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In this three-part series we examine the extent to which disaster capitalism and the medical-industrial complex turned the pandemic into a 'golden' opportunity to enhance corporate profits which took place, in large part, at the taxpayer's expense through appropriation of public resources. In the first part we examine the rise of this predatory social ideology and the strategies its adherents have employed to assure its success. In the second part we examine the social and economic consequences of disaster capitalism during the COVID-19 pandemic which, in the end, led to the preventable loss of hundreds of thousands of American lives. In the final article we point to the necessity of broad reform not only of the healthcare system but of American democracy and raise challenging questions as to how this should be accomplished and, importantly, whether the American public is up to the task.
Stew Peters
Doctors to pregnant women:
"Don't eat sushi or deli meat, avoid caffeine.
Also Doctors: "This brand new, experimental mRNA shot with ZERO long term clinical trial data is as safe & effective."
I've been trying to stay away from Twitter for a few days (maybe after this tweet I'll do it).
3+ yrs ago today I was just some guy, a dad & a husband, toiling away in a nursing home tucked away in a corner of some blue state.
I wasn't political - like, at all. In fact - I despise the duplicity & rancor of politics. If you met me you wouldn't guess my politics - I never discussed them much with anyone.
I never voted for Trump, I voted for Obama in his first term & Gary Johnson (the libertarian) in the second election, IIRC. I simply was some rando healthcare worker - really, nobody remarkable.
When the lockdowns started, like everyone else I was caught up in the mass panic & shock. I went along with it - I supported (brief) mask mandates. I felt unsettled & very wrong about it, but I went along with lockdowns. I believed this would all go away when vaccines came out.
But it didn't. My kids stayed home from school for a year. My nursing home patients got sealed away from the world & subjected essentially to nonstop terror campaigns, treated like prisoners (I've talked about the "prison-like window visits") & essentially subjected to solitary confinement. They were cut off from their families. Everyone around them faceless, masked. I got to watch nurses trying to force decrepit old people with dementia into masks. These are images I still can't get out of my head.
I started feeling increasingly frustrated, guilty, demoralized. I was holding it all inside.
The world has gone completely insane now, with a single party & a weird, toxic, paranoid patchwork ideology of Wokeness & biomedical terror reigning unchecked on the population since Biden took office.
So I became a sort of weird online activist - I became "GeroDoc" almost a year ago now.
My main advocacy has been to get an "urgency of normal" for nursing home residents started. I see the fortunes of children (who also have been isolated, terrorized, & forced to mask like nursing home residents) linked with my residents. The most vulnerable in society have been used as political pawns by cynical operators who weaponized empathy to control people.
Everyone's life has changed since three years ago. I don't have nearly as much joy as I used to about the world - and I see what happened three years ago was a turning point where hope was stolen from so many of us.
Anyways, I don't know what else there is to say. I'll read a few responses then I think I really do have to log off for a few days. Thanks for listening.
Pharmacist Kim Darlington: "I could no longer in good faith inject the covid shots into people"
"I'm still a licensed pharmacist and none of us here are anti-vaxxers. We are only anti-covid shot. And my words are not mis- or disinformation, it's my first-hand experience on the front lines of this pandemic from day one."
Australian Pharmacist Li Chu on Why He Did Not Comply
"Hippocratic Oath. First do no harm.... this is something that I cannot compromise."
Australian Pharmacist Li Chu on Vaxx Injuries
"these are the things that what they don't have the courage to admit. Because when, like you say just now, when people wakes up, the government can't do anything."
Whistleblower Pharmacist Nichole Belland Talks to Mordechai Sones of America's Front Line Doctors
"truly, this was very very emotional, ethical, spiritual, moral dilemma for me for months."
Pharmacist Confronted on Camera: Informed Consent Impossible
"And I feel, and right, right now I'm, I'm feeling totally inadequate as a pharmacist and ready to turn in my license."
More Doctors Who Spoke Up in 2021: Dr. Kris filmed by her daughter ("it's not safe"); Dr. Zelenko ("no one needs the vaccine"); Dr. Kevin Stillwagon's Advice for the Jabbed
New transcripts of censored and shadow-banned videos of 2021
If any easily detected trail of reimbursement to doctors and hospitals can be found that they participated in Covid/vaccine terrorism for hire or emolument, then they will be sunk. Even the doctors who got capping fees for vaccine administrations. How many doctors supplemented their income this way? The future is not bright and this sword of Damocles hangs over their heads. The class action wolf packs are drooling.
Everyone in EMS has heard horror stories of an ambulance wandering the highways in limbo with a dead person. A frightened nursing home staff cries “just take the body to the hospital!” and an inexperienced EMS crew complies — only to learn that there is no direct access to a hospital morgue; that the emergency department is for the living; that state regs do not allow 911 to transport to funeral parlors or private residences; and that nursing homes have a firm “no returns” policy.
UF Health Erasing Differences Between Male and Female in Lab Test Results for “Inclusivity”
“Patients will die as a result,” a UF Health whistleblower told The Florida Standard. ...
The whistleblower fears that the changes won’t stop with erasing long-established biological differences between male and female in diagnostic practices, such as lab test results. The employee states that “woke” medicine is rapidly gaining traction in hospitals and academia.
“Before long, biology won’t be factored into the use of a variety of drugs and treatments as well. If this moves forward – mark my words – patients will die as a result,” the employee says.
Dr. James Thorp, an ObGyn and Maternal Fetal Medicine sub-specialist with almost 44 years of clinical experience, is shocked to hear about UF’s new lab practices.
“Political correctness is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. When you start changing medical definitions for ‘inclusivity’ it hurts the individual patients. This is an utterly false narrative that is going to kill and injure people,” Dr. Thorp tells The Florida Standard. ...
Persecuted Dr. Jeyanthi Kunadhasan: “If Twenty Percent of the Medical Profession Stood Up, This Would End!”
Australian Doctor Joins DailyClout to Discuss Repercussions for Refusing COVID jab
How the Medical Industry Burned Its Trust Capital
By Robert Blumen June 4, 2023
... The story of the accumulation and the dissipation of trust can be told through the lens of economics by borrowing the concept of capital goods. ...
Reputation and trust is a bit like capital. The opinions that peers and customers have about a person, institution or business is earned over a long time through honesty, reliability. Consistent virtuous action is a form of investment. Unlike capital goods, it cannot be sold or even directly valued in money terms, although the the concept of goodwill as a balance sheet asset is similar. Businesses with a reputation for quality products can charge more or spend less on advertising. Individuals with a good reputation in their field will have more opportunities. ..
Membership in a gang improves the prisoner’s access to prison life. For example, membership enhances the prisoner’s ability to engage in drug transactions. Gang membership communicates to other prisoners – both in the same and in different gangs – that a prisoner who violates social norms will face consequences.
A group or brand can accumulate trust capital by accepting only members who adhere to high standards of conduct. The group can amplify this by formulating a code of conduct, educating its own members, and enforcing the code. When the public sees the majority of members following the rules over time, and violators facing punishment or expulsion, the public will develop trust in the group.
Brands can provide value above independent operators by enforcing uniformity. A tourist can visit a McDonalds, ride in an Uber, or stay in a Marriott hotel almost anywhere in the world. In comparison to a local market brand that does not exist in the traveler’s home market, the tourist has a good idea of what they are getting for their money from the multinational brand because they have used the brand before and had a consistent experience. The brand is afraid that if a customer has a bad experience in one outpost they may start to question the ability of the brand to ensure uniformity.
At the peak perhaps several decades ago, the medical profession was highly trusted. This trust was earned in earlier decades when doctors had smaller practices, spent more time with patients, had autonomy in their decisions, and provided individualized care.
The trust asset on the doctor’s balance sheet has been slowly dissipating as the original supporting tenets have eroded, and for a range of other reasons: the corporatization of care, incentives by the pharmaceutical industry, increasing group-think among doctors, the dominance of third-party payers who create a competing interest between the doctor and the patient, and the growth of impersonal ideologies such as evidence-based medicine.
In a business, when a machine is damaged it can be replaced because it is fungible. Trust capital does not work that way. It is difficult to accumulate; and once destroyed, ever so much more difficult to rebuild. The relative with an alcohol or drug problem who has failed rehab multiple times will face increasing skepticism each time he tells family members that he is clean. The family may give the wayward relative multiple chances, but it may require years of continuous sobriety before family members will accept that the person has truly gotten the better of their addiction. Some breaches of trust cannot be repaired. A married person who has cheated on their spouse once may end their marriage. An employee caught stealing will be fired.
The trust capital of the medical profession was further damaged by the lying documented by Drs Baker and Malik. Dr. Baker wrote, “It must be emphasized that health authorities pushed deliberate lies, known to be lies at the time by those telling them.” What happens when you lie to people? They stop believing you. And that is how the medical consumers have responded. After being lied to about the covid “vaccine” being 95 percent effective, the public is now questioning not only what they were told about the Pfizer and Moderna products, but also childhood vaccination schedules generally. Childhood vaccination rates are down in some regions as much as 44 percent. This indicates that medical advice is receiving more skepticism. ...
It may sometimes be expedient for a man to heat the stove with his furniture. But if he does, he should know what the remoter effects will be. He should not delude himself by believing that he has discovered a wonderful new method of heating his premises.
The medical profession has burned their furniture. They believe that their failure to persuade the public of their lies was due to a failure to provide a sufficient quality or quantity of lying. They are trying to overcome their failure by propagandizing even harder. ... If the liar wishes to rebuild the trust, then a full and honest confession of the lies, expression of remorse, and a sincere pledge not to do so again would be the starting point. Other than a few dissenters who challenged the orthodoxy during the crisis, there have been vanishingly few apologies. On the contrary, the parties most responsible are trying to distance themselves from the collapse by denying that they did what they did.
Please contribute to Kathie Breault’s legal defense fund.
In April, 2023, Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) Kathie Breault was indicted in the Eastern States District Federal Court for “Conspiracy to Defraud the United States” for giving vaccination cards to people who did not receive Covid-19 vaccinations. Her defense is that the vaccinations were ineffective and harmful, and to administer them would violate the Hippocratic oath of health professionals (First do no harm). Her legal battle against a dishonest and vindictive federal government will require lawyer’s fees that exceed her ability to pay — a reminder that “the process is the punishment.”
Kathie has also been accused of “professional misconduct” by the New York State Licensing Board for prescribing Ivermectin via telehealth visits in July 2021. Many other medical practitioners across the United States have been similarly persecuted and some have lost their licenses to practice. Kathie has been under investigation by New York’s Office of Professional Discipline since March 2022. No decision has been reached as of May 2023.
Rally for Vigil March Up Bay Street, Toronto, Canada
Filmed September 3, 2022
"No More Shots, Let's Follow Denmark's Lead! 09/03/22"
DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: If there is any other member of our family here who would like to take another
moment, wave at me and come forward. But if not I will get things a little— please, and you're welcome to come. And, ah, but we will have a peaceful march up Bay Street towards the legislature for anyone who wishes to go with us. We expect to start that in the next 15 minutes. All you have to do is stick around and we'll organize when we step peacefully out into traffic and do our vigil march.
But please listen to this lady who's been brave enough to come forward, please.
JANET [taking the microphone]: Hi, everybody. I'm Janet. I'm a registered nurse.
I first started to get a little bit suspicious about covid, I was working past retirement a few days a week to help out in the clinics, and as of March 2020 specifically we stopped doing testing for influenza and only tested for covid. So naturally there were no cases of influenza, there were only cases of covid. With that faulty PCR test as well. So I started to look into it, very, much more deeply. And time rolled on, and as of last fall I was formally fired for not complying with the vax mandate.
Now I told you I've already been retired, so it wasn't such a big decision for me, as some people who would lose their homes because they couldn't pay their mortgages and have their jobs lost and everything. But one thing that perplexed me, I did renew my registration, but the College of Nurses said it was reported to the college that I was fired for, with cause. And I don't have anything else negative on my record but this one bad thing, that I didn't cave in and take the shot. I'm glad I didn't. I managed to eat and live under my roof and stuff like that, but I feel for people who gave up so much. And got nowhere. Thank you.
DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Your first name?
JANET: Janet.
DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Well thank you, Janet. It's a thrill to be standing here with you. I wish our younger colleagues to get real. Look at the studies, by two people in particular, Dr. Paul Alexander, a dual citizen of both Canada and the United States. He's given the truth from the beginning. He quotes Geert Vanden Bossch, a wonderful scientist and virologist and numbers person from Europe, from I believe it's Netherlands. Vanden Bossche. Two folks, and many, many others. Laura Braden** here in Canada. Many others.
The truth is that the vaccines are harmful. Harmful in a pathetic way, especially for young children where it damages their ability to have good innate immune systems for life.
Anyone under the age of 8 who has received this vaccine will have damaged their innate immune system for their entire life. Their likelihood of getting cancer will have been increased without question. Their likelihood of getting inflammatory diseases like systemic lupus or things like that, all of these things will soar, will absolutely soar in the dear children who have been fooled. And their dear parents, who were fooled into giving these shots. From the beginning, shots should have only been given to people 30 or over, in the 30 and over age group they would have had to have a significant condition that warranted it, without that they should never have given, and, ah, ultimately, the bottom line is, they shouldn't have been given to anyone because it's a non-vaccine, it's a toxic agent, that's the truth. That's the truth.
[cheers and clapping]
JANET: Thank you so much. [inaudible]
DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Thank you. Bless you.
💉 Speaking of doctors getting paid by pharma — just as a reminder — ProPublica ran a story back in 2019 headlined, “We Found Over 700 Doctors Who Were Paid More Than a Million Dollars by Drug and Medical Device Companies.”
The number ballooned to 2,500 doctors who were paid over a half million in 2019 by drug and device makers. In other words, even in 2019, tons of doctors were making more from their pharma connections than from treating their patients.
How do you suppose those numbers changed during the pandemic?
There might be an idea here. If doctors are so easily bought, maybe WE could start paying doctors to expose the problems with the jabs. Maybe it’s that simple. Maybe it’s just about who offers them a better deal.
Cancer DeMystified: The Untold Perspective About the #2 Killer in the World
“The current paradigm or current narrative [around cancer] is designed to make money because these drugs are really expensive. And oncologists actually are paid to give cancer drugs, so it’s a big industry. So, there’s no interest of oncologists to actually practice good medicine. It’s not in their financial interest to do so. And so, that’s the tragedy that we face,” attested accomplished physician Dr. Paul Marik during a sit-down interview with Children’s Health Defense. ...
There’s also something called the “Warburg effect,” Dr. Marik denoted. “Otto Warburg (Nobel Prize Winner), in 1928, discovered that all cancer cells — this is all cancer cells — are metabolically dysfunctional and require glucose as their prime source of fuel. They cannot use their mitochondria to generate energy. So, the consequence of that is if you deprive the cancer cell of glucose, it actually promotes cell death. So, ketosis actually is a very useful intervention if you have cancer because cancer cells can’t use ketones as a source of energy, whereas human cells can. And they’re dependent on glucose. So, if you can starve the cancer cell by limiting glucose, you’re going a long way in controlling cancer.”
A doctor has been fired after she raised the alarm about the safety of Covid shots while testifying before a Senate panel on Capitol Hill.
Dr. Renata Moon testified as an expert witness during Sen. Ron Johnson’s (R-WI) panel on COVID-19 vaccines in December 2022.
In response, Moon, a leading pediatrician, was reported to a state medical commission by Washington State University officials.
According to newly disclosed documents, the college accused Moon of promoting so-called “misinformation” about mRNA Covid shots.
The Washington Medical Commission (WMC) asserts that doctors who offer “misinformation” about Covid shotss, treatments, and preventative measures “erode the public trust in the medical profession and endanger patients.”
The WMC also encourages people to lodge complaints against doctors who allegedly provide “misinformation.”
Those doctors who are found to have spread “misinformation” will have their medical licenses revoked by the WMC.
Two Washington State University officials, Doctors Jeff Haney and James Record, referenced the commission in a letter to Dr. Moon dated March 3, 2023.
“The WMC has asked the public and practitioners to report possible spread of misinformation,” they wrote.
“There are components of your presentation that could be interpreted as a possible spread.
“As such, we are ethically obligated to make a report to the WMC to investigate possible breach of this expectation.”
In June 2023, the university informed Dr. Moon that it was effectively firing her by not renewing her appointment as a clinical associate professor of medicine.
“At this time, the needs of the college are moving in a different direction and your participation is no longer required,” Haney and Record wrote.
"Giving experimental "vaccine" to hundreds millions people" including pregnant women and toddlers based on such limited data with no informed consent, is a huge malpractice."
"Giving experimental "vaccine" to hundreds millions people" including pregnant women and toddlers based on such limited data with no informed consent, is a huge malpractice."
These vaccine mandates are actually crimes against humanity and a violation of the The Nuremberg Code.
I'm shocked nobody has been murdered over this bullshit, but given our media, maybe they have been, and it's simply not been reported.
Dr. James Thorp (OB-GYN) Interviewed by Steve Kirsch
January 3, 2022
DR. JAMES THORP: [On recommending the covid "vaccines"] Certainly not for pregnant women and children.
STEVE KIRSCH: So could you then have your medical license revoked for giving your honest opinion like that?
DR. JAMES THORP: Absolutely, yes.
STEVE KIRSCH: So you're caught between your oath [Hippocratic Oath] and your duty to your patients, and losing your license.
DR. JAMES THORP: That's exactly right. There's no such thing— there's no physician or nurse in the entire United States of America that should be believed anymore.
Patients, for those of you listening, you shouldn't believe me, you shouldn't believe your physician or your nurse. We're all under a gag order. Why would you believe us? It's ridiculous. Because if we say what is opposed to the state doctrine, we will be destroyed. Our careers will be destroyed, we'll lose our livelihood, our reputation, and we'll have our families destroyed. So you shouldn't believe them.
And if that weren't bad enough, certainly there's no such thing as fair, honest, informed consent anymore, Steve. I mean, it's all null and void. When you make threats, when we've all been threatened like we have been, all nurses and all physicians, it's outrageous.
Within a six week time the American Board of Medical Specialties, the federation of the state medical boards, the American Board of Medical Specialties, mine is American Board of OB-GYN, and we've had some rather lively debates and some interactions. I've worked with them before formally, I know them all, they're all my contemporaries, I don't them all, I know two of them, Dr Susan Ramin and I know the executive director, Dr. George Wendel, and they're really reasonable people. I don't believe they have the constitution to do this, and to actually extort physicians and threaten them like this.
STEVE KIRCH: But that's what they're doing, right?
DR. JAMES THORP: That's exactly what they're doing. I held them in extremely high esteem for forty-plus years. I've worked with them formally for at least a year, I did examinations.
STEVE KIRSCH: So you've never seen anything like this before, and you've been doing this for 45 years?
DR. JAMES THORP: Forty-two years.
STEVE KIRSCH: Forty-two years. And you've never seen this kind of thing before, where you have to go and compromise your oath? So these are extraordinary times.
DR. JAMES THORP: These are bizarre times. I've never seen anything— this kind of behavior— as I ??— I served in the United States Air Force, so I a oath that I carry to my death. And I fought for freedom of this country. And I will die on this hill. I will not tolerate this. This kind of horse manure belongs over in Pyongyang, Shanghai, Moscow or Tehran. It doesn't belong in the United States of America.
STEVE KIRSCH: How many of your associates would agree with your point of view that you just expressed with me, privately. You know, where it's not for attribution, but just, you know, of your colleagues, and you asked them, hey, totally off the record, totally anonymously, can't get in trouble, how many of them are pissed off?
DR. JAMES THORP: That's a great question. I think most of them are upset with the threats. Many of them are just so busy, Steve, that they really don't, they really, I don't know where are they. In fact, many of whom I've raised their attention, they're like, "no way!" But when I show them the document and show them the threat, it's extraordinarily concerning. I have a lot of mentees, I've trained a lot of residents, medical students, ob gyn docs, and maternal field of medicine physicians around the country, and many of them have contacted me, extraordinarily upset and concerned about the American Board of OB-GYN.
And that's why I went in to them. I've been trying to communicate with them on LinkedIn for several months, and I guess some of my posts finally got to them. And I tried calling Dr. Wendel and he never returned my call, but he did send me a rather threatening email that I think I forwarded to you.
STEVE KIRSCH: So I take it these guys aren't open to, like, a pubic debate between you and representatives from the board.
STEVE KIRSCH: Don't want to talk about it.
DR. JAMES THORP: I'll debate anybody in the world. Bring them on. I'll debate anybody in the world.
STEVE KIRSCH: See, I always thought it was just me, that nobody wanted to debate me. So you have the same problem. We have something in common, that nobody wants to debate us.
Dr James Thorp
His social media account is
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