Remember when this winter started with good rains in.the west all these articles by climate "scientists" and globahomo agitprop "news" corporations about how this will be a dry winter for the drought stricken west despite initial rains. Fuck you moron sell-outs, this will go down as one of the wettest winters in recent history in the west. Reservoirs should be full to the brim but I'm sure politicians made sure there is enough drainage and poor planning so they can keep promoting state of emergencies and fuck over their constituents.
I know we have a few Florida users here. The state should be underwater by all estimates from the 90's. It's the same. The barrier island I went to annually in the panhandle for 35 years hasn't changed and got smashed by 2-3 hurricanes in that time with heavy erosion.
Sea level moves with tectonic plate movement. Not ice, rain or temperature. Sure we might get more rain. But even the hurricanes have been lame, and just heavy rain being the biggest problem. They seem less frequent. The evaporation has been more and places see 20" plus of rain. The winds really haven't been a problem lately.
Was just in tropical storm Sara for the tail end in Mexico. An average midwest thunderstorm is exponentially worse than my first tropical storm experience. We were just walking around outside with raincoats on. No lightening risk. Breezy, maybe 50mph gusts. Fell asleep on the balcony outside during it. Natural rain and wind/tree noise is the most peaceful white noise you can get.... along with a bunch of beer. Slept in a hammock too. Best sleep that trip.
God damn Mexicans and their marble though. Fucking ice skating rink. I was good but saw at least a dozen people biff it hard falling on wet tile outdoors. Like potential bone breakers and staff needing to assist them. I brought my Merrill hiking shoes and had great traction. I don't prep at home, but I'm a vacation prepper. Especially in tourist areas where it's 2-5X's the price at home.
Undersea vulcanism has been injecting trillions of tons of water vapor into the atmosphere. Water vapor is at least an order of magnitude greater than CO2 in terms of greenhouse warming. Where are the undersea volcanic eruptions in the current climate models? No fucking where.
To paraphrase "Glengarry Glenn Ross," the models are WEAK.
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