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The powers that be did a lot of research on what messaging created the best compliance with taking the jabs. I believe guilt messaging was the one that won out, so it meant communicating how you needed this product to protect other vulnerable members of your family. Although employee mandates pushed many people into getting the Covid “vaccine,” family pressure played at least as much, if not a larger role. How many elderly mothers hinted that they wouldn’t be able to see their adult children at Thanksgiving unless they got the vaccine? How many brothers and sisters tried to convince their family members that they and their family all got safe and effective and were feeling great?
Think about the consequences of that if the pressured person died suddenly. Would that family member ever be able to reconcile the guilt if they had pressured others to take it? Some of the reason that the jabbed as a group seem unwilling to see the carnage the Covid vaccines have created is because they can’t live with themselves if they were the cheerleaders for this genetic slurry. It would force them to accept guilt for having caused the death and injury of loved ones.
Your moment of Zen
Sometimes the barriers to freedom are only in our minds.
According to his owner, "He constantly thinks the screen door is closed, so we have to pretend to open it for him to come inside."
3 min ago
The imaginary door is a perfect metaphor for now.
The pharma-medical control over the minds of people, and how they think about health, is exactly the same thing.
People have been brainwashed and taught to distrust their own minds and bodies to such a profound degree: taught to believe in the necessity of drugs—pills and injections—over caring for one’s self. This is why some people continue to wear masks and take the jabs, why they swallowed the narrative uncritically.
This may help you understand why Covidians reached such an acceptance and even enthusiast promotion of inhuman restrictions; even now, once they acknowledge the strong proof against most of them, both for being useless and for collateral damage they bring
The Slippery Slope
The Psychopathic Manipulation Formula
How do they do it? By analyzing corporate cons, Babiak discovered the basic methods psychopaths use to operate in a hierarchical, corporate environment. But no matter in what environment the psychopath finds himself—a romantic relationship, a corporate strategy, a planned heist, an election campaign, a political coup—he uses the same, three-phase “Assessment-Manipulation-Abandonment” routine.
In the first phase, the psychopath assesses the value of his “ally” and potential patsy—what he or she can do to further the his aims. Psychopaths are experts at identifying and pushing others’ buttons, their “likes and dislikes, motives, needs, weak spots, and vulnerabilities.”6 Strengths are utilized and weaknesses exploited.
Next, the psychopath uses messages carefully crafted for the specific target, utilizing information gathered in the Assessment Phase. He then adapts his manipulation to accommodate any new feedback from the target in order to maintain full control. As Babiak and Hare write:
They often make use of the fact that for many people the content of the message is less important than the way it is delivered. A confident, aggressive delivery style—often larded with jargon, clichés, and flowery phrases—makes up for the lack of substance and sincerity in their interactions with others … they are masters of impression management; their insight into the psyche of others combined with a superficial—but convincing—verbal fluency allows them to change their personas skillfully as it suits the situation and their game plan. They are known for their ability to don many masks, change “who they are” depending upon the person with whom they are interacting, and make themselves appear likable to their intended victim.7
Maybe it’s just me, but that sounds an awful lot like the work done by intelligence agencies and Big Tech.
Psychopaths also use a variety of manipulation techniques, for example, gaslighting. When told a lie often enough, and with seemingly absolute certainty, normal people tend to doubt their own perceptions. “Amazingly, more often than not, victims will eventually come to doubt their own knowledge of the truth and change their own views to believe what the psychopath tells them rather than what they know to be true.”8 In this phase, the psychopath ruthlessly exploits his victims, using them to acquire money, position, control, and power.
When a person has ceased to be useful, they are discarded in the final, Abandonment Phase. Loyal to none, this often has devastating effects on those who were deceived by the psychopath’s façade of lies and “good intentions.” Whether a spouse who has been drained emotionally, an old woman whose bank account has been emptied, or a “friend” whose connections have finally paid off, the psychopath inevitably throws them out and moves on to the next target.
Why Do So Many Californians Still Wear Masks?
This faith in authority seems to be another characteristic of those who place their faith in masks ...
The Bay Area where I live probably has the densest population of mask wearers, with LA a close second. In a Los Angeles Times survey that compared Los Angeles County mask use with Orange County, LA thumped the OC handily. No surprise there.
The survey also indicated that a woman is more likely to don a mask than a man. Based on my purely anecdotal observations this seems to ring true as well. ...
In fairness, lots of people interviewed for the article were absolutely thrilled to junk masks. This is certainly what I’ve found too. Where once they regarded themselves as the morally virtuous majority, maskers are now greatly outnumbered. ...
This faith in authority seems to be another characteristic of those who place their faith in masks. They continue to listen to, and apparently believe, what they hear from government officials, public health “experts” and media outlets that have consistently lied to them or distorted or hidden the truth for their own purposes.
Keyser Söze
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that vaccines are “Safe & Effective.” Vaccines enable the state and corporations to transgress sacred boundaries and destroy bodies, minds, families, and society. ...
Human nature
I’m coming to believe that literally anyone can go fascist. Give someone power, a little bit of fear, and 5 minutes and see what happens. The idea of “good people” is a myth. Show me someone with power who shows restraint, okay, that’s better than the alternative. But it’s always unstable, one never knows what the next moment will bring. The whole ballgame in politics is building structures to check power. The problem right now is that there are no structures to check the power of public health and so it’s a runaway freight train. Any system that lacks checks and balances will, at some point, go fascist (see: non-profits, public health, Hollywood, communist states).
The sacrifice of liberal principles of free speech, equality, autonomy, justice, fairness (equality under the law), secularism, diversity of views (“classical liberalism”), and the institutions entrusted with securing these principles for the citizenry have been made in exchange for power in which any means (abandoning those principles and corrupting those institutions) justify its abundant accumulation as a recursive end.
The liberals of the last century, regardless of decades and passions, would be horrified to see what has become of the self-proclaimed liberals of today, who openly embrace censorship, celebrate proxy wars between nuclear powers and deny calls for a peaceful resolution. They would be terrified by “liberals” who promote Marxist indoctrination in schools, and gender confusion among children to push them toward chemical castration while demanding the state oversees and manages human choices that eliminate bodily autonomy including forced injections of experimental toxins that only succeed in killing and maiming people to line big Pharma’s pockets.
Without convictions to stand behind and defend their beliefs, which may not have been very strong or worthy of defending in the face of mob influence, over the past decade millions of liberals succumbed to herd behavior and abandoned their liberal principles to avoid the ad hominem slanders associated today with simply believing in basic civil liberties enshrined in the Bill of Rights.
The full transformation of Liberalism into Authoritarianism is nearing its final stages, though it was a process that consumed many decades through the gradual debasement and abandonment of liberal principles.
Following the fanatical suppression of safe old FDA-approved drugs, the novel, experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were forced on humanity with even more fanatical zeal, becoming objects of quasi religious reverence. Anyone who has even questioned their safety and efficacy has been relentlessly persecuted.
How to explain this confusing state of affairs? For almost three years we have investigated a range of individual human and institutional actors who seem to be playing a prominent role. We often talk about the huge pharmaceutical companies and their friends in international foundations such as the Gates and Rockefeller. They in turn seem to be part of a greater hierarchy consisting of the DOD, DARPA, the NIH, BARDA, FEMA, and the DHS. These institutions, in turn, are dependent on the vast apparatus of debt financing that is the lifeblood of all state leviathans.
At the same time, we have discussed the irrational and nonsensical behavior we have observed on a mass scale among both state and private actors. While fear has played an obvious role, it alone cannot explain the bizarre and malevolent drama we have seen. ...
Mephistopheles seems to embody the strange fact that humans may participate in corrupt and destructive enterprises that don’t really make sense. No particular motive such as the desire for money or power can quite explain it. After all, what is the gratification of acquiring money and exercising power for old men who already have tons of both and few years left to live?
It must be so completely humiliating to believe in the thing. Each day brings with it ever-greater indignities:
• The thing was going to be safe. Then it made you sick.
• The thing was going to stop infection. Then you caught Covid.
• The thing was going to stop transmission. Then it didn’t.
• The thing was going to stop severe outcomes. Then more sullied people died than unsullied.
• The thing was going to stop the pandemic. Then it accelerated the rise of new variants.
• The thing was going to set you free. Then they imprisoned you inside your home.
• The thing was going to confirm that “experts know best.” Now the expert class has been revealed as a fraud.
• The thing was going to confirm that your worldview is good and right and true. Then you had to embrace fascism to stay in the club and now you don’t recognize yourself anymore.
You’ve been lied to, bamboozled, led astray. But the sunk costs in the wrong thing are so enormous, you’re reluctant to acknowledge reality.
It must be so completely humiliating to believe in the thing. Each day brings with it ever-greater indignities:
• The thing was going to be safe. Then it made you sick.
• The thing was going to stop infection. Then you caught Covid.
• The thing was going to stop transmission. Then it didn’t.
• The thing was going to stop severe outcomes. Then more sullied people died than unsullied.
• The thing was going to stop the pandemic. Then it accelerated the rise of new variants.
• The thing was going to set you free. Then they imprisoned you inside your home.
• The thing was going to confirm that “experts know best.” Now the expert class has been revealed as a fraud.
• The thing was going to confirm that your worldview is g...
I read that the tactics used by our own government during the plandemic are the same as used to torture. They are a form of torture. I may have read it here on Pat.net.
Starting perhaps 5 months ago, What I am seeing "normies" have switched from denial to projecting anger. I guess it is part of the 5 stages for grief:
Denial - (what you are saying can't be true. You are an idiot)
Anger - (I'm so angry I was tricked, but don't know how to deal with it, so I will take it out on THEM)
Bargaining - (would this explain, for some "further along" the awakening curve, are still wearing and have returned to wearing, masks?)
Depression - (my entire world view is destroyed. I did everything I was told and failed)
Acceptance - (Maybe then make amends, Like 12 steps of recovery?)
It’s shocking how fast New Zealand went fascist — and the U.S., Australia, Canada, France, Italy, and Germany. It was instantaneous. There was no debate, no vote, no wrestling with the weighty constitutional issues. Just boom, ‘we have always been thus.’
To a person, the Fascist Pharma State believes that they own your children, that they can transgress your body whenever they wish (with whatever they wish), that they are the only ones with any knowledge, and that any resistance or even verbal objection to any of the above is “terrorism” that must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
One of the greatest disappointments in my life is watching nearly all of my former political heroes uncritically embrace the Fascist Pharma State. We learned nothing from World War II and it’s bewildering to see it up close in so many formerly “good” people.
Invisible totalitarianism
The utter genius of fascism this time is that no one had to choose it. You didn’t need to don a uniform or join a party. One day everyone just started to obey, because of The Emergency™️. And the rupture with the past (where Constitutions and critical thinking were considered essential) was never acknowledged.
Unfortunately, I don’t think there will be an autopsy with the proper tests because it would kill the vaccine program worldwide. There will be tremendous pressure NOT to definitively know what killed her.
Also, the royal family isn’t going to want to look bad for pushing the vaccine.
If there is not a proper autopsy to find the true cause of death, that pretty much tells you everything you need to know.
However, the royal family could easily ensure that the autopsy shows nothing by threatening the people doing the examination, so I’m not sure that even if they did an autopsy it would be above board. So the sudden deaths will continue.
Check out this article showing that if you point out the fact that the King is profiting from the vaccine, they will try to put you in prison for 15 years. That’s why they aren’t going to do an autopsy.
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Liberals defend their credentials which allow them to exploit those who don't have the same credentials. Credentials create monopolies, the ability to set high prices regardless of quality of service. It is a way to defeat free market competition.
The funding of universities depends entirely on the demand for their degrees, which they control. Their biggest horror would be a system where anyone could take tests to prove competence in a subject without paying for the years of classes and subjecting themselves to obedience to professors.
- Thomas Frank
Most of academia is less about learning than about paying for a paper proof of status and conformity. Non-conformists are expelled from schools, or failed out. Most teachers do not like their authority to be questioned. Bosses like the academic proof of conformity when they hire. The most "educated" are the most obedient.
Trump was a threat to their credentials and therefore a threat to their incomes and status.
The academic elite need a reason to hate those threatening themselves, therefore they use imaginary "racism", to which there is no defense. The accusation is the conviction.
Then they don't need to worry about the real class problem, which is independent of race. They would be uncomfortable looking at class, because they'd have to look at themselves and their unearned class privileges.
So their faith in the injection is faith in the "expert class" of which they are members, and they demand that the hoi polloi submit to it as an expression of the elite's power and prestige.