Church of globull warming and drought fully spiraling down the toilet

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2022 Jan 3, 4:49pm   125,435 views  1,067 comments

by mell   ➕follow (10)   💰tip   ignore  

Remember when this winter started with good rains in.the west all these articles by climate "scientists" and globahomo agitprop "news" corporations about how this will be a dry winter for the drought stricken west despite initial rains. Fuck you moron sell-outs, this will go down as one of the wettest winters in recent history in the west. Reservoirs should be full to the brim but I'm sure politicians made sure there is enough drainage and poor planning so they can keep promoting state of emergencies and fuck over their constituents.

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961   HeadSet   2025 Jan 3, 3:44pm  

WookieMan says

Gotta live where you can use them is the only problem

I guess you missed the last part of the sentence to anyone who claims to be green. Finding solutions for wintertime drying is a minor inconvenience if one believes AGW is an existential threat.
962   HeadSet   2025 Jan 3, 5:53pm  


Clothes dry just fine in freezing temps outside.

Yes, all those decades where families typically had washing machines but not dryers (1940s thru early 1970s) must have found a way to make a clothesline work in the winter.
963   The_Deplorable   2025 Jan 3, 10:01pm  

goofus says
"Can’t forget water vapor. Molecule for molecule, it’s on par with CO2
as a greenhouse gas, but much more abundant, ranging from 0.2% at the poles to 4%
at the equator:"

In fact, CO2 is not warming anything because
(1) Earth is not emitting radiation at the frequency which CO2 absorbs, namely 15 microns.
(2) Therefore the amount CO2 in the atmosphere is irrelevant. In fact, during the Paleozoic,
Earth experienced an ice age for 40 million years at a 4,200 ppm CO2 level. And CO2 at
4,200 ppm did not prevent the ice age from happening.
(3) Given that our planet is roughly at 59°F then Earth is radiating unimpeded into space
at 10 microns.
(4) CO2 as a greenhouse gas is so irrelevant that IR Astronomy is alive and well on our planet.
(5) If anything is warming our planet, it is water vapor and the fact that Earth is over 70%
oceans! And thank God for the oceans - and the resulting water vapor - because it is these
oceans that are keeping our planet habitable!.
965   clambo   2025 Jan 5, 9:15am  

The basic incorrect assumption that people make about the sun is that its energy output is a constant, like a light bulb with a watt number on it.
The sun's energy output varies, and this means no conclusion can be made about what effect our activities have on the earth's temperature.
Cosmic rays in particular vary; at CERN in Switzerland they created clouds experimentally using cosmic rays.
Cloud formation vastly impacts temperatures; of course you have been to the beach and when the clouds came in, where did you go? Home.
966   DeportLibtards   2025 Jan 5, 9:21am  

The_Deplorable says

In fact, CO2 is not warming anything because
(1) Earth is not emitting radiation at the frequency which CO2 absorbs, namely 15 microns.
(2) Therefore the amount CO2 in the atmosphere is irrelevant. In fact, during the Paleozoic,
Earth experienced an ice age for 40 million years at a 4,200 ppm CO2 level. And CO2 at
4,200 ppm did not prevent the ice age from happening.
(3) Given that our planet is roughly at 59°F then Earth is radiating unimpeded into space
at 10 microns.
(4) CO2 as a greenhouse gas is so irrelevant that IR Astronomy is alive and well on our planet.
(5) If anything is warming our planet, it is water vapor and the fact that Earth is over 70%
oceans! And thank God for the oceans - and the resulting water vapor - because it is these
oceans that are keeping our planet habitable!.

But you are not a member of the 'Party of Science'. So STFU, MAGARacist! :)
967   DeportLibtards   2025 Jan 5, 9:25am  

The_Deplorable says

(5) If anything is warming our planet, it is water vapor and the fact that Earth is over 70%
oceans! And thank God for the oceans - and the resulting water vapor - because it is these
oceans that are keeping our planet habitable!.

I have seen bullshit replies to that like, "But the CO2 and Methane is heating the oceans and that adds water vapour (<-- when you see Brit spelling like that, you're dealing with an America jealous 'tard, btw) into that atmosphere!"
970   Patrick   2025 Jan 7, 10:43am  


The trouble for capital-S Science is that the climate scientists who worship the current political climate model have long relied on their models to forecast planetary doom unless vastly expensive measures using your tax dollars and curtailing your freedom are undertaken immediately and without argument. ...

The main reason the climate models are wrong is that they don’t account for the higher atmospheric water vapor levels resulting from the historic Hunga Tonga undersea eruption, or the high solar activity producing historic aurora all over the planet’s night skies (but apparently the “experts” think all that extra energy has no effect whatsoever on the climate).

The truth is that, if they want to vacation in Aspen this year, climate model scientists must remain politically muzzled. They may only put variables into their models related to human activity. No permission structure allows them to consider the real causes of what the article described as “far weirder weather” than the models predicted.

Under the rule limiting what variables are allowed to go into them, the climate models are condemned to failure.
971   goofus   2025 Jan 7, 11:11am  

The_Deplorable says

Couple things, water vapor absorbance across the far IR spectrum swamps the CO2 windows (first image). But CO2 absorbance IS relevant to the range of earth-emitting far IR, just far less than water vapor. Earth’s far IR emission range is a rounded, Gaussian-type plot (second image), emitting up to and beyond 15 um, the beginning of CO2’s main absorption range. IR at 15 um is at lower intensity than the 10 um peak, but still present.

972   The_Deplorable   2025 Jan 7, 2:16pm  

goofus says
"CO2 absorbance IS relevant to the range of earth-emitting far IR..."

No. Earth is not emitting radiation in the far IR range which is -80°F and lower! Given
that the Earth Temperature is about 59°F then Earth is radiating unimpeded into space
at 10 microns.
PROOF: During the Paleozoic, Earth experienced an Ice Age for 40 million years at a
CO2 level of 4,200 ppm. And that high amount of CO2 did not prevent the Ice Age from
happening. Therefore CO2 is not warming anything.
973   goofus   2025 Jan 7, 2:55pm  

The_Deplorable says

goofus says

"CO2 absorbance IS relevant to the range of earth-emitting far IR..."

No. Earth is not emitting radiation in the far IR range which is -80°F and lower! Given
that the Earth Temperature is about 59°F then Earth is radiating unimpeded into space
at 10 microns.

Look at the plot above. While earth-emitted IR peaks at 10 um for 303K (30C), it has tails on both sides. Earth radiates at a variety of far IR wavelengths depending on latitude, albedo, etc. 59F may be the planetary average but a whole range of wavelengths (and radiating temps) are covered to reach that average. IR at 15 um is not -80F. Can calculate at home; driving now.

I’m sure not wedded to the idea of CO2 as driver for climate change. Geologic record is enough to realize the fallacy. That and realizing Malenkovich cycles explain the last million years of ice age cycles far better than greenhouse gases. But “our side” should take more care with the claims.
974   goofus   2025 Jan 7, 9:55pm  

The_Deplorable says

goofus says

"CO2 absorbance IS relevant to the range of earth-emitting far IR..."

No. Earth is not emitting radiation in the far IR range which is -80°F and lower!

You’re right, whoops. Plugging 15 um in for wavelength gives 193K or -80C. Temp drops quickly with this equation..

975   The_Deplorable   2025 Jan 9, 2:40pm  

goofus says
"Hence your values are around a factor of 5 too high."

Note that according to Wien's displacement law, the peak wavelength is inversely
proportional to temperature, and given that Earth is about 59°F then Earth is
radiating heat energy at 10 microns. Given other scientific data and observations,
radiation emitted at 15 microns is so minute to be negligible, meaning, CO2 is not
warming our planet.
981   WookieMan   2025 Jan 16, 5:20am  

Honest question. Does anyone actually care about the climate? Somehow we're here now and managed to stay alive. We have an 8ºF, 5, 6 with lows of -4, -9 and 1 next week. We don't have snow, but this winter has been brutally cold here in IL.

I really don't get how weather got politicized. Weather is gonna weather. We have no choice. I mean we traveled across the Rockies from East to West in wagons. Managed that somehow. Not sure the infatuation by some with climate (not here). Live life and have a good time. We're on a huge ball circling around a level 100 fucking volcano that we have no control over.

Won't be our lifetime, I think, but this planet will be pulverized at some point. Can't control what you can't control. I give no shits about climate. Have fun.
983   PeopleUnited   2025 Jan 18, 5:24am  

WookieMan says

Won't be our lifetime, I think, but this planet will be pulverized at some point.

Spoiler alert for those who have chosen to live in ignorance.

King James Bible
“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.”

The thing is this could happen in your lifetime. God promised to rescue all believers from this time of wrath to come, but after the rapture, get ready because it will be as close to hell as possible on this earth. And those who reject God’s gift of salvation still, will know real hell.
984   WookieMan   2025 Jan 18, 5:41am  

PeopleUnited says

The thing is this could happen in your lifetime. God promised to rescue all believers from this time of wrath to come, but after the rapture, get ready because it will be as close to hell as possible on this earth. And those who reject God’s gift of salvation still, will know real hell.

I'm not getting into religious arguments. I'm a non-fiction guy. I was more or less talking of an astroid hit or something like that. Yellowstone blowing up. Natural stuff that can be guessed like a broken clock being right 2 times a day.

I could make any proclamation today but it could be 3042 before it happens. Doesn't mean I was right. Stuff is always going to happen and a fictional character has no more control over it than John Wick does.
985   PeopleUnited   2025 Jan 18, 5:46am  

You misconstrue fact with fiction. Prophecy is not a prediction, it is a promise. Just like God promised to send Jesus (hint Jesus walked the earth 2000 years ago just as God promised would happen about 6000 years ago) and he also promises to destroy and rebuild this world. The best way to understand it is to realize that Gods promises are always true. It’s as if it has already happened.
989   mell   2025 Jan 19, 6:10pm  

It has been pretty cold in wine country now for weeks, def colder than the norm. Also the whole winter in CA has already been wetter than average. They have nowhere to hide
990   PeopleUnited   2025 Jan 19, 9:31pm  

Colder and dryer than usual in my neck of the woods this winter so far.
993   HeadSet   2025 Jan 20, 1:19pm  

Patrick says

He does not care as he has already cashed the checks. I am sure Gore has contempt for the idiots that consider him an AGW crusader as he flies around in private jets and lives in energy sucking mansions.
994   Misc   2025 Jan 20, 1:57pm  

Still better than the "Climate Czar" under Biden, who took a private jet to Iceland to receive an award for being a top environmentalist.
996   WookieMan   2025 Jan 22, 7:03am  

mell says

It has been pretty cold in wine country now for weeks, def colder than the norm. Also the whole winter in CA has already been wetter than average. They have nowhere to hide

Normal here in IL. Cold snap for two days but that's no biggie. Little snow for this time of year. 3-4" total. Feb is usually when we get the blizzards though so we'll see. My kids are wearing shorts most of the time. Our 20 if CA's 45-50.
997   RWSGFY   2025 Jan 22, 8:14am  

mell says

It has been pretty cold in wine country now for weeks, def colder than the norm. Also the whole winter in CA has already been wetter than average. They have nowhere to hide

I dunno about the wetter part: the snow is shit at Kirkwood.
998   WookieMan   2025 Jan 22, 8:45am  


mell says

It has been pretty cold in wine country now for weeks, def colder than the norm. Also the whole winter in CA has already been wetter than average. They have nowhere to hide

I dunno about the wetter part: the snow is shit at Kirkwood.

I don't check the Sierras but 38" base seems low by end of January. But it's generally bad across the Rockies as well. I usually like to sneak in a long weekend to MT, but the snowpack is so low and 80% open, so not worth the flight at the moment.

It's higher in Wisconsin than the Sierras and Rockies. Yes they do snowmaking, but our numbers are higher at 1k'. Bridger in MT is doing okay at 50" base. Big Sky is about the same as Kirkwood. I've been when it was 200" this time of year out there. MT I get free lodging so I don't even check CO or UT. I'm not dropping $2k on a solo trip.

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