Protests in Kazakhstan

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2022 Jan 6, 9:14am   6,930 views  134 comments

by Bd6r   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Coming soon to Europe and US of A...

The protesters demanded that the authorities give vouchers to resorts, lower prices (of gas) and the abolition of vaccinations. You won't hear the last part on MSM. Hundreds are dead.


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88   Reality   2022 Jan 12, 11:20am  

Tokayev, the new president of K-stan, who seems to be the beneficiary after casting off his former mentor.
89   Bd6r   2022 Jan 12, 11:20am  

Ceffer says
It does seem temporarily that Russia and China are on the same page

Or Russia does what Chinese ordered them.

Reality says
#5 N and N's family and friends have hundreds of billions of dollar parked in foreign banks. T wants his own men to replace N's men in farming K-stan. So the animal farm of K-stan was reset, N and his family and friends are arrested and liquidated, banks get to keep their deposits, and T gets to farm K-stan with his own men. The whole process retarts.

Plausible. N has disappeared - last time he was seen on Dec 26 or 28 talking to Putin. T replaced 2 top figures in security forces and gov't who were N's men.

Reality says
Couldn't allow any heir to survive and later claim right to any bank account that the Tsar might have had in the banks.

Grand Duke Kirill survived and thus could claim everything (and was claiming everything). I have not looked deeply into this, but vengeance of Lenin and Co + fear that Whites are energized if Tsar is alive might have caused executions. Then again Tsar's cousin was on British throne and he refused to let Tsar and his family into England which is very suspicious
90   Ceffer   2022 Jan 12, 11:24am  

N's daughter is a Swiss citizen perched in Switzerland at the center of the Globalist spider web? It seems Switzerland has several designations of residents and citizens depending on how the crooked money is parked and utilized. Instead of a PO Box, she is buying castles.

I don't think her purloined billions are going anywhere, as long as she pays taxation to the GlobalistFucks. However, without Khaz to despoil, maybe her liquidity is in question.

Again, I think that anything that preserves Globalist enterprises that are funding the destruction of USA and our freedoms is definitely the worse of evils for USA citizens.
91   Reality   2022 Jan 12, 11:30am  

Kirill only became "Grand Duke" long after the Tsar family died. Kirill had to trace back four generations to claim relation to Nicolas 2nd (Kirill's grand father being a son of Alexander II, not Alexnader III). So there was near-zero chance Nick would have told him where the money were parked.
92   Bd6r   2022 Jan 12, 11:31am  

Rumor is that N is worth a hundred billion, and that he is in Kazakhstan. I am sure that they are negotiating a large donation which would let him out of Kazakhstan and let him live out his days in Switzerland or Saudi Arabia.

On another note, I watched yesterday a surprisingly even-handed report about Kazakhstan from Russian media. They seem to agree with #5 suggestion by @Reality.
93   Reality   2022 Jan 12, 11:34am  

I don't think Swiss banksters give two shits about Swiss citizens, even native-born ones, never mind immigrated. After all, the banksters invited invasion by the French Army and Napoleon in order to get out of having to pay back their depositors in both Switzerland and Northern Italy (Genoa and Venice).

If anything, N's daughter buying castles in Switzerland might be pissing off the old money.
94   Ceffer   2022 Jan 12, 12:03pm  

The Swiss have never been neutral, they have been co-conspirators with the world psychopaths who preserve their gig. Being 'neutral' to them means acting through proxies and allowing investment cartels funding wars fought elsewhere, but benefitting them. Being the lily pad of financial con artists, dictators and terrorists plundering their countries is part of their traditional scene. They are the epicenter of the Fourth Reich and the Globalist terror we are presently experiencing. Switzerland hosts the defacto headquarters of the CIA (a Globalist corporate entity and NOT of the United States, except as a kind of fair weather consultant assigning USA to some lower echelons) and many other intelligence agencies. The Nazis were ratlined through Switzerland after WWII and re-established in new nests throughout the West, Europe and South America.

Traditionally, they were land pirates robbing the surrounding countries then retreating back through their mountain passes. The languages of Switzerland aren't a form of benign catholicism, these are the languages of the countries they have traditionally despoiled.

The Swiss banks directed the robbing of European wealth during WWII through the Nazis, and if enough people were dead in the chaos of war, their insurance companies didn't have to pay claims and their banks got to keep the deposits of the dead. Ever since the surviving Templars fled Philip the Fair into Switzerland and Scotland toting their barges of loot, they probably have more purloined treasure in mountain redoubts than anywhere else on earth.
95   Patrick   2022 Jan 12, 12:35pm  

Reality says
Kirill had to trace back four generations to claim relation to Nicolas 2nd (Kirill's grand father being a son of Alexander II, not Alexnader III).

Wikipedia seems to have him as first cousin to the Tsar:

Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich of Russia (Russian: Кирилл Владимирович Романов; Kirill Vladimirovich Romanov; 12 October [O.S. 30 September] 1876 – 12 October 1938) was a son of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich of Russia, a grandson of Emperor Alexander II and a first cousin of Nicholas II, Russia's last tsar.
96   Reality   2022 Jan 12, 4:13pm  

I think something was lost in translation in that Wikipedia entry. The correct term should be "first-cousin twice-removed" or "second-cousin once-removed." Kirill's grandfather was a son of Nicholas' grandfather (Alexander II), so Kirill's grandfather would be uncle to Nicholas II's father (Alexander III), that makes Kirill's father first cousin to Nicholas II's father (Alexander III). That makes Kirill second-cousin (or "first-cousin once-removed") to Alexander III . . . in turn a "first cousin twice-removed" or "second cousin once-removed") to Alexander III's son Nicholas II.

In any case, the banksters' agents (the Reds) did quite a thorough job in wiping out everyone in the final three generations of the Romanov main line, resulting in the closest surviving cadet branch had to trace back to Alexander II.
97   Bd6r   2022 Jan 12, 5:14pm  

Reality says
I think something was lost in translation in that Wikipedia entry. The correct term should be "first-cousin twice-removed" or "second-cousin once-removed." Kirill's grandfather was a son of Nicholas' grandfather (Alexander II), so Kirill's grandfather would be uncle to Nicholas II's father (Alexander III), that makes Kirill's father first cousin to Nicholas II's father (Alexander III). That makes Kirill second-cousin (or "first-cousin once-removed") to Alexander III . . . in turn a "first cousin twice-removed" or "second cousin once-removed") to Alexander III's son Nicholas II.

In any case, the banksters' agents (the Reds) did quite a thorough job in wiping out everyone in the final three generations of the Romanov main line, resulting in the closest surviving cadet branch had to trace back to Alexander II.

One sister of Nicholas II survived, and mother as well (looked up Romanov family tree).
98   Ceffer   2022 Jan 13, 10:58am  

Putin went on TV and declared the revolt an attempted color revolution by foreign agents and terrorists, not a protest against gas prices, similar to 2014 in Ukraine. He declined to specify where these came from, but said color revolutions will no longer be tolerated in former soviet states. He and T are best buds now. Maybe Western aligned N was trying to oust nominal successor T and turn Khaz into another Soros state decisively.
99   Bd6r   2022 Jan 13, 11:07am  

Ceffer says
Putin went on TV and declared the revolt an attempted color revolution by foreign agents and terrorists, not a protest against gas prices, similar to 2014 in Ukraine. He declined to specify where these came from, but said color revolutions will no longer be tolerated in former soviet states. He and T are best buds now. Maybe Western aligned N was trying to oust nominal successor T and turn Khaz into another Soros state decisively.

Latest new from Russian and Islamist interwebs: Putin is removing his troops from Kazakhstan in a few days by order of Chinese. Specifically, T said that most Russians will get out in 2 days. He does not have enough power to demand or say that unilaterally - someone is telling him what to do, and that someone is likely the Chinese.

So, if we want to be completely conspiratorial, Chinese fostered an uprising either themselves or via Russians, and removed a relatively pro-western N with the hands of Russians. Now the oil industry in Kazakhstan will belong to Chinese, who don't have much oil themselves. Conveniently, oil in Kazakhstan is directly by China, so any Western sanctions will not work.
100   Ceffer   2022 Jan 13, 11:35am  

So, false flag color revolution is still on the table? Gave the pretense for Russia to move in and clean out the Western interests? I guess if Putin isn't saying who it is, he isn't wagging a finger at Soros or the West.
101   AmericanKulak   2022 Jan 13, 11:40am  

Bd6r says
Ceffer says
Putin went on TV and declared the revolt an attempted color revolution by foreign agents and terrorists, not a protest against gas prices, similar to 2014 in Ukraine. He declined to specify where these came from, but said color revolutions will no longer be tolerated in former soviet states. He and T are best buds now. Maybe Western aligned N was trying to oust nominal successor T and turn Khaz into another Soros state decisively.

Latest new from Russian and Islamist interwebs: Putin is removing his troops from Kazakhstan in a few days by order of Chinese. Specifically, T said that most Russians will get out in 2 days. He does not have enough power to demand or say that unilaterally - someone is telling him what to do, and that someone is likely the Chinese.

So, if we want to be completely conspiratorial, Chinese fostered an uprising either themselves or via Russians, and rem...

Yeah, sounds about right. They know Xi Den won't stop them or do things in Ukraine or Syria to be a prick in response.

If I was POTUS, I'd have State go out and talk about negotiations to give Taiwan and Ukraine some nice new things.
102   Bd6r   2022 Jan 13, 11:45am  

Having a vassal state rich in oil and uranium next to China will make China much more powerful. Meanwhile, Brandon will hire more transgendered generals who can shout pronouns at enemy.

I read a Japanese anti-utopia 30 yrs ago about a State where army was running away from battlefields with Generals running the fastest. Can't remember name of the novel now but it seems collective west is now living in that dystopian world.
103   AmericanKulak   2022 Jan 13, 11:48am  

"I can't die on the battlefield. I'm owed a post-retirement 2nd career at Lockheed getting my proteges to buy overpriced equipment and water down the RFP standards."
104   Ceffer   2022 Jan 13, 11:54am  

I would think Khaz would be another Muslim time bomb for China. China is not exactly Muslim friendly.
105   Patrick   2022 Jan 13, 10:40pm  

As Muslims go, the Khazaks seem very moderate, allowing other religions, beer, unveiled women, etc. This is because they are not all that Muslim really.

But Islam in its core teachings is extremely intolerant and violent, so if the Khazaks become devout (maybe with prompting from Saudi Wahhabi money) then the place could become a big problem for China.
106   Ceffer   2022 Jan 13, 10:47pm  

I'm still waiting for Muslims who get shit faced drunk, slather themselves in bacon grease, and have wild sex orgies in public.
107   richwicks   2022 Jan 14, 12:25am  

mell says
Bd6r says
richwicks says
It was Oleksandr Turchynov, he was the first US puppet although I'm certain they all are at this point.

quote please

You know these quotes are likely cleansed from the leftoid web if they happened. It's all about distracting from Chyna now and elevate Russia to main enemy. The situation in Crimea was definitely complex as the majority of people in Crimea wanted to join Russia. Doesn't mean everything was kosher but that it's certainly not black and white


I have to admit, I'm having trouble finding this, since now it's so long ago, or maybe I WAS deceived. Certainly a lot of people were talking about it at the time. Paul Craig Roberts was one of them. At the time I was chiefly interested in the Victoria Nuland angle because the dumb bitch proved it was a US coup, and I still had SOME faith in our "news" media at the time, and figured they wouldn't

1) Draw attention to her "Fuck the EU quote"
2) And completely mischaracterize it.

But they did. All the MSM could do was talk about how she said FUCK but omitting all the context in what that meant. I don't blame whoever got it from releasing it - they claim was Russia of course, but it could have been a legitimate whistleblower.

Anyhow, I'll have to come back to this when I really want to research it. It's wiped from Google for certain, but I have more than just American search engines.
108   richwicks   2022 Jan 14, 12:36am  

Oh yeah, and I wanted to post this:

original link

That's The Corbett Report's take on it.
109   Bd6r   2022 Jan 14, 8:40am  

richwicks says
I have to admit, I'm having trouble finding this, since now it's so long ago, or maybe I WAS deceived.

I don't think this quote exists. Both sides in this war are a mix of Russians and Ukrainians. One of the most extremist units of Ukrainian "volunteers", namely Donbass battalion, was predominately Russian speaking, at least at the beginning of conflict (perhaps they have learned Ukrainian by now). Their leader was an ethnic Russian, from Crimea. The truth is rarely as simple as either side in conflict paints it.
110   Bd6r   2022 Jan 14, 8:43am  

Patrick says
As Muslims go, the Khazaks seem very moderate, allowing other religions, beer, unveiled women, etc. This is because they are not all that Muslim really.

Because this is the only good thing Soviets did - they wrung out religiousness of most populations in USSR. Hence, most Kazakhs are Muslims in name only. However, if they fall on hard times, they will become religious fanatics again. See example of Chechens, who went from not religious in 1991 to batshit crazy terrorist Islamic in 2000.
111   richwicks   2022 Jan 14, 9:00am  

Bd6r says
if they fall on hard times, they will become religious fanatics again. See example of Chechens, who went from not religious in 1991 to batshit crazy terrorist Islamic in 2000.

Do you know why the Middle East has so many terrorists?

Well, I think bombing them all the time, and overthrowing the governments constantly causes hard times for the population...
112   Bd6r   2022 Jan 14, 9:03am  

richwicks says
Do you know why the Middle East has so many terrorists?

Well, I think bombing them all the time, and overthrowing the governments constantly causes hard times for the population...

exactly. + it is easier to keep deeply religious populations in check, especially if gov't is a puppet of some foreign power
113   richwicks   2022 Jan 14, 9:06am  

Bd6r says
richwicks says
I have to admit, I'm having trouble finding this, since now it's so long ago, or maybe I WAS deceived.

I don't think this quote exists. Both sides in this war are a mix of Russians and Ukrainians. One of the most extremist units of Ukrainian "volunteers", namely Donbass battalion, was predominately Russian speaking, at least at the beginning of conflict (perhaps they have learned Ukrainian by now). Their leader was an ethnic Russian, from Crimea. The truth is rarely as simple as either side in conflict paints it.

My point is again though, the US caused all this mess by overthrowing the Ukrainian government, and they didn't do this for the welfare of the Ukrainians. They did this MOSTLY to cause problems for the Russians, and I don't understand why this is in US interests and I don't think it is - not that the criminal syndicate that runs the US cares about US interests.

The US should leave Russia alone and if they want, make rock solid agreements to the importation of Russian petroleum to Europe.

It's stupid, absolutely stupid, to restart the cold war, arms race bullshit with Russia again - but it gives the Federal Reserve more power, and gives the world an excuse to continue to support the toilet paper called the US dollar if Russia is "threatening Europe". What we really ought to do, is go after all the owners of the Federal Reserve and threaten to assassinate them. If there's any retaliation, to exterminate their entire family line.

Remember, this is a mafia family that brought us into WWI and WWII.
114   richwicks   2022 Jan 14, 9:09am  

Bd6r says
exactly. + it is easier to keep deeply religious populations in check, especially if gov't is a puppet of some foreign power

I don't believe this is in US' interests.

It's probably in favor of the Federal Reserve.

Remember, we were energy independent about a year ago.

Our enemy is domestic, not on the other side of the world. It's in Langley Virginia, Washington DC, and parts of Silicon Valley - yes - but it's really the Federal Reserve. Destroy that, and that fixes a hell of a lot of things, including corruption.
115   Bd6r   2022 Jan 14, 9:12am  

richwicks says
and they didn't do this for the welfare of the Ukrainians

International politics is never about welfare for anyone else other than the ruling class. I think that is obvious.
richwicks says
It's stupid, absolutely stupid, to restart the cold war, arms race bullshit with Russia again

You can't justify spending trillions to fight goat herders with AK's for a very long time. One needs a more reasonable opponent.

In principle, it should be Ukrainians, not Russians, or Americans, or whomever else, who decide what will happen with Ukraine.
116   Eric Holder   2022 Jan 14, 11:00am  

Bd6r says
In principle, it should be Ukrainians, not Russians, or Americans, or whomever else, who decide what will happen with Ukraine.

They were denied this when US, UK and Russia ganged up on them and demanded their full nuclear disarmement in exchange to "security and territorial integrity assurances". How these "assurances" are working is on full display right in front of our eyes: they were attacked by one of the guarantors and got genereous shipment of blankets and gauze from the other two. Good luck with persuading any other country to not pursue their own nukes or surrender the ones they already have.
117   Bd6r   2022 Jan 14, 11:40am  

Eric Holder says
They were denied this when US, UK and Russia ganged up on them and demanded their full nuclear disarmement in exchange to "security and territorial integrity assurances".

Another FACT that is quite uncomfortable for persons supporting Russia/Putler.

Non-intervention in other countries should imply US also staying out of situations like this. Without US guarantees, Ukraine would have kept their nukes and would not be invaded.
118   Eric Holder   2022 Jan 14, 12:23pm  

Bd6r says
Eric Holder says
They were denied this when US, UK and Russia ganged up on them and demanded their full nuclear disarmement in exchange to "security and territorial integrity assurances".

Another FACT that is quite uncomfortable for persons supporting Russia/Putler.

Non-intervention in other countries should imply US also staying out of situations like this. Without US guarantees, Ukraine would have kept their nukes and would not be invaded.

BTW, Kazakhstan and Belarus were similarly disarmed at the same time and under the same "assurances".
119   richwicks   2022 Jan 14, 12:29pm  

Bd6r says
Non-intervention in other countries should imply US also staying out of situations like this. Without US guarantees, Ukraine would have kept their nukes and would not be invaded.

Considering the credibility of the US government, nothing they claim they want to do can be trusted.

They haven't told us the truth ONCE in why they've started a war in my lifetime. Well, maybe Grenada and the Falkland Islands, but the rest, all pure bullshit.
120   Bd6r   2022 Jan 14, 1:21pm  

richwicks says
Considering the credibility of the US government, nothing they claim they want to do can be trusted.

They haven't told us the truth ONCE in why they've started a war in my lifetime. Well, maybe Grenada and the Falkland Islands, but the rest, all pure bullshit.

The text of treaty can be found here: https://treaties.un.org/doc/Publication/UNTS/Volume%203007/v3007.pdf?source=patrick.net

p 167/193

121   richwicks   2022 Jan 15, 4:09pm  

Eric Holder says
Bd6r says
Eric Holder says
They were denied this when US, UK and Russia ganged up on them and demanded their full nuclear disarmement in exchange to "security and territorial integrity assurances".

Another FACT that is quite uncomfortable for persons supporting Russia/Putler.

Non-intervention in other countries should imply US also staying out of situations like this. Without US guarantees, Ukraine would have kept their nukes and would not be invaded.

BTW, Kazakhstan and Belarus were similarly disarmed at the same time and under the same "assurances".

All this bullshit could be avoided by having the leaders of each nation publicly make the agreement, while being recorded in a public display.

That's something that always pissed me off about the Palestinian and Israeli conflict - all they had to do was say "this is what is being offered as a two state solution" publicly and let the negotiators agree or disagree. Instead, we have to WONDER what was actually offered or not offered. I've said it many times, it's just a big scam.

The agreements are distractions, never meant to be adhered to. The agreements are for public consumption, they aren't actual agreements.
122   RWSGFY   2022 Jan 15, 5:31pm  

richwicks says

All this bullshit could be avoided by having the leaders of each nation publicly make the agreement, while being recorded in a public display.

Seriously? You think it was some kind of hush-hush secret deal? It was public AF. It was celebrated as a great achievement on both sides of the ocean.
123   richwicks   2022 Jan 15, 5:51pm  

FuckCCP89 says
richwicks says

All this bullshit could be avoided by having the leaders of each nation publicly make the agreement, while being recorded in a public display.

Seriously? You think it was some kind of hush-hush secret deal?


Explain to me why offered agreements are kept secret and we're left to speculate on what was offered and why the agreements were not taken?

FuckCCP89 says
It was public AF. It was celebrated as a great achievement on both sides of the ocean.

Show me a link.

My position at this point is that governments are criminal syndicates that don't represent their population, and will sell them out for personal advantage at a moments notice.

Let's see those public agreements.
124   RWSGFY   2022 Jan 15, 6:13pm  

richwicks says
FuckCCP89 says
richwicks says

All this bullshit could be avoided by having the leaders of each nation publicly make the agreement, while being recorded in a public display.

Seriously? You think it was some kind of hush-hush secret deal?


Explain to me why offered agreements are kept secret and we're left to speculate on what was offered and why the agreements were not taken?

FuckCCP89 says
It was public AF. It was celebrated as a great achievement on both sides of the ocean.

Show me a link.

Are you for real? You claim to be in your 50s and yet completely unaware of nuclear disarmament happenings of the 90s? What kind of fucking link do you need exactly? A proof that societies in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus were aware that their countries are being disarmed in exchange to security assurances from US, UK and Russia? It's a fucking fact: the whole process of signing the deal and then transferring the nukes, destroying the missiles and strategic bombers was all over TV and newspapers.

Go ask Ukrainians, Kazakhs or Beloruses about it - you claimed you are capable of talking to them, didn't you?
125   Bd6r   2022 Jan 15, 7:21pm  

Link and excerpt from this treaty is above in my post #122. It is as public as it gets
126   richwicks   2022 Jan 18, 3:18pm  

FuckCCP89 says
Are you for real? You claim to be in your 50s and yet completely unaware of nuclear disarmament happenings of the 90s?

I'm 50 and 9 months, almost to the day. I'm not unaware. I'm questioning why offers for agreements are not made PUBLICLY available? This is in regard to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. We can only speculate on what is offered for a Palestinian state.

What are the conditions for the end of sanctions on Russia or Iran? What is the US demanding?

The same thing happened with Hussein and the United States.

It seems to me that goalposts are constantly moved. Well, I'm actually quite certain they are.

FuckCCP89 says
What kind of fucking link do you need exactly? A proof that societies in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus were aware that their countries are being disarmed in exchange to security assurances from US

What are the offers to reduce conflict? What are the conditions?FuckCCP89 says
It's a fucking fact: the whole process of signing the deal and then transferring the nukes, destroying the missiles and strategic bombers was all over TV and newspapers.

Newspaper and tv are propaganda. I want the agreement offered directly to the parties involved. Our media is propaganda. They will blatantly lie and have, you know this as well as I do.

FuckCCP89 says
Go ask Ukrainians, Kazakhs or Beloruses about it - you claimed you are capable of talking to them, didn't you?

I've talked to Ukrainians. I only wanted to know if they were aware their nation was overthrown by the United States. They are.
127   Eric Holder   2022 Jan 18, 4:15pm  

@richwicks is talking out of his ass on the subject of Ukraine/Kazakhstan/Belarus nuclear disarmement. If he really wants to be taken seriously in this thread I suggest he stops empty bloviation and starts educating himself on the stuff he missed during his 50 yrs 9 month uninformed life.

I suggest listening to this two-part panel on the subject - most of the people participating were personally involved in the deal on 3 sides (US, Ukraine and Russia):


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