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In a major U-turn, a prominent pro-vaccine doctor has blown the whistle and raised the alarm about the deadly consequences of being injected with Covid mRNA shots.
Annette Bosworth, also known as “Dr. Boz,” has released an explosive video statement to warn the public about “the biggest crime in the history of medicine.”
In the bombshell live-streamed video, the pro-vaccine doctor expresses deep regret that she “had all of the people I love vaccinated.”
Dr. Boz highlights a study exposing the harm caused by Covid mRNA injections.
She continues by warning that health officials, scientists, and doctors who claim the mRNA vaccines are “safe” should not be trusted.
The doctor also warns that information highlighting the dangers of the injections is being covered up and censored. ...
McCullough explains that people around the world are now beginning to realize that they made a “giant personal health mistake” by being injected with the Covid mRNA shots.
“Understanding what’s happening is slow,” McCullough explains.
“It’s very very psychological.
“I think once people take the vaccines they just can’t psychologically handle the idea that it could’ve been a giant personal health mistake.
“And most people who took the vaccines, they’ll tell you…they’ll say, ‘I don’t want to talk about it.’
“That means psychologically they can’t handle it.”
“Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy
Authors: David A. Hughes
Exposes the transnational psychological warfare operation camouflaged by “Covid-19”
Identifies World War III seeking to replace liberal democracy with totalitarian technocracy
Explores the potential for evil of weaponized neurotechnology
This book is open access, which means that you have free and unlimited access
Camouflaged by “Covid-19,” an undeclared global class war was initiated in 2020, aimed at replacing liberal democracy with technocracy, a novel, biodigital form of totalitarianism. The opening campaign involved the largest psychological operation in history, intended to demoralise, disorientate, and debilitate the public. This volume deals with the application of shock and stress, trauma-based mind control, the use of fear and threat, cognitive attack, weaponised deception, and techniques for turning society against itself.
I’m a little sorry to go all quasi-supernatural with you about this, but we are truly faced with the fact that the devastation in sexual relations and failures of family formation in recent decades has produced a very particular form of anomie in Western Civ’s female population — and the dynamic has badly deranged increasingly feminized men, too. Covid-19 was basically a Munchausen-by-proxy event, which ChatGPT describes accordingly:
. . . a psychological disorder wherein a caregiver, typically a parent, exaggerates, fabricates, or induces illness or injury in a person under their care, usually a child. The primary motive is to gain attention, sympathy, or praise from medical professionals and others, rather than any tangible benefit like financial gain.”
Actually, ChatGPT was wrong about the financial gain part. There were billions made off Covid by Big Pharma, including hundreds of millions in royalties doled out to public health employees. The government played the role of “mother” in the Covid caper, keeping you (her “children”) safe. You’ve noticed, I’m sure, that claims about safety and safe places have been major themes in Wokery both before and during Covid. Anyway, as usual with Munchausen-by-proxy syndrome, the “children” (i.e., the US population) were injured badly by the “treatment,” the mRNA vaccines. And also as usual with mothers displaying Cluster-B personality disorder, the “bad” children who refuted the narrative and refused the specified “treatment” were punished severely. (Cluster-B is sadistic.)
One thing this suggests is that the cabal running things behind the empty suit “Joe Biden” is dominated by women, and my guess would be the women directly associated with Barack Obama: Susan Rice, Lisa Monaco, Kathryn Ruemmler, Sally Yates, Valarie Jarrett, Samantha Power, Avril Haines, Torie Nuland, give-or-take some combo of them, et al. I have alleged for years that the motif driving batshit-crazy, Cluster-B Democratic Party women is that Donald Trump represents Daddy’s-in-the-house. In their boundaryless state-of-mind nothing threatens the Cluster-B ladies as much as the imposition of boundaries by a fearsome daddy figure. Daddy = the monster of monsters to them.
proposition 1: if politicians are bought and sold, the sort of people attracted to politics will be grifters.
this seems a natural outcome. politics becomes a goody room and the kinds of people that excel at conning others and compromising morals will chase the gold rush.
proposition 2: grifters gonna grift
sure, this is basically tautological, but it contains a meaningful implication that ought be drawn out: grifters are con and confidence people. they need a song and dance, a schtick, a story, something to not only pack the rubes into the tent but to separate them from their wallets. they need a reason to take big actions, take your stuff, and to give it to someone else (or at least to make you do it for them). they need a malady for which to sell you their magical elixir.
proposition 3: grifting turns politics into “story time”
the story does not have to be true. in many ways it’s better if it’s not as you get a lot more optionality. but the story needs a villain and the story needs a plan. but most of all, the story needs a sucker and that sucker is the demos. the confidence conclave needs to convince the audience to go along with the grift, and they either manage to do so or, if they cannot, are rapidly replaced by more compelling carnival barkers who can. those who buy politicians pay for performance.
proposition 4: story time makes the people into rubes.
as they fall for these stories, the people become rubes. they genuinely believe the grift and clamor to pay for the shiny products on display even and especially when this is just lining the pockets of con men that they have mistaken for leaders. they become true believers. and here is where it takes a bit of a turn:
proposition 5: true believers are more believable than grifters.
people are, at subconscious levels, good at spotting lies. this makes grifts hard to keep going for long periods. it’s also why the hegemonic huckster class is wont to surround itself with zealots and activists. these people add a patina of credibility to the whole affair because their sincerity shines through. and this is how it gets out of control.
proposition 6: the demos starts to prefer true believers to grifters and elect them to office
once the “story” is sufficiently set in the public consciousness, the public starts to seek out its most devout and vivid tellers and these are nearly always of the “true believer” class. they simply have more energy, honesty, and intensity than the carnival barkers ever could. they are singing the gospel and meaning it and they come to power as a sort of trickle then a torrent that changes the crooked circus midway into something more like an old timey revival tent. and so the intensification cycle begins.
proposition 7: the more fervent new leaders tell more intense stories.
the true believer tells a more strident and demanding story. they are no longer grifting, they are evangelizing. this brings new levels of vehemence, less tolerance for any other ideas, and proselytizing zeal.
proposition 8: more intense stories make the public more committed to the story.
and this in turn further arouses the public to greater belief and commitment which in turn increases demand for stridency in leaders and round and round it goes until some sort of intensity maximization is reached, usually when the wheels start coming off. and this is a huge problem because, as we flash back to old axioms, one must realize:
proposition 9: the true believers do not know that the grift is a grift.
what began as crony corporatism and scam has become a secular religion/activism cult. its false and facile tenets designed to separate fools from their money and enrich special interests have become sincerely held ideological dogma and those who will preach it to you have been strained and selected until only the most gullible and zealous remain.
and so we arrive at gato’s postulate:
a democratic government powerful enough to dictate that which is bought and sold will inevitably devolve into rule by rube.
and this is how you wind up with government where the people running the scam not only have no conception that they are running a scam but have subsumed their entire identities into it.
and they have no idea how anything works.
they were flat out selected for not knowing how anything works.
This is just a little summary of what went down over the last few years. The insanity of it all gets to me sometimes. Everything about it was like living in a dystopian nightmare. Starting with the utter insanity that a vaccinated person has anything to fear from an unvaccinated person if they believe their vaccines work.
If vaccines work, there is absolutely ZERO reason to fear an unvaccinated person if you yourself are vaccinated! None! No reason. You’re protected, right?
So there is no reason at all for vaccine mandates. None. That was just governments practicing medical tyranny.
... And since the jabs have so many “side” effects, some of us just don’t want to risk injury for no efficacy! They were not safe or effective at all. Except…
And why if they were required of us citizens, why weren’t they required of the illegal immigrants ivading our border? And if Covid is so deadly why was the border left open anyway?
Meanwhile, this is how governments are excusing themselves from responsibility for all the bad jab effects. The legal definition of the word mandate at the time of the rollout of the mRNAbioweaponCovid vax was "a request to voluntarily comply" (they have since updated it) which means they didn't make you do it. They asked you to voluntarily do it and you did. Oh and they didn't make you get vaxxed, your employer did even though governments told employers to do this. Verbal escape artists, they are.
Now they’re back tracking and trying to convince us they never said anyone would not get Covid if he/she took the vax. But they are lying again!
Ultimately employers did make people vax themselves by forcing them to choose between their job or the death shot. Most people could not afford to give up their only source of income so they were in reality coerced into complying.
Of course the companies were told by government representatives (Governors and Mayors) to do this. But sure, let’s put all the blame on the companies and sue them! That way the governments escape all blame and financial consequences too.
And the distraction/circus continues while the Monsters plot more devious deeds.
Not saying the companies weren’t complicit. Obviously not enough of them stood up to the Monster and they should have! But some businesses refused to shut down and government thugs arrested owners and shut the businesses down anyway. They too were under threat.
Meanwhile many of our fellow citizens decided to become complete Nazi jerks to those of us who resisted thebioweaponvaccine tyranny, thus helping the government dictators who trampled our rights. These people should be ashamed, but theyprobablyaren’t.
It’s kind of spirit breaking to find out people actually have this much vitriol in their souls for people who pose no threat to them at all but just want to live in unvaccinated peace. We weren’t the ones forcing people to do anything! Go get them if you want them! Just leave us alone!
And how about this little gem: A lawyer and Presidential candidate hedging his bet with legalese doublespeak. Trying to sound benevolent while keeping that back door open to government medical tyranny. Really just a softer version of the above opinions. It’s “My body, my choice” UNLESS …
The Emergency Use Authorization states:
“For the FDA to issue an EUA, there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition.”
This is why they had to demonize Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine….There had to be no alternative products that would help. But of course, they would have helped and did help when they were used.
...By the way they are now going to try this again with Bird Flu and Bird Flu vaccines. Could it be because they want to scare everyone out of voting in person again?
Patrick et al,
Do you change your mind if a much deadlier virus is released?
Do you change your mind if a much deadlier virus is released?
GNL says
Patrick et al,
Do you change your mind if a much deadlier virus is released?
And you think the vaxx will be any less deadly?
I’ve always believed that if they really wanted to TPTB can win any way they want to play it. Either kill by released gain of function virus or by a deadly “vaccine”. Either way, they win.
GNL says
I’ve always believed that if they really wanted to TPTB can win any way they want to play it. Either kill by released gain of function virus or by a deadly “vaccine”. Either way, they win.
Had they won we would be eating bugs in our 15 minute cities while taking our quarterly vaxx update.
There are more of us than them.
Not after we hang them all.
I don’t think you’ll be able to exact justice because you won’t be able to get near them.
Oh, we're near them all the time. Everyone is.
They have much larger footprints than you or I. They have servants, they have bureaucracies, many many people know who they are and where they live.
True. Notice that no employer or college president who mandated the vaxx has been shot by a parent/spouse who had a loved one die from that mandated vaxx.
True, the Federal Reserve can just credit the bank accounts of anyone they need to bribe. It was Vivek Ramaswamy who pointed this out. I was impressed when I heard him say it.
And the Fed has never been audited, so there is no way to know what they are doing with the money they create from nothing.
The Federal Reserve is the enemy of transparency and of the freedom to keep the money you earn.
The natural routes of entry into the human body, be they for food, air, or reproduction, do not include penetrating the skin. This mode of introduction of foreign material is inherently unnatural, abnormal, and potentially dangerous. When truly necessary and properly performed it should be used, but when unnecessary it should be avoided.
When you recoil at the thought of a needle penetrating your skin and injecting you with something, this is a normal, sensible, and self-preservatory reaction. You may note that this aversion to needles is similar to how you would feel about a mosquito, a leech, a snake bite, or even a knife in your back. This is not a coincidence.
Parasites, poisoners, and predators come in many sizes, shapes, and species. Become as knowledgeable as possible about anything you allow to be done to you. Listen to your own God-given body. Trust your own instincts. Learn to say no. Protect your bodily integrity. Protect yourself.
To say the awful reality of Biden’s diminished capacity shattered Democrat world views too-narrowly skates over the even more profound implications. For just one example, everyone just found out, beyond any legitimate argument, that the White House and the entire media have been covering for Biden, lying in other words, about the single most important fact about the single most important decision facing the entire world: can Biden put on his pants one leg at a time like everyone else?
Beyond the confirmed disclosure of coordinated media dishonesty, there are a thousand thousand more implications, all exploding from the debate in slow motion like shards of shattered glass.
The horror of right-wing thought crime is eternally lurking in the progressive imagination, waiting menacingly to destroy the prospects of their utopia.
The horror of right-wing thought crime is eternally lurking in the progressive imagination, waiting menacingly to destroy the prospects of their utopia.
These "ambassadors of Truth" remain remarkably unmoved when it later turns out that the story they defended uncritically was wrong. The corona crisis abundantly demonstrated this. Almost everything about the mainstream narrative turned out to be wrong: the virus was bred in a lab rather than arising from zoonosis; the mortality of the virus was at least ten times lower than stated; the vaccine did not prevent the spread of the virus and had many more side effects than suggested, and so on.
The reaction of the population when the lies are revealed is especially astonishing. Hannah Arendt put it this way: "The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness" (The Origins of Totalitarianism p. 382).
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Liberals defend their credentials which allow them to exploit those who don't have the same credentials. Credentials create monopolies, the ability to set high prices regardless of quality of service. It is a way to defeat free market competition.
The funding of universities depends entirely on the demand for their degrees, which they control. Their biggest horror would be a system where anyone could take tests to prove competence in a subject without paying for the years of classes and subjecting themselves to obedience to professors.
- Thomas Frank
Most of academia is less about learning than about paying for a paper proof of status and conformity. Non-conformists are expelled from schools, or failed out. Most teachers do not like their authority to be questioned. Bosses like the academic proof of conformity when they hire. The most "educated" are the most obedient.
Trump was a threat to their credentials and therefore a threat to their incomes and status.
The academic elite need a reason to hate those threatening themselves, therefore they use imaginary "racism", to which there is no defense. The accusation is the conviction.
Then they don't need to worry about the real class problem, which is independent of race. They would be uncomfortable looking at class, because they'd have to look at themselves and their unearned class privileges.
So their faith in the injection is faith in the "expert class" of which they are members, and they demand that the hoi polloi submit to it as an expression of the elite's power and prestige.