Psychology of vaxxers. They are accepting the state into their body, becoming one with the government

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2021 Oct 22, 3:04pm   198,661 views  1,305 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Maybe the battle is between those who unfairly benefit from credentialism, and those who don't.

Liberals defend their credentials which allow them to exploit those who don't have the same credentials. Credentials create monopolies, the ability to set high prices regardless of quality of service. It is a way to defeat free market competition.

The funding of universities depends entirely on the demand for their degrees, which they control. Their biggest horror would be a system where anyone could take tests to prove competence in a subject without paying for the years of classes and subjecting themselves to obedience to professors.

Thatcher and Trump refused to give the automatic respect many academics feel is their due. They gave the impression that they could see right through us, an uncomfortable feeling.
- Thomas Frank

Most of academia is less about learning than about paying for a paper proof of status and conformity. Non-conformists are expelled from schools, or failed out. Most teachers do not like their authority to be questioned. Bosses like the academic proof of conformity when they hire. The most "educated" are the most obedient.

Trump was a threat to their credentials and therefore a threat to their incomes and status.

The academic elite need a reason to hate those threatening themselves, therefore they use imaginary "racism", to which there is no defense. The accusation is the conviction.

Then they don't need to worry about the real class problem, which is independent of race. They would be uncomfortable looking at class, because they'd have to look at themselves and their unearned class privileges.

So their faith in the injection is faith in the "expert class" of which they are members, and they demand that the hoi polloi submit to it as an expression of the elite's power and prestige.

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1266   GNL   2024 Aug 8, 3:15pm  

Anyone who isn't raising their children/grandchildren to be 100% skeptical of the government 100% of the time is a fool. I raised my kids, who are now 28 and 24, to NEVER trust the government. The 24 year old got the shot anyway. She was prancing around like a true, white, starbucks drinking liberal. A small part of me died that day.
1267   Ceffer   2024 Aug 8, 4:29pm  

Just talked with a libby woman walking around hood in Tri Valley. She says she has Covid and tested positive, had full raft of vax/boosters apparently from working in the school system. It's a fake test and fake Covid, but belief seems to be everything. She said she has had it several times.

Strange thing is, my wife and I have little things come and go, but I think since Covid Terror officially launched, we have been generally as healthy or healthier than we can remember. We had one bout of unpleasant flu which we recognized from symptoms pre-Covid, but it wasn't a disaster, just unpleasant.
1274   HeadSet   2024 Aug 13, 6:03pm  

Patrick says

The same way they can spread panic about a "Handmaid's Tale" future while ignoring the very real Islamic treatment of women.
1275   Patrick   2024 Aug 14, 9:59am  


The Salk polio vaccine was “contaminated” with cancer causing SV-40 and pushed on driven-mad-with-fear public by the NIH during Nixon’s Vice Presidency (1953-61). Within days numerous children were paralyzed, fell ill with polio and many died. Lawsuits erupted. Dr. Ochsner famously killed his own grandson and crippled his granddaughter with this vaccine. Does this remind you of Peter Hotez who poisoned his own daughter with vaccines? There are numerous examples of medical psychopaths killing and injuring their own children and grandchildren, sacrificing them to their death cult. ...

With mRNA injections we have seen an enormous rise in cancers, among numerous other deadly conditions, some immediate, some more long term.

Truly, when the government investigates itself and finds itself guilty, it rewards itself with greater budgets to commit same crimes under different labels.
1277   Patrick   2024 Aug 25, 3:46pm  


The gut wrench horror of discovering someone or some institution you trust and depend on did not deserve trust — you gave them your energy, faith, money, consent, lives … they gave you up, they gave up your family! ...

When cheating is detected, a normal human response is either anger and confrontation and/or rejection of the cheater. But things go sideways when we’re betrayed by someone or an institution we feel our lives depend on. Suddenly it seems both normal response A - confronting the betrayer, and normal response B - rejecting the betrayer directly threaten our survival. The internal cheater detection alarms go off as usual, but the normal responses are off the table.

Bad news: There’s betrayal blindness

This inner fear-based crisis often results in what researchers have termed betrayal blindness. People block from their awareness the reality of the betrayal. The betrayed often forget the experience, or retell it as if the betrayal was something they wanted when they really had no control and no choice. Impaired memory can be provoked by explicit threats from the betrayer demanding silence. ...

When a betrayal is discovered or finally faced, a person’s sense of who they think they are often shatters. The betrayed may suddenly see all the early warning signs — which were ignored — and that realization can lead to a cascade of debilitating self doubt and self blame.

“How could I have been so stupid? Why did I allow this to happen?” ...

The desire to preserve one’s sense of self is likely a strong contributing motivator for betrayal blindness. To stay blind preserves relationships, institutions, and social systems — and a sense of self — upon which the betrayed believes they depend, even though these very relationships, institutions, and social systems have caused enormous harm.

The natural human instinctive desire to be free from the harm of betrayers is blocked from guiding the betrayed toward an appropriate healthy course of action. Our brains, in attempting to protect us from expected traumas, make us reject obvious betrayals.

The powers-that-be cultivate and count on betrayal blindness

We can track now how the cabal uses this knowledge of human behavior models to manipulate and control the masses. If you can predict how humans respond to betrayal and why they choose to be blind to it, the formula writes itself. ...

Psychologists point out this betrayal blindness human behavior pattern also shows us the path to seeing clearly again: reduce fear, reduce dependence.

“If dependence on those authorities can be reduced, the ability to separate lies from truth should spring back to life.”

It’s our emotional and perhaps perceived financial dependence on the heroes and their promises that leads to our blindness to their deceptions. If we keep trusting them we are in trouble. ...

There are many walking wounded. I don’t know one family who wasn’t torn apart by the life-threatening emotional coercion process the cabal deployed in the “covid” operation. The fact that I’ve yet to hear via friends or online of any outpourings of apologies for the cruelty inflicted and that no one wants to talk about it tells me there’s a LOT of unprocessed betrayal blindness that hasn’t been dealt with.

I have a lot of relatives who still cannot admit how badly they were pfooled by Pfauci and Pfizer.

I understand. It would be really painful for them to admit the truth. But they should do it anyway, for their own self-respect and eventual healing.
1285   Patrick   2024 Sep 16, 7:14pm  


So what gives? Why have academics proved to be so remarkably immune to seeing what's happening in the world, despite the fact that the evidence is beating them over the head on a daily basis?

Here's my theory:

The truth hurts.

I don't just mean that in the way that your emotionally abusive ex-girlfriend meant it when she told you her new boyfriend had a bigger dick. Frankly she's a bitch, and probably nothing she says is true, king, so just put whatever she said out of your mind. You're better off without her.

I mean it quite literally: the truth, when it contradicts what you think is true, is interpreted by your brain as more or less the same thing as physical pain. To be more specific, that's probably your left brain talking, since it's your left brain that falls in love with simplified models of reality and readily rejects facts that contradict those models. That just a bit of nuance that doesn't affect the central point, which is that it hurts to accept something that violates a previously held belief.

Learning takes effort at a biological level. The brain has to grow new connections, which means it has to invest time and energy in that rather than in just using the existing pathways. That's hard enough when it's learning something that doesn't contradict previously assimilated information. It's much worse when it contradicts something that is already believed. In that case, the brain has to go back and undo connections that were already made, as well as make the new connections. All that work - for nothing! And the deeper and more fundamental the assumption, the more concepts it connects to, the more beliefs that are built on it which must now be re-examined, the more reluctant the brain is to modify it ... the more painful undoing that assumption is. ...

If you went through it, you know just how wrenching it is, as the awful realization sets in that you were lied to, that you were gullible enough to be deceived, and that you now have to re-examine everything you once believed about the world. To say nothing of the isolation that comes with the knowledge that, with most people, you simply cannot speak of these things.

If you did this, congratulations - you felt the pain of truth, and rather than shying away from it, you moved forward, into the pain. Something inside you understood that the pain was a small price to pay for the truth.
1286   HeadSet   2024 Sep 17, 1:13pm  

Patrick says

It's much worse when it contradicts something that is already believed. In that case, the brain has to go back and undo connections that were already made, as well as make the new connections.

That does not seem to be an issue when following a particular cult. For example, Dems had no problem changing from distrust of big corporations and having strong free speech advocacy to becoming Big Pharma Brown Shirts and censorship advocates just because the Dem party told them to.
1287   GNL   2024 Sep 17, 2:31pm  

HeadSet says

Patrick says

It's much worse when it contradicts something that is already believed. In that case, the brain has to go back and undo connections that were already made, as well as make the new connections.

That does not seem to be an issue when following a particular cult. For example, Dems had no problem changing from distrust of big corporations and having strong free speech advocacy to becoming Bi Pharma Brown Shirts and censorship advocates just because the Dem party told them to.

The party of loons. The party who refuse to think for themselves.
1288   Patrick   2024 Oct 1, 5:43pm  


It’s Stockholm Syndrome.

It actually makes a lot of sense. Think about it — if you’re a captive of someone who possesses overwhelming and superior force, you’re going to be miserable either way [whether you fight back or submit]. But from an evolutionary standpoint, if you go along with the more powerful force, you improve your odds of survival, somewhat. It’s unfortunate, but it’s true. It’s rational. This is a glitch in human evolution [because it rewards cowardice] and it’s been going on for thousands of years. In Covid, the other side took advantage of this evolutionary glitch, and capitalized on it. ...

This struck me as the best explanation I’ve heard for what we’ve been through — the insanity of the last four and a half years is the result of Stockholm Syndrome across the developed world. The biowarfare industrial complex figured out how much force and fear would be required to flip the switch in people’s brains from rational, decent, democratic people to fascists who love their captors. And that’s what they did starting in January of 2020 — it was the U.S. military’s Shock & Awe doctrine applied to the American people and the citizens of Europe and Australasia. By mid-March 2020 the operation was complete and just required occasional reminders to keep people afraid. Once the switch is flipped it stays in that position until a new, more powerful force comes along. This is not mass formation and it’s not hypnosis, it’s Stockholm Syndrome. ...

Doctors and nurses killed the patients in their care because they just knew it was what the dominant class wanted. It was automatic and instantaneous. It produced no guilt and felt virtuous.

The entire profession of public health implemented a genocide across the developed world because the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation wanted it to be done.

The mainstream media and the government just knew they had to censor anyone and everyone who questioned the dominant narrative no matter how well sourced because that’s just what good people like them do (even though it’s never been done on this scale before).

Colleges and universities just knew that they had to force the students in their care to inject themselves with toxic substances even though all data showed that this would kill more students than it would help — because that’s what the dominant culture called for.

And intellectual titans including Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, James Surowiecki, and others were reduced to grotesque sniveling gollums who abandoned all of their education and principles to demand that people serve the fascist Pharma state.

This radical transformation of society did not even require much coordination because it all operates through hegemony — the gravitational pull and evolutionary glitch that causes people to obey.
1289   Patrick   2024 Oct 3, 3:45pm  


The torture playbook used by the CCP on American POWs of Korean War was deployed during COVID ...

Sociologist Albert Biderman outlined the torture and brainwashing methods used by the CCP on American Korean War POWs. The 8 steps are also found in domestic abuse to psychologically break its victims. During COVID tyranny, these coercion techniques were deployed at mass scale. Despite writing this passage in its Report on Torture, Amnesty International sided with Trudeau against the truckers and remained silent about these flagrant human rights abuses

Most people who brainwash...use methods similar to those of prison guards who recognize that physical control is never easily accomplished without the cooperation of the prisoner. The most effective way to gain that cooperation is through subversive manipulation of the mind and feelings of the victim, who then becomes a psychological, as well as a physical, prisoner.

Step 1: Isolation

Deprives victim of all social support of their ability to resist. Develops an intense concern with self. Makes victim dependent.

Stay at home, save lives! Cancel Thanksgiving! Don’t visit grandma, it could kill her!

Step 2: Monopolization of perception

Fixes attention upon immediate predicament. Eliminates information not in compliance with demands. Punishes independence and or resistance, blames victim for abuse (DARVO).

Censor COVID misinformation! Don’t be a superspreader! BLM protests are good, anti lockdown protests are bad!

Step 3: Induced debilitation and exhaustion

Weakens mental and physical ability to resist. Demeaning Punishments with insults and taunts. Denial of privacy.

Close the gyms and churches! Shut down the parks! Opening schools will kill teachers and kids!

Step 4: Threats

Cultivates anxiety and despair. Threats of endless interrogation and isolation.

Call the snitch hotline! Cops will arrest you! Your business will be fined for operating!

Step 5: Occasional indulgences

Provides positive motivation. Occasional favors. Fluctuations of attitudes.

If cases go down for a month, then we will reopen restaurants!

Step 6: Demonstrating omnipotence and omniscience

Suggests futility of resistance. Demonstrating complete control over victim's fate. Confrontation, cooperation taken for granted.

Follow The Science! Get the jab or lose your job! Put anti-science conspiracy theorists in quarantine camps!

Step 7: Degradation

Makes cost of resistance appear more damaging to self‐esteem than capitulation. Reduces prisoner to "animal level"concerns. Public humiliation with verbal abuse and name calling.

Antivaxxers are looking at a winter of death and disease! Joe Rogan is using horse dewormer! Unvaccinated MAGAts should not be allowed into hospitals!

Step 8: Enforcing trivial demands

Develops habit of compliance. Punishes for noncompliance with RULESEwhich are rigid and unrealistic. Frequently changes the rules.

6 feet apart! Mask up! Get tested!
1290   Patrick   2024 Oct 5, 9:06pm  


now the covid psyop was deliberate. we know that. the receipts are legion. intelligence and military agencies all over the world took over health messaging and took fear porn propaganda to levels perhaps never before achieved in human history.

and it got REALLY out of hand, likely far more so than was planned but once you rub the lamp, genies like this do not go back inside without wreaking havok and fulfilling your wishes in the most perverse of all possible fashions.

the confluence of authority stressors was simply too acute for much of humanity.

and much of humanity broke.

... many will never recover. and they are all around us now, among us, anxious, addled, and irrational waiting with alert intensity for the next opportunity to be outraged. it’s their literal raison d’etre. they have become instantiations of indignation haunting the earth like specters seeking reasons to howl and assault the living.

there is no cohabitation with such angry ghosts. they do no seek succor. they seek rage. rage as purpose. rage as praxis. rage against the dying of their own minds.

it cannot be reasoned with or assuaged. there is no compromise. ...

this has some meaningful implications:

it means that if you rely on push information, you’re going to live underneath a firehose of rage spray. it’s what gets sent so it’s what you’ll get. that message becomes the medium of social media, the carrier wave, the modal meme.

anger. hate. fear.

the big news networks are even worse than social media because they are dying so they lie and outrage to distort the facts underpinning the mindscapes of their brainwashed followers and because pissing you off just makes you spread it further when you complain about it. it’s just memetic evolution to maximize replication.

so if you want real information, you need to pull it.

go look for it. ...

know who you are and curate what you pay attention to.

that’s it.

do that and you win.
1291   Patrick   2024 Oct 6, 10:11am  

Finally looked up the lyrics to "You're gonna go far, kid" and it reminds me of the plandemic and the death jab campaign:

[Verse 1]
Show me how to lie, you're getting better all the time
And turning all against the one is an art that's hard to teach
Another clever word sets off an unsuspecting herd
And as you step back in the line, a mob jumps to their feet

Now dance, fucker, dance, man, he never had a chance
And no one even knew it was really only you
And now you steal away
Take him out today
Nice work you did
You're gonna go far, kid

With a thousand lies and a good disguise
Hit 'em right between the eyes, hit 'em right between the eyes
When you walk away, nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes, see 'em running for their lives

[Verse 2]
Slowly outta line and drifting closer in your sight
So play it out, I'm wide-awake, it's a scene about me
There's something in your way and now someone is gonna pay
And if you can't get what you want, well, it's all because of me
See The Offspring Live
Get tickets as low as $102
You might also like
Now dance, fucker, dance, man, I never had a chance
And no one even knew it was really only you
And now you lead the way
Show the light of day
Nice work you did
You're gonna go far, kid (Trust deceived)

With a thousand lies and a good disguise
Hit 'em right between the eyes, hit 'em right between the eyes
When you walk away, nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes, see 'em running for their lives

[Guitar Solo]

Now dance, fucker, dance, he never had a chance
And no one even knew it was really only you
And so dance, fucker, dance, I never had a chance
It was really only you

With a thousand lies and a good disguise
Hit 'em right between the eyes, hit 'em right between the eyes
When you walk away, nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes, see 'em running for their lives
Clever alibis, Lord of the Flies
Hit 'em right between the eyes, hit 'em right between the eyes
When you walk away, nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes, see 'em running for their lives
1292   Patrick   2024 Oct 6, 11:50am  


You, the Malone Bourla Bancel Weissman et al. mRNA vaccinee are plagued with Stockholm Syndrome.
Not mass formation psychosis, that was to deceive you…not hypnosis, no…you are not hypnotized. You are not deranged. No.

Psychiatrists compare the behavior to the wartime shell shock exhibited by soldiers and explained that the hostages and captives and those abused became/become emotionally indebted to their abductors or captors or those harming them, as in the mRNA technology inventors and vaccine makers. That the COVID mRNA technology inventors and mRNA vaccine makers can be killing those taking their technology, they have somehow convinced the vaccinees that they are doing good by them and that they are not the bad guys. When they are and were.

We have addled minds now. Ensconced in this Stockholm. ...

One captive even wanted to have a baby with the captor.

I am convinced many takers of the COVID mRNA technology vaccine (Malone Bourla Bancel Sahin Weissman et al.) are in a state of Stockholm Syndrome. It is the only explanation that you can donate money to people who have sought to and have killed your families etc. And show no remorse and no explanation and no inclination to fix the deadly mRNA technology and vaccine development actions they are part of.

We knew out of the box, we knew before January 2021 when the mRNA vaccines were released that they were DOA, were ineffective and harmful. What we thought as to how bad the mRNA vaccines would be, we found out it was far worse as Malone the money whore, Bourla the money whore, Bancel the money whore, Sahin the money whore, Weissman the money whore et al. and all fame and media and power whores…we found out who these people were with Hahn, Marks, Woodcock et al. That these bitches who your Stockholm syndrome entrapment have confused you over, would partake and sit silent on how ineffective the mRNA vaccine was on stopping infection, replication, or transmission. Silent. Until deaths accumulated and they could not hide it anymore. They shilled until could shill no more. ...

While Stockholm Syndrome trapped and befuddled and addled you. That still to now, in your Stockholm entrapment, there remains not one randomized controlled trial (placebo controlled), not one proper methodologically sound comparative effectiveness research study, that shows the Malone Bourla Bancel et al. mRNA vaccine reducing hospitalization, infection, ICU, deaths etc. Not one in adults or children. Not one. What exists are weak observational type research designs plagued with residual confounding biases, healthy vaccinee bias, no control for natural immunity, treatments, co-morbidities etc. No long-lived plasma cells (LLPCs) key to lasting durable immunity.

Yet it spikes IgG4 (immune tolerance) antibodies, a dangerous class switch. Plunges to negative effectiveness where the vaccinated get re-infected. That these bitches knowing you were trapped in their orchestrated Stockholm Syndrome, knew that you had a 99.998% risk of survival 75 years old and below…that healthy people had a near statistical zero chance of severe outcome if exposed or infected (if you accept this).

So, did you, like the Stockholm bank employees who were captives, hostages, develop feelings, or care, or warmth, or love, or concern, for your ‘captors’ and in this case, the captors being the mRNA technology developers and mRNA vaccine makers despite clear accumulated and prior evidence that their invention etc. was deadly? And was killing precious people around you? Are our government health officials and CDC, NIH, FDA etc. officials akin to the captors? And we identify with them and care for them, even as they kill us?
1293   GNL   2024 Oct 6, 2:53pm  

There is a war going on...a war for your mind. TPTB are masters at manipulation. It's a psychological game fo sho.

I have plenty of people in my family, Christians, that repeat a quote from Jesus..."Give unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's". LMAO, they use this as a way to deal with the cog dis.
1295   Onvacation   2024 Oct 7, 9:10am  

My colleague was out all last week until Friday with Covid. She is out today because her husband died suddenly Friday night.

Not sure how to feel until I get more details.
1296   Patrick   2024 Oct 7, 9:18am  

Sorry to hear it. I'm worried I'll keep on hearing these stories for years.
1297   stereotomy   2024 Oct 7, 9:31am  

Patrick says

Sorry to hear it. I'm worried I'll keep on hearing these stories for years.

We'll be hearing about this for the next decade at least. It's terrible what people were tricked/brainwashed into doing. I share your rage @Patrick.
1298   Patrick   2024 Oct 7, 9:42am  

How can we get people to fight for prosecution of the criminals who mandated that shit and lied about it?

The ones who took it want to forget, because it makes them feel stupid and uncomfortable about the future. They are the ones who should be angriest.
1299   The_Deplorable   2024 Oct 7, 10:59am  

Patrick says
"How can we get people to fight for prosecution of the criminals who
mandated that shit and lied about it?"

@Patrick: No problem because we already have proofs (plural) that the mRNA vaccines
are the cause of all these deaths, injuries and accelerated cancers. And the number of
such proofs is increasing with time.
1300   Patrick   2024 Oct 7, 11:41am  

Sure, the proof is obvious, but the people who took the vaxx simply refuse to think about it. It makes them too fearful and regretful.

How can we get them to think about mandating justice?
1301   Misc   2024 Oct 7, 11:48am  

Patrick says

Sure, the proof is obvious, but the people who took the vaxx simply refuse to think about it. It makes them too fearful and regretful.

How can we get them to think about mandating justice?

When Trump wins, he will appoint RFK to oversee just that.
1302   Patrick   2024 Oct 7, 2:39pm  

I sure hope we get some prosecutions, starting with Pfauci and Collins.
1304   Patrick   2024 Oct 15, 3:38pm  


The FACT that far more world citizens are dying than in the years before the Covid “vaccines” is also an area that’s produced no normal curiosity about why this might be the case.

Estimates vary on how many “excess deaths” have happened since 2021, but just about every estimate produces numbers in the hundreds of thousands if not many millions.

Speaking for myself, in modern history, I can’t think of another example where officials displayed zero curiosity or interest in identifying causes that are (or even may be) killing vast numbers of our fellow citizens.

(If this question has been asked by authorities, the only accepted answers that might explain “excess deaths” would be Climate Change or “Long Covid’ - theories which insult the intelligence of those who can read and think for themselves.)

The largest “elephant in the room” in world history is a certain mRNA injection that more than 60 percent of the world’s population began to receive in late 2020.

One could break down all-cause deaths (and severe, life-altering injuries) by probably 50 different clinical manifestations including strokes, heart attacks, rapidly-developing cancers, auto-immune diseases, or just random “sudden deaths.” ...

I’d also note that a serious inquiry was never performed that revealed that virtually no healthy person under the age of, say, 50, faced any real mortality risk from the novel coronavirus.

Instead, the official narrative was that everyone faced mortality risk of dying from Covid-19, even if a random and young citizen’s probability of dying from this disease was lower than the odds the same person would be struck by lighting in a given year.

This fact could and should have been “confirmed” by March or April 2020 … but wasn’t.

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