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My buddy's sister and her entire family of four (all triple jabbed) got covid a couple of months ago. Knocked them all out for 3-4 weeks. 0% effective there.
I think I might have this thing right now. Got it last weekend, seemed like a standard cold. Spent 2 days in bed, sore throat for a couple of days. Hot/cold, tired, weak, the usual. The big problem I had was that I couldn't sleep. I was really tired but somehow, restless. A couple of nights of too little sleep and I felt really run down, lousy, and couldn't think straight. Got some decent sleep the last couple of nights though, so feeling a lot better now. It's annoying, but it always is, and I've had worse.
Did you have low back pain? That’s the most common omicron specific symptom.
Even water tastes somewhat sweet.
Karloff saysEven water tastes somewhat sweet.
Lead acetate that has been dissolved into water gives the water a sweet taste. It's also known as sugar of lead.
If you're drinking from the tap and suspect this, get two glasses. Fill a glass up with the first water coming out of the tap. Now let it run for a good long while, like 5 minutes, and compare the water of each glass against one another.
My wife caught it a week ago, and is mostly better now, except that she coughs a lot, is tired, and says she also can't think straight. At first she didn't test positive, but later she did.
Everyone says they lose their taste and smell.
Did you give her the horse paste?
Yes, a few times, and I think it helped.
Maybe they actually spread the disease with the tests.
Physicians for Informed Consent: CDC Data Show COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Has Had No Measurable Impact on COVID-19 Mortality in the U.S.
Newly released document highlights 20 scientific facts that challenge the assumptions underlying COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC), an educational nonprofit organization focused on science and statistics, has released a new educational document entitled, “COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates: 20 Scientific Facts That Challenge the Assumptions.” The document helps readers become more familiarized with the scientific facts regarding COVID-19, its treatment options, and the COVID-19 vaccines.
Developed in a reader-friendly format, the document highlights available scientific data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials, and it addresses the assumptions underlying COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Twenty scientific facts are provided on key public health topics, including:
The lack of a long-term benefit of the COVID-19 vaccines on the spread of COVID-19
The lack of a proven benefit of the COVID-19 vaccines on COVID-19 deaths
The risks of COVID-19 vaccine injections versus the safety of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children
Waning vaccine immunity and booster shot efficacy
COVID-19 early-treatment and prevention options
“Vaccine mandates are unethical because they attempt to coerce people to act against their own judgment, and because they are unscientific,” said Dr. Shira Miller, founder and president of PIC. “Our focus is on delivering scientific data about infectious diseases and vaccines which are often overlooked in the mainstream. We developed this new document to help physicians, policymakers and the public better understand and communicate about the scientific facts that challenge the assumptions underlying COVID-19 vaccine mandates.”
The document reveals CDC data — from April 2020 through January 2022 — which show that mass vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine has had no measurable impact on COVID-19 mortality in the U.S. In addition, short-term clinical trial data indicate that 1 in 6 to 1 in 9 people 12–55 years of age who receive mRNA COVID-19 vaccines suffer severe (grade 3) systemic reactions, and long-term safety studies have not been conducted. And finally, more than 53% of Americans have already had COVID-19 and may have greater protection against reinfection than vaccinated people.
CDC Was Withholding Data That Shows The Vaccines Don't Work
The Real Story Is The Changing Narrative
Justin Smith
Feb 22
For over a year, the CDC in the United States has been collecting data on covid-19 hospitalisations by vaccination status and not making the data available to the public. The official response from the CDC is that the data was omitted over fears the data would be misinterpreted.
We can assume then, that this data is not favourable to covid-19 vaccines.
This has all come to light via an article in the New York Times. Which is also available on Yahoo.
Also, four days earlier, Public Health Scotland stopped publishing data on covid-19 deaths and hospitalisations by vaccination status - over concerns the data would be “misrepresented by anti-vax campaigners”.
We can assume then, this data is also not favourable to covid-19 vaccines.
In the case of Scotland, an “official” from Public Health Scotland apparently told The Scotsman newspaper:
"What we are going to do is do a lot more on the vaccine effectiveness side and try and make people understand how effective the vaccine is.”
So, no bias then.
I have previously written about the Trusted News Initiative, which the New York Times is part of. A group consisting of the most powerful international media and social media, including Google, who conspired to agree not to publish anything detrimental to the covid-19 vaccines. So, why has the New York Times suddenly had a change of heart?
This coincides with recent comments from Bill Gates that the omicron variant has done a better job than the covid-19 vaccines. In this interview Gates says “sadly” the omicron variant is a type of vaccine. Each of us can decide for ourselves why he chose the word “sadly”.
It seems that now the cat is completely out of the bag that the vaccines did not work and are not safe, there is a concerted effort to distribute to the public a plausible explanation how this happened. Various scapegoats will be offered up to the public. It appears that the CDC will be one of these, but in the end will simply claim that it needs more funding. The people behind the criminal attempt to use the pandemic to enrich themselves and enslave the rest of us must not get away with this.
Karloff saysEveryone says they lose their taste and smell.
I never tested positive because I never felt sick. My smell/taste is at maybe a 2 or 3 out of 10 since end of November. Was a zero when I got it. It's slowly coming back. One neighbor got it back in January 2021 and still cannot smell. Surprised that symptom didn't hit you. I'd rather have a nasty sinus infection for 2 weeks and be done with it over this smell thing. Although I can truly say my shit doesn't stink now.... to me.
Ontario data shows vaccines aren't preventing COVID infection
No wonder they have to mandate it. Their own data shows it doesn't work. A vaccine is supposed to reduce your chance of getting infected.
Not sure if it’s too late… but get these essential oils. Rose, Lemon, Clove and Eucalyptus. Smell them each and think about the thing your smelling twice a day for maybe 15 seconds or so each scent. Had my smell back in 2 weeks doing this daily after losing it completely day 5 of Covid.
if vaccines work, then why are they bending the curves in the wrong direction?
probably because they selected for the variants that ensured they would fail. because that's what leaky vaccines do.
COVID-19 and All-Cause Mortality Data by Age Group Reveals Risk of COVID Vaccine-Induced Fatality is Equal to or Greater than the Risk of a COVID death for all Age Groups Under 80 Years Old as of 6 February 2022.
Kathy Dopp, MS Mathematics and Stephanie Seneff, PhD 13 February 2022.
As of 6 February 2022, based on publicly available official UK and US data, all age groups under 50 years old are at greater risk of fatality after receiving a COVID-19 inoculation than an unvaccinated person is at risk of a COVID-19 death. All age groups under 80 years old have virtually no benefit from receiving a COVID-19 inoculation, and the younger ages incur significant risk. This analysis is conservative because it ignores the fact that inoculation-induced adverse events such as thrombosis, myocarditis, Bell’s palsy, and other vaccine-induced injuries can lead to shortened life span. When one takes into consideration the fact that there is approximately a 90% decrease in risk of COVID-19 death if early treatment is provided to all symptomatic high-risk persons, one can only conclude that mandates of COVID-19 inoculations are ill-advised. Considering the emergence of antibody-resistant variants like Delta and Omicron, for most age groups COVID-19 vaccine inoculations result in higher death rates than COVID-19 does for the unvaccinated. ...
• For those under age 18, vaccination increases their COVID death rate, and those under 18 are 51 times more likely to die from the inoculation than to die from COVID if not vaccinated.
• Those aged 18 to 29, are 16 times more likely to die from COVID vaccination than to prevent one COVID death and are 8 times more likely to die from vaccination than to die from COVID if not vaccinated.
• Those aged 30 to 39, are 15 times more likely to die from COVID inoculation than to prevent one COVID death, and 7 times more likely to die from the inoculation than to die from COVID COVID if not vaccinated.
• Those aged 40 to 49, are 9 times more likely to die from the COVID inoculation than likely to prevent one COVID death in this age group, and 5 times more likely to die from the inoculation than to die from COVID if not vaccinated.
• Those aged 50 to 59, are twice (2 times) more likely to die from the COVID inoculation than to prevent one COVID death and are slightly more likely to die from the inoculation than to die from COVID if not vaccinated.
• Those aged 60 to 79, are virtually equally likely to die from the COVID inoculation as to prevent one COVID death or die from COVID if not vaccinated.
• Those aged 80+ are 0.13% less likely to die from the COVID inoculation than to die from COVID if not vaccinated.
Pfizer Vaccine Flops... Increased COVID-19 in Young Kids Following COVID-19 Vaccination
Pfizer's vaccine in children 5 to 11 elicits antibodies (yawn) but only 11% efficacy one month after kids were "fully vaccinated". After one month, vaxxed kids are MORE likely to have a COVID-19.
Patrick says
We'd have to know what percentage of the population is
Not Vaccinated
1 Dose Vaccinated
Full Vaccinated
Booster Vaccinates
Not Eligible for Vaccination (Under 12)
Without that, we can't draw any conclusions. If, for example, 99% of the population is Fully Vaccinated, and 1% of it entirely unvaccinated, that would be a grim chart for the unvaccinated.
“In this study we present evidence that COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 is able to enter the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro. BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA as fast as 6 h after BNT162b2 exposure. A possible mechanism for reverse transcription is through endogenous reverse transcriptase LINE-1, and the nucleus protein distribution of LINE-1 is elevated by BNT162b2.” the authors of the study said.
In the study, the authors do not draw conclusions as to the harmful effects of such a process but they do warn that is “may give rise to concern” to instances of “genotoxic side effects” and suggest further studies to rule out potentially carcinogenic or toxic effects.
I’m old enough to remember when I warned people on Twitter (in 2020 no less!) that mRNA vaccines were to be avoided because they could alter your DNA — and I was branded a conspiracy theorist because of it.
Welcome to 2022. All the conspiracy theories are coming true.
A new report from the British government has revealed that fully vaccinated people account for 9 out of 10 deaths from COVID-19 in England.
Testimony in the House health subcommittee:
Triple vaxxed most likely to die.
Natural immunity is most likely life-long.
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