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Cary Watkins confirms embalmer Richard Hirschman's story about the telltale blood clots
Watkins has over 50 years experience embalming people. Hirschman showed Watkins the clots more than four months ago. Watkins had never seen anything like it.
Jun 11
Ted Turner says there are too many people in the world, and that's what's causing global warming.
Too many of the wrong kind of people, he means. Turner himself has five children, but they're the good kind of people.
O'Loony?? . . . oh my! The name itself conjures up thoughts of 'Waynal Sexton'. Somebody in them alpahabet agencies are havin lots of fun at our expense...
original link
Thanks @richwicks
Could you post some of his response to you?
Also, I'm pretty sure it's a legit name, O'Luinigh in Irish Gaelic.
Midazolam Victim Family Organiser Paul Dimmock Speaks in UK Parliament
Shockingly, and in the British Parliament, families have accused the state of implementing a policy of mass involuntary state euthanasia of the elderly using death row drug Midazolam with morphine, under the cover of “covid-deaths”.
In other words: a culling.
At the top of this Newszine Radical Media presents the free raw untreated video speech made by Midazolam family victim organiser Paul Dimmock from that national hearing on Midazolam victim family testimonies at Committee Room 5 in the UK House of Commons on June 15th 2023.
My mother during lockdown was trapped in a nursing home in Connecticut for seven months. We were not able to see her. It was a very dramatic seven months for us and for my mother who had been in this facility for physical therapy, she was not ill, she was only 70 years old. We were told at that time that it was for her safety, and that we were not able to see her because of her safety and the safety of others who were in the facility. We were not able to reach her by phone when we requested, we were not allowed window visits, like they promised all of us. And then in September of last year we received a phone call stating that they had put my other on hospice because she refused to eat and drink. Because they had put her on hospice, we were then allowed to go in and see her, and what we realized was that they had actually been drugging her, sedating her and starving her for seven months. While we were visiting her, one of the first things that she said to me was that she felt like someone was trying to kill her, she was hungry and she wanted water, all of which I videotaped, thankfully, before she passed.
If all of this that we're going through right now was about safety, and if our governments really cared about each and every one of us, then they would address this situation that we have been seeing across the nation, not just here in New York and in Connecticut, with our elderly population.
We are one of the few countries in the world that locks our elderly away, and why is the government, why are these homes allowed to keep us from seeing our family, and from feeding our family and giving them lifesaving treatment?
My mother did not have covid, she was never diagnosed with covid. It took my family protesting outside of the nursing facility and calling 911 and refusing to leave her bedside to get her out and to the hospital. But unfortunately 10 days after getting her to Yale, where she was, she passed away due to the injuries of her lack of medication, she had epilepsy, so she went into a seizure and because she was starved for so many months, she had no chance of survival.
Leading up to this, I knew that something was wrong. The fact that we couldn't see our own mother, the person who birthed me, I wasn't allowed to see her, and I wasn't allowed to give her nourishment, and that was alarming.
I was doing a lot of research over the last year and a half in regards to these so-called vaccines that were due to be coming out. And what I was seeing based on the studies that were out there, which were very few because this is a technology, this is not a vaccine that we've seen in the past, this is a technology that has never been used on humans before. This has never been done with humans. So it was really alarming to think that they were going to ask, coerce, bribe, and bully us into taking something that had zero long-term safety studies.
We are one of the few countries in the world that locks our elderly away, and why is the government, why are these homes allowed to keep us from seeing our family, and from feeding our family and giving them lifesaving treatment?
Richard Hirschman describes himself as “just a little embalmer in southeast Alabama.” However, this little embalmer from Alabama might be the most consequential Covid whistleblower in the world.
By now, probably every consumer of alternative media is familiar with Hirschman, who in late January 2022 stunned millions of world inhabitants by showing pictures of the strange blood clots he was finding over and over in bodies he was embalming.
The “horrifying” pictures and video clips depicted long, stringy, white fibrous “blood clots” he was regularly seeing during the embalming process.
Hirschman, 56, had embalmed “thousands” of bodies over 20 years and had never seen such clots prior to the introduction of the Covid vaccines in December 2021.
He quickly concluded the Covid “vaccines” are almost-certainly producing these never-before-seen strange substances.
I have just come to the realization that there are many, many people who have not yet seen or heard about the white fibrous clots that embalmers have been finding in the deceased despite them being awake to all the lies surrounding Covid and the so-called “vaccines”.
At the urging of my friend and fellow-stacker, Jenna McCarthy (not to be confused with Jenny McCarthy) I decided to create a Substack where I can post photos of these clots.
Richard Hirschman describes himself as “just a little embalmer in southeast Alabama.” However, this little embalmer from Alabama might be the most consequential Covid whistleblower in the world.
By now, probably every consumer of alternative media is familiar with Hirschman, who in late January 2022 stunned millions of world inhabitants by showing pictures of the strange blood clots he was finding over and over in bodies he was embalming.
Scientists now know the composition - is COVID or the COVID "vaccines" to blame?
“Since the beginning of the COVID crisis, a group of international scientists has been working behind the scenes to unravel the mysteries of the white clots being found by embalmers. After four years of effort, the group has managed to determine the chemical nature of these mysterious white clots which they now call Hirschman clots.”
“The sudden appearance of long, white fibrous clots in the deceased was first observed by embalmers after the COVID vaccines were rolled out.”
“The Hirschman clots do not in any way resemble coagulated blood clots commonly formed after death.”
“For the first time in history, large numbers of aberrant white thrombi have been found in cadavers shortly after death. These aberrant white Hirschman closts must be forming in the arteries and veins of living people.”
“It is critical to note that the HPLC-MS results clearly showed fibrinogen chains, not fibrin chains. This leads to the inescapable conclusion that the major structural elements of the Hirschman clots consist of disassociated, fragmented fibrinogen, not fibrin residues.”
“Hirschman clots are significantly different to conventional blood clots normally found in humans. They tend to be very long, thin, fibrous, elastomeric in physical character and have polymeric structure.”
“The spike protein associated with both the SARS Co-V2 and COVID vaccines is identified as possibly one of the two catalytic species responsible for creating Hirschman clots. The other chemical catalyst hypothesised is the method of delivery used in the COVID vaccines, the lipid nanoparticle (LNP).”
“It seems likely that the Hirschman clotting cascade is initiated either by viral infection or by COVID vaccines containing lipid nanoparticles and their subsequent spike protein production.”
“In cases of genuine COVID infection, clot formation as a result of cellular destruction (inflammation) may be caused by the host’s own immune system. However, no such mechanism of clot formation from viral attack is described in the medical literature, as far as the authors can ascertain.”
“In cases where COVID vaccines appear to be the triggering event, the authors suspect that the lipid nanoparticles within the vaccine and/or the subsequent Spike Protein production may cause endothelial damage, leading to the initiation of Hirschman clotting.”
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