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Normalizing Shingles, More Cancer, and Autoimmune Disease: These Shots Are Turning People Into Human ATM Machines
Dr. Paul Thomas: "I'm already seeing ads for 'Oh, did you know one in three people have shingles?' What? I've seen a handful of cases of shingles in my 35 years! Shingles is a rare disease when your immune system is not working."
"You are being turned into human ATM machines for big business who will only profit the sicker we get."
cliff notes:
autopsies reveal that the vaccinated get far higher rates of organ infection by covid than the unvaxxed.
they also generate fewer N antibodies (antigenic fixation)
the latter is strongly associated with and seems to cause the former.
there are also worrying cancer and immune suppression possibilities
the regulatory capture of "unexplained" deaths
turning up the gaslights so that no one can see
neither the media nor the health agencies and officials are staying silent. they are actively gaslighting and flat out making up syndromes to explain away an inconvenient fact pattern: they just pushed the most dangerous and ineffective vaccines in human history upon a credulous public and the effects are starting to get really, really bad and the big truth of it is becoming to vast for the big lie to eclipse. ...
pfizer has not yet released comirnaty, the approved version of their vaccine.
and they probably never will.
this is almost certainly because an EUA drug (emergency use authorization) carries a liability exemption. you’re free from responsibility for bad outcomes. but start selling the FDA approved version and nope, now you’re on the hook. and they do not want that.
what they do want is an evergreen product with no future requirements for trials. and they are likely to get it. ...
and the already vaxxed are too antigenically fixated by prior doses for their immune systems to generate new adaptive response to covid variants. which is why simply having had covid and having recovered from it (natural immunity) is outperforming being vaccinated and having had covid.
and why the triple dosed are getting covid at rates far above their unvaxxed friends, even when we control for age groups.
and the risk ratio on this has been rising rapidly.
alas, this incredibly useful data series was discontinued by the UK and so we cannot update it and see how it’s going now especially in light of BA5 which is causing such ill effect upon the boosted in portugal where it pervades. i have a niggling suspicion they did not eliminate it because the trend looked good for vaccines.
the data on the collapse and outright inversion of these product’s efficacy has become widespread and compelling and it’s moving past cases and into hospitalization and deaths.
so these biosimilar variant booster guesses have little hope of efficacy or safety even at stationary targets, much less targets now evolving far more rapidly than before due to a homogeneous pool whose immune fixation is around non-sterilizing response. and every new round of boosts will likely accelerate this trend by generating period of immune suppression in a fixated herd.
the regulatory capture of "unexplained" deaths
turning up the gaslights so that no one can see
neither the media nor the health agencies and officials are staying silent. they are actively gaslighting and flat out making up syndromes to explain away an inconvenient fact pattern: they just pushed the most dangerous and ineffective vaccines in human history upon a credulous public and the effects are starting to get really, really bad and the big truth of it ...
Buried in the comments to that Boriquagato article are links to two articles on the hiddencomplexity substack. These articles describe how some people are susceptible to infection of the enteric mucosal lining in the gut following covid infection, causing extended diarrhea:
I'm definitely convinced I got the coof a few weeks ago (my boy tested positive, but it was a rapid PCR non-test). Since I've been taking the Rin cocktail, I haven't had any severe symptoms, but this last time I was peeing out of my butt on and off for weeks. The first article at the very end talks about what seemed to clear it up - wheat bran, antioxidants (especially NAC) and probiotics. I guess I need to up my NAC, R-Lipoic acid, and chow down on yogurt. Not a fan of anything with gluten, so I'll skip the wheat bran.
Boosted Americans Show Higher COVID-19 Infections Compared to Unboosted, CDC Data Reveals
No evidence of effectiveness against Omicron, definitely causes myocarditis, Sounds great! says the FDA's "expert advisory committee"
Feckless bureaucrats add Novavax to the Final Solution
Toby Rogers
3 hr ago
I. Welcome to the clown show
The NY Times announces that henceforth, clinical trials for Covid-19 shots must be abandoned because real world data makes the cartel look bad
Here’s how the NY Times describes this scheme:
…many experts worry that the virus is evolving so quickly that it is outpacing the ability to modify vaccines, at least as long as the United States relies on human clinical trials for results.
See, it’s not that coronavirus vaccine have failed over and over again (even though they have). It’s that This Wily Virus(TM) is just evolving so quickly that we could not possibly allow human clinical trials of coronavirus vaccines ever again. The only way to beat This Wily Virus(TM) at this point is to abandon science.
Of course it gets worse. The NY Times elaborates:
The problem is that Moderna and Pfizer — the maker of the other main coronavirus vaccine in the United States — do not have enough time now to run more human clinical trials and still manufacture shots before the fall, when the Biden administration is hoping to be able to offer an updated vaccine to counter what public health experts predict will be a winter surge.
See, it’s not that rapacious pharmaceutical companies want to suck all wealth out of the world and put it into their own pockets while setting up a 1,000 year Pharma Reich. No, no, no, silly. It’s just that they “do not have enough time” to do actual science anymore so they are just going to skip all that. Don’t you worry your little head about it.
Furthermore, only a conspiracy theorist would believe that the FDA has abandoned all of its statutory responsibilities to protect public health in order to prostitute themselves to Pharma. The Correct Understanding(TM) is that the FDA is being forced by circumstances outside their control to abandon science. This is not a problem because the cartel is truth, the cartel has always been truth, and since the cartel has decided to abandon science altogether then that’s the new science.
Henceforth, quite literally, the peasants will be forced every six months to inject whatever they are told, with no questions asked, and “they will be [required by law to be] happy about it”.
Instead of human clinical trials the FDA will rely on a few test tube and mouse studies. In the article, Fauci describes this as, “alternative pathways of decision.” That guy just oozes totalitarianism at this point.
FDA will rely on a few test tube and mouse studies. In the article, Fauci describes this as, “alternative pathways of decision.”
Boosted Americans Show Higher COVID-19 Infections Compared to Unboosted, CDC Data Reveals
Vaccinated and boosted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tests positive for COVID four days after meeting Biden at the Summit of the Americas
Trudeau is vaccinated and boosted
Quadruple-Vaxxed Trudeau Gets Covid AGAIN, Says The Line AGAIN 💀
Canada's dictator-in-chief has just come down with the Wu-Flu again!
This, despite receiving 4 doses of the Covid-jab.
But don't worry guys, he's doing okay all because he got the shots. Getting the virus you're immunized against multiple times is totally normal!
Fauci has COVID: Biden's pandemic tsar, 81, is struck down with virus and claims he has had no recent contact with the president
Dr Anthony Fauci, the head of the NIAID who serves as Biden's pandemic tsar, has come down with COVID
The National Institutes of Health announced on Wednesday that Fauci tested positive for the virus on a rapid antigen test
His diagnosis comes after Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra announced he contracted the virus for the second time in a month
This study examines the performance of disease modeling during the covid-19 pandemic, and its associated effects upon the public health measures adopted to mitigate its course. Specific attention is given to the failure of the Imperial College model, which severely overstated mortality in 189 out of 189 countries under both its "do nothing" and "mitigation" models, and 170 out of 189 countries under its extreme "suppression" model. The Covid-19 policy response is analyzed as a failure in central planning, with specific attention to the public health dimensions of the same. Public health is identified both historically and in the present day as being acutely susceptible to knowledge problems, which in turn foster the conditions for a public choice trap that causes proposed policy measures to become ineffectual or even counterproductive in disease mitigation.
The Covid-19 policy response is analyzed as a failure in central planning,
While the world’s focus has shifted towards Ukraine, inflation, gun control, and abortion (the most dependable of distractions), one little news gremlin is enjoying its time in the shadows: the inefficiency of COVID-19 vaccines. Let’s look at how badly COVID-19 vaccines are doing around the world, shall we?
A research paper found that people who did not receive a COVID-19 vaccine had a lower rate of suffering a severe case of the virus amidst the pandemic.
The article, which has been uploaded to the preprint server ResearchGate, relied on data from over 18,500 respondents across 175 countries. Analysis revealed that individuals unvaccinated against COVID-19 reported fewer instances of hospitalization in comparison to their vaccinated counterparts.
Pfizer Tells the FDA "We Don't Have a Complete Understanding of the Way the Vaccine Works"
It's time to stop the mandates, the passports, the inoculation of children, all of it.
In our latest video “Dispelling the Myth of A Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” we reveal shocking truths using Ontario’s own public health data. A proper analysis of this data shows that the vaccine mandates have completely failed to control COVID-19 case growth and that the fully vaccinated are contracting COVID-19 at higher rates than the unvaccinated. Even more, it shows that hospital capacity is being stretched by the vaccinated and not the unvaccinated. And to top it all off it provides definitive proof that the pandemic has been over since early March 2021 when the death counts due to COVID-19 became negligible.
This means that the government has been unjustly extending emergency measures and limiting the freedoms of Ontarians for almost a full year!
It's Official! CDC and UK government data reveal the COVID vaccines do not prevent cases, transmission, severe illness or deaths
So what DO they do, and WHY are we using them?
Meryl Nass
Yes, Virginia, forcing HCW who were previously infected with Wuhan strain to take three doses of the mRNA vaccine actually pretty much destroyed their ability to mount a potent immune response against Omicron.
The data concerning SARS-CoV-2 genetic vaccine safety and effectiveness are coming in fast and furious. Time for a news roundup.
Omicron BA.5 Prefers Hypervaccinated Masking West Germans, Avoids the Former DDR
Vaccine failure in one map
Pull It Off the Market: 40,000 Deaths Is Unacceptably High
Dr. Peter McCullough: "Typical standard for any biologic product is 50 deaths. Pull it off the market; something's gone wrong. 50. Not 40,000!"
This Is Not up for Debate: On a Clear and Convincing Basis, These Vaccines Are Causing Death
The Bradford Hill Criteria for Causality Confirm
- Is there a large signal? Yes, 13,388 American deaths in VAERS.
- Is there a temporal association? Yes. 80% of these deaths occur within a week. 50% will occur within a couple of days.
- Is it internally consistent? Are there near-misses? Yes. Blood clots, heart attacks, myocarditis, and so on.
- Is it externally consistent? Yes. Record life insurance deaths and a record number of athletes dying on the field.
- Do randomized trials affirm? Yes. More deaths in Pfizer's vaccine group than in the placebo.
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