The gay flag is also the symbol of pedophilia

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2022 Feb 12, 11:29pm   113,958 views  791 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

I don't really want to go on about it, but anyone who waves the rainbow flag is in fact also promoting pedophilia. The link between male homosexuality and pedophilia is very strong and always has been, even back to ancient Greece. Pedophilia creates homosexuals. Some relatives of mine deny this fact in spite of the overwhelming evidence throughout history. So I feel compelled to point out some facts which are being censored by all "respectable" people -- people who are thereby contributing to child abuse, just about the worst crime imaginable.

(cached here because of censorship)

An independent research project done by a group of British researchers into the connections between homosexuality and pedophilia used evidence from biographies, histories, criminology and news reports, to demonstrate that a very high proportion of known homosexuals and an even higher percentage of homosexual activists around the world are pedophiles. An index is provided and the evidence is presented in alphabetical order, for easy reference. "This new book is a useful compilation of a lot of available evidence on this subject. Next time you hear somebody say "There is no connection between homosexuality and paedophilia," you can have all the facts ready. Just consult this handy A-Z. From Auden to Pasolini, from Oscar Wilde to Gore Vidal, most famous gays were paedophiles. and so were all the founders and leaders of the "Gay" Rights movement.

Who says so? Well in most cases they did. Here is the evidence. It gives you the names, the dates and the sources to prove that the correlation is very strong and undeniable. ...

It is something very recent for anyone to deny the links between male homosexuality and paedophilia. Nobody made any secret of it over the last 2,500 years, and even the early LGBT movement in America and Europe was very frank in acknowledging it. Only in recent times have they started to deny it, or to be exact, to issue a confused mixture of angry, hypocritical denial with defiant justification. When no moralists (called “right-wingers”) are around, they will acknowledge it and boast about it. When moralists object, the LGBTs resort to bare-faced lies.

Nobody could write a full account of this subject, unless they were willing to devote their life to a topic that is monotonous and unsavoury, to say the least. All I have done is compile a rough index of some of the most salient evidence for the correlation between homosexuality and paedophilia. ...

If you go and look at the website UK Paedos Exposed you will find that the number of male offenders who molest male victims is at least half of all cases. When you consider the ratio and the proportion, these figures are startling. Since homosexuals are according to the Office of National Statistics only 1.5% of the population and some of them are women, this indicates that male homosexuals are about fifty times more likely than heterosexuals are to molest children . Even if you assume that homosexual men are 3% of the population and that only a third of cases involve boys, the maths still lead us to a conclusion that homosexual men are ten times more likely than heterosexuals to molest children. ...

Just look at the bare facts - out of the thirty paedophile organization listed in Wikipedia as campaigning to legalize adult-child sex in the 20th century, 28 were founded and run by male homosexuals. The movement has been entirely dominated by male homosexuals. None were purely heterosexual. ...

The news media in the UK continues to be willfully blinkered on this subject. It avoids reporting major scandals such as the Scottish Stonewall Paedophile ring and edits out the factual links between the criminals and the prominent LGBT groups. When reporting the North Wales Child Abuse scandal, the TV news always used the word “paedophiles” although this was all about the organized abuse of boys by men. The TV reportage omitted the fact that the abuse had been organised by a network of members of CHE, The Campaign for Homosexual Equality. ...

In 1985, data compiled by the Family Research Institute, Washington D.C., confirmed “a strong pedophilic predisposition among homosexuals." The institute, after reviewing more than 19 studies and peer-reviewed reports in a 1985 "Psychological Reports" article, found that homosexuals account for between 25 and 40 percent of all child molestation. “But this number is low, due to the fact that many reporters will not report if a child molester is a homosexual, even if he knows that to be the case.” One notorious offender in the USA molested more than 500 boys. The idea that paedophiles have no gender preference and therefore cannot be categorized as homosexual or heterosexual is a myth. ...

Homosexual Behavior & Pedophilia is an academic paper of 31 pages by Frank V. York and Robert H. Knight, published by the Family Research Council in the US in 2000. They write observantly, “Although most homosexual activists publicly deny that they want access to boys, many homosexual groups around the world are working aggressively to lower the age of sexual consent. Their cause is being aided by the professional psychiatric and psychological associations, which have moved in recent years toward normalizing pedophilia, much as they did with homosexuality in the early 1970s.” They present a wide range of very strong evidence for their case.
http://us2000.org/cfmc/Pedophilia.pdf (cached here in case of censorship)
This is true. Under pressure from the LGBT movement, the American Psychiatric Association removed pedophilia from its list of sexual perversions in 1994, while in 1999 the American Psychological Association published a report, "A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples," which "claimed child sexual abuse could be harmless and beneficial"

Again, we have been betrayed by the media and the medical establishment.

Note that I am not calling for the persecution of homosexuals. I think that consenting adults have the right to engage in whatever behavior they want with each other. But I am calling for an end to all displays of the sodomy flag in public, and especially in schoolrooms, because of its strong link with pedophilia.

Remember how people were up in arms about cigarette advertising using cartoon characters and bright primary colors? To be consistent, they should also be up in arms about a flag which uses bright primary colors to promote a different life-shortening addiction.

The gay flag is a stealth way of abusing the good will of people who want to be inclusive.

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318   Patrick   2023 Mar 12, 10:30pm  


A small group of private citizens spent $4M of their own money to buy marketing databases from gay hookup apps, then cross referenced it with geotracking data, and identified active gay priests. They provided the results to Catholic bishops. I’m guessing they are giving the Catholic Church a chance to do the right thing before publicly outing the concupiscent clergy.

The Washington Post was NOT amused. But WaPo admitted the technique may be effective:

The project’s existence reflects a newly empowered American Catholic right wing that sees enforcing its interpretation of church teaching on sexuality and gender as an existential issue for the church and that no longer trusts bishops to do so. It is a flip of traditional church power dynamics, with the Colorado laypeople in a position to pressure bishops.

This is an encouraging story about citizens taking things into their own hands and doing the work the wretched corporate media is no longer allowed to do. ...

🔥 More progress. Tennessee’s State House passed a bill preserving pastors’ rights not to conduct weddings for LGBTQ++. It includes judges, clerks, and anyone else who might conduct a marriage ceremony.

320   WillyWanker   2023 Mar 14, 2:11am  

Patrick, where can one find this book you excerpt (Homosexuality and Paedophilia: A Reference Guide)? I can't for the life of me find it when I google it. Did it exist and get banned? Was it ever published?
321   richwicks   2023 Mar 14, 5:47am  

WillyWanker says

Patrick, where can one find this book you excerpt (Homosexuality and Paedophilia: A Reference Guide)? I can't for the life of me find it when I google it. Did it exist and get banned? Was it ever published?

Here is a mention: https://voice1nthecrowd.blogspot.com/2014/09/homosexuality-and-paedophilia-reference.html
323   Patrick   2023 Mar 16, 1:29pm  


Leon Gary Plauché (November 10, 1945 – October 23, 2014) was an American man known for publicly killing Jeff Doucet, who had kidnapped, raped, and molested Plauché's prepubescent son, Jody. The killing occurred on Friday, March 16, 1984, and was captured on camera by a local news crew. For the fatal shooting, Plauché was given a seven-year suspended sentence with five years' probation and 300 hours of community service and received no prison time.
325   WillyWanker   2023 Mar 20, 2:08am  

So, Patrick, I still can't find this 'book' titled "Homosexuality and Paedophilia: A Reference Guide" the only reference to it is in a blog. Still curious. Was the book published and then get banned? Or was it never published and this is just a paper or a discertation in the works for an eventual book?
326   stereotomy   2023 Mar 20, 3:39am  

WillyWanker says

So, Patrick, I still can't find this 'book' titled "Homosexuality and Paedophilia: A Reference Guide" the only reference to it is in a blog. Still curious. Was the book published and then get banned? Or was it never published and this is just a paper or a discertation in the works for an eventual book?

You can see it online here:

327   WillyWanker   2023 Mar 20, 7:36am  

stereotomy says

WillyWanker says

So, Patrick, I still can't find this 'book' titled "Homosexuality and Paedophilia: A Reference Guide" the only reference to it is in a blog. Still curious. Was the book published and then get banned? Or was it never published and this is just a paper or a discertation in the works for an eventual book?

You can see it online here:


I've read the link but the link claims to be excerpting a book.

"THE DISSIDENT is pleased to announce that this site will be serializing a new book Homosexuality and Paedophilia: A Reference Guide."

Then there is this:

"This new book is a useful compilation of a lot of available evidence on this subject. Next time you hear somebody say "There is no connection between homosexuality and paedophilia," you can have all the facts ready. Just consult this handy A-Z. From Auden to Pasolini, from Oscar Wilde to Gore Vidal, most famous gays were paedophiles. and so were all the founders and leaders of the "Gay" Rights movement.
Who says so? Well in most cases they did. Here is the evidence. It gives you the names, the dates and the sources to prove that the correlation is very strong and undeniable. The LGBT movement has always been a paedophile movement and its object is to destroy the family.
In this installment, we give you the Introduction."

But, google the title of the book and all you find leads you to that blog post. The book doesn't appear to exist. Did it ever exist? If not, then this is just information cobbled together by someone on a blog, but it's not a medical journal or some other scientific treatise. The allegation that Jimmy Saville was homosexual, is questionable. Did he have gay sex? Probably. Did he sexually assault boys? Most assuredly. But, the percentage of boys Saville molested is about 1/5 of the total of his victims. Meaning, 4/5 of his victims were girls, then obviously he had a predisposition to heterosexual child abuse.


I was hoping to find an actual book to be able to read on this subject, one that posited facts without allegations otherwise it's just a set of opinions which doesn't go far in backing up a point of view.
328   WillyWanker   2023 Mar 20, 8:17am  

Is the book by the psychologist Paul Cameron who has written books regarding Aids and homosexuals? I can't even find who the author is for the 'book' that is so widely quoted.
330   Patrick   2023 Mar 20, 10:12am  

WillyWanker says

But, the percentage of boys Saville molested is about 1/5 of the total of his victims. Meaning, 4/5 of his victims were girls, then obviously he had a predisposition to heterosexual child abuse.

It's not much of an excuse for a homo-pedophile to say "Well, I also molest girls."

Even back to Ancient Greece, homosexuality was propagated by pedophilia. It was normal for men to molest boys, but those men also normally got married and had families.
331   WillyWanker   2023 Mar 20, 8:33pm  

Patrick says

WillyWanker says

But, the percentage of boys Saville molested is about 1/5 of the total of his victims. Meaning, 4/5 of his victims were girls, then obviously he had a predisposition to heterosexual child abuse.

It's not much of an excuse for a homo-pedophile to say "Well, I also molest girls."

Even back to Ancient Greece, homosexuality was propagated by pedophilia. It was normal for men to molest boys, but those men also normally got married and had families.

I would gather from the fact that Saville's victim's were 4/5 female that he was hetero-pedophile.

And, you don't answer where this book is located and present us with an author's name.

Please share the information about this so-called 'book'.
332   richwicks   2023 Mar 20, 9:23pm  

WillyWanker says

Please share the information about this so-called 'book'.

The book apparently exists, although I cannot find a copy of it directly. There are old references to it:


Do a search for "homosexuality" there, and you'll find a reference to it. Julia Gasper appears to be the author.


I don't know what "1979" refers to in that, because the author doesn't appear to be that old.

That APPEARS to be her. If you want, I can track down her contact information and you could write her to ask. Just be polite and straight to the point, don't waste time, but BE POLITE. Do you want me to go through this effort?
335   Patrick   2023 Mar 21, 2:39pm  


But Reisman points to figures from a 1991 population study by the U.S. Department of Commerce.

It showed that 8 million girls were abused by age 18 by heterosexual men, a ratio of 1 victim to 11 adult men. However, 6-8 million boys were abused by age 18 by 1-2 million adult homosexuals, a ratio of 3-5 victims for every gay adult. ...

In a study published in 1987 in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Able said homosexuals sexually molest young boys with an incidence five times greater than the molestation of girls. (Calls to Able seeking further comment were not returned.)

“We looked at the leading gay travel guide,” Reisman said of her research. “Forty-seven percent of the 139 nations they talked about identified places to find boys. The average heterosexual travel guide is not concerned with finding children.”

Crime statistics also pose concerns. Figures released last summer by the Justice Department reveal that adults are not the primary victims of sexual assault, she said.

They showed that 67 percent of all reported sex abuse victims are children and 64 percent of forcible sodomy victims are boys under 12.

Two analysts with Washington-based, pro-family organizations agree that homosexuals pose a greater risk to boys. ...

“If a man is married and has sexual relations with boys, he’s obviously a combination. To say he’s heterosexual is an outrage. Overall he’s a pedophile. Whether you call it omni-sexual or pan-sexual, he’s indiscriminate…in relationships.”

“Who cares if a guy is married?” echoed Peter LaBarbera, senior policy analyst for the Culture and Policy Institute, a division of Concerned Women of America. “If he’s into molesting boys, that’s homosexual behavior. It’s academic nonsense to talk about these people as heterosexuals.”

Editor of the monthly Lambda Report, LaBarbera has been following the homosexual movement for a decade. He said it is disproportionately involved in pedophilia, as shown by the large number of males among sexual abuse victims. ...

That brought an angry response from New York’s Glennda Testone, northern regional media manager for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).

“The incorrect stereotype of the gay man as a pedophile is one that has been medically and scientifically debunked,” she said. “Heterosexual men were responsible for 74 percent of assaults on male victims and 77 percent of assaults on female victims, according to an American Academy of Pediatrics study (July 1994).”

However, Meyer says those statistics only prove her point — a small number of the population is responsible for 26 percent of the assaults on boys.

“She overlooks there are a lot more heterosexuals than homosexuals,” Meyer told Baptist Press. “People don’t understand. You have to balance these numbers by overall population to see there’s a greater incidence of abuse by gay men.”
351   Ceffer   2023 Apr 17, 11:17am  

The goal of the LBGQT crapola is now evident, and why they steered their resources into it. UN proposition to legalize pedophilia. They have been routinely murdering anybody who reports or attempts to report on pedophilia aka Robert Davis Steele, the assassinations by Alec Baldwin of the cinematographer, Anne Heche (Baldwin was also on a movie set with Anne Heche, coincidence, or was he supposed to dispatch her as well?) as well as others. In fact, if you want to die an untimely death, announcing that you are going to expose pedophilia is the fastest route to get there. It also demonstrates that the pedophilia is that widespread amongst the elites.

The Globalist Satanist pedophilia rampant recruitment amongst the rich and fabulous can be exonerated by legalization of their crimes? Do the Globalists have their news shills and movie stars squealing to them that they are afraid of exposure and persecution for their pedophilia? Did the Globalista puppet masters promise them legalization?
353   Ceffer   2023 Apr 17, 11:25am  

More indication that Gates is dead and his store front is being impersonated by a fat female tranny? How Baphomet.

354   Patrick   2023 Apr 17, 1:39pm  


A Planned Parenthood executive has been found dead after police raided his home during a child pornography investigation.

36-year-old Tim Yergeau was the director of strategic communications at the Southern New England branch of Planned Parenthood.


Yet another gay pedo.
355   Patrick   2023 Apr 17, 7:55pm  

Looks like Wiener is a pedo.

356   Patrick   2023 Apr 18, 10:14am  


Existing law, the Sex Offender Registration Act, requires a person convicted of one of certain crimes, as specified, to register with law enforcement as a sex offender while residing in California or while attending school or working in California, as specified. A willful failure to register, as required by the act, is a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the underlying offense.

This bill would exempt from mandatory registration under the act a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor and if that offense is the only one requiring the person to register.

Scott D. Wiener
Democratic Senator District 11, AUTHOR

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