Woke Racism

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2021 Nov 22, 6:14am   25,860 views  256 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


In his timely new book Woke Racism, Columbia linguistics professor John McWhorter examines the force of an ascendant political religion that to his mind “has betrayed black America.”

“White privilege becomes the original sin that requires perpetual atonement,” McWhorter observes. Woke rebukes white America for its passive, unpardonable complicity within a fundamentally racist system. One is cleansed only through self-mortification.

According to McWhorter, a multi-racial Elect thinks of itself as a bearer of exclusive wisdom and empathy.

Woke positions itself against the white race, men, Christianity, capitalism and private property, heterosexuality — in other words, against people, institutions, belief systems, and worldly activities at the nation’s core. Convinced of its superior moral vision and divine duty, the Elect displays humorless fanaticism and demands total allegiance.

Providing a ministry of racial auguries, authors Ta-Nehisi Coates, Ibram Kendi, and Robin DiAngelo have catapulted to fame and fortune. With forensic skill, McWhorter analyzes their thin premises in what he has called “go-to books of the moment for whites seeking a way to help America heal racially.”

McWhorter does not think racial prejudice is the main obstacle to black advancement, and this sets him apart from many other prominent commenters on race. As he states in his preface, being black enables him to write a critique that would get a white observer accused of hate speech and racism. Concise and blunt, hastily written, sometimes choppy but deeply sincere, the book compares and coincides with a 624-page “new origin story” from the New York Times’ 1619 Project, “created” by Nikole Hannah-Jones and published by a Random House imprint.

The proposition that white racism is baked into American life has been around since the 1970s. As it goes, U.S. institutions advance Anglo-European ideas and symbols that ensure control over people of color and other oppressed groups. The time-tested idiom is “systemic racism,” which McWhorter considers a “clumsy term.” Woke goes a step further. It rejects time-honored standards of talent and virtue as colonizing, invasive, genocidal, and soul-destroying.

The Elect can be slippery and underhanded, McWhorter has noticed. One minute, as before the Virginia gubernatorial elections, it declares that nothing is going on in schools that we need to talk about. Critical race theory is not even being taught, media and progressives exclaim. The rubes don’t even know what it is. The next minute, this same Elect declares anti-racism lessons to be imperatives — but to thwart backlash from the rubes, we shouldn’t talk about the new developments.

The 1619 Project — perhaps the Elect’s proudest conceptual showpiece — seeks to reframe U.S. history by “placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative.” Its editors claim, “out of slavery — and the anti-black racism it required — grew nearly everything that has truly made America exceptional: its economic might, its industrial power, its electoral system.” The nation’s leading historians agree the 1619 opus flagrantly ignores established political and economic truths. Insinuating the U.S. is a criminal enterprise not worthy of survival, the Project’s ambitions border on sedition.

Yet this testament has received acclaim from the nation’s highest offices. Its architect, Hannah-Jones, has received a Pulitzer imprimatur for her commentary. “The #1619Project is a powerful and necessary reckoning of our history,” California’s then-senator Kamala Harris commented upon its release two years ago. “We cannot understand and address the problems of today without speaking truth about how we got here.”

Woke is increasingly official policy. California’s newly mandated ethnic studies curriculum contains lessons to make students “agents for change,” and maintains that “one of the main focuses of ethnic studies is translating historical lessons and critical race theory into direct action for social justice.”

Not just in California but nationwide curriculum supervisors and school librarians won’t consider text or trade books that do not make race and far-left fixations the center of the narrative. Health and sex education frameworks often de-center mom-and-dad families, pushing free-form sexuality and more.

Most functional Americans of all ethnicities try to act what is lazily labeled “white.” As University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy Wax and Judith H. Katz have indicated in radically different ways, much of the anti-white critique is merely anti-bourgeois. Making a case for “bourgeois culture” four years ago, Wax drew intense censure for “assertions of white cultural superiority.” Katz’s 1978 anti-racism training manual, White Awareness, introduced the now familiar theme of white privilege. Assumptions of white culture, Katz professed, included two-parent families, hard work and politeness, objective “linear” thinking, respect for authority and law, investment and saving, punctuality, and emotionally blandness.

Woke is unable to understand why black juvenile violence is a problem, or why white parents who harbor no inherent ill feeling about blacks are protective of their children’s minds, innocence, and safety.

If Woke is accelerating, what is to be done? Modernity’s spiritual hole gives it mass psychological entrée. Legalizing drugs, advancing literacy, and rethinking vocational education is a beginning, McWhorter advises. What to do about black social pathologies and demands of impunity? He hedges, too clever to touch the third-rail. Should you question Woke in many quarters, McWhorter said recently on National Public Radio, “You are to be dismissed from polite society. You are to be sanctioned. You can’t be among us. You’re dirty.”

McWhorter closes his book with advice to Woke’s adversaries to stand up, civil but firm, not roll over: I don’t care what you call me…I will not retract…no, we will not refocus our entire curriculum…and so on. It’s a firmly principled approach but not always easy to execute when a marriage, friendship, or career is at stake.

Woke might be a religion, a quasi-religion, a political death cult — maybe it’s just a passing intellectual fad — but comparisons of Woke to Christian sanctions against pagans in the late Roman empire seem apt. Yet Woke offers no salvation or forgiveness, no solace. It seeks never-ending apologies and humiliation. Whatever the restitution, the debt can never be repaid.

The last decade’s experience suggests Woke does not plan to rest until bourgeois America folds its tent. Whether the Democratic Party has the capacity or will or desire to contain lawlessness and social disorder remains an open question. Woke radicals demand temporal power to redeem virtue, mindful of their responsibility to crush heresies.

The priests will be hard to dislodge. The diversity project has captured vast endowments and offices in the nation’s core institutions. As abbots and bishops of old discovered, there’s good money and prestige — even pleasure — in dispensing faith, touched by a singular state of grace and the power to excommunicate.

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62   HeadSet   2023 Aug 3, 11:35am  

Trollhole says

Ok, then how about "I want to live on a plantation."
63   Patrick   2023 Aug 4, 5:33pm  

Given that black men are about 20x more likely to violently assault you than white men are, it seems reasonable to want to get away from them.

The majority of black men are not likely to bother you, but enough are that the statistics matter for your safety.
65   Patrick   2023 Aug 8, 3:35pm  


"Black supremacist" teacher with history of racist tweets is fired after bragging that she wouldn't get fired

Yesterday I came across some disturbing posts on social media. A woman who claimed to be a teacher in Texas went on an insane anti-white racist tirade after finding out her sister was sleeping with a white man. To add to that, she had the words “black supremacist” in her X (Twitter) bio. The content was horrific but the fact that she was a teacher made it 1,000x worse. In her messages, she had called upon her boyfriend to come kill this white man for her.

I posted a video compiling her tweets and videos to X. It quickly went viral because the content was just so shocking. ...

Users immediately went to work trying to identify where this woman teaches.

The teacher, “Claire Kyle” was not worried in the slightest of losing her job and spent her first day back at school taunting users on social media.

It was eventually discovered that she worked as a first grade teacher in Thompson Elementary School in Mesquite, Texas. Then, a 6-year-old Google review came to light where a former student claimed she was bullied for being white. This was not looking good for Thompson Elementary School! ...

So a bunch of 8-year-old white kids were being educated by a “black supremacist” who proudly wrote on social media that “I love being racist!” Young, innocent, impressionable kids should not be in that environment!

“Claire Kyle” eventually deleted her account but not before reminding us that she will for sure not be fired because she’s a good teacher and the school board has her back.

Then, this afternoon, the school district put out a statement saying she has been fired and was not eligible for rehire. So much for never being unemployed!

And so, the school year is off to a great start… Racists who conspire to murder people because they don’t like the color of their skin should not be teaching kids.

Another one bites the dust.

So long, “Claire!”
67   stereotomy   2023 Aug 9, 9:49am  

Al the libtards need to familiarize themselves with the aphorism "No good deed goes unpunished." To which I might add that idiotic deeds are punished even more severely.
71   richwicks   2023 Aug 20, 9:40am  

stereotomy says

Patrick says

Fuck Yeah!

Every notice that all the "Persons of Color" that were mascots for various brands (Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben's, the Land-o-Lakes squaw) were all removed but all the white ones remained?

I wonder how long it will take for them to claim that removing all the "POC" mascots was racist?
72   HeadSet   2023 Aug 20, 2:00pm  

Nothing really racist about Blacks on product labels, it was an indication of quality food by a good cook. They were trying to sell, after all.

73   stereotomy   2023 Aug 21, 12:09pm  

richwicks says

Every notice that all the "Persons of Color" that were mascots for various brands (Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben's, the Land-o-Lakes squaw) were all removed but all the white ones remained?

I wonder how long it will take for them to claim that removing all the "POC" mascots was racist?

That's step 2.
74   Patrick   2023 Aug 28, 1:30pm  


The United States government makes no secret of its racial preferences. It prefers to give its business to companies run by non-whites, and that increases the value of those companies. Financial markets in this country (of the “free minds and free markets” that had long been the battle-cry of the old Chicago Board of Trade) are quiveringly alert to the weight of the government’s thumb in assessing valuations. ...

He even saw an abstract connection between patents and minority preferences: A government-enforced monopoly makes patents valuable; government preferences for minority companies make them more valuable. ...

My mission was to find a way to make money from racial preferences.

In laying the groundwork for our “diversity” business silo, I learned that corporate America has undertaken white displacement seriously and efficiently, and even more so than is generally realized. However, there are hard limits to the nonsense our commercial overlords will tolerate, even in the sacred name of diversity. ...

It’s my impression, however, that white female-owned businesses can be competitive without preferences, and thus tended to under-use the preferences available to them. This may not reflect intrinsic nobility as much as it does the fact that preferences are, paradoxically, not without cost. Time must be spent on forms and propaganda and interaction with more than ordinarily useless bureaucrats. Competent white women might have thought the return was not worth the cost. For the incompetent, of course, preferences represented the best potential investment of time. ...

Corporate America’s campaign of white displacement faces a serious obstacle: There are many roles minority vendors cannot fill, especially in technology. However, white vendors who cannot easily be replaced can be forced to replace their white vendors. ...

In other words, when it is impossible to discriminate against whites, it is possible to require those whites to discriminate against other whites. This discrimination is monitored closely. White vendors are expected to implement ambitious minority supplier recruitment programs (from templates created by the Fortune 500 customer) and are required to report progress in excruciating detail. Excuses are not accepted. (This has the collateral effect of imposing burdensome compliance costs on productive whites.)

Racial preferences thus permeate the supply chains of virtually all Fortune 500 corporations. The policies are intentional, calculated, and effective. Diversity policy is no longer formed in a corporate backwater but by the best and the brightest.

GM’s Chief Diversity Officer is a white man and a retired Navy Captain, Kenneth J. Barrett. Mr. Barrett was the Navy’s Chief Diversity Officer, and if there are medals for discriminating against whites he presumably wears them proudly.

I should note that my experience with corporate diversity took place during George W. Bush’s second term, not during the Obama presidency. ...

I was in an environment in which the only permissible criticism of any diversity initiative was that it was insufficiently radical. Fatemeh had a stock speech for every meeting. She would hold up a pen and say: “If you buy this pen from a white guy, what have you got? You’ve got a pen. If you buy this pen from a minority, you’ve got a pen plus diversity.” Sometimes she would say “diversity points.” Her minority audience would beam with delight. They deserved the business because they offered more to the buyer than a white man could offer. ...

Having done a bit of actuarial work in an earlier life, I tried to model the cost/benefit calculation. Assume a company like GM has the option of buying a special insurance policy to cover the payout on a catastrophically large racial shakedown. If what GM pays for diversity in the form of higher prices and lower performance is less than the reasonable premium for a racial incident insurance policy, preferences are arguably rational. ...

Despite the fun of running numbers and spinning rationales there was something fundamentally humiliating about calling for discrimination against whites. I also began to feel acute discomfort on another front. Our czarina was beguilingly charming, but as I spent more time with her I learned that she was very much a mainstream Muslim. For example, she insisted that literal impalement was the proper sanction for ridicule of the Prophet. At the time, my religious views made Christopher Hitchens look Amish, but not only was I obliged to demand more and more radical racial preferences, I was forced into professions of reverence for Islam. I felt like a broken-spirited POW, broadcasting an endless stream of lies scripted by a totalitarian enemy. ...

Of course, my boss Jim was not primarily interested in uplifting blacks. Uncle Tom’s Cabin did not have the same life-changing effect on him. His liberalism was cheerfully exploitative. He wanted a way to turn mass psychosis into profit and, for a time, we both thought we had found one. ...

We kept running into the same wall: Corporations loved minorities; the marketplace hated them. I suspect the dichotomy was due to differences in who gets compensated. Corporate actors could expect bonuses for increasing minority participation; financial gatekeepers anticipated losses on investments in minorities. ...

Moral of the story: There will be limits imposed on diversity mania whenever the vital interests of our commercial overlords are threatened.
75   AD   2023 Aug 28, 1:54pm  

Patrick says

Corporate actors could expect bonuses for increasing minority participation; financial gatekeepers anticipated losses on investments in minorities. ...

This is why DEI will triumph over innovation and productivity. And its just a shift downward as far as quality of life, etc.

Just look at how they have attacked the ACT and SAT for college admissions in order to give an advantage to unqualified demographic groups.

And its getting to point that it is enough comfortably entrenched that they don't have to promote propaganda that diversity leads to greater service and products and ultimately more profit.

DEI is all about "normalizing lower achievement and standards".

76   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Aug 28, 2:26pm  

Patrick says

Claire Kyle” eventually deleted her account but not before reminding us that she will for sure not be fired because she’s a good teacher and the school board has her back.

It's not that they can't be fired. It is just that it is bureaucratically (and often legally) a royal bitch to do so. Therefore, someone has to do something that equates to an even bigger headache in the eyes of Administration than all the shit they will get from firing her.

And clearly, she did just that. I suspect her union rep or legal counsel told her to nuke the social media account because they at least know all that I just wrote on the above.

But by then it was too late.

Nice to know that the Administration at that school/district had enough brains to not shirk at throwing her under the bus ASAP. Smart move on their part.
77   AD   2023 Aug 28, 2:46pm  

Trollhole says

Patrick says

Claire Kyle” eventually deleted her account but not before reminding us that she will for sure not be fired because she’s a good teacher and the school board has her back.

Too much opposition to her as she got fired; there was not enough white liberal and militant Woke support for her Claire Kyle.

My question is this becoming more the norm ? Or are we at the worst point as far as this type of behavior or culture ? I pray we are past the worst point.


79   Patrick   2023 Sep 14, 7:42am  


Equity requires measuring the “ratio between the number of black and Asian individuals per 1,000 arrested by the Dallas Police Department.“

Dallas cops had better arrest the same ratio of black and Asian criminals. And that may be a problem as black people are being arrested 11 times more often than Asians. Either the Dallas PD needs to find reasons to arrest a lot more Asians or arrest fewer black criminals. And what equity really translates into is much less law enforcement because fighting crime is racist.

While the Dallas Equity Plan proposed going easy on criminals if they were the right race, Johnson was conducting a victory tour claiming that he had defeated crime. That would come as news to the city’s crime victims. By the end of July, 150 people had been murdered.
81   RayAmerica   2023 Sep 20, 8:48am  

Very, very rare moment of truth...

“There is nothing more painful to me … than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
- THE "Reverend" Jesse "Shakedown" Jackson

Can we all agree that the Rev. Jackson is also a racist?
82   Patrick   2023 Sep 29, 1:49pm  


This is a real video used for HR training that compares white people to mosquitoes to explain why black violence is justified

We need a kind of ADL for white people, who are defamed every day in horrible ways in the mainstream media, HR, and academia.
83   Karloff   2023 Sep 29, 1:58pm  

The parasites in power pushing this agenda don't actually hate white people. They just hate that we still hold some amount of cohesiveness and power which is a threat to their rule. The goal is to divide and weaken the largest power groups by pitting numerous smaller ones against them.
84   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Sep 30, 10:44am  

Zappos home page: A fat black woman and two Asians.

Blacks are 14% of the population. Asians, 7%.

85   Patrick   2023 Oct 2, 7:35pm  


If No One’s Hiring White Guys, What Are They Doing With Themselves?

Thoughts on the recent Bloomberg report that only 6% of the S&P 100's new hires are White. ...

A few days ago Bloomberg published a report that should put an end to whatever internal debate you’ve been having over whether or not you’re really being discriminated against: Corporate America Promised to Hire a Lot More People of Color. It Actually Did. They analyzed hiring data from 2020 through 2021 for 88 Standard & Poor’s 100 companies, and found that during the Year of the Blessed Floyd’s Coronation, those companies hired 323,094 people ... of whom just 6% were White.

... Of course, since diversity certainly does mean ‘no Whites’, non-Hispanic Whites are under-represented among new hires by a factor of 10 relative to their 60% of the population.

Whites are disfavoured at every level of the hiring process, comprising far less than their 60% share of the population in new hires across the board: 27% of professionals, 22% of managers, and 42% of executives. ...

Deaths from car accidents have been relatively constant since 1999 or so, aside from a small drop around 2006. Opiods surpassed car accidents as the most significant cause of death around 2008 entirely due to the increase in overdoses. A couple of years later more American adults were dying of drug ODs than from all other accidental causes combined. In 2020 something like 80,000 people OD’d. That number has only increased since: to over 106,000 in 2021, an annual rate that seems to have held fairly constant although hard numbers for 2022 and 2023 are hard to come by.

Blaming fentanyl is a bit out of date, by the way. Just as fentanyl replaced oxycontin, it has apparently been replaced in turn with xylazine, which provides a stronger hit and is therefore much more popular with the junkies, with the only downside being that it causes tissue necrosis.

It’s a literal zombie apocalypse, brought to you by the infernal symbiosis between Mexican cartels and the simpering HR covens whose cherished diversity initiatives push more new customers into the cartel’s sales funnel every day.

We usually think of affirmative action as being something primarily targeted at well-paying, prestigious positions, but the Bloomberg study shows, I think, that this is absolutely not the case anymore, assuming it ever was. Remember, White employment at the bottom of the S&P 100 corporate ladder – which comprised 60% of the hiring performed by those companies – decreased by almost 19 thousand jobs. If Whites had been hired proportionately to their population, 117 thousand White people would have gotten low-level jobs with these companies. Remember, these are generally going to be people without university educations or professional training, maybe only with high school diplomas, from working-class backgrounds, probably without a lot of savings or strong social safety nets, and already living in communities ravaged by drugs ... exactly the people who are most at risk of developing an unshakable enthusiasm for the white powder that takes the pain of existence away.

Studies have shown that these deaths of despair are predominantly a White male phenomenon. Like American Indians trapped on reservations after the buffalo herds had been slaughtered and left with nothing but time and firewater on their hands, a lot of White guys are simply hitting the exit button.

The analogy between what is currently being done to White people, and what was done to the Red man, is a close one. The Red man’s traditional way of life was hunting, fishing, gathering, and a bit of farming, activities for which he needed land; when that land was taken away, he could no longer live as he had, and as a result, mostly he just died. Over the last century the ‘traditional’ mode of life for White men became employment with a large corporation, whether as a blue-collar factory worker or a white-collar symbol manipulator. Those institutions are, from an economic perspective, the equivalent of a hunter-gatherer’s or farmer’s land: they’re the environment within which most White people have made their living for over a century. The factories were largely sent overseas decades ago, leading to the economic and social devastation of the rust belt and the lumpenproletarianization of the working class; now, diversity hiring initiatives mean that White men are being steadily pushed out of the administrative positions with which some were able to maintain a reasonable standard of living during the offshoring era.
86   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Oct 2, 10:06pm  

Yeah, I've been experiencing this myself on the job market. That and I moved onto management, where there a lot less jobs.
88   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Oct 3, 10:51pm  

Patrick says

My Ancestors Rolling In They Graves’: White Woman Wins 2023 Miss Universe Zimbabwe Over ‘Melanated’ Candidates


In most non-Western countries, 98% of media personalities are white or close to it. Esp in Mexico and the Philippines.
89   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 4, 1:17am  

iwog2 says

In most non-Western countries, 98% of media personalities are white or close to it. Esp in Mexico and the Philippines.

Almost never anybody but White people in ads, inc. Multi-Nat Corporate Ads, in Ecuador, Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina.
91   Patrick   2023 Oct 13, 11:42am  


Finally, in more good news from the counter-revolution, the New York Times ran an op-ed last week headlined, “’Antiracism’ Was Never the Right Answer.”

Who knew? The opinion piece focused on the recent meltdown of Ibram X. Kendi’s ‘Center for Antiracist Research’ at Boston University. More than half its staff was laid off and half its budget was cut amidst difficult questions over what it did with nearly $55 million dollars raised.

But it’s not about the money. It’s never about the money.

Despite a mediocre academic record, ‘professor’ Ibram X. Kendi rose to national prominence after writing a book popularizing the concept of “anti-racism,” which holds that it is not enough to be race-neutral anymore. According to Kendi, to avoid being racist, you have to be a pro-black activist, or “anti-racist.”

Kendi isn’t interested in half-measures. He infamously wrote, “The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination.”

As a result, Kendi was feted by big corporations and fawned over by scads of race baiting activists. His bizarre slogan minted an entire anti-racism industry. For example, employees at Penguin Random House were required to read his book as the publishing house’s first “true companywide read,” to begin “antiracism training mandatory for all employees.” The bizarre ideology metastasized, as exemplified by this kids’ book found in nearly all U.S. public school libraries:

Last month, the Washington Post reported, “No longer a mere ambassador for academic antiracism, Kendi became a brand.” But now, after Kendi’s money scandal, the anti-racism ‘brand’ may be becoming passé.

After many mind-numbing paragraphs of hand-wringing and grievance-based word salad, the op-ed concluded that maybe — just maybe — Kendi went a little too far:

"In short, a person can oppose racism on firm ethical or philosophical or pragmatic grounds without embracing Kendi’s conception of antiracism. No organization can expect all employees or students to adhere to a single view on how to combat racism."

How about that? More progress. Keep the faith, it’s working.
93   Patrick   2023 Oct 20, 8:36am  

“One of the greatest conspiracy theories of all time is that hidden racism pervades our entire society - predicting every single life outcome for Blacks and Hispanics while being so subtle you need a professional Sociologist to see it...and not affecting Asians, Nigerians, or Indians at all.” — Political scientist Wilfred Reilly.

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