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Merry Christmas
The European Roots of Christmas And Our Path Through Post Modernity
One of the things I enjoy about looking into the Pagan origins of Christmas is seeing how many different variations of the legends, customs and practices exist across Northern Europe. Christmas is a time for Christians to celebrate the birth of Christ. For me, it is a time to celebrate the entirety of my ancestry and the European people. In the mid 6th century AD the Catholic church declared Christmas the celebration of the birth of Christ. However, much of Europe was still not fully Christianized. In order for the people of Europe to accede to this, the Church had to accept that all of the Christmas celebrations were pagan.
So, Christmas for me is a comprehensive celebration of the entirety of the European people as both Christian and European pagan myth and symbolism are bound together. It is in this celebration that we can connect with our roots, our ancient and recent past and come together as one people. Christmas is distinctly European as a solstice celebration, for it is bound fast to the geography of Europe. It is a celebration of the people of the harsh northern climates; of long, dark, freezing winters. It gives us an opportunity to reflect on the lands and geography that our ancestors survived and cultivated to abundance with their, ingenuity, sacrifice, diligence, temperance, physical strength, endurance, social cohesion and supreme organizational skills and structures. In the dead of winter we celebrate our ability to survive and conquer the harshest elements of nature along with our ability to live in harmony with her.
I really am not into Christmas, I just wait for it to go away. I go to the parties because my wife makes me, but it is a good idea to keep up with the hoods once in a while.
AS well AS festivālu Saturnalia
Merry Christmas! The 2 year old just made a new record low of just over 15 minutes til we had to leave church mass due to screaming. Let's see what the 3s will bring ;)
mell says
Merry Christmas! The 2 year old just made a new record low of just over 15 minutes til we had to leave church mass due to screaming. Let's see what the 3s will bring ;)
Reminds me of the story of how my father-in-law used to pinch his toddler in church so he could take the crying kid outside and the FIL could have a cigarette.
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