Church of globull warming and drought fully spiraling down the toilet

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2022 Jan 3, 4:49pm   117,552 views  885 comments

by mell   ➕follow (10)   💰tip   ignore  

Remember when this winter started with good rains in.the west all these articles by climate "scientists" and globahomo agitprop "news" corporations about how this will be a dry winter for the drought stricken west despite initial rains. Fuck you moron sell-outs, this will go down as one of the wettest winters in recent history in the west. Reservoirs should be full to the brim but I'm sure politicians made sure there is enough drainage and poor planning so they can keep promoting state of emergencies and fuck over their constituents.

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846   WookieMan   2024 Aug 26, 11:33pm  

Onvacation says

Out here in Cali every time it gets over 90 we get a heat advisory.

96ºF today (tomorrow at this time in CA) on the way here in IL. High humidity. Heat index supposed to be 110-115ºF. Turning the house into a refrigerator tonight. I look at it as an outdoor sauna though. Maybe do a 20 minute bike ride around town and break a good sweat and wet bulb myself. Then take a cold shower.

We're under an excessive heat warning. We have AC in the schools, but wouldn't be shocked if they cancelled it.
847   Patrick   2024 Sep 2, 12:42pm  


I noticed another influencer post yesterday that signaled more good news in the climate wars. Ryan Maue, a PhD meteorologist and climate influencer (122K followers), tweeted a thread yesterday about the baffling lack of hurricanes so far this season...

You can imagine how excited I was when I saw his musings about the mysterious disappearance of hurricanes, considering Science widely predicted this would be the worst hurricane season in history, all thanks to carbon-fueled climate change. One famous Ivy League climate scientist predicted thirty-three named storms this year, which now would require a significant storm every two days for the rest of the eight-week season. But, behold:

@RyanMaue • 11h
What can cause all of this? The massive submarine
Hunga Tonga volcano in 2022 is the obvious culprit
for tampering with the Hadley Cell and ITCZ. But it
could also be some entirely new pattern we haven't
seen caused by a combination of solar activity and
unprecedented warming.

At last! Somebody finally mentioned the historic Hunga Tonga eruption, which C&C readers have known about for nearly two years now. And … solar activity! The ‘global warming’ narrative is falling apart. We’re making progress.
851   WookieMan   2024 Sep 7, 10:47am  

Patrick says

tweeted a thread yesterday about the baffling lack of hurricanes so far this season...

Good. I'll be in the Caribbean spring '25. They're notorious for not cleaning up after hurricanes. Hell NOLA still hasn't been fixed since Katrina where we'll be launching off from. My kids are gonna love the place.... lol. They'll get a big eye opener there.

Get to hit Belize for the first time. Been everywhere else on the stops for the cruise. I need my bi-annual solo trip out to Montana at some point. Summer '25 is Montana to Redwoods down to Sacramento for the flight out most likely. No hurricanes there... lol.

Climate ain't changing my plans, that's for sure.
854   Misc   2024 Sep 19, 2:36am  

So, maybe the ocean levels ain't rising after all. In the article the author tries to explain away the islands growing by saying it is extra sand. Sorry, that just cannot physically happen.

855   RWSGFY   2024 Sep 19, 10:04am  

Misc says

So, maybe the ocean levels ain't rising after all. In the article the author tries to explain away the islands growing by saying it is extra sand. Sorry, that just cannot physically happen.


Extra sand from where?
856   Patrick   2024 Sep 21, 4:07pm  


Evidence that the planet has never been as cold as it has been in the last few million years (about the time that humans have been around), suggesting that there are other non-human factors that explain the significant variation in global temperatures, and it is inevitable that we should now expect to be in a period of rapid warming and probably grateful too given the size of the human population and the fact that mammals (of which we are one species) evolved and thrived at much higher temperatures than today.
857   SoTex   2024 Sep 21, 6:22pm  


Extra sand from where?

King tides. Happens at my condo too. I'm not saying they aren't full of shit but it happens.
858   Patrick   2024 Sep 23, 8:02am  


Forbes ran a remarkable story a couple weeks ago, with the astonishing headline, “Northern Lights Forecast: Aurora May Be Visible In U.S. For Two Years, Scientists Say.” Two years!

The science part is that the May’s Solar Superstorm apparently stirred up Earth’s ionosphere, a thick upper layer of the atmosphere electrically charged by solar radiation. Who knew? Not only is it so stirred up it is producing persistent auroras in parts of the world where nobody’s ever seen them before, but it’s also heating up and moving the air in the upper atmosphere around. A lot.

The article stopped short of suggesting this could affect the weather somehow. I don’t blame them; they simply aren’t allowed to say that.
859   HeadSet   2024 Sep 23, 8:30am  

Patrick says

producing persistent auroras in parts of the world where nobody’s ever seen them before

I do not see them in Virginia. Is anyone else seeing them where they live?
860   stereotomy   2024 Sep 23, 8:41am  

Auroras are almost impossible to see in any area subject to light pollution. Shit has to be completely dark for you to actually see any of these evanescent features. Most of the really cool pics are done with long shutter cameras in remote locations.
861   Eric Holder   2024 Sep 23, 12:24pm  

SoTex says


Extra sand from where?

King tides. Happens at my condo too. I'm not saying they aren't full of shit but it happens.

But isn't it ultimately comes from the rivers and these are mostly dambed. There has been mucho crying about how coasts are eroding because of that.
862   SoTex   2024 Sep 23, 1:49pm  

Eric Holder says

SoTex says


Extra sand from where?

King tides. Happens at my condo too. I'm not saying they aren't full of shit but it happens.

But isn't it ultimately comes from the rivers and these are mostly dambed. There has been mucho crying about how coasts are eroding because of that.

Mine is in Maui and a lot of the sand doesn't look volcanic but maybe it is. Other parts are red or black and not typical sand like mine is. I'd assume it's all over the ocean floor. But for example in my case I can step out of my door and walk about 15 paces to our seawall and (1) take a small step over it onto a sandy beach or (2) fall 15-20ft and break my legs.

It varies from year to year, season to season, storm to storm.

I think overall it's going away though as they've banned seawall repairs now because they claim it causes erosion.

The Hawaiian islands are on a sort of flat shelf that drops off so probably not getting sand from below the shelf but what do I know.
863   SoTex   2024 Sep 23, 1:50pm  

On 2nd thought, I bet my sand is coming from crushed coral reefs. The tourists are helping greatly with this.
864   WookieMan   2024 Sep 23, 3:47pm  

Sea levels cannot rise is the fact. 10# brought it up before and it 100% makes senses. Any added water evaporates or due to gravity and pressure it pushes it into the crust. The ocean is not a swimming pool with a liner. The ocean floor is porous. Gravity matters. Weight matters. Pressure matters.

Ad can probably attest to this, have the barrier islands in the panhandle changed? Not in my 35 years of memory visiting. Hawaii is most certainly erosion because of location. Nothing to do with sea level rising. It wasn't supposed to be there. The ocean will eventually take Hawaii. Nothing to do with climate change though. Volcanos. Not in our lifetimes, but when the volcanos become dormant, Hawaii is toast in 1-2k years. It will be underwater.
865   Eric Holder   2024 Sep 23, 4:44pm  

SoTex says

On 2nd thought, I bet my sand is coming from crushed coral reefs. The tourists are helping greatly with this.

Makes sense.
876   RWSGFY   2024 Oct 5, 8:24am  

The church is having a field day with this current hurricane.
884   Patrick   2024 Oct 26, 9:46pm  


I know, you were rooked. You believed the propaganda. I believed the propaganda, returning to the New World after fifteen years “abroad”. They’re “saving” the salmon, I thought, how wonderful, how noble. The world is going to burn up because of nasty capitalism which must be constrained by morally superior folk (who couldn’t pass a first year science exam) like me! The forests! The jungle! Indigenous peoples know best! I’ve always suspected that! I was Sioux in a past life, I just feel it.

I am such a good person.

And after all that palaver about our evil selves - as in a fire hose of self-hatred from every fire hose of the culture, training us to loathe our heritage, our accomplishments - we were presented with an astonishing new idea, a solution: The Green Economy. The Restoration Economy. Sustainability! Billions in unlocked wealth waiting to be unearthed by restoring the capitalist-ruined landscapes. The insane promise of wind and solar and who knows? Batteries? It’s coming. And when it does….. And until it does….we have to stop living. We have to stop efforting. Trying hard means more CO2. “Learn to sit quietly in the dark”, as advised by a pamphlet sent around my town by the U.N.’s Transitions, a globalist propaganda shop pretending to be grass roots. Now, by the way, where I live, when there is a question about housing or water or land use or forestry, Transitions says when, Transitions says how. That’s how embedded these malignant fools are.

I mean how old were we, 12?

I gave this (entirely mendacious) book to my then financial adviser, a reliable fiscal conservative, and he ran mad, became the apex local fulsome supporter of the heinous- evil-child-of-Weatherpeople-Commie-Elizabeth May, head of Canada’s Green Party. Once established in a formerly sensible district, despite a record of blackout drunk behaviour, she is impossible to dislodge. She has ruined three generations of prosperity in the region over the past 25 years, a region that could explode with creativity. The wealth we’ve lost? The hope? The ideas stillborn, the wonderful art, architecture and all the solutions to real problems? Suppressed by the vicious, awful, small-minded, whining weasels that support her. Debt at every government level where I live, is insane. Personal debt? Corporate Debt? We can never pay it off. Not in a thousand years of sitting quietly in a dark room.

"An EPA run by power-crazed hippies with law degrees, who thought FernGully was a documentary" - Alistair John Pitts, Pirate Wires

That’s her “legacy”. Foreshortened lives. For 70% of us no holidays, no dentists, struggle struggle struggle. Misery for millions. Mental illness, generations of it. Terror of the future. Lost promise. Lost families. Especially those.

We all bought in. Elon Musk bought in. RFK Jr bought in, both of them global warmists spitting fire for a decade or more. Every corporation bought in. All government ministries and departments. Carbon reduction (which means life reduction) part of every decision.

Musk, RFK now? Reverted to common sense.


It was all bullshit (sorry). From beginning to end, utter intellectual garbage. Dig down to the bottom, it’s a lie. Species extinction is only in sub-sub-sub categories; further, species can be brought back. Hell, we can bring back Triceratops if we want to. And if anyone brings up global warming my fingers itch to slap them silly. Sillier.

Unfortunately, it played out in the real world. ...

Here’s the reality:

We have everything we need for a sustained economic boom. We have a workforce who could hang the bloody moon. Instead that stellar workforce is eking out a living delivering food and driving around those who still have jobs.

Why can’t we grow?


Luckily, among the many too many, by which I mean, those not wedded to the “knowledge” economy, the green dream is dead. And there are way more of us. That means we are on the cusp of a shift.

In Germany, Greens who held the balance of power in the Senate, who approved (mostly not) any new initiative, have lost their standing. Germany, where the citizenry will apparently embrace any humiliation and act of repentance to pay for their shame. Who accept so many immigrants, their culture is fractured and miserable. Who, in penance, shut down all their nuclear plants, leaving them starving in the dark, after the blisteringly evil neo-cons blew up the NordStream pipeline.

Now, there isn’t one single Green in the German government. ...

Their “problem” is that no one is knuckling under anymore to reduced living standards because of the breath of life, CO2. No human with a brain, that is not on the take “believes in” catastrophic climate change seriously enough to ramp down their life’s energy and stunt the potential of their children. Not anymore. That this was ever even considered is preposterous, but never mind. It failed. ...

I scared myself silly last week detailing the elements of election theft currently in process and decided not to afflict you with more of it during the week.

The early mail-in and voting data is trending heavily towards the Republicans and it looks as if, for the first time in living memory, they might win the popular vote which means an electoral map sweep. That means the populist arm of the Republican Party has beat the country club fascist wing so hard, they are cowering.

There are plans afoot to reveal the extent of ballot identity theft - the most significant vulnerability - which I’ll write about next. This happened Friday afternoon:

BREAKING: Lancaster, Pennsylvania officials have BUSTED a large-scale fraudulent voter registration scheme that includes thousands of applications with the same handwriting, fake signatures, false addresses, etc They discovered the same scheme in other Pennsylvania counties. District Attorney Heather Adams revealed that the applications came from canvassers who were paid to obtain voter registrations,

Election thieves are going to be greeted with the equivalent of 100 million furious biting insects. Many of them will go to jail. 2024 ain’t 2020.
885   WookieMan   2024 Oct 27, 12:57am  

The_Deplorable says

10# woke me up to this. The water doesn't rise. The land moves. Apparently climate change people haven't scuba dived. The amount of pressure at the bottom of the oceans has to go somewhere with the depths. It gets pushed into the crust of the earth. Add more water, more pressure.

It's a leaky pool. There are tons of images 100 years apart with zero changes in water level in a lot of places. It's tectonic plate movement that makes it appear to be sea level change. The place I've gone to since I was 5 in FL hasn't changed in 36 years of my memory.

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