The gay flag is also the symbol of pedophilia

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2022 Feb 12, 11:29pm   116,148 views  812 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

I don't really want to go on about it, but anyone who waves the rainbow flag is in fact also promoting pedophilia. The link between male homosexuality and pedophilia is very strong and always has been, even back to ancient Greece. Pedophilia creates homosexuals. Some relatives of mine deny this fact in spite of the overwhelming evidence throughout history. So I feel compelled to point out some facts which are being censored by all "respectable" people -- people who are thereby contributing to child abuse, just about the worst crime imaginable.

(cached here because of censorship)

An independent research project done by a group of British researchers into the connections between homosexuality and pedophilia used evidence from biographies, histories, criminology and news reports, to demonstrate that a very high proportion of known homosexuals and an even higher percentage of homosexual activists around the world are pedophiles. An index is provided and the evidence is presented in alphabetical order, for easy reference. "This new book is a useful compilation of a lot of available evidence on this subject. Next time you hear somebody say "There is no connection between homosexuality and paedophilia," you can have all the facts ready. Just consult this handy A-Z. From Auden to Pasolini, from Oscar Wilde to Gore Vidal, most famous gays were paedophiles. and so were all the founders and leaders of the "Gay" Rights movement.

Who says so? Well in most cases they did. Here is the evidence. It gives you the names, the dates and the sources to prove that the correlation is very strong and undeniable. ...

It is something very recent for anyone to deny the links between male homosexuality and paedophilia. Nobody made any secret of it over the last 2,500 years, and even the early LGBT movement in America and Europe was very frank in acknowledging it. Only in recent times have they started to deny it, or to be exact, to issue a confused mixture of angry, hypocritical denial with defiant justification. When no moralists (called “right-wingers”) are around, they will acknowledge it and boast about it. When moralists object, the LGBTs resort to bare-faced lies.

Nobody could write a full account of this subject, unless they were willing to devote their life to a topic that is monotonous and unsavoury, to say the least. All I have done is compile a rough index of some of the most salient evidence for the correlation between homosexuality and paedophilia. ...

If you go and look at the website UK Paedos Exposed you will find that the number of male offenders who molest male victims is at least half of all cases. When you consider the ratio and the proportion, these figures are startling. Since homosexuals are according to the Office of National Statistics only 1.5% of the population and some of them are women, this indicates that male homosexuals are about fifty times more likely than heterosexuals are to molest children . Even if you assume that homosexual men are 3% of the population and that only a third of cases involve boys, the maths still lead us to a conclusion that homosexual men are ten times more likely than heterosexuals to molest children. ...

Just look at the bare facts - out of the thirty paedophile organization listed in Wikipedia as campaigning to legalize adult-child sex in the 20th century, 28 were founded and run by male homosexuals. The movement has been entirely dominated by male homosexuals. None were purely heterosexual. ...

The news media in the UK continues to be willfully blinkered on this subject. It avoids reporting major scandals such as the Scottish Stonewall Paedophile ring and edits out the factual links between the criminals and the prominent LGBT groups. When reporting the North Wales Child Abuse scandal, the TV news always used the word “paedophiles” although this was all about the organized abuse of boys by men. The TV reportage omitted the fact that the abuse had been organised by a network of members of CHE, The Campaign for Homosexual Equality. ...

In 1985, data compiled by the Family Research Institute, Washington D.C., confirmed “a strong pedophilic predisposition among homosexuals." The institute, after reviewing more than 19 studies and peer-reviewed reports in a 1985 "Psychological Reports" article, found that homosexuals account for between 25 and 40 percent of all child molestation. “But this number is low, due to the fact that many reporters will not report if a child molester is a homosexual, even if he knows that to be the case.” One notorious offender in the USA molested more than 500 boys. The idea that paedophiles have no gender preference and therefore cannot be categorized as homosexual or heterosexual is a myth. ...

Homosexual Behavior & Pedophilia is an academic paper of 31 pages by Frank V. York and Robert H. Knight, published by the Family Research Council in the US in 2000. They write observantly, “Although most homosexual activists publicly deny that they want access to boys, many homosexual groups around the world are working aggressively to lower the age of sexual consent. Their cause is being aided by the professional psychiatric and psychological associations, which have moved in recent years toward normalizing pedophilia, much as they did with homosexuality in the early 1970s.” They present a wide range of very strong evidence for their case.
http://us2000.org/cfmc/Pedophilia.pdf (cached here in case of censorship)
This is true. Under pressure from the LGBT movement, the American Psychiatric Association removed pedophilia from its list of sexual perversions in 1994, while in 1999 the American Psychological Association published a report, "A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples," which "claimed child sexual abuse could be harmless and beneficial"

Again, we have been betrayed by the media and the medical establishment.

Note that I am not calling for the persecution of homosexuals. I think that consenting adults have the right to engage in whatever behavior they want with each other. But I am calling for an end to all displays of the sodomy flag in public, and especially in schoolrooms, because of its strong link with pedophilia.

Remember how people were up in arms about cigarette advertising using cartoon characters and bright primary colors? To be consistent, they should also be up in arms about a flag which uses bright primary colors to promote a different life-shortening addiction.

The gay flag is a stealth way of abusing the good will of people who want to be inclusive.

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287   Patrick   2023 Jan 10, 1:47pm  

C-G Homosexuality and Paedophilia: Part 3 C-G
We continue our serialisation of this new book. This is Part 3

CAIGNET, Michel. French homosexual writer. Founding member of the Gay Nazi Party. Self-confessed paedophile. Member of CRIES. He was President of the Centre de Culture Européenne and editor of Gaie France magazine. In 1992 he was convicted of incitment to paedophile acts for articles in Gaie France. He re-launched it under another title, Gaie France, new series, and continued publishing it until 1993. In 1997 he was convicted again for involvement in the film company of Jean-Manuel Vuillaume* making paedo-pornographic films in Colombia. Caignet was sentenced to four years, served eighteen months, and retired on the profits he made with the magazine and the films.

CALDICOTT School, Buckinghamshire, England. The Times described the boys’s prep school as a “child-abuse factory for more than two decades. Under headmaster Peter Wright*, who was there 1968-1993, the school became a hotbed of abuse of boys. They were routinely molested in baths, in their beds, in teacher’s bedrooms and on school trips. One victim, Ian McFadyen, who spoke out in 2008, described how when he was a small boy at the school in the 1970s, he was “passed from teacher to teacher and sodomized on a regular basis”. Hugh Henry, a teaching contemporary of Wright’s at the school, tried to commit suicide by taking an overdose after being caught in a boy’s bed in the 1960s. A third teacher at the same school, named John Addrison, has also been convicted of molesting boys. Yet although Wright was prosecuted in 2003 and personally convicted of 12 offences against five boys, he never got any penalty. A judge decided that it was better to just pass over the whole matter. Wright told the parent of one boy who had been raped at the age of 12 that no harm would come of it and it might even be good for him. One teacher, Martin Carson, got a two-year sentence.

Channel 4 TCV news 8/7/14

CALIFIA, Pat, American LGBT activist and pornographic writer. Born a woman in 1952 she became a lesbian, then a “transsexual” and now calls herself “Patrick”. She wrote a long-running column in the homosexual magazine The Advocate, giving advice on relationship and family matters, from the perspective of somebody who advocates paedophilia and sado-masochism (BDSM). While a lot of the feminist movement tried to disassociate itself from those two pursuits, Califia enthusiastically embraced them. In a 2-part article in The Advocate in 1980, she attacked age of consent laws and demanded to "liberate children and adolescents". In a later article “Feminism, Pedophilia and Children’s Rights”, written in 1991 for Paidika*, she upheld these views and insisted that there was something called “the sexual rights of young people”. In her eyes, any attempt to interfere with a life of promiscuity from the cradle to the grave is a crime. She ridicules the campaigns of law-enforcement to stamp out child pornography and insists that it is innocuous: “When most people think of child pornography, they imagine full-color movies and magazines that show adults raping prepubescent children. In fact, most of the material consisted of black and white photo magazines. The bulk of the imagery was of nude children or teens. A minority of images showed young people being sexual with each other, and a very tiny proportion of it showed adults engaged in sexual conduct with minors.” In this and many respects, her article is inaccurate. Police and others investigating child pornography report that huge amounts of videos are now being made, using real children, some aged two or less, in scenes of violence, torture and degradation. One example described by police in the UK is a video showing a girl aged approximately 10 being kept naked in a basement, chained up and wearing a dog-collar, and being raped, cut and beaten by masked men.
Califia ridicules investigations into paedophile rings and allegations of ritual abuse, both of which she dismisses as fantasy caused by “panic” and “hysteria”. That is sheer ignorance. A 1993 survey by the American Bar Association's Center on Children and Family Law determined that 26% of prosecutors nationwide have handled cases involving ‘ritualistic sexual abuse.’ (Ross, 1994). Their website lists dozens of cases in every state of the USA and abroad during the past thirty years. Many resulted in the deaths of victims, about half of whom are boys. It adds, “Many ritual child abuse cases never are prosecuted due to the disbelief of authorities or the unlikelihood that young, severely traumatized children will be able to withstand cross-examination.”
Califia even suggests that the idea of children being molested by carers is all invented to discourage women from trusting their children to nurseries at all, and this is meant to trap women in the home. A dastardly plan indeed!
She writes “adults need to accept the reality of youth sexuality and give young people the information they need to cope with it, including access to birth control and abortion.” She soon lapses into a leftwing jargon according to which any defence of the age of consent is “rabidly phobic” and paedophilia is “cross-generational relationships.” She even resorts to the specious argument that opposing paedophilia is analogous to “racism, classism, able-bodyism, looksism, coupleism and… ageism.” This is nonsense. The issues are completely different. Being a child is nothing at all like being black. Children differ from adults in their capabilities, their vulnerabilities and their needs. But to understand this would take more intelligence and more honesty than Califia has got.

CAMBODIA, see Fruin, Fletcher

CAMPAIGN FOR HOMOSEXUAL EQUALITY (CHE), London based homosexual activist group that includes many paedophiles and openly campaigns for legalizing paedophilia. CHE started as the North Western Homosexual Law Reform Committee (NWHLRC) founded in Manchester in 1964 by Allan Horsfall and Colin Harvey. In 1969 it became the Committee for Homosexual Equality, then the Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Its HQ is now in the Caledonian Road, London. CHE had close links with PIE, allowing it to lobby at its conferences until 1983, and there are many common members. Leo Adamson, was on the executive committees of both. The paedophile magazine Minor Problems was run jointly by CHE and PIE. In 1980, CHE adopted as its official policy the abolition of all age of consent laws. Despite that it got support from the National Council for Civil Liberties.
Researchers from NAPAC (National Association for People Abused in Childhood) have found the minutes of a meeting CHE held in Manchester in 1983 (dated from references to Tom O’Carroll being gaoled for two years). It records that one sub-group, the black and ethnic minorities caucus, submitted a letter objecting to the prominence of PIE members who attended the conference and were selling their magazine Minor Problems, because this could attract bad publicity in the press. “They caused great distress to a number of survivors of child sexual abuse who were present,” runs the letter and it goes on to ask, not for them to be banned but merely for them to show “greater restraint” at future events. In reply, Leo Adamson*, on behalf of CHE, said that PIE was only selling magazines like anyone else at the meeting, and that CHE “should be supporting groups on the sexual fringe”. A demand for a vote of support for the letter was withdrawn when it was agreed to discuss the matter further at an AGM the next month.
At the AGM, CHE rejected the idea of banning paedophiles.Instead it passed a motion proposed by Martin Burgess and seconded by Geraint Jones of Aberystwyth Gay and Lesbian Society, that “paedophiles are an oppressed minority” , alluding to the gaol term served by Tom O’Carroll, acknowledging that there were “a large number of peds around, many very active in the lesbian and gay movement”, lamenting that peds were often driven out of the UK to more “liberated” countries such as the Netherlands; arguing that children want sex with peds, and finally quoting from Peter Tatchell’s chapter in “Betrayal of Youth” where he claims that the arguments against “intergenerational sex” are the same as those against interracial marriage.
On Friday September 30th 1983 Capital Gay reported that CHE had “stepped up its support for PIE”. CHE had stopped using Monomark because Monomark had refused to deliver the PIE magazine Minor Problems, and CHE had written in protest to Midland Bank for closing PIE’s account. CHE urged other queer groups to do the same. Its current leaders were David Green and Nick Billingham.

2009, CHE called for the NCCL to recommend a time limit on reporting child sex abuse. This finally got NCCL to disaffiliate from CHE.
http://www.pinknews.co.uk/news/articles/2005-13280.html .

Company Description: “CHE produces books and leaflets for general use which give examples of discrimination and explain more about the aims and ideals of the campaign which include “education ”(sic). In its material, people who dare to disagree with anything they demand are immediately labelled “anti-gay bigots” when the truth is that CHE are criminals and anti-social “gay” bigots.
On at least two occasions the CHE conference passed motions in PIE's favour. Matthew Parris* has claimed that “Most gay people were horrified by any conflation of homosexuality and a sexual interest in children.” The documentary evidence from the minutes proves that he is wrong. In the 1990s the heterosexual Peter Hain, who was Honorary Vice-President of CHE, spoke out against PIE and the result was a breach. Hain resigned.
CHE had a branch in Chester, North Wales*, that was actively involved with pimping young boys out of care homes. Many of them later made complaints of sexual abuse by male homosexuals. See North Wales Care Homes scandal.

CAMPBELL, Neil. One of the Stonewall Scottish pederast ring convicted in 2009. Cake firm manager Campbell was found guilty of five charges. The 46-year-old church elder had 928 indecent images of children at his home in Bearsden, near Glasgow.
He was traced by computer experts to his home on 29th March 2008 after sharing images with James Rennie*. Officers searched his home and seized a computer before Campbell, who was married, was arrested at the address two days later.
He was convicted of possessing, taking, distributing, and possessing with intent to distribute indecent photos of children. The judge said the crimes were of the most serious nature. “These offences involved real children. Many of the photos involved children being sexually abused, often in the most appalling ways.”

CAMPBELL, Peter Walter (d.2005 aged 78), Professor of Politics at Reading University, member of the Conservative Party, the Monday Club, CHE and the Albany Society. Homosexual and paedophile activist, known client of Elm Guesthouse while it was a boy brothel, Campbell founded LGBTory in 1975. The minutes from the founding meeting clearly show that, despite being labelled as an organisation that promotes “gay” equality, it was, from inception, a pro-paedophile organisation. In 1981 it had 62 members, and by late 1983 it had 171. Campbell remained its chairman, or vice-president, through almost all the Thatcher years. The group lobbied at Conservative party conferences and in 1991 changed its name to TORCH (Tory Campaign for Homosexual Equality). It is also sometimes known as Conservative Group for Homosexual Equality (CGHE). Campbell advertised Elm Guesthouse in TORCH’s newsletter, to which he appointed Glencross* as editor. If you google his name you are now warned, “Some results may have been removed under data protection law in Europe.” The international paedophile network looks after its own. Campbell later became a paid researcher for Conservative leaders including David Cameron. Campbell was quoted in his obituary in 2005 using the familiar but fallacious analogy between homosexuality and being left-handed, a comparison which is not only false and stupid but deeply insulting to left-handed people.
Other Monday Club members who visited Elm included Charles Irving, and Harvey Proctor*, both MPs.


CANNON, David and Scarfe, John. Homosexual couple in Wakefield in the North of England. They were allowed to adopt a boy named Andrew. Both men molested Andrew from the age of nine upwards. They would force him to smoke cannabis and take Ecstasy before molestation. They F-B-ed him and took obscene photographs of him so they could circulate them as child pornography. Andrew left home as soon as possible and became an army cadet. Later when he tried to bring a prosecution, he found enormous resistance in the system and was inevitably accused of “homophobia”. Finally he was vindicated and in 2006 both Cannon and Scarfe were given 30-month sentences. (Meaning probable release after only 15 months). http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/9959950/My-gay-fathers-sexual-abuse-was-swept-under-the-carpet-says-victim.html

CARNELL, see Bryant.

CARPENTER, David, and Joshua McCabe Brown. Pair of homosexuals, living as partners, who viciously molested and murdered a 13-year-old boy, Jesse Dirkhising, in Arkansas, USA, in 1999. Carpenter, 38, was a friend of Jesse’s parents Tina and Miles Yates Jr. in the small town of Prairie Grove, Arkansas. Carpenter managed a beauty salon and lived with another homosexual named Joshua Macabe Brown, 22. Carpenter got friendly with young Jesse and invited him to help out at the salon at weekends. He was then taken back to the gays’ shared apartment where both men started sexually molesting him. Brown later claimed that the boy consented though he was not legally old enough to do so.
On September 26th 1999, the police responded to an emergency call and arrived at Carpenter’s flat to find him with Brown and the dead body of young Jesse. Both men were high on amphetamines, (typical LGBT behaviour). Jesse had been drugged, bound, gagged with duct tape over his mouth, and tied to a mattress. He had then been sodomized, and had a variety of objects forced up his anus, before finally dying of asphyxiation. The ordeal had lasted for five hours and during it Brown went out of the flat to buy sandwiches and more implements for assault. While Jesse suffocated to death, Carpenter fell asleep.

CARPENTIER, Philippe, former translator at high court in Brussels, homosexual paedophile who founded CRIES. He was the partner of paedophile priest, Father Doucé, of the Order of Christ the Liberator, whose murder has been attributed to the DGSE (Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure) France’s external intelligence agency. Doucé had links to Spartacus, and was distributing pornographic pictures of children taken by Glencross in his studio.

CARROLL, Michael John. Manager of care-home for boys in Angell Road, Lambeth, south London, in the 1980s. He was finally arrested in 1998 during a general enquiry into child abuse in Lambeth care-homes, and convicted of numerous sex assaults on boys, there and in his previous job at St Edmund’s Orphanage in Bebington, Merseyside. Carroll pleaded guilty to charges relating to 12 boys aged from 8 to 15. Police then launched Operation Middleton, an investigation into Angell Road specifically. They got information from 200 alleged victims and secured only three convictions. There are still allegations of a cover-up.
Michael John Carroll
The council found out about Carroll’s previous child abuse record in 1986 but left him in the job for another five years, finally only removing him for financial irregularities. In 1995, Lambeth closed all its children’s homes as there were so many allegations of abuse.
See also Boateng.

CARRUTHERS, Stephen, and John Bates, homosexual partners who abducted and raped boys together in the York and Preston area. Carruthers became well known in York for molesting young boys in the 1980s, he had convictions against him in 1981, 1982, 1985, 1987 and 1991. In the last instance he lured two young brothers to the house he shared with his stepfather Gerald Frank* who also raped the boys. The victims, one aged ten, were deeply shocked and traumatized. In 1987, when out of gaol, Carruthers was beaten up by three men who alleged he had interfered with their children. He complained to the police about “gay-bashing”. Carruthers met Bates, who also has a string of pederast convictions, in Strangeways prison in Manchester and when released they went to live together in Blackpool. They used enticements of money and boasts of celebrity connections to lure four 14-year-olds to their ground floor flat in Caunce Street. The pair were gaoled again in June 2000. When confined again in Strangeways prison, Carruthers persuaded Frank to smuggle another boy into the prison on his 40th birthday to be molested. The judge at Preston Crown court wanted to place an order on Carruthers and Bates so they could not live together again if ever released, but could not do so as their lawyers argued that this would breach their “Human rights”.


CASA PIA, care-homes in Lisbon and elsewhere in Portugal where a paedophile racket was first alleged in 1983. Former inmates continued to come forward with accusations over decades, revealing a racket with remarkable similarities to those flourishing at Haut de la Garenne and other English care-homes. Victims report being taken out of the orphanage to the homes of wealthy customers who raped and abused them. Some children disappeared altogether, and some have been found locked up in the house of a prominent ambassador. In 2010, some of the accused were at last found guilty. “Yesterday, at the conclusion of the longest trial in Portugal’s history, seven defendants were convicted of using the orphanages to rape and abuse scores of teenage boys in a case that has sent shockwaves through the country's political elite and raised serious concerns over the efficiency of Portugal's judiciary.” British police involved in Operation Ore in 2003 discovered that young boys had been trafficked to England from Casa Pia and from Belgium by a paedophile network. As in Britain, survivors who speak out have been threatened, and a lot of crucial evidence seems to have been “accidentally” lost or destroyed either by the orphanage staff or the police.

CATHOLIC CHURCH IN AMERICA. “A study done by The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect found that even though only 25% of citizens in the U.S. are Roman Catholic, 54% of the sexual abuse cases were perpetrated by Catholic priests. The church has paid at least 2.6 billion to settle sexual abuse cases. In 2007 the Los Angeles Archdiocese agreed to pay more than 500 alleged victims a total of $660 million. The abuse continues and the wealthy Vatican is easily able to cover these claims. The Vatican even has insurance policies to cover these operating costs.” The victims of these so-called paedophiles are almost exclusively boys, ranging in age from 3 -16. The media avoids descriving them as homosexual, yet the fact remains that most heterosexual priests who are tempted to stray from celibacy do so with adult females.
The website “Rape Victims of the Catholic Church” is full of page after page of details such as the following all of which relate to a single diocese in the Chicago region:-
Three priest case Two brothers, John and Jeff Welch sued the Diocese of Joliet Chancery , claiming three priests, John C. Slown, Arno Dennerlein and Richard Ruffalo abused them 1962-68 while they attended St. John the Baptist Church in Winfield. DuPage Circuit Judge John T. Elsner ruled a new state law extending the time limit for lawsuits in cases of sexual abuse of children cannot be applied retroactively to revive the brothers’ allegations.
Two priest case Two brothers sue the Diocese of Joliet, claiming sexual abuse by two different priests. The lawsuits filed in Will County Circuit Court brought to 15 the number of suits pending against the diocese in Will and DuPage counties, May 2006.
Diocesian list Names of some diocesan priests accused of sexually abusing minors against whom a credible allegation of sexual misconduct with a minor has been made. It will not include the names of religious order priests who served in the diocese, or diocesan priests who were the subjects of claims that were deemed unfounded. Announced 2 April 2006.
Diocesan Cases of Joliet Chancery
(alphabetical listing)
[34 offenders identified, 42 listed]
Anon priest I Civil lawsuit accusing a former suburban priest of sexually abusing a teenage boy more than 30 years earlier would not be made public unless a judge agrees first to release them. It names the Diocese of Joliet Chancery and Bishop Joseph Imesch as defendants, contending there was abuse in that church officials were aware of, but they took no action to prevent it. The diocese filed a legal motion seeking to seal all court filings in the case, saying it fears releasing information could harm the privacy of other alleged victims. “Bishop Imesch is trying to keep a lid on and keep all the dirty secrets hidden, said Barbara Blaine, director of SNAP.
Anon priest II Sexual allegations made against two priests by a former student who attended both Providence Catholic School and Joliet Catholic High School. The incidents would have occurred more than 30 years earlier, when the alleged victim was a student. No lawsuit or criminal charges have been filed. Reported 8 June 2010.
Anon priest III See Anon priest II
Barrett affair Rev. John F. Barrett, ordained 1959, accused of abuse. Placed on leave May 2002, re old accusations that he molested an 8th grade boy in Catholic cchool in 1968. Original claim was made in 1991 but the man says that Diocese cancelled meeting with him at last minute when he wanted to bring either his wife or attorney with him. The victim let the matter drop until 2002 when investigator for Diocese contacted him. Cleared by Diocesan investigation 10 June 2002 and returned to duty. Diocese said claims could not be substantiated and victim was not cooperating.
Bennett affair Rev. Richard Bennett, pastor at Holy Spirit Catholic Community, denied the abuse allegations claiming he was one of two priests in the Diocese of Joliet sexually abused Tim Greco beginning when he was 11 years old in 1975. He was in a shower with the Rev. Philip Dedera in the rectory at St. Pius X Church in Lombard when Bennett walked in and discovered the priest and boy naked together (Dedera affair). Greco alleges that Dedera repeatedly abused him for more than a year and that Bennett molested him once. Filed April 2006. Case dismissed due to the state’s statute of limitations and parishioners celebrated, June 2007.
Berthiaume affair Rev. Gary D. Berthiaume was convicted and received 6 months in jail 1978 for abusing a 12 years-old boy who received $325,000 settlement in the 1980s. The victim went on to have his own pedophilia problems. Berthiaume was kept in a parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit for most of the 1980s without telling the congregation about his prior molestation conviction. A priest assigned to monitor him, the Rev. Allen Bruening, himself previously had been removed from a parish because of abuse allegations and was made director of a Catholic high school. Berthiaume was transferred again, to the Diocese of Joliet, IL, until he was removed from his post as chaplain in a suburban Chicago hospital when allegations of old abuse occurred, 2002.
Burnett affair Rev. James Burnett, ordained 1968, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Mokena.
1. Shanahan accusation Dan Shanahan accused Rev. James Burnett of molesting him from ages 8 to 12 until the mid-1980s at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Mokena. .
Chang affair Rev. Joseph Chang accused of abuse of woman settled 1995.
Dedera affair Rev. Philip Dedera, ordained 1 November 1972, was accused by Tim Greco of sexual abuse. Greco was showering with the Dedera in the rectory at St. Pius X Church in Lombard when Rev. Richard Bennett walked in (Bennett affair) and discovered the priest and boy naked together. Greco alleges that Dedera repeatedly abused him for more than a year and that Bennett molested him once. Dedera became a suburban Chicago hospital chaplain, was removed from his post, 2002. Case filed April 2006. Claim was settled.
Dennerlein affair Rev. Arno Dennerlein, Jesuit, ordained 31 May 1969, priest at St. Patrick Catholic Church was accused by two brothers of abusing them in the mid-1970s, when Dennerlein took them to the rectory and convinced them to lie down on his couch. The younger brother, who was between 5 and 6 years old at the time, told police that Dennerlein tried to look down his pants. The older brother, who was about 12 at the time of his incident, said Dennerlein fondled him. The two did not learn about each other’s experiences until years later. Sued 2003. Placed on administrative leave 2003, canonical case pending.
Fischer affair Rev. Lowell Fischer (deceased) accused of abuse, removed from ministry 2002.
Flores affair Rev. Alejandro Flores (Alex) (1973-), who is a native of Bolivia, was ordained in June 2009 and was the parochial vicar of Holy Family Parish in Shorewood. Prior to that he served as a deacon at St. Elizabeth Seton in Naperville.

 He was placed on administrative leave after a St. Charles family alleged that he had sexually assaulted their 13-year-old son over a five-year period, starting in January 2005, when the boy was 8, 4 January 2010.
1. Flores suicide attempt Flores attempted suicide, surviving the fall from a 20-foot choir balcony at St. Mary’s Carmelite Church in Joliet, 6 January 2010.
2. Flores trial Alejandro Flores was charged with one count of predatory criminal sexual assault, two counts of sexual assault, and four counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, 21 January 2010.
Formusa affair Rev. Salvatore Formusa (deceased) ordained 27 April 1935, had substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of minors made against him, retired 1985.
Frederick affair Rev. James Frederick (d. 1988) ordained 30 May 1959, had substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of minors made against him.
Furdek affair Rev. John M. Furdek (1953-), ordained 2 June 1984, pastor of St. Alexander Catholic Church in Villa Park, had been assigned to Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Naperville, St. Philip the Apostle in Addison, and St. Mary of Gostyn in Downers Grove. He had substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of minors made against him, removed from ministry 2000, arrested, charged, 2000. In 2003, a Wisconsin court convicted Furdek of attempted second-degree sexual assault of a child and sentenced him to 15 years. He had been arrested at a Racine, Wis., restaurant where he went to meet a 14-year-old boy for sex. He served three years of his prison sentence and was paroled in May 2006. He is a registered child sex offender in Illinois and Wisconsin.
1. MusclePosing773 screen name of “the boy” Furdek had been chatting with online for months who turned out to be an agent with the Wisconsin Department of Justice.
Gibbney affair Rev. Michael Gibbney began his ministry in 1959, served at St. Isidore Church in Bloomingdale, St. Charles Borromeo in Bensenville, St. Luke’s parish in Carol Stream 1972-81. He was accused of molesting an altar boy at Mary Queen of Heaven Church in Elmhurst from 1978-79. He served at Holy Ghost Church in Wood Dale 1981-90, finally St. Daniel the Prophet on West Loop Road in Wheaton since the parish formed in 1989. Removed from ministry 1992. Sued 2002.
1. Gibbney lawsuits Two more men filed lawsuits against the Joliet Diocese claiming Bishop Joseph Imesch and other diocese officials are responsible for alleged sexual abuse by Michael Gibbney. Bobby Drish (1968-) and David Mortell (1969-) accused Gibbney of molesting them beginning when they were 11 and 13 years old in 1979 and 1981, respectively. The lawsuits claim that Imesch was aware of Gibbney’s inappropriate conduct with boys at Mary Queen of Heaven parish in Elmhurst when the bishop moved him to St. Dominic and St. Francis of Assisi parishes in Bolingbrook. Filed 2 February 2006.
Gibbs affair Rev. Lawrence M. Gibbs (Larry), ordained 12 May 1973, sexually abused boys in Lombard parish 1977 and 1980. Then early in Bishop Joseph Imesch’s career in Joliet in 1980, the diocese moved Gibbs while he was under criminal investigation and refused to tell investigators where he was. The bishop told parents whose children had been interviewed in the case that authorities had found no evidence to charge. During a deposition in August 2005, Bishop Imesch said a priest skinny-dipping and playing poker in the nude with young boys was “inappropriate,” but because Imesch did not consider it to be sexual abuse. The bishop sent Gibbs to Lockport parish where he began molesting an 11-year-old boy. Removed from ministry 1992. Gibbs left the priesthood. Affair settled 1998.
Howlin affair Rev. Carroll Howlin, ordained 26 May 1961, pastor in Whitley City, KY, since 1980, was suspended by the Joliet diocese and the Lexington, KY diocese pending an investigation into sexual misconduct, April 2002, canonical case pending.
Jochem affair Rev. Harold Jochem (deceased), Franciscan ordained 1930, man filed civil suit June 2004 alleging that he was abused from 1974 to 1978 by Jochem and another franciscan friar, Jeffrey Salwach, at St. Jude Catholic Parish in New Lenox. Suit says that the two priests forced the youth to engage in group sex, smoke marijuana and drink alcohol over a 4 year period.
Kocher affair Rev. Donald C. Kocher sued for abuse of a woman 1995.
Lenczycki affair Rev. Frederick A. Lenczycki (Fred), ordained 21 October 1972, had a history of sexual abusing as many as 30 boys, many from Chicago’s suburbs, which began after his ordination and continued through his 2004 conviction for the crimes committed at St. Isaac Jogues Parish in Hinsdale. He was accused in Joliet, moved to St. Louis and was removed when old allegations surfaced. Because Lenczycki left the state in 1984, shortly after more than a dozen young boys at St. Isaac Jogues Parish in Hinsdale accused him of molesting them, the statute of limitations had not yet run out, ruled DuPage County Circuit Judge Ann B. Jorgensen, 18 June 2003. Removed from ministry 2002. Convicted 2004. It appears that he had more than two dozen from about six assignments in Illinois, California and Missouri over several years.
McBrien affair Rev. Kevin Michael McBrien, Carmelite ordained 1970, was removed from position at St. Matthew Church In Glendale Heights May 2010 after allegation that he abused one youth on a single occasion approx. 30-35 yrs previously while at Joliet Catholic High School. Same person also alleged abuse on multiple occasions by Fr. Lee Ryan at Providence High School. Investigation by Diocese is ongoing, Lives in a supervised setting August 2010.
Mateo affair Rev. Leonardo Mateo, ordained 17 March 1956, had substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of minors made against him, left diocese 1984, later returned to Archdiocese of Cebu
Meis affair Rev. J. Anthony Meis, ordained 15 August 1972, hospital chaplain, had substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of minors made against him, settled. Removed from ministry 2002.
Mullins affair Rev. Lawrence Mullins (Larry), ordained 15 October 1977, sexually abused three boys while they were elementary school students and altar boys at St. Raymond Cathedral in Joliet from 1978 to 1980. Mullins told them the molestation was a normal part of coming of age. Removed from ministry 1993. Removed from Joliet Catholic Academy 2002.
1. Fehrenbacher accusation Christopher Fehrenbacher said Mullins abused him several times between 1978 and 1980 in the school, in the church sacristy and in Mullins’ apartment in the rectory. Fehrenbacher was 10 years old when the reported abuses began. Mullins, who supervised altar boys, preyed on an elite group of youths who were granted privileges by serving at church functions.
Murphy affair Br. Robert Murphy, Carmelite, accused of abuse.
Nowak affair Rev. James A. Nowak, ordained 1967, retired in 2007 from Saints Peter and Paul in Naperville. Member of Montini Catholic H.S. board of directors. Removed without privileges August 2012 after allegation of sexual abuse of a minor approx. 25 years previously (possibly mid to late 1980s.) No parish information given but 1989 Official Catholic Directory shows him assigned to St. Anthony in Joliet. Review Board found allegation to be credible. Matter will be forwarded to Rome for further action.
O’Connor affair Rev. Donald O’Connor, ordained 23 May 1964, police chaplain, had substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of minors made against him, removed from ministry 2002.
Pock affair Rev. Donald Pock (d. 2004), ordained 7 June 1958, had substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of minors made against him, removed from ministry, 2002.
Poff affair Rev. Edward Poff, ordained 7 June 1958, hospital chaplain, had substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of minors made against him, removed from ministry, 2002.
Ross affair Rev. Anthony Ross, ordained 11 November 1972, had substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of minors made against him, removed from ministry 2002
Ruffalo affair Rev. Richard Ruffalo (1935-1997), ordained 30 May 1959, In 2002 Ruffalo was accused by at least 2 men of abusing them when they were boys. Allegedly gave them beer and wine, took them on trips to Las Vegas and molested them. Ruffalo was also accused of stealing from collections. He was over $95,000 in debt when he died in 1997. One man filed civil suit 1998 which later settled. 2 more plaintiffs filed suit 2003. 4th man came forward 2006.
Ryan affair Rev. F. Lee Ryan allegedly had a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old boy in the 1970s. The now-52-year-old accuser said he and Ryan had a relationship for more than a year. The man confided in Ryan that he was gay, and things turned sexual as the two became closer. He believed they were dating. The accuser said he did not tell anyone at the time, and it was only in 2010 that he told his mother about his relationship with the family’s priest. His mother spoke to a victims advocate who arranged for him to submit a complaint to the church.
1. Vatican view Vatican cited Canon No. 2359 in the 1917 Code of Canon Law to explain why the priest was not found guilty of violating church law. The code states that a cleric who violates the commandment forbidding adultery, by indecently touching a person under the age of 16, has committed a canonical crime. The priest removed from ministry over a sexual abuse allegation has been reinstated, September 2012.
Salwach affair Rev. Jeffrey Salwach, ordained 1984, man filed civil suit alleging that he was abused as youth from 1974 to 1978 by Salwach and another friar. Salwach later transferred to Texas before being placed on leave May 2003. Lawsuit settled and no criminal charges were filed. Still shown as active priest per Catholic Times 10 May 2009. In November 2011, word was received that Salwach had recently been assigned to work at LaVerna Friary in a residential neighborhood in St. Louis, MO.
Simonelli affair Rev. Jerry Simonelli was removed from his pastorate by 
Bishop J. Peter Sartain because he engaged in homosexual activity. “It was consenting behavior, but a priest takes a vow of celibacy,… He was unfaithful to his vows on more than one occasion,” 20 May 2010.
1. Additional affair Separate diocesan investigation found that Father Simonelli had engaged in an additional homosexual relationship.
Slade affair Rev. Henry Slade, ordained 1984, accused of abuse, arrested and placed on leave January 1990. Pled guilty February 1990 to sexual misconduct with 18 year-old disabled man, removed from ministry 1990. Sentenced to 12 month. probation. Victim filed suit December 1991. Suit later settled.
Slown case Rev. John C. Slown, ordained 30 May 1959, was convicted in 1983 of sexually abusing an altar boy at St. Irene Catholic Church in Warrenville, was defrocked and then moved to Colorado. Slown says he left priesthood because he was alcoholic. In October 2003 two brothers filed suit alleging abuse by Slown, Ruffalo and Arno Dennerlein. Suit said abuse occurred in Illinois for several years and, for the younger boy, later in NJ. He was removed from ministry.
Stalzer affair Rev. David Stalzer (d. 2000), ordained 1974. 1993 civil suit claims that Stalzer and Lawrence M. Gibbs abused the plaintiff in 1981. Suit was dismissed in 1994 by the Court after Plaintiff claimed to have been treated by two psychologists and both denied having seen the man. Stalzer was returned to duty 4/93 (under supervision and with limited contact w/ youngsters) prior to resolution of suit. He was allowed to continue active duties until his death in 2000.
Stefanich case Rev. Edward Stefanich, ordained 25 May 1965, removed from ministry 1987, convicted for abuse of 14 year-old Woodridge girl, sentenced to 1 year probation 1987.
1. Glen Ellyn allegation Stefanich was also accused of sexual abuse by a man Glen Ellyn who recalled repressed memories of alleged abuse by Stefanich while at Christ the King parish in Lombard c. 1971.
2. Anon girl I allegation Stefanich abused a 15 yr old girl for 16 mos in 1985-86. Church warned by Counselor about the relationship in 1986; they promised to handle but did nothing until 1987 after Stefanich proposed marriage and girl’s parents complained. Stefanich was indicted and pled guilty. In 1987 sentenced to 6 mo. jail; 1 yr of counseling and had to be laicized.
3. Anon girl II allegation Police admitted that they knew he had abused another girl as well. Settled with family 4/88 for $450K.
4. Anon accusation Man filed suit re abuse from 1969-1970, September 2003.
Van Duren affair Rev. Charles Van Duren (d. 1997), ordained 1952, name appeared on Diocese’s June 2008 list of accused priests with a credible/substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor. Worked in MA, PA, St. Joseph Indian School in SD, and MS before coming to Joliet Diocese in 1970. Worked in several parishes,retired in 1995.
Virtue affair Rev. William D. Virtue, ordained 1975, accused of abuse in Joliet Diocese in 1980-1981. Placed on leave February 2006. Not included on Joliet Diocese list of confirmed abusers released 4.09.06. Civil suit filed May 2006. Virtue worked in Joliet, Rockford and Peoria dioceses. Diocese settled suit as to Virtue as of September 2007.
Welch accusations Brothers Jeff and John Welch accused a priest and two of his colleagues of repeated sexual abuse, beginning during the nightly prayers and continuing even after the family moved out of state in a lawsuit against the Diocese of Joliet and three former priests they allege molested them, 14 October 2003. They said the abuse continued for six years until 1968 while they attended St. John the Baptist Church and its religious school in Winfield. The priests named in the suit were John C. Slown, Arno Dennerlein and Richard Ruffalo. The brothers struggled through years of depression and counseling before coming to grips with the allegations, “As a kid, you’re taught to respect and admire priests, almost to the point that you believe these guys can’t sin,” said John Welch.
White case I Rev. Myles Patrick White, ordained 28 May 1968, removed from ministry 1992, convicted for abuse of teenager 1992.
White case II Rev. Thomas White, pastor of St. Daniel the Prophet Parish in Wheaton, Ill., was the target of the lawsuit, which asked for damages exceeding $50,000, alleging repeated molesting of a 10-11 years old boy, in the rectory of the Carol Stream parish, 1979-80, October 2003. White was exonerated of abuse charges and reinstated as pastor after James Tibor of Naperville recanted charges of sexual abuse.
The large preponderance of male victims over female is typical.

CAVE, Dudley Scott, (1921-1999) homosexual and LGBT activist, member of Peter Tatchell’s Outrage group for the lowering of the age of consent, Cave revealed his support for paedophilia by writing an angry letter to Social Work Today in 1992 protesting against the prosecution of Peter Righton on child-porn charges. Righton, one of the co-founders of PIE, had run a child-abuse network in schools and care-homes all over the UK for twenty years and is now known to have raped countless boys. Cave exploded with rage, called Righton a “responsible adult” and wrote “the trial itself is obscene”. He asserted that child pornography was “a crime without a victim”. He added that he was a septuagarian but if he wanted to be stimulated by erotic pictures or videos he would defy the law and go ahead. Another article in Social Work Today around this time referred to Righton being prosecuted for photographs of “young men” not boys. For some reason the Independent newspaper thought Cave deserved an obituary in 1999, and it was duly written by Peter Tatchell*, who lauded Cave as a “gay rights champion”. Cave is held up as a hero in LGBT History Month,

CAVENDISH-COULSON, Keith, teacher at Terra Nova prep school in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, was convicted in 2014 of 42 instances of sexual assault on boys as young as eight, in the 1970s. He evaded justice for four decades because of a cover-up led by the then headmaster.

Cavendish-Coulson, a former French teacher, was finally convicted at the age of 71, in November 2014 and sentenced at Chester crown court to six years and nine months.
After befriending his victims he would molest them in classrooms, their dormitories and his private quarters, sometimes in the presence of other children, with his activities an open secret among the boys.
But despite complaints he was allowed to leave the school for “health reasons”, the court heard, and took up other private teaching posts.
Two separate police investigations in 1998 and 2005 stalled, the court heard.
Past pupils of the £13,000-a-year school include Olympic sailing gold medallist Sir Ben Ainslie and David and Victoria Beckham’s eldest son, Brooklyn.
On Wednesday Cavendish-Coulson admitted 42 offences of indecent assault against 24 boys aged from eight to 13 while working at the school between 1973 and 1975. He also admitted indecent assault of another child while working as a private tutor in the mid-1980s.
Sentencing him, Judge Roger Dutton said: “It is a sad reflection on the attitudes of that time that even when complaints were made by parents no proper action was taken to investigate these grave allegations. That amounted to a shameful and abject failure to deal with serious sexual abuse upon boys.
“One cannot help but conclude that the reputation of the school meant more to those in authority than the exposure of wholesale sexual abuse by a member of staff on their premises.
“It is quite obvious that the impact of the defendant’s behaviour has had a profound effect on them all.”
Earlier, Anne Whyte QC, prosecuting, told the court: “It is quite clear that this defendant was a persistent and predatory paedophile” from whom there was no escape for the boarders. For each victim it was their first sexual experience, they found it difficult to comprehend what was happening and it left wrecked lives, including years of feeling guilt and worthlessness and resentment towards their parents, she said.
While the psychological harm had lasted 40 years for some victims, the defendant had told probation officers he was abused as a child himself and said of his victims: “Why can’t they get over it?”
Cavendish-Coulson’s abuse was uncovered after the father of one boy overheard his son talking about it and contacted the headmaster, Andrew Keith.
But Keith concluded “nothing sinister” had occurred, until weeks later when the defendant was found in a “compromising position” while tutoring another boy privately at a nearby house.
Martin Hallam, chair of governors at Terra Nova, said: “These offences are abhorrent and deplorable, especially by a teacher on young and trusting children. Our first thoughts are with the victims, who will have lived with this dreadful experience for their entire adult lives.

CELLINI, Benvenuto (1500-1571) Italian Renaissance sculptor and goldsmith. Bisexual, had many relationships with women and with boys. In 1556 he was sentenced to four years in prison when a former apprentice Fernando di Giovanni di Montepulciano accused him of having used him as a catamite for five years. Fernando said that between the ages of 10-15 he had slept in Cellini’s bed and been sodomized many times. Cellini’s sentence was remitted to one of house arrest as a result of the intercession of the Medicis, rulers of Florence.

CENTRE DE RECHERCHE et d'Information sur l'Enfance et la Sexualité (CRIES). Previously named Groupe d'Étude sur la Pédophilie. Founded in Brussels in 1982 by Philippe Carpentier, a homosexual and other members of Gay Infor Homosexualité. The group published the magazine L'Espoir and got funding from UNICEF, the UN children’s charity. In 1986, CRIES was exposed as a front for paedophile activity. The basement of the UNICEF building was being used for making child pornography, children were hired out for sex, and Joseph Verbeeck, the head of UNICEF Belgium was found to be a member. He was one of only four people to be convicted after an investigation which many still regard as a cover-up operation meant to protect other high-up figures.
On February 24, 1987, UNICEF offices were raided and police seized 4,000 photos and tapes (though liberal intellectuals still deny it). A hundred children appear in these photos and tapes, which were being sold to Canada, Brazil, Japan and Africa, according to the newspaper La Derniere Heure (04/04/1987). Only 25 children were ever identified.
One policeman who worked on the case, Patrick De Baets, says “At the end of the 1980’s I saw the case file of the astonishing paedophile affair around CRIES. Photos of unnameable acts, atrocious, with children and even babies.”
A French private detective called André Rogge confirmed that two notorious paedophiles had been carrying on their activities in the building where UNICEF Brussels was located. They were using UNICEF computers to distribute lucrative child porn. An informant revealed that CRIES was supplying sadistic child porn videos and even children themselves to wealthy members. A file of 800 active paedophiles was seized, with names, addresses, telephone numbers - the names included Marc Dutroux, Beat Meier and John D. Stamford - yet Belgian police made little or no attempt to pursue most of the offenders.
"Les réseaux pédo-criminels en Belgique avant l’affaire Dutroux" Françoise Van De Moortel. http://nonprevu06.kazeo.com/articles/affaire-cries-pedophilie,a979209.html

CHADWICK, William /Bill. Liberal Democrat councillor in Preston, Lancashire. In March 2003 he was convicted of 18 charges of making and distributing child pornography. Chadwick, who was the leader of the LibDems on the council, pleaded guilty at Liverpool Crown Court. Although Chadwick was a homosexual living with his lover Alan Valentine, another Lib-Dem councilor, the pornography featured children of both sexes. The material was of such a serious nature that he was not only convicted of making an indecent photograph of a child, but also of incitement to rape; incitement to murder; incitement to kidnap; and incitement to torture. Chadwick, aged 48, was fined £1,000 and placed on the sex offenders’ register.

CHE, see Campaign for Homosexual Equality.

CHÉREAU, Patrice, distinguished French stage and film director who won many prizes. His film L’Homme Blessé (The Wounded Man) of 1983, concerns a love affair between an older man involved in prostitution and a teenage boy. He was homosexual but refused to be drawn into activism, apart from when he co-signed Michel Foucault*’s petition of 1977 for abolition of the age of consent.


CHHATTAPHUR, Vishnwarath Singh Badhur, The Maharajah of Chhattaphur (1886-1932) was a homosexual pederast who corresponded with socialist queer Edward Carpenter. He also knew Forster and Lowes Dickinson. See A Spiritual Bloomsbury, Hinduism and Homosexuality in the Lives and Writings of Edward Carpenter, E. M. Forster and Christopher Isherwood by Antony R. H. Copley.

CHINA is no exception to the pattern seen everywhere else in the world. Wherever there are homosexual relations between males, the predominant type sought involves men with boys. This is reflected in language, customs, laws and institutions. “Men's sexual interest in youths was reflected in prostitution, with young male sex workers fetching higher prices than their female counterparts as recently as the beginning of the 20th century. In Tianjin there were thirty-five male brothels, housing 800 boys, and men from the area were assumed to be expert in anal relations. Although the superintendent of trade at Guangzhou issued an annual warning to the population against permitting westerners access to boy prostitutes ("do not indulge the Western barbarian with all our best favors"), Europeans were increasingly welcomed in the boy brothels. In 10th-century China courting male couples consisted of the older qi xiong (契兄) and the younger qi di. (契弟) (The terms mean, literally, sworn elder brother and younger brother. It is very common in the Chinese culture to conceptualize many kinds of alliances as fictive kinship relationships). Boy “marriages”, which lasted for a set period after which the younger partner would find a wife (often with the help of the older one) appear to have been part of the culture in the province of Fujian in pre-modern times. The marriages were said to have been celebrated by the two families in traditional fashion, including the ritual "nine cups of tea". The popularity of these pederastic relationships in Fujian, where they even had a patron god, Hu Tianbao, gave rise to one of the euphemistic expressions for same-sex love in China, "the southern custom".

COALITION Pédophile Québécois. Canadian group campaigning to legalize pederasty. Dominated by male homosexuals. Fonseca, Suheyla. "Um olhar crítico sobre o ativismo pedófilo" (in Portuguese). Revista da Faculdade de Direito de Campos, nr 10 (juny 2007).

COC NEDERLAND is a Dutch organization for LGBT men and women. COC originally stood for Cultuur en Ontspanningscentrum (Center for Culture and Leisure), which was intended as a “cover” name for its real purpose, which is to promote homosexuality and paedophilia. It is quite open about this and working with other homosexual organizations it has succeeded in getting the age of consent lowered to 12. This makes it very difficult for police to take action against the child prostitution business that flourishes in Holland. COC gets public funding and is allowed to teach classes to children in schools, promoting homosexuality and encouraging underage sex. COC has publicly stated: The liberation of pedophilia must be viewed as a gay issue . . . [and that] ages of consent should therefore be abolished . . . by acknowledging the affinity between homosexuality and pedophilia, the COC has quite possible made it easier for homosexual adults to become more sensitive to the erotic desires of younger members of their sex, thereby broadening gay identity.”

COLÁS, Reinaldo. A father who fought to find the truth about what happened to his two sons has been vindicated, after exposing a paedophile ring running in Spain for at least 15 years. Reinaldo Colás whose two sons aged 3 and 5 years were abducted, travelled all over Europe before finding the truth. In 2000, a girl in Valencia testified that she had been a victim of paedophiles. She accused prominent politician Carlos Fabra whose picture she saw in a newspaper, and alleged that his business associate Giuseppe Farina, ex-president of AC Milan, had raped her over a period of years, when she was aged 9-12, at premises over a bar in Benicarlo. Police raided it and found a large quantity of cocaine. Farina was implicated in importing the drug from Panama, but the other charges were dropped. Reinaldo Colás believed the paedophile story and suspected this ring of abducting his two sons. In 2006 he was imprisoned for 1 year and 5 months for repeating these accusations against Fabra and Farina. But he went on investigating and formed a group of parents of victims fighting for justice, “Asociación de Defensa de Niños Víctimas de Corrupción Sexual Infantil”. Finally Colás tracked down a witness to corroborate what the girl was saying. Antonio Peraire, who had helped in the cocaine trafficking at Bar de Benicarlo, said that he remembered the nocturnal orgies being held there and remembered that the proceedings were filmed.
It now emerges that the Spanish ring was obtaining some children from care-homes and abducting others for clients to molest. Fabra is alleged to have past links with the Mafia and Farina is an accomplice of Bernard Alapetite*. Reinaldo Colás has identified his elder son as the victim in a homosexual paedo-pornographic video circulated in France and Belgium by the network of Alapetite. Neither boy has ever been found. http://dondevamos.canalblog.com/archives/2014/06/28/30155240.html

COLLINS-RECTOR, MARC. Internet video mogul who owns a mansion in California. Homosexual and registered sex offender who lured young boys online, drugged and raped them, and reportedly threatened them with a gun if they did not submit.
Collins-Rector was convicted in 2004 of transporting five underage boys across state lines with the intent of raping them. He was allowed to leave the U.S. in 2006 by claiming a "brain tumor," according to The Hollywood Reporter. The (U.K.) Sun reported in 2007 that he was "swanning around Britain in a chauffeur-driven limo and surrounding himself with young boys." He can no longer be located, despite supposedly being under police "supervision." Michael Egan*, the form child actor and model, made allegations in 2014 that he was beaten, drugged and molested repeatedly at Collins-Rector’s house in the late 1990s by a group of powerful Hollywood homosexuals. See also Egan, Singer.

COMBONI MISSIONARIES a.k.a. Verona Fathers RC seminary in Mirfield, England. Various peiests there are now alleged to have molested boys sexually. Father Domenico Valmaggia who was in charge of the infirmary from 1960s -1986, is thought to have molested eighteen boys aged 11-14. They reported that he forcibly masturbated them and washed their genitals unnecessarily. When complaints reached ears of his order, they moved him to another job where he would not work with children. Father John Pinkman was allegedly serial abuser of boys as young as 11. Father Roman Nardo allegedly abused Mark Murray and other boys over a period of many months. A Twitter account is now active.

CONOVER, Gerrett. Homosexual boy scout leader of Gloucester County, USA, admitted to a seven-year relationship with an underage boy and was sentenced to 20 years in October 2015. Conover was arrested in September 2012 attempting to enter the United States from Canada. He had a computer containing more than 50 images of child pornography, most of which graphically depicted sexual acts involving young boys.
Search of Conover's house unearthed laptops containing more child pornography and records of online chats between Conover and an underage boy. In the chats, Conover admitted to having been sexually involved with a boy for seven years, and that he had gained access to the victim while on Boy Scouts trips and following troop meetings.
The case resurrects concerns that had been raised following the decision by the Boy Scouts of America to lift the ban on gay adults as scout leaders; opponents of the amendment contend that the sexual abuse of minors within the organization has the potential to greatly increase as a result.
The same day that the ban was lifted, a 68-year-old scoutmaster was arrested and charged with sexually abusing an 11-year-old boy; investigators are looking into a possible second victim from several years ago.
A case in New Jersey involving an openly bisexual scout leader who allegedly sexually abused at least four minors gained traction in August after a judge ordered the Boy Scouts of America to turn over thousands of records potentially containing numerous accounts of sexual misconduct within the organization.
Late last month in Spokane, Washington, a Boy Scouts assistant troop leader was arrested on suspicion of possession of child pornography. Forty-seven-year-old David Armstrong has been ordered to have no contact with adolescents and is prohibited from participation in Boy Scouts activities pending a criminal investigation.
See also Boy Scouts*

COOKE, Sidney (b.1927). Gangster and murderer, described by the Guardian as "Britain's most notorious paedophile". Notorious pimp supplying boys in London in the 1970s and 80s, Cooke’s operation ran at least 60 boys out of a shoe shop in Hackney. Cooke, who was the homosexual partner of David Patrick, molested countless boys himself and was involved in trafficking boys between London and Holland. In 1984 he led the four men jailed for gang-raping and killing 14-year-old Jason Swift in Hackney, East London. The gang, known as the Dirty Dozen, allegedly killed 25 boys. Victims were drugged and subjected to FB at orgies. The other gang members paid Cooke £5 to FB Jason. It is alleged that his rape which ended in his death, was filmed for pornography. His body was dumped in a field in Essex. Detectives investigating the case found another boy, aged 13, in a house used by Cooke; he was being kept there on drugs and forced into homosexual prostitution. Police arrested Cooke along with Robert Oliver and two other accomplices – homosexuals Leslie Bailey* and Steven Barrell. Cooke was gaoled and after being released in 1988 was convicted of more similar crimes and returned to gaol. Yet most of his crimes did not come to light until a TV programme “Dispatches” was made about him in 1999. Many more victims and witnesses came forward.Cooke's first known victims were two teenage brothers who'd spent part of their childhoods in care. Groomed and manipulated by Cooke, in the 1970s and early 80s they travelled around with him in his caravan. They were so relentlessly abused they believed that FB was part of a normal relationship between an adult and a child.
Cooke’s youngest known victim was Mark Tildesley, aged seven, abducted from a fairground in Wellington Road, Wokingham, on June 1, 1984. He was raped by Cooke, Lennie Smith, Oliver and Bailey. They gave him muscle-relaxant drugs in order to make FB possible. By the time the gang-rape was finished the child was dead. His burial place has never been found.
Cooke claimed to have been a victim of CSA himself.

COOPER, Simon Mitchell, 56, formally pleaded guilty to seven charges of indecent assault in Melbourne, Australia in September 2013. Six charges related to the abuse of one boy throughout 1984, and the seventh charge involved the boy's brother, who was indecently assaulted in 1986. Several more serious charges, of rape, were dropped, presumably in exchange for the guilty plea to others. Cooper, a former Crown prosecutor once thought worthy to be considered for the role of Victoria's chief magistrate, resigned as a magistrate when he pleaded guilty to the charges. But when convicted he got no kind of penalty whatsoever. And outspoken columnist Derryn Hinch was gaoled for reporting the fact.

CORAL. The “Affaire CORAL” in France was a child-abuse scandal in a care-home at Aimargues near Nîmes, founded on progressive principles in 1970, to treat sufferers from various psychological conditions. In 1982, children from the home told neighbours that they were being sexually abused. The director Claude Sigala, was charged, along with psychiatrist Alain Chiapello and a teacher, Jean-Noël Bardy4. Two former residents, Jean-Claude Krief and his brother Michel, then came forward and alleged that there was a larger network, with paedophiles visiting the CORAL to make use of the children, particularly those with Downs syndrome or other handicaps, who could not complain. Shortly afterwards, a large quantity of child porn was found in the possession of the editor of Possible, who was a friend of Sigala, and this led to allegations that the inmates were also being used to make such materials. An 11-yr-old boy was rumoured to have been sexually assaulted and killed. Sigala was finally convicted of improper relations with one minor under the age of 15. Jean-Noël Bardy admitted to having sexual relations with some of the children and asserted that this was part of their progressive therapy. He and three other teachers got suspended sentences.
The names of some high-up people in France were bandied about in various allegations.
Jean-Claude Krief retracted part of his accusations in November 1982. Shortly afterwards, his brother Michel Krief was found dead. The inquest decided this was suicide, but there were rumours that both brothers had been threatened into silence.

COSGROVE, Oliver, British man deported to Australia as a child, and sexually abused by Christian monks during his school years. Told his story on TV Channel 4 News 27th Feb 2017
Another similar case told on
COTTON, Roy, bishop of Chichester. Admitted to molesting two choirboys in the 1970s and 1980s. An official apology was issued by the diocese.

CRESSOLE, Michel, (1948 -1995), French journalist, essayist and homosexual militant. Member of Front Homosexuel d'Action Révolutionnaire. In 1977, he was one of the signatories of Michel Foucault*’s petition to abolish the age of consent. He died of AIDS.

CURLEY v. NAMBLA was a wrongful death lawsuit filed in the District Court of Massachusetts in 2000, by Barbara and Robert Curley against the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) In 1997, Barbara and Robert Curley's 10-year-old son Jeffrey was kidnapped, raped and murdered by two homosexuals, Salvatore Sicari, 21, and his partner Charlie Jaynes, 22. The two men befriended Jeffrey, taking him on car rides to dinners. They offered him a bicycle in exchange for [homo]sex[ual perversion]. When Jeffrey refused, Jaynes killed him in the car's backseat and the two men then molested the child’s body. Sicari confessed to his part in the crime. NAMBLA literature and a membership card was found in the backseat of the car and in Jaynes' apartment. Sicari was convicted of first-degree murder and Jaynes was convicted of second-degree murder and kidnapping.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLU-M) represented NAMBLA and got the suit dismissed because NAMBLA is an association, not a corporation. The Curleys continued the suit as a wrongful death action against individual NAMBLA members. The Curleys dropped the second lawsuit in 2008 because they had only one witness prepared to testify that NAMBLA incited one of the killers, but a judge ruled the witness was not competent to testify.
NAMBLA had been the subject of several sting operations, raids and had been accused of links in several high profile child abduction cases such as the 1979 Etan Patz case. The group denied any connections to crime.
From Wikipedia.

CUTLER, Barry. Homosexual, “gay” activist, Secretary of Committee of CHE. Along with several members of the Paedophile Information Exchange he was convicted of criminal paedophile activities in England in July 2011. Cutler was the flat-mate of Warren Middleton alias Parrat and a close associate of Leo Adamson*, who belonged to both PIE and CHE. Cutler, 60, pleaded guilty to three offences of having indecent images and failure to provide a password, and was jailed for 15 months.
Cutler listed as Secretary, Committee, Campaign for Homosexual Equality, 86, Caledonian Road, London N1 9DN United Kingdom on 2003 website of Campaign for Homosexual Equality. See CHE

DAHMER, Jeffrey (1960-1994), known as the Milwaukee Cannibal, convicted in 1992 for sexually assaulting and killing 17 teenage boys whose bodies he subjected to necrophilia, cannibalism and fetishism. Dahmer would pick up young males at gay bars and saunas, take them home and give them sleeping pills before assaulting them. He had several convictions for exposing himself in front of children in parks - a type of behaviour frequently seen at Gay Pride parades all over the world. One of Dahmer’s victims was 14-year-old Native American male prostitute James Doxtator; who was drugged and strangled. In 1989 Dahmer was convicted for molesting a 13-year-old boy but the murders were not suspected. In one case he kept the dried genitalia of a victim as a trophy. In May 1991, Dahmer encountered a 14-year-old named Konerak Sinthasomphone on Wisconsin Avenue; he lured him back to his apartment, where he drugged him, sexually assaulted him, drilled a hole into his skull, and injected muriatic acid into the frontal lobe. By the summer of 1991, Dahmer was murdering approximately one person each week. When finally arrested he had four severed heads in his flat, and an assortment of other body parts including victims’ hands, penises, hearts, seven skulls and several entire skeletons. He confessed to having eaten large parts of many of the bodies. He pleaded guilty but insane. The court decided that he was sane and guilty. After three years in prison, Dahmer was killed by a fellow-inmate of the Colombia Correctional Institution.
Most of the worst serial killers in USA history have been homosexuals. See Murderpedia.

DANET, Jean, (1924- 2001), was a French actor, homosexual activist, and LGBT theorist.[1] He was was one of the signatories of Michel Foucault*’s petition of 1977 for abolition of the age of consent, and participated in the program Sexual Morality and the Law with Foucault, debating age of consent reform in France.[3] Danet died in Paris.


DAVIDSON, Michael (1897-1976). Journalist, homosexual friend of W.H. Auden and Peter Righton. He was gaoled in England for pederast offences and decided to seek his pleasures on foreign shores thereafter. His autobiography The World, The Flesh and Myself (London: Arthur Barker, 1962) begins with the line ‘This is the life story of a lover of boys’, and has now been re-issued in the series “Gay Modern Classics”. Then blurb presents him as a paedophile hero, “Twice sent to prison for his sexuality, he bravely wrote in 1962 Life Story of a Lover of Boys… a classic memoir of gay life in the first half of the century.” So his actions are turned into an abstraction, merely his “sexuality”, while the fate of the victims is ignored. This is categorized as “gay” life, not criminal paedophile behaviour. A review of this book on the Amazon website says that it has inspired a modern homosexual to imitate Davidson. His later memoir, Some Boys (London: David Bruce & Watson, 1972) is a blatant confession of international child sex tourism and assault. It is a best-seller on “gay” booklists.
The World, The Flesh and Myself, re-published June 13th 1985 by Gay Men's Press.

DAVIS, Leonard E, “Len”, homosexual, lecturer in Social Care at Brunel University, close friend and associate of Peter Righton*. His influential books and his articles in Social Work Today openly seek to normalize sexual relations between care workers and children, even handicapped or vulnerable children. He argued that touch and personal affection were just what children in care needed and if this took the form of sex, nobody should make a fuss about it. He was called on to testify in a case of alleged sex abuse at two care-homes, and persuaded the judge to dismiss the case. It later emerged that there had been serious misconduct in both institutions.
‘Sex and the Social Worker’ by Leonard E. Davis (Heinemann Educational Books, 1983)

DAY, Neil, convicted of paedophile offences against girls and boys at Guildford Crown Court, in November 2016. On January 23, Day was sentenced to four years in prison and placed on the sexual offenders register for life. His male victim. Tim Verity, has testified to the harmful impact CSA had on him " The effect of this was to fracture my fragile developing mind and trap me in a cycle of destructive behaviour that would continue to haunt me for years to come. I spent over half of my lifetime picking the shards of psychic debris from my wounded self. For 15 years I lived as a prisoner to thoughts and feelings I couldn’t control. It took the birth of my nephew, and the realisation that by staying silent I could be putting other children risk, to summon up the courage to come forward."
He has launched a website for fellow-victims of CSA. “The response so far has been overwhelming, with survivors getting in contact to share their stories, offer support and with kind words to say about my decision to come forward. I’ve already had a number of meetings with survivor led organisations and individuals working to offer support to people who have experienced abuse and I’m hoping to build on this momentum in the coming months. I launched this site as a way of connecting with fellow survivors, to offer support and to ensure that our voices are heard. Through my experiences I hope to add to the growing debate on the subject, as well as to engage with and advocate for other people affected by childhood sexual abuse.”
• For more information about Tim’s project go to www.timverity.com or follow @TimVerity on Twitter.

DAYNES, Lewis, homosexual computer engineer who groomed a boy of 14 online, lured him to his flat in Essex, England, then molested and murdered him. The victim, Breck Bednar, contacted Daynes online ostensibly to play internet games. When Breck went to meet Daynes in person, he was bound and gagged with duct tape, anally raped and stabbed with a large knife in the neck. Breck’s mother had telephoned police some weeks earlier and asked for help as she thought Daynes was behaving in a controlling way and might be grooming her son for homosexual purposes, but the police ignored her call and labelled her “homophobic”. Daynes who had a previous conviction for indecently assaulting another 15-year-old boy, was convicted of murder at Chelmsford Crown Court in January 2015 and sentenced to 25 years. The judge said there was no doubt that the motives were sexual and sadistic, yet BBC reports did all they could to avoid mentioning the homosexual aspect of the case and even, absurdly, compared Daynes to Jihadists who "groom" recruits online for ISIS.


Death in Venice, story by German writer Thomas Mann. First published in 1912 under the German title Der Tod in Venedig, it tells the story of an aging writer Gustav von Aschenbach, who goes to Venice and becomes infatuated with an effeminate-looking 14-year-old boy called Tadzio. When the story was made into a film in 1972, homosexuals and critics around the world united in agreement that it was a definitive portrayal of homo-eroticism. Homosexual websites welcomed it as opening up about their proclivities. Benjamin Britten* set the story to music in his opera Death in Venice.

DEBOSE, Victor, Boy Scout Leader. Convicted in 2004of molesting boys while on camp in Los Angeles, California. Debose, aged 37, forced boys between the ages of 5 and 9 to perform sexual acts on each other by threatening them with physical violence if they did not comply.

DECRESCENZO, Teresa, American lesbian and LGBT activist, author of Helping Gay and Lesbian Youth: New Policies, New Programs, New Practice. (Routledge 2014)
Blurb says “This pioneering book brings together for the first time the most up-to-date information and thought on gay and lesbian youth in America. Gay adolescents need much more attention than they have been getting from social service providers, and social workers have an ethical obligation to try to meet the service needs of this population.” Judging from the goings-on at centres run by Gay and Lesbian Adolescent Social Services (GLASS) which was founded by DeCrescenzo and her lesbian partner, Betty Berzon, these “new practices” and “ethical obligations” include sexual exploitation and abuse of minors. California Department of Social Services found “on numerous occasions beginning at least as early as 1994, adults affiliated with GLASS, including staff members, members of the GLASS board of directors and volunteers, sexually abused or molested children who were placed with GLASS.” The Department of Social Services found that DeCrescenzo, aware of the allegations of molestation, determined staff conduct not to be inappropriate.” In one case this included sodomy. GLASS had also completely failed to prevent HIV-infected teenagers from having relations with others who came for “help”. Not only did Decrescenzo know and approve of what was going on, her own website offers multiple links to more “gay” organisations that openly promote underage sex. GLASS gets public funding, so its LGBT warriors are being paid not only to promote, but also to practise, paedophilia.
Tom Buchanan, Executive director of Horizons Community Services, predictably denied that this was a “gay” problem though it was all done by men to boys, or by women to girls.
The Advocate 30 Apr 1996 http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=gGMEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA23&lpg=PA23&dq=GLASS+DeCrescenzo+LGBT+youth+California+social+services&source=bl&ots=v9qe1jvRd3&sig=Xdi67Nfurc_lDwIh74pD6E2jZQo&hl=en&sa=X&ei=boQhVNieIqHW7QaJq4DoCw&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=GLASS%20DeCrescenzo%20LGBT%20youth%20California%20social%20services&f=false

DEGENERES, Ellen, lesbian LBGT activist and TV chatshow host in USA. She has admitted in a videotaped interview that during her childhood she was molested persistently by an older woman, confirming both that lesbians carry out CSA and that the harmed victims tend to become homosexual.

DELANEY, Alan, sentenced to 11 years in London in 1989 for his part in the Colin Peters boy-prostitution ring. Vulnerable boys 10-16 were being groomed, raped, rented out and in some cases trafficked to Amsterdam to be used in boy brothels there. Delaney used his position as the leader of a boys’ football club to access boys and persuade them to try homosexual acts which the judge described as “disgusting”. He was the partner of Victor Burnett and the pair of them had been previously convicted for molesting boys in 1981. Some of Delaney’s victims were aged only 7 and 9.
Daily Mirror, February 4th 1989.

DELANGHE, Robert. Belgian homosexual mixed up in CRIES. In 2002 at Nivelles in Brabant he was found in possession of a massive store of child pornographic images and videos, being imported from, among other sources, the Rosoor-Drieghe ring in Thailand. He died soon afterwards.

DELBOUILLE, Jacques. Listed as a member in the records of CRIES*, Delbouille was an eccentric homosexual who claimed to be the only Belgian member of an obscure religious cult, the Hinschists, based in the South of France. Arrested in 1987, he told the police he was infiltrating CRIES on behalf of Belgian intelligence. Although they did not believe this, they could not find enough evidence to charge him. A few years later following a tip off from a convicted CRIES member, police raided his home and found fifteen cubic metres of child pornography in the cellar (along with two child coffins, which contained the dead bodies of his two pet dogs). Delbouille worked as a gravedigger, so he may have had opportunities to hide other things, not just pornography.

DELOGADO, Marcial Maciel, a Catholic priest, founder of the Legion of Christ, turned out to be bisexual and to have perpetrated serious sexual offences against many members and underage students in his own congregation, including even his own son.
Bishops Patrick Ziemann of Santa Rosa in California (1999), Juan Carlos Maccarone of Santiago del Estero in Argentina (2005), Georg Georg Müller of Trondheim and Oslo in Norway (2009), Raymond John Lahey of Antigonish in Canada (2009), Roger Vangheluw of Brughia in Belgium (2010), John C. Favolara of Miami (2010) and Anthony J. O'Connell of Palm Beach in Florida (2010) were removed from office for active engagement in homosexual paedophilia or ephebophilia.

DELPORTE, Pierre, member of CRIES*, convicted in Belgium in 1988 for FBing boys. Got 6 years. Court was told that he brought them to the family home to rape. Described as “intelligent, violent and perverted”.

DEMMINK, Joris, Secretary General of the Dutch Ministry of Justice until 2012. In 1988, Demmink’s name was found on list of clients of a boy brothel in Amsterdam. In 1995 he was implicated in an incident in Turkey. Police were called to a hotel in Bodrum, where an orgy was being held and boys aged 12-14 were raped. Later a Turkish policeman named Mehmet Korkmaz, who was paid to guard Demmink on holidays in Turkey, alleged that he had been asked to obtain underage street boys for Demmink to enjoy at the Hotel Akgum in Istanbul. On 4th October 2012, Chris Smith, president of the Helsinski Commission, testified that Demmink had been charged with paedophile crimes against boys aged between 11 and 15. According to various internet sources, Demmink was convicted of collusion in a ring trafficking young boys from Poland. He got six months under surveillance and 24 hours community service. A campaign for him to be gaoled continues.

DENNING, Chris. Former BBC Radio 1 disc jockey. Pleaded guilty to 29 sexual offences in August 2014 as a result of Operation Yewtree, the British police enquiry into organized paedophile rings. The offences, dating from 1967 to 1985, are related to 24 boys aged nine to 16.
Denning and disgraced pop mogul Jonathan King*, who was jailed for child sex offences in 2001, are said to have preyed on boys at teenage discos in Walton-on-Thames during the 1970s. Denning admitted four charges of indecent assault on a male under 16 in Surrey between 1969 and 1982 when he appeared before a judge at Kingston Crown Court. In 1986 Denning was gaoled for twelve months at Bournemouth Crown Court, with a further six months suspended, after he admitted a series of indecency offences involving teenage boys. He was gaoled again in the Czech Republic in March 2000, for three and a half years, for paedophile offences against boys. Denning and three other defendants were having relations with under-aged boys they picked up in bars and computer games arcades. The boys said they were given gifts and money in return for sexual acts. Denning made a defence speech of 44 hours in which he defended pederasty until the judge interrupted him and found him guilty. In 2008 Denning was gaoled in Slovakia for five years on charges of producing child pornography. Denning is known to have molested his own nephew Paul Anthony Denning, then aged sixteen, who went on to molest young children himself.

DESFONTAINES, Abbé Duval, French journalist and critic. A homosexual priest, he was condemned to death for sodomy with little boys in 1725, but reprieved thank to the intervention of Voltaire, who however, had no illusions about him. Voltaire wrote that the Abbé Desfontaines was “…a malcontent who wants to violate all the little boys and outrage all the reasonable people”. This sounds like quite a good description of William Burroughs or Allen Ginsberg.
Voltaire to Abbé d’Olivet, 4th Oct 1735. In Voltaire’s’s Corr. Vol. 87. D1000.

DEVORE, (Rev) Jeff, a congregational minister in Orange County, California and member of NAMBLA, was convicted of paedophile offences in Los Angeles in 2005. He was one of seven NAMBLA members caught in an FBI sting operation. The undercover agent joined NAMBLA then contacted the members to offer them a sex holiday in Mexico where boys could be provided of any age they chose. Some requested boys as young as 8 years old. The FBI set up a fake holiday company and each man paid hundreds of dollars to book. They were arrested when they turned up to board the boat to Ensenada. Devore did not go on the trip but was convicted of possessing child pornography.
The seven arrested included: Sam Lindblad, 56, of Albuquerque, N.M.; Gregory Mark Nusca, 43, of Dania Beach, Fla., also known as David R. Busby or Steven West; Steven K. Irvin, 46, of Pittsburgh, a special education teacher at Carrick High School (search); Richard Stutsman, 59, of Seneca, S.C., a substitute teacher for a school district in Oconee County; Phillip Todd Calvin, 43, of Dallas; David Cory Mayer, 49, of Chicago, a flight attendant; and Paul Ernest Zipszer, 39, of Deltona, Fla.
An eighth man was charged with distributing child pornography, said FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller. NAMBLA was not charged in the case.

DIAGILEV, Sergei, Russian choreographer and ballet producer. A small and ugly man, he had many affairs with male dancers who were always far younger than himself, selected for their good looks and dancing talent. He made his dance company into a “kingdom of beautiful boys”. The Russian composer Prokofiev noted his pederastic tendencies and commented that Diaghilev had “better taste in boys than in music”. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=2176

Dirkhising, see Carpenter.

DOGGET, Alan, music teacher and choir master at St Paul’s School, London, a prestigious private school, and at its prep school Colet Court. Member of PIE.* Serial abuser of boys aged 7-11, he even used sexual abuse as part of the audition process. Dogget is one of six male teachers charged with abusing boys in this school over a period of twenty years from 1960s onwards. When the assaults came to light he was allowed to quietly resign and take a post at the city of London School. In 1978 he was accused of molesting a boy there aged ten, and before he could be prosecuted he threw himself under a train. The Magpie, PIE's magazine, advertised a memorial service for him and said he should be remembered for his ‘friendliness, integrity and loyalty’.
One victim, Luke Redmond, recalled how he was sexually abused by three masters together, who used to beat him for sexual pleasure.
Other teachers named were Patrick Marshall, a rowing master, accused of abusing a 15-year-old boy in late 1970s; 'Alex Alexander' a housemaster, accused of beating boys with their trousers down; and Rev Paul Topham, who is said to have taken boys into his bed and on naked swimming sessions where he would touch them inappropriately. Topham was investigated by police in 2000 but not prosecuted. He denied all allegations and died in 2012. A fifth teacher was caught with a list of boys he liked to spank.
When the investigation was reported in the newspapers, several comments were left by readers who thought pederasty in schools not uncommon.
Paul Gilson, London, United Kingdom, 8 months ago.”Virtually every ex-public school boy from the age of fifty up would know of bent masters who had their wicked way with pupils. At the time it was just accepted these creeps were like that. It never crossed our minds to report incidents, presumably for fear of what might become us.”

Dokumentatieidients Pedofilie.[3] A Belgian group for promoting and legalizing pederasty, founded and run by male homosexuals.
Santiago, Pablo. "Colectivos a favor de la pedofilia". In: Alicia en el lado oscuro (in Spanish). Madrid: Imagine, 2004, pp. 387-391. ISBN 84-95882-46-9.

DONCASTER. Two men in Doncaster were found in 2013 using the internet to meet and seduce teenage boys, about half of them under the age of 16 which is the age of consent in the UK. One of the men was found to be HIV positive.

DOUCÉ, Joseph, Belgian RC priest, lover of Philippe Carpentier. Militant homosexual who demanded the RC church should change its teachings on homosexuality. Set up a youth education centre in Paris named Christ the Liberator where boys were liberated by being sexually abused by priests. He called it “Pastoral Centre for psychological support to sexual minorities”. Doucé wrote a book La Pédophilie en question, in which he asserted that children desire sex with adults and that it does no harm.“The pedophile relationship is realizing the wishes of the child and the adult, mutual desires that make a true sharing.” (p.38). Involved in several pederast and child-porn networks, including TORO BRAVO and CRIES. He circulated the porn videos being made or imported by Peter Glencross* in France. Doucé was mysteriously abducted in 1992 and shot in the forest of Rambouillet near Versailles. His death has been attributed to the French intelligence agency, to blackmail or to a revenge attack by his former victims.

DOUGLAS, Lord Alfred. Homosexual lover of Oscar Wilde, he was responsible for Wilde’s foolish prosecution of the Marquess of Queensberry, resulting in Wilde’s downfall. Douglas was a pederast, who continued to pursue young boys in England and abroad all his life. He referred to them as “renters”. He and Oscar Wilde travelled to Morocco to indulge their perversion in tandem. Douglas was a minor poet best known for the line “the love that dares not speak its name” but there is no sign in his life that he could love anybody apart from himself. Vain, selfish, dissolute and utterly lazy, he was the product of a violent, overbearing father and a soft, doting mother who infantilized him. His nickname “Bosie” chosen by his mother meant “boysie” and he was adept at playing the role of the spoilt, sulky child. It was this infantilism that made him attractive to Wilde, so that their relationship was a quasi-pederastic one. He first approached Wilde to ask for help sorting out a problem with a rent-boy who was trying to blackmail him. Wilde acted the part of mentor and thus their relationship had an adult-child aspect. In later life Douglas’s blond good looks faded and his nose grew very long, giving him a weasel appearance. He married an American heiress, for money, and was quickly divorced. He then returned to his self-indulgent life of lounging around and pederasty. In December 1944 Douglas wrote to a friend, “You remember those months we had in Capri – all the fun and cavorting, the beautiful boys and the thin winter sun… I found a picture yesterday, our names and dated and all so it must be so. How young we look, how carefree.”

DOUGLAS, Norman (1867-1962), novelist and travel writer, author of South Wind and Old Calabria. Douglas had to leave England in 1916 to avoid prosecution for making homosexual advances to a 16-year-old boy who complained to the police. Despite having close relationships with adult men, such as Pino Orioli, with whom he travelled extensively in Italy, Douglas never stopped molesting boys. He never concealed his pederasty from his friends, and often had boys living with him in his house. He avoided prosecution only by fleeing a series of countries. His book Fountains in the Sand describes his wanderings in Tunisia, where he like so many other European homosexuals went in pursuit of young boys. South Wind is about Capri which attracted homosexuals for the same reason.
R. Aldrich, The Seduction of the Mediterranean: Writing, Art and Homosexual Fantasy.
James Money, Capri: Island of Pleasure.

DOUTROUX, Marc. Centre of wide-ranging paedophile scandals in Belgium, he was convicted of abducting, imprisoning, raping, and torturing dozens of victims many of whom died. There were numerous perpetrators linked to this ring, all of them operating for decades and one thing that emerges from the horrific testimonies of survivors, almost unreadable though they are, is that about twenty-five percent of the victims in the racket were boys. This is more than ten times the percentage of homosexuals in the population at large. One survivor described how a young boy had his genitals completely cut off before being killed and ritually buried. Dutroux had links to CRIES* which got UNICEF funding. https://wikispooks.com/ISGP/dutroux/Belgian_X_dossiers_victims_and_witnesses.htm

DOWSETT, Gary W. Professor at La Trobe University, LGBT campaigner and public paedophilia advocate. Involved as a founder of the laughably named “safe schools” programme to indoctrinate children in Australia. Since Dowsett’s pro-paedophile views were exposed in the Australian parliament in March 2016, LGBT groups in Australia have vociferously defended him and made it clear that they entirely support what he has always said i.e. that homosexual men do seek relations with boys, and that society should condone and encourage this. In 1982 Dowsett published a paper “Boiled Lollies and Band-aides: Gay Men and Kids” in Gay Information – A Quarterly Journal (Spring 1982) a far from “academic “journal, in which he said, “And I also have a friend, a paedophile, who is working very hard on making sense out of his relations with boys. These relations consist of, among other things, a large amount of nurture and support for these boys, a real caring for their welfare and growth. […] So what is the problem? Or more succinctly, what is the problem we are facing that warrants the construction of an issue about the relations between gay men and kids? […] For, anecdotes aside, one thing should be quite clear: gay men do have a wide range of relationships with kids, their own, their friends’, in ‘families’ and other social arrangements. That is the starting point in the debate, and it is from this point, our practices, that a political position can be built. And a new political position is needed for there are significant political struggles at stake. First, we have three legal/social questions to win: custody right for gay men and lesbians; the legal rights of paedophiles and their young lovers; and finally the sexual rights of children as a whole. Second, we have three issues within the homosexual movement and community: the support gay men provide the women’s movement and in our alternative child rearing practices and arrangements; the way we have set up the debate at present; and last the real meaning of childlessness. […]”” (35-38.)
The formula “I have a friend” is of course a well-known euphemism for “this is myself but I’m not admitting it”. In other words, a practising paedophile is being funded by the government to set up a programme to make schools “safe” for paedophiles.
He went on, “Cuddling, breastfeeding, bathing together, playing, kissing and fondling kids are immensely pleasurable activities for them and for us. And it is not uncommon to be sexually aroused by that closeness, that touch and that love. How different then is that gentle, tentative sexuality between parent and child from the love of a paedophile and his/her lover? […] The current paedophilia debate then is crucial to the political process of the gay movement: paedophiles need our support, and we need to construct the child/adult sex issue on our terms. […] Our new kinds of arrangements collectively create a new politics of child/adult relations. Is this a bit of gay chauvinism, gay pride, a fond idealistic hope? Maybe, but since when have we too regarded pride as a sin?” Of course not, they prefer loud mouthed, egotistical, self-centred immoral boasting.
Mr Christensen, an Australian MP who has called for the Safe Schools program to be scrapped, exposed Dowsett’s "controversial views" in 2016. The Member for Dawson told Parliament Professor Dowsett was a "longtime advocate of intergenerational sex, otherwise known as paedophilia".
Appallingly, La Trobe University issued a statement supporting Dowsett, on ABC online (16 March 2016).


DRIBERG, Tom, British Labour MP, later made Baron Bradwell (1905-1976) and chairman of the Labour party. Driberg was a communist, a spy and a homosexual with a pronounced taste for young boys. He came from a wealthy family and went to private boys’ schools where he was initiated into homosexuality by the age of 10. Despite failing his degree at Oxford he easily found work with the influence of his well-placed homosexual friends, such as Guy Burgess*. Driberg joined the Communist party, and according to Peter Wright’s book Spycatcher, acted as a KGB agent for many years while sitting in Parliament from 1942 onwards.Driberg was caught several times soliciting in public toilets, but used his position as an MP to avoid prosecution. In his autobiography Ruling Passions published posthumously in 1977 he described himself wearing fishnet stockings, and indulging in casual homosexual encounters with strangers in London. He admits that he hired boys for sexual purposes and says that the police knew but did not prosecute him because of his powerful friends. Driberg was closely involved with the Kray gangsters. He regularly went to their parties at the flat of DJ Alan Freeman where boys would be pimped to wealthy powerful men such as Lord Boothby.
“In the early 1960s Driberg attended sex parties with Lord Boothby in London. Boothby commented in his autobiography, Boothby: Recollections of a Rebel: "Tom Driberg once told me that sex was only enjoyable with someone you had never met before, and would never meet again." Winston Churchill added that “Tom Driberg is the sort of person who gives sodomy a bad name.”
According to the journalist, John Pearson, "Driberg got to know them through Mad Teddy Smith, a good-looking psychopathic gangster who was a friend and occasional enemy of the Krays. Driberg, described as a voracious homosexual, is said to have given Smith the addresses of his rich acquaintances, whose houses he might burgle, in return for sexual favours." As a result of these sex parties Boothby began an affair with gangster Ronnie Kray.
In June 1964, two Conservative back-benchers reported to the chief whip that they had seen Driberg and Boothby at a dog track importuning boys. Boothby was on holiday with Colin Coote, the editor of the Daily Telegraph, when on 12th July 1964, the Sunday Mirror published a front page lead story under the headline: "Peer and a gangster: Yard probe." The newspaper claimed police were investigating an alleged homosexual relationship between a "prominent peer and a leading thug in the London underworld", who is alleged to be involved in a West End protection racket. The following week the newspaper said it had a picture of the peer and the gangster sitting on a sofa. Rumours soon began circulating that the peer was Lord Boothby and the gangster was Ronnie Kray. Stories also circulated that Harold Wilson and Cecil King, the chairman of the International Publishing Corporation were conspiring in an attempt to overthrow the Conservative government led by Alec Douglas-Home. Boothby's friend, Coote, used his contacts in the media to discover what was going on.
As journalist John Pearson pointed out: "By doing nothing he (Boothby) would tacitly accept the Sunday Mirror's accusations. On the other hand, to sue for libel would mean facing lengthy and expensive court proceedings which could ruin him financially - apart from whatever revelations the Sunday Mirror could produce to support its story." Boothby was then approached by two leading Labour Party figures, Gerald Gardiner, QC and solicitor Arnold Goodman. They offered to represent Boothby in any libel case against the newspaper. Goodman was Wilson's "Mr Fixit" and Gardiner was later that year to become the new prime-minister's Lord Chancellor.
John Pearson has argued that Driberg was behind this cover-up: "As an important member of the Labour executive, Driberg had a lot of influence, particularly over Harold Wilson, and he would certainly have used it to encourage Arnold Goodman's rescue operation which would save Boothby and himself. All of which undoubtedly explains why, after the settlement, there was not a squeak in parliament about the case - and why instead there seemed an overwhelming cross-bench willingness to let sleeping dogs, however dirty, lie - and go on lying."
Driberg left the House of Commons in 1974 and the following year was created Baron Bradwell. He died of a heart-attack on 12th August 1976. His autobiography, Ruling Passions, was published posthumously in 1977.”
Francis Wheen, Tom Driberg, His life and Indiscretions, (Chatto and Windus 1990)

DRIEGHE, Claude, Belgian film director, homosexual partner of Michel Rosoor. Involved with CRIES. Convicted in 1982 of making and distributing child pornography. Released on parole in April 1985, he immediately resumed recruit teenage boys to make films, and organized “rehearsals” that ended in orgies. Sentenced to 10 years in the case of CRIES in 1988, he served five years, then was let out on parole and fled to Thailand with Rosoor. In Pattaya the two of them continued making paedo-porn movies and in 2009 they were charged with keeping a child brothel. Forty victims were identified. The case was transferred to the Belgian courts. In 2011, Drieghe was sentenced to six years, but appealed, was never held in gaol, and after five years was acquitted on all points.
Donde Vamos, Feb 6th 2013 http://translate.google.com/translat...00%26bih%3D708

DUNFORD, Charles, 70-year-old gaoled in Essex, UK, in 2007, for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old boy in a public lavatory.The boy, a total stranger to Dunford, reported how he had been grabbed and forced into a toilet cubicle, where the act took place.


DUNN, Ian Campbell, homosexual, gay-rights activist. In 1974, Dunn co -founded the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE)* with Michael Hanson. It became the leading contact group for adults campaigning for the right to have sex with children. In the same year he and Derek Ogg convened the International Gay Rights Congress in Edinburgh. This led to the formation of the International Lesbian & Gay Association (Ilga). Now a global federation of 400 gay rights groups in 60 countries, Ilga has played a pivotal role in getting what Peter Tatchell called in his enthusiastic obituary of Dunn “gay equality.”
When in 1984 a Sunday newspaper named him as a paedophile, Dunn sued for libel. But undercover journalists had already caught him on tape bragging about molesting a fourteen-year-old boy. He had to abandon the libel action and was jailed in 1984 for his paedophile activities. All very reminisicent of Oscar Wilde.
When he left gaol he continued to work as a prominent LGBT activist, leading a lobby group named Outright Scotland. In 1997, he condemned police over a camera surveillance operation in public toilets in Stirling which led to several “gay” men being charged – even though the investigation also revealed that some men had deviant relations with a 13-year-old boy.
At Dunn's funeral in 1998, a young man claimed Dunn had raped him when he was fifteen. Dunn also supported a paedophile magazine called ‘Minor Problems.’

DUNN, Robert Joseph "Dolly" (c. 1941 – 11 July 2009) was an Australian convicted child molester. He was a school teacher by profession, working for the Marist Brothers, a Catholic religious order.
He began a 20-year jail sentence in 2001 for 24 sex offences occurring between 1985 and 1995. In 1996, a Royal Commission chaired by Justice James Woods was shown home videos and photographs from Dunn's collection, which included many images of child sex abuse, usually featuring Dunn himself as the perpetrator. Dunn fled the country, but was later found in Honduras after being tracked down by Australia's 60 Minutes program. Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright authorised his extradition back to Australia after he was deported from Honduras to the United States.[1]
Dunn had a long history of abusing boys between the ages of seven and fifteen years old, often videotaping them. Usually, he would offer them money and marijuana in exchange for anal sex. From jail, he repeatedly made written and verbal statements to the effect that he saw nothing wrong with sex between a man and a boy. He previously spent time in Indonesia and the Netherlands. He was a friend and accomplice of Australian diplomat William Stuart Brown*. Dunn lived for many years in Bali in Indonesia where he was a friend of Brown, and they may have run an organized network. In 1996, Brown stayed with Dunn on the island of Lombok. Indonesia is known as the “Paedophile's Paradise” and attracts many male homosexuals for this reason.

DUVERT, Tony (1945–2008) was a French writer and philosopher. One of the many male homosexuals who openly campaigned for legalized paedophilia in the 20th and early 21st century. In the 1970s he achieved some renown, winning the Prix Medicis in 1973 for his novel Paysage de Fantaisie. Duvert's writings are notable both for their style and core themes: the celebration and defence of pedophilia, and criticism of modern child-rearing. Duvert wrote that his sex life began when he was eight.[1] Expelled from school at twelve for homosexuality, he was sent by his parents to a psychiatrist for treatment. Duvert’s novels: Interdit de séjour and Portrait d'homme-couteau in 1969, and Le Voyageur in 1970, explicitly promote sexual relations between adults and children and are generally regarded as pornographic.
In 1974, Duvert expounded his ideology at length in Le Bon Sexe Illustré (Good Sex Illustrated) in which he attacked the family as an institution.

DWYER, Terry, see Haddon

DYKES, Timur. In 2010, a former Boy Scout in Portland, Oregon USA., was awarded $18.5 million by a jury 30 years after he claimed he was abused by an assistant scoutmaster.
Dykes confessed to a bishop from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that he had molested Lewis and 16 other scouts. Dykes later was convicted and spent time in prison. Lewis’ attorneys charged the Boy Scouts with recklessness for allowing Dykes to continue working with young scouts.
Kelly Clark, the attorney who represented Lewis and 22 other accusers, released October on the Internet secret records kept by the scouts dubbed the “perversion files.” More than 14,000 pages of allegations over 20 years ranged from indecent exposure to “suspected immoral relations with juveniles.”
More than 1,200 leaders and volunteers were named in the files, and most were expelled after their placement in an Ineligible Volunteer list.

EAUBONNE, FRANÇOISE D’ (1920-2005), French writer, feminist and militant lesbian, at one time member of Communist Party and later one of the co-founders of Front Homosexuel d’Action Revolutionnaire (FHAR). She was one of the signatories of Michel Foucault*’s petition of 1977 for abolition of the age of consent.

EDMEAD, Albert, “Ann”, has appeared on an LGBT propaganda video as a “proud” transsexual. Appeared in Snaresbrook Crown Court, London, in March 2015 aged 72, accused of sexually abusing a schoolboy in the 1970s when he was living as a man. Edmead, from Bethnal Green, east London, denied raping and indecently assaulting the alleged victim in a bed and breakfast in Plymouth, when the boy was aged between 12 and 13. Edmead who was then a sailor in the merchant navy, had a sex-change in 1982 and has written books about his life. He pleaded not guilty to one count of indecent assault, indecency with a child and three charges of buggery. On the video he recalls that when he and his brother were very young and in a children’s home in Tower Hamlets, they were both sexually abused by men. Albert learned to trade homosexual activity for favours. As a teenager he continued to prostitute himself to men. is brother eventually when older committed suicide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD-DS392foA


EDMEADES, Timothy, of Bungay, Suffolk. Scout Master who molested two boys aged nine and ten in his care. Edmeades was a Labour Party activist and events organiser to the local Labour Lord Mayor. He was gaoled in 2008 and banned from working with children. However after his release in 2010 he breached the order by getting work at a sports club frequented by young boys. H was found taking photographs of them and police who raided his house found abundant child pornography on his computer.

EGAN, see Singer, below.

ELM GUESTHOUSE, a homosexual brothel in south-West London, used to run a pederast racket, with boys supplied from local care homes. Clients included MPs, a judge, a bishop and a long list of VIPs. Police re-opened an investigation into it after the revelations about Jimmy Savile brought renewed complaints about sexual abuse and the grooming of children by British politicians, at parties for men at the former Elm Guest House at 27, Rocks Lane, Barnes Common SE13 in South West London during the late 1970s and 1980s.
An investigation, Operation Fairbank, which was led by the Metropolitan Police Service, started in late 2012. The investigation was a "scoping exercise" aimed at a "preliminary assessment of the evidence rather than a formal inquiry". Existence of the operation was confirmed on 12 December 2012, after operating in secret for several weeks. A full criminal investigation, Operation Fernbridge, was launched in February 2013 as a result of allegations arising from Operation Fairbank.
The owner of the guesthouse, Mr Haroon Kasir, was convicted in 1982 of running a brothel, but the paedophile aspect was only revealed later. In January 2013 Kasir's house in Richmond was raided by police, looking for evidence to back up claims that clients had included famous names in politics, entertainment and the royal household. They also raided the house of Mary Moss, a former child protection officer who had investigated the Elm Guesthouse herself and held records. They found many files in her possession, including a handwritten list of VIPS and pop stars who had been clients there. The names included Cyril Smith, who was a regular client, Anthony Blunt, and Peter Bottomley MP. Jimmy Savile is another listed attender of the Elm Guesthouse “parties”.
The files also identified 16 boys who had been trafficked there from local care homes to be made use of. In 1982 police raided a “party” there and found twelve boys who said they had been sexually abused by men in the house, yet there was no full investigation. They also found whips, chains and ropes. In 1984, the MP Geoffrey Dickens looked into allegations and passed a 50-page dossier to the Home Office - yet the matter was not pursued further. The Home Secretary was Leon Brittan. Dickens got threatening phone-calls and was told he was on a “hit-list”. When he died, Mr Dickens' widow destroyed the information as being too “sensitive”. In 1988, Kasir's wife, Carole, admitted to child protection officers that boys from the nearby Grafton Close council home were brought to her premises and sexually assaulted. But the matter was not properly investigated, probably as a result of a cover-up. In 2003 another investigation was started, but abandoned. Only in 2012, at the urging of Labour MP Tom Watson, did the Met Police decide to launch a thorough probe into the allegations of all witnesses and all victims. This is called Operation Fernbridge and it is still going on.
One unnamed victim told the newspapers how he was taken regularly from the Grafton Close care-home to the Elm Guesthouse to be molested from the age of 10. Group orgies took place. He escaped from the guest house and spent many years sleeping rough. Other boy victims said how painful it was to have to re-live their experiences when questioned by police three decades after the events.
Victims have since described how they were tied up, molested, sometimes plied with alcohol or drugs before being molested, and were forced to watch adult men performing homosexual acts. One boy known as “Dave” who was an orphan aged thirteen when he was sent there described how he and his younger brother, aged 12, were made to dress in fairy costumes before being subjected to deviant abuse. His brother, Peter, later committed suicide, at the age of 28, leaving a note saying that he still wanted revenge on the men who had abused him. Dave was sure other boy victims had killed themselves and suffered just as severely.
Former child protection worker Chris Fay saw photos one of which is said to show a former Tory Cabinet minister in a sauna with a naked 14-year-old boy; another a Home Secretary dressed only in a maid’s apron and holding a naked 12-year-old boy in his lap.
Elm Guesthouse arranged holidays and cruises to Holland for clients, taking boys from the same care homes. The boys were given expensive gifts, whilst being forced to enact the fantasies of the perverts. The company was called Toffs Travels Limited and there is suspicion that they were using some of the boys to make “snuff movies”.
Elm Guesthouse placed its advertisements in “gay” newspapers, plainly targeting male homosexuals with an interest in boys, and it got plenty of response. One of these homosexual magazines was Capital Gay:-
(see http://ukpaedos-exposed.com/westminster-scandal-114-secret-files-on-paedophile-cases-missing/the-civil-servant-in-the-home-offices-pie-funding-inquiry-and-his-academic-articles-on-boy-love/councillorspolitical-party-affiliated/elm-guest-house-child-sexual-abuse)
The reference to the Spartacus Club is a coded message meaning that pederasts would be catered for. See Spartacus.
It was also promoted in a leaflet circulated by the Conservative Group for Homosexual Equality, a lobby group in the ruling Conservative Party.
Parties held at the Elm Guesthouse featured group homosexual molestation of boys brought in for the clients. Videos of homosexual abuse of boys were made and then sold on a pornographic network.
Richmond social services also carried out an investigation. “Richmond’s former head of children’s services Terry Earland said he had no doubt boys were sexually abused at the Elm.” It is said that 114 secret files on the brothel have disappeared from Police or Home Office possession.
Anti-child-abuse activist and filmmaker Bill Maloney interviews Chris Fay, former national adult advisor to NAYPIC (National Association of Young People In Care) about the notorious ELM GUEST HOUSE and the many questions that remain uninvestigated.
Visit: http://www.pienmashfilms.com/

EMSLIE, Gordon, described as “Scotland’s most dangerous paedophile”. Gaoled for 15 years in 1991 after luring three boys, aged 10, 12 and 14 to his caravan in Abernethy, Perthshire, to play computer games before raping them all repeatedly over a period of seven months. His history of sex offences goes back to 1970 and he has nine convictions – eight resulting in a gaol sentence. A prison report on him said that he refused to take part in rehabilitation programmes and showed no remorse. An attempt to give Emslie a chance to reform by putting him on probation in England in 1986 failed. He made contact with Roger Gleaves*, who ran a large-scale pederast project in England. “It is suspected this individual is active within national paedophile networks. There is real concern he will re-offend.”


ERICKSON, Neal, a homosexual pedophile teacher, was sentenced to gaol in Rose, Michigan USA in July 2013 for molesting a 14-year-old pupil. Six of his colleagues sat with him in court and gave him moral support on the grounds that he was being victimized for being “gay”. They protested against his 15 year jail sentence and then somebody in the town set light to the home of the Janczewski family, parents of the victim. The 15 year sentence was give in view of the fact that Erickson was a teacher who had violated his duty of care towards a pupil.
Mich. Family Violently Targeted After Standing Against Teacher Who Molested Their 8th Grade Son | TheBlaze.com.

EVRARD, Francis, French homosexual paedophile convicted of FB-ing boys as young as five years old. He was released from jail in 2007 and immediately re-offended, despite being aged 61. He said that the prison doctor had prescribed him Viagra.

Fach Und Selbsthilfegruppe Paedophilie. Group campaigning for legalised paedophilia, founded in Belgium in the early 1970s.[3] In autumn 1994, German homosexual Professor Rüdiger Lautmann came to Zurich to give a public speech for this group.
Santiago, Pablo. "Colectivos a favor de la pedofilia". In: Alicia en el lado oscuro (in Spanish). Madrid: Imagine, 2004, pp. 387-391. ISBN 84-95882-46-9.

FAHY, (Sir) Peter. Openly, indeed ostentatiously homosexual Chief Constable of the Greater Manchester Police. Notorious for cavorting in the Manchester Gay Pride Festival on a float with nearly-nude boys, singing a homosexual song “The YMCA” whose innuendo hints at his tastes. Two MPs called for his suspension or dismissal in August 2014 after he was shown to have taken a lax and ineffectual attitude towards investigating active paedophiles. The police under his direction allowed a boy to enter the home of a known paedophile who was supposedly under surveillance. The Independent Police Complaints Commission has served Fahy with a “criminal and gross misconduct” notice. He is now facing a criminal investigation.

FALCO, Anthony Thomas, repeatedly posed as a Franciscan monk in order to molest young boys. He was arrested again in San Mateo County, California, in November 2011 and pleased no contest to a charge of sexual misconduct with a boy. The victim was aged 13 when the abuse began. It lasted two years.
Falco, 74, was convicted in 2000 of molesting two boys he met in Aptos. Falco posed as a Catholic monk from New York and took the older boy, aged 15, on a religious pilgrimage with a Capitola church group. While abroad he drugged, bound and molested him. The other victim was invited to his home, given marijuana and shown pornography before being molested. Falco was sentenced to prison time and later relocated to Minnesota.

FARRELL, Chris. Prominent long-time NAMBLA* member and editor of NAMBLA Bulletin. Convicted in New York in 1990 of sodomy with three boys, ages 15 and 16, and endangering the welfare of a child. He got a four year sentence. Farrell, an advertising executive, was not only using a boy-prostitution network, he was running it.
In December 1989 NY police bust a paedophile ring operating in 10th Avenue. A group of homosexual men including Chris Farrell had persuaded older teenage boys such as Joshua Torres (16) to procure younger boys aged 12-13 from his school for them and other customers to molest. The younger boys were given clothes and small payments. Torres took a cut. Farrell was charged along with Hollywood producer David Macleod.* Torres, who was first lured into illegal activity by the wealthy Farrell, went on to become a gangster and multiple murderer.
The Advocate Issue 550, p8 “No Kidding” by Chris Bull. 5/8/1990.

FAUNCH, Craig and Ian Wathey, homosexual couple gaoled in England in 2006 for molesting four boys they fostered. The boys were aged between eight and fourteen. “The pair used the boys for sexual gratification within months of being approved as foster carers by Wakefield council. A mother of eight-year-old twins first raised concerns about them with social services after finding a photograph of one of the boys as he used the lavatory.” But the authorities took no action and accepted the men’s excuses. They started abusing their charges three months later, in February 2004, and the offences continued over an 11-month period, Leeds Crown Court was told.
Faunch abused four boys and Wathey one. Judge Sally Cahill, QC, said neither had shown "empathy, remorse or any responsibility for their actions".
Wathey was jailed for five years after being convicted of four counts. Faunch received a six-year prison sentence after he was found guilty of five charges.

FELDMAN, Corey. In his 2013 book Coreyography, former child star Corey Feldman revealed that he and fellow child-actor Corey Haim had been repeatedly FB-ed, molested and abused by homosexuals in Hollywood, and that although he had reported this to the police in 1993, no prosecution had ever followed. Feldman detailed how he had been molested by four different Hollywood producers and agents, describing the abuse as systemic in their lifestyle. They offered drink and drugs to make the boys malleable and compliant, even telling them what they were doing was normal. See Singer.

FELU, Michel, Belgian homosexual paedophile, helped to run CRIES.* Felu was already a thrice-convicted paedophile when he was given a job at UNICEF in Brussels. He offered children computer classes in the UNICEF building and set up a studio in the basement where he took pornographic pictures of them. Children were obtained by a variety of means and pornography was distributed on a large scale commercially. When CRIES was exposed in 1987, Felu was convicted of raping, pimping and taking obscene pictures of minors. One boy, named “Robbie” to the court, was aged eight when he was hired out by Felu for sexual abuse by a group of adults. The boy was so traumatized that he went mad and had to be confined in a mental institution. Felu was sentenced to eight years, and was out after five.

FERGUSON, Dennis, b. 1948, Australian homosexual and convicted paedophile. According to his own account, he was molested in childhood for many years by his step-father. By 1987 he had five convictions or child molestation. In that year he and his 23-year-old male lover, Alexandria George Brookes, abducted three children, two boys and a girl, aged six, seven and eight, from Sydney. He had known their father in Long Bay Jail. Ferguson and Brookes flew the children to Brisbane, and sexually assaulted them in a house in the suburb of Kedron. The following night, Ferguson and Brookes moved the three children to a motel in the suburb of Ascot, where they again abused the children. Police arrested Ferguson and Brookes at the motel, where they found Ferguson naked with the children. Ferguson told police, "I can help you. Pornography. Kiddy porn, I can get you kiddy porn." Ferguson claimed he was innocent, accusing one of the boys he molested of committing the crimes, but a jury found him guilty of all counts of abduction and assault of the three children. He was sentenced to 14 years' imprisonment, by a judge who noted there was no chance he would be rehabilitated.

FIELD, Brian Lunn, gaoled for kidnapping and murdering a 14-year–old schoolboy Roy Tutill in Surrey in 1968. Field only confessed to killing the schoolboy 31 years later when he was stopped for drink driving in 1999 and his DNA matched a sample taken from the murder scene. He admitted sexually assaulting and strangling Roy before hiding his body in the boot of his car and driving home.
Field carried out a string of sex offences against young boys from the 1950s onwards, and served three jail terms, including four years for attempting to abduct two youths aged 13 and 16 in 1984. Police suspect he could be responsible for other serious crimes, including the murders of David Spencer, 13, and Patrick Warren, 11, in 1996 and the suspicious death of a 15-year-old boy, found hanged in his home in Solihull, Birmingham, in 1997. Both occurred near where Field lived and worked.

FISCO, Richard F., Sr., former Boy Scout leader and businessman, of West Valley City, convicted in 2006 of sexual abuse of a 6-year-old Myton boy in 1995. The charges included two counts of aggravated sex abuse of a child and 20 counts of sodomy on a child. In 1999, after he voluntarily entered counseling when confronted with allegations that he had abused a 10-year-old boy, Fisco allegedly made a list for investigators of 26 other individuals whom he had molested. The list included alleged victims of both genders, ranging in age from 5 to 58. He got a two year jail term.

An independent inquiry has found that managers and social workers in England were so concerned about not appearing homophobic that they overlooked warning signs about two “gay” foster parents who were sexually abusing children.
Ian Wathey, 40, and Craig Faunch, 32, from Pontefract in West Yorkshire, were jailed in June 2006 for five and six years respectively for abusing four boys in their care.
The report, published yesterday, made 41 recommendations and said that both Wakefield council staff and the fostering panel were to blame for not protecting children. “It is clear that these foster carers proved challenging to a number of professional staff, some of whom were ill-equipped for the task of working with them and supervising them,” said investigators, led by a former head of Surrey social services. “The fear of being discriminatory led them to fail to discriminate between the appropriate and abusive.”

FLANDERS, Adam. US homosexual activist convicted of molesting two 14-year-old boys at a “gay” youth club. He openly campaigned for legalized paedophilia until 2007. Subsequently, he obtained a court order silencing moral campaigners in the US who want to expose his paedophile views and past. Fortunately this was overturnedby another court. Flanders is in the habit of displaying nude pictures of himself on the internet.
“Gay Convicted Sex Offender gets judge in Maine USA to issue order restraining moral campaigners from telling truth about him.”
8th June 2012.

FOUCAULT, Michel. French academic, homosexual and paedophile who died ofAIDS in 1984. His biographers Rodgers and Thompson write, “In the final year of his life, in discussing the risk of AIDS, he said, ‘Besides, to die for the love of boys: what could be more beautiful?’”
So perverted lust for boys is called love and regarded as beautiful in his twisted mind. At the University of Berkeley California students called him “that mad French leather queen who whips anyone who’ll let him at San Francisco gay bath houses.”
In 1977 he and a group of others (mainly male homosexuals) presented a petition to the French Parliament for the abolition of all age of consent laws. It was co-signed by Louis Aragon, Roland Barthes, Jean-Louis Bory, Patrice Chereau, Michel Cressole, Gilles Deleuze, Guy Hocquenghem, Jack Lang, Georges Lapassade, Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, Christian Hennion, Gilles Sandier, Françoise d’Eaubonne, André Glucksmann, Felix Guattari, Daniel Guérin, Bernard Dort, Pierre Guyotat, René Scherer, Christiane Rochefort, and Gabriel Matzneff*. The petition was prompted by a current prosecution and the letter’s text was as confused as everything else Foucault wrote, protesting that the accused person had been detained too long before trial, and that the offences had merely consisted of kissing. It used these red herrings to obscure the real issue.
In 1979 he signed two open letters to the French press repeating his demand for the age of consent to be abolished altogether.
Foucault wrote a series of influential books including one called “The History of Sexuality”. This is not a history of sexuality at all… but an extended lament for the change in sexual mores from Ancient Greece - where he claims homosexuality was legal and accepted as normal – to the Christian culture, where it encountered disapproval. Foucault deplores this change and cannot understand why it happened. Throughout the book, his model of “homosexuality” is that of a man pursuing a boy or youth for passing gratification. He confirms in every chapter of the book that homosexuality and pederasty are inseparable. Vol 1 page 31-33 he also condones and trivializes the abuse of underage girls. Foucault was not a classical scholar and his picture of mores in ancient Greece is highly inaccurate. In ancient Greece, in most city-states, including Athens, homosexuality between adult men was not tolerated and sodomy was illegal between freeborn males of any age. Its health dangers were well understood. The man-boy love they talked about was limited to fondling and intercrural intercourse and those men who did not indulge in any physical consummation were admired for their chastity. Men who shunned women and preferred other men were extremely rare, almost unknown, and certainly not considered normal. Sodomy could be legally practiced with slaves, eunuchs or male prostitutes but the latter were despised and men who consorted with them were often ridiculed and disapproved of. So there is much more continuity between the classical world and the Christian ethic than Foucault supposes.
In a dialogue with other fashionable left-wingers, Foucault expressed his disapproval of laws against adult-child sex: "And to assume that a child is incapable of explaining what happened and was incapable of giving his consent are two abuses that are intolerable, quite unacceptable."
Foucault, known for his sado-masochistic homosexual lifestyle and drug taking, died of AIDS in 1984. He is thought to have passed the illness on to about 100 other people.
Le Monde, Jan. 26th 1977.


FRANK, Gerald, and Stephen Carruthers*. Frank, the stepfather of Stephen Carruthers, a convicted paedophile, entered into a grotesque pact with Carruthers, to smuggle a ten-year-old boy into Strangeways prison in Manchester for Carruthers to molest as a birthday present (sic). The incident took place in 1998. Frank told prison officers that the boy was Carruthers’ son, and wanted to be alone with his “Dad”. He was given a five-year sentence for indecency and died in prison in 2001. During police investigations it was discovered that when Carruthers had abducted two boys in York, Frank joined in the abuse, molesting one of the youngsters in a bedroom while the victim’s mother was at the front door of their flat asking Carruthers if he knew where her son was.


FRASER, Dr Morris. PIE member, homosexual and paedophile ring-leader. Fraser and Michael Johnson set up a sailing charity for disadvantaged boys called the Azimuth Trust based in Cornwall. They were allowed to do this despite the fact that Dr Fraser, a child psychiatrist, had a criminal record for taking indecent photographs of children and assault in 1972, and that Johnson had only the year before in 1987 received a written warning from his employer, Cornwall County Council, after a council disciplinary hearing cleared him of allegations of molesting a boy. In the three years that the Azimuth Trust existed over 100 children took part in sailing trips. Many boys selected by Fraser had learning difficulties so it was hard for them to testify against him. The Azimuth Trust published its own magazine which included photographs of naked boys. Many known paedophiles subscribed to the magazine. Dr Fraser contributed a sympathetic chapter to ‘Perspectives on Paedophilia’ published in 1981, as did Peter Righton. Fraser also introduced at least one young boy whom he met through the Azimuth Trust to Charles Napier. Fraser introduced one young boy he met through the Azimuth Trust to a ‘photographer’ and a ‘sculptor’ during a visit to the countryside. That day they took many photographs. The boy’s diary reads (spelling corrected)“Sunday, I met a sculptor and a photographer and they took 75 pictures of me nude and said I was a good figure and gave me £5″.
From UK Paedos Exposed.

FREE SPIRITS. Pederast network running on the internet since 1997. Founded and run by male homosexuals.
Jimf3 was the webmaster of BoyChat in 1997 when its hosting ISP gave notice to terminate its service. Jim organized a group of activists, including Alexis, Adam The Baroque Keyboardist, and others, and launched the Internet’s first paedophile-oriented fundraising campaign in order to buy expensive hosting services from vendors that could take the political heat to keep the accounts open. This was the beginning of the Free Spirits organization. A couple of years later, with its hosting vendors facing increasing political pressure, Free Spirits raised enough money and gathered enough volunteers to buy its own server and set up its own ISP.
Another "contribution" that Free Spirits has made to the pedophile community is that, with the help of Kalos, they developed the "boy love" symbol, which is a blue triangle, nested inside another, which they call the "BLogo." This has become a symbol that pederasts use to identify their lust for boys, on Websites, tee-shirts, jewelry, et cetera.
800 Place Victoria
P.O. Box 411
Montreal, Quebec H4Z 1J7
5505 Rhodes Dr, Ste #116
Windsor ON N8N 2M1 Canada
Source: http://evil-unveiled.com/Free_Spirits_Coalition

FREEMAN, Stephen, a.k.a. Stephen Adrian Smith. Freeman/Smith, a homosexual, was among the founders of PIE. He edited and printed the PIE publications and contact lists. Freeman was at one time a Home Office security guard, so that the members’ hotline for PIE rang inside the British Home Office. The phone would be picked up by “Steven Smith”, who would tell callers where to go for the next meeting. In 2009 Freeman was convicted of running a large-scale child pornography network in London, along with John Morrison, Barry Cutler, Leo Adamson and John Parratt*, all PIE members. The thousands of images discovered included 3,000 drawings Freeman had made of children being raped. Freeman held weekly meetings at his home to view and trade images of child abuse. The images were described at the Old Bailey as "vile and disgusting" and were amongst the worst seen by police, they said. Some 14,500 pictures and films were found on computer discs there and at the address of two of his paedophile ring. Detectives believe tens of thousands more were stored on encrypted computer hard-drives they have been unable to access. Officers from the Child Abuse Command also found computer games where players tried to abuse as many children as possible. Freeman, 57, was given an indeterminate term for public protection.
Mark Gadsden, prosecuting, told the court: "These defendants were paedophiles who would regularly meet up at Steven Freeman's address to view images of children – specifically boys."

FRESNO MALE-FOR-MALES, an online homosexual chat room. One of hundreds that have sprung up, possibly thousands. In Visalia, California, in 2003, a police officer and two other men (one who is HIV positive) were arrested for molesting a 16-year-old boy they met via this internet site. The boy became worried after learning that one of his molesters, Aaron Rodriguez, was HIV positive. He told his mother, and she contacted the police. The investigation of Rodriguez led detectives to the arrest of police officer Bryan Pinto and Justin Helt.

FROST, Mark, a.k.a. Andrew Tracey, school teacher, PIE* member and predatory paedophile with a history of prolific offences world-wide. A former Scouts leader who toured the world to sexually abuse young boys for 40 years jailed for life in 2015. Frost, 70, signed up to the infamous Paedophile Information Exchange in 1978 while working as a teacher in the UK, but was not booted out of the profession until nearly 20 years later. He rose to be a senior figure in the Scouts movement in the 80s and early 90s, took up teaching posts around the country, and was even allowed to adopt a child despite his interest in young boys.
Frost's teaching career ended in disgrace following two convictions for sex offences involving teenagers in the 1990s, and he then moved to Guernsey where he began a decade "under the radar" of authorities. Once off the Sex Offenders' Register, Frost, originally known as Andrew Tracey, quit the UK and changed his name.
He was picked up in Thailand in 2013 on suspicion of child sex offences, but the Thai police let him slip through their fingers before he could be charged or extradited back to the UK. Frost is thought to have skipped between European countries in a bid to stay free before his eventual capture in Alicante, Spain last year.
At the Old Bailey, Frost admitted a string of historic sex offences dating from the late 1980s to 2013. He now faces dying in jail after pleading guilty to the historical abuse of two male pupils in the UK in the late 80s and early 90s and nine boys, aged between 10 and 14, in Thailand between 2009 and 2013. Last year he admitted 22 charges of sex attacks children in Thailand and distributing indecent images, and his vile abuse can be reported today after he confessed to 17 further charges in Thailand and six counts of buggery against two of his former pupils in the UK.
The charges include rape, sexual assault, causing or inciting sexual activity with a child and making indecent images of a child. He was eventually convicted on 45 charges.
CPS lawyer Ruona Iguyovwe said: "There is harrowing evidence that Frost systematically abused vulnerable young boys, exploited them and exploited their situation. This case ranks as one of the most serious I've dealt with as a prosecutor."
The National Crime Agency and charity NSPCC has set up a dedicated hotline for victims of Frost to come forward, fearing they have only scratched the surface of decades of abuse.
Under the name Andrew Tracey, he worked as an English teacher at schools in Worcestershire, Hertfordshire, and Leyton in east London, and rose to the rank of commissioner in the Scouts.
He is also understood to have been turned down for adoption through the Catholic Church because of his links to the Paedophile Information Exchange, before eventually succeeding in adopting a son through a local authority. [This was Croydon council. Frost carried out some of his abuse in front of the boy he had adopted.* In UK homosexuals got religious adoption societies closed down and replaced with local councils, with a pro-LGBT policy.]
Frost was first convicted of possessing indecent images of a child in 1992 but escaped with a £200 fine. He was then jailed for 12 months in 1993 for allowing his home to be used for drug taking and sex with a teenage girl. He was struck off by the Department for Education in 1996, and two years later he was jailed again for a year for indecent assault on a male under the age of 16.
Frost was put on the sex offenders' register, eventually moving to Guernsey in 2002 where he came under investigation under Operation Ore, probing child abuse images online.
After moving to Thailand, Frost lived off his teacher's pension and lured young boys to his home to play computer games or have a swim. He forced his victims to perform sex acts on a webcam for a fellow paedophile in the Netherlands, rewarding them with sweets and small sums of money.
Following his arrest in Thailand, Frost fled back to the UK and because the Thai authorities had not issued an arrest warrant the British police were powerless to act.
He left the UK again before he could be captured, but was eventually tracked to Spain under a European Arrest Warrant. Police then found a laptop with more than 1,000 child abuse images on it and evidence of his rampant offending. Frost like to molest boys while watched by other paedophiles.
NCA deputy director Andy Brennan decribed Frost as a "predatory paedophile" and a "dangerous individual", urging other victims to come forward.
"It has taken a long time to track him around Europe but this is a man who is very adept at avoiding arrest", he said.
"He was under the radar a lot of the time - we just don't know what impact his sentencing will have.
"I hope the publicity will encourage any other victims to speak out."
The NCA is working with the NSPCC on the hotline - 0800 3280904 - for possible victims to come forward.
* https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2765110/mark-frost-paedophile-teacher/

FRUIN, Richard William, British teacher, male homosexual, convicted in 2013 for molesting a number of boys in Cambodia. 36-year-old Fruin, from Gloucestershire, was convicted in 2005 at Gloucester Crown Court on 15 counts of producing child pornography. After serving half his sentence he broke bail and went to Cambodia, where he was charged with molestation after he was found sleeping with an eight-year-old boy in the Boeung Meas guesthouse in Phnom Penh. The mother of the boy said that Fruin had molested all three of her sons - including two aged 10 and 11, who testified against him. They lived in squalor in a one-bed shack and he groomed them and offered them money. Police searched the guesthouse after the parents of other boys complained that Fruin had raped them. After conviction, Fruin served a 2-year sentence then was deported back to the UK in August 2015.
According to the anti-paedophile organisation Action Pour Les Enfants (APLE) he travelled to Africa as well as South East Asia seeking children to abuse.
When Fruin, from Stroud, appeared in court in Gloucester it was revealed that he possessed indecent photographs of a 14-year-old boy called Luke Harrison. By
2012, Harrison was a 21-year-old builder. But he could not testify as before the trial could take place, Luke fell to his death from a Cornish cliff top.
Prosecutor Tim Hills told the court that in 2005, when Fruin was first arrested, he was associating with Luke and had taken him to a farmhouse in Worcester, where the photographs were taken. Police who searched Fruin’s flat also found evidence of illegal drug use.


FRY, Stephen, TV comedian, actor and homosexual. In an interview for British TV, in 2007, Fry stated that he was sexually assaulted as a child. On the new More 4 programme Shrink Rap, Fry said that the incident had taken place between him and a sixth former during his first year at boarding school, when he would have been aged 11-13. This sort of confession is common among homosexuals and provides double-sided evidence - it shows that homosexuals target children, and suggests a causal relation between childhood sexual abuse and later homosexuality.
After spending time in gaol for theft and credit-card fraud, Fry has become a BBC “luvvie”, unctuous and self-satisfied. He is author of some coarse and crude novels about homosexual life and prostitution. In July 2014 Fry got up at a Labour Party fund-raising event and denounced Operation Yewtree*, the police inquiry into child abuse set up after the Jimmy Savile scandal. Fry complained that less than half of those investigated were eventually found guilty. He did not explain how the guilty ones were to be identified if nobody was investigated. He is assumed to be referring to the investigation of his homosexual friend Paul Gambaccini, against whom various charges of child abuse were levelled. Fry’s anger and his agitation were noticed with embarassment by some others present. Some wondered what Fry himself may have to hide. The Labour leader Ed Miliband later dissociated himself from Fry’s “rant” and said that the party fully supported Operation Yewtree. Fry has admitted being a chronic longterm user of cocaine and has spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on his habit. In 2015 at the age of nearly 60 he went through with a "wedding" to a young man whose small stature and light build make him look like a boy beside the portly Fry.

FULFORD, Adrian (Sir) British judge who has been feted by the press as Britain’s first openly “gay” High Court Judge. He is not only homosexual, but has long and very close connections with the Paedophile Information Exchange*.
At the start of his career, he was a member of the Gay Rights Committee of the
National Council for Civil Liberties, a group which at that time was championing paedophilia. The group wrote and published a magazine advocating “rights” for paedophiles and the abolition of the age of consent. They called themselves Conspiracy to Corrupt Public Morals (sic). In court Fulford claimed that “Steven Smith* and the others would not have published the magazine if the police had warned them it was in breach of the law”. The fact that many of them were graduates and some qualified lawyers makes this excuse a little far-fetched.
Fulford worked closely with Geoffrey Robertson QC and other notorious paedophiles David Bremner, Michael Burbidge, Keith Hose and Tom O’Carroll. When O’Carroll was prosecuted for paedophile activities, in 1979, Fulford acted barrister for his old chum. Fulford again defended Bremner, and David Joy, homosexuals convicted of paedophile activities in 1984.
In 2014, a tardy exposure of him in the Daily Mail led to Adrian Fulford being investigated by the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office. No steps were taken against him.

GACY, John Wayne, (1942-1994) known as the “Killer Clown”. Convicted in Chicago for torturing, FB-ing and killing 33 teenage boys between 1972 and 1978. Typical of the prolific activity of the homosexual pederast. Despite marrying twice, Gacy always retained an obsessive desire for teenage boys. His youngest victims were a 14-year-old named Samuel Stapleton and 15-year-old Randall Reffett. Most of the others were in the age range 17-21. He would lure victims to his home in Norwood Park then sexually assault, asphyxiate and strangle them. He threw some of their bodies into the Des Plaines River and the full number of his victims may never be known. 26 corpses were found buried in the cellar of his house. Some had bottles and other objects in their pelvis indicating that they had been forced in to the anus. Gacy’s last victim was the 15-year-old Robert Piest. After this he was finally arrested and charged with murder. It is unlikely that Gacy acted alone. Surviving victims testified that others had been present while they were raped and tortured. This correlates with the known taste of homosexuals for group sex and sado-masochism.
He was convicted in 1980 and then spent fourteen years on death row before being executed by lethal injection in 1994.

GAIE FRANCE, homosexual magazine published in the 1990s. It featured many articles and advertisements relating to sex with underage boys. Published by Michel Caignet*, a pro-paedophile activist who was also a member of Fédération d'action nationale et européenne (FANE), a neo-Nazi group with anti-Semitic ideas. He was President of the Centre de culture européenne. In 1992 he was convicted of incitment to paedophile acts for articles in Gaie France. He re-launched it under another title, Gaie France, new series, and continued publishing it until 1993.

GAJDUSEK, Daniel Carleton (1923- 2008), American medical researcher, joint winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1976. In the course of his research trips in the South Pacific, Gajdusek brought back 56 children, mostly boys, to live with him in the United States, and provided them with the opportunity to receive high school and college education. He was later accused by one of these, now an adult man, of molesting him as a child. Gajdusek was charged with child molestation in April 1996, based on incriminating entries in his personal diary and statements from a victim. He pleaded guilty in 1997 and, under a plea, was sentenced to 12 months in jail. After his release in 1998, he was permitted to serve his five-year unsupervised probation in Europe. He never returned to the United States. The documentary The Genius and the Boys on BBC4 on June 1, 2009, notes that "seven men testified in confidentiality about Gajdusek having ‘had sex with’ them when they were boys", that four said "the sex was untroubling" while for three of them "the sex was a shaming, abusive and a violation". One of these boys, the son of a friend and now an adult, appears in the film. Furthermore, Gajdusek, who never married, openly admits to molesting boys and approving of incest.

GALLATINOV, Mikhail. Homosexual paedophile, and registered child sex offender, convicted for the murder of his male partner Adrian Kaminsky, 28, in Manchester in 1997 and sentenced to life in prison. At the trial, the judge said of him, "He has already served a substantial sentence for offences against children." In Full Sutton Prison near York he met and gay-married fellow-homosexual Marc Goodwin, another murderer. The wedding was performed in March 2015.

GAMBACCINI, Paul. Californian DJ working for BBC in England, On 29th October 2013 he was arrested by police in Operation Yewtree* the investigation into historic sexual abuse sparked off by the Jimmy Savile case. "Baljit Ubhey, the Chief Crown Prosecutor of CPS London, said: "Having carefully reviewed this case, we have decided that there is insufficient evidence to prosecute."
The CPS said the allegations of sexual offences were made by two males believed to be aged between 14 and 15 at the time of the alleged offences. The allegations were said to have taken place over a two-year period.

GANYMEDE, homosexual-pederast magazine founded in the USA in 2008. A review drooled “Ganymede is not like other literary journals. It aims at a gay mens' audience, which means it can't be earnest, dull, or without pictures, as many literary journals are. Its mission statement explains, "our features reflect the mixture of high and low tastes actually pursued by literate gay men." A look at the first issue bears this out-strikingly. The front cover shows a half-naked boy in golden light, and each text article is followed by a striking visual portfolio… “ Er, yes, quite. We see what you mean.

GAON, Shaul. Homosexual Israeli community leader, LBGT activist and director of the Tel Aviv Youth Center. Target of a revenge attack in 2009 that was wrongly reported as a “hate-crime”. It turned out he was attacked by the elder brother of a 14-year-old boy he had relations with. He made out that his attackers were “homophobic” and the media took that angle. They also blamed the ultra-conservative Orthodox Jews, who were in no way connected with the incident. Gaon’s taste for young boys was well known in LBGT circles in Tel Aviv.


GAY, JOHN, “Army John”, Welsh homosexual paedophile, serial boy-rapist and gangster. Accused by Tony Stevens of raping him when he was 13. Friend and accomplice of “Welsh Witch”, Alan Williams. In the mid-1980s, Gay and his partner Lee Tucker roamed through Bristol and South Wales, with Stevens, frequently raping young boys. They were briefly gaoled in Portugal in 1993 for making child-porn using local boys. They had links with the Bristol pederast ring of Christoper Leek. Then they went to the Netherlands where they set up a porn-video business using boys who had been trafficked from abroad. They may have made the snuff video of Manuel Schadwald.* Gay and Tucker were both finally gaoled in Swindon in 1999, for twelve years.
and The Guardian, 25th November 2000

GAYME, long-running homosexual-paedophile magazine produced in USA by former NAMBLA Bulletin editor Bill Andriette. Harry Hay* and other leaders of t he LGBT movement wrote for it. It is a mine of information and evidence about their pro-paedophile agenda.

GAY NEWS, homosexual magazine started in the 1970s. Frequently showed support for paedophila agenda. Gay News used to run adverts for PIE and contact advertisements for paedophiles, leading to it being banned by the WH Smith chain of bookshops. All over the UK, dozens of LGBT groups then protested, picketed and harassed WH Smith in a variety of ways. Gay News finally caved in and discontinued advertising PIE, but only under pressure. It still favourably reviewed Tom O’Carroll’s book Paedophilia: the Radical Case when it appeared in 1980.

GAY2DECEMBER, Website for older men seeking young partners. Similar to http://bois2men.net/?utm_term=gay

GAY LEFT, magazine published by Gay Left collective in 1970s, it featured many articles advocating paedophilia and ran advertisements for the Paedophile Information Exchange. Many of its contributors were members of the Gay Liberation Front, and others were PIE members, including Tom O'Carroll, Roger Moody* and Kenneth Plummer. PIE coincided with the Collective’s need for a campaign through which to impact the world. The second issue of Gay Left included a letter from Roger Moody, the self-proclaimed paedophile activist and needless to say, homosexual. He called for an analysis of paedophiles’ transgressive role in society, solidarity between different identity groups and a revolutionary model of sexual behaviour. [50]. Issue 7 of the journal was entitled ‘Happy Families – paedophilia examined’.
Lucy Robinson, Gay Men and the Left in Post-War Britain, How the Personal Got Political (Manchester University Press, 2011)

GAY MEN’S PRESS, publishing company set up in England in the 1970s, which has brought out various pro-paedophile titles including “Dares to Speak” and “The Age Taboo”, a collection of essays edited by Daniel Tsang (1981). In one of them, homosexual Tom Reeves writes, “Sex between men and boys, on the other hand, is widely practised to the joys and benefits of those involved. It has become a centre of attention in the straight media where it is associated with molestation, abuse, runaways and hustling. It is all of these things at times, but it is more often quiet, enduring, reciprocal and certainly voluntary. Such sex is a central feature of gay life.” (p.25). Another paedophile text they have re-issued as a classic is The World, The Flesh and Myself, by Michael Davidson.* Their current website displays a book about a homosexual relationship between two boys who are aged about twelve, to judge from the cover picture.

GAY PRIDE events employing Paedophiles. San Diego California is one of many places where paedophiles working within LGBT organizations are getting paid public money. In 2005 numerous convicted paedophiles were found working in the Gay Pride organization and getting tax money. The event included not only pornography and displays of perversion for adults but even a Gay Pride Children’s Garden with Marty the Clown who turned out to be a convicted child molester. The facts were disclosed by James Hartline, a conservative Christian activist who opposes the Pride festival. For several weeks the Gay Pride Board ignored the disclosures but pressure was put to remove them. Police and community groups threatened to boycott the event. Pride Board co-chair Philip Princetta “said he was shocked and dismayed to learn "Marty the Clown," Martin Ramirez, is registered on the Megan's Law Web site, and that the board is still trying to determine all the facts surrounding his participation.” At least three other registered sex offenders were found to be active participants. San Diego Pride executive director Suanne Pauley finally removed them and resigned at the request of the board.
In Milwaukee in 2007, the "PrideFest" employed David Bodoh, who also worked as a volunteer at the Milwaukee LGBT Community Center and the Milwaukee Gay Arts Center. Bodoh had a conviction for soliciting a 14 year-old boy over the internet. Bodoh who was 42 told the boy he was 21, and sent him nude photographs before arranging a meeting. He was caught in a police sting operation.
In England, paedophiles such as Eric Presland and William Thornycroft regularly take part in the London Gay Pride and World Gay Pride events.

This document originally issued by the National Coalition of Gay Organizations Convention held in Chicago in 1972 has been repeatedly re-issued and endorsed by all the most prominent LGBT activists of the western world and beyond. It was re-issued online with endorsements by Elizabeth Wilson and Peter Tatchell in 2010. It was re-published and distributed by Pride London (the group that runs the Gay Pride Parade with public funding) in 2011. It confirms that the LGBT agenda includes paedophilia, pornography, prostitution, promiscuity and the abolition of the family.
Manifesto Demands at Federal level included Clause 1 “Amend all federal Civil Rights Acts, other legislation and government controls to prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations and public services.” This means allowing homosexuals to become boy scout leaders or school teachers.”
Manifesto Demands at State Level included Clause 7. “Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.” This is a charter for paedophiles, many of whom campaign under the umbrella of Gay Rights for legalizing their activities.

GENET, Jean (1910-1986) French homosexual who spent much of his life in jail, regarded as “revolutionary,” and “gay icon” by the left. Genet was a sick and disturbed product of the homosexual-pederast subculture. As a boy he committed petty theft, evading payment for train tickets and was sent to a reform school where he encountered crime of all sorts including pederasty. In his early twenties he became a rentboy in Barcelona. In “A Thief’s Journal” he wrote about this existence of petty thievery, drug-smuggling and prostitution to men he met in bars. He later defended this life in his book “The Criminal Child” saying such boys were rebels, heroes and transgressive (rather than just being mixed-up and self-harming). His career continued with spells as a pick-pocket in Venice, cattle-thief in Albania, smuggler in Yugoslavia, supplier of fake money in Poland, black marketeer in Nazi Germany and forger in Marseilles. His books are full of sick, twisted fantasies of homosexual sado-masochism and pederasty, where tough “butch” homosexuals abuse and molest submissive cabin-boys. Far from being in any way revolutionary, his mentality was fixated on notions of domination, hierarchy, power and obedience in a sterile, scatological hell. Genet was infatuated with Nazism and his book Funeral Rites features Hitler in fantasies of perverted sodomy and dominance. His brand of eroticism includes Nazi executioners FB-ing underage victims in the Hitler Youth brigade. His books provide useful material for the analysis of Nazism as a homosexual ideology.

GERACI, Joseph, J, American homosexual author, associate of Francis Shelden and John Stamford. He fled the USA to escape child abuse charges and settled in the Netherlands where he was one of the founders of Paidika. He contributed interviews with John Money and Kenneth Plummer. Geraci wrote four novels, all concerned with pederast themes. Loving Sander (Gay Men’s Press 1997), is about a man’s lust (which he calls love) for a 10-year-old schoolboy. Geraci edited Dares To Speak: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Boy-Love, (Gay Men’s Press, 1997) the book so extravagantly admired by Peter Tatchell. Geraci was at one time linked with Rev. Donald Mader.

GERMANY. The Association of Lesbians and Gays in Germany issued a guide book in 1975 entitled “Legal Advice for Gays” which included detailed advice on how men charged with molesting boys of any age could best defend themselves. The close alliance of paedo-homo activists was not surprising since so many of them were – and are - the same people, in Germany as in Britain, America and world-wide.

In July 1981, Rosa Flieder, a German homosexual magazine, published an interview with Olaf Stüben*, one of the most notorious pederasts in Germany. As a writer for the leftist newspaper Die Tageszeitung, he always advocated that paedophilia should be accepted as healthy and moral. Stuben was allowed to put his pro-paedophile views very openly and he argued that the innocence of children was a bourgeois myth invented by capitalism. He candidly admitted to having casual homosexual sessions with boys. Another German homosexual magazine “Don” also published a pro-paedophilia article around this time. An English journalist writing for NAPAC (The National Association of People Abused in Childhood) recently wrote that these were symptoms of something in the past, which the LGBT movement no longer endorsed, but that is naïve. The truth is that the movement has merely changed its strategy and now calls paedophilia “liberation” or “child sex rights”.

GIDE, André (1869-1951) French author favoured in left-wing intellectual circles. Homosexual pederast, he wrote extensively about how he indulged his taste for young boys while travelling in North Africa and the Middle East. Gide was married but continued to pursue boys until old age. His first experience of this sort was with a little boy called Ali in Egypt. He often travelled to Morocco where he could pick up young boys serving as waiters in cafés. In 1895 he met Oscar Wilde, who was in Morocco for the identical purpose. Gide wrote very frankly about his pederastic activities in his novel, L’Immoraliste (The Immoralist), again in his autobiography, If It Die... and in a travel diary published after his death. Homo-centric critics call his behaviour “liberation” ignoring the blatantly exploitative side of it. In Morocco, Gide found a 14-year old boy called Athmann ben Salah and took him in as a servant and catamite. In 1900 Gide actually took him back to Paris with him. Athmann wanted to become a poet but Gide was not supportive in this. When Athmann married in 1905, Gide lost interest in him. Athmann fell into serious poverty, and wrote many appeals to Gide, but the rich Gide seems to have done nothing to help him. In 1933 Athmann committed suicide - so much for “gay” love. Gide did not even find out about it until ten years later.
In 1916, Gide seduced 16-year-old Marc Allegret, and adopted him although they had homosexual relations. As each boy grew up, Gide lost interest in him and went further afield seeking ever younger victims. Aged 70, Gide was still writing about having multiple ejaculations with little black boys in Africa whom he called his “black pearls.”
Jacob Boone, “Vacation Cruises: The Homo-Erotics of Orientalism”, in PMLA 110, no 1, January 1995, 89-107.

GILTAIRE, Michel (b.1948) Belgian homosexual paedophile arrested for possessing child pornography in connection with CRIES.* Has a history of paedophile offences. Moves around a lot with a so-called nephew. Frequently visits Thailand.

GINSBERG, Allen. Beat poet and exhibitionist homosexual, he made no secret of his lust for boys. Ginsberg was an active pederast. He was a founding member of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). Like many homosexuals, he was molested in his own childhood. In June 1977, during the Boston/Boise scandal, in which he supported the defendants, Ginsberg said on TV, “I had sex when I was 8 with a man in the back of my grandfather's candy store in Revere, and I turned out okay”. By “turning out okay” he meant a lifetime of taking LSD, cannabis, mescaline, and other psychedelic drugs, even laughing gas, and spending eight months in a mental institution in Columbia. In the 1950s and 60s he lived in Paris and Morocco with William Burroughs and other homosexuals, indulging in the drugs and the local boys.
Ginsberg wrote a lot of poems about homosexual activity with boys. He even wrote a poem called "Sweet Boy Give Me Your Ass". His poetry is crude and monotonous, and with unspeakable vulgarity he misuses the f-word to mean anal intercourse.
On the subject of NAMBLA, Ginsberg wrote: “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witch hunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance…I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too – everybody does, who has a little humanity.”
The Harvard Gay and Lesbian Review interviewed Ginsberg shortly before his death. In a generally flattering article, they report Ginsburg's philosophy (not mentioned by the mainstream press) about sex with children, and offer no judgmental comment about it. The article is entitled, "The Liberation is the Word" (Summer 1997). Ginsberg is quoted as saying: "Like the whole labeling of pedophiles as 'child molesters.' Everybody likes little kids. All you've got to do is walk through the Vatican and see all the little statues of little prepubescents, pubescents, and postpubescents. Naked kids have been a staple of delight for centuries, for both parents and onlookers. So to label pedophilia as criminal is ridiculous." He equates looking at children in any context with lusting after them, and lust with active molestation.
Nicholas F. Benton, a one-time “gay” activist who has now seen the light, writes:-
“When I became a vocal gay liberation leader in San Francisco - in 1969... I Picketed Allen Ginsberg, the gay beat poet, because Ginsberg bragged publicly about masturbating to images of young boys, ran a help-wanted ad in the Barb for a personal assistant, providing a physical description of the kind of boy he wanted, and was a founding member of NAMBLA..."
One acquaintance writes of him “Allen Ginsberg was a liar, pederast, child abuser, hypocrite, & thoroughly despicable person”, but not everybody liked him that much.
http://www.bostonmagazine.com/2006/05/boy-crazy/ May 2001 http://www.weirdrepublic.com/episode54.htm
Jacobs, Andrea (2002). "Allen Ginsberg's advocacy of pedophilia debated in community.". Intermountain Jewish News. Archived from the original on October 18, 2006. Retrieved June 21, 2008.
Nick Benton's Gay Science No. 50: Our Gay Movement's Colossal Failure, 9/22/11 (Falls Church News Press).

GLEAVES, Roger, nicknamed “'The Bishop of Medway”. Member of PIE*, Gleaves got his first conviction for pederast offences as early as 1959. In 1966 he was exposed by the Sunday People for posing as a clergyman, the “Rt Rev Roger Gleaves”. Nevertheless he carried on to set up a chain of hostels for 2360 homeless men and boys in London. He registered with the Charities Commission and got money from government departments and local councils. In 1971 he got a two-year suspended sentence for an offence involving a 14-year-old boy.
In 1974 police investigating the murder of Billy McPhee (McFee) questioned hostel inmates and uncovered a lot more similar allegations. Billy, known as “Two-Tone Billy” because he dyed half his dark hair blond, came to London in 1969 aged 14 and found shelter in one of the hostels run by Gleaves*, where inmates were assaulted and used as rent-boys. He was the subject of a 2-part TV documentary “Johnny Go Home” (1975). Gleaves is interviewed in the film and talks openly about how he picked up lads at railway stations, why he wore his bizarre uniform, etc. At the age of nineteen Billy was murdered by three hostel employees, David Johnson, Philip Holland and Michael Woodland, because he knew the whereabouts of a man wanted by police. They caught up with Billy on the London-Brighton road near Crawley, brutally tortured him until he gave them the man's Brighton address, then stabbed him to death in a lay-by. Police found 20 stab wounds on the battered body. The three murderers were given “life” sentences. Gleaves received a total of four years imprisonment for the offences of buggery and causing actual bodily harm. But when he got out, after two years, he went back to running his six “hostels”.
In 1975, Norman Fowler MP asked a question in the House of Commons about how it was possible for a paedophile with a long criminal record to secure government and council funding for three charities and his hostels, to which agencies referred under-16s. In 1988, Gleaves was convicted again for the rape, attempted rape, and indecent assault of two 14 yr old boys at one of his hostels. He was sentenced to 15 years, but evidently did not serve the full term as he was convicted again of a similar offence in 1998. Gleaves carried out some of the assaults in company with another homosexual called Richard Becker who knew himself to be HIV positive. They lied to the boys, telling them they were going to special first aid class. Becker was gaoled for six years in February 1998. Gleaves is thought to have connections with a paedophiles ring in Picadilly run by Hornby*. When placed in the Albany prison, Gleaves brought a legal case against the UK government saying that “slopping out” violated his human rights. He got £50,000 legal aid, and the case was ultimately successful, forcing the government to spend hundreds of millions of pounds improving the lavatory systems of prisons all over the UK. Gleaves also won financial compensation. His victims didn’t.
Gleaves’ hostels were involved in all sorts of horrific cases of violence and exploitation. See Raywood*.
One woman comments on a website :-
I am a Britfilm fan and read this post with alot of interest. I actually knew quite a few of the characters in the documentary "Johnny go/come home" made in the 1970's. I used to frequent a very iniquitous gay/fetish club in around 1974 called "Chaguaramas" in Neal St. WC2. This later became the infamous Roxy of Punk Rock fame (infame?). I actually knew Johnny (real name) who was indeed a rent boy of around 14 maybe 15 and his rent boy pals, Billy, Phil and Steve whose ages ranged from 12 to 16. They were all little Eastend guttersnipes who worked on the "Meat Rack" in Piccadilly, much to my surburban shock and horror and they all also worked in a launderette around Mile End/Bethnal Green - hustling was a way of surviving for them and they didn't mind who they hustled! Alot of their clients picked them up in amusement arcades around Piccadilly. Johnny and his crew all appeared in the documentary and told me to watch them on telly. I was only around 15/16 myself when I knew them, obviously naive and did not realize then that the poor kids were selling their bodies to buy food, cheap clothes and bits of gold that meant so much to them. I heard one of them died, I think from drugs a few years later. All terribly sad and sordid really, they were just children.
http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1062157388 [ posting by anonymous contributor]


GLENCROSS, Peter, RC priest, homosexual who ran Gay Yellow pages and Spartacus magazine in the 1980s. Friend of Joseph Doucé. Glencross came to London from Holland where he had accomplices in the boy-brothel business. He used the Elm Guesthouse and various care-homes in London to access boys and with the help of his friend John Rowe set up pederast holidays. Boys were driven over the Channel to Holland or obtained on arrival. Glencross edited the newsletter of CGHE (Conservative Party Group for Homosexual Equality), which advertised Elm Guesthouse. When Elm and Spartacus folded, Glencross went to France and resumed his career as a priest. He adopted five boys from South America, obtained from the boy-brothel in Colombia run by J-M. Vuillaume. At this time Glencross had as his lodger Hubert Védrine, a close advisor of President Mittérand. Védrine has since become Minister for Foreign Affairs. Police raided Glencross’s rectory at St. Leger des Vignes in 1991, and found a vast quantity of child pornography including videos. Glencross was running the biggest child-porn studio in Europe. The adopted boys were all abused and had been photographed and filmed. He was imprisoned and died shortly after release.

GLOEDEN, Wilhelm von, Baron (1856–1931), German photographer who worked mainly in Italy. Homosexual and pederast. He moved to Italy in 1878 and lived in Sicily most of his life. He took a boy aged 14, Pancrazio Bucini, as his partner, and lived with him openly. He is mostly known for his pastoral nude studies of Sicilian boys, which usually featured props such as wreaths or amphoras suggesting a setting in the Greece or Italy of antiquity. The models were aged between ten and twenty, and some of the photographs were regarded as pornographic and were marketed furtively. Pancrazio was one of his favourite models.
Gloeden, Wilhelm von (1856-1931) - n. 0545 - 24c - Le tre grazie.jpg Gloeden, Wilhelm von (1856-1931) - n. 1039 - da - Amore e arte, p. 92.jpg
His well-known study of two young boys clinging to an Ionic column was published in The Studio (London) in June 1893, which brought his work to the notice of a wider public. Gloeden was visited in December 1987 by Oscar Wilde*.
Peter Weiermair: Wilhelm Von Gloeden: Erotic Photographs. (Cologne, Taschen Verlag, 1994) ISBN 3-8228-9315-3

GOLDBERG, Martin, headmaster of Thorpe Hall School in Great Wakering, Essex, England. In September 2014, police searched his house after being alerted by Canadian police that he had brought child pornography from abroad. They found hundreds of images of naked young boys taken with a hidden camera in the changing rooms of the school. There were also 465 such images from a local swimming pool and 38 from two other locations. The boys shown were aged between 9 and 12. Officers spoke to him at his home in Shoeburyness but he was not arrested. Next day police were alerted over concerns for him and he was found dead. He had tried to burn CDs with collections of child pornographic photographs.
Mr Goldberg, 46, was single and lived alone in a £360,000 detached house. This is part of an ongoing enquiry called Operation Spade.

GOODMAN, Andrew, American homosexual from New York, convicted in 2013 of molesting and abducting an underage boy whom he attempted to “marry” in a Jewish Orthodox ceremony in New Jersey. In 2013 he stood trial in a state court in Brooklyn, NY, for sexually abusing the boy over a series of years beginning when the boy was 12-years old. In state court last year, Goodman was sentenced by Justice Martin Murphy to only two years in prison. Goodman’s victim called him “the devil disguised as a human” and “the worst thing that ever happened to me” and pleaded with the judge to rescind the plea deal and send Goodman to prison for much longer. The judge refused.
Since then, federal prosecutors have charged Goodman with taking the boy across state lines to Atlantic city and sodomizing him there. If convicted, Goodman could be sentenced to life in prison.
Acting as his own attorney, Goodman wrote and filed a motion in federal court arguing that the federal case against him should be dismissed because the purpose of that Valentine’s Day 2010 trip to New Jersey was to get “married” – to the then 15-year-old boy. “The union resulted in a honeymoon, feasting, celebratory concert attendance. A valid Jewish Wedding and Marriage occurred,” Goodman wrote. He argued that under Orthodox Jewish law, marriage is allowable from the age 13 and does not require parental consent. Goodman – who also molested the victim’s younger brother –failed to tell the court that homosexual relations and unions are both forbidden under Orthodox Jewish law. He also failed to tell the court about his state conviction.

GOODMAN, Paul, (1911-1972), American homosexual, left-wing writer, and paedophile campaigner. His book Growing Up Absurd advocates what he calls “children’s sexual freedom.”

GOODWIN, Steven. A predatory paedophile who lured young boys into his home to sexually abuse them. Gaoled in England 2013 for 10 years.
Steven Goodwin (31) targeted three victims as young as 10 in Werrington and Peterborough, filming the abuse for his own gratification. Detectives found on his mobile phone and computer a vast collection of indecent images of youngsters, which he was distributing to others.
Today Goodwin, who has previous convictions for abusing boys, was locked up for 10 years and four months at Peterborough Crown Court after admitting a string of offences.
The court heard he had plied his victims with cigarettes and alcohol.
He abused one youngster, aged just 10 in 2009, for four years, until he was uncovered when he uploaded an indecent image of one his victims onto Facebook.

GORANI, Giuseppe (1740-1819), author of Mémoires Secrets et Critiques des Cours, des Gouvernemens, et des Moeurs des Principaux États de l’Italie. Gorani is sometimes known as the homosexual Casanova. His Memoirs, written in the late 18th century, describe his experiences in the early and middle parts of the century, and provide much first-hand evidence of male homosexual behaviour in France and Italy. His account of Rome says that alongside the many women prostitutes there were also boys who were frequented by the homosexual clientele.

GRANT, Duncan of Hampstead and Alan Waters of Porchester, Hampshire. Homosexual pair convicted in India 2006 of serially abusing boys. In 1995 they set up Anchorage shelter in Colaba, Mumbai, in 1995 where they could groom and exploit vulnerable boys. The pair were charged in 2001 with sexual assault after five boys complained to the police about repeated sexual and physical abuse. First convicted in 2006, they appealed and were acquitted in 2008, but were then re-convicted by the High Court of India in 2011.
Charity Childline India Foundation said "This was a real watershed moment in child sexual abuse convictions (in India)... as laws are extremely opaque, plus there is a culture of silence."

GRANT, Duncan, the painter of the Bloomsbury group was well-known as a homosexual. This was probably the result of his upbringing. From the age of 10 to 15 he lived in an all-boys’ school called Hillbrow, near Rugby, kept by a Mr Eden. The school had a culture of pederasty, and Grant later explained “Mr Eden was a funny little man who was too fond of his boys to be allowed to keep on the school.” Eden was in fact denounced by the headmaster of Rugby and fled. Another pupil was Rupert Brooke, the poet, who also displayed bi-sexual tendencies.
Paul Roche, With Duncan Grant in Southern Turkey (Honeyglen Pub., 1982), 46-47.

GREAVES, Phillip R, author of The Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure: A Child-Lover's Code of Conduct -- a book privately published and sold on Amazon Kindle. 2nd, edition stated: “This is my attempt to make pedophile situations safer for those juveniles that find themselves involved in them, by establishing certain rules for these adults to follow. I hope to achieve this by appealing to the better nature of pedosexuals, with hope that their doing so will result in less hatred and perhaps liter sentences should they ever be caught.”
The title sold for $4.97 on Kindle and had more than 900 customer reviews ... with an average rating of one star.

GREECE, Ancient. While it is often claimed that the ancient Greeks regarded homosexuality as equal to, or even better than heterosexuality, this is a fallacy. In ancient Greece, in most city-states, including Athens, homosexuality between adult men was not tolerated and sodomy was illegal between freeborn males of any age. Its health dangers were well-understood. The man-boy love they talked about was limited to fondling and intercrural intercourse and those men who did not indulge in any physical consummation were admired for their chastity. Men who shunned women and preferred other men were extremely rare, almost unknown, and certainly not considered normal. Sodomy could be legally practiced with slaves, eunuchs or male prostitutes but the latter were despised and men who consorted with them were often ridiculed and disapproved of. What is certain is that the ancient Greeks regarded homosexuality as inseparable from pederasty, and man-boy relations were tolerated only with boys whose beard had not yet begun to grow. Moreover, it was far from being a pleasant or ideal relationship with the boy. Most were obtained either by capture in war or by purchase from their parents, and were kept as household slaves. The custom caused frequent quarrels, litigation and even rape. Case of Lysias v Simon in the court of Athens concerned a boy, Theodotus, who had allegedly signed a contract to be the catamite of Simon at a price of 300 drachmas but was now living with Lysias. Simon had more than once attempted to abduct the boy by force, and many fights and injuries had ensued, leading to a prosecution for assault and house-breaking. A similar case in Corinth is recorded, in which a boy, Acteon, was actually killed in the brawl between rival owners. (Sean Brady, John Addington Symonds (1840-1893) and Homosexuality: A Critical Edition of Sources, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, p.86). Sparta* was the only Greek city-state where homosexuality between free-born males was tolerated and even there it was always age-structured, between older men and boys or adolescents.

GREEN PARTY. The Green Party (formerly Ecology Party) is a far-left political party whose environmental agenda includes population control, leading them to embrace any and every proposition of any branch of the LGBT movement. The Greens are well stocked with homosexual members and MEPs, far in excess of any other political party or the percentage of homosexuals in the population and they accept LGBT jargon and dogma as their own jargon and dogma. Nevertheless in 2013 The German Green Party publicly apologised for their part in promoting paedophilia. The Green’s co-leader, Jurgen Trittin, was accused of signing off a 1981 pamphlet calling for the decriminalisation of sexual acts between adults and children “that occur without the use of threat or force”. In his defence Trittin explained that the idea had been put forward by the Homosexual Campaign of Gottingen, who joined the Green Party, got on the committee, and used it to further their paedophile agenda. This is of course exactly what homosexuals are doing in all the other political parties all over the world.

GREEN, Richard, b.1936, emeritus professor of psychiatry, UCLA. A homosexual and a leading figure behind the declassification of homosexuality as a mental illness thirty years ago, Green is the founding editor of the Archives of Sexual Behavior (1971), and served as Editor until 2001. He is also the founding president of the International Academy of Sex Research (1975),[1] which made the Archives its official publication.[2] He served on the American Psychiatric Association DSM-IV Subcommittee on Gender Identity Disorders.[3] Green is a disciple of the misguided Prof John Money whose theories of gender interchangeability have caused so much terrible harm. Green has worked steadily to decriminalize and normalize paedophilia using exactly the same arguments and tactics as were used for homosexuality. While working as an academic in England, he was an enthusiastic “gay” activist, encouraging so-called transsexuals to have dangerous and injurious operations.
Green included Tom O'Carroll's book “Paedophilia: the Radical Case,” as recommended reading for his criminology students at Cambridge University and in 2000 invited O'Carroll*, a three times convicted criminal and child-abuser, to speak at the annual meeting in Paris of the International Academy of Sex Research.

GREYSTONE HEATH SCHOOL, “approved” school for boys in Warrington, Lancashire. In 1965, Keith Laverack, a student teacher started work there. Over the next four years he FBed sixteen boys, sharing them with his colleague Brian Percival. Other abusers who joined the staff took part in the same behaviour. Alan Langshaw was found to have raped at least 24 boys; Dennis Grain raped at least 18; Roy Shuttleworth raped at least ten; Jack Bennett indecently assaulted two; and Steve Norris assaulted an unknown number. The Greystone abusers then dispersed. Keith Laverack went to childrens’ homes in Cambridgeshire, where he worked with four men now suspected of abusing children; Alan Langshaw became Principal of St Vincent’s Catholic boys’ home in Formby; Grain and Shuttleworth were both promoted to other homes in the Warrington area; Steve Norris went to North Wales. At their new homes, all of them continued to rape boys who were in their care.
Dennis Grain had previously attacked boys in Danesford childrens’ home in Congleton, opening the door to three others, John Clarke, Joseph Smith and Brian Hudson, who set about the boys with relish. Grain finally went off to work at Eton, where he became a housemaster.

GROSSMAN, Dyer, “Rev”, associate of Francis Shelden* in the North Fox Island paedophile ring. Grossman a.k.a. Dale Osterman, Elliot Crossman, Elijah Crossman, was a science teacher at a boys’ school. He started calling himself “Rev” when he came to Port Huron from New Jersey to help set up one of Shelden’s bogus charities “Brother Paul's Childrens Mission”. Grossman is alleged to have committed homosexual acts with two Port Huron boys, aged 10 and 14, in a motel. He vanished, or changed identity, before he could stand trial. The North Fox Island ring has often been speculatively connected with the Oakland County Murders that took place later the same year in Michigan. There were four victims: Mark Stebbins, 12, Jill Robinson, 12, Kristine Mihelich, 10, and Timothy King, 11. Only the boys had been sexually molested.


GROUPE d'Étude sur la Pédophilie. Belgian pro-paedophile campaigning group founded in 1982 by the association Gay Infor Homosexualitaté. In 1982 it changed its name to CRIES*.

GROUPE de recherche pour une enfance différente (GRED) a French pro-paedophile campaigning group. Founded in July 1979 at the annual Homosexual Summer School at the University of Marseilles. Officially defunct.

Growing Up Before Stonewall: Life Stories Of Some Gay Men. Book by Peter Nardi (Routledge, 4 Apr 2014).
Eleven homosexual men tell their life stories. Three of them recount very early sexual experiences, that would be categorized as paedophile under UK and USA law. Andrew, a child of divorce, recalls that he was masturbating from the age of five. At the age of eight he had a homosexual relationship with an adult man on the farm, and this went on for some time. Andrew was was also strongly aroused by animals, including bulls and horses. He was “enamoured” of a stallion and would love to watch it urinate. He says that he tried sex with the animals, including calves and pigs (page 75-77).
George recounts how he was a 13-year-old delivery boy when men started to offer him money for homosexual acts. He complied and they only stopped when they ran out of money (page 135).

Frank recounts his early homosexual experiences at Scout camp and later incestuous activities with his older brother (page 124-5.)

GRUPPO P. Pro-paedophile campaigning group founded in Italy in 1989 by homosexual Francesco Vallini. Vallini was the editor of Babilonia, a homosexual magazine.[9] Vallini spent three years in prison for running a criminal association. On his release he went back to working for Babilonia which continues to promulgate his ideas. Gruppo P published the bulletin Corriere del pedofili.

GUIDE, homosexual magazine in the US. In 1995 its editor wrote, "We can be proud that the gay movement has been home to the few voices who have had the courage to say out loud that children are naturally sexual" and "deserve the right to sexual expression with whoever they choose. …" The article went on to say: "Instead of fearing being labeled pedophiles, we must proudly proclaim that sex is good, including children's sexuality … we must do it for the children's sake. Surrounded by pious moralists with deadening anti-sexual rules, we must be shameless rulebreakers, demonstrating our allegiance to a higher concept of love. We must do it for the children’s sake.”
288   Patrick   2023 Jan 11, 8:29pm  


Jason was a victim of sexual abuse as a child. Being exposed to multiple occurrences of assault he grew mentally unstable from it, just as anyone would. In June 2016, he assaulted three men he found on the state’s online sex offender registry. He was sentenced to 23 years in jail. At his sentencing hearing on Friday, Vukovich told the judge his life story and where his anger toward sex offenders came from. Vukovich said he was physically and sexually abused by his stepfather as long as he could remember.

“He liked to administer beatings with various instruments, belts, eventually a custom 2x4 he made. He used to disrupt the night by coming in to sexually assault myself. It was rough.”

Vukovich and his older brother, Joel Fulton, ran away from home when they were teenagers.

Fulton testified at his brother’s sentencing, telling the judge about the trauma they endured for years.

“We’d roll over on the bunk beds and be up against the wall. I can’t look at you man, I’m sorry,” he said to Vukovich, choking back tears. “It was my job to go first so he would leave Jason alone.”
291   Patrick   2023 Jan 17, 9:51pm  


A months-long Townhall investigation reveals disturbing new details about the affluent LGBTQ-activist couple accused of sodomizing their young adopted sons—now ages 9 and 11—and distributing "homemade" child pornography of the sexual abuse. Half a year after the shocking story made national news, Townhall is the only outlet following up on the criminal case in Georgia that has since seen zero headlines written about it. We've found that it's far, far worse than what was first reported.

Not only did the married men allegedly rape the two boys who were adopted through a Christian special-needs adoption agency, they were pimping out their children to nearby pedophiles in Atlanta-area suburbs, Townhall's follow-up investigation discovered.

292   AmericanKulak   2023 Jan 18, 12:08am  

Patrick says

His so-called novels are obscene, pornographic and incoherent, full of scatological obsession, crude pederastic fantasy and disgusting violence. A

The Wild Boys one of the craziest books I ever read, when I was much younger and because of Pop Culture thought he was important. Something with Egyptian spirits and little fags with gatling guns mounted on wooden sailing ships. I had to force myself to finish.

Just a weird old faggot.

Beauvoir, JP Sartre, Foucault is a damned demon from hell, they all suck.

Most gay men were molested, from the US, I met a guy in Paraguay who was gay and sure enough his Uncle molested him when he was prepubescent, according to him.

This should be stickied, Pat.
293   AmericanKulak   2023 Jan 18, 12:28am  

Patrick says

BRADLEY, Marion (1930-1999)

My observation of my father and mother’s actual belief is this: since everyone is naturally gay, it is the straight establishment that makes everyone hung up and therefore limited. Sex early will make people willing to have sex with everyone, which will bring about the utopia while eliminating homophobia and helping people become “who they really are.” It will also destroy the hated nuclear family with its paternalism, sexism, ageism (yes, for pedophiles, that is a thing) and all other “isms.” If enough children are sexualized young enough, gayness will suddenly be “normal” and accepted by everyone, and the old fashioned notions about fidelity will vanish. As sex is integrated as a natural part of every single relationship, the barriers between people will vanish, and the utopia will appear, as “straight culture” goes the way of the dinosaur. As my mother used to say: “Children are brainwashed into believing they don’t want sex.”

I know, I know. The stupidity of that particular thesis is boundless, and the actual consequence is forty-year-olds in therapy for sexual abuse, many, many suicides, and ruined lives for just about EVERYONE. But someone needed to say it. Will anyone hear it? There were six Johnny Does at my father’s trial, who would not testify, and two victims, who did. One of the victims I am in touch with. He was silenced so fiercely by fans of my mother years ago that he is not able to talk about it to this day. I don’t know the fate of all the Johnny Does, but I do know one of them is dead in his forties from an eating disorder, never having been able to talk about what happened, and I know at least one of the people on the list of 22 names I gave the cops as a potential abuse victim died from suicide last year. I also know a number of victims of my father who would not testify because they love him. As a personal note, I can understand why: of my parents, he was by far the kinder one. After all, he was only a serial rapist. My mother was an icy, violent monster whose voice twisted up my stomach.


(Mother is Marion Zimmer Bradley, Pagan Lesbian later, shockingly, Episcopagan) Violent Lesbian, imagine that.
294   Patrick   2023 Jan 18, 9:10pm  

Patrick says


A months-long Townhall investigation reveals disturbing new details about the affluent LGBTQ-activist couple accused of sodomizing their young adopted sons—now ages 9 and 11—and distributing "homemade" child pornography of the sexual abuse. Half a year after the shocking story made national news, Townhall is the only outlet following up on the criminal case in Georgia that has since seen zero headlines written about it. We've found that it's far, far worse than what was first reported.

Not only did the married men allegedly rape the two boys who were adopted through a Christian special-needs adoption agency, they were pimping out their children to nearby pedophiles in Atlanta-area suburbs, Townhall's follow-up investigation discovered.

300   Patrick   2023 Jan 26, 1:48pm  


... And it turns out that other laws passed by Wiener, including his “LGBTQ Foster Youth Bill of Rights,” has resulted in adult sexual predators of all orientations gaining greater access to child victims.

The Internet has become a major tool of traffickers—particularly of boys, Ugarte told me.
303   HeadSet   2023 Jan 29, 8:38am  

The long-term plan is that if children can consent to breast and genital mutilation then children can consent to having sex with adults. The "minor attracted people" will be the next battleground to deflect the public from the criminals at the top.
305   Patrick   2023 Jan 29, 5:10pm  

I'm making the same arguments in a different forum:

Lesbians actually do seem to have a legitimate claim to have been "born that way". For example, some people and AI can correctly classify women's faces into lesbian and straight, but no one can do that for gay men.

Also, from an evolutionary point of view, you can see that the genes to create exclusively gay men would have been immediately eliminated by lack of reproduction, but women generally had children whether lesbian or not because they were married off to a man regardless of their personal preference.

Ajax the Great
Even so, for males that still doesn't preclude a non-Mendelian pattern of genetic inheritance, or hormonal influences, or even the result of birth order. The Kinsey Scale is a continuum, after all.

The continuum explanation is just one more excuse for an acquired vice, a vice which is provably most frequently acquired through being molested as a boy. The majority of gay men will actually admit to having been molested as a boy if you ask them in a non-judgmental atmosphere.

The desperation to deflect the feeling of guilt for having and spreading this ancient vice leads to tremendously convoluted reasoning, while the truth is stunningly simple: men will fuck just about anything, including animals, because there is a strong evolutionary advantage to an indiscriminate sex drive in men - as long as those men also have sex with women so that they can pass on those genes.

Combine this strong indiscriminate sex drive in men with a phase of sexual impressionability during one's early teen years, and you get endemic pedophilia, as in ancient Greece, and now in America.

The ancient Jews, always acutely aware of what foods and behaviors spread disease, included a strong prohibition on male sexuality in Leviticus. Note that they did not prohibit female homosexuality.
306   Patrick   2023 Feb 3, 11:10am  


A middle school orchestra teacher at Hamilton Southeastern Intermediate School in Fishers, Indiana, appears to have sent sexually suggestive private Instagram messages last summer to a student currently at Hamilton Southeastern High School.

A concerned parent sent a screenshot that he claims shows an Instagram private message conversation between a Hamilton Southeastern Schools student and teacher Ben Yoder, the middle school orchestra teacher. The Daily Signal is not naming the student to respect his privacy. ...

The Daily Signal has been unable to independently confirm the accuracy of the screenshots, or that the Instagram account belongs to Yoder and is not an impersonation.

In the messages, which have been reviewed by The Daily Signal, Yoder asks the student, an incoming senior in high school, when he would be out of school and suggests the student get “in trouble” with Yoder. When the student asked what Yoder meant by “trouble,” Yoder responded, “Let your imagination run wild I guess lol.”
307   HeadSet   2023 Feb 3, 11:30am  

Patrick says

The ancient Jews, always acutely aware of what foods and behaviors spread disease, included a strong prohibition on male [homo]sexuality in Leviticus. Note that they did not prohibit female homosexuality.

That is 'cause they did not have theaters and TV back then and needed something cool to watch.
310   Patrick   2023 Feb 9, 9:47pm  


Published February 9, 2023 12:07pm EST
California beach town will no longer fly LGBT pride flag outside city hall; 'We are one' city says councilman
Huntington Beach council passes measure on party-line vote restricting what flags can fly at city buildings
314   Patrick   2023 Mar 4, 10:24pm  


This woman stood her ground vs. the mob who attacked her for pointing out how creepy Jeffrey Marsh is grooming children.

There's a Muslim woman I absolutely agree with.
315   Patrick   2023 Mar 7, 11:13am  


A 'rabbi' who gained fame on social media for adopting nine boys as a single father was arrested after one of his sons accused him of years of sexual abuse.

Hayim Nissim Cohen, 38, was charged in February with sexual assault and continuous sex abuse of a child under 17, after one of his sons called into a podcast to report the alleged crimes.

The 17-year old boy claimed Cohen had abused a number of his brothers and threatened to kill them if they ever revealed the assault. Six of Cohen's children have since been removed from the home and placed in protective care.

It was not the first time Cohen had been accused. He was out on bond over a 2019 case in which he was accused of sexual contact by a student, now 20, who was staying with Cohen during an exchange program from Spain.

Cohen has also been accused of faking his Orthodox Jewish heritage and his alleged disabilities, having claimed he was raised in the Hasidic community in New York City.

But records showed Cohen, who lives in Houston, was in fact from Odessa, Texas, and that his real name was Jeffrey Lujan Vejil, according to Reduxx.

He regularly posed for photos while hooked up to an oxygen tank and in a wheelchair but his adopted sons claimed even this was faked.
316   Patrick   2023 Mar 7, 9:41pm  


In 1998, Sevearance worked as a youth minister and in that capacity allegedly lured younger men to his apartment to spend the night where Severance showed them pornography and tried to talk them into sex. One boy testified that he woke up to find Severance “fondling him.” Sevearance was convicted on one charge of sexual molestation of a minor.

As a result of his 2000 conviction, Sevearance must register with the police on a regular basis for a minimum of ten years. His most recent mug shot and registration took place at the end of last year.

A reporter with the Charlotte Observer confirmed for Breitbart News that the Chad Sevearance they frequently quote is the same man who was convicted for sexual assault of a minor in 2000.
318   Patrick   2023 Mar 12, 10:30pm  


A small group of private citizens spent $4M of their own money to buy marketing databases from gay hookup apps, then cross referenced it with geotracking data, and identified active gay priests. They provided the results to Catholic bishops. I’m guessing they are giving the Catholic Church a chance to do the right thing before publicly outing the concupiscent clergy.

The Washington Post was NOT amused. But WaPo admitted the technique may be effective:

The project’s existence reflects a newly empowered American Catholic right wing that sees enforcing its interpretation of church teaching on sexuality and gender as an existential issue for the church and that no longer trusts bishops to do so. It is a flip of traditional church power dynamics, with the Colorado laypeople in a position to pressure bishops.

This is an encouraging story about citizens taking things into their own hands and doing the work the wretched corporate media is no longer allowed to do. ...

🔥 More progress. Tennessee’s State House passed a bill preserving pastors’ rights not to conduct weddings for LGBTQ++. It includes judges, clerks, and anyone else who might conduct a marriage ceremony.

320   WillyWanker   2023 Mar 14, 2:11am  

Patrick, where can one find this book you excerpt (Homosexuality and Paedophilia: A Reference Guide)? I can't for the life of me find it when I google it. Did it exist and get banned? Was it ever published?
321   richwicks   2023 Mar 14, 5:47am  

WillyWanker says

Patrick, where can one find this book you excerpt (Homosexuality and Paedophilia: A Reference Guide)? I can't for the life of me find it when I google it. Did it exist and get banned? Was it ever published?

Here is a mention: https://voice1nthecrowd.blogspot.com/2014/09/homosexuality-and-paedophilia-reference.html
323   Patrick   2023 Mar 16, 1:29pm  


Leon Gary Plauché (November 10, 1945 – October 23, 2014) was an American man known for publicly killing Jeff Doucet, who had kidnapped, raped, and molested Plauché's prepubescent son, Jody. The killing occurred on Friday, March 16, 1984, and was captured on camera by a local news crew. For the fatal shooting, Plauché was given a seven-year suspended sentence with five years' probation and 300 hours of community service and received no prison time.
325   WillyWanker   2023 Mar 20, 2:08am  

So, Patrick, I still can't find this 'book' titled "Homosexuality and Paedophilia: A Reference Guide" the only reference to it is in a blog. Still curious. Was the book published and then get banned? Or was it never published and this is just a paper or a discertation in the works for an eventual book?
326   stereotomy   2023 Mar 20, 3:39am  

WillyWanker says

So, Patrick, I still can't find this 'book' titled "Homosexuality and Paedophilia: A Reference Guide" the only reference to it is in a blog. Still curious. Was the book published and then get banned? Or was it never published and this is just a paper or a discertation in the works for an eventual book?

You can see it online here:


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