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“Defendants are liable for continuing trespass and shall remove the wind farm from the Osage Minerals Estate and return the Osage Minerals Estate to its pre-trespass condition on or before December 1, 2025.”
It’s difficult to overstate the importance of this ruling. Enel has said that removing the 84 turbines in the Osage wind project would cost the company $300 million. Whatever the cost, the fact that a federal court has ordered the removal of the turbines is unprecedented.
Can’t forget water vapor. Molecule for molecule, it’s on par with CO2 as a greenhouse gas, but much more abundant, ranging from 0.2% at the poles to 4% at the equator:
“Water vapor, the most important greenhouse gas, fluctuates with temperature. The percent of water vapor in the cold Arctic and Antarctic (and highest Alpine regions) may reach as low as 0.2 percent while the warmest tropical air may contain up to 4 percent water vapor.”
Undersea vulcanism in the past several years have lifted gigatons of water vapor into the atmosphere.
Yup, and comet debris continues to add water to the Earth.
environmental guilt trip
Clothes dryers are joule heat energy consuming monsters whereas the clothesline is a free wind and solar device available to anyone who claims to be green.
Clothes dry just fine in freezing temps outside.
Gotta live where you can use them is the only problem
Clothes dry just fine in freezing temps outside.
"Can’t forget water vapor. Molecule for molecule, it’s on par with CO2
as a greenhouse gas, but much more abundant, ranging from 0.2% at the poles to 4%
at the equator:"
In fact, CO2 is not warming anything because
(1) Earth is not emitting radiation at the frequency which CO2 absorbs, namely 15 microns.
(2) Therefore the amount CO2 in the atmosphere is irrelevant. In fact, during the Paleozoic,
Earth experienced an ice age for 40 million years at a 4,200 ppm CO2 level. And CO2 at
4,200 ppm did not prevent the ice age from happening.
(3) Given that our planet is roughly at 59°F then Earth is radiating unimpeded into space
at 10 microns.
(4) CO2 as a greenhouse gas is so irrelevant that IR Astronomy is alive and well on our planet.
(5) If anything is warming our planet, it is water vapor and the fact that Earth is over 70%
oceans! And thank God for the oceans - and the resulting water vapor - because it is these
oceans that are keeping our planet habitable!.
(5) If anything is warming our planet, it is water vapor and the fact that Earth is over 70%
oceans! And thank God for the oceans - and the resulting water vapor - because it is these
oceans that are keeping our planet habitable!.
The trouble for capital-S Science is that the climate scientists who worship the current political climate model have long relied on their models to forecast planetary doom unless vastly expensive measures using your tax dollars and curtailing your freedom are undertaken immediately and without argument. ...
The main reason the climate models are wrong is that they don’t account for the higher atmospheric water vapor levels resulting from the historic Hunga Tonga undersea eruption, or the high solar activity producing historic aurora all over the planet’s night skies (but apparently the “experts” think all that extra energy has no effect whatsoever on the climate).
The truth is that, if they want to vacation in Aspen this year, climate model scientists must remain politically muzzled. They may only put variables into their models related to human activity. No permission structure allows them to consider the real causes of what the article described as “far weirder weather” than the models predicted.
Under the rule limiting what variables are allowed to go into them, the climate models are condemned to failure.
"CO2 absorbance IS relevant to the range of earth-emitting far IR..."
goofus says
"CO2 absorbance IS relevant to the range of earth-emitting far IR..."
No. Earth is not emitting radiation in the far IR range which is -80°F and lower! Given
that the Earth Temperature is about 59°F then Earth is radiating unimpeded into space
at 10 microns.
goofus says
"CO2 absorbance IS relevant to the range of earth-emitting far IR..."
No. Earth is not emitting radiation in the far IR range which is -80°F and lower!
"Hence your values are around a factor of 5 too high."
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