Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   431,645 views  4,152 comments

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2417   Onvacation   2023 Jun 20, 11:15am  

WookieMan says

99.9% sure that's photoshopped. I haven't smoked crack, but I've smoked weed somewhat. That photo is impossible and you can clearly see the blanket on the right isn't normal at all. Pipe would have fallen out.

More likely staged by some crack hoe.

Never pass out at a party!
2418   Patrick   2023 Jun 20, 9:10pm  


The major corporate media headlines about the Proxy War this morning focused on last night’s mostly-repelled Russian drone attacks against the Ukrainian capitol, Kiev, and against Lviv, a city in Western Ukraine near the Polish border.

There was nothing about the Spring CounterOffensive™. And if Russia is out attacking Kiev again, instead of focusing on defending its captured territories, it strongly suggests the counteroffensive is over. Or at least paused to regroup or something.

If it is in fact over, it would not be too surprising. Over the last weeks, we’ve seen very few claims of Ukrainian victories by U.S. corporate media propagandists, who surely would have inflated the tiniest scrap of victory into a spectacular patriotic musical. Instead, over the last two weeks we’ve had constant reports from Russian military and warbloggers citing devastating losses for Ukraine, culminating in reports of a massive weekend assault in the Zaporizhzhia region that the Russians described as a “slaughter,” with claimed Ukrainian losses up to a staggering 50%.

Scattered through the last week there were also regular reports of Ukrainians surrendering, often in groups, sometimes in large groups and bringing heavy equipment with them. On the other hand, there were no credible reports of Russians surrendering.

The Russians were also scoring victories on the political front. News emerged over the weekend that, after the Russians had nearly captured Kiev in 2022, the Ukrainians had agreed to a peace deal that would have kept their territory intact, but precluded NATO membership. A draft treaty had even been circulated.

But, according to newly-released documents, the Biden Administration interfered, and the Ukrainians were committed to endless war.

OK, I think I give Kennedy for seeing some truth about the Ukraine fiasco.
2419   richwicks   2023 Jun 21, 3:56am  

Patrick says

OK, I think I give Kennedy for seeing some truth about the Ukraine fiasco.

This is inline with what I've HEARD, 350,00 dead would be the number of Ukrainians and Russians. What I've HEARD is a 6:1 or 7:1 kill ratio in favor of the Russians. With 6:1, 350,000 dead would mean about 60,000 Russians dead, and about 291,000 Ukanians dead.

Ukraine is destroyed already I think. Fucking hate the Neocons that took control of our foreign policy. I hope they rot in hell.

Hopefully what I've heard is bullshit or Russian propaganda. It's enormous bloodshed if it's true. I think it's enormous bloodshed even if it's NOT true. A lot of people dead for nothing.

Unless Kennedy is willing to send these assholes who started this war to prison or execution, I don't expect much of a change. Nuland is a warcriminal.
2420   Patrick   2023 Jun 21, 9:43am  


KYIV — After it was revealed that an accounting error inadvertently sent another $6.2 billion to Ukraine, President Zelensky admitted he has already spent all the money from the accounting error as well as the money from the next three accounting errors.

"I need the U.S. to please produce more accounting errors quickly," said Zelensky. "We are out of money again, and we will need these to kill Russians and pay off the mortgage on my island resort. Democracy and freedom depend on it."

Sources in the Pentagon confirmed that the $6.2 billion error was "totally an accident" and that the money is already spent and completely untraceable. In an official statement, a Pentagon spokesperson said: "Woopsie! I guess these things just happen. No one will be held accountable. Have a nice day."

At publishing time, Hunter Biden had contacted officials in the Ukrainian government promising another accounting error from "The Big Guy" next week.
2421   socal2   2023 Jun 21, 10:42am  

richwicks says

This is inline with what I've HEARD, 350,00 dead would be the number of Ukrainians and Russians. What I've HEARD is a 6:1 or 7:1 kill ratio in favor of the Russians. With 6:1, 350,000 dead would mean about 60,000 Russians dead, and about 291,000 Ukanians dead.

This is a laughable claim. Virtually every battle in history, the attackers suffer 3:1 kill ratio going after defensive positions. If this was remotely true, we would see loads of video proof from the Russians documenting the mountains of Ukrainian corpses. Russia has been replaying the same video from last week where a bunch of Ukrainian tanks and Bradleys got bogged down in a minefield from different angles acting like it was a different battle.

What have you seen from Russia's military and Wagner prisoner cannon fodder to make you think that they were able to miraculously achieve a 7:1 kill ratio?
2422   Onvacation   2023 Jun 21, 10:46am  

socal2 says

What have you seen from Russia's military and Wagner prisoner cannon fodder to make you think that they were able to miraculously achieve a 7:1 kill ratio?

What casualty numbers do you agree with? How many Russians and Ukrainians have been killed so far?
2423   socal2   2023 Jun 21, 10:58am  

Onvacation says

What casualty numbers do you agree with? How many Russians and Ukrainians have been killed so far?

I don't know.

But don't believe for a minute Russia has 7:1 kill advantage. That ratio goes against every modern battle in history and Russia's military performance has been a total embarrassment so far requiring additional mobilizations and the use of prisoners as cannon fodder with Wagner.

Prigozhin says that 20,000 Wagner troops were killed in a few months just in Bakhmut alone.
2424   Ceffer   2023 Jun 21, 12:15pm  

Seems like Ukraine and the MSM neocons put as many billions into their propaganda than they do in the war.
2425   Patrick   2023 Jun 21, 12:44pm  


Congress apparently isn’t forking over the moolah fast enough, so the Pentagon has, once again, “revised” how it valued the weapons it already gave to Ukraine under prior authorizations. By re-shrinking the old numbers, which used to be called cooking the books, the Pentagon has stretched some new room into the Proxy War budget, allowing sending Zelenkeyy and his cronies another $6.2 billion dollars worth of explosive toys.

The new $6.2 billion accounting error is more than Mexico’s entire annual military budget. Of course, there is no error, not really. This isn’t a mistake. The DoD is purposely playing games with numbers and calling it a “correction.”

It’s the second time they’ve reduced the value of the military hardware already given to Ukraine, to create a moronic pretext for giving the struggling Ukrainians some more hardware without having to talk Congress into approving anything.

And that’s not all! The State Department is chipping in another $1.3 billion as well, to help rebuild stuff. ...

According to useless propaganda minister Antony Blinking, I mean Blinken, the extra billion is for rebuilding Ukraine’s war-torn infrastructure. Of course, anyone with an IQ over 80 understands that before you start rebuilding stuff, you have to stop doing war first. Otherwise, when you rebuild the power plant, Russia will just blow it up again, leaving you a half billion poorer while enriching a bunch of sketchy-looking, tracksuit-wearing, gold chain-draped Ukrainian ‘contractors.’

Which brings us to the Biden Administration’s next fairy tale, which is the fantastic notion that any money ‘earmarked’ for Ukrainian infrastructure would actually be used for bridges and power plants and stuff, and not for hookers, blow, and Italian villas. Only MSNBC’s audience could believe that ridiculous story.
2426   Ceffer   2023 Jun 21, 2:41pm  

Military auditors have less credibility than CNN breaking news desk. Have they ever had any real ones since the rocket and planted explosives in the Pentagon at 9/11 false flag purposely killed that audit team? A real military auditor likely has a life span shorter than a Clinton whistle blower.
2427   Misc   2023 Jun 21, 4:01pm  

Certainly, there will be an investigation into who caused this multi-billion dollar accounting crime (one way or the other a crime was committed). I am certain that hundreds if not thousands of officers were involved. Perhaps we can expect justice to be served as readily as that upon a lowly airman for posting stuff online to a gamer group. Yes, let's see them act that fast.

... or could it be that the DoD has the credibility of the FBI.
2428   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Jun 21, 9:34pm  

Misc says

Certainly, there will be an investigation into who caused this multi-billion dollar accounting crime (one way or the other a crime was committed). I am certain that hundreds if not thousands of officers were involved. Perhaps we can expect justice to be served as readily as that upon a lowly airman for posting stuff online to a gamer group. Yes, let's see them act that fast.

... or could it be that the DoD has the credibility of the FBI.

fbi is a part of dod. dod is umbrella agency… fbi/cia/nsa/etc… are departments
2429   Onvacation   2023 Jun 21, 10:15pm  

A new multi-polar world order.
2430   Patrick   2023 Jun 22, 11:53am  


'War is good for business,' James O'Keefe exposes BlackRock
BlackRock employee shared his perspective on the Ukraine-Russia war, stating that the ongoing conflict is 'good for business.' ...

"The Ukrainian economy is tied very largely to the wheat market, global wheat market, prices of bread, you know, literally everything goes up and down. This is fantastic if you’re trading."

"Volatility creates opportunity to make profit. War is real fucking good for business," Varlay stated, adding that "it’s exciting when sh*t goes wrong."

Varlay then went to say that he is one who "decide[s] people's fates."

"Every fucking day, I literally decide how somebody’s life is going to be shaped," Varlay boasted, adding "I’m not actually a finance guy, I just know what happens because I’m recruiting people who do these things."

Varlay elaborated to the undercover journalist on how effortlessly one could procure the services of a politician, stating "It’s not through who the president is. It’s through who’s controlling the wallet of the president."

When questioned about the source of influence over the president's financial matters, Varlay asserted, "the hedge funds, BlackRock, the banks. These guys run the world."
2431   Eric Holder   2023 Jun 23, 11:05am  

The prominent liberator spills the beans on the true reason for the whole covfefe:

The Ukrainian armed forces have not shelled Donbas for eight years, as Russian propaganda and the Russian military leadership have been screaming about. The Ukrainians held back the Russian occupying forces by firing back at them.

Nor was there any aggravation in the east on the eve of a full-scale Russian invasion, the aggression was in fact launched by Russia for completely different reasons. Yevgeny Prigozhin , the owner of the Russian PMC Wagner, stated this.

He publicly acknowledged the fact, which is flatly denied by the Russian propaganda and its victims from among the average Russians.

"On why the special operation started. The Ukrainians had a grouping along the border with the Donbas, just the one we were breaking through from Popasna to Artemivsk. This grouping consisted of various voluntary nationalist formations as well as the active army, the AFU. This grouping exchanged gunfire. We were hitting them, they were hitting us. And this was happening all these long 8 years, from 2014 to 2022. Sometimes the number of different exchanges of fire, roughly speaking, exchange of ammunition, exchange of shots increased. Sometimes it went down,"
Prigozhin said.

He also stressed that on the eve of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine last February, there was no question of any escalation and preparation of Ukraine's attack on Russia.

"As of February 24, there was nothing extraordinary. Now the Ministry of Defence is already trying to deceive the public, to deceive the president and tell the story that there was insane aggression from Ukraine and they were going to attack us with the entire NATO bloc. The so-called February 24 special operation - it was launched for completely different reasons,"
Prigozhin said, adding that preparations for the invasion were carried out in secrecy.

The leader of the Wagnerians admitted that the Russian army has degraded rapidly since Sergei Shoygu joined the Russian Defence Ministry - and the invasion of Ukraine was launched by a completely non-competitive cadre of troops.

"Now about the army. Starting from 2012... It started earlier, with Serdyukov, but since 2012, when Shoigu got there, the army has been doing nothing. Each conscript was given 3 rounds of ammunition, like in the worst Soviet times, although there wasn't even such a thing in Soviet times. They were not engaged in combat training. They were not trained in different kinds of weapons, especially modern ones. And so in Russia, the army was in such a flawed state that it could not conduct any full-scale combat operations,"
said Prigozhin.

In the video, Prigozhin states that the war served as an opportunity for a group of individuals to celebrate and showcase the strength of the Russian army. He suggested that the preparations for promoting Shoigu to the rank of marshal were already in place, and he received a second Hero of the Russian Federation state award as a result.

Prigozhin further claimed that Shoigu desired to be remembered as a "great Turkic military leader who became a hero and a marshal twice practically in peacetime."

According to Prigozhin, the war was orchestrated to fulfill Shoigu's aspirations, rather than to “de-militarize” or “de-nazify” Ukraine.

Additionally, Prigozhin asserted that the oligarchs, who currently hold de facto power in Russia, also had a vested interest in the war, and implied they were involved in the decision-making process.
2432   RWSGFY   2023 Jun 23, 11:31am  

My, oh my, who's left among believers in "imminent joint NATO-Nazi attack on the poor defenseless USSR" if even one of the prominent dogs of that war doesn't buy it.... Anybody? Bueller?
2433   socal2   2023 Jun 23, 12:52pm  

Russia just attacked Wagner?


Prigozhin said that the Russian Armed Forces launched a missile attack on the Wagner PMC camps.

"A huge number of our comrades died, we will decide how to respond to this atrocity" - Prigozhin
2435   Booger   2023 Jun 23, 3:13pm  

socal2 says

Russia just attacked Wagner?


Prigozhin said that the Russian Armed Forces launched a missile attack on the Wagner PMC camps.

"A huge number of our comrades died, we will decide how to respond to this atrocity" - Prigozhin

2436   Patrick   2023 Jun 23, 4:21pm  


Kiev Calls GENERAL Mobilization - ALL Males 18-65 Must enter military within 10 days

22 JUNE 2023

I do suspect that Blinken and Nuland's goal is to kill off as many Slavic men as possible, whether Russian or Ukrainian, just out of hate.
2437   Ceffer   2023 Jun 23, 4:36pm  

Booger says

Russia just attacked Wagner?

Mopping up the Khazarian Mafia useful idiots? Who knows.
Prigozhin has all the credibility of Tony Soprano. He'll just have to settle for the organ harvesting profits and trafficking of the women and children of the dead Slavs on the other side. Maybe he knew all along that the prisoners would be sacrificed. Moloch smiles.
2438   socal2   2023 Jun 23, 4:45pm  

Ceffer says

Booger says

Russia just attacked Wagner?

Mopping up the Khazarian Mafia useful idiots? Who knows.
Prigozhin has all the credibility of Tony Soprano. He'll just have to settle for the organ harvesting profits and trafficking of the women and children of the dead Slavs on the other side. Maybe he knew all along that the prisoners would be sacrificed. Moloch smiles.

Must be so confusing.

Believe Churchill said something to the effect that "Russia is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma."
2439   RWSGFY   2023 Jun 23, 7:52pm  

Rostov-on-Don liberated from the Nazis!


Long live Rostov People's Republic!!!
2440   Bd6r   2023 Jun 23, 8:20pm  


Rostov-on-Don liberated from the Nazis!


Long live Rostov People's Republic!!!

2441   Bd6r   2023 Jun 23, 8:24pm  

On a more serious note, WAGNERS are surrounding military objects in Rostov:
2442   tomtomtom   2023 Jun 23, 8:53pm  

Please keep your hands on the table.

Bd6r says

On a more serious note, WAGNERS are surrounding military objects in Rostov:
2443   Bd6r   2023 Jun 23, 9:00pm  

tomtomtom says

Please keep your hands on the table.

2444   RWSGFY   2023 Jun 23, 9:53pm  

Bd6r says


Rostov-on-Don liberated from the Nazis!


Long live Rostov People's Republic!!!


Meh, it's all CGI created by ChatGPT.

Or Prigozhin is CIA.

2445   richwicks   2023 Jun 23, 10:00pm  

Eric Holder says

The Ukrainian armed forces have not shelled Donbas for eight years,

Yes, they have:

original link

That is from September, 2014. US media will report the truth, PROVIDED it doesn't matter. It didn't matter then.

US media always reports the truth, once, and they never repeat it again. I've learned long ago that everything is reported, on the back page - this is so they can later say "we reported honestly!" - yeah, once, and then you had 10,000 stories of propaganda.
2446   richwicks   2023 Jun 23, 10:02pm  


My, oh my, who's left among believers in "imminent joint NATO-Nazi attack on the poor defenseless USSR" if even one of the prominent dogs of that war doesn't buy it.... Anybody? Bueller?

When anybody with an ounce of sense sees a reference to "the USSR", it just flags to them you're a mindless drone. Russia is NOTHING like the USSR was.
2447   richwicks   2023 Jun 23, 10:05pm  

socal2 says

Russia just attacked Wagner?


Prigozhin said that the Russian Armed Forces launched a missile attack on the Wagner PMC camps.

"A huge number of our comrades died, we will decide how to respond to this atrocity" - Prigozhin

Oh god, this is just US propaganda. This would be like Blackwater attacking US forces - they would be annihilated immediately. They are a relatively small group of convicts and trained military personnel that went private just like Blackwater.

Blackwater would turn against US troops, provided two things

1) they were paid enough money
2) they thought they could win.

Blackwater wouldn't do this, because no amount of money is worth fighting a battle you are certain to lose. The Wagner group is no different.
2448   Ceffer   2023 Jun 24, 12:23am  

Wagner chooses civil war? Use mercenary convicts as an army, what could possibly go wrong? And now, for something completely different.



2450   Booger   2023 Jun 24, 3:08am  

it's not a civil war, it's a special homecoming operation.
2451   stfu   2023 Jun 24, 3:53am  

Wow. Just wow. How wonderful that the handful of white christian countries that still exist seem to be eating themselves alive.
2453   RWSGFY   2023 Jun 24, 5:28am  

Right now Wagner controls more of Russia than Russia holds in Ukraine.

2454   RWSGFY   2023 Jun 24, 5:30am  

2021: Red Army second army in the world

2022: Red Army second army in Ukraine

2023: Red Army second army in the CCCP
2455   Bd6r   2023 Jun 24, 6:13am  

Basically, Pukin lovers here made predictions that were on par in accuracy with branch covidians. Being wrong prediction after prediction did not change thinking and did not elicit any critical thoughts
2456   Bd6r   2023 Jun 24, 6:15am  

Pukin the Great has run away from Moscow


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