Church of globull warming and drought fully spiraling down the toilet

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2022 Jan 3, 4:49pm   124,338 views  1,038 comments

by mell   ➕follow (10)   💰tip   ignore  

Remember when this winter started with good rains in.the west all these articles by climate "scientists" and globahomo agitprop "news" corporations about how this will be a dry winter for the drought stricken west despite initial rains. Fuck you moron sell-outs, this will go down as one of the wettest winters in recent history in the west. Reservoirs should be full to the brim but I'm sure politicians made sure there is enough drainage and poor planning so they can keep promoting state of emergencies and fuck over their constituents.

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914   HeadSet   2024 Nov 21, 2:21pm  

Gore is laughing as he long ago cashed the checks.
915   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Nov 21, 2:26pm  

HeadSet says

Gore is laughing as he long ago cashed the checks.

And Limbaugh is dead.
920   WookieMan   2024 Nov 24, 11:35am  

Doesn't CO2 help things grow? Science was never my subject I was even average at, so I might sound like an idiot. So rainforest are cut down. How do they grow?
923   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Nov 29, 1:23pm  


Video clip of Billy Bob Thornton setting a Greentard chick straight about fossil fuels.
924   Patrick   2024 Nov 30, 10:38am  


... the large interannual-to-decadal variability in Antarctic sea ice makes this analysis inconclusive about the sign or pattern of Antarctic sea ice response to anthropogenic forcing over the historical period.

The paper seems to be saying that sea ice varies a lot anyway, and that variation can't be certainly linked to human activity.
925   Patrick   2024 Nov 30, 10:43am  


A new paper written by zoologist Dr Susan Crockford to mark International Polar Bear Day today has found that global polar bear numbers have continued to rise. Numbers have been steadily increasing since 2005, with 2018 data estimating the highest number of polar bears globally since they were protected by international treaty in 1973.
926   Tenpoundbass   2024 Nov 30, 10:47am  

Man makes an apparatus to observe something in the natural world that has never been measured nor observed ever before.
One week later, shockwaves are sent through the Scientific community as a published paper from some grifting unaccountable unaudited institute stating that it's worse it's ever been, and the last time it was anywhere near this bad was 100 years ago.

This is the constant pattern of Climate Doomers, and it was that reason alone that I was calling BULLSHIT on the global warming, climate change bullshit, since the 90's. I've been there all along giving those lying bastards the riot act of the scam of bullshit they were feeding. Then after Al cry me a river Gore was gloom and dooming global warming. I was mostly alone, 90% of everyone on the planet was fully brainwashed to believe every last word of the inconvenient truth. I was a lone voice in early Patnet days. You wouldn't believe the charts I had to wade through.

By time Covid came around and everyone was so damn willing to muzzle themselves and stand 6 feet from the nearest person. I knew I saw that behavior before.

Cha... If everyone can stop being gullible fucks, that would be great!
927   Patrick   2024 Nov 30, 11:07am  

I asked gab.ai about Hunga Tonga and the Baltic:

Tell me about the Hunga Tonga eruption's effect on Baltic sea ice.

The Hunga Tonga eruption on January 15, 2022 had a significant impact on the climate and atmosphere, which in turn affected the sea ice conditions in the Baltic Sea. The eruption released an enormous amount of energy, water vapor, sulfur dioxide, and other gases into the stratosphere. This caused a temporary cooling effect as the sulfur particles interacted with sunlight, reflecting some of it back into space and reducing the amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface. This cooling effect was observed in various parts of the world, including the Baltic Sea region. The cooling influence from the eruption likely contributed to the formation and thickening of sea ice in the Baltic Sea during the months following the eruption. In addition, the atmospheric disturbances caused by the eruption, such as changes in wind patterns and air pressure, can also influence sea ice growth and distribution. These factors, combined with the usual seasonal cooling in the region, led to the formation of more extensive and thicker sea ice in the Baltic Sea later in 2022.

Huh, I also read recently that because water vapor is a greenhouse gas, the Hunga Tonga explosion made the earth warmer. Supposedly that one explosion increased atmospheric water vapor by 10% globally, which is a really huge change. So maybe it first made the earth cooler by blocking sun, then later hotter because water vapor is a greenhouse gas.


In contrast, the H2O injection was unprecedented in both magnitude (far exceeding any previous values in the 17‐year MLS record) and altitude (penetrating into the mesosphere). We estimate the mass of H2O injected into the stratosphere to be 146 ± 5 Tg, or ∼10% of the stratospheric burden. It may take several years for the H2O plume to dissipate. This eruption could impact climate not through surface cooling due to sulfate aerosols, but rather through surface warming due to the radiative forcing from the excess stratospheric H2O.

gab.ai is actually blocked at the Peets Coffee where I am right now, because it is too politically incorrect for whomever is in control of the wifi. So I had to tether to my phone to query gab.ai here. I find more and more that whole websites are blocked by wifi in various public places for political reasons.
928   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2024 Nov 30, 11:38am  

Patrick says

A new paper written by zoologist Dr Susan Crockford to mark International Polar Bear Day today has found that global polar bear numbers have continued to rise. Numbers have been steadily increasing since 2005, with 2018 data estimating the highest number of polar bears globally since they were protected by international treaty in 1973.

Santa Cruz could use some right now to help with the over abundance of elephant seals.
929   WookieMan   2024 Nov 30, 11:52am  

I know we have a few Florida users here. The state should be underwater by all estimates from the 90's. It's the same. The barrier island I went to annually in the panhandle for 35 years hasn't changed and got smashed by 2-3 hurricanes in that time with heavy erosion.

Sea level moves with tectonic plate movement. Not ice, rain or temperature. Sure we might get more rain. But even the hurricanes have been lame, and just heavy rain being the biggest problem. They seem less frequent. The evaporation has been more and places see 20" plus of rain. The winds really haven't been a problem lately.

Was just in tropical storm Sara for the tail end in Mexico. An average midwest thunderstorm is exponentially worse than my first tropical storm experience. We were just walking around outside with raincoats on. No lightening risk. Breezy, maybe 50mph gusts. Fell asleep on the balcony outside during it. Natural rain and wind/tree noise is the most peaceful white noise you can get.... along with a bunch of beer. Slept in a hammock too. Best sleep that trip.

God damn Mexicans and their marble though. Fucking ice skating rink. I was good but saw at least a dozen people biff it hard falling on wet tile outdoors. Like potential bone breakers and staff needing to assist them. I brought my Merrill hiking shoes and had great traction. I don't prep at home, but I'm a vacation prepper. Especially in tourist areas where it's 2-5X's the price at home.
931   stereotomy   2024 Nov 30, 9:07pm  

Undersea vulcanism has been injecting trillions of tons of water vapor into the atmosphere. Water vapor is at least an order of magnitude greater than CO2 in terms of greenhouse warming. Where are the undersea volcanic eruptions in the current climate models? No fucking where.

To paraphrase "Glengarry Glenn Ross," the models are WEAK.
933   Patrick   2024 Dec 9, 10:43am  


Last month, the Daily Sceptic highlighted the practice at the U.K. Met Office of inventing temperature averages from over 100 non-existent measuring stations. Helpfully, the Met Office went so far as to supply coordinates, elevations and purposes of the imaginary sites. Following massive interest across social media and frequent reposting of the Daily Sceptic article, the Met Office has amended its ludicrous claims. The move has not been announced in public, needless to say, since drawing attention to this would open a pandora’s box and run the risk of subjecting all the Met Office temperature claims to wider scrutiny. Instead, the Met Office has discreetly renamed its “U.K. climate averages” page as “Location-specific long-term averages”.
940   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 13, 11:05am  

Visegrád 24 also quoted Sweden’s deputy prime minister and energy minister, Ebba Busch, as being “furious with the Germans.” The article continued, explaining that due to Germany’s decision to shutter its nuclear plants, “people in southern Sweden and southern Norway now have [to] pay $5 for a 10-minute shower.”

946   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 22, 7:36pm  

Same tribe depicted in the film "Killers of the Flower Moon"

Italian firm was even excavating minerals from tribal land w/o permission. Why would they need minerals to erect wind farms?

They got hundreds of millions in US tax credits for putting these up that they don't have to pay back.

They essentially raped the Osage and got paid by Uncle Sam to do so. History repeating itself.

“Defendants are liable for continuing trespass and shall remove the wind farm from the Osage Minerals Estate and return the Osage Minerals Estate to its pre-trespass condition on or before December 1, 2025.”

It’s difficult to overstate the importance of this ruling. Enel has said that removing the 84 turbines in the Osage wind project would cost the company $300 million. Whatever the cost, the fact that a federal court has ordered the removal of the turbines is unprecedented.

951   goofus   2025 Jan 1, 10:02pm  

Can’t forget water vapor. Molecule for molecule, it’s on par with CO2 as a greenhouse gas, but much more abundant, ranging from 0.2% at the poles to 4% at the equator:

“Water vapor, the most important greenhouse gas, fluctuates with temperature. The percent of water vapor in the cold Arctic and Antarctic (and highest Alpine regions) may reach as low as 0.2 percent while the warmest tropical air may contain up to 4 percent water vapor.”

952   Ceffer   2025 Jan 1, 10:17pm  

All green measures are designed to fail, and blaming the food animals either for global warming or pandemics is Globalist demon multi tasking by creating the virtue signaling handle to also introduce starvation or at the very least rampant malnutrition to enhance their industrial food and water poisons .

Of course, all the environmental guilt trip predictive programming goes back a long way, from Rachel Carson's fake alarmist shit and Jane Goodall et alia with their fake monkey shit to imposing guilt trips on straws and recycling. It is their symbology closest to your day to day activities.

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