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Stacey Abrams
Aug 10
This morning I took my daily COVID test and tested positive for COVID-19. Before my speech yesterday, I tested negative. Today I’m experiencing mild symptoms, and I’m grateful to have been vaccinated and boosted.
Aug 10, 2022
A couple were smoking a cigarette
German Government Now Admits That about One Out of Every 1,500 People Has Suffered a Medically "Serious" Side Effect from the COVID Jab.
Why Are So Many Vaccinated People Dying With COVID?
A question entirely ignored by the media
Frankly, I don't know what is behind this.
JAMA Article: More Evidence of ADE
You cannot get more infections in doubly vaccinated unless there is a problem
James Lyons-Weiler
5 hr ago
Study: Rate of SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection During an Omicron Wave in Iceland
“The probability of reinfection increased with time from the initial infection (odds ratio of 18 months vs 3 months, 1.56; 95% CI, 1.18-2.08) (Figure) and was higher among persons who had received 2 or more doses compared with 1 dose or less of vaccine (odds ratio, 1.42; 95% CI, 1.13-1.78).” ...
“Defining reinfection after 30 or more days or 90 or more days did not qualitatively change the results.”
The higher the vaccination rate, the higher the mortality rate on all continents.
We analyse the relation between covid-19 vaccinations and all-cause-mortality in N=340 Dutch municipalities (17.3M people, ~99% of population), during the entire pandemic period. We do not use covid-19-attributed mortality, mortality predictions and excess mortality, thereby bypassing the ambiguities of case-identification and mortality-modeling. Municipal demographics such as age, culture and population density are strong confounders of mortality and vaccine-uptake. We account for these by normalizing results to prepandemic year 2019, where covid was absent but demographics were highly representative for later years. Normalized to 2019, we found no correlation between municipal mortality in 2020 with vaccination uptake in 2021, which shows the effectiveness of our confounder accounting. We could not observe a mortality-reducing effect of vaccination in Dutch municipalities after vaccination and booster campaigns. We did find a 4-sigma-significant mortality-enhancing effect during the two periods of high unexplained excess mortality. Our results add to other recent findings of zero mRna-vaccine effectiveness on all-cause mortality, calling for more research on this topic.
Peter McCullough, MD MPH
Aug 27
Fraud alert. No proper RCT has shown mortality benefit. FDA never granted mortality claim. Only prior infection and multi drug prehospital RX reduce risk of hospitalization and death. \/ status irrelevant with post alpha variants.
Vaccinated 5X More Contagious Than the Unvaccinated 10 Days After SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Also the correlation between being triple vaxxed and being super old might be super high. And age is the largest factor for assessing vulnerability to Covid. But even if all the Covid dead are geezers with three jabs, it still means that the vax doesn’t work, at the minimum.
The more you vaccinate, the lower the protection against new strains.
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