Get ready for Censorship like Mad

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2022 Feb 23, 2:58pm   128,570 views  834 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Under the "Russian Operative" excuse.

It's coming, and it will encapsulate the Social Justice Revolution as part of American Canon, so to criticize it will be subject to censorship.

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248   Patrick   2022 Oct 31, 1:15pm  


Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation

Where "disinformation" is anything that tells the truth about the oligarchy.
249   Patrick   2022 Nov 1, 10:44am  


Lee Fang
The emails and documents show close collaboration b/w DHS & private sector. Twitter's Vijaya Gadde (fired by @elonmusk last week) met monthly with DHS to discuss censorship plans. Microsoft exec texted DHS: "Platforms have got to get comfortable with gov't"

251   Patrick   2022 Nov 1, 7:45pm  


‘Hate speech’ laws are not simply censorship. Their deeper purpose is to terminate equality under the law, so the normative indigenous members of a nation are made to feel like an alien underclass. ...

Thus, the ‘emergency’ is signalled as over and the Era of Permanent Despotism begins. Now we move into the world predicted two years ago by one Larry Fink, the CEO of the world’s leading assets management behemoth, BlackRock: ‘Markets don’t like uncertainty. Markets like, actually . . . totalitarian governments, where you have an understanding of what’s out there, and obviously the whole dimension is changing now with a democratisation of countries. And democracies are very messy.’

Since those fateful days in the Spring of 2020, this was always going to happen, being baked into the lockdown cake. This is because, if an ‘authority’ suspends supposedly inalienable rights and freedoms, and then, after a long period of withholding them without objectively discernible justification, trickles their simulacrum back out under the rubric of concession, it soon becomes clear that these rights and freedoms have ceased to exist. After that, it is only a matter of carting the husks away.
252   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 1, 7:49pm  

Great post :

Marcusian-Foucault Power Relationships, tyranny of the Minorities...
255   Patrick   2022 Nov 3, 10:37am  


This is absolutely wild. The government is secretly transforming "national security" agencies into a new Narrative Police.

“If a foreign government sent these messages,” said the former ACLU president, “there is no doubt we would call it censorship.”

Read the story: https://t.co/9bMjDKSmcd

— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) October 31, 2022
256   Patrick   2022 Nov 3, 10:38am  


Facebook, Twitter Created Special Portals for Biden Admin Officials to Flag 'Misinformation'
257   Patrick   2022 Nov 3, 10:39am  


China’s Global Lockdown Propaganda Campaign
Inside the CCP’s use of social media bots and other disinformation tactics to promote its own response to the coronavirus pandemic and attack its critics
258   Michael Cooke   2022 Nov 3, 6:31pm  

Most Russians use a service called Viber. Viber and What's App are similar. Viber is more user friendly, and overall better than What's App IMHO.

Banning What's App pushes those users to Viber. If Putin banned Viber, he would have a much bigger problem because most Russians use Viber to talk to each other for free. Even professionals use Viber. I don't think it's a good idea to use either. There is no such a thing as Free.

Putin banning What's App leads me to believe all the "conspiracy theorists" are correct about What's App. Otherwise why would Putin ban it? It will not help his approval ratings. So if he banned it there is a good reason.
259   Misc   2022 Nov 3, 7:04pm  

Very similar to how there is a push for Tik-tok to be banned here in the US.

Definitely a reason.
260   Patrick   2022 Nov 5, 7:28pm  


Should California doctors lose their medical licenses if they favor guidance from Sweden and Denmark over guidance from the CDC?

Censorship of medical dissent is now being expanded in California, where Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed Assembly Bill 2098 into law, officially granting the California Medical Board the authority to penalize and suspend the licenses of doctors who intentionally spread “misinformation or disinformation” about COVID risks and prevention, as well as the safety and efficacy of COVID vaccines. In the U.K. and Sweden, by contrast, COVID vaccines are no longer offered to healthy children under 12, and in Denmark boosters are not available for anyone under 50.
261   Misc   2022 Nov 5, 10:32pm  

The executive action is unconstitutional, but until someone is willing to arrest the governor for lawbreaking, the doctors will be intimidated into following.
263   Patrick   2022 Nov 6, 6:46pm  

The government making "suggestions" about what to censor, under the implied threat of government action against the company, is not much different that directly violating the First Amendment with unconstitutional laws.
264   Patrick   2022 Nov 12, 12:54pm  


Twitter isn’t just real life, it’s bigger than real life, and I’m far from the only person who’s figured that out. Heavy social media censorship is merely one sign of its overwhelming importance. Liberal democracies like to pledge all kinds of freedoms to their populations, but you’re generally only allowed to exercise these freedoms as long as you don’t pose a serious threat to anyone in power. The minute it starts to matter, speech is inevitably circumscribed. In Europe, where we don’t have anything like a Bill of Rights, this is typically done by laws that directly regulate what you’re allowed to say and prescribe substantial fines or prison sentences for offenders. The US Constitution requires a softer, asymmetrical approach in America. There, government regulators and advertisers pressure social media platforms to censor speech behind the scenes. We don’t understand all the ways this is done, but the results are clear enough. The freewheeling days of the early internet are over. Almost all influential content flows through a handful of tech platforms, and these chokepoints are heavily controlled.
265   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Nov 12, 12:59pm  

The USG government sets up a program specifically designed to violate citizens' First Amendment Constitutional rights. Un-fucking-believable!
267   Patrick   2022 Nov 18, 6:52pm  


On August 10, 2021, the Los Angeles Times published a long feature on “the indie-rock singer-songwriter,” Joseph Arthur. The headline—”He was a celebrated singer-songwriter with famous fans. Then he started posting about the vaccine”—instantly reminded me of the New York Times feature on the French medical doctor and microbiologist, Didier Raoult, headlined, “He Was a Science Star. Then He Promoted a Questionable Cure for Covid-19.”

The formula for both stories was identical—namely, recount the exceptional achievements of the subject while marveling that such a brilliant man would embrace such crackpot ideas. Nothing in either feature even allowed for the possibility that the subjects had made valid points. The reporters apparently started with the assumption that the official orthodoxy was entirely correct, while the heterodox views of the great professor and great musician were entirely false.

For Professor Raoult’s advocacy of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19, he was relentlessly criticized and harassed by France’s official medical establishment. Because Joseph Arthur questioned the safety of COVID-19 vaccines and the morality of vaccine mandates, he suffered a similar fate in the music industry.
269   Patrick   2022 Nov 27, 11:21am  

Glenn Greenwald
Nov 26
How can society continue -- how can marginalized people survive -- if there's even one place on the internet that doesn't take censorship orders from Media Matters, AOC, Taylor Lorenz, the Dept. of Homeland Security, the ADL, Harvard's clinical instructors, and Nina Jankowicz?
270   SoTex   2022 Nov 27, 11:38am  

Patrick says

Glenn Greenwald
Nov 26
How can society continue -- how can marginalized people survive -- if there's even one place on the internet that doesn't take censorship orders from Media Matters, AOC, Taylor Lorenz, the Dept. of Homeland Security, the ADL, Harvard's clinical instructors, and Nina Jankowicz?

GGreenwald's rumble channel has been silent lately although yesterday a new video came out. Aaaaand he claims they are going to start doing daily's as soon as next week! (Testing out the new format on OnlyFans, er, I mean Locals first)
271   Patrick   2022 Nov 27, 1:44pm  


HE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY is quietly broadening its efforts to curb speech it considers dangerous, an investigation by The Intercept has found. Years of internal DHS memos, emails, and documents — obtained via leaks and an ongoing lawsuit, as well as public documents — illustrate an expansive effort by the agency to influence tech platforms.
276   stereotomy   2022 Nov 29, 12:15pm  

I have to (not really, I gladly) agree with @Richwicks on this. The Gubment has finally woken up to the existential threat the internet poses to their traditional propaganda narrative. The problem is that they are trying to stuff the genie back in the bottle in full view of the intarwebs, and are in full panic mode that their efforts at this point are futile. They will literally do ANYTHING to get back to where they were 50 years ago during Operation Mockingbird.

All hail Discordia!
278   Patrick   2022 Nov 29, 12:55pm  

It just continues to be one of the most surreal aspects of American political life that the political party that incessantly claims it is the sole bulwark against "fascism" has, as one of its central tactics, the union of state and corporate power to censor the citizenry.
279   richwicks   2022 Nov 29, 6:23pm  

stereotomy says

I have to (not really, I gladly) agree with Richwicks on this. The Gubment has finally woken up to the existential threat the internet poses to their traditional propaganda narrative. The problem is that they are trying to stuff the genie back in the bottle in full view of the intarwebs, and are in full panic mode that their efforts at this point are futile.

You spelled my moniker wrong, but I still see it.

I have a GREAT deal of hope we can end propaganda and censorship. Maybe there's something I'm missing, quite possible, but this communication system was designed FROM THE GROUND UP, to prevent that shit.

Our government, our society, our population will all be better off if we're correctly informed and can just talk to one another. EVERYBODY will benefit, except the criminals - the obsolete. We don't need them. In fact, they are the greatest factor in PREVENTING progress in reducing waste, pollution, misery, everything. They are criminals through and through and they just don't realize it.

They are the most ignorant, stupid people on the planet, but they are criminals, so they control it. People just can't accept this is true.

Epstein was running a child RAPE ring. Probably for Israel and with the full knowledge and acceptance of our intelligence agencies, and our government. That's our "rulers". A bunch of fucking pedophile scum.
280   Patrick   2022 Nov 29, 6:30pm  

richwicks says

That's our "rulers". A bunch of fucking pedophile scum.

That's what makes them easy to control.

The big question is who exactly is controlling them.
281   Patrick   2022 Dec 2, 9:15am  


Can anyone actually grok how “progressive” thinking works these days? This faction now in charge of so many things has decided in the starkest terms that freedom of speech has got to go. For some years, the Party of Chaos had achieved such exquisite control of all national debate by seizing the dials and toggles of social media that they made reality itself their hostage. The truth was only what they said it was, and anyone who said otherwise got banished, cancelled, and even destroyed. ...

And now a struggle ensues over the relationship between the truth and the making of a consensus. Elon Musk bought Twitter — the horror! — and methodically set about to liberate this new digital “public square” from insidious and nefarious manipulation. It’s not a trifling matter, of course, but it’s amusing to watch Elon play with our nation’s overlords; and even more entertaining to see these tyrants strain and bluster to justify their war against free speech. How did the cognitive elite, America’s thinking class, the law professors, the editors and pundits, the public intellectuals, the managers of most everything, ever find themselves so self-owned in idiocy? ...

Rumors were flying days before that the Lords of Tech would pull on Twitter the same kind of treatment they dealt to Parler two years ago, a then-rising rival app for Internet chatter that threatened to open up free debate. Apple and Google took Parler out behind the woodshed and shot it in the head — and nobody could do a damn thing about it. I have a hunch that Elon explained a few things to Tim Cook that made him think twice about another move like that.

Twitter is different than the upstart Parler was. Twitter was already established as the authorities’ official arbiter of approved thought in America. Under the old boss, Jack Dorsey, Twitter accomplished its thought management ends with a staff of thousands of mini-Stalins rooting out anything that smelled like opposition to the official narratives. (Elon fired the whole lot of them in short order.) It has been revealed since then that Twitter carried out censorship at the aggressive prompting of US deep state officialdom, the nagging, twanging, and strong-arming by bureaucrats from many federal agencies. Who knows (not yet, anyway) how many Twitter censors were actually put in-place by the government?

So now, one big truth has come nakedly out in the open: the Left is against the First Amendment to the Constitution. Free speech, they say repeatedly now, makes our democracy unsafe. It can’t be allowed. They say that because they don’t have a better argument. The safety talking-point is a shopworn cliché from their grab-bag of Woke shibboleths that the public is sick of hearing. Anyone with half a brain can see how transparently dishonest and stupid it is. It’s not going over well, even among a people so sorely gaslighted as the USA in late 2022.

Speaking of what is safe and what is not safe, one of the main deceptions the past three years has been the suppression of information about the Covid-19 vaccines that were foisted on the population — for many, made a requirement to earn a living. The old Twitter worked strenuously to bury any data and all news that suggested the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines were disabling and killing people. It has now reached a critical point, with so many suspicious “all-causes” deaths coming to the public’s attention. This is what the authorities are really afraid of: that the people will learn their government has carried out — by epic incompetence or true malice — something the looks like an attempted genocide.

Should be:

something that looks like an attempted genocide
something that looks like an attempted genocide
something that looks like an attempted genocide
282   Patrick   2022 Dec 3, 10:21am  


On October 14, 2020, less than a month before election day, the Post published “BIDEN’S SECRET EMAILS”: an exposé that used files obtained from Hunter Biden’s laptop and which suggested that “the big guy” — possibly Joe Biden, the man running to be president — may have been involved in his son’s business dealings.

As Taibbi relates, Twitter treated the story as if it were child pornography — even blocking transmission via direct message. They also locked down the account of the then-White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany because she tweeted the story.

Lol, no, if the former Twitter crew had treated the story as if it were child pornography they would have allowed it!
283   Patrick   2022 Dec 3, 10:39am  


First, click on this link. Just click it. You'll see how these liberal media employees operate as a hive mind, an in-group pack, reciting the same phrases on cue. They have no novel thoughts. They're Democratic Party activists who unite as pack animals:
Alex Griswold
Second, as usual, these people - who demand the power to censor the internet to protect you from disinformation - are the most frequent and casual liars.

More than I can count made this false claim: @mtaibbi admitted there was no government involvement, contradicting @ElonMusk

Go look and you'll see the whole mindless liberal pack making this point: "LOL, Elon claimed there was government involvement when Taibbi admitted in tweet 22 there's none."

Now, look at Taibbi's tweet: he's saying there's no evidence of foreign government involvement, not US:

You have to be either extremely stupid or extremely dishonest to think Taibbi was saying he found no evidence of US political officials involved.

The whole point of the story is that Biden officials and Dem politicians pressured Twitter to censor. Taibbi said it over and over.
In fact, the tweet they're pointing to - to claim @ElonMusk lied by saying Dem officials were involved - says the opposite.

That's the whole point! Twitter lied when saying they censored this story because the docs were hacked by Russia. They know there was no evidence of this!

Do you see how casually these liberal media people lie? They're monkeys; they see others in their clique saying it, so they start mouthing it.

They don't understand the key point Taibbi's story: Twitter's "foreign govt hacking" pretext for censoring was a lie, and they knew it.

Third, we have the personal attacks on Taibbi - from all the people who could not match his journalistic accomplishments if they had 100 lives to try.

Again, the more big stories you break, the more these frauds - who just repeat what CIA and Google tell them to say - hate you.

It's always the same thing with these people who know they break no stories and live in a mindless liberal herd: oh, "they used to be so good, the downfall is so sad, etc."😢

Their lives are only about serving the Dem Party. That's the only metric they know for "good journalism"
The reason these people insist Taibbi's story is trivial is they will not and cannot recognize any scandalous or improper behavior by leading Dem politicians. Ask them to name any. Any critique of leading Dems is automatically, to them, a fraud, a "nothingburger." They're Dems.
The most pitiful part of their attack is the utter lack of self-awareness. They claim Taibbi serves power.

The hegemonic force in DC, Hollywood, academia, the US Security State, and corporate media is DNC liberalism: them. Their lives are about nothing but servitude to power.

When they unite for their melodramatic routine about how "sad" it is to see our "downfall" (😢) what they mean is they know we harbor contempt for their hegemonic liberal institutions. We have always regarded CIA, Wall St, corporate media with scorn and still do: that's them.
Dec 3, 2022 · 3:37 PM UTC · Twitter Web App

Do any of these fucking posers on the liberal-left ever wonder why CIA worked with their favorite corporate media employees (@NatashaBertrand) to sabotage Trump, not Biden? Do they ever ask why corporations and Big Tech follow commands from Media Matters, not right-wing groups?
It's because - as devastating as it is to their self-image as brave dissidents and radicals - nobody in any power center regards them as threatening. They're their servants, useful tools for these institutions of power. No Dem politician or group would be censored by Big Tech.

Watching little obedient dweebs at NBC, CNN and the Daily Beast claim Matt Taibbi is a servant to power is the most brazen case of projection I've ever seen.

Taibbi spent his career and still does exposing Wall St and CIA's lies (Russiagate). They are their loyal mouthpieces.
Finally, don't let the mindless chirping of disinformation agents in the largest corporate media outlets distract from what these docs reveal.

That's what they're trying to do: turn themselves into a sideshow of clichéd insults to train their followers to believe this is trivial
These docs show what we already knew, but offer new, specific proof:

1) Dems explicitly demand more censorship from Big Tech.

2) Dems have an open line to do it.

3) Twitter knew it was lying when censorsing the Biden story days before the 2020 election
Matt Taibbi
Replying to @mtaibbi
36.Twitter files continued:
Szabo’s letter contains chilling passages relaying Democratic lawmakers’ attitudes. They want “more” moderation, and as for the Bill of Rights, it's "not absolute"
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This is the biggest media scandal in a decade. Most major media outlets united to disseminate an absolute lie concocted by the CIA: the Biden archive was "Russian disinformation."

The lie was obvious. Here's what I said a week after the NY Post's story:
19 Oct 2020
Is there a single journalist willing to say with a straight face they believe the emails relating to the Bidens are either fabricated or otherwise fraudulently altered, but the Bidens just aren't saying so? There has to be some limits to your willingness to go to bat for them.
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I've been covering this story for almost two years. Remember: I quit the media outlet I co-founded when they censored my story based on the CIA's lie - which @theintercept had ratified and laundered the week before - because anyone who wanted to could see what was going on then.

Not one media outlet that spread this CIA lie - that everyone knows is a lie - has admitted that they did this or explained what happened. That's because they lied on purpose.

And that's why these media employees are so enraged at Taibbi: they hate being reminded of their fraud.
Last night after Taibbi reported these, I went live on Rumble - from our new studio for our soon-to-debut live Rumble program - to analyze and reconstruct the full events. The story deserves way more attention than it will get from media propagandists.

Secret Twitter Files on Censorship of Hunter Biden Story

Never forget the person they chose to start this lie: the single worst and most dishonest US Security State propagandist in corporate media, @NatashaBertrand, who got promoted and promoted and promoted again the more she lied. Lying is how one advances in liberal corporate media.

To claim it's dubious or even debatable that the Democratic Party uses its political power over Big Tech to force them to censor as Dems demand is wretched propaganda. Dems do exactly this -- explicitly and out in the open: censor or we will punish you.

Congress Escalates Pressure on Tech Giants to Censor More, Threatening the First Amendment
In their zeal for control over online speech, House Democrats are getting closer and closer to the constitutional line, if they have not already crossed it.

Last point: reducing NY Post's reporting to Hunter Biden's sex life and drug use is pitiful.

I've always said that's irrelevant. The stories were about Joe Biden's sleazy business dealings in Ukraine and China.

If the archive was trivial, why did they all lie to censor it?

But at this point, the real story long ago ceased being about the contents of the Biden archive itself.

The real story is how the CIA, corporate media and Big Tech all united to spread a CIA lie and manipulate the 2020 election by using it to censor reporting about Joe Biden.

Listen to Mark Zuckerberg himself explain who influenced Facebook's decision in Oct. 2020 to announce -- through lifelong Dem Party operative @AndyMStone -- that FB would algorithmically suppress the NY Post's reporting on the Biden family's businesses

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