Church of globull warming and drought fully spiraling down the toilet

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2022 Jan 3, 4:49pm   125,199 views  1,067 comments

by mell   ➕follow (10)   💰tip   ignore  

Remember when this winter started with good rains in.the west all these articles by climate "scientists" and globahomo agitprop "news" corporations about how this will be a dry winter for the drought stricken west despite initial rains. Fuck you moron sell-outs, this will go down as one of the wettest winters in recent history in the west. Reservoirs should be full to the brim but I'm sure politicians made sure there is enough drainage and poor planning so they can keep promoting state of emergencies and fuck over their constituents.

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1031   WookieMan   2025 Feb 24, 11:15am  

The_Deplorable says

All you need is common sense. If the lights in your home are not dimming and blinking then the
wind and solar farms have backup gas turbines to keep a steady voltage. The frauds operating these
farms expect the consumers to build, operate and maintain the backup gas turbines and go on
pretending they are producing free electricity.

There's no backup gas turbines near me. Closest would be 50 miles away which produce power to other areas.

Not giving away where I live specifically, but our wind turbines spin 24/7 and we have the most nukes in the country. I'm not a green guy, but I know what I live. Your reality may be different and that's okay.
1032   The_Deplorable   2025 Feb 24, 4:44pm  

WookieMan says
"There's no backup gas turbines near me."

Again, common sense: If the lights in your home are not dimming,
flickering and blinking then backup gas turbines keep a steady voltage for your
home. That is why wind energy is the most expensive energy on the planet and
that is why areas with wind energy have higher energy prices.
1034   WookieMan   2025 Feb 25, 5:36am  

The_Deplorable says

WookieMan says
"There's no backup gas turbines near me."

Again, common sense: If the lights in your home are not dimming,
flickering and blinking then backup gas turbines keep a steady voltage for your
home. That is why wind energy is the most expensive energy on the planet and
that is why areas with wind energy have higher energy prices.

False. I can see one of our many nukes sometime on a clear day 40 miles away. I live in the middle of nowhere by most standards. In IL we have have some of the best energy on the planet. Lake Michigan forces a choke point around Chicagoland for pipelines. Our energy is cheap. Wind is logical with the wind constantly blowing at 10-20mph 24/7 on 150' towers. They don't need gas generators here to backup wind power.

Texas is probably the only other state that competes. Lights don't flicker here. We never have power outages. Lightening strike is the only thing that might knock power out for 5 seconds if that.

Don't care to know where you live, but it's clearly in an area with a poor grid setup. That's not the way it is elsewhere. One of the few things IL does well with.
1035   DeportLibtards   2025 Feb 25, 8:31am  

WookieMan says

Source would be nice... I'm anecdotal, live it and see it.

1036   DeportLibtards   2025 Feb 25, 8:34am  

WookieMan says

False. I can see one of our many nukes sometime on a clear day 40 miles awa

And that is where the baseload backup power comes from.
1038   WookieMan   2025 Feb 27, 11:00pm  

OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething says

WookieMan says

False. I can see one of our many nukes sometime on a clear day 40 miles awa

And that is where the baseload backup power comes from.

Wind isn't meant to power 100% of the grid. In my area it does it's job for a certain percentage of the grid. We have plenty of nukes. I don't get flickering gay light or whatever is being talked about.

I'm sorry some live in shit grid areas. Wind does actually work where I live. Sorry you don't I guess?
1040   DeportLibtards   2025 Mar 6, 7:11pm  

WookieMan says

Wind isn't meant to power 100% of the grid.

WookieMan says

does actually work where I live.

Contradict yourself.
1041   stereotomy   2025 Mar 6, 7:27pm  


Just a hint, it ain't from people huggin' trees. . ..
1042   WookieMan   2025 Mar 7, 4:30am  

OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething says

WookieMan says

Wind isn't meant to power 100% of the grid.

WookieMan says

does actually work where I live.

Contradict yourself.

Explain? No contradiction. I said it doesn't power 100% of the grid, but does work. You're selectively quoting as usual. Explain how what I said is false? It isn't. Keep on trolling.
1043   zzyzzx   2025 Mar 7, 5:27am  

stereotomy says

Just a hint, it ain't from people huggin' trees. . ..

If you are exhaling and farting while hugging the tree, then yes.
1044   DeportLibtards   2025 Mar 7, 7:39am  

WookieMan says

I said it doesn't power 100% of the grid, but does work

That's the contradiction.

WookieMan says

You're selectively quoting as usual.

Nope. Pointing out contradiction is not 'selectively quoting'. Everything is in the context you represented.
1045   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2025 Mar 7, 8:51am  

zzyzzx says

If you are exhaling and farting while hugging the tree, then yes.

Doesn't everyone fart while hugging trees?
1046   HeadSet   2025 Mar 7, 9:25am  

zzyzzx says

stereotomy says

Just a hint, it ain't from people huggin' trees. . ..

If you are exhaling and farting while hugging the tree, then yes.

Breathing yes but farting no, as breathing exhales CO2 and farting puts out methane. You could light those farts though, and that would create both CO2 and water that the tree needs.
1047   stereotomy   2025 Mar 7, 10:16am  

So exhaling onto a tree is good, but farting on it is bad, unless the fart is lit, which creates more CO2, which is good.
1048   WookieMan   2025 Mar 7, 10:44am  

OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething says

WookieMan says

I said it doesn't power 100% of the grid, but does work

That's the contradiction.

What? Wind power doesn't work??? I feel like you're losing it dude. It works as supplemental power. There's no contradiction at all. I get you're just trolling at this point or are a simple idiot. This is basic stuff.
1049   HeadSet   2025 Mar 7, 11:41am  

stereotomy says

So exhaling onto a tree is good, but farting on it is bad, unless the fart is lit, which creates more CO2, which is good.

Yep, works for the lawn also. So, if the wife sees you out in the grass with Bic lighter and says, "What the hell are you doing?" just say she is ignorant and you are actually doing your part to win Lawn of the Month.
1050   stereotomy   2025 Mar 7, 12:42pm  

HeadSet says

stereotomy says

So exhaling onto a tree is good, but farting on it is bad, unless the fart is lit, which creates more CO2, which is good.

Yep, works for the lawn also. So, if the wife sees you out in the grass with Bic lighter and says, "What the hell are you doing?" just say she is ignorant and you are actually doing your part to win Lawn of the Month.

That works in the Northeast, but in TX there's a year-round burn ban - that probably includes farts.
1052   DeportLibtards   2025 Mar 7, 2:18pm  

WookieMan says

It works as supplemental power

Sure. You finally figured out the contradiction in what you were saying, then pretend you used the 'supplemental' qualification all along so you can try to spin the bullshit that it's my fault because I couldn't 'read' that.

Whereas in reality, you wrote what you wrote dude. Nothing less, nothing more.

The grid can't run on 'supplemental power' that is uncontrollably intermittent (planned intermittent or the occasional emergency down time is another story). Not w/o huge cost increases or decent reliability that an industrialized society needs. Or both.

So, it does not 'work' as you were saying.
1054   HeadSet   2025 Mar 7, 7:40pm  

stereotomy says

That works in the Northeast, but in TX there's a year-round burn ban - that probably includes farts.

With all that chili and refried beans? What a waste of a resource.
1055   HeadSet   2025 Mar 7, 7:44pm  

OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething says

Noah was a Jew, remember?
1056   WookieMan   2025 Mar 8, 6:07am  

OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething says

Sure. You finally figured out the contradiction in what you were saying, then pretend you used the 'supplemental' qualification all along so you can try to spin the bullshit that it's my fault because I couldn't 'read' that.

Just because I don't live in a state with a shitty power grid does not mean I'm wrong. https://www.generatorsource.com/blog/October-2023-(1)/How-Does-Your-State-Rank-In-Power-Grid-Reliability.aspx

Wind works just fine in my state. At no point did I ever say it was 100% going to be wind based. If you live near the infrastructure and understand what you're looking at you'd know. I do. I see the windmills everyday and my neighbors are in the industry. I've been informed by people I know about our grid. We live in the middle of nowhere for IL where someone snaps a transmission pole it's out for 3 seconds.

It was one of the reasons on my checklist to not live in CA. Between fires and potential massive earthquakes along with extreme taxation and housing prices it looked like a miserable place to live besides weather. Gas prices, homelessness and traffic being other factors. I do my research. I did this for CO as well. IL as well for reasons to leave. Nothing was compelling to leave.

Wind is a great backup and support if part of another plant needs maintenance. And it supplements in warm summer weather when AC is on. I'm happy to have it and never have to worry about a fridge or freezer thawing out and $2k worth of food going to shit. Outside of Southeast, most CA people don't even need AC yet the grid is shit.
1057   The_Deplorable   2025 Mar 9, 5:46pm  

WookieMan says
"Wind is a great backup and support if part of another plant needs

Wind and solar are the most expensive power sources on the planet because they
require watt for watt backup turbines to keep supplying the grid with steady power.
Therefore, they are dirty, because they emit a lot of CO2 and the power they supply
is not free. Wind and solar are based on fraud.
1058   DeportLibtards   2025 Mar 9, 6:17pm  

WookieMan says

Just because I don't live in a state with a shitty power grid does not mean I'm wrong.

Yes it does.
1059   DeportLibtards   2025 Mar 9, 6:17pm  

The_Deplorable says

Wind and solar are the most expensive power sources on the planet because they
require watt for watt backup turbines to keep supplying the grid with steady power.
Therefore, they are dirty, because they emit a lot of CO2 and the power they supply
is not free. Wind and solar are based on fraud.

He won't listen. Because he would have to admit he fucked up.
1061   The_Deplorable   2025 Mar 9, 9:17pm  

OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething says
"He won't listen. Because he would have to admit he fucked up."

Heh... A wind farm without a backup turbine is an impossibility.
Take it to the bank.
1062   DeportLibtards   2025 Mar 9, 10:13pm  

The_Deplorable says

Heh... A wind farm without a backup turbine is an impossibility.
Take it to the bank.

It's possible. Just not reliably dispatchable power for the grid. Thus it won't 'work'.

This is the part Wookie doesn't get.
1067   WookieMan   2025 Mar 16, 9:46pm  

Was that not obvious? I can see what's in front of me. I can see water levels when I travel to the same place. I can hear when the tornado sirens go off and nothing happens. Don't even lose a branch. Been in a tropical storm and laughed. It was a joke of a storm compared to the midwest. It's all clickbait at this point.

We get Cat 1-2 winds every summer, microburst, derechos, F1-2 tornados Might lose a shingle, but it's nothing.

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