Woke Racism

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2021 Nov 22, 6:14am   25,861 views  256 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


In his timely new book Woke Racism, Columbia linguistics professor John McWhorter examines the force of an ascendant political religion that to his mind “has betrayed black America.”

“White privilege becomes the original sin that requires perpetual atonement,” McWhorter observes. Woke rebukes white America for its passive, unpardonable complicity within a fundamentally racist system. One is cleansed only through self-mortification.

According to McWhorter, a multi-racial Elect thinks of itself as a bearer of exclusive wisdom and empathy.

Woke positions itself against the white race, men, Christianity, capitalism and private property, heterosexuality — in other words, against people, institutions, belief systems, and worldly activities at the nation’s core. Convinced of its superior moral vision and divine duty, the Elect displays humorless fanaticism and demands total allegiance.

Providing a ministry of racial auguries, authors Ta-Nehisi Coates, Ibram Kendi, and Robin DiAngelo have catapulted to fame and fortune. With forensic skill, McWhorter analyzes their thin premises in what he has called “go-to books of the moment for whites seeking a way to help America heal racially.”

McWhorter does not think racial prejudice is the main obstacle to black advancement, and this sets him apart from many other prominent commenters on race. As he states in his preface, being black enables him to write a critique that would get a white observer accused of hate speech and racism. Concise and blunt, hastily written, sometimes choppy but deeply sincere, the book compares and coincides with a 624-page “new origin story” from the New York Times’ 1619 Project, “created” by Nikole Hannah-Jones and published by a Random House imprint.

The proposition that white racism is baked into American life has been around since the 1970s. As it goes, U.S. institutions advance Anglo-European ideas and symbols that ensure control over people of color and other oppressed groups. The time-tested idiom is “systemic racism,” which McWhorter considers a “clumsy term.” Woke goes a step further. It rejects time-honored standards of talent and virtue as colonizing, invasive, genocidal, and soul-destroying.

The Elect can be slippery and underhanded, McWhorter has noticed. One minute, as before the Virginia gubernatorial elections, it declares that nothing is going on in schools that we need to talk about. Critical race theory is not even being taught, media and progressives exclaim. The rubes don’t even know what it is. The next minute, this same Elect declares anti-racism lessons to be imperatives — but to thwart backlash from the rubes, we shouldn’t talk about the new developments.

The 1619 Project — perhaps the Elect’s proudest conceptual showpiece — seeks to reframe U.S. history by “placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative.” Its editors claim, “out of slavery — and the anti-black racism it required — grew nearly everything that has truly made America exceptional: its economic might, its industrial power, its electoral system.” The nation’s leading historians agree the 1619 opus flagrantly ignores established political and economic truths. Insinuating the U.S. is a criminal enterprise not worthy of survival, the Project’s ambitions border on sedition.

Yet this testament has received acclaim from the nation’s highest offices. Its architect, Hannah-Jones, has received a Pulitzer imprimatur for her commentary. “The #1619Project is a powerful and necessary reckoning of our history,” California’s then-senator Kamala Harris commented upon its release two years ago. “We cannot understand and address the problems of today without speaking truth about how we got here.”

Woke is increasingly official policy. California’s newly mandated ethnic studies curriculum contains lessons to make students “agents for change,” and maintains that “one of the main focuses of ethnic studies is translating historical lessons and critical race theory into direct action for social justice.”

Not just in California but nationwide curriculum supervisors and school librarians won’t consider text or trade books that do not make race and far-left fixations the center of the narrative. Health and sex education frameworks often de-center mom-and-dad families, pushing free-form sexuality and more.

Most functional Americans of all ethnicities try to act what is lazily labeled “white.” As University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy Wax and Judith H. Katz have indicated in radically different ways, much of the anti-white critique is merely anti-bourgeois. Making a case for “bourgeois culture” four years ago, Wax drew intense censure for “assertions of white cultural superiority.” Katz’s 1978 anti-racism training manual, White Awareness, introduced the now familiar theme of white privilege. Assumptions of white culture, Katz professed, included two-parent families, hard work and politeness, objective “linear” thinking, respect for authority and law, investment and saving, punctuality, and emotionally blandness.

Woke is unable to understand why black juvenile violence is a problem, or why white parents who harbor no inherent ill feeling about blacks are protective of their children’s minds, innocence, and safety.

If Woke is accelerating, what is to be done? Modernity’s spiritual hole gives it mass psychological entrée. Legalizing drugs, advancing literacy, and rethinking vocational education is a beginning, McWhorter advises. What to do about black social pathologies and demands of impunity? He hedges, too clever to touch the third-rail. Should you question Woke in many quarters, McWhorter said recently on National Public Radio, “You are to be dismissed from polite society. You are to be sanctioned. You can’t be among us. You’re dirty.”

McWhorter closes his book with advice to Woke’s adversaries to stand up, civil but firm, not roll over: I don’t care what you call me…I will not retract…no, we will not refocus our entire curriculum…and so on. It’s a firmly principled approach but not always easy to execute when a marriage, friendship, or career is at stake.

Woke might be a religion, a quasi-religion, a political death cult — maybe it’s just a passing intellectual fad — but comparisons of Woke to Christian sanctions against pagans in the late Roman empire seem apt. Yet Woke offers no salvation or forgiveness, no solace. It seeks never-ending apologies and humiliation. Whatever the restitution, the debt can never be repaid.

The last decade’s experience suggests Woke does not plan to rest until bourgeois America folds its tent. Whether the Democratic Party has the capacity or will or desire to contain lawlessness and social disorder remains an open question. Woke radicals demand temporal power to redeem virtue, mindful of their responsibility to crush heresies.

The priests will be hard to dislodge. The diversity project has captured vast endowments and offices in the nation’s core institutions. As abbots and bishops of old discovered, there’s good money and prestige — even pleasure — in dispensing faith, touched by a singular state of grace and the power to excommunicate.

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17   Patrick   2022 Jan 20, 6:44pm  


Midwest Hospital System Stops Using Race-Based, Anti-White Covid Treatment Plan After Legal Threat ...

Attorneys at the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) issued a letter Friday to SSM Health warning that it is illegal to distribute monoclonal antibody products (mAbs) based on race. The letter cited a Dec. 31 email to physicians by SSM Health that referenced a risk scoring calculator, in which non-White patients received a 7-point head start out of 20 total and were therefore more likely to receive life-saving medical treatment over White patients with medically recognized co-morbidities or symptoms, the attorneys argued.
20   stereotomy   2022 Jan 31, 10:08am  

Patrick says

Martin Luther King Jr.

In 1983, Republican President Ronald Reagan signed into law a bill designating the third Monday in January a national holiday honoring the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., who was born on January 15, 1929. ...

Despite the fact that the Democratic Party claims King’s legacy, and Democrats argue they are the sole protectors of his ”dream,“ they have turned this iconic sovereign’s message upside down, as if King had said, "I have a dream that my children will one day be judged by the color of their skin, not the content of their character.” They’ve converted it from a dream into a nightmare, and their failed statist “Great Society” programs have enslaved generations of poor, mostly black Americans on urban poverty plantations...

I have a related "struggle session" at my woke employer today. These quotes are very helpful to me. Thanks.
21   Patrick   2022 Jan 31, 5:35pm  


by Romo1979
Posted onJanuary 31, 2022

In a country of one-third of a billion people, anything can, and will, happen statistically. So indeed, we are a land of endless opportunities. All one needs to do is wish upon a star, wait, and eventually, the odds will be in one’s favor.

And so last weekend it finally happened! An antisemitic rally! In a red state! Woohoo! When blacks play the knockout game with religious Jews, it’s a bit uncomfortable. When Muslims beat up Jews, scream at Jewish diners, and even shoot Jews, we don’t really know how to react. But finally! It’s here! Big, bad, and SUPER WHITE people have finally rallied against God’s chosen people! Start your engines, everybody!

At last, an opportunity for the Jewish world to unite! The ADL, StopAntiSemitism.org, Ultra-Orthodox media, non-Zionist Jews, can all clamor together like in the old Shtetl again. Oh, the joys of brotherhood and cohesion.

But you know, not so fast. First, Jews should be grateful that a minor rally of what seems like less than ten individuals results in so much condemnation. The thousands of victims of black violence, and especially the white ones plucked by black violence before their time, receive no such media coverage and no politician’s attention. Rest in peace, Cannon Hinnant. As far as I know, only one news outlet, VDare.com, keeps track of black-on-white violence at all.

So yes, Jews should be singing hymns of thanksgiving that minor incursions against them reverberate out of every sensible proportion.

Second, aren’t many of the Jews now shouting “Antisemites!” in unison actually guilty of the same crime of ethnic hate? How many Jewish organizations have supported BLM’s summer of firey but peaceful love (answer: about 70%)? How many Jews have participated in BLM rallies, excoriating white America as “racist, sexist, privileged, blah, blah, blah?” Answer: More than a few randos in Florida.

Alas, many Jews themselves are guilty of participating in racist and anti-ethnic violence. Against whites. What are resentful screeches about undeserved “privilege” and “systemic racism” if not calls to undo Anglo-Western America? What is the BLM fist if not a cry to undo and dismantle traditional America? Is it not as bad as a swastika?

I definitely think so. And as the sages of old have taught us: Prior to accusing others of having a splinter between their eyes, look in the mirror and remove the beam that’s between your own eyes.
23   Patrick   2022 Feb 1, 9:42pm  


Sen. Ted Cruz: "Racial discrimination is wrong. Period, full stop. One of the most depressing things about Democrats today, they're very comfortable discriminating based on race. ... When Joe Biden throws out a quota ... [he is] rejecting regardless of merits everybody else."

25   Patrick   2022 Feb 2, 12:34pm  


There was also the obnoxiously pandering pronouncement from the White House that President Biden would commit to nominating a black woman to fill the post. No one disputes that there exists a significant pool of qualified, exemplary jurists who are not black or female. In a country that regards sex and race discrimination in the workplace as immoral and illegal, it's a bit unsettling to see the highest profile CEO in the country admit he will be happily engaging in it to make his next hire.

Selecting people based on their race and sex is racist and sexist.
27   Tenpoundbass   2022 Feb 19, 3:54pm  

Wokism has accelerated so much to the point, that Laquiisha and Shenanay honestly believe that they have a lifetime membership in the cut in line club.
It seems these days I can't shop anywhere, that some baby momma doesn't show up and try to Squatter Shop(where they bring items to a cash register either on the counter before the conveyor belt, or just leave their basket by the line. Then when they get their last item, they try to intimidate who ever was next in line, that their basket was before them, so that makes them next) or Assholes that will just outright walk up past everyone in line, and make eye contact with the first person behind the counter, and start talking to who ever was on the other side of the counter, like they were next in line.

I just got back from Food Town, and some idiot tried to give me a CRT test, which I failed measurably. So I'm waiting at the fish counter, I'm number 53, the guy is serving number 46, he's painfully slow, and the rest of the help are in the back cutting up fish. One of the guys in the back finishes up and walks back to the counter, to get the next number in the queue. When Shenanay dorag and all, comes strolling up with her empty cart, and makes eye contact with the guy and says. "Hey How is it going? Get me a big Grouper like I always get." the guy said one second and walked back, then came back out to her. And I held up my ticket and said... "Are we still doing the numbers, or is it who you know now?"
The lady looks at me and says. "Uh Uh! You don't know me and my situation, I don't play THAT!" trying to intimidate me. I said.. "Look do you have number 47 or not?"
She then says," I come here all the time, they know what I always get." I said, "That's not how it works!"(pointing at everyone else in line holding a number ticket.) "See all of these people here waiting in line, they all grabbed a number. And hell yeah they all come here all the time too, that doesn't make them or anyone else special!" They guy is still digging her out a Grouper. I walked away saying... "Let me go talk to a manager, this is some fucking bullshit here!"
By that time, the guy trying to serve, her then puts the Grouper back and tells her to get a number. She then storms away from the counter. The poor guy was probably just following Corporate CRT training, they aren't allowed to school people in humility. The other people that were there and saw what was happening but was too chicken shit to say anything. Were looking at me like "So that's how it's done?"

I'm not racist, if John Earl from the Red Neck trailer park showed and tried to pull the same thing I would told his ass the same thing too.
But while John Earl might use his Rambo knife to take chicken from the serving plate, he's got enough couth, to not assume he's next in every line that he sees.
I'll gladly show my ass, and show my co-shoppers how to handle assholes that have no consideration for other's or their time for standing in line waiting their turn.
28   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 19, 3:58pm  

Shenanay, LOL.

We should start calling Woke that.
29   HeadSet   2022 Feb 20, 8:32am  

Tenpoundbass says
The other people that were there and saw what was happening but was too chicken shit to say anything. Were looking at me like "So that's how it's done?"

And those same chicken shit people may be glad you stood up but would cowardly take the other persons side if the discourse spread to involve them.
30   Tenpoundbass   2022 Feb 20, 8:57am  

HeadSet says
And those same chicken shit people may be glad you stood up but would cowardly take the other persons side if the discourse spread to involve them.

Most of them were Asian, and they don't really share CNN's view on Race and Demographics in America. They know who will take a brick upside their goddamn head unprovoked out of the blue without warning.
After this older Chinese man walked up to me as if he would like to engage with me, but couldn't come up with a suitable lead in. He was wearing a Make America Great Again mask and a T-Shirt with Trump giving a thumbs up. So I gave him a thumbs up, to which the Chinese fellow replies. "He'll be back in 2024!"
I said, "That's if America can hold out that long with this Commie do boy, doing Emperor Xi's bidding." He then skedaddled the hell out of there, and got as far away from me as he could. As there was a strong chance, that some of the Asian faces there were Xi Commie enforcers, keeping an eye on the Chinks in the West, one wrong word of wrong speak and they'll torture their family back home.
I see that all the time, they will talk all about politics and let it go anywhere you want. But if there's another Chinese person they don't know, or do know that they suspect could be a Commie enforcer, they will shut political talk about commies or Xi, and end it abruptly.

It's sad, but I catch it every time. It's the subtle sophisticated politics that I'm in tune with.
31   GNL   2022 Feb 20, 9:04am  

Tenpoundbass says
I'll gladly show my ass, and show my co-shoppers how to handle assholes that have no consideration for other's or their time for standing in line waiting their turn.

I did the same thing to a white guy at the gun store about 18 months ago. There was a line outside the store and a guy came up and started chatting up the doorman. I asked him VERY loudly if he was trying to cut the line. He said all he wanted was a holster. I said I don't care what you need, there's a line. I had my 20 year old daughter in line with me. Damn if she didn't try to embarrass me about "manners". Fuck that, I told her to shut up. Yes, I said "shut up" loudly. When we got back to the car I schooled her unmercifully about standing up for family or she would be out on her ass when TSHTF.
32   Tenpoundbass   2022 Feb 20, 10:05am  

WineHorror1 says
. I had my 20 year old daughter in line with me. Damn if she didn't try to embarrass me about "manners".

Yeah my two daughters do that to me all the time as well. I told them early on, don't ever try to virtue signal on me.
It started with them years ago, when they were in their late preteens. There was a sketchy drunken weirdo in shit stained pants, sleeping on the sidewalk across the street from the house we used to rent about 15 years ago. I went over there and told him to step, this wasn't the bum crash spot. He was from a bum shelter down the street off US1. But they didn't allow them drink at the shelter. So they would go out into the surrounding suburbs and do drugs and get drunk.
They were telling me, "Gawd you don't have to be so mean!" It was around the time Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped, and I was in no mood teach 10 year olds about the dangers in the world, and the things I would do to protect them from such dangers.
33   Tenpoundbass   2022 Feb 20, 11:29am  

But I did manage to teach my kids, that Homeless people aren't homeless, they just quit going home.
They are where they want to be, the question is, are you going to work to support their on the streets lifestyle, and give him handouts?

That lesson was easier to teach in times of plenty and jobs, it does worry me the people who will be joining the homeless ranks, will be those who just lost hope because of no opportunities and never being able to afford anything even with meager menial jobs. I hope they will become freedom fighters rather than Hobos.
35   Patrick   2022 Feb 24, 8:58am  


To paraphrase, the liberal America that dominates our elite institutions communicates a blatantly paradoxical message to immigrants: please come to America, a land budding with economic, educational, and political opportunity, where you will experience unprecedented prosperity…but you will also be oppressed and victimized by a systemically racist system. It’s the latter part of that narrative that is patently absurd and untrue. But it’s one that many Americans now believe as gospel because it is preached so constantly.

This is how someone can claim with a straight face that an internationally recognizable celebrity athlete and model is somehow a victim of the country that provided her with the opportunities to succeed. Perhaps the scariest thing for the future of the American republic is that so many Americans — who as citizens are supposed to believe in their nation and its founding principles — really believe this drivel.
38   Patrick   2022 Mar 12, 7:59pm  


Miami middle schoolers attack white classmates as revenge for what whites "did in the 1700s for slavery" ... I wonder where they got THAT idea!
39   Patrick   2022 Mar 12, 11:57pm  


Robin Gates
did 4 years in prison

Originally Answered: What did you learn from going to jail or prison?

I learned about REAL racism. (the kind where people are physically violent, not the college “systematic oppression” b.s.)
44   Patrick   2023 Apr 14, 6:32pm  


Florida State University professor Eric Stewart suddenly left his job after he had six studies retracted after it was alleged he faked data and altered sample sizes in order to make the country seem more racist than it actually is.

There's no money in showing that people actually get along mostly.

The money is in screaming RACISM RACISM RACISM as loud and long as possible. That pays pretty well, even if you are lying about it.
45   Patrick   2023 Apr 20, 6:50pm  


The power of “white privilege,” we are told, is all but unlimited. It underlies all our institutions. It is responsible for all non-white shortcomings. Its evil infects every white person and brings them wealth and power. To be white is to be one of the lords of creation, filled with what certified MacArthur Genius Ta-Nehisi Coates calls the “eldritch energies” dwelling within the “glowing amulet” of whiteness.

Yet even those non-white Americans who could claim the sacred status of whiteness — for example, Arabs classified as “white” by the Census Bureau — resist its power, not out of principle, but because they know the truth: In modern America, “whiteness” is a mark of Cain, not a key to status. And political power comes from shedding the imagined privileges of whiteness, and securing the actual privileges of non-whiteness.

For that reason, what are now called “Americans of Middle Eastern and North Africa descent (MENA)” are clamoring for a new category on the 2020 census so they will no longer be called white. ...

The emergence of a homosexual “identity” may even be partially explained as a tactic for whites to avoid the negative consequences of being labeled “white.” Today, homosexuals, bisexuals, transgenders and other more exotic labels are used not just to describe those who practice certain sexual behaviors, but to designate people entitled to benefits, set-asides, privileges, and official protections. There has already been affirmative action for homosexuals at at least one school. Does such a policy require official verification? If so, how?

It’s tempting to say such an irrational system will eventually crumble under its sheer absurdity, or as the number of the “oppressed” swells far beyond the number of “oppressor” whites. Yet anti-white racial preferences continue in South Africa even to this day, and there are continuous calls for more to be done to remedy inequality. When South Africa runs out of whites it may start discriminating against “privileged” South Africans of Indian origin.
47   Patrick   2023 Jun 11, 10:26am  



Indigenous American woman here, and the only people who discriminate against me are liberals. White and black liberals primarily. In my experience, most African Americans who vote Democrat are racist, more racist than any white conservative I’ve encountered.

5:39 PM · Jun 10, 2023
49   AD   2023 Jun 23, 10:40pm  

This comedian Bill Hicks was ahead of his time. Too bad he left so early when he died of cancer in 1994.

Below is from his Wikipedia page.

I know the Rich Wicks types would love a comedian like this.


Hicks was strongly against political correctness, and jokingly stated that the politically correct should be "hunted down and killed."

Hicks often discussed popular conspiracy theories in his performances, most notably the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. He mocked the Warren Report and the official version of Lee Harvey Oswald as a "lone nut assassin." He also questioned the guilt of David Koresh and the Branch Davidian compound during the Waco Siege. Hicks ended some of his shows, especially those being recorded in front of larger audiences as albums, with a mock "assassination" of himself on stage, making gunshot sound effects into the microphone while falling to the ground.
54   GNL   2023 Jul 5, 6:30pm  

AmericanKulak says

I can't help but believe that the democrat party is for grifters and the low IQ crowd. It's really that simple.

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