Biden's military vaxx mandate is injuring and killing US soldiers

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2022 Feb 5, 7:25pm   27,150 views  143 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


As noted above, there are many potential confounding variables, but whatever the cause, if these data are not due to longstanding and previously undiscovered “data corruption”, then we have a major issue with the overall health of our armed services.

And if they are due to previously undiscovered “data corruption”, why wasn’t someone running around with their pants on fire trying to figure out what is going on here long before the whistleblowers brought this to national attention?

Below are summarized 2021 (+ vaccine) numbers % change relative to 2020 (- vaccine)
Total Number of Diseases & Injuries Reported By Year (Ambulatory) down 3%

(this is basically a control for the data set, and contradicts the “data corruption” explanation).

Total Number of Diseases & Injuries Reported By Year (Hospitalization) up 37%

Total Number of Diseases of the Nervous System By Year up 968%

Total Number of Malignant Neuroendocrine Tumor Reports By Year up 276%

Total Number of Acute Myocardial Infarct Reports By Year up 343%

Total Number of Acute Myocarditis Reports By Year up 184%

Total Number of Acute Pericarditis Reports By Year up 70%

Total Number of Pulmonary Embolism Reports By Year up 260%

Total Number of Congenital Malformations Reports By Year up 87%

Total Number of Nontraumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrage Reports By Year up 227%

Total Number of Anxiety Reports By Year up 2,361%

Total Number of Suicide Reports By Year up 227%

Total Number of Neoplasms for All Cancers By Year up 218%

Total Number of Malignant Neoplasms for Digestive Organs By Year up 477%

Total Number of Neoplasms for Breast Cancer By Year up 469%

Total Number of Neoplasms for Testicular Cancer By Year up 298%

Total Number of Female Infertility Reports By Year up 419%

Total Number of Dysmenorrhea Reports By Year up 221.5%

Total Number of Ovarian Dysfunction Reports By Year up 299%

Total Number of Spontaneous Abortion Reports By Year DOWN by 10%

Total Number of Male Infertility Reports By Year up 320%

Total Number of Guillian-Bare Syndrome Reports By Year up 520%

Total Number of Acute Transverse Myelitis Reports By Year up 494%

Total Number of Seizure Reports By Year up 298%

Total Number of Narcolepsy & Cataplexy Reports By Year up 352%

Total Number of Rhabdomyolysis By Year up 672%

Total Number of Multiple Sclerosis Reports By Year up 614%

Total Number of Migraine Reports By Year up 352%

Total Number of Blood Disorder Reports By Year up 204%

Total Number of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Reports By Year up 2,130%

Total Number of Cerebral Infarct Reports By Year up 294%

That is actually defense secretary Lloyd Austin. No one who dresses like that should be in charge of anything, let alone the US military.

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93   Patrick   2022 Dec 23, 8:47pm  


The Air Force has taken unreasonably harsh punitive measures against its members who have religious or moral objections to the Covid-19 vaccines. Such a harsh approach imposes great costs on the force, its missions, and undermines the very priorities it intends to protect. ...

The Air Force has taken unreasonably harsh punitive measures against its members who have religious or moral objections to the Covid vaccines. Such a harsh approach imposes great costs on the force and mission, and thereby undermines the very priorities the mandate intends to protect. The Air Force must act now to limit the harms and begin, once again and where possible, to regain the trust of Airmen.
94   Patrick   2022 Dec 27, 6:23pm  


The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) passed the Senate 83-11 Thursday night, and along with it a provision overturning the Biden administration’s service-wide vaccine requirement. Republican Senators Mitt Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Mike Rounds of South Dakota voted no on a last-minute amendment to the bill re-enlisting thousands of troops separated for refusing the vaccine mandate, collapsing the proposal 54 to 40.

Senators Romney, Collins, Cassidy, and Rounds are traitors to the US military for attempting to inject the dangerous and ineffective toxxine into US soldiers, which gives aid and comfort to all enemies of America.

If the US military ever finds the balls to actually defend the US Constitution, those senators should suffer the consequences of their treason, along with all the Democrats who also mandated that poison.
95   richwicks   2022 Dec 28, 12:35am  

Patrick says

If the US military ever finds the balls to actually defend the US Constitution, those senators should suffer the consequences of their treason, along with all the Democrats who also mandated that poison.

They won't.

Give up on the military. They have all abandoned their oath to the Constitution.
96   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 28, 12:57am  

Patrick says

The Air Force has taken unreasonably harsh punitive measures against its members who have religious or moral objections to the Covid-19 vaccines. Such a harsh approach imposes great costs on the force, its missions, and undermines the very priorities it intends to protect. ...

It's wild to think that just 15 years ago, the same Progs into NPR and the Young Turks were whinging that the USAF Academy was too Evangelical, and there was an artful minority of Christians in the Defense Department,

Now they cheer it's hyper Wokeness.
97   Shaman   2022 Dec 28, 6:12am  

After the past three years of fascism, and the total capitulation of the “opposing party” to this creeping totalitarianism, I no longer harbor many patriotic feelings towards the country of my birth.

This country sucks.
And our leaders suck the most.
I would never fight for this country and never send my son or daughters to do so.
What’s the point of dying for the hubris of the oligarchy? It’s stupid and self-destructive to cheer on the very people who are slowly killing us all.
99   Patrick   2023 Jan 10, 6:29pm  


The Pentagon has ended its COVID vaccine mandate for the U.S. Military

Not good enough.

Everyone who mandated Pfizer's death serum must be hanged.

Until those despicable criminals are dead, no one is safe from their genocidal corruption.

100   HeadSet   2023 Jan 10, 8:20pm  

Patrick says

The Pentagon has ended its COVID vaccine mandate for the U.S. Military

Not so fast.
From that SecDef Memorandum:

A "General Discharge" is not good - it is what soldiers caught with dope get. Any employer who looks at DD214s will not like a General Discharge.
101   zzyzzx   2023 Jan 11, 11:09am  


Pentagon Ends Vaccine Mandate For U.S. Military After Kevin McCarthy Demanded To End It

No mention of Dod contractors.
102   HeadSet   2023 Jan 11, 1:47pm  

zzyzzx says


Pentagon Ends Vaccine Mandate For U.S. Military After Kevin McCarthy Demanded To End It

No mention of Dod contractors.

“No individuals currently serving in the Armed Forces shall be separated solely on the basis of their refusal to receive the COVID-19 vaccination if they sought an accommodation on religious, administrative, or medical grounds,” the memo said. “

Notice how they make it a "religious freedom" issue. The dishonest bastards are trying to obfuscate the fact that the jabb is an experimental agent that has been proven ineffective at preventing anyone from catching, carrying, or spreading Covid, and even has negative health effects.
104   Patrick   2023 Jan 12, 10:47am  


U.S. — Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has officially reversed the COVID vaccine requirement for the military, as it is no longer needed now that all the Conservatives have been weeded out.

"This vaccine was a great success in helping us eliminate anyone who valued freedom, thought critically, or voted Republican," said Austin. "Now that those pesky conservatives have been forcibly removed from our military, we can finally move forward in our sacred mission of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion around the world! Also, bombing kids in Yemen. Can't forget that."

Authorities at the Pentagon are now confident they have a completely obedient, sufficiently woke fighting force capable of any mission, as long as the mission doesn't include prolonged, strenuous activity which seems to be causing people's hearts to explode for some reason. "Our military has never been stronger!" said Austin as he left for his weekly blood clot-removal procedure at the hospital.

At publishing time, the Navy had also started playing Elton John 24/7 on bases and ships to weed out the rest of the straight males.
105   Patrick   2023 Jan 15, 11:15am  


DMED Interview Released Seven Months Later
The Wars of the DoD

On June 3 2022 I was interviewed about the results of my DMED analysis by one of the three military health database whistleblowers, Sam Sigoloff.

It wasn't a perfect interview, but it was a revealing one. There are a lot of cuts, and it's been long enough that I don't know if anything was lost or changed in primary meaning (but it seems fine). I do know, however, that we discussed the DMED analysis as I presented it and as potentially the greatest fraud in the history of the world, and the greatest treason.

Nobody heard that for seven months.

The interview was released last week, a bit over seven months later. During that time, the old DMED system was removed, and the Died Suddenly documentary came out. No FOIAs were filed by any lawyers to get to the bottom of the DMED manipulations, so far as I know, though several told me that they would.
106   Patrick   2023 Jan 26, 8:01pm  


October 3, 2022

‘As many of you know, I have advocated publicly for seven cadets who were recently discharged from the USCGA for failing to comply with DOD’s vaccine mandate. Each had applied for, and had been denied, a religious exemption. I have been publicly rebuked, harshly, for doing so. This letter will explain the facts and circumstances underlying my actions.

I am not now, nor have I ever been, anti-vaccine. I took both shots and advised a number of officers and enlisted members who sought my counsel to do the same. I find no fault in the decisions made by operational commanders at the height of the pandemic who judged it necessary to make the vaccine mandatory. I would have done likewise. But, as with any new disease, with time, scientific understanding has markedly increased, treatments for those infected have been developed, and the effects on both the general population and specific cohorts of the population are better known and predictable. Unquestionably, the risks of prolonged and severe disease, and of adverse outcomes, are now reduced, particularly for those of military age and who are otherwise healthy.

The American people have moved on. The President himself has declared “the Pandemic is over.” Yet, we continue with an outdated mandate and to purge good people, even though we struggle to meet our recruiting goals. The legality of the order itself is under significant scrutiny, with at least three federal injunctions in place. The CDC just issued new guidance that advises that the vaccinated and the unvaccinated need not be treated differently.

It’s time to pause and reevaluate whether, for some demographics at least, the cure has become worse than the (diminishing) disease, and, in the case of the military’s mandate, whether material violations of law have occurred. Science has rapidly moved forward, but DOD inexplicably is not keeping up. Vaccine protocols, in practice, require demographic stratification in order to keep up with the science, particularly where the risk-benefit analysis necessarily depends on demographic considerations.

Bringing this issue into the public domain is not easy for me, for I’m keenly aware that I may appear to some to be the dissident in a club that expects blind loyalty and whose rules require that retired Flag Officers go home and shut up, leaving the service in the capable hands of those behind us. That was my plan. But I am not blind, and there comes a time when prior leaders should question, and seek accountability of, those responsible for maintaining the core values and culture put in place by the chiefs and officers who preceded them. I believe now is such a time.

The men and women in the bowels of the ship are becoming uncomfortable. Trust is eroding as our sailors question the motives and judgment of those who, despite the evidence, are sticking to a mandate that is no longer necessary; who have resorted to apparently unlawful measures to continue enforcing it; who have embraced a culture with ideologies antithetical to unit cohesion; that divides people into identity groups; and that promotes the acceptance – without question - of flags and symbols that may be offensive to men and women of faith. They have no voice. There is shoal water ahead, and the ship’s bridge isn’t listening to the lookouts on the fo'c'sle.’
107   Patrick   2023 Jan 29, 12:57pm  

I'm pretty sure there were a lot more that were "cleaned up" when we heard how they had to "maintain" the database after the initial stats came out.
108   Patrick   2023 Feb 19, 8:02pm  


What? Senator Mitt Romney, Mr. Constipated himself, wants US soldiers to be punished for not taking fraud ineffective deadly COVID mRNA technology gene jab? Is Romney insane? McCullough weighs in

Dr. Peter McCullough (save for Dr. Harvey Risch & maybe Dr. Ramin Oskoui) possess the gravitas and standing to lead the barrage on Mitt; what a deranged Senator Mitt is, attacking our military?
109   HeadSet   2023 Feb 20, 8:23am  

Patrick says

wants US soldiers to be punished for not taking fraud ineffective deadly COVID mRNA technology gene jab

Yes, soldiers that refuse the jab would refuse to fire on civilians. Got to purge those soldiers out.
110   Patrick   2023 Feb 25, 6:46pm  


Karolina Stancik of the Army National Guard suffered two heart attacks after receiving the COVID vaccine at the age of 21.
111   AD   2023 Feb 26, 12:00am  

The vaccine is finally suspended: https://news.usni.org/2023/02/07/pentagon-covid-19-personnel-policy-delays-leave-unanswered-questions

Former VP Pence is calling for discharged members who were let go for refusing the vaccine to be allowed to return to duty.

114   Patrick   2023 Apr 15, 7:09pm  


If Our Senior Leaders in the Military will not Fight Against Unlawful Mandates, Who Will?
The Biden Administration's egregious destruction of military personnel's constitutional rights.

Dr. Robert Malone, Ret. Army Major Gen. Paul Vallely and Ret. Lt. Col. Dave Trombly join The Constitutional Colonel Larry Kaifesh Show to discuss the Biden Administration's egregious destruction of military personnel's constitutional rights. The attack on our military was from the top down, starting with Commander in Chief Biden, all the way down to career military leaders who exposed themselves as spineless by allowing and promoting NON-FDA approved experimental vaccine products to be used in the government's illegal and destructive forced mandates of our brave military people. ...
115   richwicks   2023 Apr 15, 8:54pm  

Patrick says


If Our Senior Leaders in the Military will not Fight Against Unlawful Mandates, Who Will?
The Biden Administration's egregious destruction of military personnel's constitutional rights.

Dr. Robert Malone, Ret. Army Major Gen. Paul Vallely and Ret. Lt. Col. Dave Trombly join The Constitutional Colonel Larry Kaifesh Show to discuss the Biden Administration's egregious destruction of military personnel's constitutional rights. The attack on our military was from the top down, starting with Commander in Chief Biden, all the way down to career military leaders who exposed themselves as spineless by allowing and promoting NON-FDA approved experimental vaccine products to be used in the government's illegal and destructive forced mandates of our brave military people. .....

Haha. Nobody in the military will uphold any oath.

Are they so blind they cannot see domestic enemies of the Constitution?

I, Lying Asshole, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;

There's nobody coming to save us. Millions of lying assholes have taken that "oath". I live in a world of lying scumbags, and I accept this.

We have obvious domestic enemies of our Constitution, what will the military do about it? Absolutely fucking nothing. They are traitors, everybody in the military are fucking liars and they will kill me before they will kill a traitor. They are thugs.

Nobody in the military today has ever protected my rights or freedom. They are just thugs, criminals. "Thank you for your service" - what fucking service have any of them provided us? Bankrupt us? Good job assholes.
116   Patrick   2023 Apr 20, 9:34am  


Marine recruit dies at Parris Island while taking physical fitness test
Marine Pfc. Noah Evans was taking his final physical fitness test at the time of his death

117   HeadSet   2023 Apr 20, 5:51pm  

richwicks says

Haha. Nobody in the military will uphold any oath.

Are they so blind they cannot see domestic enemies of the Constitution?

A common soldier cannot determine who is a "domestic enemy of the Constitution." That is for civilian judges to decide. One soldier could decide that "abortion" is a constitutional right, and this take aim at any lawmaker who supports a law outlawing the "right to choose." Another soldier may decide that the Department of Energy and any other Department that is not specifically mentioned in the Constitution is a violation of the 10th Amendment and take out said department heads. It is bad enough that soldiers can be held for war crimes when fighting for their lives under the confusion of war without adding the burden of policing civilian unconstitutional actions. Now look in the mirror - if you see what you consider gross Constitutional violations, you have the ability to campaign for better candidates, run for office yourself, and as a last resort, use your second amendment rights.
118   richwicks   2023 Apr 20, 6:07pm  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

Haha. Nobody in the military will uphold any oath.

Are they so blind they cannot see domestic enemies of the Constitution?

A common soldier cannot determine who is a "domestic enemy of the Constitution." That is for civilian judges to decide. One soldier could decide that "abortion" is a constitutional right, and this take aim at any lawmaker who supports a law outlawing the "right to choose."

No, let's get a little less complex.

Do we have the right to freedom of speech? Do we have a right to a trial when we are accused of a crime?

The FIB was, and still is, blocking American's citizens ability to freely talk and to expose government crimes, because they have infiltrated Youtube, Google, Twitter, and Facebook, and probably others. There are 800 people in prison for protesting what they believed (I think correctly) was a stolen election, and the FIB was setting people up, framing them, entrapping them.

HeadSet says

Now look in the mirror - if you see what you consider gross Constitutional violations, you have the ability to campaign for better candidates,

No, I don't. I have no faith, WHATSOEVER in the balloting processing, and in fact, I've seen it stolen, directly. In 2008 I was at the California Republican straw poll in San Francisco, instead of allowing people to vote, they cancelled it, because Ron Paul was definitely going to win.

It's like a charity, everybody thinks they are great - even been in one? I have. When you get involved you can see how it ACTUALLY works.

You know the reason why I'm so obsessed with what is "going on", it's because most people have no clue what is going on. Once your eyes are open, you can't ever go back, ever - and that's incredibly lonely. This happened to me 30 years ago because my Aunt FORCED me into a choice - either I had to consider her an anti-Semitic nutcase, OR to realize that everything I heard in the media about Israel was false. She forced me to do that. Once I realized that EVERYTHING in Western media was at least misleading and often outright false about Israel, I had to consider what was true about everything else, and it took me about 10 years to conclude ALL of our media is propaganda. I was 30 then.

It's maddening to see the world as it really is, and everybody else in living in a fantasy land. You can't talk to anybody. So, what I'm doing is opening eyes, and eventually, the people in fantasy land will be in a minority, and they won't stay in one for long.

You get called conspiracy theorist all the fucking time, from people that think "research" is watching television or listening to NPR. I'm on the goddamned Internet, I'm talking to people all over the world. Today, I can see videos directly from the spot, I can verify it. Took me 15 years to convince my parents that Bush lied us into Iraq, I had the Downing Street Memos, and I was trying to get them to read it. Took years. And then you're trapped in "if you're not a conservative you must be a liberal" or vice versa. There's so many fucking traps created to control the population, and I don't like being controlled and most people don't realize they are controlled.
119   Patrick   2023 Jun 2, 7:19pm  


Results: A total of 23 male patients (22 currently serving in the military and 1 retiree; median [range] age, 25 [20-51] years) presented with acute onset of marked chest pain within 4 days after receipt of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. All military members were previously healthy with a high level of fitness. Seven received the BNT162b2-mRNA vaccine and 16 received the mRNA-1273 vaccine. A total of 20 patients had symptom onset following the second dose of an appropriately spaced 2-dose series. All patients had significantly elevated cardiac troponin levels. Among 8 patients who underwent cardiac magnetic resonance imaging within the acute phase of illness, all had findings consistent with the clinical diagnosis of myocarditis.

Yes, pedo usurper Bidet has injured and killed many US soldiers with his mandate of the very dangerous and utterly ineffective toxxine.

The military should never forgive Bidet or the deep state which installed him.
120   Patrick   2023 Jun 30, 6:45pm  


Were COVID-19 vaccine military mandates legally justified? The panelists on ‘Friday Roundtable,’ this week, explain how this method of coercion led to the loss of service members’ careers and caused immense injury. Viewers, tune in to this episode on CHD.TV for a powerful discussion about our nation’s defense readiness and those who fight to protect our country.
121   zzyzzx   2023 Aug 2, 5:55am  


Canadian military’s COVID-19 vaccine policy violated Charter
122   Patrick   2023 Sep 7, 11:17am  



Another active duty heart attack.

I feel like congressional Republicans could get some answers for us if they had any spine whatsoever.

123   Patrick   2023 Sep 7, 11:20am  


Alarming story from an active duty patriot, now suffering from his 2nd stint of pericarditis.

The people responsible for mandating covid vaccines for military personnel, deserve to rot in prison.

If you forcibly poison someone, you go to jail.

The appropriate punishment for poisoning all members of the US military is hanging.

The military should show some courage for a change and honor their commitment to defend the US Constitution.
124   Patrick   2023 Sep 14, 9:50am  

From Apr 2022, but worth repeating:


‘Dr. Theresa Long, a medical officer with the United States military, has testified in court that she was ordered by a superior to suppress Covid-19 vaccine injuries following the Biden regime’s mandate. ...

On March 10, Liberty Counsel, the law firm representing thirty members of the military who are fighting the military vaccine mandate, returned to federal court to defend the preliminary injunction Judge Steven Merryday granted two military plaintiffs that allowed them to skirt the military vaccine mandate.

The Department of Defense (DoD) asked the judge to set aside the injunction while the case was on appeal.

Judge Merryday is a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida.

Per DailyExpose: During the all-day hearing, Liberty Counsel presented compelling testimony from the Navy Commander of a surface warship and three military flight surgeons, Lt. Col. Peter Chambers, Lt. Col. Teresa Long and Col. (Ret.) Stewart Tankersley, M.D. In contrast, the DOD declined to present witnesses.

Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel Mat Staver said in an interview with the Blaze’s Daniel Horowitz on Monday that there have been three hearings now in this case, and the DoD has not yet offered a single witness. Instead of witnesses, the government “sends these declarations,” Staver explained. He said the judge has urged them to bring live witnesses to court so they can be cross examined, but they just refuse to do it. “So they send these declarations that some JAG attorney writes, and somebody in the military signs off on them.”

Staver said that the information the DoD has been presenting in court is “outdated, wrong, and would really be subject to dismantling under cross examination.” He added that cross examinations of his witnesses have only made their case stronger. “So they really don’t have anything to cross examine our witnesses with,” he said.

Staver told Horowitz that Judge Merryday has chastised the DoD lawyers during the hearings, telling them they have “a frail case,” and are “acting as though they are above the law.”

Dr. Theresa Long, a flight surgeon who holds a master’s degree in Public Health and is specially trained in the DMED, gave emotional testimony on March 10.

She and two other flight surgeons reviewed DMED last year and made some stunning discoveries about the high incidence of apparent vaccine injuries among members of the military.

According to the whistleblowers, certain disorders spiked after the vaccine mandate went into effect, including miscarriages and cancers, and neurological problems which increased by 1000 percent.

Dr. Long testified that she was contacted by high level officer the night before the hearing, and told not to discuss her findings regarding the explosive military medical data in court. The whistleblower reportedly said she felt threatened after she tried to get her superiors to address the findings, “fearing for her life and for the safety of her children.” ...

Staver asked Long a question about the DMED data during the hearing, and she answered: “I have been ordered not to answer that question.”

Judge Merryday reportedly asked Long: “Ordered by who?,” and the doctor explained what happened the night before the hearing.

Staver then asked Long if the information the military ordered her to withhold was relevant and helpful for the court and the public to know. She said, “yes,” and Staver asked her why.

Long reportedly paused and choked back tears as she told the judge: “I have so many soldiers being destroyed by this vaccine. Not a single member of my senior command has discussed my concerns with me … I have nothing to gain and everything to lose by talking about it. I’m OK with that because I am watching people get absolutely destroyed.”

Dr. Long also testified that the data shows that deaths of military members from the vaccines exceed deaths from COVID itself.

Staver later told Horowitz that the DoD’s order for her not to discuss DMED amounted to witness tampering, especially since Long has whistleblower protections.

“They not only violated the Whistleblower Act, they potentially intimidated a witness and tried to change that witness’ testimony,” he said during the Conservative Review podcast on Monday.

The doctor said she is constantly contacted by people who have been injured by the genetic vaccines, and that many of those injured are pilots, who are expected to meet high fitness standards. Long told Staver that in just one afternoon she heard from four pilots who had just gotten MRIs back showing that they had myocarditis.

Morale is tanking in the military, she testified, with soldiers are in despair over the pressure to get the vaccine, and some are even having suicidal thoughts.

Long said she was aware of at least two people who have committed suicide over the pressure, and the threat of punishment for refusal.

She said the current regime’s policies are undermining “good order and discipline.”

In addition to Dr. Long, an unnamed Navy commander testified about his commander’s attempts to punish him for refusing the experimental injections.

On February 2, Judge Merryday issued a temporary restraining order blocking the Navy from punishing the Commander because of his vaccination status. Judge Merryday ruled the Navy violated the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

When the court ordered the Commodore to comply with the law, he filed an affidavit saying he had “lost confidence” in the Commander because the Commander had not taken the COVID shots.

The judge then entered a preliminary injunction, and the DOD and the Navy filed a motion asking the court to set aside his injunction, arguing that due to their “lost confidence” in the commander, his ship could not deploy.

However, at the time the ship was allegedly unable to be deployed, the commander was actually far out to sea testing the ship and training the crew.

While many Commanders fail to complete these operations timely, the Commander completed the mission early and the ship deemed “safe and ready.”

In a dramatic moment, the Commander said he should not have to be there in court defending religious freedom. “Generals and admirals should be here saying what I am saying today to uphold religious freedom. Our religious freedoms are being attacked.”

Also testifying last week was Dr. Pete Chambers, a Purple Heart recipient who is in the Texas National Guard defending the southern border where 10,000-20,000 illegal immigrants are flooding through every week. “My job is to keep our soldiers safe,” Chambers said.

Chambers was hoping to retire from the military in 2023 after nearly 40 years of service, but his adverse reaction to the Moderna shot derailed his plans.

Trusting the military that the shots are “safe and effective,” and not knowing at the time that aborted fetal cells were used in the testing and/or development, he took the shot. He now suffers from demyelination, a condition affecting the central nervous system caused by the injection.

After his Moderna injury, Dr. Chambers met Lt. Col. Long. They reviewed the DOD’s Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), the military equivalent to the federal government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), where he discovered other military members also developed a demyelination disease after the COVID shots.

Chambers, a military flight surgeon and one of only six Green Beret surgeons, was told that his job was to get soldiers to vaccinated. His superiors told him that religious exemptions would be automatically denied. “Soldiers will try. Soldiers will fail,” this commanders said.

He pointed out that shots are not effective in preventing infection, and estimated that about 75-80% of soldiers getting infected are “double vaxxed” compared to only about 15% of soldiers who are not vaccinated.

Like Long, Chambers also testified that many soldiers are being injured by the COVID shots, and that “this is not normal.”

Dr. Stewart Tankersley, a flight surgeon who retired in September 2021 at the rank of Colonel, testified that the injections are neither safe nor effective.

Tankersley said he has personally treated over 200 COVID patients with no fatalities, and the group of doctors with whom he is associated has treated over 18,000 COVID patients with deaths only in the single digits.

“I’ve never seen anything like this in the military or civilian world, the lack of dialogue, the suppression of scientific dialogue.” Tankersley said on the stand.

Dr. Tankersley explained one of several reasons there are so many injuries from the COVID shots. The mRNA vaccines require a Lipid Nanoparticle (LNP) as a delivery mechanism because the RNA quickly degrades without being encased in the LNP. The combination bypasses the natural immune system and creates inflammation that can inhibit the body’s innate immunity.

Dr. Tankersley testified that the shots are neither safe nor effective. He also testified that there are safe and effective treatments for COVID, including nasal rinsing and ivermectin.

Liberty Counsel argued that the DOD’s position that the only one way to combat COVID and ensure military readiness is to force the injections and kick out the unvaccinated is “untenable,” and that the mandate is undermining military readiness and harming morale.

Staver said: “I am honored to serve the brave men and women of the military. I am dismayed by the abuse and propaganda forced upon them from the White House and the Department of Defense. The truth will prevail, and freedom will win.” ’

Whatever happened with this case?
127   Patrick   2023 Oct 31, 9:41am  


💉 Another Halloween mystery! Let me tell you, when I saw the Washington Post’s pathetic headline yesterday, I was so glad I’ve taken the time the last couple weeks for a Friday “medical emergencies” roundup. The article simply stated: “Marines’ top general hospitalized after medical emergency.”

A medical emergency! You know that that means. It means his “medical emergency” fits the jab-injury profile. I’ll bet anyone who wants to lose their money that it was a heart attack, stroke, or a blood clot. The whole thing already reeks of coverup, and get ready — I’m about to have a field day with the word “mysterious.” ...

It’s another pandemic mystery. It’s an enigma wrapped inside a riddle, wrapped inside an egg roll. Clearly they do NOT want to talk about the cause of General Smith’s hospitalization, for some reason. It could only be a jab injury or some kind of weird autoerotic sprain that nobody wants to talk about. Either way.
128   Patrick   2023 Nov 16, 6:21pm  

Now they want the rational soldiers back to send them off to die for Israel.
129   AD   2023 Nov 16, 6:32pm  

Patrick says

Now they want the rational soldiers back to send them off to die for Israel.

Seeing on Facebook page for Tampa MEPS Military Entrance Processing Station as well as Oklahoma City MEPS new recruits getting sworn in...

almost all are white cis males in the photos of those being sworn in... I agree as must be gearing up and preparing for a war

glad they finally removed the COVID vaccine mandate for military recruits

130   GNL   2023 Nov 16, 8:21pm  

Patrick says

Now they want the rational soldiers back to send them off to die for Israel.

Holy shit. Just this last Tuesday, my son inlaw told me he went to enlist. He's 34. I said WTF? He said he wanted the $50,000 sign up bonus but they wouldn't take him because he has 3 kids, he's married and he's had too many marijuana busts. He's a trust fund loser so I'm not sure if I'm glad or not that they turned him down. :)
131   Karloff   2023 Nov 16, 8:31pm  

Only a fool would take that bait. They'll either ship you off to die for some lie, or turn around 6 months from now and re-instate the mandate.
132   Patrick   2023 Nov 17, 9:46am  

Patrick says

Why would anyone in their right mind ever trust the military again?

The only solution is to hang everyone who mandated that poison, starting from the top. Then people might trust the military enough to enlist. But not until then.

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