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vaccines seem to be having no effect on covid death rates in israel when compared to low vaxx palestine
WookieMan saysI agree pushback is needed, but tread lightly in person. My opinion is just get away from it. I know you guys love CA and likely have family and stuff, but the rest of the country is not like the coastal/populated areas. No masks, no nothing.
My very first experience with masking in Florida - wife dragged me to a small theater a few days ago Only place in Florida these past 6 months where masking was required by the establishment. A no brainer, since artfags are usually the most Branch Covidian.
76% of September Covid-19 deaths are vax breakthroughs
by Guy Page
Just eight of the 33 Vermonters who died of Covid-19 in September were unvaccinated, the Vermont Department of Heath said Wednesday.
EU regulator lists new side-effect of J&J COVID-19 shot
(Reuters) - Europe's drug regulator on Thursday recommended addition of a rare type of spinal inflammation as a side-effect of Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 vaccine.
It was also assessing reports of capillary leak syndrome following inoculation with Moderna's shot.
covid boosters closing schools?
el gato malo 27 min ago
can you even remember the last time a school you went to or had kids in closed because too many teachers were sick?
in my entire childhood, i cannot remember a single one.
yet here we had such a “large number of staff have a negative reaction to the covid booster shot” that they had to cancel school.
is “booster day” the new snow day? because this sounds pretty significant.
i also bet it’s going to get prevalent. they just generally won’t be this honest about it.
note that there is also a substitute teacher shortage.
between boosters and folks quitting/fired over mandates, both teachers (increasing demand for subs) and subs (decreasing supply) it’s perhaps not difficult to imagine why this staffing shortfall has become acute…
brace for more of this. the endless wreckage of this crop of con artists is going to really start piling up.
UK CoV2 infection rates among the fully vaxxed remain higher than their unvaxxed counterparts in most age cohorts.
"It was sudden, unexpected for all of us. He was actually on call yesterday morning," Légaré said in an interview.
"I think all of us are having a hard time just sort of grasping at the size of the loss ... We chatted with him on the weekend about plans and things we were going to do, you know, in the next few weeks, few months for the heart centre.
"That's the kind of person he was. He was always thinking ahead of those things."
Lutchmedial was part of performing Atlantic Canada's first MitraClip procedure, a minimally invasive repair procedure that gives new hope to patients who are too sick to withstand open heart surgery.
Vaccines are only a failure if you think killing lots of people on purpose is a bad thing.
But don’t worry, the boosters will fix everything!
https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/worldwide-vaccine-failureBut don’t worry, the boosters will fix everything!
German officials confirmed that daily COVID-19 cases surpassed 50,000 for the first time during the pandemic, coming weeks after a number of states have implemented “2G” rules that increased restrictions on individuals who haven’t been vaccinated.
all data in this piece come the the UK week 45 vaccine surveillance report or from prior versions of that report.
you can download them HERE.
it has become an exceedingly well established fact that the covid vaccines are non-sterilizing. they do not prevent infection, transmission, or spread. the balance of evidence no looks very strong that they actually accelerate it, are making spread worse, and are likely making the virus itself worse as well.
obviously, this is not RCT data, but these relative risk ratios are absolutely stunning. there’s basically no way this is all cohort bias, especially given the prior knowledge of immune suppression from vaccines.
Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens
Andrew F. Read ,Susan J. Baigent,Claire Powers,Lydia B. Kgosana,Luke Blackwell,Lorraine P. Smith,David A. Kennedy,Stephen W. Walkden-Brown,Venugopal K. Nair
Published: July 27, 2015
Could some vaccines drive the evolution of more virulent pathogens? Conventional wisdom is that natural selection will remove highly lethal pathogens if host death greatly reduces transmission. Vaccines that keep hosts alive but still allow transmission could thus allow very virulent strains to circulate in a population. Here we show experimentally that immunization of chickens against Marek's disease virus enhances the fitness of more virulent strains, making it possible for hyperpathogenic strains to transmit. Immunity elicited by direct vaccination or by maternal vaccination prolongs host survival but does not prevent infection, viral replication or transmission, thus extending the infectious periods of strains otherwise too lethal to persist. Our data show that anti-disease vaccines that do not prevent transmission can create conditions that promote the emergence of pathogen strains that cause more severe disease in unvaccinated hosts.
Mareks Disease
Leaky vaccines promote the transmission of more virulent virus
Posted January 14, 2016
Not all vaccines prevent infection. Some, known as leaky vaccines, prolong host survival or reduce disease symptoms without preventing viral replication and transmission. Although leaky vaccines provide anti-disease benefits to vaccinated individuals, new research by CIDD’s Andrew Read, David Kennedy and colleagues at the Avian Oncogenic Virus Group in the United Kingdom, and The University of New England in Australia, has demonstrated that leaky vaccines can make the situation for unvaccinated individuals worse. Leaky vaccines work by enhancing host immunity to a particular pathogen, without necessarily blocking or slowing viral replication. The result is that infected but vaccinated individuals have extended survival, allowing highly virulent pathogen that would normally reach an evolutionary dead-end in a dead host, can transmit. The evolutionary consequences of high virulence are thus reduced and these pathogens can be selectively favored as a result of leaky vaccination.
A 52 year old doesn't just die, w/o cause.
Rin saysA 52 year old doesn't just die, w/o cause.
A female Indian doctor who works at Kaiser that we talk with on walks said her husband died in his mid 50's (ironic, another cardiologist) from natural causes (heart attack) way, way pre-Covid.
I had a client (smoker) who already had had coronary bypass surgery before the age of 40. He looked older than his years. I think he smoked because he just thought he was going to die young of a heart attack, anyway, and was flipping the bird at the devil. Heart problems in men even at younger ages aren't unheard of. However, I'm sure the holy vaccines are helping things a lot.
Even the obituaries of old people in their 80s and 90s reads ... died of complications of cancer, pulmonary dysfunction, kidney failure, etc
The war on the ‘unvaccinated’ is a desperate attempt to demonize and destroy the control group
The ruling class is very worried about non-compliant citizens.
Jordan Schachtel
I wanted to turn your attention to a side by side comparison map comparing the COVID pandemic of last year to this year. It is a true “photo is worth a million words” tweet from Rational Ground’s Woke Zombie:
... Schallenberg is lying and he knows it. The shots will not prevent another wave of sickness. These “waves” are simply the reality of a seasonal respiratory effect that happens every single year. The global ruling class have been lying to the masses for a long time. They’d rather not admit to all of these sunk costs, so the political elite will continue to uphold the myth that the COVID shots are still some kind of magic bullet that they are not.
Those who did not comply from the beginning of COVID Mania serve to pose the biggest threat to the power of these maniacal politicians. That’s why they’re attacking us so ferociously. The political elite pretend as if they care about COVID, but it’s not the virus that is keeping them up at night. It’s those pesky individuals who refuse to bend the knee – those are the ones in the crosshairs. The control group is the biggest threat to the people in power. They simply can’t survive the political ramifications of a control group outperforming the citizens living under the weight of destructive COVID Mania mandates and societal edicts.
Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age
And have been for six months. This chart may seem unbelievable or impossible, but it's correct, based on weekly data from the British government.
New study from Germany confirms higher vax coverage --> higher excess mortality
The Harvard study showed vaccination makes things worse as far as cases goes. This new study from German shows that the more you vaccinate the more people get killed. Not a surprise to me. ...
More likely than not, it is the people with the most comorbidities that are getting the vaxx. Generally speaking the healthy aren't really into it.
Thus, since they have a higher chance of dying because of their heath, this is just born out in the statistics.
Nothing to see.
More likely than not, it is the people with the most comorbidities that are getting the vaxx. Generally speaking the healthy aren't really into it.
Thus, since they have a higher chance of dying because of their heath, this is just born out in the statistics.
Nothing to see.
UK data shows the vaccines are NOT saving any lives at all. Zero. Zip. Nada.
Mathew Crawford just did an analysis showing that the data from the UK shows that the vaccines aren't saving any lives at all. Zero. Zip. Nada. So we're killing over 150K people to save no lives. Wow.
More likely than not, it is the people with the most comorbidities that are getting the vaxx. Generally speaking the healthy aren't really into it.
Thus, since they have a higher chance of dying because of their heath, this is just born out in the statistics.
Nothing to see.
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