am  

Patrick says

Criminal Charges Can Be Brought Against Pfizer’s Board and Executives

That will happen right after Hunter gets convicted and RichWicks buys a TV.
210   Patrick   2024 Jun 1, 9:09pm  


💉💉 First up, for comic relief, behold the latest news on the Pfizer cancer shot. Yesterday’s over-enthusiastic headline from Futurism Magazine broadcast:

No thanks! I would rather inject myself with bleach. Into my eyeball. With a bent needle I found on the sidewalk in downtown San Fransisco.

So much to mock, so little time. The cowardly jab maniacs at Pfizer are conducting their mRNA trials in unaware England — which mostly missed out on the bizarre mRNA bonanza, since for most of the early years the English used a mad formula cooked up in Great Britain and now recalled.
211   HeadSet   2024 Jun 2, 6:42am  

Patrick says

Pfizer already has a cancer shot. Oh, you are thinking of a cancer prevention shot.
212   Patrick   2024 Jun 14, 9:46am  


U.S. — Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla addressed public concerns over a new pandemic by holding a press conference in which he explained how the pharmaceutical company is already hard at work developing a new ineffective vaccine with fatal side effects.

"The thought of a new pandemic is scary, especially one that presents as a common cold and makes you really tired," said Bourla. "That's why we're working double time to prepare a new vaccine that won't cure you, but will possibly kill you."

"We have top scientists working around the clock to ensure it doesn't work before we release it to the public."

Later, he agreed to appear on CNN This Morning for what he originally assumed was a softball interview. Host Kasie Hunt was quick to point out the obvious concern with Pfizer's business model. "But sir, how can you possibly prepare an ineffective vaccine in advance of an unknown pandemic? You don't know what the virus will be."

In response, Bourla appeared to side-eye the camera before awkwardly fidgeting in his seat and changing the subject. "We make lots of money," he said. "Would you like some?"
224   Ceffer   2024 Oct 8, 4:19pm  

Just saw my internist for annual check. Rockefeller Allopathic profit and democide Kaiser AI commanding through his Medi-Prompter made him reel off five vaccines due, though he kind of blurted them out as fast as he could and seemed relieved that his duty cycle was laid to rest. He knows that we will not go for it, but says that he HAS to remind us according to the rank and file commands.

Otherwise, he said all was good on outpost Ceffer. Didn't even mention the statin gateway drug this time.

I suppose someday they will have a mini 5G to wave over us and see if it can make the hairs stand on end and the flesh magnetize.
226   Booger   2024 Nov 16, 3:27pm  

Pfizer hit an intraday 52 week low on Friday.
227   HeadSet   2024 Nov 16, 4:00pm  

Booger says

Pfizer hit an intraday 52 week low on Friday.

Buying opportunity?
228   Patrick   2024 Nov 25, 3:14pm  


The novel’s plot was reminiscent of a controversial drug trial performed by Pfizer in Kano, Nigeria in 1996 during a meningococcal outbreak. For the trial of its new antibiotic, trovafloxacin, Pfizer gave 100 children this new drug. The control group of 100 other children received the standard anti-meningitis treatment at the time—a drug called ceftriaxone. However, for the control group, Pfizer administered a substantially lower dose of ceftriaxone than the drug’s FDA-approved standard.

When the reduced dosing in the control group was discovered, it raised the suspicion that Pfizer did this in order to skew the trial in favor of its new drug. Five of the children who received trovafloxacin died, while six who received the reduced dose of ceftriaxone died. Other children apparently suffered grave injuries from the administration of the experimental antibiotic without their informed consent. The investigation and litigation that ensued was the stuff of a thriller, involving private investigators, bribery, blackmail attempts, and disappearing records. Thirteen years later, in 2009, Pfizer settled out of court with the plaintiffs. ...

In 2009, the same year that Pfizer settled with the trovafloxacin plaintiffs, the New York Times reported that a U.S. federal judge assessed Pfizer with the “largest health care fraud settlement and the largest criminal fine of any kind ever” for its illegal marketing of Bextra and three other drugs. The U.S. Department of Justice was unequivocal in characterizing Pfizer’s officers as guilty of grave criminal conduct at the expense of the American public.

As I have long known all of the above, I wasn’t surprised by the gross criminal conduct revealed in The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity, edited by Naomi Wolf with Amy Kelly and a Foreword by Stephen K. Bannon. ...

The book strikes me as one of the most impressive works of investigative scholarship in history. As Dr. Peter McCullough described it in his Praise (printed on the book’s first page):

"This is a comprehensive, organized, and compelling presentation of vaccine safety data that has accumulated after mass and indiscriminate administration of the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Sadly, a large group of vaccine recipients have become injured, disabled, and many have died after the ill-advised injections. The data with histopathological evaluation at necropsy and autopsy with expert analysis is presented so you can evaluate it for yourself. Never before has there been a class of products with this wide range and extended duration of injury to the recipient."
237   Patrick   2025 Jan 17, 11:58am  


Pfizer operates like a criminal enterprise. Their own documents reveal they were aware of 1,223 deaths within three months of the COVID-19 'vaccine' rollout and did absolutely nothing about it. This far exceeds past vaccine recall thresholds, such as the Cutter Polio Vaccine of 1955 (10 deaths), the Swine Flu Vaccine debacle of 1976 (53 deaths), and the Rotashield vaccine of 1998 (15 cases of bowel obstruction):
239   Patrick   2025 Jan 27, 11:15am  


Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has been ordered to pay almost $60 million in fines over a kickback scheme that paid doctors to push drugs onto their patients.

The fines are a resolution to accusations a company Pfizer acquired paid doctors to prescribe a migraine medication.

The medication is marketed as Nurtec ODT, also known as Rimegepant.

The drug was endorsed in television commercials by the celebrities Whoopi Goldberg and Lady Gaga.
240   The_Deplorable   2025 Jan 27, 6:12pm  

Patrick says
"Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has been ordered to pay almost $60 million
in fines over a kickback scheme that paid doctors to push drugs onto their patients."

We need to break up the monopolies in the healthcare industry as follows:
a. Health Insurance companies should not own hospitals.
b. Health Insurance companies should not own pharmaceutical companies.
c. The medical profession should be liberated from hospital dictates. Hospital
protocols are an abomination.
d. The US should allow the importation of medicines from abroad to prevent price
241   PeopleUnited   2025 Jan 28, 2:46am  

Between “health” (aka sick) insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and weird and woke medical schools and AMA the entire healthcare/sick care cartel is irredeemably corrupt. Their handling of the “pandemic” is exhibit A in a long list of examples of how they seek profit and control above patient care almost every opportunity they can.

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