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2021 Oct 25, 11:52am   1,711 views  35 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Of interest - author of Danish Study on Autism is consistently cited as "proof" vaccines don't cause autism. Any case, Thorsen, the author, was found culpable in embezzling funds from grants and paid back $2M.

Denmark removed all mercury from vaccines in 1992. Thorsen's study, cited by "Factcheckers" on "Vaccine Autism" wasn't begun until 1995, three years after Danes banned Mercury.

The actual allegation is that the mercury in the vaccines cause autism; the Medical Establishment and "FactCheckers" ignore this and deliberately create a straw man of 'all vaccines' to tear down.

More on the CDC here:


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1   Ceffer   2021 Oct 25, 12:20pm  

There was a big class action lawsuit against dental amalgams (bound mercury) several years ago on the autism banner. It failed to go anywhere.
2   SoTex   2021 Oct 25, 6:47pm  

That's because there is zero proof autism is related to vaccines.

On the other hand, I once sat by Brandler:


Basically what this is saying is a decent sized chunk of autistic kids come from 'old dads' with giant errors in sperm dna. We always think of aging moms having problems with healthy kids - this is the first I'm aware of that shows old dads can fuck-it-up too. People are having kids at way older ages these days, thus, we have more genetic diseases.

In this paper he's describing SVs. "Large Structural Variants". My hat's off to him b/c that shit is hard. Consider this:

indel (insertion/deletion in a genome, just one or several dna letters):

ACTAC-----CTCAA <- deletion (or could be insertion of shit not normally there)

SNV (single nucleotide variant):

ACTCGTCAA <- G replaces C

Those are easy peazy with current technology. We can quickly/easily/cheaply/accurately* read through about 150 letters of DNA no problem. Then we have to start stitching shit together. (but that will change soon with long read tech that is coming along)

So in his paper he's looking at what are basically indels but now the region is huge, like 12,000 letters gone (among other types). It's hard.

Super cool guy. I used to tease him that: "His life has a sound track"

This is because every time I saw him. Near our desks, in the hallway, in the bathroom, in the break room, in the lunch room, outside...

He was always ALWAYS walking around with ear buds listening to something. I assumed it was music.
3   mell   2021 Oct 25, 10:29pm  

just_passing_through says
That's because there is zero proof autism is related to vaccines.

On the other hand, I once sat by Brandler:


Basically what this is saying is a decent sized chunk of autistic kids come from 'old dads' with giant errors in sperm dna. We always think of aging moms having problems with healthy kids - this is the first I'm aware of that shows old dads can fuck-it-up too. People are having kids at way older ages these days, thus, we have more genetic diseases.

In this paper he's describing SVs. "Large Structural Variants". My hat's off to him b/c that shit is hard. Consider this:

indel (insertion/deletion in a genome, just one or several dna letters):

ACTAC-----CTCAA <- deletion (or could be insertion of shit not normally there)

SNV (single nucleotide variant):


The problem with this is that men always had kids late, sometimes into their 60s, 70s or even 80s, while women generally had kids earlier. It would have been super easy to detect autism in these old geezers kids going far back in time, and maybe it just never has been adequately studied. I agree that autism has never been significantly linked to vaccines but mercury is never good for the body, esp. not for an infant. I also think that the sheer amount and frequency of vaccinations for kids starting at infant age is definitely suboptimal for many reasons, regardless of whether autism has anything to do with it or not. But of course risk is relative compared to the diseases they prevent.
4   Patrick   2021 Oct 25, 10:37pm  

I've read that one of the strongest predictors of autism is having a father or grandfather who was an engineer.

My father and grandfather were both engineers. One nephew of mine is autistic. And sometimes people say I'm a bit that way.
5   mell   2021 Oct 25, 10:41pm  

Patrick says
I've read that one of the strongest predictors of autism is having a father or grandfather who was an engineer.

My father and grandfather were both engineers. One nephew of mine is autistic. And sometimes people say I'm a bit that way.

Agreed, I think it's a much better predictor than paternal age. Most people I know who have siblings with moderate to strong autism show at least lighter signs of it as well, even if they are much younger. I'm not convinced paternal age much matters much, it was largely a woke feminist effort to get this off womyns back. Maybe there is more to it, though I'm doubtful. It's def somewhat hereditary
6   Patrick   2021 Oct 25, 10:44pm  

Autism was found to occur more often in families of physicists, engineers and scientists. 12.5% of the fathers and 21.2% of the grandfathers (both paternal and maternal) of children with autism were engineers, compared to 5% of the fathers and 2.5% of the grandfathers of children with other syndromes.[36] Other studies have yielded similar results.[37][38] Findings of this nature have led to the coinage of the term "geek syndrome".[39]
7   SoTex   2021 Oct 26, 8:43am  

Guys... These 'relatives' may have the genetic conditions described in the paper. It's hereditary.

Yes, fathers had kid at older ages for eons but not quite like today. Also, in the past they probably said things like: The kid "isn't right" rather than 'autism'.

I think the paper is only suggesting SVs contribute to 25% of the cases anyway...
8   WookieMan   2021 Oct 26, 10:17am  

True autism is real. But we’re now just labeling a level 1-2 kid on a scale of 10 autistic. They’re barely autistic. They then get pills thrown at them.

Medicine will always be a business. There’s interest in keeping you alive, but not healthy.
9   Reality   2021 Oct 26, 5:12pm  

I can see a very good reason why correlation between fathers being physicists, engineers and scientists vs. autism can lead to observed "old-dad" correlation when tabulated by a feminist with an agenda (blaming men): older men who have wives young enough to have kids are over-represented by men who are successful . . . and that success is often the result of being in the physical sciences/engineering field. Men who derive success from other more social fields, such as finance and celebrity may no longer be interested in getting married or having kids after 55 as they had early success with women and would be looking at grand children by then.
10   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 26, 5:18pm  

Older men with young brides was very normal until about a century ago.

Nobody would have blinked at a 50 year old Colonel returning from India and marrying a 20 year old back then. Or a midwestern Bachelor Farmer from Minnesota sending away for a 20-year old Boston Bride while being 45. Or a 60 year old Minister in Plymouth remarrying a 19-year old neighbor's daughter after his first wife died. In the Ancient Days disparities were more frequent.
11   mell   2021 Oct 26, 5:27pm  

WookieMan says
True autism is real. But we’re now just labeling a level 1-2 kid on a scale of 10 autistic. They’re barely autistic. They then get pills thrown at them.

Medicine will always be a business. There’s interest in keeping you alive, but not healthy.

Agreed - severe autism which needs medical treatment has always been rare.
12   SoTex   2021 Oct 26, 8:55pm  

Are you peeps aware of the degree of genetic disease in countries that breed like that? Not to mention the inbreeding involved.

That paper has zero to do with feminism. I sat right next to the guy when he was finishing it off. Had not a fuck in the world to do with any political shit. Just plain GOOD science. I know we're lacking that these days but it does still exist.

Comment on the paper anyone?
13   SoTex   2021 Oct 26, 8:57pm  

Reality says
I can see a very good reason why correlation between fathers being physicists, engineers and scientists vs. autism can lead to observed "old-dad" correlation when tabulated by a feminist with an agenda (blaming men)

re: ^^
14   Patrick   2021 Oct 26, 9:04pm  

Countries that breed like what? Older men and younger women? Is there some association with genetic disease?

Re the paper:

The genetic basis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is known to consist of contributions from de novo mutations in variant-intolerant genes. We hypothesize that rare inherited structural variants in cis-regulatory elements (CRE-SVs) of these genes also contribute to ASD. We investigated this by assessing evidence for natural selection and transmission distortion of CRE-SVs in whole genomes of 9,274 subjects from 2,600 families affected by ASD. In a discovery cohort of 829 families, structural variants were depleted within promoters and UTRs, and paternally-inherited CRE-SVs were preferentially transmitted to affected offspring and not to their unaffected siblings. The association of paternal CRE-SVs was replicated in an independent sample of 1,771 families. Our results suggest that rare inherited non-coding variants predispose children to ASD, with differing contributions from each parent.

What's "cis" about cis-regulatory elements?And is he saying that these "non-coding" variants don't make any proteins, but instead have some epi-genetic effect?
15   SoTex   2021 Oct 26, 9:39pm  

India, the middle east, the US long ago; countries that inbreed.

Also, older guys shoot blanks most of the time anyway so it's not like they were having tons of kids. The paper also mentions the combo of women (also older) and older men in this phenom.

Thanks for not grouping me in with feminists I hate the fucks and great question!

So MOST of what scientists have focused on over the past 11 years since genome reading became cheap are the coding regions for proteins. The genes basically. People argue that's only 7-15% of the genome but the point is it's very small. The rest used to be called the desert. Where in fact, since the olden days a few years ago we've started to realize there are all sorts of control mechanisms we don't know much about yet in these regions. Surprise surprise lol...

Honestly most of what has been accomplished since the genome project was 'finished' in 2003 has been quite underwhelming to say the least. More so when you consider how much money has been spent on it.

We can do research like this though for now and it will get better. You can sort of think of it as epigenetics but it's lower level and harder to get at. We can do methylation (epigenetic) dna sequencing better than SVs at the moment I think. It's sort of like just reading a new letter vs. AGCT <- some get methylated and are then 'different' and can be read differently. Those are the epigenetic switches.
16   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 26, 9:50pm  

just_passing_through says
Also, older guys shoot blanks most of the time anyway so it's not like they were having tons of kids. The paper also mentions the combo of women (also older) and older men in this phenom.

It's probably older eggs. Since older women-younger men pairs are more rare, it'll be harder to find comparable numbers, but I bet it's ancient eggs that is more important than the age of the sperm.

Because we live in a time of RONN Narrative Defense from the Clerisy, which wants females to delay childbirth, this line of research is unlikely to be funded, and if it is, dismissed or torn apart.
17   Reality   2021 Oct 26, 10:03pm  

just_passing_through says
Are you peeps aware of the degree of genetic disease in countries that breed like that? Not to mention the inbreeding involved.

Bred like what? What does large male-female age-gap in mating have to do with inbreeding? Most historical (and current in some countries) inbreeding involve first-cousins that grow up together therefore relatively close in age. BTW, before widespread social safety-net and medical intervention, inbreeding likely helped populations get rid of genetic diseases (as two copies of the detrimental recessive gene would kill the person and thereby taking the gene out of the population) and promote desirable traits (including intelligence itself). Genetically speaking, Jews are/were among the most inbred population (at least in Europe) and that did not stop Jews from having a 15% IQ advantage over the average of the rest of Europeans, but likely contributed to higher IQ (the lower IQ ones also produced by inbreeding got wiped out in pogroms each generation or otherwise prevented from breeding by girls).

Refer to my earlier comment regarding why a simple tabulation of father age would be influenced by coincidental correlation with fathers that are wealthy enough to have younger and still reproductive wives in the fathers' own advanced age (and still willing to be reproducing, i.e. correlation with physical-science/engineering types) . . . not to mention older fathers statistically also correlate to older mothers.

In fact, it is quite possible that genes that result in high intelligence may well be related to mild autism and anti-social behavioral tendencies . . . just look at all the average pleasant sheep getting jabs as told, whereas both the anti-jab crowd (those who see a problem on their own) and the scamsters that came up with the jab to begin with (not the silly followers) are often highly intelligent.
18   SoTex   2021 Oct 27, 8:59am  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
but I bet it's ancient eggs that is more important than the age of the sperm.

There is actually support for that in the paper:

We propose three possible mechanisms to explain the observed paternal-origin effect of CRE-SVs, the first is a “bilineal two-hit model”, in which inherited risk is attributable to a combination of two risk variants: a maternally-inherited coding variant of large effect and a paternally-inherited CRE variant of moderate effect.
19   Automan Empire   2021 Oct 27, 9:13am  

Patrick says
"cis" about cis-regulatory elements?

Cis and trans have long been chemistry terms, that were relatively recently adopted by LGBTQ in the context of human sexuality and identity. They are latin roots that basically mean "on the same side of" and "on the opposite side of." Trans fats are a completely non gender related example you've heard of.
20   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 27, 9:41am  

Automan Empire says
Cis and trans have long been chemistry terms, that were relatively recently adopted by LGBTQ in the context of human sexuality and identity. They are latin roots that basically mean "on the same side of" and "on the opposite side of." Trans fats are a completely non gender related example you've heard of.

"Science Washing" Socio-Political Opinions.

Economists do this as well.
21   Automan Empire   2021 Oct 27, 10:22am  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
"Science Washing" Socio-Political Opinions.

I see a sensible and intuitive analogy with the terms. Thematic apperception at play on your part, perhaps.
22   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 27, 10:38am  

Automan Empire says

I see a sensible and intuitive analogy with the terms. Thematic apperception at play on your part, perhaps.

There is no objective metric to "Gender Fluidity". It is entirely philosophically constructed and subjectively answered questionnaires.

We don't validate Paranoid Schizos or Anorexics' claims, why do we validate Paraphiliac claims?
23   Automan Empire   2021 Oct 27, 10:58am  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
There is no objective metric to "Gender Fluidity"

That doesn't change the intuitive utility of using the terms cis- and trans- when discussing the topic of nonconventional sexualities.

I don't think anyone cares about your wishes and efforts to gatekeep the usage of these terms by groups for whom you carry a preexisting dislike.
24   Patrick   2023 Jan 24, 8:36pm  


Original Title:160 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link
Description:Media reports have claimed that there is no scientific evidence supporting the link between vaccines and autism. Here we provide for the reader research that demonstrates links between vaccines and autism, and the mechanisms by which vaccines can cause autism.
25   The_Deplorable   2023 Nov 10, 1:04pm  

This simply says We The People do not trust the vaccines.

27   AmericanKulak   2023 Nov 17, 5:47pm  

The vast, vast majority of childhood vaccines are for bacterial diseases that only impact in very poor hygiene/sanitation situations.

They're all very rare in the presence of clean running water and trash collection. There's simply no reason to get them unless you expect children to be exposed to overcrowded, primitive conditions for long periods of time.

Diphtheria is a great example. Aside from wartorn Europe and an overcrowded Imperial Japanese ship and barracks in 1942-43 (when they were literally stacked like cordwood inside barracks meant for a fraction of the people; and had travelled on the inside of cargo ships - not passenger vessels - in worse conditions), outbreaks are unheard of. Interestingly, there were deaths from improperly made diptheria vaccines in Japan after the war.
28   RC2006   2023 Nov 17, 5:57pm  

The_Deplorable says


Main stream media strongly against this idea, so its probably true.
32   Onvacation   2024 Sep 17, 5:16am  

The_Deplorable says


They used to be called parents.
33   HeadSet   2024 Sep 17, 2:30pm  

Onvacation says

They used to be called parents.

Yes, and saying "religious or other personal concerns" paints the caretakers as unscientific rather that the genuine reason of the vaccines being given too early making them dangerous.

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