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Last night, one of my subscribers posted this comment on “In memory of all those who ‘died suddenly,’ February 15-21”):
A few days ago the Chicago theatre community was shaken by the loss of one of our own. She had moved to LA to pursue acting and was missing (we all shared her info like crazy) only to be found dead on the 18th.
I’m a pariah amongst my colleagues for my stance on vaccines so I can’t even utter the notion around them. But I’m pretty sure it’s the vax.
Sanjoy Mahajan’s reply:
I'm with you on not even uttering the notion. There's so little point. The people in the Covid trance cannot even hear the idea.
Last April, the father (healthy, 48 y.o.) of my daughter's good friend from school died suddenly in his garden. It was 1 day after his age group (55 and under) became "eligible" as they say (as if it were akin to being an "eligible bachelor"). It happened in a city of jab fanatics, so my guess was that he had got his first jab the previous day and had a cardiac event or stroke. His obituary said that he died "of no known cause" -- my first personal encounter with that phrase. ...
Is it possible to break that trance? The personal tragedy of losing someone to the jab, or of losing one’s own health because of it, has snapped people out of it; but there are all those who’ve been hypnotized so deeply that no personal loss, or agonized firsthand account of suffering, will wake them up. They’re like kamikaze pilots, or sleeper agents mind-controlled to carry out assassinations. If anything can wake them up, it would have to be some intervention far more radical than simply trying to talk them out of it, whatever you may say.
So it would seem that we have lost them, too, to this grotesque worldwide experiment, even though they’re still around.
Often, in an argument, what people think they are arguing about is not the
real subject of disagreement, which is deeper and often unspoken, if it is
even understood. So it is here. The divisions that have opened up in
society about the covid vaccines are not really about the covid vaccines at
all: they are about what vaccination symbolises in this moment. What it
means to be 'vaxxed' or 'unvaxxed', safe or dangerous, clean or dirty,
sensible or irresponsible, compliant or independent: these are questions
about what it means to be a good member of society, and what society
even is, and they are detonating like depth charges beneath the surface of
the culture. ...
We could all throw peer-reviewed studies that we don’t really understand at
each other, and they would all miss the mark because the vaccine is not the
point. The point is what it symbolises - and what it is being used to build.
I am a writer. I know how to construct stories. I know what makes them
succeed or fail, and I have a nose for when a story does not hang together.
The covid Narrative is just such a story. It doesn’t fit together, even on its
own terms. Something is wrong. The surface tale does not reflect what lies
beneath. And what lies beneath is what interests me now. ...
Most of all, it has revealed the authoritarian streak that lies beneath so
many people, and which always emerges in fearful times. In the last month
alone I have watched media commentators calling for censorship of their
political opponents, philosophy professors justifying mass internment, and
human rights lobby groups remaining silent about ‘vaccine passports.’ I
have watched much of the political left transition openly into the
authoritarian movement it probably always was, and countless ‘liberals’
campaigning against liberty. As freedom after freedom has been taken
away, I have watched intellectual after intellectual justify it all. I have
been reminded of what I always knew: cleverness has no relationship to
wisdom. ...
Most of all, though, what the covid apocalypse has revealed to me is that
when people are frightened, they can be easily controlled.
Control: this is the story of the times. Across the world we are seeing an
unprecedented claim to control staked by the forces of the state, in alliance
with the forces of corporate capital, over your life and mine. All of it
converges on the revealed symbol of our age: the smartphone-enabled QR
code that has, with frightening speed and in near-silence, become the new
passport to a full human life. As ever, our tools have turned on us. Another
revelation: they were never our tools to begin with. We were theirs.
In the coordinated propaganda and censorship response to the COVID-19 public health crisis, globalists and corporatists are directly incorporating Hitler’s own principles for crowd control. If we look closer, we can clearly see coordinated actions by the BBC-led Trusted News Initiative, various Scientific Technological Elite, large financial groups (such as Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street), and the World Economic Forum acting in real time to suppress a growing awareness by the general public of having been actively manipulated. It is increasingly becoming clear that these organizations and aligned nation-states have been using crowd psychology tools to generate significant fear and anxiety of COVID-19 to advance their agendas on a global scale. They have used COVID to drive a planned and coordinated agenda, the Great Reset.
Multiple governments have now admitted to actively using fear and 'Mass Formation'-related theories as a tool for totalitarian population control during this outbreak. These are basically psychological operations aimed at populations of nations. One glaring example has been operating in the UK:
“Scientists on a committee that encouraged the use of fear to control people’s behavior during the Covid pandemic have admitted its work was “unethical” and “totalitarian”.
SPI-B warned in March last year that ministers needed to increase “the perceived level of personal threat” from Covid-19 because “a substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened”.
Gavin Morgan, a psychologist on the team, said: “Clearly, using fear as a means of control is not ethical. Using fear smacks of totalitarianism. It’s not an ethical stance for any modern government. By nature I am an optimistic person, but all this has given me a more pessimistic view of people.”
(Published in The Telegraph “Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, admit scientists Members of Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour express regret about ‘unethical’ methods” by Gordon Raynor, Associate Editor, May 14, 2021)
Actual name. A fine Irish name, but too fitting here.
Irina Ioudina runs a company called Medical Munich, a kind of medical tourism bureau that helps Russian nationals travel to Munich to receive treatment in hospitals here. Recently, she received an email from Dr Ortrud Steinlein, director of the Ludwig Maximilians-Universität Clinic for Human Genetics, announcing that her facility would no longer treat Russians:Dear Ms Ioudina
due to the serious violation of international law by the autocrat Putin, who is obviously mentally disturbed, we are refusing in principle to treat Russian patients, with immediate effect. Ukrainian patients remain of course very welcome.
Sanctions have made it all but impossible for Russians to receive treatment in Germany in any case, but after screenshots of this outrageous email made the rounds, LMU clarified that the doctor had “communicated her personal opinion in a very emotional situation” and that their clinics will “treat all patients regardless of nationality, religion, cultural or gender orientation.” (Steinlein has also reportedly apologised privately to Ioudina.) This is the same LMU, which last December immediately fired and banned from the premises an unvaccinated employee of their Institute for Pathology, for the crime of posting a viral video to TikTok about the testing harassment to which she was subject.
Dr Steinlein’s attitude should surprise nobody. There is the proximate cause, that throughout the West, health professionals have spent the past six months fantasising about denying medical treatment to people whose views on vaccination differ from their own. And there is the more general politicisation of the entire medical profession over the past two years, which has left us with a whole hoard of petty tyrants like Steinlein, who now believe it is their responsibility to shape and enforce all manner of government policies.
The consequences of containment will be with us for a very, very long time.
The Covid NPCs now wave Ukraine flags to virtue climb and scrub their minds of any inconvenient memories of their now embarrassing Covid behavior.
The most direct means that an egregore attacks other egregores, or ideas harmful to it’s spread, is to eliminate the ability of other ideas to spread, or to prohibit the holders of other ideas to communicate. This is cancel culture, and it’s a time honored tradition since at least the original European Kulturkampf, but has taken on a new and aggressive posture in the age of social media where people’s thoughts are stored on the feed as a searchable archive in perpetuity. When you see mass cancellation, from many different sources at once, often in such ridiculous ways that they can only be explained by an organization attempting to virtue climb, you know you’re watching an egregore at work. ...
The memory of the prior morality gets overwritten by the new groupthink program. There are many signs of memory holing and malleable morality going on extremely quickly right now with regard to Ukraine.
The Ukrainian Army are the most Nazi sympathetic organization on Earth today, fielding a unit of over 1,500 highly trained militia fighters who march with SS patches and bivouac in barracks soaked in Nazi epithets and propaganda, supported by a deep community of Nazi sympathizers including Nazi women and Nazi children being raised to believe in Nazi ideals. ...
I do not represent that the entire Ukrainian Army are Nazis, but they are obviously permissive of Nazis within their rank and file. And the progressive left in the USA knows this, but they memory hole their prior behavior of calling anyone who believes in two genders a Nazi in favor of adopting the new behavioral instructions of the egregore. Arm the Nazis, down with Putin, mumble a concession including the phrase “problematic” somewhere as a shamanic prayer to the Cancel God, but make sure your woke friends hear you. ...
The Ghost of Kyiv is fake but most people still believe it because the egregore wanted it to be real. The Russians intentionally shelling the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant to let radiation loose was fake, but some people still believe it because the egregore wanted it to be real. Western impressions of the events of the war are filtered by the egregore. The West thinks Ukraine is winning. ...
The point is this. Once the west has been captured by the egregore, and the egregore sees Ukraine lose, the egregore will demand action. ...
Egregores do not exist on reason, they exist on what generates the most traffic. How do you think these unthinking egregore nodes on Twitter above are going to react when Ukraine falls?
We could be in a situation where the only thing that can save the planet from global thermonuclear war is for another Covid-19 wave to hit around August 2022 to distract them all.
Inside the mind of a bougiecrat
It must be so weird to believe that otherwise healthy people just drop dead all the time now for no reason. It's a mindset where cause and effect no longer exist and are not missed. A state of suspended disbelief. I wonder, is it uncomfortable? Does it take effort? Are there nagging feelings? Or is it narcotized bliss?
How it started:
How it’s going:
This suggests that the elites really are getting the full strength toxic juice.
One might think that the bougiecrats would get tired of genociding themselves. But that is misunderstanding the situation. The more carnage from the shot, the greater the faith of the true believers who continue. Vaccination is a religious rite now. Vaccine induced heart attacks are the path to heaven for bougie Pharma jihadists.
Vaccination is a religious rite now. Vaccine induced heart attacks are the path to heaven for bougie Pharma jihadists.
covid runs down, and war springs to take its place. but it’s the same people, the same agitation, and the same desperate need to underpin a sense of self by invoking moral superiority from hectoring others in times of crisis.
this energy and need cannot be destroyed, only transferred. it will always find somewhere to express itself.
look closely at the timing. it’s not that ukraine supplanted covid. it’s that covid attenuated sufficiently that some new meme could emerge and take its place. these people have a slot in their heads marked “current thing to be furious and tell everyone what to do about to signal that i am a good person brimming with evangelical rectitude and fervor.”
Patrick saysVaccination is a religious rite now. Vaccine induced heart attacks are the path to heaven for bougie Pharma jihadists.
Vaccine Martyrs.
Tucker Carlson explains how moral panics like BLM and Covid have led to disaster. And it’s happening again with Ukraine.
There needs to be some other way to recruit them to the cause of truth, but I don't know what it is exactly
I think the best way to do it, is explain how you were fooled.
There needs to be some other way to recruit them to the cause of truth, but I don't know what it is exactly.
even her doctors admit it was caused by the jab.
He still thinks the vax is a great idea but just thinks it needs more “research.
Believe me when I tell you that the climatists, the Ukrainists, the Covidians, the mass migrationists, and the antiracists are all expressions of the same malign force.
The western borg is not a place. It’s a state of mind. As it expands across the world, it aims to rob other places of their placehood too, and assimilate them to the same shallow diffuse global consumerist project. The western borg likes to conceive of itself as post-national and post-political. Its values, in its own conception, exist on a higher plane, like religious or philosophical truths. They are about “freedom” and “democracy” and “peace” and “human rights.” Yet people in the West do not have much voice in government, they are not free, the western borg instigates wars across the world, and western assimilated governments do not care about anybody’s rights.
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Liberals defend their credentials which allow them to exploit those who don't have the same credentials. Credentials create monopolies, the ability to set high prices regardless of quality of service. It is a way to defeat free market competition.
The funding of universities depends entirely on the demand for their degrees, which they control. Their biggest horror would be a system where anyone could take tests to prove competence in a subject without paying for the years of classes and subjecting themselves to obedience to professors.
- Thomas Frank
Most of academia is less about learning than about paying for a paper proof of status and conformity. Non-conformists are expelled from schools, or failed out. Most teachers do not like their authority to be questioned. Bosses like the academic proof of conformity when they hire. The most "educated" are the most obedient.
Trump was a threat to their credentials and therefore a threat to their incomes and status.
The academic elite need a reason to hate those threatening themselves, therefore they use imaginary "racism", to which there is no defense. The accusation is the conviction.
Then they don't need to worry about the real class problem, which is independent of race. They would be uncomfortable looking at class, because they'd have to look at themselves and their unearned class privileges.
So their faith in the injection is faith in the "expert class" of which they are members, and they demand that the hoi polloi submit to it as an expression of the elite's power and prestige.