And the frantic roll back continues.

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2021 Dec 29, 9:38am   41,285 views  391 comments

by Al_Sharpton_for_President   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

Trump-B-Gone turning into Biden/Dem-B-Gone. Abort! Abort!

Why CDC doesn't require testing at end of isolation: Director

The newly updated CDC guidelines don't require testing at the end of isolation because PCR tests can stay positive for up to 12 weeks, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told "Good Morning America" Wednesday.

"So we would have people in isolation for a very long time if we were relying on PCRs," Walensky said.


"This means that for the past 21 months, people sat home for extra days and weeks because their test came back with an irrelevant positive. We didn’t know this 6, 12, 18 months ago? Really?"


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122   Booger   2022 Jan 25, 4:04pm  

Biden’s vax-or-test mandate for businesses to be nixed by OSHA tomorrow

123   Patrick   2022 Jan 25, 10:04pm  

This is not really a "roll back" because Belarus never fell for the bullshit that took in so many other countries.


Belarusian President advises people diagnosed with coronavirus “not to worry”.

President Alexander Lukashenko has advised people not to worry too much if they have been diagnosed with the coronavirus and urged the “international scammers” to end the pandemic.

“I would advise you not to worry. I’ve been telling you for a long time, since the first time: our illness is here, in our heads. And once you start worrying about “oh and oh” and running to hell knows where, that’s bad. Young people have nothing to fear,” Lukashenko told reporters on Friday, the presidential press service reports.

He appealed to the international organizations: “I would like to say to all these international fraudsters: enough is enough. They’ve grabbed so much into our pockets that there’s nothing left. They’ve all already undressed. This pandemic must finally end. It’s enough, they’ve tormented people enough.”

The President added that he is following the development of the coronavirus situation around the world and what various experts are saying: “One, either an American or a Western expert, said: ‘If Omicron is such a light virus, then let’s everyone will get sick and that will be the vaccine for us’. In my opinion, this is an ideal proposal,” Lukashenko said.

The president, who himself recovered from COVID-19, this time after being infected with the Omicron strain, said he may have contracted it while training with Belarusian hockey players. According to him, he feels normal now, “but my voice is a little hoarse, yesterday we had hockey practice again.”

Why do we have to look to Belarus to hear a reasonable voice now?

Ah, right, because Biden is in the White House.
124   Patrick   2022 Jan 25, 10:06pm  


Ireland to End Most CCP Virus Restrictions, Including COVID Passport
By Lily Zhou January 21, 2022

Almost all CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus restrictions in Ireland will end on Saturday, including domestic COVID-19 Certificates, curfews, social distancing, and capacity limits.

What about the feking masks?
125   Patrick   2022 Feb 2, 6:23am  


‘Makes No Sense’: Canadian Premier Vows to End Proof of Vaccine Policy as Truckers Protest in Ottawa

A Canadian premier said Saturday the proof of vaccine requirement makes no sense and he will end it in the “not-too-distant future” in his province.

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe said in a statement that being vaccinated doesn’t prevent one from getting the virus and the vaccine mandate “makes no sense.”

“I want to be clear on how I feel about vaccines. I am fully vaccinated with my booster shot. This did not prevent me from recently contracting COVID-19, but I believe it did keep me from becoming sick,” he said in a statement.

COVID-19 is the disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, also known as coronavirus.

“That said, because vaccination is not reducing transmission, the current federal border policy for truckers makes no sense. An unvaccinated trucker does not pose any greater risk of transmission than a vaccinated trucker,” he continued.

He will “continue to encourage everyone to get vaccinated” though, believing it will prevent people from becoming seriously ill.

The Epoch Times reached out to the Canadian Prime Minister’s Office and the White House for comments.

Moe showed his appreciation to the truckers for keeping the country running during the pandemic and said the federal vaccine mandate for truckers poses a significant risk to Canada’s economy and to the supply chain in Saskatchewan.

Saskatchewan is a Canadian province about 1,950 miles from Ottawa. It borders the United States from the south.

Moe’s statement came as over 10,000 Canadian truckers are holding the Freedom Convoy 2022 to protest the vaccine mandate for truckers.

After the Public Health Agency of Canada’s announcement that foreign truck drivers can only enter Canada if fully vaccinated starting Jan. 15, and the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announcing similar requirements starting Jan. 22 for non-U.S. national truckers crossing into the United States, thousands of truckers decided to protest and will meet in Ottawa in an attempt to stop the mandates.

Truckers in west Canada started mobilizing on Jan 23.

As the record-breaking convoy passed through different cities, they were greeted with long rows of people cheering and holding Canadian flags, with some shooting off fireworks.

U.S. truckers started joining the protesting efforts swiftly after the creators of Freedom Fighter Nation, attorney Leigh Dundas, and her personal assistant Maureen Steele, heard the news and started organizing in the United States.

The premier of Alberta, Jason Kenney, also voiced support of truckers and promised to discuss the vaccine mandates for truckers with his U.S. counterpart when he’s attending the National Governors Association meeting in Washington, D.C.

“I will be there to discuss growing supply chain problems, including the U.S. and Canadian governments’ policies that have impacted many cross-border truckers, causing further damage to supply chains and higher prices for consumers,” he said in a statement.
126   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Feb 2, 6:39am  

Patrick says
“That said, because vaccination is not reducing transmission, the current federal border policy for truckers makes no sense. An unvaccinated trucker does not pose any greater risk of transmission than a vaccinated trucker,” he continued.

Exactly. But let's see if the vaccinated do have a higher rate of infection...
129   Patrick   2022 Feb 2, 10:39am  

More evidence that the vaxxed are more likely to get infected:


It is hard to imagine a worse strategy than universal vaccination against a single, obsolete virus protein. Every booster dose just further ingrains this off-target immunity, ultimately assisting Omicron in its spread. Here we are saved only by Omicron’s starkly reduced pathogenicity. In causing mild, fleeting illness in most of those infected,
130   Patrick   2022 Feb 2, 12:43pm  

The roll back seems to simply be following the loss in public support for Nazi policies:

131   Patrick   2022 Feb 2, 8:12pm  


Quebec Scraps Planned Tax For The Unvaxxed
Chris Menahan
Feb. 01, 2022
132   GNL   2022 Feb 2, 8:28pm  

Patrick says
After two years of sunk costs from COVID Mania, the U.K. surrenders in its war against a virus
Let's hope the rest of the West follows.

I posit that they are ending the covid measures because they have met their vax quota.
133   Patrick   2022 Feb 2, 10:44pm  

Maybe they've decided to slow down and drag out the deaths, to keep it more under the radar.
134   Ceffer   2022 Feb 3, 12:13am  

Maybe they just think they can finish the job of genocide and democide with the 5G rollout, weather weapons, geologic weapons, EMP weapons, chemtrails, and DEWs.

It appears that they may not have anticipated the degree of public uprising, or they thought the uprisings would be sporadic and containable by force. The Globalists operate out of infinite contempt for their victims, which was probably overestimating themselves and underestimating potential retaliations of the public beast. They got sloppy in their arrogance, which has pulled a good bit of the echelons out of the closet to be used for posse target practice.
They are also using somewhat sclerotic Illuminati techniques spawned when humanity was much less educated and much less connected by information. These Illuminati hornbooks of terrorism and subversion allowed them to wreak havoc for hundreds of years from the shadows, so one would hopium that can come to an end.

If you listen to the Event 201 meeting, they certainly discussed opposition. A few gloating pigs with glee talked about using pandemic to drag people out of their homes and separate families by force, so they certainly had a plan for resistance. However, the degree and scope of the resistance may have been underestimated.

Remember, a predominate duty of the Bush imposed Homeland Security in conjunction with FEMA was to jury rig a system that would allow the Federal Government to arbitrarily forcibly put people into concentration camps under color of emergency powers. Pure Fourth Reich stuff.
135   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 3, 7:34am  

I've been using Denmark, UK, New Zealand to troll the Left.

"Why can't NYS/Canada be a civilized place like the world's most advanced nations... and kill the mask mandates"
136   Patrick   2022 Feb 3, 9:34am  


Premier Scott Moe of Saskatchewan says "It's time" to look at ending all remaining Covid measures and restrictions.
137   Patrick   2022 Feb 4, 5:27pm  

This is a most excellent idea.

No government should ever have the power to negate its own constitution at will, simply by claiming "It's for your own good."
139   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Feb 7, 6:49am  

Dr. Fauci and the Coronavirus Policy Blame Game | Opinion

With millions of Americans getting infected and over 800,000 reported COVID-19 deaths, most people now realize that Washington's pandemic policies failed. Lockdowns just postponed the inevitable while causing enormous collateral damage on cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, tuberculosis, mental health, education and much else.

So, the blame game is in full swing. At a recent Senate hearing, Dr. Anthony Fauci did not even attempt to defend his policies. Instead, he insisted that: "Everything that I have said has been in support of the CDC guidelines."

Dr. Fauci, as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has worked closely with the two CDC directors, Drs. Robert Redfield and Rochelle Walensky, throughout the pandemic, but he is now laying the responsibility on them. He did the same with his former boss, shortly after Dr. Francis Collins resigned as director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Dr. Collins fiercely defended Fauci throughout the pandemic. In October 2020, the Great Barrington Declaration criticized Fauci's lockdown strategy, calling for focused protection of high-risk older people while letting children go to school and young adults live near-normal lives. A few days later, Collins—a geneticist with little public health experience—wrote an email to Fauci suggesting a "take down" of the declaration, and characterizing its Harvard, Oxford and Stanford authors as "fringe epidemiologists." Fauci agreed with his boss, but when asked about the incident at the recent Senate hearing, he responded that it "was an email from Dr. Collins to me." In other words, Fauci himself was just following orders.

As public health scientists and coauthors of the Great Barrington Declaration, we have been critical of the pandemic strategy championed by Drs. Collins, Redfield and Walensky. As human beings, we can only feel sympathy for the trio as Dr. Fauci seeks to deflect blame onto them. At the Senate hearing, Dr. Fauci did not engage in a substantive public health discussion to defend the pandemic strategy—as one might have expected from its principal architect and salesman. Understandably, politicians, journalists, academics and the public trusted Dr. Fauci. Why should they now shoulder the blame?

Dr. Fauci also defended himself by saying he has received death threats from "crazies." It is tragic that scientists have to deal with such threats, a testament to the lack of civil scientific discourse during the pandemic. But Fauci is not alone in that respect. The organized "take down" that he and Collins orchestrated, with their grave mischaracterization of focused protection as a let-it-rip strategy, resulted in death threats and racist attacks against the Great Barrington Declaration authors. As Dr. Vinay Prasad of the University of California, San Francisco pointed out, the NIH director's "job is to foster dialogue among scientists and acknowledge uncertainty. Instead, [Collins] attempted to suppress legitimate debate with petty, ad hominem attacks."

Strangely, the Senate is the only venue where Dr. Fauci has faced scientific scrutiny. That important role fell on Dr. Rand Paul, one of the few senators with medical training. America would have been better served if Dr. Fauci had engaged public health scientists with divergent views in civilized debates outside the political environment of the Senate chamber. If Dr. Fauci had embraced open and civil discussion, the public may have benefited from better pandemic policies, such as:

More accurate public health communication with less fearmongering, emphasizing that there is more than a thousandfold difference in COVID mortality risk between the old and the young.

Better-focused protection of older and other high-risk Americans, using specific, concrete standard public health measures proposed by the Great Barrington Declaration.

Open schools and universities with in-person teaching of all children and students.

Less collateral public health damage.

Less devastation on the poor and working class worldwide.

Rapidly conducted NIH/NIAID-funded randomized clinical trials of generic drugs to determine what works to treat COVID patients early. If as much effort had been poured into these evaluations as was devoted to vaccines, many lives might have been spared.

Recognizing the natural immunity of the COVID recovered and using them to protect nursing home residents and frail hospital patients.

More targeted vaccinations instead of vaccine passports, and a faster and more thorough evaluation of vaccine safety to increase public confidence in vaccines.

Unfortunately, sitting atop the world's largest stash of infectious disease research money, with an annual NIAID budget of over $6 billion, Dr. Fauci was able to command the nation's pandemic strategy with little opposition from other infectious disease scientists.

As the pandemic ends, as all pandemics do, the scientific community has much work to do to regain public trust. The collateral damage arising from the failures of pandemic management includes a broader distrust by the public of the academic community. While only a few scientists are responsible for the misguided pandemic strategy, all scientists—whether we are chemists, biologists, physicists, geologists, economists, sociologists, psychologists, public health historians, clinicians, epidemiologists or in some other field—now share a responsibility to restore trust in science and academia. The first step is to acknowledge the mistakes made.

140   Patrick   2022 Feb 7, 12:11pm  


New Jersey - New Jersey! - may drop school mask mandates.

But even that move isn’t the biggest sign of late that Team Apocalypse is finally starting to see how out of touch with reality it has become.

No, the biggest sign came from Britain, where the BBC wrote a story comparing vaccine mandates for health care workers to FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION.

I kid you not.
141   Patrick   2022 Feb 7, 5:03pm  


in case any of you were in any danger of thinking that any of this was ever about anything but politics, watch as the brandon administration, desperate in its plummeting polls and menaced by the impending mid-term rout switches jerseys and joins team “we should not be counting those who went to the hospital for some reason other than covid and later tested positive.”

apparently, unable to get hospitalization down with their endless vaccine push, they are going to finally go with the one sure sure way to do it: change the way we count the numbers.

welcome to where the smart part of the class was in april. of 2020.

my goodness! what next, ending the relentless testing of people with no symptoms, the use of an overclocked PCR test that is manifestly unsuited to purpose?

because that sure would drop cases.

(and if they keep using PCR in hospitals, especially high Ct PCR, the number will remain inflated)

requiring covid as actual proximate cause of death and not just accepting trace findings and calling it all covid deaths?

this is a massive capitulation. it’s the outright admission that the metrics and measures they have used all along have been fraud or so close to fraud that you would not want to live off the difference.

they have systematically overcounted everything in a manner used for no other pathology. it has led to outlandish inflation of figures and of perceived threat. it was, from the very beginning, a conjured hobgoblin to scare you into compliance.

it ruined lives and livelihoods, abrogated freedoms, trampled rights, and broke brains. we’re going to be years digging out of this mess.

and now, because it suits the exigent needs of an impending election, it all gets memory holed?

sorry, but you do NOT get to do that.

this fact has been being screamed from rooftops for 2 long years. and it was ignored.

this behavior proves, beyond any doubt that they knew better and chose to do it wrong because it suited their needs.

and now their needs have changed and so they will change the numbers.

they know exactly what effect this will have. they just did not want that effect seen previously.

every last politician who pushed this should lose office. all of them.
142   Patrick   2022 Feb 7, 5:36pm  


Abandon ship: Politicians seek clean exit from sunk costs of COVID Mania
Midterms are right around the corner.

After two years of empowering every aspect of the authoritarian insanity that is COVID Mania, the American ruling class has started to awaken to the reality that citizens have had enough of the Safety Regime’s tyrannical edicts.

Governor Phil Murphy (D-NJ) announced this morning that New Jersey (not exactly MAGA country) will no longer require children to wear masks in school. These barbaric mask policies, which remain entirely unsupported by actual scientific evidence, has been in place in much of Safety Regime-compliant America for almost two years. ...

The pattern is obvious. The polling must be really bad for the restrictionists. This ruling class is indeed seeking the exits to protect their power, and they will attempt to do so without acknowledging that this two year campaign of destruction was all for nothing.

Never forget what the vaxxers did to millions of children.
148   Patrick   2022 Feb 8, 12:45pm  


Mainstream media reports a vaccine death
Wow. I didn't think it could ever happen. A mainstream media TV station reported that a person died from the vaccine. The coroner said so. Am I hallucinating or is this for real?

149   Patrick   2022 Feb 8, 6:28pm  


Governor Gavin Newsom announced his statewide mask mandate will expire on February 15 for vaccinated individuals.

“Unvaccinated people will still need to wear masks indoors,” Newsom said.

There is no statewide vaccine passport system in California so there is no way to determine who is vaxxed or unvaxxed.
150   Patrick   2022 Feb 8, 6:29pm  


Pfizer Quietly Adds Language Warning That 'Unfavorable Pre-Clinical, Clinical Or Safety Data' May Impact Business
151   joshuatrio   2022 Feb 9, 4:04am  

Patrick says

Governor Gavin Newsom announced his statewide mask mandate will expire on February 15 for vaccinated individuals.

“Unvaccinated people will still need to wear masks indoors,” Newsom said.

There is no statewide vaccine passport system in California so there is no way to determine who is vaxxed or unvaxxed.

In time for the Superbowl?
155   Ceffer   2022 Feb 9, 10:15am  

"Hey, it isn't our fault you believed all of our bullshit and were disabled from the vax. Roman Law says it's all caveat emptor, it's up to you to tell if it's a lie or not. We can lie, intimidate and deceive you all we want."
156   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Feb 9, 10:51am  

Yes, Trump is gone, and they coudn't just wind it down suddenly when Biden was "elected." Plus lots of upside to keeping it going. OK, people are getting tired of this shit, even a few have figured it out. Time to pivot.
157   Patrick   2022 Feb 9, 1:21pm  

I think it's a good thing that Trump is mostly out of the news.

Now Democrats are compelled to face the incompetence and corruption of Biden, and by extension, that of the whole woke-corporate-Pfizer edifice.
158   HeadSet   2022 Feb 9, 1:26pm  

Patrick says
I think it's a good thing that Trump is mostly out of the news.

Now Democrats are compelled to face the incompetence and corruption of Biden, and by extension, that of the whole woke-corporate-Pfizer edifice.

Think so? More like "Because of the success of the vaxx and facemask mandates, Covid has been defeated and we can get back to normal." However, without Covid, the excuse for mail in voting goes away.
159   Patrick   2022 Feb 9, 2:06pm  

Sure, the Democrats will try to spin their failure as success. That is to be expected, and we have to hope that most people are not dumb enough to buy it. I don't see how having Trump in the media would help that.

It's definitely good news that the excuse for easy fraud via mail in ballots goes away.
160   Ceffer   2022 Feb 9, 2:32pm  

I’m feeling a bit more relaxed.

The immediate aftermath of the glaring election fraud and seeing Biden with his phony inauguration felt like being in a failing elevator. It starts lurching, then, the lights go off. You hear the cable grinding and then snap, and you are in nauseating free fall.

It felt like that for a while because of the sense of powerless void against the fraud. Then, with Covid tyranny, the prospect that we could be dragged out of our home and vaccinated with a poison that would ruin our lives or kill us. The malignant pervasiveness of the events throughout the countries of the world didn’t help.

I am confident that Trump is still nominal Commander in Chief as far as the significant military is concerned. Otherwise, we would have been gulaged a while ago.

I also think there is a calculated, controlled timing event to the claw back. Stuff is revealed and released in bites, and repeated over and over for consumption, so as not to overwhelm the Overton window. It is very Madison Avenue, because advertising set out the principles for saturating information into the public over time, not all at once. The red pill is a series of small, significant red pills.

The election fraud stuff will be slowly and relentlessly repeated until it is accepted and hopefully reversed.

The guilty will be slowly and relentlessly pursued.

The Durham stuff will slowly come out but will proceed like a steam roller.

If things went any faster, the public would not be able to absorb it, so I am now OK with the timing as opposed to violent instant gratification. The Globalist blitzkrieg failed. At least that is what I hopium.
161   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Feb 9, 4:07pm  

Yes, what has happpened is almost unbelievable. The federal police spying on a president elect, at the bidding of the defeated heir apparent, using a bogus opposition piece that was known to be a complete fabrication. This is SMERSH type stuff!

Fabricating a Russian collusion narrative with shadowy figures dropping phanthom hearsay stories, the MSM relentless in claiming it is true, the opposition party knowing it was bullshit, impeaching the upstart president twice!

And then the only thing that could defeat the president, crashing the economy - welcome COVID! The MSM again relentless in the fear campaign, corrupt bureaucrats and scientists conspiring to shut down the nation. Early treatment banned. Citizens murdered to achieve their ends.

Mail in ballots, ballot drop boxes, changing voting laws in violation of state constitutions because - COVID! Broken water pipe BS, videos of ballots emerging from under tables, resistance to audits, etc. etc.

God save the Republic!

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