Vaxx Failure Thread

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2021 Sep 28, 1:25pm   219,310 views  1,258 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

A thread for obvious failures of the jab.

First one:


A married Michigan couple who were fully-vaccinated against COVID-19 both died of the virus just one minute apart.

Cal Dunham, 59, and wife Linda, 66, ‘gained their angel wings’ Sunday despite taking precautions against the virus and being inoculated against it, relatives said.

The couple, who had undisclosed underlying health conditions, fell ill earlier this month during a family camping trip, the couple's grieving daughter Sarah Dunham said.

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962   stereotomy   2023 Jan 25, 5:18pm  

Patrick says

This aligns with Steve Kirsch's 5-month lag between jab and peak deaths.
963   Patrick   2023 Jan 25, 10:06pm  


During the first 25 days of 2023, we’ve seen skyrocketing all-cause mortality rates in highly vaccinated countries and growing mountains of scientific research arguing against getting the new Covid-19 vaccine.

Six weeks ago, a study in Cell showed that bivalent boosters were colossal failures against the BQ and XBB subvariants. ...

Starting today, the CDC has stopped claiming that the new Covid-19 boosters can reduce your risk of serious illness, hospitalization and death.
964   Patrick   2023 Jan 28, 5:57pm  


For a few months the mRNA vaccines seemed to work as promised. Mission Accomplished! ...

The mRNA Covid vaccines provably began to fail barely six months after their rollout. Those of us outside the walls and looking at the data could see the reality.

But the people inside had too much invested in the jabs to recognize what was happening. Too much money, too much prestige, too much political power. And the further up the chain they were, the more divorced from the raw data they became, and the easier it was for them to hear only what they wanted to hear.

Besides, the vaccines were more than just vaccines. They were symbols of Western and specifically American technological superiority. They were a path forward.

The fact that they didn’t work was almost irrelevant.

Until it was.

There are two big differences, though.

First, we could and did send more soldiers to Iraq to fight the insurgents, but we cannot undo whatever the mRNA jabs have done to our immune systems with more jabs. The booster strategy has already failed, which is why countries all over the world are putting tight limits on future shots.

Second, Sars-Cov-2 is a far more implacable and enigmatic enemy than the Iraqi insurgents ever were.

Let’s hope it wants peace - in the form of low virulence - and not war.
965   mell   2023 Jan 29, 4:03pm  

Of the plenty of friends and relatives who caught covid multiple times and/or retest positive again within a week or two after the infection, not a single one was unjabbed. Of course part of it is that they're more likely to test whereas the unjabbed don't give a shit, and rightfully so. Still seems like the jab provides increasingly negative protection as time goes by
966   Rin   2023 Jan 29, 4:30pm  

Patrick says

There are two big differences, though.

First, we could and did send more soldiers to Iraq to fight the insurgents, but we cannot undo whatever the mRNA jabs have done to our immune systems with more jabs. The booster strategy has already failed, which is why countries all over the world are putting tight limits on future shots.

Actually, there's another difference ...

For the most part, many westerners know little about the Middle East & have little clue as to what the Bath party was or what the 'Sunni vs Shitte' thing was all about. In other words, they were simply lied to about the WMDs but thought that since Saddam was a dictator, then it's ok that he was eventually deposed. And yes, this includes the intellectuals of Boston & NYC.

Now contrast that with the countless experiences of medical misdiagnosis, botched surgeries, and "innovative" pharmaceuticals causing tissue & organ problems for the past several decades. Everyone knows someone who's been victimized by the Big Pharma/Big Hospital complex but yet, blindly believed that a pseudo-tested mRNA shot was safe and efficacious. That's unbelievable!

For my p.o.v., that's akin to the first time when that combo of 'antibiotics w/ statins' resulted in an uncle being hospitalized for kidney damage where one can say ... "Shame on you, Big Pharma"

But now, it's "Shame on me, for believing in them again", when the court system has alleviated them from lawsuits via the EUA for a similar type of hokey concoction.

Why do ppl believe in Big Pharma? And then again, why is it that ppl confuse this topic with Trump vs Biden? It's about your health, not politics!
967   richwicks   2023 Jan 29, 6:03pm  

Rin says

Why do ppl believe in Big Pharma? And then again, why is it that ppl confuse this topic with Trump vs Biden?

Television is their god. It's as simple as that.

People are reluctant to give into the notion that their teacher, mother, secret lover has been lying to them all their life.

If people simply threw their television away, they'd be free. It, by far, enslaves more minds than any other device on the planet. The Internet doesn't even compete, although they are trying with Facebook, Google, and Twitter. Television is evil.
968   Rin   2023 Jan 29, 8:32pm  

richwicks says

People are reluctant to give into the notion that their teacher, mother, secret lover has been lying to them all their life.

Ok, but those are friends and lovers, not some MDs who put their uncle into the ICU via mixing Statins with an Antibiotic treatment which made Swiss cheese out of his kidney.

Trust me, many ppl are suspicious of MDs and don't give their unconditional faith (or love) to them as a result of years of poor medical outcomes for their friends and families. This didn't start in March of 2020 but more like 1985-90, when insurance companies started running the entire delivery of medicine for the public.

richwicks says

If people simply threw their television away, they'd be free

I think it's more than that.

I think it's that they associate anyone who's pro-vaccine as being against Donald J Trump. And that's why ppl made a hero out of Tony "American Joe Mengele" Fauci, the most useless talking head I've seen in my entire life & the one who reduced our NIH into the National 'Banana Republic' Institute of Health.

And that's the kicker! When people start to call those who take Vitamins and Supplements ... pro-Trumpers, what can one say? It's like we've been taking those pills, decades before even Trump threw his hat into the election pool.
969   richwicks   2023 Jan 29, 11:18pm  

Rin says

richwicks says

People are reluctant to give into the notion that their teacher, mother, secret lover has been lying to them all their life.

Ok, but those are friends and lovers, not some MDs who put their uncle into the ICU via mixing Statins with an Antibiotic treatment which made Swiss cheese out of his kidney.

Trust me, many ppl are suspicious of MDs and don't give their unconditional faith (or love) to them as a result of years of poor medical outcomes for their friends and families. This didn't start in March of 2020 but more like 1985-90, when insurance companies started running the entire delivery of medicine for the public.

The "teacher, mother, and secret lover" I'm talking about, is television.

It's television that engenders trust in systems. Ever seen a television show with a sociopathic incompetent doctor in it?

Rin says

richwicks says

If people simply threw their television away, they'd be free

I think it's that they associate anyone who's pro-vaccine as being against Donald J Trump. And that's why ppl made a hero out of Tony "American Joe Mengele" Fauci, the most useless talking head I've seen in my entire life & the one who reduced our NIH into the National 'Banana Republic' Institute of Health.

And that's the kicker! When people start to call those who take Vitamins and Supplements ... pro-Trumpers, what can one say? It's like we've been taking those pills, decades before even Trump threw his hat into the election pool.

What device gives people the notion that taking or rejecting the vaccine has anything to do with Trump or Republicans?

Trump has promoted and taken credit for the vaccine. Why would anybody have the idea that the people rejecting the vaccine, are doing it because of Trump?


That's the only reason.

Television CONSTANTLY creates these fake dichotomies constantly. It's TV that determines what a "liberal" and a "conservative" is. It's really a mind control device.

I completely opposed the Iraq War in 2001 and onward. I was a "liberal" according to everybody around me. No, I'm anti bullshit war. I'm not against EVERY war, I'm just opposed to every war that happened in my lifetime, and quite a few before I was born. I completely approved the American revolution. That was a war well worth fighting.

I oppose the "civil" war, that really was the war of Northern Aggression. It was NOT about slavery, it was about odious taxation imposed on the South.

Whether you realize it or not television shapes your thinking constantly. We have really good propaganda.

BTW - I TOTALLY supported Operation Desert Storm in the early 1990's. I can be fooled, and I'll be fooled again. My default position is "my government is lying to me again", and since I've adopted that position, I think I've been nearly 100% right.
970   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Jan 30, 3:39am  

richwicks says

People are reluctant to give into the notion that their teacher, mother

Nobody loves you but your mother, and she could be jiving you, too. - B.B. King.
971   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Jan 30, 3:41am  

richwicks says

Television CONSTANTLY creates these fake dichotomies

People are too lazy of even incapable of interpreting reality on their own. Hence, television, streaming, entertainment, advertising, and the lying MSM. And the Misinformation Bureau. Can't have any unsanctioned misinformation floating around.
972   richwicks   2023 Jan 30, 3:59am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

People are too lazy of even incapable of interpreting reality on their own.

I don't think ANYBODY is incapable of interpreting reality, the problem we have is we are propagandized as children into believing a bunch of false axioms.

Law is applied equally. Government corruption when exposed, will be ended. Lies in government are punished. All people are treated equally. Government exists to serve the people. We have a free press. Our government doesn't engage in hypocrisy. The "truth" will come out if the government lies. Honesty and integrity are rewarded.

These are all false and there are many more that are false. The basic problem as I see it is that we are given a bunch of bullshit tools to work with.

I remember being perplexed greatly when nothing happened when it became evident that the George H. Bush used the Kuwaiti's ambassador's daughter to lie about incubators being stolen from Kuwait. I expected some sort of fallout for a year, I expected that the "news" media would be busy correcting what they reported on. Nothing happened and it took me a full year to be enlightened.

I'm a lot quicker now. I see one example of something like that, for example how protesters at January 6th were harshly dealt with, and Antifa/BLM were not and I can immediately start searching for why. It's because Antifa/BLM must be controlled by factions within our government. It's not mystery to me why both parties go to war, it's because we have one party. It's no mystery to me why our "news" doesn't report on relevant stories or correct OTHER "news" sources, they are propaganda.

What confused me up until 2 years ago is why do people not see how corrupt our media is? Well, they just assume that the truth will eventually come out, that it would be reported if Fox news or MSNBC lied outright - that people would sue for libel and slander and win. Another false axiom they hold.
973   Patrick   2023 Feb 1, 9:58pm  


On page 30, you can see the following table, which shows how well 3 shots worked for over 120,000 Kaiser enrollees who were tested for COVID during Omicron. Kaiser did something unusual: it actually sequenced 16,418 positive COVID samples to determine the Omicron subvariant with which the enrollees were infected.

What it found was that for 4 out of 5 Omicron subvariants by 150 days (5 months) post shot, efficacy had fallen into negative territory, and Kaiser’s thrice-vaccinated enrollees were more likely to get COVID than the unvaccinated.
974   Patrick   2023 Feb 1, 10:52pm  


Covid deaths in Canada nearly doubled in 2022 and I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to say why I think it happened
975   mell   2023 Feb 2, 10:12am  

Patrick says


Covid deaths in Canada nearly doubled in 2022 and I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to say why I think it happened

Delta is making a comeback with Orthrus, people who took the jabs and were exposed to omicron only may be fooked. The jabs maim and cause ADE.
979   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 7:24pm  


Currently the CDC, FDA, NIH, and most government officials, healthcare professionals and mainstream media, are promoting the false claim that the COVID-19 mRNA biological injections prevent hospitalizations and severe disease. This ‘spin’ was born from the harsh reality that the COVID-19 mRNA biological injections do not prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection or transmission.

If a ‘Vaccine” Can’t Prevent Viral Infection then It Can’t Prevent Severe Disease Either. This is Common Sense. No Expert Opinion Required.
My question is, ‘If a vaccine can not reduce the risk for a viral infection, how can it reduce the risk for the severe disease that is caused by that viral infection?’

The answer is it can’t.

An ineffective and impotent COVID-19 mRNA vaccine (harmful biological agent) that exposes a human’s immune system to a virus or part of a virus (the spike protein), but then does not stimulate the neutralizing antibodies required to protect against future viral infections actually increases the risk for severe respiratory disease due to the well-known, harmful biological response known as vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease (VAERD).

The FDA approval documents state that VAERD is an IMPORTANT POTENTIAL RISK for both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections (because the injections increase the risk for both COVID-19 infection and severe disease).

Pfizer even admits that their mRNA injections increase the risk for COVID-19, per a September 17, 2021, post-hoc analysis submitted to the FDA.
980   Patrick   2023 Feb 11, 4:12pm  


vaccines are not magic.
they cannot do or elicit that which your body cannot do.

they do not kill or stop or even affect viruses.

all vaccines do is train your immune system to recognize a pathogen and learn a response to prevent it from infecting you.

you store the information on how to make antibodies and how to trigger T-cells etc.

but ALL the vaccines that really do stop you from contracting and spreading diseases have one thing in common:

they work on a “one and done” virus that does not mutate.

measles, smallpox, chicken pox, mumps, rubella, these are all diseases where you get them once and (barring extreme immune suppression or rare malfunction) you never get them again.

this is the realm of plausible vaccine candidates. ...

there has never been a successful vaccine for a recurrent respiratory disease. not for flu, coronaviruses, RSV, none of it. these viruses mutate too quickly. there is always a new one, a new strain, and it will infect you whether or not you got sick last year. ...

where this gets really worrying is if you fixate an entire population into one response vector and this then creates an intense evolutionary pressure toward an “escape” variant. every person is the same lab running the same experiment and when someone cracks it, it affects everyone. you can, quite literally, create the opposite of herd immunity. you can create herd antigenic-fixation. ...

and so every boost with out of date virus coding, even if it did work (dubious), would STILL be counterproductive. you need to be ahead, not behind. being behind is just going to lock more people into more kinds of fixation, make the next surge worse, and keep herd antigenic fixation going. no one will ever get out from under this and the side effects just keep piling up.

this is a disastrous idea.

and mRNA vaccines are about the worst possible way to go about this as they do not even teach your body to recognize the virus itself, only the effects in infected cells. it was just never going to be sterilizing. amazingly, even tony fauci, now that he has retired, seems to know this.
981   Patrick   2023 Feb 14, 2:43pm  


Excess deaths in Alberta surge past 10,000 ...

Alberta government censored & hid all data about COVID-19 vaccine injuries to the immune systems of the double vaccinated (Part 1), the failure of the first COVID-19 booster (Part 2), and more immune system damage to the triple vaccinated (Part 3).

For what will ultimately be the deadliest cover-up in Alberta’s history, it has been a rather sloppy one. Alberta’s Public Health Chief Dr.Deena Hinshaw was likely relieved to be fired, she’s not really cut out for this level of criminal activity. She seeks asylum in British Columbia, with a pharma left BC NDP govt which will protect her.

Her deputy Chief Medical Officers of Health Dr.Jing Hu (a respirologist from Wuhan, China) and Dr.Rosana Salvaterra resigned (click here) and no one knows where they are now. At least their “cash benefits” for their hard work and long nights of deleting COVID-19 vaccine injury data from government websites, kept up with inflation.

982   Patrick   2023 Feb 15, 3:03am  


The COVID-19 vaccines have failed to stop the infection, do not prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2 among fully vaccinated individuals, and have not been shown to reduce hospitalization or death in prospective, randomized, double blind placebo-controlled trials. The consent form for COVID-19 vaccines indicates the only benefit occurred in the past with previous strains. As an epidemiologist, I was shocked when Watson et al, made the claim that vaccination helped prevent 14-21 million deaths in 2021. How can reviewers and editors allow an author group to make such a claim when no mortality benefit is granted by the US FDA who regulates the language of the consent form?

Watson relied on a the Epidemiological SEIR (Susceptible → Exposed → Infectious → Recovered) model previously referred to as “the science”, by many government leaders, such as the former German chancellor Angela Merkel. In a analysis by Klement and Walach, the SEIR model was found to be invalid because Watson assumed the vaccine would prevent infection and therefore in some individuals, COVID-19 would not occur and thus the progression to death would be avoided. This is not realistic. ...

Randomized trials by Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, AstraZeneca, Novavax, and the killed virus vaccines all failed to show that vaccination prevents infection and thus reduces death during the trial observation period. ...

The preponderance of evidence is that the effect is in the opposite direction with more infections, COVID-19 deaths, vaccine injuries, disabilities, and fatal syndromes with the vaccination campaign.
983   Patrick   2023 Feb 16, 4:22pm  


In the Omicron period, compared to pre-Omicron periods, unvaccinated SARS-CoV-2 positive adults <65 years old without comorbidity had reduced proportions of hospitalization and death overall.

The original article does a little pfellating of Pfizer in an attempt to stay out of trouble, but that is to be expected of the whores that "scientists" have become these days.
984   Patrick   2023 Feb 16, 9:17pm  


As universities in the United States continue to mandate liability-free injections (COVID vaccines) for students at limited risk of contracting COVID, it becomes imperative that more public information be made available for the ingredients of these experimental vaccines. ...

Informed consent cannot be obtained with poorly characterized therapeutics. ...

The “Thailand study” (Mansanguan et al) implies even higher rates of cardiac risk for students, where 29.24% of students (n=301) experienced cardiovascular manifestations. Studies including 23 Million Nordic patients observed a significant rate of myocarditis in this age group as well. This study, while larger, was not as controlled as the Thailand study in that Mansanguan et al. took baseline measurements of the patients and explored more than just myo/pericarditis.

These risks are not seen with C19 itself. ...

On the flip side of this risk equation we find infection from C19 has been shown to provide more durable immunity than the narrow spike protein focused vaccines. Natural immunity provides mucosal antibodies and T-Cell recognition of the proteome derived from the entire 30kb viral genome where the vaccines are focused on a small ~4kb (1273 amino acids) region of the virus. ...

It is is well established that these vaccines do not stop transmission and recent studies from the Cleveland clinic (preprint) even demonstrate negative vaccine efficacy with each additional vaccine. ...

They also demonstrate a dose dependent effect or a ‘Biological gradient’ which is one of the tenets of the Bradford Hill conditions for causality. This implies the vaccines are weakening patients immune systems and making them more susceptible to C19 and other infections.

Thus the vaccination policies at universities appear to violate fundamental medical ethics as they are asking students to absorb a negative risk/benefit medical intervention to shield older faculty. This is using their student body as human shields while failing to inform that the shield has a ‘Russian Roulette’ price for its user. This is mis-informed coercion not informed consent.

This is particularly true for vaccines that do not stop transmission and in several studies show signs of negative vaccine efficacy (Barnstable Mass). The Barnstable Mass study run by the CDC showed higher infection rates amongst the vaccinated. Australia is now 96% vaccinated (16+ 2 Doses) and the hospitals are enriched above 96% for vaccinated patients. Excess mortality in Australia is higher post vaccination than during the pre-vaccination pandemic.
985   Patrick   2023 Feb 17, 3:33pm  


Moderna’s leading mRNA influenza jab has failed, the company said yesterday.

In a large clinical trial, the vaccine appeared LESS able to stimulate the immune system than older flu jabs for two of four flu strains, the company said. It also had far higher rates of side effects than the older shots.

The lack of efficacy was notable because flu vaccines have almost no real-world efficacy, as Dr. Anthony Fauci himself conceded in a paper last month.
986   Patrick   2023 Feb 24, 5:36pm  


A bombshell new report has just been quietly published by the United Kindom government, revealing that “fully vaccinated” people accounted for a staggering 92 percent of Covid deaths last year.

The official figures show that those classed as “fully,” “triple,” or “quadruple” vaccinated accounted for nine in ten of all COVID-19 deaths in England over the past two years.

For the entirety of 2022, the fully vaccinated accounted for 92% of Covid deaths.
990   Patrick   2023 Mar 20, 2:14pm  


Primary Series and Boosters--No Impact on Maternal COVID-19 Test Positivity
Large Study Published in BMJ Ignored Safety, Found No Benefit with Dangerous Injections
991   Karloff   2023 Mar 20, 2:54pm  

zzyzzx says

I wonder how often this is made up as some excuse to take a few days off, avoid some event, or just try to scaremonger the plebs into thinking that covid is "still out there!".

Guys like newsom are craven liars, so you can never trust their public face. You want the truth out of them, you have to catch them on a hot mic when they think they aren't being overheard by the rabble.
992   Patrick   2023 Mar 22, 7:42pm  


Obligatory reminder: at the county level, all apparent (mild) vaccine effectiveness is entirely explained by the Healthy User Bias (HUB).

How Does the HUB Get Missed?

Let us understand first that the HUB is not even a concept on the tips of the tongues or minds of many of us who have been employed in Statistics work outside of the medical field. It may also be the case that those who are familiar with the concept have not explored it well enough to have intuition about its presence. Add to that the conflict of interests associated with the biomedical field, and you have the makings of a memory hole.
993   Patrick   2023 Mar 23, 5:26pm  


Recall Ho Chi Minh city Vietnam study (Chau et al.) looking at vaccinated healthcare personnel during Delta variant; viral loads via PCR cycle threshold in vaxxed nurses were 251 times higher than in infected cases with the original strain in March/April 2020...

These are critical early studies that showed us clearly that the vaccine was failing and even was facilitating/enhancing infection and re-infection in the vaccinee.
994   Patrick   2023 Mar 25, 10:56pm  


Despite all the hopes and aspirations for those pushing vaccine ideology, prospective, randomized, double-blind placebo controlled trials in 2020 never demonstrated reductions in hospitalization and death. As a result, no therapeutic claim of survival can be made by anyone. Reduction in the risk of death is listed in the “benefit” section of vaccine consent form. COVID-19 vaccines have never saved lives. ...

The real tragedy in Texas and all over the world was the absolute or relative lack of early combination therapeutics at home in high risk COVID-19. Gkioulekas et al concluded that by December of 2020, we had clear and convincing evidence (P<0.01) that early treatment was effective in reducing hospitalization death, a claim that could never be made for COVID-19 vaccines. Verkerk et al demonstrated the vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths occurred as a result of little or no access to early combination therapy. Failure to treat resulting in avoidable death is always a tragedy.
995   Patrick   2023 Mar 26, 5:11pm  


Booster mandates in young adults are expected to cause a net harm: per COVID-19 hospitalisation prevented, we anticipate at least 18.5 serious adverse events from mRNA vaccines, including 1.5–4.6 booster-associated myopericarditis cases in males (typically requiring hospitalisation). We also anticipate 1430–4626 cases of grade ≥3 reactogenicity interfering with daily activities (although typically not requiring hospitalisation). University booster mandates are unethical because they:
(1) are not based on an updated (Omicron era) stratified risk-benefit assessment for this age group;
(2) may result in a net harm to healthy young adults;
(3) are not proportionate: expected harms are not outweighed by public health benefits given modest and transient effectiveness of vaccines against transmission;
(4) violate the reciprocity principle because serious vaccine-related harms are not reliably compensated due to gaps in vaccine injury schemes; and
(5) may result in wider social harms.
996   Patrick   2023 Mar 29, 10:11pm  


COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy Grossly Overestimated from Non-Randomized Studies
Multiple Sources of Bias Created Illusion that Vaccines Worked as they Failed in the Real World

Proponents of COVID-19 mass vaccination will admit the products are not perfect yet claim they saved “millions of lives.” Major therapeutic claims such as mortality reduction with a single novel product can only be made on the basis of large, prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trials with proper primary endpoints. Non-randomized studies have threats to validity that cannot be overcome.

Fung et al in a recent paper just scratch the surface in addressing this complex issue. They point out that background infection rates and cross-overs from unvaccinated to vaccinated early in the campaign were sources of bias that led to inflated vaccine efficacy. ...

For all of the above reasons, claims that the COVID-19 vaccines worked to reduce spread of infection, hospitalization, and death must be rejected. The burden of proof has not been met and threats to validity have not been overcome. All of the COVID-19 vaccines should be removed from the market and we should begin the investigative phase into how this massive program failed to stop COVID-19.
997   Patrick   2023 Mar 31, 11:05pm  


Thomas Lewis
Writes Told You So

Since The Vaccines Do Not Work ...

Technically ...

Everyone Is Unvaccinated.

Except Those Whose Bodies

- Developed Natural Immunity.

The Rest Are Just

Vaccine Victims.
998   Patrick   2023 Apr 4, 9:34pm  


Another day, another loss for the mRNA jabs, as old-fashioned live attenuated virus vaccines are shown to provide superior immunity in hamsters
The bright and shiny new technology is not always the way. Fuck everybody who said otherwise.
999   ForcedTQ   2023 Apr 5, 10:02am  

Patrick says


Thomas Lewis
Writes Told You So

Since The Vaccines Do Not Work ...

Technically ...

Everyone Is Unvaccinated.

Except Those Whose Bodies

- Developed Natural Immunity.

The Rest Are Just

Vaccine Victims.

Injection Victims

Not Vaccine Victims, as it is not a Vaccine...
1000   Patrick   2023 Apr 9, 10:02pm  


COVID-19 deaths in 2022 were 39% higher than 2021
Media is silent
1001   GNL   2023 Apr 10, 4:30am  

My personal experience so far is, "nothing to see here" regarding covid or the jab.

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