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"Fox & Friends" host Brian Kilmeade confronted John Kirby, the coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council, about the negative effects the U.S. military's COVID-19 vaccination policy is having on recruiting and retention.
Kilmeade noted almost 20,000 service members have been forced out of the various military branches for not wanting to get a shot that does not prevent COVID-19 infection.
Kilmeade noted almost 20,000 service members have been forced out of the various military branches for not wanting to get a shot that does not prevent COVID-19 infection.
Army Whistleblower Lt Col Theresa Long MD (flight surgeon) gives an impressive testimony of how the DoD, FDA and many other organizations are violating federal code and how the jabs are causing vaccine injuries to fighter pilots as well as how their medical records are being falsified to cover up jab injuries; injuries from brain tumors, cancer, and deadly heart conditions. She shows how the jabs are injuring and grounding many young military pilots. ...
In that testimony, I reported that in one day, I had to ground three out of three pilots for vaxxine injuries. One of those pilots, I spoke of was a college athlete. prior to being selected for flight training. Just prior to completing his training as an Apache pilot, I saw him for chest pain after vaxxination.
I subsequently diagnosed him with myocarditis or inflammation of the heart that left him with permanent scarring of the muscle so significant that it increased his risk of sudden cardiac death at the age of 24.
I filed a VAERS report on him, like have many other vaxxine-injured pilots. The cardiac damage was not compatible with continued flight status, nor was it compatible with continued military service.
Months after the soldier left Fort Rucker, I called him to check on him. I reviewed his medical records, only to discover that his immunization record had been altered to make it look as though he had been vaxxinated after he developed myocarditis.
A review of records stared to reveal a pattern of alterations in vaxxine records, several of which were pre-submitted VAERS reports.
Falsification of medical records is a crime.
Military created prohibited digital tool to swiftly deny exemptions to its unlawful Covid-19 vaccine mandate
System is weaponized to automate rejections and generate denial letters.
In a “unique example” of abusive discharge practices, USJAG recently became aware of an Army soldier, whose only infraction was his refusal to take the COVID-19 vaccine for fear of blood clotting because of documented, underlying health concerns. For this, the soldier was being flagged for the “commission of a serious offense” and was set to be less than fully honorably discharged.
Typically discharge for the commission of a serious offense involves acts such as domestic battery, murder, rape, terrorism, and drug use.
But Army command recently walked back on the discharge plans.
“I believe pressure from USJAG and [J.M.] Phelps has resulted in this soldier’s command making the right decision to drop the decision to discharge him in a punitive manner,” Gray said. ...
“Vaccine refusal has become the new vehicle being used by the DoD to chapter people out of the military,” Gray said.
The military is attempting to less than fully honorably discharge its injured service members, stating that their refusal to get the jab is often considered the commission of a serious offense.
“Compounded by the egregious charge of the commission of a serious offense, they’re continuing to give injured service members the choice to take the vaccine and risk their health, or the other option to be less than fully honorably discharged and stripped of benefits, which not only affects the service member but also their families,” he said.
“This is not about being anti-vaccine. This is about the DoD intentionally not following the laws imposed upon them by Congress.”
The Air Force has taken unreasonably harsh punitive measures against its members who have religious or moral objections to the Covid-19 vaccines. Such a harsh approach imposes great costs on the force, its missions, and undermines the very priorities it intends to protect. ...
The Air Force has taken unreasonably harsh punitive measures against its members who have religious or moral objections to the Covid vaccines. Such a harsh approach imposes great costs on the force and mission, and thereby undermines the very priorities the mandate intends to protect. The Air Force must act now to limit the harms and begin, once again and where possible, to regain the trust of Airmen.
The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) passed the Senate 83-11 Thursday night, and along with it a provision overturning the Biden administration’s service-wide vaccine requirement. Republican Senators Mitt Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Mike Rounds of South Dakota voted no on a last-minute amendment to the bill re-enlisting thousands of troops separated for refusing the vaccine mandate, collapsing the proposal 54 to 40.
If the US military ever finds the balls to actually defend the US Constitution, those senators should suffer the consequences of their treason, along with all the Democrats who also mandated that poison.
The Air Force has taken unreasonably harsh punitive measures against its members who have religious or moral objections to the Covid-19 vaccines. Such a harsh approach imposes great costs on the force, its missions, and undermines the very priorities it intends to protect. ...
The Pentagon has ended its COVID vaccine mandate for the U.S. Military
The Pentagon has ended its COVID vaccine mandate for the U.S. Military
Pentagon Ends Vaccine Mandate For U.S. Military After Kevin McCarthy Demanded To End It
No mention of Dod contractors.
U.S. — Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has officially reversed the COVID vaccine requirement for the military, as it is no longer needed now that all the Conservatives have been weeded out.
"This vaccine was a great success in helping us eliminate anyone who valued freedom, thought critically, or voted Republican," said Austin. "Now that those pesky conservatives have been forcibly removed from our military, we can finally move forward in our sacred mission of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion around the world! Also, bombing kids in Yemen. Can't forget that."
Authorities at the Pentagon are now confident they have a completely obedient, sufficiently woke fighting force capable of any mission, as long as the mission doesn't include prolonged, strenuous activity which seems to be causing people's hearts to explode for some reason. "Our military has never been stronger!" said Austin as he left for his weekly blood clot-removal procedure at the hospital.
At publishing time, the Navy had also started playing Elton John 24/7 on bases and ships to weed out the rest of the straight males.
DMED Interview Released Seven Months Later
The Wars of the DoD
On June 3 2022 I was interviewed about the results of my DMED analysis by one of the three military health database whistleblowers, Sam Sigoloff.
It wasn't a perfect interview, but it was a revealing one. There are a lot of cuts, and it's been long enough that I don't know if anything was lost or changed in primary meaning (but it seems fine). I do know, however, that we discussed the DMED analysis as I presented it and as potentially the greatest fraud in the history of the world, and the greatest treason.
Nobody heard that for seven months.
The interview was released last week, a bit over seven months later. During that time, the old DMED system was removed, and the Died Suddenly documentary came out. No FOIAs were filed by any lawyers to get to the bottom of the DMED manipulations, so far as I know, though several told me that they would.
October 3, 2022
‘As many of you know, I have advocated publicly for seven cadets who were recently discharged from the USCGA for failing to comply with DOD’s vaccine mandate. Each had applied for, and had been denied, a religious exemption. I have been publicly rebuked, harshly, for doing so. This letter will explain the facts and circumstances underlying my actions.
I am not now, nor have I ever been, anti-vaccine. I took both shots and advised a number of officers and enlisted members who sought my counsel to do the same. I find no fault in the decisions made by operational commanders at the height of the pandemic who judged it necessary to make the vaccine mandatory. I would have done likewise. But, as with any new disease, with time, scientific understanding has markedly increased, treatments for those infected have been developed, and the effects on both the general population and specific cohorts of the population are better known and predictable. Unquestionably, the risks of prolonged and severe disease, and of adverse outcomes, are now reduced, particularly for those of military age and who are otherwise healthy.
The American people have moved on. The President himself has declared “the Pandemic is over.” Yet, we continue with an outdated mandate and to purge good people, even though we struggle to meet our recruiting goals. The legality of the order itself is under significant scrutiny, with at least three federal injunctions in place. The CDC just issued new guidance that advises that the vaccinated and the unvaccinated need not be treated differently.
It’s time to pause and reevaluate whether, for some demographics at least, the cure has become worse than the (diminishing) disease, and, in the case of the military’s mandate, whether material violations of law have occurred. Science has rapidly moved forward, but DOD inexplicably is not keeping up. Vaccine protocols, in practice, require demographic stratification in order to keep up with the science, particularly where the risk-benefit analysis necessarily depends on demographic considerations.
Bringing this issue into the public domain is not easy for me, for I’m keenly aware that I may appear to some to be the dissident in a club that expects blind loyalty and whose rules require that retired Flag Officers go home and shut up, leaving the service in the capable hands of those behind us. That was my plan. But I am not blind, and there comes a time when prior leaders should question, and seek accountability of, those responsible for maintaining the core values and culture put in place by the chiefs and officers who preceded them. I believe now is such a time.
The men and women in the bowels of the ship are becoming uncomfortable. Trust is eroding as our sailors question the motives and judgment of those who, despite the evidence, are sticking to a mandate that is no longer necessary; who have resorted to apparently unlawful measures to continue enforcing it; who have embraced a culture with ideologies antithetical to unit cohesion; that divides people into identity groups; and that promotes the acceptance – without question - of flags and symbols that may be offensive to men and women of faith. They have no voice. There is shoal water ahead, and the ship’s bridge isn’t listening to the lookouts on the fo'c'sle.’
What? Senator Mitt Romney, Mr. Constipated himself, wants US soldiers to be punished for not taking fraud ineffective deadly COVID mRNA technology gene jab? Is Romney insane? McCullough weighs in
Dr. Peter McCullough (save for Dr. Harvey Risch & maybe Dr. Ramin Oskoui) possess the gravitas and standing to lead the barrage on Mitt; what a deranged Senator Mitt is, attacking our military?
wants US soldiers to be punished for not taking fraud ineffective deadly COVID mRNA technology gene jab
Karolina Stancik of the Army National Guard suffered two heart attacks after receiving the COVID vaccine at the age of 21.
If Our Senior Leaders in the Military will not Fight Against Unlawful Mandates, Who Will?
The Biden Administration's egregious destruction of military personnel's constitutional rights.
Dr. Robert Malone, Ret. Army Major Gen. Paul Vallely and Ret. Lt. Col. Dave Trombly join The Constitutional Colonel Larry Kaifesh Show to discuss the Biden Administration's egregious destruction of military personnel's constitutional rights. The attack on our military was from the top down, starting with Commander in Chief Biden, all the way down to career military leaders who exposed themselves as spineless by allowing and promoting NON-FDA approved experimental vaccine products to be used in the government's illegal and destructive forced mandates of our brave military people. ...
If Our Senior Leaders in the Military will not Fight Against Unlawful Mandates, Who Will?
The Biden Administration's egregious destruction of military personnel's constitutional rights.
Dr. Robert Malone, Ret. Army Major Gen. Paul Vallely and Ret. Lt. Col. Dave Trombly join The Constitutional Colonel Larry Kaifesh Show to discuss the Biden Administration's egregious destruction of military personnel's constitutional rights. The attack on our military was from the top down, starting with Commander in Chief Biden, all the way down to career military leaders who exposed themselves as spineless by allowing and promoting NON-FDA approved experimental vaccine products to be used in the government's illegal and destructive forced mandates of our brave military people. .....
I, Lying Asshole, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
Marine recruit dies at Parris Island while taking physical fitness test
Marine Pfc. Noah Evans was taking his final physical fitness test at the time of his death
Haha. Nobody in the military will uphold any oath.
Are they so blind they cannot see domestic enemies of the Constitution?
richwicks says
Haha. Nobody in the military will uphold any oath.
Are they so blind they cannot see domestic enemies of the Constitution?
A common soldier cannot determine who is a "domestic enemy of the Constitution." That is for civilian judges to decide. One soldier could decide that "abortion" is a constitutional right, and this take aim at any lawmaker who supports a law outlawing the "right to choose."
Now look in the mirror - if you see what you consider gross Constitutional violations, you have the ability to campaign for better candidates,
Results: A total of 23 male patients (22 currently serving in the military and 1 retiree; median [range] age, 25 [20-51] years) presented with acute onset of marked chest pain within 4 days after receipt of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. All military members were previously healthy with a high level of fitness. Seven received the BNT162b2-mRNA vaccine and 16 received the mRNA-1273 vaccine. A total of 20 patients had symptom onset following the second dose of an appropriately spaced 2-dose series. All patients had significantly elevated cardiac troponin levels. Among 8 patients who underwent cardiac magnetic resonance imaging within the acute phase of illness, all had findings consistent with the clinical diagnosis of myocarditis.
Were COVID-19 vaccine military mandates legally justified? The panelists on ‘Friday Roundtable,’ this week, explain how this method of coercion led to the loss of service members’ careers and caused immense injury. Viewers, tune in to this episode on CHD.TV for a powerful discussion about our nation’s defense readiness and those who fight to protect our country.
Another active duty heart attack.
I feel like congressional Republicans could get some answers for us if they had any spine whatsoever.
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That is actually defense secretary Lloyd Austin. No one who dresses like that should be in charge of anything, let alone the US military.