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What your first grader is learning is too filthy to post on this blog. Don’t believe me? I just watched War Room Battleground with Steve Bannon. His guest was Michael Patrick Leahy, the godfather of the Tea Party movement. Mike was reporting on the content his reporter at Star News Digital Media uncovered in Indiana, and Steve had to cut him off. It was too filthy even for the War Room podcast.
Yes, it’s that bad. And Rockwood School District in St. Louis County is one of the worst in the country.
Is every teacher involved?
No. Most teachers are not. Most teachers oppose this filth. A disgusted teacher sent me this:
Sorry. Instagram censored that video in which a mother read content from her 3rd-grader’s school book. The content of the 3rd-grade text violated Instagram’s decency rules, apparently.
Whether it’s one teacher or a million is irrelevant because it takes only one teacher to destroy your child’s innocence. And the destruction of innocence is their aim. It takes just one. One class. One book. One movie. One video. One counseling session. That’s the thing about sex—it cannot be undone.
A leaked video shows Pete Buttigieg’s “husband” leading kids in a gay pledge of allegiance.
I pledge my heart to the rainbow of the Not So Typical Gay Camp
One camp, full of pride, indivisible, with affirmation and equal rights for all.
And then Chasten waves a rainbow flag over the room full of teens.
What are the chances the American pledge was uttered once at this camp?
The spouse of a White House cabinet member is openly grooming young children as some kind of counselor at a summer camp designed to affirm kids and teens in their sexuality.
What about this is okay?
And then Chasten waves a rainbow flag over the room full of teens.
What are the chances the American pledge was uttered once at this camp?
Welp, there it is.
It's been the policy in some states, and it's being told to teachers everywhere that they and the school are responsible for the wellbeing of children over and above the wishes of parents.
In Wisconsin, teachers are being trained to hide children's "preferred gender", aka the gender that the child chooses that's not his or her true gender.
This is the explicit woke training that teachers are going through.
108 people were arrested in a human trafficking sting operation in central Florida, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd announced on Wednesday.
“The arrests of a human trafficker and four child predators alone makes this whole operation worthwhile,” Sheriff Judd said during a presser on Wednesday. “Where there is prostitution, there is exploitation, disease, dysfunction and broken families.”
Four Disney employees and a retired judge were among the people arrested in the sting.
108 Arrested in Human Trafficking Sting “Operation March Sadness Two” in Central Florida
Includes 4 Disney Employees
Chesterton goes on to say that “it is found in practice that the domestic citizen can stand a siege, even by the State; because he has those who will stand by him through thick and thin—especially thin.” In other words, the family is the littlest platoon, fighting against the globalist ideology that threatens to make every individual a mindless automaton.
Unfortunately, in recent decades the globalist elite have been pretty effective at breaking up this little platoon, this last line of defense. For example, the introduction of personal electronic devices, which isolate individuals and promise virtual gratification for all their appetites; the push to divide women’s attention between home and the workforce; the ease of divorce; the glorification of transgenderism and homosexuality, which lead to further isolation and infertility; the mass messaging that children are a burden—all of these things are devices used by the elite to break down the traditional family, which could stand against the onslaught of the Servile State.
Holy cow.
So, Biden limited his search to only apply to black women. He considered all of the candidates carefully for weeks, and in the end, he chose the judge who has a history of giving light sentences to child porn possessors.
Absolutely unbelievable.
I can't believe I have to say this, but maybe one of your basic qualifier questions for a Supreme Court nominee needs to be "where do you stand on pedophilia?"
To protest a bill that protects young children from exposure to sexual content and groomers, Disney is going to insert sexual politics into a family story based on animated toys.
The decision marks a possible major turning point for LGBTQ representation not just in Pixar films, but in feature animation in general…
Apparently, fetishes, perverts, and groomers are more important than telling good family stories!!
I can't believe I have to say this, but maybe one of your basic qualifier questions for a Supreme Court nominee needs to be "where do you stand on pedophilia?"
To protest a bill that protects young children from exposure to sexual content and groomers, Disney is going to insert sexual politics into a family story based on animated toys.
The decision marks a possible major turning point for LGBTQ representation not just in Pixar films, but in feature animation in general…
Apparently, fetishes, perverts, and groomers are more important than telling good family stories!!
https://notthebee.com/article/welp-the-woke-ruined-toy-story?source=patrick.netTo protest a bill that protects young children from exposure to sexual content and groomers, Disney is going to insert sexual politics into a family story based on animated toys.
The decision marks a possible major turning point for LGBTQ representation not just in Pixar films, but in feature animation in general…
Apparently, fetishes, perverts, and groomers are more important than telling good family stories!!
Still thinking voting in this system matters? How much further off the rails before you throw in the towel?
You know what would be interesting? Find the last film that Dizzey made that had a heterosexual kiss.
Ukraine turned blind eye to American pedophile working with orphanages
By Oleg Sukhov, Daryna Antoniuk. Published Feb. 12, 2020. Updated Feb. 12 2020 at 7:36 pm
Charles Richard Skaggs, Jr. who went under name Rick Skaggs, was convicted in January of sexually exploiting a minor.
It would seem logical that anyone dealing with children would have to undergo extensive background checks.
However, a convicted U.S. pedophile was given a free hand to work with orphanages and schools in Ukraine.
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Again, we have been betrayed by the media and the medical establishment.
Note that I am not calling for the persecution of homosexuals. I think that consenting adults have the right to engage in whatever behavior they want with each other. But I am calling for an end to all displays of the sodomy flag in public, and especially in schoolrooms, because of its strong link with pedophilia.
Remember how people were up in arms about cigarette advertising using cartoon characters and bright primary colors? To be consistent, they should also be up in arms about a flag which uses bright primary colors to promote a different life-shortening addiction.
The gay flag is a stealth way of abusing the good will of people who want to be inclusive.