Vaxx Failure Thread

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2021 Sep 28, 1:25pm   219,243 views  1,257 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

A thread for obvious failures of the jab.

First one:


A married Michigan couple who were fully-vaccinated against COVID-19 both died of the virus just one minute apart.

Cal Dunham, 59, and wife Linda, 66, ‘gained their angel wings’ Sunday despite taking precautions against the virus and being inoculated against it, relatives said.

The couple, who had undisclosed underlying health conditions, fell ill earlier this month during a family camping trip, the couple's grieving daughter Sarah Dunham said.

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1078   GNL   2023 Sep 21, 2:31pm  

The_Deplorable says

Is it weird that only a screenshot was captured instead of the entire article?

1079   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 21, 7:00pm  

GNL says

"Is it weird that only a screenshot was captured instead of the entire article? https://archive.ph/C8KvZ

No. In fact, the screen shot is very accurate and the link you posted verifies the fact. Did you read the link you posted?

It says:

" Depopulation Through Forced Vaccination... The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."
1080   GNL   2023 Sep 22, 6:10am  

I was hoping to read the actual article. I found it somewhere else though.
1084   GNL   2023 Sep 28, 1:31pm  

The 6th booster? I thought we were on #8.
1086   stereotomy   2023 Sep 29, 12:41pm  

I'm in a band, and the bass player got sick with "the covid," and we had to cancel a gig (easy in the PRNY). I offered some of my HCQ and ivermectin stash and was roundly mocked:

"You're taking your life into your own hands."
"Do you have malaria?" "
"Do you have a prescription?"

The Branch Covidianism is strong in western PRNY

They are good musicians, just fucking brainwashed. I'm not going to die on that hill.

On another note, my neighbor came back from India after a 3-week trip. She hooked me up with 2 dozen melt in your mouth dissolving ivermectin 12 mg tablets. I didn't even know they had this stuff.

We teach and convert one by one. . .
1087   Karloff   2023 Sep 29, 1:08pm  

stereotomy says

"You're taking your life into your own hands."

That's a much better plan than putting it in the hands of the those who tried to murder you.
1088   stereotomy   2023 Sep 29, 3:21pm  

Karloff says

stereotomy says

"You're taking your life into your own hands."

That's a much better plan than putting it in the hands of the those who tried to murder you.

Fuck yeah!

I've talked to multiple cancer survivors, and as soon as I say "You are ultimately . . " and they finish with "responsible for your own health."

I've taken responsibility for my life for the last nearly 15 years, and to quote Johnny Winter (RIP), "I'm still alive and well."
1089   Patrick   2023 Oct 9, 12:54pm  


Shattering Analysis Of All Cause Death in 17 Southern Hemisphere Countries Reveals Dramatic Rise In Deaths With Each Vaccine/Booster Push—NO Excess Deaths Before "Vaccine Rollout."

Epoch Times' Muted Headline About Rancourt et al Bombshell Paper Reads "No Lives Were Saved." ...

Video is at https://twitter.com/robinmonotti/status/1711289742355050646

1090   Patrick   2023 Oct 9, 2:24pm  


So, exactly who is getting covid so frequently? Carefully observe the following paragraph from NBC’s article and see if you can spot any common denominators. Take your time:

“I’ve seen a few patients with five infections,” said Dr. Grace McComsey, vice dean for clinical and translational research at Case Western University. “Sadly, they were immunized and they still got Covid five times.”
Sadly! So, did you find it? What do all these repeat covid customers have in common? Hmmm? What baffling, mysterious agent could be at work in all these cases?

The tragicomedy continued as the article began to describe individual cases, packed with nuggets of amusement. One was Brenda Keele, 38, who in addition to covid infections is also having some other health problems:

Keele has chronic heart failure and adrenal insufficiency, so she takes medications that compromise her immune system. Her heart condition has declined over the last year and a half, she said, but doctors aren’t sure if Covid is responsible.

Keele was vaccinated but did not get booster shots.
Declined! Mysteriously! I know what you’re thinking, and I am thinking the exact same thing.

Repeat infectee Makenzie Boyle, 28, is also having more health problems than just her recurring covid infections, they are now “manifold”:

Makenzie Boyle, a 28-year-old human resources administrator in San Francisco, went to the emergency room when she was infected with Covid for the first time in December 2020 and was diagnosed with pneumonia. A year later, Boyle was diagnosed with diabetes, which her doctor said was an effect of Covid. After her fifth infection in June, she developed chronic kidney disease and chest pain that hasn’t gone away, she said.

Boyle’s manifold symptoms have led her to continue masking in crowded places and ask family members to take Covid tests before they see her.

Her boyfriend is moving out of their shared home because he doesn’t want to risk exposing her to another infection.

Diabetes, you say? Weird, I remember reading something about that… oh yeah!

Or, how about her new chronic kidney disease? (Note: nephropathy is kidney disease.)

Oh well. I tried. I’ve been doing this for two years now and the jabbers never read my stuff anyways. Good luck, covid magnets. We are praying for you and watching to see how your grand experiment turns out.
1091   The_Deplorable   2023 Oct 9, 3:50pm  

Patrick says
"Shattering Analysis Of All Cause Death in 17 Southern Hemisphere Countries Reveals Dramatic Rise In Deaths With Each Vaccine/Booster Push—NO Excess Deaths Before "Vaccine Rollout.""

Yes! That is a very convincing argument, is it not?

1. We had an entire year of Covid -- the year 2020 -- without excess deaths. Then,

2. Excess deaths started in 2021 with the arrival of the Covid-19 vaccines.

Question: So, what is causing the excess deaths? Is it the Covid virus or is it the Covid vaccines?

Obvious answer: The Covid vaccines.
1093   Patrick   2023 Oct 15, 12:01pm  


UK Government: Office for National Statistics recently published an update on deaths by vaccination status in England and it has shockingly revealed that the vaccinated population accounted for 95% of COVID deaths in the 12 months between 1st June 2022 and 31st May 2023, and 94% of those deaths were among either the triple or quadruple vaccinated population. But media refuses to cover this data!
1094   Patrick   2023 Oct 25, 9:47am  


I read that comedian Stephen Colbert, the host of “The Late Show,” now has Covid … again.

According to this story, this is now at least the third time Colbert has contracted Covid.

This is the same Stephen Colbert who almost every night took great joy in making fun of people like myself, the national vermin who never got one shot.

But the joke is on Stephen Colbert. I’ve never had Covid and I’ve never gotten one jab.

1096   HeadSet   2023 Oct 26, 2:14pm  

Patrick says

But the joke is on Stephen Colbert.

He is laughing all the way to the bank. He just shilled for his network's biggest sponsor.
1097   Patrick   2023 Oct 30, 8:54pm  


mRNA boosters: even more useless than you thought. A new study shows one in five people who received one got Covid within two months

Yeah, you read that right. THREE THINGS AT ONCE! Get the shot, get side effects, get Covid. Added bonus: The study is from PFIZER. Remind me why regulators keep these worthless jabs on the market.

Pfizer and other mRNA jab companies have quit doing much Covid shot research.

No shock. Sales have collapsed, despite massive ad campaigns. Worse, if new clinical trials find side effects, the companies will be legally required to tell regulators.

All downside, no upside, except the truth. Who needs that? The safest research is none at all.

But in 2022, Pfizer still had hope for its mRNA cash cow. So it ran a trial meant to determine if flu shots and its jab could be given simultaneously. (Yes, this is the scientific foundation for the infamous “two things at once” Travis Kelce ad campaign.)

Pfizer’s researchers quietly published their findings in the journal Infectious Diseases and Therapy last month. The results are intriguing. Though not for the reasons the company intended.

The paper’s design provides a unique placebo-controlled glimpse into the safety and efficacy of mRNA jabs in the Omicron era. Spoiler alert: they are bad. Very bad.

1098   Patrick   2023 Nov 9, 7:02pm  


The Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine has been branded “defective” in a multi-million pound landmark legal action that will suggest claims over its efficacy were “vastly overstated”.

The pharmaceutical giant is being sued in the High Court in a test case by Jamie Scott, a father-of-two who suffered a significant permanent brain injury that has left him unable to work as a result of a blood clot after receiving the jab in April 2021. A second claim is being brought by the widower and two young children of 35-year-old Alpa Tailor, who died after having the jab made by AstraZeneca, the UK-based pharmaceutical giant.

The test cases could pave the way for as many as 80 damages claims worth an estimated £80 million over a new condition known as Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis (VITT) that was identified by specialists in the wake of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine rollout.
1099   Patrick   2023 Nov 13, 12:59pm  


Another major study shows the mRNAs raise the risk of coronavirus infection

The study, from Italian researchers, also contained very disturbing news for people who have taken three or more Moderna jabs.

People who received at least one Covid jab were about 30 percent more likely to be infected with Sars-Cov-2 than the unvaccinated, Italian researchers report.

The Italian study is the most comprehensive yet to show Covid shots raise the risk of infection. After the Omicron variant appeared, the shots performed even worse, with the jabbed at about 50 percent higher risk.

The peer-reviewed study also contained a surprising and frightening finding for people who have taken three or more Moderna mRNA jabs. Moderna-only recipients were 71 percent more likely to die from all causes than people who took only Pfizer jabs, a significant difference even after the researchers adjusted for age and medical problems.

Moderna’s jabs contain much more mRNA than Pfizer’s, so the finding highlights the question whether higher exposure to mRNA may drive deaths - and whether repeated shots increase that risk.

All mRNA injections must be banned immediately because they increase death and disease.
1100   The_Deplorable   2023 Nov 29, 11:52am  

Estonia notifies WHO that it rejects the Pandemic Treaty and amendments to International Health Regulations - https://expose-news.com/2023/11/25/estonia-notifies-who-that-it-rejects-pandemic-treaty/
1105   GNL   2023 Dec 13, 6:56pm  

95844add0f224ab50c7defdbd88c9964 says

The insiders made plenty of $$.
1111   Patrick   2023 Dec 18, 7:43pm  


The BBC looks at the ‘Why Covid is Still Flooring Some People’.

Wait a minute, I thought Covid vaccines were not only supposed to stop people from getting Covid but if they were one of the very, very rare cases that did, supposed to stop them from getting ill?

I guess the BBC must be talking about unvaccinated people getting Covid at the moment? But every unvaccinated person that I know isn’t continually getting reinfected. And if they are, they certainly don’t know about it.

And we can all remember, only last year, how much the BBC liked to belittle the unvaccinated. They reported on unvaccinated people dying and made programmes to make the unvaccinated look like insane, social pariahs. So if this current article was referring to unvaccinated people you can bet your bottom dollar that it would be in the headline, as well as repeated multiple times every sentence.

But the article doesn’t use the word ‘unvaccinated’ once, so we can only assume that the case studies are vaccinated people.
1114   GNL   2023 Dec 22, 10:21am  

1115   Patrick   2023 Dec 22, 2:51pm  


Yawn. So far we have an unremarkable covid variant, disinterested corporate media, and below-average (albeit increasing) hospitalization levels. So what gives? What’s stirring up all the natives down at the Fauci Memorial Reservation this time?

Two data fuel all the delirious trepidation. First, the vaccines are completely useless against the heavily-mutated Pirola variant (that is, if they ever accomplished anything in the first place). More relevant, for some reason people without fully functioning immune systems lack good biological defenses to the new variant. But nobody’s really talking about this issue, as you can imagine.

More discussed is the second fact fueling the social media chatter: the rate of increase of JN.1 hospitalizations. It’s really the only JN.1 figure worth mentioning. Reported hospitalizations are low but rising rapidly, or “surging.” ...

In the clip, to prove he is right, Geert asked himself several apocalyptic questions and then provided his own answers:

Will the chain of more and more infectious variants ever stop? Yes. We will not have yet another simply more infectious variant that will displace JN.1.

Will a completely new, highly-virulent variant emerge in highly-vaccinated countries? Yes.

Will the rate of mortality and morbidity start to exponentially increase? Yes — but only in the vaccinated. It will be difficult to get these figures though.

Will Unvaccinated or people in low-uptake Africa be affected? No.

... I can’t argue with Geert’s science. Literally I couldn’t argue with him. He’s way out of my scientific league. But I do not yet see the evidence for his theory. From day one I asked public health officials about antibody-dependent enhancement and immune escape and never once got any intelligent answer, not one time. I’ve since learned why. Most public health officials don’t understand vaccine science; they’re just good liars who can repeat whatever they’re told in a strong, confident tone of voice.

Their smug, arrogant condescension toward anyone who questions them is just an act. Scientists didn’t refuse to answer questions because they actually believed they’re better than us and didn’t want to sully themselves with “conspiracy theories.” The real reason is that, if they started trying to answer questions, it would have quickly become obvious they had no idea what they’re talking about.

Geert knows what he’s talking about. I’d take Geert over a CDC official any day. And his predictions have been right before. Geert was 100% right with his prediction that mass vaccination would drive evolution of a large number of immune escape variants.

The plain evidence shows an unusual number of major covid mutations all trending toward evading vaccine coverage. ...

Geert might be right. And it’s not like we have a lot of options for who to believe. Even with fabulously-expensive satellite-mounted telescopes, no intelligent thought can be detected at the government-funded health agencies. But Geert’s theory depends on a new, as-yet-unseen variant that would violate evolutionary norms.

See, viruses are under constant pressure to mutate to be less virulent and more transmissible, which is exactly what we’ve seen with Pirola and prior covid variants. A virus that kills people or keeps them in bed does not survive better than a milder virus that lets folks move around and spread the germ.

The bottom line? So far, Pirola Junior appears to be yet another milder, ever-more-infectious covid variant. But I’ll keep an eye on things for you and let you know immediately if any evidence supporting Geert’s prediction evolves. Till then, don’t take your medical advice from Eric Fingle-de-Dee, MD.
1116   charlie303   2023 Dec 22, 3:42pm  

EU countries destroy €4B worth of COVID vaccines

Surprise, surprise. Nobody wants any more vaccines. Whatever happened to 'Trust the Science' and jail the non-vaxxers?
Those sly sheeple 🐑 sure have gone quiet.
1117   Ceffer   2023 Dec 22, 4:47pm  

charlie303 says

EU countries destroy €4B worth of COVID vaccines

That's OK. Even if they didn't kill the designated target populations, they achieved an outstanding money laundering service for funneling money back to politicians through pharma profits.

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