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The serious concern is how we can ensure the hanging of everyone involved in creation of the virus (Fauci, Daszak, Collins, etc) and everyone who mandated the death jabs (Biden, employers, university administrators, etc).
As FDA explains, “FDA’s authorization and licensure standards for vaccines do not require demonstration of the prevention of infection or transmission.”[46] FDA nonetheless promoted the belief that the Covid-19 vaccines products could do just that, including in the numerous “Just a Minute” promotional videos released by Dr. Peter Marks in late 2021 and early 2022.[47]
This occurred despite a CDC study, dated August 6, 2021, which found vaccinated individuals had a higher rate of infection and more viral carriage in their nasopharynx than the unvaccinated.[48] With the release of this study, the CDC Director stated on CNN that “what they [Covid-19 vaccines] can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.”[49] Then, on August 24, 2021, a study by the Wisconsin Health Department reviewed swab specimens in 24 counties and found high viral loads in “158 of 232 unvaccinated (68%...) and 156 of 225 fully vaccinated (69%...) symptomatic individuals” and in “7 of 24 unvaccinated (29%...) and 9 of 11 fully vaccinated asymptomatic individuals (82%...).”[50] Our exchange with CDC in mid to late 2021 brought into focus the foregoing.[51]
Nonetheless, the implication these products could prevent infection and transmission persisted, including in a Pfizer report to the FDA on October 26, 2021, stating: “Maximizing the proportion of the population that is vaccinated is critically important to help reduce rates of infection, decrease transmission, prevent the emergence of new variants of concern, and hasten the end of the pandemic.”[52] Despite the lack of clinical evidence to support these claims, FDA permitted Pfizer to continue to make them.
Biden tests positive for Covid-19 and will self-isolate in Delaware, White House says
Biden tests positive for Covid-19 and will self-isolate in Delaware, White House says
Booger says
Biden tests positive for Covid-19 and will self-isolate in Delaware, White House says
This is just a stunt to keep Biden out of the public so he does not continue to display his handicapped mental state.
"Dude, I was like keep the weird pron off Patnet.
(Had to do that a few times before I got the right quote, sorry)"
💉💉 It’s that time of election season again! Lockdowns, social distancing, school closures, masks, vaccines; they all, apparently, failed. The Terror continues! Corporate media drowned in an epidemic of sudden and unexpected covid stories this morning. Here are a few alarming headlines for you. First, The Nation...
In his tweet, Fetterman vowed he was “grateful to be fully vaccinated.” Curiously, immediately after noting Fetterman’s jabby gratitude, the Enquirer reminded readers that Fetterman has had: a stroke, lingering auditory problems, atrial fibrillation, clinical depression, and last month, a bizarre car accident.
It could have been worse!
What in the Narrative is going on? Apart from long-expected, population-wide immune suppression, my best guess is that the media is setting the stage for people to wear masks to voting centers and ballot drop-off boxes.
Resist! If there’s one thing we’ve learned about 2024, it’s that everything can change in a split second. There are still three full months until the elections.
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