Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   457,167 views  4,457 comments

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1244   Eric Holder   2022 Jun 30, 2:17pm  

Booger says

Russia can't even defend an island against a country with no navy.

Lost a flagship to a country with no navy too. The first flagship lost in battle by any country since 1904, btw.

Bonus points if you name the country which lost its flagship in 1904.
1245   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Jun 30, 9:15pm  

Patrick says


Defending Ukraine should be a European project
Why should America keep pulling everyone else’s NATO weight?

NATO = world bank, world court, WEF… rich bankers club. the real owners of America.

i still don’t see value to me from NATO, just foreign wars, and drama, and higher gas prices.
1246   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jul 1, 11:44am  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

NATO = world bank, world court, WEF… rich bankers club. the real owners of America.

The world bank is called the World Bank. That's actually the name. There's also the IMF = International Monetary Fund. These two organizations work together, IMF sets policy, World Bank makes payments.

NATO is one of many organizations the bankers created to prototype their final solution for a one world government. The United Nations is the latest and greatest of these iterations.
1247   richwicks   2022 Jul 2, 7:10pm  

original link

Well, it appears in some parts, this is true. Of course, Ukraine is a big nation, with two pretty distinct cultural groups.
1248   Ceffer   2022 Jul 2, 10:18pm  

Booger says

Russia can't even defend an island against a country with no navy.

LOL! They don't need a navy with all those missiles. Russia decided they got what they wanted and no use sticking around to get shelled every day. However, one might surmise they hope the Ukes re-occupy so they can shell them every day. So far, no takers, nobody wants missile magnet island any more.
1249   RWSGFY   2022 Jul 7, 10:10am  

Ceffer says

Booger says

Russia can't even defend an island against a country with no navy.

LOL! They don't need a navy with all those missiles. Russia decided they got what they wanted and no use sticking around to get shelled every day. However, one might surmise they hope the Ukes re-occupy so they can shell them every day. So far, no takers, nobody wants missile magnet island any more.

Except they wanted Odessa and after Moskva accidentally catching fire and turning into a submarine that island was their last remaining chance to have the IAD to cover their landing operation. Now gone too.


1252   Patrick   2022 Jul 8, 2:08pm  


White House Unveils $400M More In Military Aid To Ukraine, Marking 15th Package

They misprinted that, it should be "White House Unveils $400M More In Taxpayer Funded Grants to Weapons Manufacturers Who Donated To Biden Campaign, Marking 15th Package"
1255   Bd6r   2022 Jul 10, 12:10pm  

I am back in US of A after trip to 4 E European countries. Interestingly, the Western Woke are saying that those countries are RACIST!!! and SEXIST!!! because they are welcoming primarily white and womyn Ukrainian refugees (in case of Poland, more than 3 million) as opposed to POC male Middle Eastern persons which are deported and/or not let in.
Ukrainians in Poland do not blow shit up, take available jobs rather than being on welfare, dont annoy locals, and actually go back to Ukraine if their cities become sort of safe...what fucking new concepts for being accepted as refugees. We'll see if welcome does not wear thin in a year but so far there are very few issues. In Lithuania for example rental market is nonexistent because of large number of refugees. Latvia and Estonia has between 200 and 500 Ukrainians per day coming via Russia from Russian occupied Mariupol and other cities in east Ukraine which is a huge number for small countries. Not all stay but many do because they can find work speaking Russian. Of another note is that supposedly liberated Ukrainians from Donbass are running away from their liberators...
Patrick says

1257   Ceffer   2022 Jul 11, 10:18am  

Glorious Million Man Ukrainian Army To Liberate Donbas Today! Translation: Give Us More Money And We Will Gladly Send More Disposable Manpower To Certain Death Against The Russian Sword:

1260   Patrick   2022 Jul 29, 9:30am  


Zelensky reportedly strips 3 Jewish oligarchs of citizenship
Ukrainian president said to purge oligarchs with checkered pasts in bid to prove West Ukraine has no tolerance for corruption; government does not publicly confirm revocation of men’s citizenship
1261   richwicks   2022 Jul 29, 9:37am  

Patrick says


Zelensky reportedly strips 3 Jewish oligarchs of citizenship
Ukrainian president said to purge oligarchs with checkered pasts in bid to prove West Ukraine has no tolerance for corruption; government does not publicly confirm revocation of men’s citizenship

"Last week, Zelensky reportedly either revoked or took steps to revoke the Ukrainian citizenship of two of the country’s best-known oligarchs, Igor Kolomoisky and Hennadiy Korban, as well as that of Vadim Rabinovich, a former tycoon turned opposition lawmaker."

The news is false. Kolomoyskyi created Zelenskyy. He owned the television station that Zelenskyy was a comedian on. His entire administration are Kolomoyski. Kolomoyskyi controls the country, not Zelenskyy.
1262   Patrick   2022 Jul 29, 4:17pm  


Diplomatic talks have been initiated between Russia and the US! I’m seeing it widely reported in Russian media but not so much in American media. Direct talks began between US and Russian Governments today, July 29, 2022.

It makes sense that it's the US and Russia talking, because this is a war between the US and Russia. Ukraine has no say in it.
1263   Ceffer   2022 Jul 29, 4:22pm  

Patrick says

this is a war between the US and Russia

More like a war between the neocon infiltrators and Russia using whatever they can from American military. I guess the good news is that all they can do is send weapons and a few soldiers of fortune and not the main military. I would almost bet that the Russians are getting intel on armament shipment specifics from our 'immune to DC' military components who are opposed to the Globalist curse.
1264   HeadSet   2022 Jul 29, 7:38pm  

Patrick says

Diplomatic talks have been initiated between Russia and the US! I’m seeing it widely reported in Russian media but not so much in American media. Direct talks began between US and Russian Governments today, July 29, 2022.

Isn't that about just a prisoner swap?
1265   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Jul 29, 8:22pm  

HeadSet says

Patrick says

Diplomatic talks have been initiated between Russia and the US! I’m seeing it widely reported in Russian media but not so much in American media. Direct talks began between US and Russian Governments today, July 29, 2022.

Isn't that about just a prisoner swap?

if its about trading for that nasty basketball bitch, then russia can keep her. don’t want her back.
1266   richwicks   2022 Jul 29, 8:49pm  

Patrick says


Diplomatic talks have been initiated between Russia and the US! I’m seeing it widely reported in Russian media but not so much in American media. Direct talks began between US and Russian Governments today, July 29, 2022.

It makes sense that it's the US and Russia talking, because this is a war between the US and Russia. Ukraine has no say in it.

Being familiar with the United States' form of negotiation, nothing will come from it. The stupid fucking maniacs that are our diplomats think that any demand they make is reasonable, and even when the demands are met, war is completely justifiable.

They will request Russia to completely withdraw, to reopen pipelines to a CERTAIN percent, not entirely because the US wants to compete, and if Russia is stupid enough to do this, the US will attack them.

We have the stupidest fucking assholes in power imaginable.
1267   DhammaStep   2022 Jul 30, 1:35pm  

I normally try to stay neutral on such conflicts, at least publically. However, today I lost my cool when a small marching protest (certainly smaller than every anti-mandate protest I've been to) crossed my path. It's one thing to support Ukraine out of blind nationalism or succumbing to propaganda but it's another thing entirely to hold signs saying "EVERY RUSSIAN IS GUILTY." Needless to say I saw red and started shouting at them.

Then I had a confrontation with an old man that looked like he just walked out of his 60th Comic-Con who believes Azov are heroes and that "they need jetplanes." It's one of the few times in my life I called someone "a stupid cunt" in public in my life. I should be ashamed but frankly when people are dying in fear needlessly in a warzone while others are living in luxury fighting for the continuation of the conflict instead of calling for peace, I get mad.

And that was my uninformative rant.
1268   richwicks   2022 Jul 30, 2:22pm  

DhammaStep says

Then I had a confrontation with an old man that looked like he just walked out of his 60th Comic-Con who believes Azov are heroes and that "they need jetplanes." It's one of the few times in my life I called someone "a stupid cunt" in public in my life. I should be ashamed but frankly when people are dying in fear needlessly in a warzone while others are living in luxury fighting for the continuation of the conflict instead of calling for peace, I get mad.

And that was my uninformative rant.


This is every motherfucker in our government, and we are paying for it.

I'm as disgusted with the people supporting this stupid Ukrainian war as I was with the people supporting the Iraq War. They're just shameless in their ignorance.

I understand the inevitability of war in some cases but there's conditions to be met before a war is under taken:

1) Is there are reasonable chance of victory in the war?
2) Is the reason for the war just, is it worth killing AND dying for?

If those conditions aren't met by BOTH SIDES, there's no point in the war.

If Ukraine loses, and I expect they will, what was the point of the war? To have their country fucked up, and having a bunch of their citizens displaced and killed? That will be the result, and for what? So Ukraine could host NATO weaponry and run BSL5 labs in their country doing god knows what? Just another stupid war, and I'm tired of my fucking government constantly dragging us into these conflicts and prolonging them.
1269   Ceffer   2022 Jul 30, 4:41pm  

Globalists want as many dead as possible to balance their books and steal shit. They are psychopaths unconcerned with human suffering. That's why they should be accurately identified and then summarily executed.
1270   Patrick   2022 Jul 30, 4:57pm  


The Zelenskys’ Vogue publicity misfire
Is an Annie Leibovitz shoot the best way to appeal to Middle America’s sympathies? ...

Nowadays it’s all too common to see political leaders featured in the pages of magazines. (Leibovitz’s Vogue cover shoot for Beto O’Rourke, for example, proved fatal for his presidential prospects.) What is far more irregular is seeing a nation’s leader posing and chatting with an American fashion magazine as his country is in the middle of a full-fledged war. ...

In a piece ostensibly about a first lady in wartime, do we really need to learn about her “ecru silk blouse with a black velvet bow tied around the neck and a black mid-calf skirt, her ash-blond hair swept up in a loose bun”? Even Donadio acknowledged the bizarreness: “It is strange to talk about Ukrainian extermination and Ukrainian fashion in the same conversation...

When most Americans think of Vogue, they think of the celebrities dressing like clowns at the annual Met Gala, and thick magazines full of progressive thinkpieces, and ads for expensive face creams. Perhaps the unserious American will see that the president of Ukraine is posing in Vogue and deduce that things can’t be as dire as they were before if the first couple has time for fashion photoshoots.
1271   RWSGFY   2022 Jul 31, 12:02pm  

LOL, the Navy Day Parade in Sebastopol has been cancelled (for the first time since 1945, I believe) because of a drone hit on the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet, no less.

Meaning the IAD in Crimea overall is on par with one on cruiser-turned-submarine Moskva (of the RWSGFY fame).
1273   Eric Holder   2022 Aug 2, 10:16am  

Patrick says

Yes, if you can't "small business" w/o government handouts maybe you shouldn't be in that business. And most of these are tax evasion operations anyway. "We prefer cash, because cash is so pleasent to fondle, no other reason". LOL.
1274   HeadSet   2022 Aug 2, 2:22pm  

Looks like all those restaurants and small business need to learn how to laundry like Ukraine.
1275   Patrick   2022 Aug 2, 2:26pm  

Eric Holder says

Yes, if you can't "small business" w/o government handouts maybe you shouldn't be in that business.

Nobody can "small business" when forcibly shut down by government for no good reason.
1276   Patrick   2022 Aug 3, 9:35am  


Ukraine claims it needs $750 billion more to ‘Build Back Better’

1277   zzyzzx   2022 Aug 3, 9:47am  

Patrick says

Ukraine claims it needs $750 billion more to ‘Build Back Better’

Russia should pay for this.
1278   Ceffer   2022 Aug 3, 10:44am  

Patrick says

Ukraine claims it needs $750 billion more to ‘Build Back Better’

"Better money laundering, better human and child trafficking, better and more efficient weapons and drug sales, better bribery of Western politicians, better criminal investment returns for the NWO, better Biolabs, better nose candy and tranny garb for Zelensky, better murder and torture of Russians"!"
1279   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Aug 4, 10:36am  

Apparently Amnesty International is accusing Ukraine of war crimes for housing their military in school and hospitals. Obviously, they just need more of our money to build proper military bunkers...
1280   Eric Holder   2022 Aug 4, 10:38am  

NuttBoxer says

Apparently Amnesty International is accusing Ukraine

And just like that Patnet is in love with Amnesty International which was previously universally despised and derided.

Here, let me cure you of this momentary weakness:

kyiv, ukraine —

Amnesty International on Monday accused Russia of war crimes in Ukraine, saying attacks on Kharkiv, many using banned cluster bombs, had killed hundreds of civilians.

"The repeated bombardments of residential neighborhoods in Kharkiv are indiscriminate attacks which killed and injured hundreds of civilians, and as such constitute war crimes," the rights group said in a report on Ukraine's second-largest city.

"This is true both for the strikes carried out using cluster (munitions) as well as those conducted using other types of unguided rockets and unguided artillery shells," it said.

"The continued use of such inaccurate explosive weapons in populated civilian areas, in the knowledge that they are repeatedly causing large numbers of civilian casualties, may even amount to directing attacks against the civilian population."

Bombs and land mines

Amnesty said it had uncovered proof in Kharkiv of the repeated use by Russian forces of 9N210 and 9N235 cluster bombs and scatterable land mines, all of which are banned under international conventions.

Cluster bombs release dozens of bomblets or grenades in mid-air, scattering them indiscriminately over hundreds of square meters (yards).

Scatterable land mines combine "the worst possible attributes of cluster munitions and antipersonnel land mines," Amnesty said.

Unguided artillery shells have a margin of error of over 100 meters.

The report, entitled "Anyone Can Die At Any Time," details how Russian forces began targeting civilian areas of Kharkiv on the first day of the invasion on February 24.

The "relentless" shelling continued for two months, wreaking "wholesale destruction" on the city of 1.5 million.

"People have been killed in their homes and in the streets, in playgrounds and in cemeteries, while queueing for humanitarian aid, or shopping for food and medicine," said Donatella Rovera, Amnesty International's senior crisis response adviser.

"The repeated use of widely banned cluster munitions is shocking, and a further indication of utter disregard for civilian lives.

"The Russian forces responsible for these horrific attacks must be held accountable."

Feel better now?
1281   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Aug 4, 10:46am  

I'm sure you do, now that you've pulled news from the same government propaganda outlets that told us Covid was deadly, the shots were safe, Biden won the election, there's no economic recession, and Epstein is an upstanding business guy.

You should try reading antiwar.com sometime. Could really balance your perspective.
1282   Eric Holder   2022 Aug 4, 10:57am  

NuttBoxer says

I'm sure you do, now that you've pulled news from the same government propaganda outlets

It's the same Amnesty International, isn't it? You can get their statements directly from their website: https://www.amnesty.org/

Now what? Do we still love AI, or not anymore? =))
1283   Patrick   2022 Aug 4, 11:29am  


Actor Volodymyr Zelensky stormed to the Ukrainian presidency in 2019 on a wave of public anger against the country’s political class, including previous leaders who used secret companies to stash their wealth overseas.

Now, leaked documents prove that Zelensky and his inner circle have had their own network of offshore companies. Two belonging to the president’s partners were used to buy expensive property in London. ...

The documents also show that just before he was elected, he gifted his stake in a key offshore company, the British Virgin Islands-registered Maltex Multicapital Corp., to his business partner — soon to be his top presidential aide. And in spite of giving up his shares, the documents show that an arrangement was soon made that would allow the offshore to keep paying dividends to a company that now belongs to his wife.

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