Britain drops restrictions. The End of the Pandemic?

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2022 Jan 19, 11:50am   2,986 views  37 comments

by charlie303   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Much of the world followed the UK into lockdown, mask wearing, etc.
Now that the PM has ended restrictions (probably to save his job) will the rest of the world follow suit?
It will be hard to enforce vaccine mandates, passports and fines, etc if the UK has ditched these measures.


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1   Ceffer   2022 Jan 19, 12:01pm  

Niagara Falls of printing press, fiat money running out for keeping up the bribes to the murderous traitors? Psyops meds and hypnosis crumbling on pols? Nuremberg nooses whooshing by too close? Bailing out hoping to escape the tribunals? They don't want to be torn limb from limb by angry crowds directly on their doorsteps? 5G so close, they can kill without the vaccines? Better fear talismans and false flags in the works? Khazarian Mafia/Rockefellers in retreat deep into Swiss tunnels or emigrated to Argentina/Antarctica? Failures in Ukraine and Khaz mean the end to color revolutions for money laundering and Globalist criminal enterprises funding the terrors?

Stay tuned to Globalist TV!
2   Bd6r   2022 Jan 19, 12:27pm  

charlie303 says
PM has ended restrictions (probably to save his job)

Not probably, definitely to save his job. If he is re-elected, expect new wave of mandates. Remember CA recall - after it failed, restrictions came roaring back. In TX, after our Governator got 0% votes in some conservative straw poll due to lockdown mandates, they ended in 2 days. This was months after FL proved that mandates are not necessary.
3   Ceffer   2022 Jan 19, 12:45pm  

"We didn't think that the populace would take the manufactured campaign of fear, the imposition of despotism, the erasure of all human rights, the destruction of countries and the genocide so personally! After all, it was only a series of business decisions."
4   Blue   2022 Jan 19, 10:10pm  

After court stopped the mandate, now it is morphed into "free" mask distribution. Corruption never ends.
5   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Jan 20, 4:48am  

1) It became a religion for petty people who found haranguing others over it to be their calling.

2) It was a godsend for an otherwise failing and irrelevant media

3) Unelected technocrats acquired power & status because of it.

4) It preempted an unfolding financial crisis


5) Trump-B-Gone
6   clambo   2022 Jan 20, 7:53am  

The pandemic panic was partially a bureaucratic reaction to the peaceful revolution on November 2016 when Trump was elected.

The bureaucracy never liked us, but they became incensed that we voted that way, and they were going to get rid of Trump and push us around which suited them.

Ask anyone who votes if he really thinks it’s a good idea to vote by mail.
That’s like getting a girl to agree to a relationship via WhatsApp; she knows you are looking for something else and just stringing her along. She’s right too.

I’m still amazed at the idea of listening to Fauci after he contradicted himself so often on live TV.
He was openly dismissive of real doctors who had been treating patients successfully with HCQ, Ivermectin , etc.

I’m amazed at how many incompetent people are in government positions which they are unqualified for, such as Los Angeles County Health Barbara Ferrer. She has zero medical or science background.

I’m lucky that although I lost friends I can make new ones revolving around my interests.
7   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jan 20, 12:15pm  

This shit was over months ago when the first big companies rolled back their existing shot mandates, or announced they would never implement them. But really it was over even before then. The end started when we decided we wouldn't take the shots, wouldn't share our private medical history, would rather be fired/quit than be enslaved.

Now everyone's scrambling to save their own ass, and the scapegoats are being targeted. Biden and Fauci are at the top of the list, but many others will fall before all is said an done.
8   Ceffer   2022 Jan 20, 1:39pm  

Of course, that philanthrope Bill Gates keeps reminding us that this was just the dress rehearsal with a fake pandemic to take away our rights and subject us to endless democideal/sterilizing jabs for his profit. The 'real' virulent, lab developed strains are still in the wings to release if we refuse to submit.
9   Bd6r   2022 Jan 20, 2:35pm  

charlie303 says

Y'all are misspelling pLandemic!!!
10   WookieMan   2022 Jan 20, 2:57pm  

NuttBoxer says
Now everyone's scrambling to save their own ass, and the scapegoats are being targeted. Biden and Fauci are at the top of the list, but many others will fall before all is said an done.

No one will fall. There's monumental evidence Fauci should have been fired June 2020 or the 80's. 15 days to stop the spread and then a vaccine cannot be done that quick. While I don't think the vaccine is good, he was wrong on both. This isn't being some department manager and fucking something up. It's the entire god damn nation and influence on the world stage.

If he's still not gone by now (and remember AIDS) he's not going anywhere until he retires and likely created generational wealth for whatever family he has. He continues to lie with no consequence by simply saying we're following the science as non-practicing doctors. Nothing will change. It's an appointed position. Congress would have to eliminate the NIH or whatever acronym he runs after November if Republicans have a super majority. Biden ain't canning him. And retirement is the only other thing.

It's retirement or criminal legal action. I don't think the Republicans will have the numbers to override a Biden veto. He's already outright lied in committee hearings. Crickets.
11   Patrick   2022 Jan 20, 11:08pm  

clambo says
The pandemic panic was partially a bureaucratic reaction to the peaceful revolution on November 2016 when Trump was elected.

The bureaucracy never liked us, but they became incensed that we voted that way, and they were going to get rid of Trump and push us around which suited them.

I think you're right.
13   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jan 21, 8:56am  

WookieMan says
No one will fall.

Check the news. Many stories have come out disparaging Fauci recently, stories that didn't have to be published. Same for Biden, many critical pieces have been released recently, and in both cases I'm referring to mainstream propaganda outlets. You wanted immediate consequences, that was never gonna happen in such a broken system. But now that public sentiment has turned firmly against their agenda, and they realize they've lost, the blame has to fall somewhere.

I think your other mistake is thinking these truly are the culprits. They're puppets, people to be used, and discarded whenever convenient. Now if you had said the real perpetrators won't fall, I might agree with you, because we don't really know who they are. But if this goes how I think it will, even the Rothschild's may have to change their names before all is said and done if they want to survive.
14   rocketjoe79   2022 Jan 21, 10:59am  

This is known as the "Late Game DeSantis Option."
15   Ceffer   2022 Jan 21, 11:16am  

Programmed demolitions of their useful idiots, so that the main perps can slink back into obscurity to plan their evil once again? The compartmentalized nature of the Masonic aegis means 'the thirty' owners of everything manage 'the three hundred' who in turn manage the 'three thousand' all through layers of absolute secrecy. We only ever get an inkling of the the Davos three thousand or so. Everybody beneath are expendable politicians, agents and technocrats.

One of the most amazing things about all this purposeful social chaos is the monolithic nature of the psychopathy, like a steady horizontal hurricane wind emanating from some storm eye.

Conspiracy theories are that the intel agencies serve the 'thirty' and operate on the basis of a psychopathically programmed artificial intelligence (supercomputers), that in turn gets a large part of its cash flow from criminal as well as 'legitimate' enterprise. It's all very James Bond. SPECTRE and all that. Cutting off the money laundering and criminal enterprise money is apparently the tactic to grind them to a halt. They love to use our own tax money to launder back to politicians to fuck us over.

This would make bizarre sense, because no secretive management or ownership elite could function without some kind of artificial management. There aren't enough hours in the day, and the more nuclear, centralized, and small the core group, the greater the necessity of computerized alternatives.

Plus, artificial intelligence doesn't rat and have hierarchy problems like the annoying real people whose loyalties are never completely assured. People are leakier than mechanical intelligence.

The Roman emperors were commonly executed by their own Praetorian Guards and military, many serving merely months or years if they were lucky. Computers at arms length won't assassinate you.

'Mechanical psychopathy' seems to be a good description for all of the bizarre locksteps that transcend governments, languages, and peoples all over the world. We're being fucked in the ass by servers and printing press money.
16   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jan 21, 11:27am  

I've heard these groups aren't quite that integrated in outlook, and there are actually conflicts and power struggles that go on all the time. The Vatican is a good example. They have been a world power for hundreds of years, yet their the ones who mainly take the heat for pedophilia. We all know it doesn't end with the Catholic church, so at some point they lost, and had to take this one for the team.

Getting a bit out there, but I've also heard of AI and neural networks being co-opted by demons. Totally in the realm of theory at this point. I only mention it because the weight the source has. What can be said for sure though is Satan and demons are behind these people. Their entire cult is built around human destruction, even their own. Only the devil could get people to go along with shit like that.
17   Ceffer   2022 Jan 21, 11:47am  

There is always that Woo interface where you run up against the theories of aliens, reptilians, demons etc. My beef with those theories is that telepathic entities would just sweep us from the board without resistance according to a rapid designated plan, rather than all of this murderous, lengthy, imprecise, unpredictable and cumbersome soap opera of evil.

Derelict religions of psychopathy, dependent upon the hearkening of such demons and aliens, artificial or real, however, make a lot of sense. Nothing establishes hierarchy or insane loyalties in human beings (murderous, committed aggression) like religion. Successful dynastic psychopaths and predators would probably need such religions of psychopathy for hierarchy, adhesion and leadership as well as programmed reward and feedback loops, based on 'real' or 'promised delayed gratification' and servicing of basic instinctual needs in the faithful.

In that way, all of the Moloch, Baphomet and Baal religions would have some foundations as anti-religions to the usual altruistic sucker punching of more broadly commercialized religions.

The predators and prey evolve in tandem, but the predators are always vastly outnumbered. Their fondest wish is always the absolute control of the prey into domesticated animal status.
18   charlie303   2022 Jan 22, 6:13am  

British Medical Journal Demands Immediate Release of All COVID-19 Vaccine, Treatment Data


NOW they question!

19   seesaw   2022 Jan 22, 7:37am  

hmmm... pandemic should be plandemic.
20   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jan 22, 9:00am  

Ceffer says
My beef with those theories is that telepathic entities would just sweep us from the board without resistance according to a rapid designated plan, rather than all of this murderous, lengthy, imprecise, unpredictable and cumbersome soap opera of evil.

What if their power has limits imposed by a Creator, and even the humans, through a connection with this Creator, are capable of posing a threat to them?
21   charlie303   2022 Jan 23, 11:03am  

NuttBoxer says
Ceffer says
My beef with those theories is that telepathic entities would just sweep us from the board without resistance according to a rapid designated plan, rather than all of this murderous, lengthy, imprecise, unpredictable and cumbersome soap opera of evil.

What if their power has limits imposed by a Creator, and even the humans, through a connection with this Creator, are capable of posing a threat to them?

I think free will is a key component in the unfolding dance of Creation.
Humans occupy a special place in the Cosmos, not so much in the image of the Creator more of a 'mini-me' of the Creator, imo.
We were not created to be swept aside and discarded so easily though I don't believe we have any absolute right to exist.
We have a choice and there are Universal consequences if this free will is trampled upon. I'm thinking of like a 5D chess game played in the hidden realms and beyond this life where our actions and those actions perpetrated against us have consequence.
I also think the victory is sweeter to the enemy if we submit willingly, which is what so many have done so easily to fear and to the vaccination.
For all the talk of mandatory vaccinations and of door to door forced vaccinations it never happened. To have done so would have been a colossal abuse of our free will and I feel somehow, maybe karmically, the Universe would have moved in ways to balance the scales.

22   Ceffer   2022 Jan 23, 11:35am  

Whatever one may think of the Woo journalist Benjamin Fulford, he predicted the dissolution of the Covid narrative closely. He attributes it to the successful hunting down of the Satanist Globalist terrorists and Rockefellers headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland (and Palo Alto) by enraged counter forces and white hats. The 'thirty' who rule the 'three hundred' who in turn rule the 'three thousand (Davos et alia) are trying to seal the chambers that isolate themselves from further public scrutiny? Are the Masonic compartmentalized flood doors being closed?

It seems that a feeding frenzy (?) on the useful idiot 'three thousand' aka the Macrons, Justin Castros, Bidens, Clintons, Boris Johnson etc. etc high echelon and conspicuous Fourth Reichers will be allowed as a human sacrifice, while the prime, anonymous shadow predators and dynastic royalists attempt to slink back into the darkness to plot another day. The grandiose, programmed, evil fool, usurping 'three thousand' can always be replaced by new evil fools.

Fulford stated that the NWO, WEF, Globalists never expected the massive degree of public protest and backlash. They were that arrogantly confident of their One World agenda and propaganda machines. Of course, maybe they put all their chips on a few wrong color revolutions and lost and have simply run out of printing press fiat money.
23   WookieMan   2022 Jan 23, 11:51am  

NuttBoxer says
Many stories have come out disparaging Fauci recently, stories that didn't have to be published. Same for Biden, many critical pieces have been released recently, and in both cases I'm referring to mainstream propaganda outlets.

When I say fall I mean criminally. No one will. A disparaging article is a big nothing burger for Fauci or Biden. They're both done after this administration either way. Fauci has plausible deniability hence why he says "we follow the science" all the time. He's always been building a defense the whole time. He has no fucking clue what he's doing so he makes statements that wouldn't ever get a jury or judge to convict him. He's a New York scumbag that knows how to play the game.

We have a politician that skirted FOIA laws by doing government work/emails on a private server and then destroyed it when questioned. It's fact. She got away with it because she was first lady, Senator and Secretary of state. Imagine how much dirt she has on others. She didn't even get a slap on the wrist. Someone on a local board level would be fined and maybe jailed for fucking around with FOIA stuff.

Fauci should have already been locked up for AIDS. Clearly that never happened.

Nothing is going to happen to anyone. It will be a bunch of bloviating and politicians acting tough and not doing a thing about it. We've seen this before. Even if what they do is super obvious like what Hillary did. She admitted publicly that she skirted the laws. Nothing happened. It's a good 'ole boys club until you piss off the wrong person, which isn't happening because they're all behind the scenes and not public figures.
24   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jan 23, 8:34pm  

charlie303 says
I think free will is a key component in the unfolding dance of Creation.

Absolutely. I was preacher's kid, but the importance of choice in God's design never really registered with me until these past few years.
25   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jan 23, 8:38pm  

Ceffer says
They were that arrogantly confident of their One World agenda and propaganda machines.

Arrogance definitely played a part, it has since the beginning.
26   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jan 23, 8:46pm  

WookieMan says
When I say fall I mean criminally.

So do I. Have you ever ready anything about the French Revolution? We aren't at that level with this, and likely won't be unless a lot more comes out, or they try something worse. But we also are not at the same place we were in the 90's, it's not even comparable. The group being persecuted was such a small minority, and almost no one was aware of their story.

You are over-estimating their roles, and their importance in relation to the NWO agenda. They are quite expendable, and the heat being turned up at this point when everything's falling apart is not co-incidence. The sociopaths behind this have one great fear, and that's us uniting against them. They will throw anyone under the bus to prevent that from happening. Epstein, Maxwell, Biden, anyone.
27   charlie303   2022 Jan 23, 10:32pm  

Ceffer says
while the prime, anonymous shadow predators and dynastic royalists attempt to slink back into the darkness to plot another day. The grandiose, programmed, evil fool, usurping 'three thousand' can always be replaced by new evil fools.

Once the truth comes out and the bodies start piling up then even the most dim witted of duped sheeple will be unable to go back to a system of enslavement.

28   Patrick   2022 Jan 31, 7:28pm  


The UK’s Pandemic Buyer’s Remorse
As the U.K. pulls ahead of most countries in leaving Covid-19 behind, it is having to face up to the way the pandemic was handled. ...

As the U.K. population gradually and painfully reflects on the depravities and inhumanities of such measures, there is a lot to confront that won’t be easy to accept. We may very well continue to wear a figurative face mask about what went down.

“People will find it easier to tiptoe round or laugh off the big subjects and fail to make ground or innovate,” is the conclusion of Camilla Long, a columnist for the Sunday Times. “Vaccine passports, forcing people to take the vaccine, firing them, making children have it—no one feels able to discuss this stuff openly now.”

It won’t be any easier in the U.S., especially given the even more polarized climate. But ultimately facing up to harsh truths is a universal challenge whether you are in the U.K, U.S., or anywhere else. ...

“Human beings always do what is least painful,” Michel Houellebecq wrote in his 1998 novel Les Particules élémentaires (The Elementary Particles). His despairing dismantling of modern society and its mores was published two decades ago but it looks even more prescient thanks to Covid. “For as long as it is less painful to confess, we talk; then we are silent, we give up, we are alone.”

I am never going to let any of the vaxx Nazis forget their unforgivable crimes, such as demanding that everyone submit to the dangerous, ineffective, experimental, and still unapproved injection on pain of firing or expulsion from school. And injecting that same horrid Pfizer dreck into children who have no ability to defend themselves. There is no excuse for such raw evil.

They willingly became the obedient servants of mega-corporations spreading death and crushing human rights. How can they live with themselves?
30   Patrick   2022 Feb 1, 12:33pm  


That we’ve managed, under these impossible conditions, to win any victories at all is a miracle. But they keep on coming.

The most recent: in England, the National Health Service (NHS) mandate for health-care and home-care workers is being scrapped.

There are a couple of reasons that this is especially welcome and happy news.

First, it was only a week ago that the Daily Mail was running this headline: “‘No plans’ to scrap Covid vaccine mandate for frontline medics in England, Downing Street says as it doubles down on plan despite warnings NHS could lose 80,000 workers overnight.”

So we went from “no plans” to “the mandate is scrapped” in a week.

Why did they do it?

Some are trying to say it’s because of the relative mildness of the Omicron variant, and that under these conditions a vaccine mandate is no longer a proportionate response.

Maybe. But I doubt it.

Here’s a more plausible answer.

The Daily Mail reports that what prompted the revision were “fears it could force the NHS to sack around 80,000 staff who remain unvaccinated.”

According to Chris Hopson, chief executive of NHS Providers: “There were always two risks to manage here: the risk of Covid cross-infection in healthcare settings and the consequences of losing staff if significant numbers choose not to be vaccinated.”

Stop and think about what this means.

Noncompliance forced them to abandon the mandate.

And not even majority noncompliance. We’re talking in the neighborhood of 10 to 20 percent.

I know there’s plenty of hideousness still out there. I hear that.

But when we get a win, let’s be happy, and keep on pushing forward.
31   Patrick   2022 Feb 1, 10:05pm  

Finland joins England, Ireland and Denmark in ending all covid restrictions.

32   Ceffer   2022 Feb 1, 10:23pm  

It's because the Globalist psychopaths are seeing the writing on the wall and are withdrawing their puppets. It isn't about any conscience driven insight on the part of the political classes. They have already demonstrated they have no conscience at all. It is fear of consequences because the blitz failed, and the war of attrition is weighing against them, and the puppets can see their support lines from Switzerland being cut.

It seems they may also be running out of printing press fiat money to finance the whores. The Globalists are breaking down the set and the circus tents, hopefully to slink into anonymity for their actions to plot another day. The wailing and gnashing of teeth of the useful idiots can be heard.

It will be an uneven withdrawal. Soros (or the surrogate) screaming at China and the CCP shows the Khazarian Mafia and Rockefellers are losing their grip. The Woo says there have already been arrest warrants and various behind the scene assassinations, but the Woo always seems to say that without any particular evidence.

Woo journalist Benjamin Fulford states that Nathaniel Rothschild, in a bid to save himself, has already agreed to give up his fortune to Trump and his military in Thule, Greenland. He is supposedly under their protective custody and has a double making his routine appearances. He apparently was never an enthusiastic embracer of the Globalist agenda and was nearly murdered himself because of it.
36   Patrick   2022 Feb 4, 10:21am  


Czech supreme court overturns entry requirements for restaurants, hotels
February 02, 2022
37   Eric Holder   2022 Feb 4, 10:34am  


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