The Vax Nazis are Coming for Your Children Next!

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2021 Sep 24, 10:29am   38,755 views  296 comments

by Shaman   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

California HHS considering how to implement a Covid vax mandate for 12-18 year old students. Possibly implemented by next semester.

I don’t know how you guys feel, but I’m never going to let them jab my kids. I have two in that age range and I’ll pull them from school completely before this. There are lots of good remote learning programs now. Correspondence courses online can work and might be more helpful than actual school.
I’m betting that a lot of other parents feel the same way. I wonder how many teachers will be laid off after they do this?


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256   Patrick   2022 Sep 20, 8:25pm  

Good quote from https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/the-story-of-my-substack/comment/9191620

Just look at what their stance is on the "Pro or Ho" question:

"Should healthy children under the age of 12 get the shots?".

If the answer isn't "NO" then you have a "Ho". There is no "yes" or "it depends". The IFR for healthy kids is so far to the right of the decimal that they have a statistically ZERO chance of dying from covid. It is of zero benefit for them to get the shots. It also is of zero benefit to anyone else because they will still get it and transmit it, injected or not.


Then you will know who you are dealing with.
257   Patrick   2022 Sep 21, 10:28am  


Can anyone point to ANY healthy school-age child who died of Covid? I am serious; I followed this very closely and the cases were almost all extremely odd and frequently associated with high-profile GoFundMe campaigns.

This is a periodic reminder that there remains no evidence of any kind that school closures reduced COVID deaths.

And there was never any particular reason to think they would. Harmed a ton of kids though.

Journalists remain profoundly incurious about this.

Given the media's obsession in 2020 and 2021 with reporting Covid deaths of healthy people, I have to believe any clear-cut case would have received endless national attention. Yet they all seemed to be like this drowning...


The 7-year-old Georgia boy with Covid-19 who died drowned in a bathtub after a seizure, coroner says
The boy is the youngest person with the disease to die in Georgia.


This 7-year-old boy tragically drowned in a bathtub of a seizure that was blamed on a fever that was blamed on Covid. Let's assume that Covid did actually cause the seizure - no one noticed him dying IN A BATHTUB?

Here's another case of a four-year-old girl who died at home in her sleep in September 2021: the family's initial statement blaming her death on Covid received national attention, the walk-back two months later did not.

259   Shaman   2022 Oct 20, 12:17pm  

ACIP did it. They voted to include the Covid vax in the childhood vaccination schedule. This means more mandates will be coming to a state near you.

These people will never rest until they’ve slaughtered as many children as possible.
262   stereotomy   2022 Oct 24, 1:33pm  

Patrick says

Anish Koka, MD
Sep 17
First child myocarditis ad I’ve ever seen.

Goddamn those profiteering motherfuckers to hell.

"Medicines and machines cured me" - INA PIG'S EYE!
266   Patrick   2022 Nov 17, 5:38pm  

Not only do children have zero risk of death from Wuhan Virus, they don't even spread it to others:


Children are unlikely to have been the primary source of household SARS-CoV-2 infections ...

INTERPRETATION Whilst SARS-CoV-2 can cause mild disease in children, the data available to date suggests that children have not played a substantive role in the intra-household transmission of SARS-CoV-2.

So why the fuck would you inject innocent children with a dangerous and ineffective experiment?
267   Onvacation   2022 Nov 17, 5:42pm  

Patrick says

So why the fuck would you inject innocent children with a dangerous and ineffective experiment?

Or worse, tell them they will kill their grandparents if they don't.
268   Patrick   2022 Dec 5, 9:28am  


BREAKING: Pfizer seeks to kill US kids: Pfizer and BioNTech Submit Application to U.S. FDA for Emergency Use Authorization of Omicron BA.4/BA.5-Adapted Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine in children under 5
Why? Show me, show us ANY evidence you have that this gene injection is needed in statistical zero risk children, with a vaccine that is non-neutralizing and drives variants, and is harmful. Why?
269   Onvacation   2022 Dec 5, 9:34am  

The vax didn't seem to stop kids from dying.
270   Patrick   2022 Dec 10, 10:20pm  


The killing machine of a dying regime

The FDA rushing through authorizations of more untested shots for kids prior to the Republican takeover of the House reminds one of the Nazis accelerating operations at concentration camps in the waning days of World War II.
271   mell   2022 Dec 10, 10:28pm  

Onvacation says

The vax didn't seem to stop kids from dying.

Worse, it killed far more as right after approval for an age group there was always a rush to the jabs which caused many SAEs, maimings and deaths you see in the initial spike in the graph. It then levels off when the rush to the jab levels off.
275   Patrick   2023 Jan 24, 7:11am  


Study is clear: Children with natural exposure immunity way better protected from COVID-19 infection & hospitalization when compared to vaccinated kids (Omicron or subvariant clade)...

The data appears to show and adds to the existing evidence that those children with natural exposure immunity were much better protected from COVID infection and hospitalization (and I would argue death) than then children who were vaccinated.

276   mell   2023 Jan 24, 8:28am  

Patrick says


Study is clear: Children with natural exposure immunity way better protected from COVID-19 infection & hospitalization when compared to vaccinated kids (Omicron or subvariant clade)...

The data appears to show and adds to the existing evidence that those children with natural exposure immunity were much better protected from COVID infection and hospitalization (and I would argue death) than then children who were vaccinated.


I think at this point even jab-crazed parents are starting to acknowledge this and even many of the most leftoid npcs have lost their fear of the coof, however the problem is that they think the jab won't hurt/maim, and there are plenty of programs where they are required, CA hasn't given an update yet on their school policy, so I'm hopeful they won't require as more data keeps coming out. But at this point they're just jabbing for convenience, so the focus should be on the detrimental effects of the jab rather than natural immunity's superiority, which was obvious from the get go.
277   Shaman   2023 Jan 24, 8:32am  

It’s still a possibility that Newscum and his Demoncrats will mandate the jabs for the kiddies. If so, I will not comply under ANY circumstances. And I strongly resent that push, makes me openly hostile towards ANYONE who would push or enforce such an order. Early last year I let the vice principal at my daughter’s high school have it with both barrels over proposed vaccine clinics in school grounds or any sort of mandates. I told him that that would be a crime against humanity and someday everyone involved would hang. He was flabbergasted, didn’t know what to say. I told him to remember that when it comes to school vaccine policy. Because I would remember.
279   Patrick   2023 Jan 27, 10:53pm  


According to the Department for Education, 20,000 defibrillators will be delivered to almost 18,000 state-funded schools by the end of the academic year.

They are pretending it's unrelated to the toxxine.
280   NuttBoxer   2023 Feb 1, 9:25am  

My wife got our vaccine cards out the other day. I was surprised to see here's where all written in by hand. She told me they don't accept the card from Mexico, so when she started school in the US, they just hand copied what she had already received. You know how easy it would be to forge a vaccine schedule with a practice like that...
281   Ceffer   2023 Feb 1, 9:27am  

Thing a defibrillator will do is make people think they tried before the victims died. Start the heart on its remaining steam to force the clot plugs further into the vessels, sounds like a plan.
283   HeadSet   2023 Feb 1, 11:50am  

Who would volunteer their babies to Pfizer for the jab test?
284   stereotomy   2023 Feb 1, 12:29pm  

HeadSet says

Who would volunteer their babies to Pfizer for the jab test?

285   Onvacation   2023 Feb 1, 2:58pm  

HeadSet says

Who would volunteer their babies to Pfizer for the jab test?

Desperately scared, double mask wearing, parents who thought their kids would die if they didn't get the vax.

I really know people like this.

I know a guy that pulled some strings to get the J&J "one and done" way early in the pandemic. He was among the first to be "Fully Vaxxed". He got colon cancer less than a year later, common for his demographic so not necessarily related (full remission now). In 2022 he got the Pfizer "booster". He caught the Omicron before the bivalent booster came out.

He was still a true believer last time I saw him.

Still a lot of people wearing masks.
286   Shaman   2023 Feb 1, 4:24pm  

“ California state leaders seem to be quietly closing the door on the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for school children.

The California Department of Public Health hasn’t made an announcement, but officials told EdSource that the end of the state’s COVID-19 State of Emergency on Feb. 28 effectively ends its current plan to add COVID-19 vaccinations to the list of ten vaccinations children are required to have to attend school in-person.

“We continue to strongly recommend Covid-19 immunization for students and staff to keep everyone safer in the classroom,” stated the email from the department. “Turnkey mobile vaccination services remain available for any K-12 school within the state.”

The statement went on to say that any changes to required K-12 immunizations are properly addressed through the legislative process. There are no bills mandating school vaccinations currently pending in the legislature.”

287   richwicks   2023 Feb 1, 5:23pm  

HeadSet says

Who would volunteer their babies to Pfizer for the jab test?

I have a friend that knows a married couple of doctors that would in a second.

They have complete faith in their "betters". Kind of like engineers have complete faith that the evil corporations that work for aren't REALLY evil...

A lot of doctors take their own medicine, even when it kills them. It's bizarre. I think at least 90% of the population is 100% on autopilot.
288   NuttBoxer   2023 Feb 1, 9:21pm  

stereotomy says


Abraham followed God, not man. Too bad a lot of Christians I know don't understand that distinction.
289   Patrick   2023 Feb 2, 7:32pm  


University of Rochester Paid Participants for Pfizer Vax Study, Some as Young as 6 Months! (What we know so far...)
University of Rochester offered $500-$900 for participants in the Covid Vaccine Study! 6 months and older! (& maybe unrelated, Peter Daszak's daughter goes to U of R too...)

290   Patrick   2023 Feb 4, 12:47pm  

From today's Daily Post:

291   Patrick   2023 Feb 8, 7:45pm  


In a large, real-world population, exposure to young children was strongly associated with less severe COVID-19 illness, after balancing known COVID-19 risk factors.

Far from being a risk to teachers, exposure to young children would protect them.
292   Patrick   2023 Feb 10, 10:12pm  


COVID-19 shot now among the routine vaccines recommended by the CDC for children

The reason is that this gives Pfizer immunity for mass murder. Some quirk in the law says that any toxxine approved for killing children can also be used to kill the general public without any liability for Pfizer.

Bourla should hang.
293   Patrick   2023 Feb 11, 12:37am  


It's Official: CDC Adds Three-Dose COVID Jab To Childhood Vax List

The CDC has officially taken the recommendation of its vaccine panel and added a triple dose of the COVID shot to its list of recommended vaccinations for American kids, toddlers, and babies - a list used by many public school systems to determine which shots a child must have in order to start school.

Per the updated guidelines, healthy kids 6 months old and up should receive a two doses of either the Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech monovalent COVID-19 vaccine followed by a bivalent vaccine or booster.
294   Patrick   2023 Feb 12, 8:21am  

Nov 7, 2021
Chinese government are forcing 3-11 years old take the mandatory covid vaccine now!
295   Patrick   2023 Feb 12, 10:23am  

From an email list I'm on: ( employeemandates@unite.standupcalifornia.com )

AB 659 would require 8-12 CA Grade School Children to be vaccinated for

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)


Our partners over at A Voice for Choice Advocacy have sounded the warning for the past eight years when "Bad Bills" have been introduced. While the hope was that this year would be a 100% positive year, yesterday AB 659 was introduced, by Assembly Member Aguiar-Curry. AB 659 will require the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to attend 8-12th grade in public or private school, starting January 1 2024. Assembly Member Aguiar-Curry has been threatening to introduce this bill for the past few years. Last year, she was going to move the bill forward but changed it at the last minute due to pressure in part from AVFCA to be an insurance related bill (which was vetoed).

Take Action:

Make an appointment TODAY to meet with your CA Assembly Member and their staff to discuss AB 659.
- Not sure who that is, enter your address here. (Note: No need to contact your Senator yet) https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/
- Not sure how to set up a meeting and build a trusted relationship with your legislators, watch this webinar. Be sure to mention you are a constituent.
Make an appointment TODAY to meet with your Religous Leaders and individual School Board Members to discuss AB 659 and ask them to oppose the bill.

Not sure what to say: Through our partnership, A Voice for Choice Advocacy is talking to leaders in other states that have had HPV vaccine mandate bills introduced. We, along with AVFCA, will email a summary of talking points early next week, for you to take to use for your Assembly Member meeting, but the key one will be that this is a sexually transmitted disease and the vaccine should not be a requirement to attend school.

Over the past 8 years, A Voice for Choice Advocacy has established itself as the leading legislative organization lobbying in the California Capitol for your health rights. While A Voice for Choice Advocacy's lobbying activity in the Capitol is important, your positive constituent relationships with your CA State Senator and Assembly Member and their staff are critical to assisting with A Voice for Choice Advocacy's efforts in the Capitol.

Knowing how to create a trusted, professional relationship with your legislator is not always easy, and it can be hard to know where to start. Christina, during 2015, spent every Monday thru Wednesday in Sacramento lobbying alongside our seasoned lobbyist, learning the tricks of the trade, and since then has had hundreds of legislative meetings, has shared her knowledge in this video, so you can be as effective as possible.

Please keep a look out for more information and action steps, thank you.

In Solidarity,

Stand for Health Freedom & A Voice for Choice Advocacy

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