Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   457,146 views  4,457 comments

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3195   socal2   2023 Dec 18, 10:36am  

RayAmerica says


How did the much vaunted 'spring offensive' go for the Ukraines?

It didn't go well. Everyone admits that Ukraine didn't achieve its goals and now have to settle in for another winter of defense. Ukraine supporters were expecting another lightening counteroffensive where Russia lost all their ground in 2022 around Kharkiv and Kherson.

Whereas - Russian fanboys still can't admit that their 2 years old invasion has not gone to plan and they have wasted tens of thousands of human lives for little to no gain.
3196   socal2   2023 Dec 18, 10:40am  

3197   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 18, 12:04pm  

socal2 says

Of course it matters.

No, it doesn't.

socal2 says

You can't even define "Fucked"

Are you for real or deliberately gaslighting?
3198   socal2   2023 Dec 18, 12:25pm  

PumpingRedheads says

Are you for real or deliberately gaslighting?

Dude acting like Russia hasn't had any significant casualties or bore any major costs in their Ukraine cock-up is accusing others of gaslighting? That's rich!

Hint - Russia lost more troops in a single month in Ukraine than America lost in Iraq and Afghanistan combined in over 20 years.

How long can Russia keep that up with no tangible gains?
3199   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 18, 12:36pm  

socal2 says

Hint - Russia lost more troops in a single month in Ukraine than America lost in Iraq and Afghanistan combined in over 20 years.

So what?

Ukraine is still fucked.

socal2 says

How long can Russia keep that up with no tangible gains?

They took almost a 1/4 of the country and most of its productive population.

You're just trolling.

And this isn't about Russia. This is about Ukraine. That's what we've been told.

Or was that another lie?
3200   RayAmerica   2023 Dec 18, 5:43pm  

Ukraine is getting increasingly desperate. They must be running out of old men and young boys that they kidnap off the streets to be used as fodder at the front:

Ukraine could conscript women – MP

Kiev has struggled to mobilize enough men for frontline duty

The Ukrainian government should consider the possibility of drafting women if that is deemed necessary in the conflict with Russia, member of parliament Inna Sovsun said on Monday.

Sovsun is one of the 20 deputies of Golos in the Verkhovna Rada. The self-styled liberal and pro-EU party is best known for proposing the legalization of pornography and same-sex civil unions earlier this year.

“There will be unpopular decisions,” she told the Ukrainian media on Monday. “I do not deny that we can reach the point of mobilizing women. If it’s needed for defense, then it’s needed for defense. If there is a rationale, a tool and mechanisms, we must discuss [them].”

Last month, Zelensky promised a “comprehensive proposal” to reform the conscription system, which has yet to be announced. According to Russian intelligence, Ukraine’s backers in the West have demanded expanding the draft to teenagers, older men – and women.
3201   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 18, 11:27pm  

RayAmerica says

Kiev has struggled to mobilize enough men for frontline duty

The Ukrainian government should consider the possibility of drafting women if that is deemed necessary in the conflict with Russia, member of parliament Inna Sovsun said on Monday.

But that's impossible! Because we were told this:

socal2 says

Ukraine, despite what you think - is now one of the most experienced and most heavily armed militaries in Europe
3202   WookieMan   2023 Dec 19, 3:03am  

PumpingRedheads says

socal2 says

Hint - Russia lost more troops in a single month in Ukraine than America lost in Iraq and Afghanistan combined in over 20 years.

So what?

Ukraine is still fucked.

Both countries are fucked. There will be no winner in this. Both countries are decimating their productive population. Russia is destroying the land it wants and will have to rebuild it with less men than they had before their mind boggling retarded invasion.

America is dumb for even being involved at any level. This wasn't about protecting Europe. Russia is clearly not capable of doing any harm to Europe in modern times and with modern international war crimes being a thing. You can't fight wars like you used to. Russia is a paper tiger, but they will ultimately get what they want at a massive cost instead of just outright offing cash money to the Ukrainians for the land. This should have been a real estate transaction and not a war. This is small dick syndrome by idiotic leaders. Russia can print cash with all their resources. This whole thing is stupid and it's stupid to argue about it.

Just let them kill each other. Who cares at the end of the day? Let Russia have its non-existent surface navy control the pond called the Black Sea. If that's a victory for them, that's rather sad. Do we even export/ship anything into the Black Sea past Istanbul? This whole thing is dumb and no one should care unless you have family there.
3203   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Dec 19, 6:55am  

Wookiee war wasn’t made over real estate, it is intentional geo political nato vs russia.
3204   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 19, 8:16am  

Lying Was the Only Plan Biden, U.S. Ever Had in Ukraine
Narrated Version
DEC 19, 2023

After nearly two years of pretending "victory" was coming, the president and a senior advisor finally admit the reality of Ukraine's dilemma. On the hawks who cried wolf.

3205   The_Deplorable   2023 Dec 19, 10:06am  

WookieMan says
"America is dumb for even being involved at any level... This whole thing is dumb and no one should care unless you have family there."

We care because Russia defeated and humiliated the United States and NATO in Ukraine and military defeats, despite neoCon arrogance, have consequences. One such consequence is, in my thinking, is the collapse of NATO.
3206   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 19, 11:40am  

EU nations unwilling to comply with their own sanctions?

There are many trade flows from the #EU to #Russia via Central Asia: mostly dual-use goods that are not subject to export controls, such as cars and spare parts.

Not only Germany, but also Poland, Czechia and the Baltics are apparently not against such trade.

3207   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 19, 12:06pm  

Acknowledging that any breakthrough on the eastern bank is unrealistic for now, especially with the lack of heavy weaponry, many soldiers and officers view the operation as more of Ukraine’s effort to reassure some progress to Western allies.

Observing the political theater from a distance and death in proximity, the soldiers say they are hurt that their lives are put in jeopardy for what they say they perceive as a “political decision” to have a symbolic success on the battlefield.

“People are killed to hold on to the ruins,” said 47-year-old Senior Sergeant Petro, who leads a radio intelligence platoon of roughly 20 men with the 38th Separate Marine Brigade.

After the highly-anticipated summer 2023 counteroffensive failed to achieve its goals, Ukrainian and Western politicians used this little bridgehead to peddle hope to their allies in a static war.

It coincides with the new military aid pledges to Ukraine over August-October 2023 hitting their lowest since the start of the full-scale invasion, with an 87% drop year-to-year, according to the Kiel Institute, which tracks Ukraine aid.
3208   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 19, 12:07pm  

socal2 says

Ukraine, despite what you think - is now one of the most experienced and most heavily armed militaries in Europe

Acknowledging that any breakthrough on the eastern bank is unrealistic for now, especially with the lack of heavy weaponry, many soldiers and officers view the operation as more of Ukraine’s effort to reassure some progress to Western allies.

Observing the political theater from a distance and death in proximity, the soldiers say they are hurt that their lives are put in jeopardy for what they say they perceive as a “political decision” to have a symbolic success on the battlefield.

“People are killed to hold on to the ruins,” said 47-year-old Senior Sergeant Petro, who leads a radio intelligence platoon of roughly 20 men with the 38th Separate Marine Brigade.

After the highly-anticipated summer 2023 counteroffensive failed to achieve its goals, Ukrainian and Western politicians used this little bridgehead to peddle hope to their allies in a static war.

It coincides with the new military aid pledges to Ukraine over August-October 2023 hitting their lowest since the start of the full-scale invasion, with an 87% drop year-to-year, according to the Kiel Institute, which tracks Ukraine aid.

3209   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 20, 3:47am  

WashPo has started the Ukey white washing of their coverage:

3210   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 20, 5:24am  

WookieMan says

There will be no winner in this.

Actually, Russia has already won. Ukraine wanted to surrender immediately but Biden would not let them.

Add to that the US military industrial complex and 10% for the big guy and it seems the only losers here are Ukraine, us taxpayers and the dead soldiers on both sides (sounds like more Ukraine dead than Russian but it is unfortunate anyone had to die over these lies and threats of NATO expansion).
3211   RayAmerica   2023 Dec 20, 8:40am  

Ukraine ‘Scales Back’ Military Operations, Blames Lack of Foreign Aid
(Quick! We need to send at least another $100 Billion. How much are we spending on our own border security?)

Ukraine has blamed a “shortfall in foreign assistance” as it suffers a shortage of munitions, forcing it to make operations “smaller” in its Western-backed war against the Russian occupation.

General Oleksandr Tarnavskyi cited shell starvation “across the entire front line” — what he called a “very big problem” – and what Reuters paraphrased as “the drop in foreign military aid” as being major factors in the reduced combat readiness of Ukrainian troops. Speaking to the wire service in interview, the Ukrainian military leader said the volumes of artillery “are not sufficient for us today, given our needs”, so ammunition was having to be redistributed.

He said: “We’re replanning tasks that we had set for ourselves and making them smaller because we need to provide for them… In some areas, we moved (to defence), and in some we continue our offensive actions – by manoeuvre, fire and by moving forward. And we are preparing our reserves for our further large-scale actions.” Further, the general said after nearly two years of attrition warfare, his men are “not so fresh, not so rested”.

3212   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 20, 9:27am  

socal2 says

Ukraine, despite what you think - is now one of the most experienced and most heavily armed militaries in Europe

3213   Ceffer   2023 Dec 20, 10:34am  

LOL! Experienced, yes, if they are alive. Heavily armed? Maybe, if they buy their own supplies from the black market.

It is interesting that the agitprop repeating stations don't seem to mind becoming a laughing stock. What does that mean, exactly?
3214   Ceffer   2023 Dec 20, 12:06pm  

SORCHA 12/19: "Biden Crime Family Murders 383,000 Ukrainians For Imaginary “Good-Paying American Jobs”"


I guess the agitprop repeating stations are on the theme that instead of money being laundered back through Ukraine to the criminal political families and politicians, the money is financing jobs and American industry. I guess the agitprop repeating stations have a boundless appetite for the utter contempt heaped on them.
3215   Ceffer   2023 Dec 20, 1:31pm  

Hammering out terms of the Ukrainian partition? Will Odessa wind up like Berlin after WWII, a split concession? Are the neocon foreign agents being told to stand down by the Rothschild Messiahs, intent on saving their own skins? Stay tuned to Channel Argentina Escape Pod. Will the Kmaf Nazis wind up with their Frankenstein created German Nazis, shivering in the Andean Alps? How many account holders can be harvested from South America?
Good thing all those backup servers are on Rothschild Island in Antarctica.

3216   Ceffer   2023 Dec 20, 1:33pm  

Black Flag for Ukraine, but not the demons or perpetrators. Is Moloch glutted with death and rotting corpses yet?

3217   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 20, 8:34pm  

What do they mean by black flag? No quarter?

It’s a pirate thing so how does this apply to the disputed area in Eastern Europe?
3218   Ceffer   2023 Dec 20, 11:46pm  

PeopleUnited says

It’s a pirate thing so how does this apply to the disputed area in Eastern Europe?

It means no holds barred, and let the Ukrainians continue to spill blood for the proxy war without reservation. Those responsible remain at arms length.

Black flag for thee, but not for me, kind of like the boosters with no skin in the game.
3219   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 21, 2:34pm  

Yo @socal2

This a friend of yours?

3220   socal2   2023 Dec 21, 2:56pm  

PumpingRedheads says

Yo socal2

This a friend of yours?

Who would have thought back then that Russia would occupy less Ukrainian land today then they did nearly 2 years ago in March 2022?

Is that "winning" in Russia?

And I will keep asking the glib Putin fanboys at Patnet, how many Russians have died at this point? Is there ANY level of Russian casualties that will make the ROI on Putin's massive embarrassment of a war not worth the cost? Has it been worth gaining 2 new NATO members on Russia's border, losing Wagner and losing Russia's most prized Naval assets?

Is it worth having most of Western Europe to finally wake up and massively increase their military budgets?

Is it worth Ukraine joining the EU?
3221   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 21, 3:37pm  

socal2 says

And I will keep asking the glib Putin fanboys at Patnet, how many Russians have died at this point?

Who cares? Ukraine is still fucked.

socal2 says

Is that "winning" in Russia?

Not about Russia 'winning'. It is about Ukraine losing.
3222   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 21, 3:38pm  

socal2 says

Is it worth having most of Western Europe to finally wake up and massively increase their military budgets?

Hahaha. Sure they have.


Their 'increases' are not a 'massive increase'.

They don't talk about per GDP spending in that article except for Japan.

socal2 says

Is it worth Ukraine joining the EU?

Then the EU is fucked too.

Oh wait! On Planet Reality, Ukraine will join the EU when Tukey does....which is never.
3225   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 23, 8:48pm  

I don't think the Poles want Western Ukraine. Between the massacres of Poles in Volyhnia, to the redrawing of Ukraine's borders after WW2, there aren't many Poles left. Lvov was once half Polish.

The ideal split would be Galicia-Volyhnia to Poland, Novorussia to Russia, and Rump Ukraine as NETURAL BY CONSTITUTION, prohibited from joining NATO, EU, or any CIS-type Russian creation. Only bilateral trade and economic treaties. Having Russia, the EU, and the US guaranteeing the rump Ukraine's independence.

The US needs to think beyond the Cold War, and re-evaluate the relationship with Russia and the EU. What we need is an ANZACUK alliance that's strong, with minimal trade barriers and preferential treatment among members, one of whom must be Singapore if not Malaysia, Thailand as well. Also think about India vs. China.

Our first step really needs to be a free trade, military alliance, and wide integration (including us adopting Metric system) with Australia, NZ, Canada, and the UK and territories.

Also, WTF with the Pacific. There should be massive bases on Midway, Canton, and Johnston Island. Are we idiots?

The answer to China is 3 dozen new SSKs purpose built for blowing merchant ships out of the water and idealized for the shallow water of the South China Sea.
3226   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 23, 9:05pm  

It's retarded to be worried about stagnating Russia, which poses no military (they should have overrun Ukraine in a month max by sheer volume) or economic threat the to the US. The threat is CHYna, and more especially the Chinese subversion of the economy and politics that makes us do retarded things from making us utterly dependent on Chinese from everything from screws to wafers/boards to pencils to underpants, funding woke movies and media, and encouraging massive trade deficits that lead to massive revenue deficits.
3227   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 23, 9:08pm  

Imagine if in 1940, we had General Marshal calling up OKH Franz Halder assuring him that he'd give him advance notice if Roosevelt decided to be more aggressive with fending off U-Boots from our Sea Economic Zone.

That's literally what happened with General Milley the Woke Tranny and China. That's how bad the CCP subversion is. General Milley's reward

Which reminds me, the USCG has been almost totally denuded of ASW weaponry and training.
3229   Ceffer   2023 Dec 24, 6:40pm  

LOL! The losers don't determine the content of the negotiation. That time has passed.

3230   Ceffer   2023 Dec 24, 6:49pm  

Since every major Western so called 'think tank' is a whorish appendage of Rand, SRI, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Tavistock, RIIA, Club of Rome etc., this sounds more like propaganda scare tactics from a spent failure than a pending doom. File it under "Trump is Hitler, literally".

3231   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 25, 8:52am  

Ceffer says

LOL! The losers don't determine the content of the negotiation. That time has passed.


Did anyone tell @socal2 this?
3232   Ceffer   2023 Dec 25, 10:21am  

Taking the Ukraine propaganda sucklers to the woodshed. Fantasy football? Try Fantasy Ukraine.

3233   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 25, 2:56pm  

A year old, but turned out a lot was proven true on the propaganda front.

3234   Ceffer   2023 Dec 25, 5:52pm  

Pretty standard Goebbels type Satanic Inversion. It describes Ukrainian troops pretty well.
"One of the more inexplicable narratives included in this disinformation package has been the allegation that Russian troops are poorly trained conscripts who are thrown into the meat grinder with antique weapons, little ammo, and so little food they are literally starving."

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