Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   457,264 views  4,463 comments

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3264   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 29, 8:57pm  

WookieMan says

If you don't have Russian or Ukrainian family your opinion doesn't matter. Or live there

Who made you fucking God to decide this?

Jesus Christ. It's not even logical as the US taxpayer's opinion sure as fuck matters.
3265   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 29, 8:58pm  

WookieMan says

No different than Isreal and Gaza. This will NEVER be resolved in our lifetime.

So fucking what? What does that have to do with this thread.
3266   WookieMan   2023 Dec 30, 4:59am  

UkraineIsFucked says

WookieMan says

at no point has a user here said Ukraine isn't fucked.

What fucking alternate reality have you been living on?


All Socal has said is Ukraine has held its own. With Western backing. With lots of losses. He's not wrong. Instead we get dip shits like Mcgregor making shit up out of thin air and people like you gulp it up.

Ukraine is taking a beating, but by all metrics Russia is getting their ass handed to them in the long game. They'll get what they want in the end, but they're retarded. This isn't about dead bodies. This is about the future. Ukraine was shit from the word go. Russia may collapse because of this war. This is Putin's last party before he dies. He literally might kill a country. The power vacuum is going to be massive and nasty.

Ukraine was trash before this started. Russia losing 100k conservatively and upwards of 300k is a massive blow to their future. I don't understand what you're not getting. Both countries are losers. This area will be in war forever. So again, who cares? You'll be dead before any of this is settled long term. Just like Isreal and Gaza. Isn't the topic but it's the same fucking thing. I don't have to speak exactly to every thread title. Get your ADD in control dude.
3267   Patrick   2023 Dec 30, 2:24pm  


An Egyptian investigative journalist who exposed the acquisition of a luxury villa by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenksyy’s mother-in-law in El-Gouna has been found dead, according to a report on Friday by El Mostaqbal.

The independent journalist, Mohammed Al-Alawi, reported on the purchase of the villa for $4.85 million in August by Olga Kiyashko, leaking alleged documents as proof of his claims. The report raised questions of corruption and misappropriation of US financial aid to Ukraine by the Zelenskyy family.

Al-Alawi’s body was discovered in the Red Sea city of Hurghada, with fractures and bruises found on the body. The cause of death was due to a cerebral hemorrhage as a result of a severe brain injury. The report, citing a source, also disclosed that the journalist had been beaten by a group of people.
3268   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 30, 10:01pm  

WookieMan says

All Socal has said is Ukraine has held its own. With Western backing. With lots of losses

No. He just changes the subject to Russia! Russia! Russia!

WookieMan says

Instead we get dip shits like Mcgregor making shit up out of thin air and people like you gulp it up.

No I don't. I don't need McGregor to.tell me Ukraine is fucked.

WookieMan says

Russia losing 100k conservatively and upwards of 300k

Bullshit. Talk about 'making shit up out of thin air and people like you gulp it up'

Btw, you didn't answer my question:

UkraineIsFucked says

Who made you fucking God to decide this?

Instead, you deflect like socal2 does.
3269   WookieMan   2023 Dec 31, 12:10pm  

UkraineIsFucked says

UkraineIsFucked says

Who made you fucking God to decide this?

Instead, you deflect like socal2 does.

Deflected nothing. This topic is shit. It's trash. All sides are losing. It's a waste. Who cares? You haven't answered mine... jesus. You like licking Russian nuts. That's okay. Let us know what they taste like because I don't do that.
3270   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 31, 12:58pm  

WookieMan says

Who made you fucking God to decide this?
3272   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 31, 6:17pm  

The_Deplorable says

Hmmm...I am starting to wonder if this is a contributing factor to Ukraine being totally fucked:

3273   Ceffer   2023 Dec 31, 11:11pm  

Guess Tavistock got tired of clever propaganda and just said "WTF, we'll just make up every fucking lie of convenience in the book and throw it at them and see what sticks".


3274   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jan 1, 11:05am  

Everybody sez the Russians are morons.

But you don't see them biting the hand that feeds them like Kyiv does with the American political party that nominally controls the purse strings and whose base is against spending one more damn dime.

3275   RayAmerica   2024 Jan 1, 11:36am  

Suicide mission: As 2023 draws to a close, the Ukrainian army’s last ‘counteroffensive’ advance has stalled

Despite desperate attempts to establish a beachhead on the left bank of the Dnieper River in Kherson Region, Kiev has completely lost the initiative in all other sectors of the front.

In order to mislead their Russian opponents, the Ukrainian command devised a risky and unorthodox plan, earlier this year, in an attempt to gain a number of tactical footholds on the left bank of the Dnieper river in Kherson Region. It resulted in a bloodbath near the village of Krynki, which left their marines demoralized.

Read more here: https://www.rt.com/russia/589668-ukraine-army-kiev-kherson/
3277   WookieMan   2024 Jan 2, 4:05am  

UkraineIsFucked says

Everybody sez the Russians are morons.

Yes, they are. It would be pretty similar to the US invading Canada. How would think that would go? 2 years+? We would control the country in 2 weeks. 100%, not still fighting for 2 years wasting money and men.

We managed 2 countries across the globe after a quick strike. I know 2 Afghanistan and Iraq vets my same age. We've talked extensively. Ukraine and Russia is vastly different than what we did, again across an ocean. It wasn't a war after two months even though the media says it was. It was policing with the occasional ambush. Not all out combat for years. We lost more Americans in Chicago over the course of those two wars, so yeah, I guess Chicago is at war.

This is a land war so no navy needed yet Russia is losing subs and ships. They made little progress in land they already had quasi control over. The land they didn't have control over they looked like a loser. I don't like or care for Ukraine. That region including Russian is corrupt as can be even down to the average citizen. So again, who cares as long as no one drops a nuke.

I don't understand anyone's love for either country. Russia does war every 10-20 years and no one wins. They just destroy infrastructure, rebuild it like crap with less men because they killed each other. Rinse and repeat. If Russia was a powerhouse, why wouldn't it look like the US and North America? We haven't had a hot war/conflict with our neighbors in well over a century.

These are facts. Russia already took Crimea and had a bridge from Russia to Crimea. They just wanted to take land from a neighbor. They look like complete morons fighting against another moron. It's like two drunks in a bar getting in a fight over 2 out of 10 chick. They're stupid. I can't even believe this is debatable. And I'll repeat, this isn't in defense of Ukraine. I don't care the outcome. It will just happen again in the future. A bunch of morons in either country will drink their vodka excessively, steal from their neighbors, build everything like shit and stab each other in the back.

My heritage is Eastern European though I'm born American and my parents were American. My family ran a business that was extremely popular with people from that region. I'd meet a couple hundred ethnic Eastern Europeans every year. Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Russian, etc. The common trait. Dumb as can be. Morons. And these were well off Eastern Europeans living here in the states. I guess they were smart enough to get out of their shit hole countries. I can't imagine how dumb it is back there.

I can't understand your love for Russia. No one thinks Ukraine will win in the end. Russia gets some land at what cost? It's all stupid.
3278   RayAmerica   2024 Jan 2, 7:32am  

Excellent interview of Col. Douglas MacGregor. Explains in detail what led to the Russian invasion, and, the current status of the war (as of 12/10/23) and what's next. The man is an expert military analyst with extensive experience in that field. Make yourself a pot of coffee and learn what the mainstream media is not telling you:

Douglas Macgregor,: Marc Friedrich 12/10/2023

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ORUUHTFPg0
3279   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jan 2, 7:57am  

WookieMan says

I can't understand your love for Russia.

Who said I did? Oh yes, you do whenever you helicopter into a discussion blathering whatever you imagine the context to be, not what it really is. You sure you aren't richwicks?

WookieMan says

No one thinks Ukraine will win in the end.

Again, more of that 'imagining shit that defies what is proven to be true' on your part.
3280   socal2   2024 Jan 2, 8:33am  

UkraineIsFucked says

WookieMan says

I can't understand your love for Russia.

Who said I did?

We can read the mountains of glib shit you post here everyday at Patnet and see how most of your predictions over the past 2 years were spectacularly wrong.

Have you come up with a decent estimate of Russia's cost in casualties yet to better inform your opinions on how this war is going?

Or are you going to turn back to your bot reply: "Doesn't matter Ukraine is fucked"?
3281   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jan 2, 8:51am  

socal2 says

We can read the mountains of glib shit you post here everyday at Patnet and see how most of your predictions over the past 2 years were spectacularly wrong.

Joining in Wookie's psychological projection, I see.

socal2 says

Have you come up with a decent estimate of Russia's cost in casualties yet to better inform your opinions on how this war is going?

Again, you deflect. Doesn't matter what they are. Ukraine is still fucked despite your BS posts that claimed otherwise.

.socal2 says

Or are you going to turn back to your bot reply: "Doesn't matter Ukraine is fucked"?

Uh, because it IS? You just don't want to admit it.

Just like Woolke is blind to your position in order to masturbate the narrative in his head.
3282   socal2   2024 Jan 2, 8:58am  

UkraineIsFucked says

Again, you deflect. Doesn't matter what they are. Ukraine is still fucked despite your BS posts that claimed otherwise.

Ha ha! You even said projection and deflect in this post!

In what universe would Russian casualties NOT be germane to the evaluation of the war?
3283   WookieMan   2024 Jan 2, 9:12am  

UkraineIsFucked says

WookieMan says

No one thinks Ukraine will win in the end.

Again, more of that 'imagining shit that defies what is proven to be true' on your part.

Are you high or drunk? For real. Ukraine will drag this out for another year. They won't "win" but that doesn't matter to the point I've been making. Russia is the loser. Ukraine already was a loser before the beginning of this. I'm not sure if you're trolling or being purposefully obtuse at this point. Everything I've said about this conflict is factual. There is no winner in this at this point.

RayAmerica says

Excellent interview of Col. Douglas MacGregor. Explains in detail what led to the Russian invasion, and, the current status of the war (as of 12/10/23) and what's next. The man is an expert military analyst with extensive experience in that field. Make yourself a pot of coffee and learn what the mainstream media is not telling you:

Double down on stupid i guess and listen to one of the biggest morons about this conflict that has been wrong EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. I don't think I've witnessed a person being so wrong in my entire life and over such a long time. I don't know why you and others quote this dip shit. If Ukraine was glass tomorrow from a nuke it ain't moving me. This guy has become some god to people. You guys look like idiots or maybe are.
3284   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jan 2, 9:12am  

socal2 says

In what universe would Russian casualties NOT be germane to the evaluation of the war?

One where Ukraine is still fucked no matter what those casualties are.

How many died on our Civil War? Both in total numbers and in proportion to the then American population at that time? The number was fucking HIGH. We lost more than in all other wars we've been in since COMBINED.

And did it matter? No. We would have fought it even if the amount was twice as high.

Because for Russia, this is more like what our civil war was to us. You seem to think it is more like some overseas adventurism like Vietnam or Afghanistan or Algeria was. And what Ukraine is for us. Only then do sensitivity to casualties matter much as you are implying.

But you keep living in your fantasy...especially since you are soo desperate to avoid talking about your Ukraine is Winning! posts you've made that Wookie didn't bother to go back and read when he declared 'Nobody here is saying Ukraine will win'.

You are both peas from the sane pod, it seems.

Once again, kiddies....

> Russian victory is impossible
> Russian victory unlikely
> Russia cannot be allowed to win
> Russia is winning but at what cost? (socal stuck here...only he won't admit to the 'Russiais winning' part.)
> Damn Israel!
> Russian victory was inevitable (Narrative is now here..even WookieMan knows this)
> Ukraine was a corrupt hellhole anyway

WookieMan says

Are you high or drunk? For real.

Talk to your doc about the meds you are on.
3285   WookieMan   2024 Jan 2, 9:17am  

UkraineIsFucked says

But you keep living in your fantasy...especially since you are soo desperate to avoid talking about your Ukraine is Winning! posts you've made that Wookie didn't bother to go back and read when he declared 'Nobody here is saying Ukraine will win'.

lol dude. Take your meds. He said Ukraine has a much better military than before. As I've said I don't think anyone on this site has ever said Ukraine would "win." We destroyed Iraq in short order, but did we win? No. We got nothing out of it. Russia is in the same boat. It's fine you don't get the concept, but Russia is not winning. That's fact.
3286   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jan 2, 9:24am  

WookieMan says

Ukraine has a much better military than before. As I've said I don't think anyone on this site has ever said Ukraine would "win."

But...but WTF is this?

WookieMan says

No one thinks Ukraine will win in the end.

Now you go from 'nobody on this site says/thinks Ukraine will win' to 'I don't think anyone on this site has ever said' Ukraine would win' now that it dawns on you that ppl have indeed done just that but you need to cover your ass.

Oh, and since you have now expanded that to on this site as opposed to just this thread, I can see why you are getting desperate.

(FYI, You really fucked up right there ^^^)

But too late. Your credibility is now as hosed as socal2's is. No matter how you try to spin it.
3287   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jan 2, 9:41am  

WookieMan says

He said Ukraine has a much better military than before.

He's said more than that...which is why he keeps deflecting about Russian casualties.

And now that you've said 'As I've said I don't think anyone on this site has ever said Ukraine would "win."', it's not just about socal2's BS.

You done fucked up there. Checkmate.
3288   socal2   2024 Jan 2, 9:46am  

UkraineIsFucked says

But too late. Your credibility is now as hosed as socal2's is. No matter how you try to spin it.

I challenge you to find a single post here where I said Ukraine is "winning" or going to "win".

All I have ever said is that Russia is not winning or meeting its stated goals and are bearing an astronomical price in humans and material for their total cockup embarrassment of a war. Russia still can't even control the air over their battle space going on 2 years now!

As of this writing, Russia is worse off on virtually every metric then they were in 2022. Ukraine is "fucked" too, but they have managed to win back land lost from the initial invasion, massively damaged Russia's Black Sea fleet and have kept one of the largest militaries on the planet at a bloody stalemate for the past year.

You and the MacGregors of the world would have never predicted that Russia would have failed to wrap up this war by the end of 2023.

You and the MacGregors can't even define Russia "winning" because you fuckers are so dishonest and slippery that you don't want to be held to anything after all your cock-sure predictions failed to materialize.
3289   socal2   2024 Jan 2, 9:50am  

3290   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jan 2, 9:54am  

socal2 says

At first, Russian "winning" was to stop the spread of NATO.

Yeah...into Ukraine.

socal2 says

WookieMan says

Russia is not winning. That's fact.

Fucker won't even define winning.

That's Wookie's statement. Not mine.
3291   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jan 2, 9:57am  

socal2 says

He refuses to even consider the massive cost Russia has paid.

Already addressed: https://patrick.net/comment?comment_id=2021834

Not my problem you can't read or have to resort to outright lying about my position.

Copying this post to this thread. https://patrick.net/post/1318444/2018-08-24-how-come-liberals-lack-critical
3292   WookieMan   2024 Jan 2, 12:26pm  

UkraineIsFucked says

Oh, and since you have now expanded that to on this site as opposed to just this thread, I can see why you are getting desperate.

I have not seen a user on this site, the internet, anywhere thinking Ukraine would win. Reading is a skill. What I'm saying is Russia is losing in the long term. You're acting like a teenager. Keep posting nudes. That's all you're good at.
3293   WookieMan   2024 Jan 2, 12:29pm  

UkraineIsFucked says

socal2 says

At first, Russian "winning" was to stop the spread of NATO.

Yeah...into Ukraine.

socal2 says

WookieMan says

Russia is not winning. That's fact.

Fucker won't even define winning.

That's Wookie's statement. Not mine.

Seriously dude, I'll ask again if you're high or drunk. Russia is not winning. What should have taken 2 weeks has taken 2 years. I don't have a pony in this race. Russia looks like absolute shit. It's gonna be the same for Isreal even if they decimate Hamas. You're not understanding what the fuck is going on dude.
3294   socal2   2024 Jan 2, 12:40pm  

WookieMan says

Russia looks like absolute shit. It's gonna be the same for Isreal even if they decimate Hamas

Going to quibble here.

Unlike the incompetent Russian drunks and convicts getting wiped out in meat wave attacks with very little to show, Israel is cleaning Hamas' clock and keeping Israelis casualties to a minimum. Israel is already demobilizing reserves as they have completed most of the fighting in Northern Gaza and are in mop-up mode.

Gaza will never be the same and Hamas will cease to exist as a functioning governing entity.
3295   WookieMan   2024 Jan 2, 12:55pm  

socal2 says

Unlike the incompetent Russian drunks and convicts getting wiped out in meat wave attacks with very little to show, Israel is cleaning Hamas' clock and keeping Israelis casualties to a minimum. Israel is already demobilizing reserves as they have completed most of the fighting in Northern Gaza and are in mop-up mode.

Short term I'm in agreement. Long term Isreal is gonna eat shit on this whole deal. That's why i compare it to Russia. I have zero affiliation or affection toward Palestinians or people of Isreal. I know how this plays out. We, the US has done this twice in a big way the last two decades. The bigger country eats shit. This is hands down what will happen in both of these conflicts.

And guess what? The bombing and attacking will never end. Either conflict. It's never stopped. This is NORMAL for them. We have one of the most peaceful times in history in this hemisphere and the dip shits over there are duking it out for something the size of New Jersey and NYC? They'll keep doing it. That's been my point in these comments. We're discussing/arguing over something that will go on for centuries. And I'm not being hyperbolic.
3296   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jan 2, 1:20pm  

WookieMan says

Seriously dude, I'll ask again if you're high or drunk. Russia is not winning. What should have taken 2 weeks has taken 2 years. I don't have a pony in this race. Russia looks like absolute shit. It's gonna be the same for Isreal even if they decimate Hamas. You're not understanding what the fuck is going on dude.

Who are you even talking to? Cuz I was not sure who socal2 was referring to.

I just responded to what HE posted, for the record.
3297   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jan 2, 1:22pm  

WookieMan says

I have not seen a user on this site, the internet, anywhere thinking Ukraine would win

Wow! Alternate reality time!

WookieMan says

Reading is a skill

So is being on the same site, apparently.
3298   WookieMan   2024 Jan 2, 1:28pm  

UkraineIsFucked says

WookieMan says

Seriously dude, I'll ask again if you're high or drunk. Russia is not winning. What should have taken 2 weeks has taken 2 years. I don't have a pony in this race. Russia looks like absolute shit. It's gonna be the same for Isreal even if they decimate Hamas. You're not understanding what the fuck is going on dude.

Who are you even talking to? Cuz I was not sure who socal2 was referring to.

I just responded to what HE posted, for the record.

Responding to anyone that can read. Could be you. Could be Socal. Could be Patrick. I'm making a statement. If it's difficult to figure out who it's directed at I'm probably gonna remove myself from this discussion.

I'm not gonna waste my time and quote everyone. Again, reading. I'm thoroughly confused by your confusion. Whatever.
3299   Ceffer   2024 Jan 2, 2:22pm  

LOL! Undoubtedly, a Z body double. More Russian losing.

3300   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jan 2, 2:46pm  

WookieMan says

I'm probably gonna remove myself from this discussion.

Smart move.


clambo says

Evidently Ukraine doesn’t need NATO; they are going to be armed to the teeth after this is over.

clambo says

7. Russia withdraws, and pays war reparations out of foreign reserves.
Edit: The West will use the Russian foreign reserves which have already been "frozen".

Most of the threads of all those Ukey Fluffers who outright said Ukraine would win have disappeared, it seems. Shocked, that!

Now you are going to try an spin this to not count as someone posting on PatNet that Ukraine was going to win. 5..4..3..2...
3301   socal2   2024 Jan 2, 4:14pm  

Ceffer says

LOL! Undoubtedly, a Z body double. More Russian losing.

How many more cities like this does Russia have to spam with meat waves to "win"?

Killing Russians By The Truckload Around Avdiivka, Ukraine’s M-2 Fighting Vehicles Are Showing How Russia Loses—And Ukraine Wins
3302   The_Deplorable   2024 Jan 2, 4:23pm  

socal2 says
"Killing Russians By The Truckload Around Avdiivka, Ukraine’s M-2 Fighting Vehicles Are Showing How Russia Loses—And Ukraine Wins"

Please explain: If Ukraine is wining, then how come they are losing territory? No answer!
3303   WookieMan   2024 Jan 2, 4:48pm  

The_Deplorable says

socal2 says

"Killing Russians By The Truckload Around Avdiivka, Ukraine’s M-2 Fighting Vehicles Are Showing How Russia Loses—And Ukraine Wins"

Please explain: If Ukraine is wining, then how come they are losing territory? No answer!

This is a proxy war to the max. Ukraine was never meant to "win" from the start. I sometimes feel like I'm talking to common retards. Russia will keep what it basically already controlled. They wanted more control and to date have got their asses handed to them. Body count means nothing. Russia wanted Kiev. They've failed for 2 years. Maybe they'll get it. Their objective from a war games perspective has failed.

I really don't care what people think the outcome is. They're both losing as nations and have been for centuries. Russia has some natural resources and outside of that it's IQ 50 zone with a bunch of retarded zombies asking for vodka. They get oil and gas needing their hands held by Western powers. They got nukes during a period they got lucky and had someone kind of competent. Ukraine had as many nukes.

If anyone here also thinks Ukraine still doesn't have nukes, keep being a retard. This is a WWI style war and neither side will drop the mustard gas, in modern times known as nukes. Hell they probably still have mustard gas. 2024 is going to be a shit show and I wouldn't be shocked if it involved a small nuke being dropped in either nation.

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