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Sorry to hear it. I'm worried I'll keep on hearing these stories for years.
"How can we get people to fight for prosecution of the criminals who
mandated that shit and lied about it?"
Sure, the proof is obvious, but the people who took the vaxx simply refuse to think about it. It makes them too fearful and regretful.
How can we get them to think about mandating justice?
The FACT that far more world citizens are dying than in the years before the Covid “vaccines” is also an area that’s produced no normal curiosity about why this might be the case.
Estimates vary on how many “excess deaths” have happened since 2021, but just about every estimate produces numbers in the hundreds of thousands if not many millions.
Speaking for myself, in modern history, I can’t think of another example where officials displayed zero curiosity or interest in identifying causes that are (or even may be) killing vast numbers of our fellow citizens.
(If this question has been asked by authorities, the only accepted answers that might explain “excess deaths” would be Climate Change or “Long Covid’ - theories which insult the intelligence of those who can read and think for themselves.)
The largest “elephant in the room” in world history is a certain mRNA injection that more than 60 percent of the world’s population began to receive in late 2020.
One could break down all-cause deaths (and severe, life-altering injuries) by probably 50 different clinical manifestations including strokes, heart attacks, rapidly-developing cancers, auto-immune diseases, or just random “sudden deaths.” ...
I’d also note that a serious inquiry was never performed that revealed that virtually no healthy person under the age of, say, 50, faced any real mortality risk from the novel coronavirus.
Instead, the official narrative was that everyone faced mortality risk of dying from Covid-19, even if a random and young citizen’s probability of dying from this disease was lower than the odds the same person would be struck by lighting in a given year.
This fact could and should have been “confirmed” by March or April 2020 … but wasn’t.
1. Employers do not want to acknowledge that they may have mandated employees to get a jab, that with hindsight, they should not have done so and potentially stir up class action lawsuits and so cannot be seen to be interested professionally – and are not willing or are too scared to expose themselves privately. There is a lot of fear of legal action on employers by employees if the government and the legal system accept that it should never have been mandated and advice reversed.
2. Larger professional services firms have earned hundreds of millions of $$$ selling advertising and consulting services – and do not wish to be associated with an event that could implicate them in any way – in particular the ability to secure future work. Even though they totally agree privately that the mRNA rollout should be stopped. They are concerned that all future such revenues would be stopped if their firms were associated with ‘outing’ the entire fraud that it so clearly was.
3. People who have been jabbed are ‘bad news resistant’. They even seem to be ‘protocol advice to help heal’ resistant.
4. I have learned a lot over the last 3 months in terms of who is interested in learning more about our topic – and who is not – and why they are not interested. I have been shocked and saddened at some of what I have learned. It has also made me have to snap out of a similar naivety I had to also snap out of 10 years ago, when I learned that child sex trafficking was a real thing. Greed and Power at any cost seems to be the order of the day with so many involved directly and indirectly. And ‘following orders’. It is sad and horrible to have to swallow and understand. Especially with friends whom I thought would rise above all the nonsense.
5. Having said that countries like Slovakia have stopped the use of and roll out of mRNA – I heard that El Salvador will be doing the same – and a few other countries are close behind.
6. Of course, the BIG hope is that RFK Jr gets into power and can stop it in the USA – which will mean many of the other sheep nations around the world will follow. Plus of course we have Andrew Bridgen whom you know as Chairman of our Advisory Council at The Truth Contract.
7. Many ordinary people are waking up to C19 and it having been a big scam, that should not have happened. But sadly, there is also a lot of governmental and corporate momentum to ‘forgive and forget’ and ‘sweep it all under the rug’ and ‘move on’ hoping it doesn't come back to bite them in the a__ later.
8. It has been an ‘interesting’ and frustrating few months talking to people – all of whom accept that what we would have discussed and shared at the event is likely ‘true’ and ‘useful’ information – but it just seems that they feel it’s too risky to be associated with such an event in a professional capacity.
9. All of the interest that we have received has been from people who had intuitively avoided the jab altogether (but don't really understand the longer-term dangers to the wider population – even though they accept that they must exist) or those who took one or two shots and then suffered some kind of adverse reaction (and equally don't understand the wider implications but are concerned at their lack of knowledge). These folk are interested in finding out more. But they are ‘consumers’ (like the Highwire audience) vs business and governmental decision makers.
10. There are polar differences in attitudes of “Family Office” principals (how to gain from the mess) vs next gen (how to solve the mess – but who fear breaking free and doing something about it). One example of “Family Office” principals being the Gates Foundation people, as well as physicians who specialize in caring for the families of high-net-worth persons.
11. There is controlled opposition embedded within alt media – which are functionally focused on creating fear porn vs creating solutions.
Sure, the proof is obvious, but the people who took the vaxx simply refuse to think about it. It makes them too fearful and regretful.
How can we get them to think about mandating justice?
"Sure, the proof is obvious, but the people who took the vaxx
simply refuse to think about it."
-It was a test. 81% of America took an experimental vaccine. A test to see how far they could push us…How quickly they could divide us…How much they could control us. They pitted us against one another and divided this country like never before and we have never recovered. America. Failed. The. Test.
-Why would they stop dividing us now? They have America on the run. Step right up folks and pick a president. Trump or Harris? Much like Unvaccinated or Vaccinated? Same tune, different lyrics. We’re playing right into “their” evil, globalist plans.
-Trump: rolled out an experimental vaccine via Operation Warp Speed. Shut the country down for 2 weeks which kicked off the chain reaction. Continues to praise OWS and the vaccine today despite all the information coming to light on the harms of the vaccine. Why? Does he not know what has happened as a result of OWS and the mRNA vaccines? Trump is either stupid or compromised. I do not know how else to describe it.
-Harris: 2nd in command during the Biden administration which mandated the experimental vaccine yet today proudly touts “my body, my choice,” which clearly didn’t matter an iota when women across the country were mandated to receive the deadly mRNA juice. Then they women, had NO choice. Were forced to take the vaccine to live, to work, to provide for their families. Why? Does Harris know about the devastation of the mRNA vaccine? Harris is either stupid or compromised. I do not know how else to describe it.
A common lie people told themselves was “My mask is for your protection”. But nobody ever believed their own mask worked, as my young man proved, unless others were also flying colors of submission. It was the same for the vax. People rushed like electrically jolted lemmings to get the vax, egged on by Experts. They believed in its powers implicitly—but only up to a point. Tell the vaxxed that they were in the presence of an unvaxxed person and suddenly their own vax gave up its powers! They recoiled like a vampire seeing a crucifix.
What programmed us to do this?
What made us so casually roll up our sleeves - at a library, a CVS, some random pop-up clinic in a parking lot somewhere - what made us so eager to inject our muscles with the delivery system most direct, bioavailable, and rapid in onset?
Well, obviously, it started when we were kids. Toddlers. Babies. Infants. Newborns.
The seed was literally planted inside us from the damn-near moment we breathed fresh air. A physiological and psychological programming that many of us simply cannot break to this day.
... Trust the Science™.
In other words, outsource your critical thinking, calcify your pineal gland, turn off your intuition, and turn up your blind trust in demi-god Experts™ who have everything to gain financially and metaphysically from your diminished capacity to… live.
Immune system by subscription?
My body, your choice?
The people who got all the shots and followed all the orders? Of course, they don’t talk about it anymore or even seemingly think about it. Of course, many of them are unbothered and oblivious.
That’s why they kowtowed to The Science™ and became good lil’ foot soldiers in the first place.
It’s innate. It’s in their DNA. It’s what they are. Many people are, simply, sheep.
They’re not worried about the bigger stuff, they just wanna watch Netflix and talk football.
They’re not concerned with children and infants having heart attacks, 5-year fatality rates of myocarditis, cancers, autoimmune disorders, impending infertility in teenagers today, and every other freakish disorder, disease, and medical condition listed under Pfizer’s nine pages of “Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESIs).”
They’re not concerned with any of that. They don’t care about that.
So then what do they care about? Beyond the superficial and material, what do they want?
I’ll tell you what they want. They want a safe space. They want something familiar and comfortable, the path most effective for least resistance.
They want… “a safe and effective.”
And that’s what makes them so potentially dangerous.
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Liberals defend their credentials which allow them to exploit those who don't have the same credentials. Credentials create monopolies, the ability to set high prices regardless of quality of service. It is a way to defeat free market competition.
The funding of universities depends entirely on the demand for their degrees, which they control. Their biggest horror would be a system where anyone could take tests to prove competence in a subject without paying for the years of classes and subjecting themselves to obedience to professors.
- Thomas Frank
Most of academia is less about learning than about paying for a paper proof of status and conformity. Non-conformists are expelled from schools, or failed out. Most teachers do not like their authority to be questioned. Bosses like the academic proof of conformity when they hire. The most "educated" are the most obedient.
Trump was a threat to their credentials and therefore a threat to their incomes and status.
The academic elite need a reason to hate those threatening themselves, therefore they use imaginary "racism", to which there is no defense. The accusation is the conviction.
Then they don't need to worry about the real class problem, which is independent of race. They would be uncomfortable looking at class, because they'd have to look at themselves and their unearned class privileges.
So their faith in the injection is faith in the "expert class" of which they are members, and they demand that the hoi polloi submit to it as an expression of the elite's power and prestige.