Psychology of vaxxers. They are accepting the state into their body, becoming one with the government

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2021 Oct 22, 3:04pm   198,440 views  1,288 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Maybe the battle is between those who unfairly benefit from credentialism, and those who don't.

Liberals defend their credentials which allow them to exploit those who don't have the same credentials. Credentials create monopolies, the ability to set high prices regardless of quality of service. It is a way to defeat free market competition.

The funding of universities depends entirely on the demand for their degrees, which they control. Their biggest horror would be a system where anyone could take tests to prove competence in a subject without paying for the years of classes and subjecting themselves to obedience to professors.

Thatcher and Trump refused to give the automatic respect many academics feel is their due. They gave the impression that they could see right through us, an uncomfortable feeling.
- Thomas Frank

Most of academia is less about learning than about paying for a paper proof of status and conformity. Non-conformists are expelled from schools, or failed out. Most teachers do not like their authority to be questioned. Bosses like the academic proof of conformity when they hire. The most "educated" are the most obedient.

Trump was a threat to their credentials and therefore a threat to their incomes and status.

The academic elite need a reason to hate those threatening themselves, therefore they use imaginary "racism", to which there is no defense. The accusation is the conviction.

Then they don't need to worry about the real class problem, which is independent of race. They would be uncomfortable looking at class, because they'd have to look at themselves and their unearned class privileges.

So their faith in the injection is faith in the "expert class" of which they are members, and they demand that the hoi polloi submit to it as an expression of the elite's power and prestige.

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799   Patrick   2023 Aug 7, 2:05pm  


‘The weird thing that happened around Covid, and I had never noticed this before, at any other time of my life:’ says the American comedian and YouTuber, Jimmy Dore, ‘[is that] you weren’t allowed to ask question at any point during this. You just had to do what The Man on the TV said — right? — you had to do what the man on the TV said, without questions, and then you were a good person. But if you question it, then you’re a white supremacist Trumper Naz . . . woah, no no no! No! “No, I didn’t vote for Trump, I just have questions!”

‘“Jim-mee, only dumb people ask questions!”

‘Isn’t that weird? It was the weirdest thing I’d ever seen. Even comedians would get on stage and try to shame people for trying to get informed about a medical treatment that was experimental, that they had to take and if they didn’t take it they would lose their jobs, and they wouldn’t be able to travel. And when people tried to get informed about it, other people shamed them. They would say, “Please tell me you’re not going to, [airquotes] ‘Do your own research.’” You’ve heard people say, that: “Please don’t ‘do your own research . . . ’”

‘You know, before Covid, “doing your own research” used to be called “reading”! Now you’re shaming me for reading, at the behest of Big Pharma? It’s like I woke up in the middle of a Bill Hicks bit: “Wall, it looks like we got ourselves a reader!” — that’s how much people internalised the propaganda from Big Pharma, which was that they would be anti-intellectual enough to shame people for reading, while they were wagging their finger at them for doing it! You would never shame people for doing that, no matter what other subject it was, no matter how unimportant. Like if I was to say, “Hey, I’m going to go buy a car!” . . .”Don’t look into it!” . . . “Well, how will I know which car to get?” . . . “Ask the salesman — he’s the expert! What are you — Henry Ford?”’
800   stereotomy   2023 Aug 7, 2:12pm  

Patrick says

‘You know, before Covid, “doing your own research” used to be called “reading”! Now you’re shaming me for reading, at the behest of Big Pharma? It’s like I woke up in the middle of a Bill Hicks bit: “Wall, it looks like we got ourselves a reader!” — that’s how much people internalised the propaganda from Big Pharma, which was that they would be anti-intellectual enough to shame people for reading, while they were wagging their finger at them for doing it! You would never shame people for doing that, no matter what other subject it was, no matter how unimportant. Like if I was to say, “Hey, I’m going to go buy a car!” . . .”Don’t look into it!” . . . “Well, how will I know which car to get?” . . . “Ask the salesman — he’s the expert! What are you — Henry Ford?”’

That was a great skit.

I had this kind of pushback even before the scamdemic. Doctors would be somewhat defensive about my questions, and, instead of answering, would ask me "What do you DO?" I just said with a shit eating grin "I read a lot."
801   Patrick   2023 Aug 7, 2:24pm  

I got that exact same bullshit "What are you — Henry Ford?" when I asked about the safety of the toxxine on our internal forum at Craigslist, where I was working at the time.

The stupid eagerness to comply with whatever came from authorities (as long as it was not from the Trump administration) was stunning.

I no longer trust about half the people I know. I now see that they are dangerously compliant idiots who would jump in front of a train if told that it would cure Wuhan Virus. Worse, they would push you and me in front of that train first. And they would believe themselves justified in doing it.
802   richwicks   2023 Aug 7, 2:28pm  

Patrick says

I no longer trust about half the people I know. I now see that they are dangerously compliant idiots who would jump in front of a train if told that it would cure Wuhan Virus. Worse, they would push you and me in front of that train first. And they would believe themselves justified in doing it.

I just can't think of many of the people I knew as human anymore. They cannot think outside of their narrow confines of their job. I've just given up on them.
803   charlie303   2023 Aug 9, 11:43pm  


So, 2 years ago we were told 100,000 people per week could die if we didn't vaxx our way out of the plandemic. The only way, the only way out of the plandemic was to get vaxxed, vaxxed, boosted and then boosted some more. Now in the UK only the over 65s will be 'invited' for a booster this coming winter for what maybe a mild flu. What happened? Where did the threat go? Was it reduced because lockdowns worked and the first wave of vaccinations were so successful they neutralized the virus? Or were we played for fools all along?
814   Patrick   2023 Aug 13, 11:54am  


In his 2019 book Code Blue: Inside America’s Medical Industrial Complex, Dr. Mike Magee, an MD and former physician-spokesman for Pfizer, memorably described the corruption of the U.S. healthcare system.

Cozy relationships and generous gratuities have demonstrated a remarkable ability to corrupt even those we would instinctively put on the side of the angels, including members of the biomedical research community, deans of medical schools, directors of continuing medical education programs, officers at the NIH and FDA, and even seemingly altruistic patient advocacy organizations like the American Cancer Society.

A theologian looking at all this might conclude that American health care has lost its soul. A behavioral economist would point us toward studies showing that the exercise of moral judgment in a business context draws on a completely different cognitive framework from the one we use in making such decisions in our personal lives.[i]

Dr. Magee is one of many observers who has perceived that the American healthcare industry—in its close relationship with U.S. government agencies and funding—closely resembles what President Eisenhower called the “military-industrial complex.” In his 1961 Farewell Address, he warned:

We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.

Eisenhower’s warning wasn’t new. Presidents Washington and Madison also warned about the danger that could arise if the new American Republic allowed the establishment of an organized interest in waging war. Because entanglements and conflicts with foreign powers would necessarily result in massive government spending on the army and navy, this would likely result in organized military interests seeking such entanglements and conflicts, even if they in no way benefitted the American citizenry.[ii]

The inner workings of such complexes, in which participants are motivated by financial rewards, raise a question that goes to the heart of the human condition. Under certain circumstances, can normal and decent people lose their moral judgement to the point of “losing their souls”? As Dr. Magee pointed out, studies have shown that people working together in a profitable enterprise tend to be less constrained by ethical considerations than they are in their dealings with family and friends. Their highly focused, goal orientation is perhaps reminiscent of Paleolithic hunters in single-minded pursuit of valuable prey. It seems that when we are engrossed in this mental state, we tend not to think about the negative consequences of our behavior for others outside of the enterprise.

People may be slow to recognize that their organization or community has been corrupted if they benefit from it. As Upton Sinclair famously put it, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” Herein lies the power of patronage. If your patron—i.e., the wealthy man or company that pays your salary and benefits—starts behaving dishonestly, you will probably be reluctant to see and oppose it. This isn’t a matter of willful denial. Because your status, sense of purpose, and remuneration are provided by your patron, you may never even think about questioning his conduct.

Amplifying this is what cognitive psychologists call “normalcy bias.” When immoral conduct seeps into an organization and goes unopposed for a long time, it may become endemic and therefore seem normal. Americans witnessed this in the corporate scandals of the 2000s, starting with Enron in 2001. This period of financial malfeasance culminated in the great Financial Crisis of 2008, largely caused by the massive sale of fraudulently valued mortgage-backed securities. After the crisis erupted, many wondered why regulatory agencies hadn’t seen it coming and stopped it. At root of the problem was “regulatory capture”—that is, incentives for the people who worked for agencies, and especially bond rating agencies, to turn a blind eye to the corruption they were supposed to be preventing.

A singularly terrifying corruption of a society occurred in Germany during the 1933-45 period, when the country—previously the most advanced and cultured in the world—lapsed shockingly far from civilized norms. Likewise, many intellectuals who prided themselves on their moral and intellectual discernment failed to recognize the criminal nature of the Soviet Union and its allied regimes in Central and Eastern Europe.

Reflecting on this disturbing reality, the Swiss playwright, Max Frisch wrote a black comedy titled Biedermann and the Arsonists, published in 1953. The play’s protagonist, a businessman named Gottlieb Biedermann, reads in the paper that arsonists are afoot in his town. Their modus operandi is to introduce themselves as door-to-door salesmen in need of overnight accommodations, and to talk the house owners into allowing them to stay in the attic, where they then set fire to the house. Mr. Biedermann marvels that anyone could be so gullible, and he is confident that he would never be taken in by such an obvious trick.

The arsonists then arrive at his house, and through a combination of apparent normalcy and charm, they persuade Mr. and Mrs. Biedermann to allow them to stay in their attic. In a key scene, one of the arsonists proclaims, “The best disguise, even better than humor and sentimentality, is the truth, because no one believes it.” The naive couple can’t see what is about to happen to them precisely because it is so out in the open. They mistakenly assume that such perfidy would be cleverly concealed and not hiding in plain sight. The arsonists then set the house on fire, which spreads to the neighboring houses and burns down the entire town. In the final scene Mr. and Mrs. Biedermann are transported to the gates of hell, where they encounter the arsonists, who introduce themselves as the Devil and his companion Beelzebub.

Mr. and Mrs. Biedermann’s trip to the gates of hell is suggestive of observations made by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, who believed that all human beings have a dark side that renders them capable of committing or participating in grossly immoral and even criminal acts. Those who fail to recognize the “Shadow,” as he called the dark side of human nature, often fail to recognize that they are participating in a corrupt enterprise. Preferring not to see evil makes them susceptible to it. As Jung put it:

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.[iii]

A dramatic twist of people failing to see what’s right in front of them was presented with delightful effectiveness in the 1995 film, The Usual Suspects. In this iteration, people don’t recognize the arch villain because, though he is constantly in their midst, he seems harmlessly inept. He emphasizes his method, and the reality of humanity’s fatal delusion, with the famous line, “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.”

Within the context of current affairs, a similar aphorism may be said of powerful interest groups—namely, “The greatest trick that powerful interest groups ever pulled was convincing the world that everyone who detects and reports their activities is a conspiracy theorist.” Only the naivest consumer of mainstream news reporting would fail to recognize that powerful interest groups in the military, financial, and bio-pharmaceutical industries work in concert to further their interests. Their activities cross the line into conspiracy when they commit fraud or other crimes to advance their interests.
815   Patrick   2023 Aug 16, 9:03am  

Not yet clear my ass.
817   GNL   2023 Aug 16, 8:13pm  

Patrick says

Hahaha, I feel ya. But what better way to spend the rest of your life? IMO, do something you feel worthy of your time. It isn't all/only about $$. Do something IMPORTANT.
818   Patrick   2023 Aug 17, 11:15am  

I can't think of anything more important that being someone who stands up and speaks the truth when very few others will do it.
821   Onvacation   2023 Aug 17, 8:46pm  

Dr. William Shatner introduces the Aries variant and pushes the vax.
822   The_Deplorable   2023 Aug 18, 12:02am  

"Dr. William Shatner introduces the Aries variant and pushes the vax."

No thanks. Many more people know right now that we have medications that work against Covid like Ivermectin and HCQ with over 500 medical studies that prove that they work against Covid.


823   The_Deplorable   2023 Aug 18, 1:18am  

This is where we are at, right now and It looks like there is no end to this because they are ignoring We The People and the actual science.

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